How to get rid of an annoying man - conspiracies. A lapel from an annoying admirer or lover. What girls write on forums

Of course, every person is pleased when they love him, take care of him, look after him. However, often such advances, especially from an unloved person, simply become too intrusive and annoying.

  • In all these cases, you can use a ritual such as turning away from an annoying admirer or lover.

  • It is best to read the conspiracy in clear terms. In this case, you need to collect water in the evening and place it on the window so that moonlight falls on it. In the morning, take the glass to a sunny place. When the water warms up under the sun's rays, you need to bring it close, close to your lips and say the words of the lapel:
    "In the name of the Son, Holy Spirit and Father,
    Let my turning words be heard,
    How easy it is to turn the Sun and Moon for you,
    Mother Earth and water stream,
    So turn away from me the servant of God (name of the admirer),
    Let him forget me forever,
    May he leave me forever
    May he leave me alone forever,
    Doesn't come near my house
    I'm missing my hands.
    Dear Father, Spiridon the Solstice,
    Don’t let the servant of God (name of the admirer) come near me anymore,
    Don't let him on my doorstep
    How can you control the Moon and the Sun,
    As soon as you send, turn away from me the servant of God (the name of the opponent).
    The key floats down the river
    The castle is buried in the sand
    Word will stick to word,
    And the servant of God (name of opponent),
    It will be unstuck from me forever!
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

    The words of the lapel spell must be read on the water three times. At the same time, you need to imagine how the person who bothers you leaves, forgets you, and becomes absolutely indifferent.
    You need to splash the charmed water on your face three times (no need to wipe yourself, let the liquid dry on its own). The remaining water can be poured out either near your house or near his (fan’s) house. At the same time, you need to clearly know and follow all the Rules for the Success of Rituals, otherwise there will be no point in your lapels, because they can work quite the opposite, the person will stick to you even more.
    Surely every woman in her life has encountered an overly persistent and persistent admirer, for whom the word “no” practically does not exist. Such a fan can greatly ruin a girl’s life, since obsessive love is very annoying. Perhaps a girl likes a completely different guy, and instead of establishing a relationship with him, she is forced to fight off the advances of a hateful gentleman.
    There are also situations when a girl or woman just can’t break up with her ex-lover, due to his excessive persistence - in this case, you can use the best and most effective magic - Tantrism Magic, collecting the sperm of an annoying lover, performing a ritual of breaking with it through a wax doll with the help of a professional magician.

    Girls sometimes find themselves in situations where they cannot explain to a guy that his advances are not needed. It seems like you don’t want to offend, but you also need to protect yourself somehow. Then a pressing question arises: how to get rid of an annoying admirer if he doesn’t understand?

    1. The truthful way

    Your annoying admirer is first and foremost a person. Yes, he doesn’t understand that he’s annoying you with his advances. This happens, especially when feelings are overwhelming. But each of us deserves to be treated with respect.

    So talk to him for cleanliness:

    1. Take courage and explain the situation: honestly, as it is. Just choose your words so that they do not offend him.
    2. Speak calmly, but confidently and assertively.
    3. If there is already another man nearby, say so. He needs to understand that he is ruining your relationship with his behavior.

    Your honesty is needed, first of all, by you. This way your conscience will be clear and there can be no questions in this case.

    2. Ignore him

    If he does not understand your efforts, you will have to behave more harshly. What does it mean? Turn on ignore mode:

    • Don't pick up the phone.
    • Add to all sorts of blacklists.
    • And don't even say hello when you meet.

    Do not feel sorry for him and do not make any compromises. Be decisive. If you give even the slightest slack, you will never get rid of this problem.

    3. Refuse attention.

    Don't accept gifts. Yes, it's certainly nice. But by doing so, you give him a reason to think that he can count on something. And refuse any help. It doesn't matter, even the little things.

    For example, don't give in to offers to walk your dog or anything like that. This will oblige you to return the favor, and therefore enter into communication with him.

    4. Don’t react to provocations

    He claims that he cannot live without you and puts pressure on you. Don't react However, not a single real suicide has ever warned anyone in advance about his intention to take his own life.

    But if you see that a person’s nerves are on edge, tell his parents or relatives or friends. This will relieve you of responsibility.

    5. Take him shopping

    Say that you are going to the store and you are bored alone. He will, of course, offer his company. Start acting on the spot. Say whatever you want, that you forgot the money, and you need this expensive dress. Buy all sorts of trinkets. Spend money, and definitely only him. If he doesn't offer to pay, give him a hint. In general, produce the worst and most uneconomical behavior.

    Most likely, many of our tips will seem stupid, but sometimes they work great in equally stupid situations.

    6. Use prohibited techniques

    If you don't understand the truth, lie:

    • Put a wedding ring on your finger and let him see it. Even if he is not there yet, pretend that you are not alone.
    • Walk in front of him with another gentleman. Ask a friend for help, let him play along with you.

    Or offer him friendship. This is very offensive, he will understand that as a sexual object he is not interested in you at all. These things are a big blow to one’s pride, but sometimes there is no other way.

    7. You are doing well

    Show the guy that you're doing great without him. This will probably offend him a little, hurt him. Most likely, it will cause him mental suffering. But if there is no other choice: smile and have fun in front of him.

    Spread information about your new boyfriend through mutual friends. If a man really loves you, he will be happy for you and will not interfere. Maybe after such an act you will even change your mind.

    And if this is just his selfishness, then it’s not scary to teach him a lesson and make him understand that he cannot put his own interests above the interests of others.

    8. Behave inappropriately

    Can't you just tell him to leave you alone? Get started behave inappropriately:

    1. Throw tantrums at every occasion.
    2. Talk incessantly.
    3. Be capricious, stomp your feet.
    4. Criticize more. Everything: clothes, actions, opinions.
    5. Become jealous to the extreme.

    You know better, you probably know what exactly irritates him.

    What if this fate. There are many known stories that girls share on the Internet when they dared guys and then married them. And this marriage became truly happy. Perhaps this will be the case in your case too.

    10.Use magic

    When you give up and you don't know what to do, try reading lapel conspiracies. There are many of them, for example:

    1. Put a pinch of salt in his pocket and say: “ I annoyed you so that you wouldn’t think about me. Once you find her there, you will completely forget about me».
    2. Take his photo, set it on fire: " Just as I burn your photograph (name), I free you from love. Forget me, I'm not yours, you will have another family!»

    Well, maybe it will help.

    What not to do

    The most important - don't give in vain hopes. It often happens that ladies themselves are to blame in such situations. They enjoy their protective position and drive the man who falls in love to madness.

    On the same day they go to the movies and restaurants with him, accept gifts and attentions, smile and flirt. The next time, they are indignant. This behavior is very ugly, and rather characterizes the girl as an inadequate person than that same annoying fan.

    How to get rid of an obsessive fan?

    So, let's summarize. How to behave better?

    • Be persistent and decisive, calm and cool-headed.
    • Ignore calls, refuse attentions and gifts.
    • Sometimes you can cheat.

    What should you not do?

    • Don't be rude, don't humiliate.
    • Don't react to provocative conversations.
    • Don't allow yourself to take advantage of a person's feelings or your position.

    Always better cut it off right away and say that you don’t want to have a serious relationship. So as not to waste his time or yours. It may be hard now, but then everything will get better. This is better than dragging his feet and tormenting him with the unknown. And then it’s really unclear how it will all end. This will be an honest and responsible act. Perhaps that guy will thank you for him later.

    We have tried to consider this pressing issue from all sides. Now you need to not only think about how to get rid of an annoying fan, but also identify the reasons: why you found yourself in such a situation. This is necessary to ensure that it does not happen again.

    Video: how to “send off” a guy

    In this video, psychologist Ekaterina Solovyova will tell you some interesting tips with which you can “send off” a guy once and for all:

    Religious reading: prayer from a boyfriend to help our readers.

    Got an unwanted admirer?

    • In order to wean off an unwanted admirer, you need to do the following. On the waning moon, sew a bag of black fabric and embroider a cross on it with threads. Then put 3 crushed bay leaves, a tablespoon of salt and 7 black peppercorns into it and say the spell out loud 7 times:

    “You, (name of the unwanted gentleman), leave me alone. Don't follow me, don't follow me, don't look at me! I excommunicate you, I deliver your heart from love. Let it be so! Amen."

    • Always carry the enchanted bag with you. After the gentleman leaves you alone, burn the bag in a deserted place.

    © Orthodox prayers, special spells, magical rites and rituals, signs and Orthodox icons

    Get rid of an annoying boyfriend

    If an unpleasant guest starts visiting your home and is also trying to woo you, but for some reason you can’t kick him out, then try my method.

    After that person does leave your home, you need to immediately wash the floor after him, dissolve 1 tablespoon of table salt and a pinch of ground hot pepper (“chili”) in water, and say an even number of times through clenched teeth :

    “Salt is salty, pepper is peppery, stay with me and get out. Just as I wash away the traces of your feet, so you, (that man’s name), forget the way to me. Amen".

    The water remaining after washing is not thrown away, and with this injunction, the floors are washed again the next day early in the morning (the earlier the better, the best time for this is sunrise, and then as it turns out.).

    It is usually enough to do such “cleaning” 1-2 times.

    Similarly, you can get rid of the annoying young lady by replacing the male name in the plot with a female one.

    Prayer from a boyfriend

    I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed,

    I, the servant of God (name), will go out, crossing myself.

    From doors - doors,

    From the gate - by the gate.

    I’ll go into an open field and go down to the blue sea.

    A stone lies in the blue sea,

    John the Baptist himself guards that stone.

    As if on this stone

    All God's servants came running,

    All the bright angels flocked.

    Prayer for sadness

    And I miss you. Amen.

    Then take the sand to the cemetery and leave it there.

    A spell if you made a mistake or the love spell didn’t work as expected

    She is wearing a golden schemitsa.

    Getting rid of a drunken boyfriend

    So is this guy

    Will never come near me again.

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    Now and forever and forever, centuries. Amen.

    Amulet against confusion

    A month in the sky, a worm in the ground,

    And my amulet is on me, God’s servant (name).

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    On the sea, on the ocean, on an island on Buyan, a dry tree stands.

    Under that dry tree a gray hare sleeps.

    Moved with me, dashingly, quietly.

    A conspiracy to make a hateful husband leave

    And he gave me, God’s servant (name), this power.

    I also persecute God’s servant (name).

    He would walk away from me on his heels,

    Turn your back from the holy images,

    From my door dear empty.

    His spine does not bend,

    His leg won't come back.

    Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

    A conspiracy to reprimand yourself from melancholy and regain the joy of life

    And melancholy and insomnia.

    Get out, my sadness, from the eyes of God’s servant (name),

    Bones, from all her living relics.

    Spell to make your husband leave you alone

    So that the servant of God (name) runs away from his native porch.

    My word is strong, my deed is sculpted.

    Go, servant of God (name), from me,

    Servants of God (name), don’t look back.

    Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

    How to get rid of a girl

    In this case, read a special spell over a piece of paper, a candy wrapper - over something that burns well - bring the piece of paper to the girl’s house and burn it there. And from this moment she will forget about you: girlish love fades away as quickly as smoke. The spell words are:

    Prayer from a boyfriend

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Please Pray, Russia

    Christian prayer center

    get rid of an obsessive boyfriend

    From whom: Not indicated

    God! Your servant Faina asks you to get God's servant Valery away from her! He trampled on her bright feelings, since he has another woman (is it the same?) R.B. Elena. Now he stalks and sometimes shows aggression! Lord, connect the river. T. Valeria and Elena are in an honest union, and if this is impossible, send him another free woman (but not Faina!) to create a strong family! Let him soon forget forever and be happy, but away from Faina! Let everything be according to Your will!

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

    Number of people who supported this prayer: 17

    The site administration publishes prayer requests practically “as is,” correcting, if possible, only spelling errors (when we have time) or reprinting requests from “translit” (Latin) into the Russian alphabet. In all other respects, we trust God that He hears all prayer requests from us sinners and does not put obstacles in our prayer. If you, spiritual brothers and sisters, believe that some prayer request is unacceptable from a Christian point of view, do not judge the author of the request, but PRAY for him or her as God puts on your heart. In everything, may God be glorified and may everyone know His love and salvation. Amen.

    Lapel from an annoying admirer or lover

  • In all these cases, you can use a ritual such as turning away from an annoying admirer or lover.

    It is best to read the conspiracy in clear terms. In this case, you need to collect water in the evening and place it on the window so that moonlight falls on it. In the morning, take the glass to a sunny place. When the water warms up under the sun's rays, you need to bring it close, close to your lips and say the words of the lapel:

    "In the name of the Son, Holy Spirit and Father,

    Let my turning words be heard,

    How easy it is to turn the Sun and Moon for you,

    Mother Earth and water stream,

    So turn away from me the servant of God (name of the admirer),

    Let him forget me forever,

    May he leave me forever

    May he leave me alone forever,

    Doesn't come near my house

    I'm missing my hands.

    Dear Father, Spiridon the Solstice,

    Don’t let the servant of God (name of the admirer) come near me anymore,

    Don't let him on my doorstep

    How can you control the Moon and the Sun,

    As soon as you send, turn away from me the servant of God (the name of the opponent).

    The key floats down the river

    The castle is buried in the sand

    Word will stick to word,

    And the servant of God (name of opponent),

    It will be unstuck from me forever!

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

    You need to splash the charmed water on your face three times (no need to wipe yourself, let the liquid dry on its own). The remaining water can be poured out either near your house or near his (fan’s) house. At the same time, you need to clearly know and follow all the Rules for the Success of Rituals, otherwise there will be no point in your lapels, because they can work quite the opposite, the person will stick to you even more.

    Surely every woman in her life has encountered an overly persistent and persistent admirer, for whom the word “no” practically does not exist. Such a fan can greatly ruin a girl’s life, since obsessive love is very annoying. Perhaps a girl likes a completely different guy, and instead of establishing a relationship with him, she is forced to fight off the advances of a hateful gentleman.

    There are also situations when a girl or woman just can’t break up with her ex-lover, due to his excessive persistence - in this case, you can use the best and most effective magic - Tantrism Magic, collecting the sperm of an annoying lover, performing a ritual of breaking with it through a wax doll with the help of a professional magician.

    tel.: +79606999998 Sergey Boltenko.

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    Center Magic Thoughts official website. Psychic consultations online video and advice from Sergei Boltenko.

    Ezoterizmo - mystical encyclopedia

    Encyclopedia of esoteric knowledge. Magic, oriental practices, household witchcraft, healing traditions.

    Lapel of an annoying lover

    For a girl, sometimes the attention of a guy inspired by feelings is not pleasant. In such a situation, you can escape from the company of an annoying boyfriend by performing the annoying lover's lapel. The magical effects of such rituals cannot spoil human health. This is due to the purposefulness of the manipulations carried out, causing the restoration of harmonious mental balance.

    Depending on the type of magical ritual, the lapel of an annoying lover can carry the destructive energy of the union of two people. Such rituals can be performed not only to get rid of feelings and attachments, but also to create a counterbalance to a love spell. In the latter case, you need to carry out the ritual not yourself, but by asking a stranger for the service - only he can dispel the spell. This action, aimed at ending unwanted emotional attachment, is called cooling.

    Gypsy lapels from an annoying admirer

    There are a couple of effective lapels that are often used in magical gypsy rituals and allow you to free yourself from an annoying admirer. Gypsies are convinced that correctly carried out any of their lapels acquired over centuries helps to achieve the fact that the lover, “cooled” in his feelings, will no longer be disturbed.

    To perform the ceremony, take a white candle, a small, equilateral sheet of paper, and a pen with black paste. Write on a piece of paper the full name of the fan you want to get rid of. Light the candle wick and burn the paper in its fire, imagining how the persistent person runs away from you as fast as he can. Next, pick up pieces of ash and go out into the open space (usually a slope was used for these purposes, but living in the city it is enough to go to the balcony). Sprinkling ashes on the back of your right hand, say lapel:

    "North wind, south wind,

    The wind is west and east.

    Take his (her) passion to the one (who) is waiting for it.

    Let him (she) be free (free) in his feelings,

    Let him love the one who desires it.”

    After this, blow on a handful of ashes so that they are picked up by gusts of wind.

    This rite of turning away from an annoying lover must be carried out over three nights. The period during the waning moon is best suited. Light a fire. Taking pre-prepared leaves of dried verbena (another name for the plant “pigeon grass”) in your hands, loudly say the name of the suitor who is bothering you with his undivided attention. Now immediately throw the leaves into the fire, accompanying the actions with the text of the gypsy lapel:

    Take her and disappear.

    Run away from me."

    The most common effective way to get rid of an annoying lover

    Ritual actions using a safety pin are considered a fairly popular lapel.

    You need to pin a pin to any element of the young man’s clothing so that no one notices these actions and say:

    “I wish that this pin would prick you, poison you and wound you. I wish that she would rid me of you forever. Let your intense love ardor gradually cool down and let your love for me flow away from your heart forever. As soon as you take off the pin, your love, which I don’t need, will cool down forever!”

    It is best to pin a small pin so that the lover does not notice or remove it. To maximize the effect of the ritual, it is recommended to perform it by adhering to certain rules:

    • The ceremony is performed on the waning moon. The energy and strength of this cosmic body will reduce the influence of emotions that often arise when a relationship breaks down, and will also speed up the “cooling down” of feelings;
    • on Sunday, Thursday it is not recommended to make a lapel, since Thursday is a sacred day for love magic, but Sunday is the day on which any magical influences have the least power;
    • the words of the lapel text must be pronounced clearly, distinctly, with the greatest concentration on your desire to get rid of your persistent lover.
    Despite the fact that the influence of the lapel ritual does not pose a serious threat to the guy you want to turn away, you need to take the ritual very seriously. After performing a magical effect, it is strictly not recommended to continue even friendly relations with this person. Attempting to be friends with a former lover can awaken hatred and anger in a man. Therefore, friendly communication can end very badly.

    The annoying lover is forcefully turned away by the girl who has become the object of his attention. Moreover, it is important to understand that the boyfriend should not suspect that the cooling of his feelings was due to third-party magical influence created by you.

    Distribution of materials from the mystical encyclopedia is welcome. An active link to the source is required

    What you will learn from the article:

    How to get rid of an annoying admirer

    Albina didn't like Alexey. She thought for a long time how to get rid of an annoying fan, and once and for all. The fact is that, to the best of her gentle nature, over her 27 years she has never learned to say “no” and tell people directly if something does not suit her.

    Alexey was simply going crazy - he no longer knew what else he could come up with to win the girl’s favor. But Albina, on the contrary, the further she went, the more she wanted to send him to hell. That evening they walked together for the tenth time, this time in the park. Albina walked without listening to her interlocutor. Only one thing was spinning in my head - I would rather go home. But this only inflamed the guy’s feelings even more, already on a subconscious level. It just needed to be cooled down.

    And then Albina came up with an idea that seemed strange at first glance, but it never left her until the end of the evening. Having finally arrived home, Alya took a piece of paper, wrote the name of the annoying admirer on it and sent the piece of paper to the freezer. To be honest, at that moment she considered herself a little crazy. But... The next day Alexey did not call her - for the first time in the entire time they met.

    The girl finally breathed a sigh of relief. But later it turned out that Alyoshenka had a bad cold, despite the fact that it was the end of summer, warm and cozy like pre-autumn.

    Albina, having learned what happened to the guy, got scared, took out a piece of paper from the refrigerator and thought about it. After some time, she worked on the mistakes and came up with a wonderful recipe,

    How to get rid of an annoying admirer

    1. we cannot and do not have the right to try to influence the will of other people, so we need to formulate what we want only in relation to ourselves

    2. if there are other participants in the situation - in the case of Albina this is Alexey - you need to clarify the wording with words and thoughts “for the common good”

    3. it is necessary to be as clear as possible: Albina actually wanted to cool not Lesha, but his feelings for herself

    So, what did the girl do in the end to get rid of an annoying admirer:

    *mentally thanked him for everything and asked for forgiveness

    *wrote on a piece of paper: “Alexey’s feelings for me cool down and stop disturbing me, if this is the will of higher powers and for the common good. May it be so!"

    *put the leaf in the refrigerator to cool

    As a result of such manipulations, Alexey found himself another girl literally within a month, and he and Albina remained friends - and everyone was happy and satisfied: Albina got rid of an annoying admirer and got a friend, and Alexey, in addition to his friend, also received a girl who loved him mutually. Everyone wins, for everyone's benefit :_).

    This is where the problem lies: the fear of offending a good person. Like, let's remain friends. But for another person it may not be very easy...

    What if we do everything as you said, but just burn all the feelings?

    It’s just that feelings are kindled by fire... I don’t even know - passions have flared up, they say... but if you don’t have this in your association, then try it and share your experience with us!

    Pauline! I have a question: is it possible to try to freeze your own feelings for a person in this way?

    Elena, hello! Experiment using the essence of the method. True, I don’t quite understand how you will symbolically represent this. Simply freezing your name - it will be unclear why, the purpose is unclear

    Hello! How long should I keep this leaf in the refrigerator?

    Leila, unfortunately, noticed that if you pull out the leaf, the situation returns again. So hold on while you can

    Hello. How long should you keep the leaf there? And won’t everything go back to normal when you pull it out? And what should we do with it then? Just throw it away?

    Allah, you know, can return... This happened in my practice. It's just that some people quickly break up and enter into new relationships. And some are more drawn into affection

    Should we take into account the phase of the moon? Thank you

    Well, to be sure, try on a decreasing one. But not at all

    I met a man, he tried his best to please every desire, controlled me from start to finish... I tried not to accept any help from him, but he filmed our date and recorded all our conversations. I wanted to break up with him, but he begins to blackmail, threatening to show the video to all my family and friends. Forces intimacy. He says that he was in the war and nothing is scary in this life anymore... Judging by the stories of his neighbors (I was an accidental witness to their conversation), he is hit all over his head. It feels like there is no way out.

    Julia, maybe we need to let it go. To say - show what you want and to whomever you want. And warn your relatives, if your relationship with them allows it, of course. And perform the “freezing” as written.

    Yes, great advice. Fields, what if you write the name and put it, say, in the oven?

    Bayas, the passion will flare up more than ever)))))

  • If you are not invited, do not enter.
    The morning dawn commands,
    The dawn of the day orders,
    The evening dawn is driving,
    The night dawn buries from friends.

    How to get rid of an annoying boyfriend

    From the letter:

    “Please tell me if there is a conspiracy from an annoying fan so that this person will simply forget about my existence.”

    Read a special lapel spell over a sour apple. Then bite into the apple and throw it away from your home. The words of the conspiracy are:

    Like an apple with acid in its mouth,
    Undesirable for the mouth, not a joy for the soul,
    So I, the servant of God (name), would be disliked,
    Unsweetened and unwanted
    For the servant of God (name of the admirer),
    So he would curl his mouth in front of me,
    He avoided me. Amen.

    Strong lapel

    From the letter:

    “I have been living with a man in a civil marriage for four years, but lately this has become a burden to me. We constantly fight, I don’t even want to go home, but he calls me all the time and asks where I am. Every evening he throws hysterics, accuses me of deceiving him, and cries. He says that he feels good at the cemetery, he goes there to listen to the birds. It seems to me that his mother bewitched me to him. I tried to break up with him, but as soon as I leave home, my conscience begins to torment me. I don’t know what to do, I probably want him to leave me on his own. What should I do?

    You can resort to the following lapel plot:

    I'll go out along the mouse path,
    I will stand, an idol, in front of you.
    Idol, idol, where is your idol?
    There's your idol there
    He’s not waiting for you, he’s cursing you,
    The door is locked,
    Doesn't let me near the threshold,
    Doesn't answer the window
    The bed is not spread,
    Doesn't set the table.
    So would the servant of God (name)
    He didn’t let God’s servant (name) in,
    I didn’t make the bed,
    I didn’t set the table for her,
    I didn’t hug white’s neck,
    Didn't love and didn't accept
    I would drive her away with word and deed
    And my fierce side.
    Stick, my words, stick, my deeds,
    How leaves stick to a bath broom
    To the naked body.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Raven lapel

    From the letter:

    “Dear Natalya Ivanovna, when I was a child, I heard two women say in front of me that there is a “crow’s lapel,” and they said something about the meat of this bird. I really love reading everything that you publish in books, on postcards and in the newspaper, and I wonder if you will teach us this lapel?

    How did this raven die?
    That's how your love would die
    To the servant of God (name).
    Like there is no black crow,
    So your love is no more.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.