Treatment of otitis in adolescents at home. Otitis in children: symptoms and treatment. Recipe for an effective potion

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I will tell you about the current medical topic- otitis media in children. Any infection in children, even the simplest one, can cause severe consequences for the child's health. Let's take a closer look at what's happening in the ear. Against the background of a bacterial infection, inflammation occurs in it.

Reasons for the development of the inflammatory process in the hearing aid:

  • decreased immunity;
  • anatomical features of the structure;
  • concomitant ENT pathology (adenoids, runny nose, sore throat);
  • eardrum injury;
  • in infants - milk flows into auditory tube;
  • avitaminosis.

Etiological agents are streptococci, pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae, and fungi.

Signs of otitis media in a child

Symptoms of otitis depend on which part is affected: external, middle and internal. How to determine where the process is localized? By clinical manifestations. External otitis media occurs most often in children. Symptoms: translucent fluid is released from the ear, hearing in one ear decreases, the child’s general condition worsens, and body temperature rises. The auricle acquires characteristic appearance: it is red and swollen.

Damage to the middle section can be a complication of acute respiratory infection. How independent disease occurs in children under 3 years of age due to structural features. Otitis media can be catarrhal and purulent.

Signs: severe pain in the ear; in a child under 1 year old, signs of the disease are constant crying and a high-pitched scream. If the process is one-sided, then the child lies on the side of the lesion and constantly touches the sore ear. The baby refuses to eat because sucking and swallowing increase the pain. When palpating the auricle, especially in the tragus area. General state worsens, accompanied by high fever.

If this process is not treated, it will become purulent. It is accompanied by severe, unremitting pain, rupture of the eardrum and leakage of pus from the ear, temperature with otitis media in a child.

Diseases of the middle ear include an inflammatory process in the Eustachian tube - tubo-otitis. It can be one-sided or two-sided. Its symptoms are mild and most often accompany colds, it manifests itself as a feeling of ear congestion and decreased hearing. The child begins to hear better after blowing his nose or yawning.

Labyrinthitis is a disease that affects the internal part of the hearing aid. More often develops as a complication of a middle ear infection. Labyrinthitis is characterized by hearing loss and tinnitus. A specific manifestation of this pathology is dizziness. The attack occurs suddenly and may result in nausea or vomiting.

Otitis in a child treatment at home

H we treat otitis media in a child, what to do if a child exhibits symptoms of otitis media or complains of ear pain? If you notice the first symptoms, you need to contact your pediatrician, call a doctor at home, or go to an appointment with an ENT doctor. In any case, it is necessary to contact a specialist; self-medication can be dangerous to health.

How to treat? Local treatment is sufficient to treat otitis externa. Lotions, ointments, and balms are used. Drugs are rarely prescribed systemic action– antibiotics, anti-inflammatory. At very high temperatures, paracetamol or Nurofen can be used. Nurofen has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it must be prescribed for inflammatory process in the inner ear. Otitis externa can be treated at home. The rest are preferably in a hospital.

For inflammation of the middle ear it is prescribed antibiotics for otitis media in children course for up to 7 days, especially if a purulent process occurs. Especially children under two years of age need to be prescribed antibacterial drugs due to high risk development of complications. In any case, if the baby begins to complain of ear pain, local heat will improve his condition. To do this, put a hat on the child. Can be used alcohol compresses To do this, mix alcohol and water in a 1:1 ratio. We soak cotton swab and place it on the ear in the area of ​​the external auditory canal under the cap. Change every 3-4 hours.

Ear drops. Their use is similar to compresses. Some of them cannot be instilled directly into the ear. They pre-impregnate a cotton swab or gauze folded in several layers. The bottle with drops needs to be heated to 36 degrees, for this you can hold it in your hands, or put it on the radiator for a while.

Otipax drops relieve inflammation, thereby relieving pain. Very safe, no harm negative impact on the eardrum.

For purulent otitis media, first aid must be provided. For this purpose in ear canal carefully lay the cotton wool and put it on the cap. The use of alcohol compresses is strictly prohibited.

For internal otitis they are used antihistamines to relieve dizziness. Suprastin and Diazolin are most often prescribed.

Antibiotics are used with a wide spectrum of action, preference is given to amoxicillin, augmentin, ampecillin, ceftriaxone. Used alcohol solution chloramphenicol.

What consequences and complications can there be? At running process bacterial infection may spread to meninges causing meningitis. Perforation of the eardrum and damage to the auditory bones can lead to hearing loss. The process can go from acute to chronic.

What to do to protect your child? Prevention is very simple:

  • it is necessary to strengthen the immune system,
  • take a responsible approach to the treatment of colds,
  • and of course, wearing a hat in the cold season,
  • An infant should be fed at vertical position.

That's all I wanted to tell you about this serious illness, like otitis media in children. Subscribe to news, share information with friends.
See you again! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

Otitis media is common in children and it is very difficult for parents to see their baby cry from unbearable pain. But besides pain, otitis in a child can also threaten serious complications. And the more a mother knows about this disease, the more competently and quickly she can help her baby.

What types of otitis occur in children?

Otitis externa

This is the name for inflammation that has developed in the outer part of the ear canal (this is the part of the ear up to the eardrum). But quite often the inflammatory process also affects the eardrum. Otitis externa occurs quite rarely in children. Usually occurs due to a fungal infection of the ear canal or an infection that contributes to the appearance of boils.

Symptoms of external otitis in children

At fungal infection Itching is felt in the ear canal, crusts and peeling appear.

When boils form, the ear canal becomes red, swollen, an inflammatory tubercle appears, in the center of which a purulent rod. When the boil matures, the pain becomes severe, sharp, and throbbing. When the boil breaks through, the pain goes away, pus begins to flow from the source of inflammation, then a deep wound remains, which heals quickly.

Otitis media

The middle ear is a small cavity located behind the eardrum that contains several fragile auditory ossicles. In response to sound waves eardrum vibrates, the bones in the middle ear transmit the signal to the inner ear. The Eustachian (or auditory) tube is anatomically a tubular-shaped cavity between the middle ear and pharynx, which is designed to equalize the atmospheric pressure in the tympanic cavity.

The opening of the Eustachian tube on the side of the pharynx opens when a person yawns or swallows, and at this moment the process of equalizing pressure in the middle ear occurs. In a child (especially under 3 years old), the Eustachian tubes are much wider, shorter, and they are located more horizontally, unlike in adults.

This is why in children it is easier for pathogenic microbes to penetrate from the pharynx into the middle ear. And in infants, in addition, in the middle ear the mucous membrane is not thin, like in adults, but loose connective tissue, which provides a very good environment for development pathogenic microorganisms. All this makes children predisposed to otitis media.

With otitis media, fluid accumulates in the middle ear cavity as a result of inflammation. Upon examination, the doctor usually sees that the eardrum is tense, reddened, and the fluid level is visible through it. As pressure and inflammation in the middle ear increase, the eardrum may burst, causing discharge from the ear. tissue fluid and pus, maybe even with blood. At the same time, hearing deteriorates. Subsequently, healing occurs with the formation of a scar. If the doctor makes an incision into the eardrum (this is called a myringotomy), healing occurs much faster. Otitis media in in rare cases extends to nearby tissues: parotid salivary gland, mastoid process, etc.

Spicy otitis media, depending on the exudate formed as a result of inflammation, it happens:

Serous (catarrhal)


Symptoms of otitis media in children

Symptoms of the course acute illness can be divided into 5 stages.

1. There is a feeling of heaviness and stuffiness in the ear, the temperature is most often normal or elevated due to another disease (ARVI, for example).

2. Serous inflammation mucous membrane in the middle ear - the feeling of fullness in the ear increases, sharp pain, the temperature can be up to 38 degrees.

3. Purulent inflammation- pain in the ear becomes tugging and unbearable, radiating to the throat, teeth, eyes. Hearing decreases, temperature can rise above 38 degrees.

4. A rupture occurs in the eardrum, and pus and tissue fluid, often with blood, begins to flow out of the ear. The pain goes away. There remains a feeling of noise and hearing loss.

5. Healing and scarring of the damage to the eardrum occurs. The hearing is slowly starting to return.

Causes of otitis media in children

1. The child is cold, overheated and sweating outside, walking or sitting in a draft without a hat (for example, near a window or in a car with an open window).

2. The main cause of otitis media is ARVI. In children, during an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, pathogenic bacteria easily pass through the Eustachian (auditory) tube into the middle ear. And most often, otitis media in children occurs precisely because improper treatment runny nose or inability to blow your nose. When nasal congestion occurs, the drainage of the middle ear is disrupted, and as a result, fluid begins to accumulate there and becomes infected. Therefore, when you have a runny nose, it is necessary to promptly use vasoconstrictor drops and restore nasal breathing.

And finally, the mother needs to teach the child to blow his nose correctly - one by one with each nostril, and not both at once - this is how the infection literally “flies” into the middle ear. In infants, sniffles need to be removed in time with an aspirator (or a bulb syringe) to suck out the snot and do not forget about drops from the runny nose.

3. Also, the cause of otitis media in children can be any disease of the ENT organs - sinusitis, pharyngitis, adenoids.

4. Otitis media most often appears in children with weakened immune systems or those who are bottle-fed.

5. Otitis media can also be caused by common infectious diseases, for example: influenza, measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever. The infection enters the child’s ear through blood and lymph, that is, hematogenously.

Chronic otitis media

From acute form Otitis media can become chronic. This is greatly promoted frequent runny nose, rickets, deviated nasal septum or adenoids.

Symptoms of chronic otitis media in children

With chronic otitis media, a non-healing hole forms in the eardrum, and pus periodically begins to leak through it. This occurs due to the wave-like course of the inflammatory process. Chronic otitis media is always accompanied by hearing loss.

Internal otitis or labyrinthitis

Inner ear- is the most complex part of the ear, located in the temporal bone. It's hollow bone formation, divided into canals and cavities (bone labyrinth). That's why internal otitis also called labyrinthitis.

The inner ear consists of the following organs:

3 semicircular canals and the vestibule are responsible for coordination of movements and balance, that is, they ensure the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Cochlea - which contains sound receptors

Therefore, during inflammation inner ear vestibular changes appear (impaired coordination of movements, balance disorder, dizziness, etc.)

Labyrinthitis is a formidable, but quite rare disease. When the disease is purulent, it can lead to deafness. The main causes of internal otitis in children are: otitis media, meningitis, mumps.

Complications of otitis media

Rupture of the eardrum: this injury takes 4-6 weeks to heal. Therefore, in case of purulent otitis, the doctor usually punctures the eardrum, then it will heal much faster, usually in 2-3 days.

Hearing loss: this condition usually goes away within a few weeks, but prolonged hearing loss may indicate the transition of inflammation from an acute to a chronic form.

Mastoiditis: this is the name for inflammation of the mastoid process (the part of the temporal bone located behind the ears).

Paresis facial nerve;

Meningitis – rare complication otitis

How to determine what you have infant Earache?

Almost all children in different time suffer from ear pain. But if a 1.5-year-old child is already able to show or even say where it hurts, then it is sometimes quite difficult for the mother of a baby to determine that the cause of the baby’s crying and anxiety is pain in the ear.

The main signs that a child has ear pain:

High-pitched crying, child restlessness, sleep disturbances

Refusal to eat. The baby may try to eat, but after a few sips he begins to cry - the pain in the ear intensifies when swallowing.

The child often touches the sore ear

When pressing on the tragus of the ear, crying and anxiety intensify.

Treatment of otitis in a child at home

If a child has an earache, what can be done urgently?

Medicines for otitis media in children

You can give an antipyretic to children Paracetamol, Nurofen, Efferalgan, Panadol in an age-appropriate dosage, for older children Nimesulide etc. These drugs will reduce inflammation and pain, lower the temperature (if any).

In case of nasal congestion due to otitis media, it is necessary to ensure free breathing - we use any available vasoconstrictor drops: Nazivin, Vibrocil.

How to properly apply ear drops for otitis media in children?

But with ear drops for otitis in children, you need to be extremely careful - they are allowed to be instilled only if there is no damage to the eardrum (there is no discharge from the ear). If there is a perforation in the membrane, droplets can flow into the middle ear and cause damage. auditory nerve and auditory ossicles, which threatens the development of hearing loss.

Remember that the drops need to be warmed to body temperature - you can warm the bottle with the drops in your hand, or put it in a bowl with warm water. Place the child's head on one side, slightly pull the auricle up and back, and drip ear drops into the ear canal. It’s good if the baby lies for 5 minutes in this position. If the baby doesn’t want to lie still, put some cotton wool in the ear. If a child sucks a pacifier, it must be removed during the procedure.

Drops for otitis media

Usually used for otitis media combination drugs Otipax And Otirelax, which contain the anti-inflammatory substance phenazone and anesthetic local action lidocaine hydrochloride. For infants, 2 drops should be instilled; for children over two years old, 4 drops should be instilled into the sore ear.

For otitis media, you can also drop drops into the ear:

- Sodium sulfacyl or albucid– antimicrobial and antiviral agent.

- Otofa is an antibacterial drug based on the antibiotic rifamycin, which also helps with otitis externa.

Local treatment of otitis with folk remedies

If otitis media is serous, there is no discharge from the ear (suppuration) and there is no fever, then vodka or semi-alcohol compresses help well.

How to make a compress on the ear for otitis media in children?

You will need:

4-layer gauze approximately 12*12 cm, wax paper (or polyethylene) approximately 1 cm larger than gauze, a piece of cotton wool larger than paper, vodka, camphor, boric or ordinary alcohol (remember, for children under 2 years old for a compress for otitis media) You can only use vodka), warm water.

Make slits for the auricle in gauze and paper. Dilute alcohol with water - 1 part alcohol to 2 parts warm water(there is no need to dilute the vodka), soak gauze in this solution, squeeze it out so it doesn’t drip and place it on the parotid area. Then place wax paper on top of the gauze. The auricle needs to be inserted into the incision on gauze and paper. Then apply cotton wool. Each layer should cover the previous one. Wrap your head in a scarf to secure the compress. You need to keep the compress for 4-6 hours. In very young children, the time to apply a compress for otitis media varies from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

We remind you once again that treatment of otitis media in children is unacceptable without consulting a doctor!

Therefore, at the first opportunity, the mother must take the child to an ENT specialist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe further treatment, these can include antibiotics, antifungal ointments and antimicrobials, physiotherapeutic procedures, etc. For boils, during external otitis in children, surgical opening of the abscess is sometimes required.

And if a child’s ear is leaking, you should absolutely not use drops or make compresses! It is necessary to close the ear canal with a piece of gauze or bandage and immediately go to the doctor! If treated inadequately, any otitis in children is very dangerous due to serious complications and hearing loss.

During otitis, children cannot be bathed; they can go for a walk only after pain and fever disappear, and be sure to wear a hat. When the ear hurts, take the child in your arms more often - in an upright position, the blood drains from the site of inflammation and the baby feels better. After recovery, it is not recommended to swim in the pool for at least a month.

Prevention of otitis in a child


Restoring nasal breathing during a runny nose. During a runny nose, place your baby more often on his tummy or side, and older children on a high pillow. When breastfeeding, it is better to hold the baby almost vertically. These measures prevent the flow of mucus and fluid from the nasopharynx into the auditory tube, and then into the middle ear.

After bathing, it is necessary to wet the child's ears from the water.

In drafts, do not forget to put on a hat for your child - especially for children under 2 years old. But don’t be too fanatical – if the baby’s head is sweating, this can also trigger otitis media.

Children should be taught to blow their nose correctly as early as possible - blowing each nostril one at a time. You should never blow your nose with both nostrils at the same time - this method pushes mucus from the nasopharynx into the middle ear.

Treat carious teeth in a timely manner - caries can become a source of infection and provoke the occurrence of otitis media in a child.

Otitis - common inflammatory disease ear. Children under three years of age suffer most often. Sometimes it occurs after an untreated runny nose, sometimes on its own, without any apparent reason.

When can otitis media be treated at home?

Like any disease, otitis media has several degrees of severity and occurs differently in different children. To understand whether it is possible to treat otitis media at home, without the help of a doctor, answer a few questions:

  1. What is the child's temperature? If not strong increase(more than 38.5°) – you don’t have to go to the hospital.
  2. General condition of the baby. Treatment at home for children who do not tolerate the disease well is unacceptable, because sometimes otitis media causes severe pain that cannot be relieved by analgesics.
  3. What age? How smaller child, the more he needs to be examined by a specialist.

To determine the presence of otitis in a child under one year old, lightly press the tragus near the ear canal. If the action caused crying, then the child has an ear infection. But accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can do this using an ear speculum!

The main rules for the treatment of otitis media

If otitis in mild degree– there are no indications for hospitalization of the child, you can safely treat him at home. There are some mandatory rules for this:

  1. Regardless of a person’s age, treatment of otitis should be accompanied by bed rest. If a child is sick, try to ensure that he spends as much time as possible in bed and rests.
  2. Use dry heat. This will help the child recover faster and ease the course of the disease.

Important: when elevated temperature, for purulent otitis media, do not use heat or compresses!

  • give preference to treatment with natural, folk remedies. Herbal infusions are good;
  • Start treatment for otitis media after rhinitis has been treated.

Treatment of otitis media should follow the standard regimen:

  1. We provide peace.
  2. We take the temperature (above 38.5°)
  3. Painkillers - analgesics.
  4. Warming agents, compresses.
  5. Antiseptics – to fight microorganisms.
  6. Antibiotics as prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of otitis media

Essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus

To treat in this way, you need to drop two drops of each oil into a bowl with boiled water. After this, cover your head with a towel and lean over the steam. It is important that as much steam as possible enters the ear. Inhaling fumes will also be a good idea.


Works great against germs. One of good methods The treatment for otitis is to apply boiled peeled garlic to the ear canal. You can leave it overnight, after covering it with gauze or a bandage and securing it with a band-aid.

White vinegar mixed with water in equal proportions

It relieves itching well and reduces pain. For achievement desired effect A couple of drops in the ear is enough. It is important to apply the drops to both ears, since otitis media is often bilateral.

Mullein drops

  • cook a decoction of mullein flowers;
  • mix in equal proportions with olive oil;
  • leave to brew overnight.

The next morning you can instill a few drops.

Advice! Dry mint leaves infused with vodka are instilled into the sore ear every 4-5 hours.

Raspberry root decoction

Will help with purulent otitis media. To do this, pour boiling water over three tablespoons of crushed roots and let it brew. Drink every day, depending on the age of the child (100-600ml), for one month.

Bay leaf

One of the best means, against otitis with purulent discharge, is a tincture of bay leaf. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over the crushed leaves and leave until the water turns blue. yellow. Moisten a cotton pad and place it in your ear. Change every hour. As you recover, gradually reduce the number of such compresses.

Important! Onion juice dripped into a sore ear - excellent remedy which helps quickly.

Baked onion compress

There are no restrictions on the age of the patient. To implement this, you need to put warm baked onion in a cloth and apply it to your ear until it cools.

Aloe juice

Place one drop into each ear canal. Repeat the procedure three times a day until recovery.

Warming up the sore ear

  1. Potatoes boiled in their jackets work great as dry heat. You can change it often. Apply only through fabric.
  2. Heated salt in a fabric bag is another option for a dry heat compress.
  3. Sollux - warms up well and helps with non-purulent forms diseases.

Treatment of otitis with folk remedies can often be the only method of treatment, but with more severe course complicated by pain, fever, you need to use and medications, offered traditional medicine.

Drug treatment of otitis media

The first drug prescribed by a doctor for ear inflammation is analgesics. the main objective– pain relief. For these purposes you can use: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aleve.

Important! Do not use aspirin to relieve pain in a child! Scientists have proven it harmful effect and the ability to call dangerous disease- Reye.

Be sure to take care of pain relief at night. Read the instructions carefully and give the tablets no more than the prescribed dose.

If a child has a rise heat, knock it down before the doctor arrives. Any means indicated for children are suitable for this: Nurofen, Panadol for children, etc. By the way, they not only reduce the temperature, but also relieve pain. In case of purulent otitis, consultation with a specialist is mandatory, especially if the child’s age does not exceed two years.

Only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics for treatment, based on the culture results from the tank laboratory. Why is sowing necessary? To correctly determine the type of bacteria that has settled in your baby’s ear and select the antibiotic to which it is most sensitive. Although they are releasing a lot now antibacterial drugs having wide range its action (coping with many strains of microbes), it is better to wait for the result of the culture. This does not apply to cases where help is needed immediately. Antibiotic treatment is prescribed for severe forms otitis, as well as small children. If you decide to treat your baby yourself, do it without antibiotics, as the wrong medicine can be dangerous!

A rule that should never be ignored: if the baby’s condition does not improve within two or three days, contact a specialist.

Remember, even if you decide to treat your child at home, a preliminary consultation with an ENT doctor is essential. After all, only he can correctly assess the condition, degree and form of the disease, distinguish catarrhal otitis from serous, purulent or exudative, and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Prevention measures

To prevent your baby from getting otitis media in the future, learn and follow simple rules:

  • Always pay attention and promptly treat diseases of other ENT organs (tonsillitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis). This is the most important rule, failure to follow and ignorance of which leads to ear inflammation in most cases;
  • hygiene is the key to health! This also applies to the ears. Clean the ear canals promptly and thoroughly;
  • Try not to let water get into your baby's ear. IN otherwise try to get her out.

Herbs that provide good prevention otitis media are string, eucalyptus, licorice root and calendula. It is recommended to drink the tincture of these herbs in boiling water in a dosage of 1 glass per adult (for children over two years old - 2-3 tablespoons). The course of treatment is four weeks.

Inflammation of the ear canals is a disease that often affects children. This all happens for the simple reason that babies have a slightly different ear structure than adults. Children's aisles are wider and shorter. The infection moves freely through them. In this article we will tell you about how to treat otitis media in a child. You will learn about basic medications. You can also find out information about additional medications which speed up recovery.

Otitis in children

If your baby has suffered an ear infection once, then you can prepare for the fact that this situation will happen again. Experienced mothers already know what the child has. However, it is still better to contact an otolaryngologist in every case. Only a doctor can perform a correct and thorough examination internal cavity ear. Also, if necessary, a specialist will take the material for research.

Otitis in children is often accompanied by the most unpleasant symptoms. These include: increased body temperature, pain, lumbago, burning and itching in the ear. Often additional signs illness becomes a runny nose. At purulent form acute otitis fluid is released from ears. It is worth noting that acute otitis media is much more severe than chronic otitis media. However, it is safer in terms of consequences.

Otitis in children: how to treat?

How to correct the problem? See your doctor first. The doctor will carefully examine your clinical picture and will conduct an inspection. Also, when prescribing therapy, the specialist will definitely take into account the facts of pre-existing ear diseases and intolerance to any medications.

If otitis occurs in children, how to treat the disease? All remedies can be divided into folk and conservative. The latter, in turn, are divided into drugs for oral administration and local use. In particular severe cases Otorhinolaryngologists apply surgical skills. It is worth noting that, unlike other specialists, an ENT doctor can perform a minor operation on his own. Let's consider how long to treat otitis media in a child, and what medications should be used.

Antipyretics and pain relievers

If otitis occurs in children, how to treat it? The first aid you can give to your baby is to use medications to relieve fever and pain. During acute otitis, the child feels discomfort in the ear. His hearing decreases, noises appear, and most importantly, the baby feels lumbago, which causes severe pain. Most children begin to sleep poorly, their appetite decreases, and they become whiners.

To provide first aid to your baby, give him medicine. These may be drugs based on ibuprofen, paracetamol or analgin. Children over 12 years of age can be offered aspirin. Most popular trade names the indicated remedies are the following: “Nurofen”, “Paracetamol”, “Ibufen”, “Panadol”, “Cefekon”, “Analdim” and many others. Be sure to calculate the dosage of the medicine correctly. It always depends on the age and body weight of the child.

Antibacterial compounds

Don’t know how to treat otitis media in a child? Majority domestic doctors when this problem occurs, always prescribe antibacterial therapy. Its effectiveness is considered maximum. However, such drugs have a lot side effects. And, for example, in Europe they are treated very warily. Foreign doctors more often use expectant therapy. If the child does not feel better within three days, then only after that the issue of using antibiotics is decided.

The most commonly prescribed formulations are those based on amoxicillin. This could be Flemoxin, Augmentin or Amoxiclav. They are recognized as the most harmless, but they effectively cope with otitis media. If the child has previously taken similar medications, but they did not help him, then it is advisable to prescribe cephalosporin antibiotics. These include: “Ceftriaxone”, “Cefatoxime”, “Suprax” and others. They are quite serious drugs that have proven themselves to be good in the fight against ear inflammation. Less commonly prescribed drugs are Amoxicillin, Sumamed, Clarithromycin, and so on. The duration of use of the drugs can range from three days to several weeks.

Antiviral agents and compounds to enhance immunity

How to treat otitis media in a child? It is rare, but it happens that the disease is caused by a virus. In this case, there is no way to fix the problem. The child needs them. In some cases, they are prescribed for bacterial infections, since such medications can also increase immunity.

The most popular are formulations with interferon or its inducers. This could be “Anaferon”, “Ergoferon”, “Viferon”, “Kipferon” or “Cycloferon”. Doctors often prescribe Isoprinosine, Lykopid, etc. to children. similar drugs. However, they should not be consumed without a doctor's recommendation. Before using them, you should definitely consult your doctor. The duration of the course is determined individually.

Antihistamines and their effectiveness in the treatment of otitis media

We continue to consider how to treat otitis media in a child. In most cases, the inflammatory process begins because the Eustachian tube narrows due to swelling. It turns out that the ear simply cannot be ventilated. Because of this, the inflammatory process develops. Antihistamines will help relieve swelling. Not all of them are allowed for children of the first year of life. Be sure to read the instructions before use. Doctors usually use the following means: “Zirtek”, “Zodak”, “Tavegil”, “Fenistil” and others.

It is worth noting that the medications described will only give effect in combination with general therapy. They are not able to eliminate otitis media on their own.

Medicines for injection into the ears

How to treat otitis media in children? Komarovsky says that an acute inflammatory process in the ear is a reason to use drops. They may contain anti-inflammatory, analgesic or antibacterial components. The most frequently recommended products are: “Otipax”, “Otinum”, “Otirelax” and so on. They all contain an anesthetic that relieves pain. However, some doctors are wary of such drugs. Doctors say what to remove pain syndrome possible with the help of the medications described above. It is better to use drops such as “Dioxidin” and “Otofa” to directly treat the ear. They contain an antibiotic that will help quickly relieve the inflammatory process.

It is worth noting that some drops for introduction into the ear canal require the intact integrity of the eardrum. If it is damaged, then the use of such means can lead to quite serious consequences in future.

Preparations for the treatment of the nose: a prerequisite

If otitis media appears in children, how to treat the pathology? Most are accompanied by a runny nose. This symptom also needs to be eliminated. Otherwise, after recovery, bacteria will again enter the ear canal. Treatment of a runny nose with otitis media involves the use of vasoconstrictor and antimicrobial compounds. Medicines based on xylometazaline are very popular. The doctor may prescribe Snoop, Nazivin, Vibrocil or Tizin. When especially serious problems Corticosteroids are recommended (Avamys, Tafen, Nasonex). Such medications should not be used for a long time. This can lead to atrophic rhinitis.

Among the antimicrobial compositions for the treatment of the nose, one can distinguish such as “Polydexa”, “Isofra”, “Pinosol”, and also “Dioxidin”. It is worth noting that rinsing the sinuses during otitis media is strictly prohibited. This can only aggravate the situation and lead to complications.

Piercing the eardrum and cleaning it

How to properly treat otitis media in a child? If the problem does not go away after using the described remedies or the baby is in short time becomes worse, then it is advisable to perform this manipulation is called myringotomy. It is performed without additional anesthesia. The doctor, using an appropriate instrument, makes a small incision, after which the accumulated fluid and pus come out.

The resulting material should be sent for testing to determine sensitivity to antibiotics. After the results obtained, the otorhinolaryngologist can prescribe the appropriate drug with high accuracy.

Tube Application: Drainage

How to treat otitis media in a 3-year-old child if the situation recurs constantly? After all, it is in children of this age that the recurrence of the described disease is very high. A specialist may suggest that you use surgical methods and insert a small tube into the eardrum. This part will allow the liquid not to accumulate, but to come out. As a result, the inflammatory process will not appear. This method is often used when chronic otitis media, which recur more than 10 times a year and are difficult to treat with antibiotics. The procedure is called tympanostomy. The drainage can remain in the child’s ear for as long as the doctor deems necessary.

Traditional methods of treatment

How to treat purulent inflammation, our grandmothers advise using heating. Doctors report that this can be very dangerous. Under the influence of heat, the inflammatory process can only worsen. Traditional methods treatments are as follows:

  • Take it and warm it up slightly. Soak a swab in it, then insert it into your ear. Put on a tight bandage and warm the inflamed part for two hours.
  • Hydrogen peroxide has always been used for the treatment and prevention of otitis media. Place a few drops of the drug into the damaged ear, then use cotton swab Clean the sink carefully.
  • Take boric alcohol and hold it in your palms to warm it up. After this, insert two drops into each ear canal. The drug will help kill pathogens. However, you must remember that this method cannot be used if the eardrum is damaged.
  • Heat a handful of salt in a frying pan. After this, put the loose mass in a sock and apply it to the sore ear. Leave for half an hour and remove the heat compress.

Instead of a conclusion

After reading the article, you learned how to treat otitis media in a 3-year-old child or at another age. Remember that this is very insidious disease. You should not stop taking prescribed medications as soon as you feel better. This practice can lead to increased resistance of microorganisms to drugs. Be sure to complete your prescribed course of medication.

Try never to self-medicate. remember, that timely appeal Seeing a doctor is the key to a successful outcome. Use the services of specialists and always be healthy!

Otitis is one of the most unpleasant and common diseases in children. According to statistics, 80% of children under three years of age have suffered from this disease at least once. Otitis is an inflammation of the ear, which can be accompanied by the discharge of pus, high fever, as well as aching and stabbing pains inside the ear canal. Otitis can be internal, external and medial. The most dangerous are otitis media and internal otitis, since the inflammatory process affects the eardrum and auditory ossicles. If otitis media is left untreated, it can lead to hearing loss. Also, if the eardrum is damaged, pus may flow inwards rather than outwards, this can cause meningitis and other unpleasant consequences. This is why it is so important to treat otitis media in a timely manner.

How to understand that a child has otitis media

Adults and older children can easily talk about what is bothering them. Usually this is pain or discomfort in the middle ear, which can pulsate and radiate to the nose, eyes, and teeth. Along with this, so-called “lumbago” is observed in the form of a sharp and short-term pain reaction. If otitis media is purulent, the ear canals fill with pus, which leads to hearing impairment. At the same time, the child may suffer from tinnitus, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. At an appointment with an ENT specialist, you may notice a change in color inside the ear canal - the skin becomes red and inflamed. IN advanced stage disease, pus flows from the ear canal.

How to recognize otitis media in a baby

How to identify all these symptoms if the baby is still small and cannot talk about his discomfort? With otitis, children in the first year of life become restless and often burst into tears from sudden crying. After four months, the baby can coordinate movements and press his palm to the sore ear, holding on to it. A child with otitis often shakes his head like a pendulum and refuses to eat because the pain intensifies when sucking. At the same time, the baby’s fontanel becomes tense, the child may vomit, and has a high temperature. Based on all these signs, a mother may suspect that her child has otitis media. This disease is highly undesirable to treat at home. IN mandatory You need to show your child to a doctor to avoid serious complications.

Causes of otitis media

Otitis often manifests itself as a complication after infectious disease or after ARVI. The risk of otitis media increases with allergies, with low immunity due to a virus in the body, as well as with injuries ear canal. Children are most susceptible to this disease. Otitis media can occur even in a newborn baby due to amniotic fluid entering the ear canals.

Treatment of otitis media

Otitis media is treated depending on the age of the child and the stage of the disease. The younger the baby, the more thorough treatment is prescribed. Usually, when otitis occurs, the ear is washed with antiseptic compounds. If the disease is initial stage, washing can be done at home - in the form of instilling antibacterial drops. For purulent otitis media, rinsing is carried out by an ENT specialist using special medical cocktails.

Along with this, the child is prescribed antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs. Also appointed symptomatic treatment– antipyretics and antiemetics. If it is not purulent otitis media, warming up is done. Correct and timely procedures and medications will alleviate your baby’s condition in a few days.

Together with the doctor's prescription, the child can be treated with folk remedies. These recipes will help you speed up your baby's recovery process.

  1. Leaf tincture walnut. This tool is not quick recipe. Usually such a tincture is always available in the house, where children often suffer from various diseases ears. It is best to take young walnut leaves for this tincture; you need to collect them in early spring. Fill with crushed leaves glass bottle and fill it to the brim sunflower oil. Close the bottle and leave in a cool place for 3-4 months. Shake the container periodically. After the specified time, strain the contents and pour it into the bottle. Soak an ear stick in the oil and treat the ear canals. Treatments should be frequent, 3-4 times a day.
  2. Onions and cumin. Take a large onion and cut off the top so that you can remove the core. Sprinkle a pinch of cumin inside. Cover the bulb with the cut part. Bake the onion in the oven. When the onion has cooled, you need to mash it and squeeze out the juice. Drop into the sore ear several times a day. After instillation, close the ear canal with a cotton swab.
  3. Sagebrush. Collect wormwood flowers and fill a glass container with them. Fill the wormwood with alcohol. After 3 weeks the tincture will be ready. Strain the product, soak a cotton swab in it and put it in your ear, leaving it overnight. A tincture of wormwood in alcohol not only warms, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Propolis. Take a small piece of propolis and fill it with oil. Place the container on water bath. After a couple of hours of heating, pour the wax-free oil into a bottle and let it cool. It is not recommended to drip propolis oil into your ears, but moistening the wick is quite possible. This good remedy for the treatment of otitis.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. You can disinfect and disinfect the ear canals using hydrogen peroxide. Place a few drops in each child's ear. The resulting reaction in the form of foaming is not scary or dangerous.

Remember that all home remedies in the form of drops can only be put into the ear if the eardrum is not damaged. Only a doctor can determine this.

Warming up for otitis media

IMPORTANT! Warming can only be done if you do NOT have purulent otitis media! Also, heating cannot be done at a temperature.

The principle of warming up is as follows. A warming liquid or compress is applied to the sore ear and fixed. You can also simply lie on a compress with your sore ear and lie there for a while. The simplest type of heating is salt. Warm the salt and put it in a linen bag. Then apply the bag to the sore ear. Don't burn your child - test the compress on yourself first.

You can warm up your ear and camphor oil. Soak a small piece of gauze in it and apply it to your ear. Secure with a scarf and leave for several hours.

You can warm the ear during otitis using a blue lamp. Sore ear should be warmed up 3 times a day for 15 minutes. Onion warming is also good - apply onion juice to the ear canal.

Prevention of otitis

Sometimes parents themselves are to blame for their child getting otitis media. For example, if they ask you to blow your nose, but you close both nostrils. In this case, mucus with bacteria from the nasal passage through eustachian tube gets into the ear, after which inflammation begins. You need to blow your nose through each nostril alternately, teach your child this.

You need to feed your baby in a slightly elevated position; you cannot feed lying down. In this case, fluid can also get into the ear canals. The first sign of otitis media is wheezing during sleep. If your baby gives you such “signs,” you need to show him to an ENT specialist.

If your child has frequent ear infections, this may be due to enlarged adenoids. In this case, it is worth considering removing them.

During respiratory diseases Remove mucus from the child’s nose in a timely manner using special suction devices in the form of a rubber bulb. To do this, first rinse your nose with saline to moisten the mucus and remove it out. A child of the first year of life must be protected - after bathing, at least for the first couple of hours, he should be wearing a hat or cap, even at home.

In order to get rid of frequent otitis– strengthen the child’s immunity. To do this, follow the rules healthy eating, are more on fresh air, swim in the sea, go to salt caves, toughen up.

It is not recommended to bathe a child during otitis media. Walk strictly in a headdress - a hat or scarf. Wind, even a slight one, can worsen your baby's health. Do not forget about precautions to protect your child from otitis media and other diseases.

Video: signs and treatment of otitis media