Daily intake of calcium. Problems associated with an excess of microelements. Sour cream and butter

Calcium is the main trace element in the human body. healthy, strong bones and the teeth are his credit, since he fulfills main function in the formation and development of bone tissue. Calcium in the human body takes part in the implementation muscle contractions, processes nervous excitability(has an anti-stress effect) and blood clotting. Its metabolism in the body is closely related to the metabolism of vitamin D.

Milk contains calcium

The main functions of calcium in the body

  • Promotes the removal of radionuclides, metals, salts;
  • Has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties;
  • Performs antioxidant functions;
  • Activates a number of hormones and enzymes;
  • Affects insulin and glucose levels;
  • Is a pribiotic.

Calcium must be present in the human body throughout life. At certain periods it is necessary to pay special attention to this process. The supply of microelements to children in the first year of life, children from 5-7 years old, adolescents, during the intensive growth of the child is very important. Pregnant women need this mineral, both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. In adults, the main periods are at the age of 30 and after 50.

Calcium in food

To satisfy daily requirement Calcium in the human body is sufficient to eat foods containing this mineral. Calcium in food is an essential part of the human diet.

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Plant sources of calcium

  • Cereals – cereals, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, semolina;
  • Legumes - beans, beans, peas;
  • Vegetables - potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, lettuce, green onions, canned green olives, broccoli, dill, chives, watercress, white and savoy cabbage, parsley, basil;
  • Fruits - oranges, kiwi, tangerines, pineapples, apricots, pears, bananas, peaches, melon, apples;
  • Dried fruits – dried apricots, dried figs, raisins, dates;
  • Berries - raspberries, currants, strawberries, grapes, watermelon;
  • Nuts and seeds – peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pistachios, hazel, almonds, sesame.

Vegetables also contain calcium

Animal sources of calcium

  • Meat products- beef, veal, poultry;
  • By-products – liver;
  • Fish – mackerel, sardine, salmon;
  • Dairy products - milk, cottage cheese, cheese.

Calcium in animal products is found in large quantities, but is not as easily absorbed in the body as from plant sources.

Oxalic acid, aspirin, and estrogen derivatives interfere with the absorption of the mineral. This microelement, when combined with oxalic acid produces compounds insoluble in water, which become components of kidney stones.

Daily Calcium Values

The daily calcium intake in the body should be less than 1000-1200 mg for an adult, taking into account age. It must enter the body in a certain ratio with phosphorus. It is generally accepted that the optimal ratio of such elements is 1:5 (Ca:P).

For children

  • 0-3 years – 600 mg;
  • 4-10 years – 800 mg;
  • 10-13 years – 1000 mg;
  • 13-16 years – 1200 mg;
  • 16 years and older – 1000 mg.

For women

  • Adults (16 years and older) – 800-1200 mg;
  • Pregnant and lactating women – 1500-2000 mg.

For men

  • Adults (16 years and older) – 800-1200 mg.

Lack of calcium in the body

Calcium deficiency may appear after 30 years of age. If you do not attach importance to this problem, then loss of beauty and mood is guaranteed; in addition, problems may arise. serious illnesses and life expectancy will decrease significantly. It must be remembered that the absorption of this mineral is facilitated by vitamin D, which is produced in the body under the influence of the sun. People who work constantly indoors, they almost do not receive this vitamin, due to which normal absorption of the mineral cannot occur and a serious health risk arises.

Consequences of calcium deficiency

Calcium deficiency leads to the following diseases:

  • Growth retardation in children;
  • Rickets;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Allergies;
  • Curvature of bones;
  • Blood clotting disorders;
  • Formation of kidney stones;
  • Capillary fragility.

In people suffering from chronic deficiency of this microelement involuntary muscle contraction occurs, gums bleed, teeth decay, convulsions occur, and physical and mental stress is poorly tolerated.

Calcium deficiency can cause the most serious illnesses– This is osteomalacia and osteoporosis, as a result of which the bones soften. If the mineral deficiency is not corrected in a timely manner, these diseases may become incurable.

A deficiency of this microelement may result in incurable neurological disease- multiple sclerosis, which develops if you do not take care of the sufficient amount of calcium in the body, starting from the age of 15. This disease usually makes itself felt after 40 years of age, but in case of acute deficiency of the mineral it can appear before 30 years of age. Sick multiple sclerosis it is difficult, and often completely impossible, to help.

Excess calcium in the body

Excess calcium can only occur as a result of taking drugs in a toxic dose of more than 2000 mg, which can cause hypercalcemia, resulting in calcification of tissues and bones (mainly the urinary system is affected). An overabundance in a prolonged form disrupts the functions of nerve and muscle tissue, reduces the absorption of zinc by bone cells and increases blood clotting.

Preparations containing calcium

Calcium preparations used to prevent deficiency are divided into:

  1. Monopreparations - contain only calcium salt. More often, calcium carbonate is used, containing 40% of the element. Less commonly used are calcium citrate (21%), calcium lactate (13%), and gluconate (9%). Vitacalcin (1 tablet contains 250 mg of calcium carbonate), calcium sandoz ( effervescent tablets, which include calcium carbonate, gluconate, lactate - 500 mg).
  2. Combination drugs– consist of vitamin D, calcium salt and other minerals. Combined preparations can provide the body not only with calcium, but also with vitamin D, which is involved in calcium and phosphorus metabolism body. Promotes the maintenance and formation of bone tissue. More often, for the treatment and deficiency of this mineral, the following are prescribed: calcium D3, calcemin.
  3. Multivitamins– vitamin complexes for pregnant women containing at least 150-200 mg of the element (Prenavit, Multi-Tabs, Materna, Vitrum-Prenatal, Sana-Sol, Elevit Pronatal).

Rules for taking calcium supplements

Calcium supplements should be taken taking into account their absorption by the intestines with a single dose, which is 500-600 mg. If it is necessary to take large doses per day, the dosage should be divided into several times.

Calcium supplements taken in the evening have their own advantages, as they promote active synthesis of bone tissue. Calcium carbonate should be taken between meals, washed down with plenty of sour juices.

According to average data, a resident of Ukraine uses calcium in your daily diet several times less required norm. These indicators are influenced by dietary traditions, as well as individual failure to produce the enzyme lactose, which binds calcium from food.

Food preparations containing calcium.

When building bone tissue to plan the future healthy skeleton of young people, you need to control intake daily norm calcium. Special attention should be given daily physical exercise to strengthen the muscles that support the skeleton. The progress of treatment for osteoporosis should be carefully monitored. Indeed, with osteoporosis, it is often not enough to eat well and take calcium supplements. It is necessary to include traditional complex correction metabolic processes in organism. During menopause, when reduced hormonal background, Maybe sharp decrease amount of calcium in skeletal tissues.

Consensus Conference National Institute Health has determined the standards calcium for main age groups.

  • 700 - 800 mg per day from one to ten years of age
  • 900 - 1000 mg/day for women and male body for the period of active hormone production and for women taking the hormone estrogen after menopause
  • 1100 - 1200 mg/day adolescence and for youth up to 23-24 years old.
  • 1400 - 1500 mg/day for women not taking estrogen after menopause.
  • 1100 mg - 1500 mg/day for women carrying a child and during breastfeeding.
  • 2000 mg - maximum permissible norm calcium intake per day.

The daily calcium value is calculated based on the following figures:

  1. 90 mg of calcium is found in half a serving of ice cream.
  2. 200 mg of calcium per cheese sandwich.
  3. 300 mg of calcium is found in a glass of milk.
  4. 450 mg of calcium is found in 200 grams of yogurt.
  5. 1300 mg of calcium is found in 1 cup of cottage cheese.

When we monitored the diet of Ukrainian women, calculations showed that a woman receives less than 500 ml of calcium per day, that is, three times less than the norm. To increase the amount of calcium entering the body, it is necessary to diversify the diet with milk, cottage cheese and yogurt, as well as consuming nutritional supplements With calcium, you can achieve additional intake into the body. Food products fortified with calcium have proven themselves well.

Recent discoveries by scientists in the field of calcium absorption indicate that the best drug named calcium from natural sea pearls. In addition to 40 percent calcium, pearls contain zinc, magnesium, iron, molybdenum and many other useful trace elements.

Thanks to new biotechnologies, a new generation drug based on natural

pearls, systemic gel calcium with lecithin and olive oil - "GOLDEN PEARL". Soft gel capsules GOLDEN PEARL are made on the basis of natural pearls, the main value of which is high content calcium. Calcium is an important element for the formation of bones and teeth. In addition, calcium regulates the permeability of cell membranes and is responsible for the penetration nutrients inside the cell. It is involved in the regulation of excitability nerve tissue and muscle contractility, is necessary for blood clotting, activates a number of enzymes and hormones. Calcium is of particular importance for older people, for women during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause, as well as for smokers. For children calcium necessary for intensive growth and development of bone tissue. To produce these capsules, a patented enzymatic hydrolysis technology is used - it allows inorganic pearl compounds to be converted into a bioavailable complex. Note that the capsules contain olive oil, which contains vitamin D, which is necessary for the complete absorption of calcium in the body. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE: Replenishes calcium deficiency, especially recommended for children, elderly people and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Strengthens bone tissue, teeth and nails, improves hair condition.

Accelerates formation bone structure after fractures and other injuries, effective for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

Participates in the regulation of blood clotting and prevents the development of vascular thrombosis.

Helps remove salts from the body heavy metals and radionuclides, reduces the risk of kidney stones.

Necessary for acid regulation alkaline balance in the body, antioxidant.

Has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, increases resistance to stress.

According to the conclusion of the Research Institute of Pharmacology, GOLDEN PEARL capsules are the best calcium preparation in Ukraine, and one of the best on the world market. Thanks to patented enzymatic hydrolysis technology, systemic calcium gel from natural pearls based on active oxygen is absorbed by 98 percent. The structure of the gel shell has a cellular shape, which allows active substance absorbed in portions over three and a half hours per small intestine. The shell also contains plant collagen. MANUFACTURER: Under the control of TM McASTER, the company for the development and manufacture of health products RONGSHENG BAIHE, RONGSHENG, China

1 capsule contains 1100 mg, there are 100 capsules in a package.

Additional calcium is most often included in vitamins; it is added to foods for children and therapeutic nutrition, added to the composition bioactive additives. And of course, there are a number of calcium-based drugs. This entire army and this entire rear area is being developed by scientists for a reason. The problem is that our usual diet is extremely poor in this important macronutrient, without which we cannot live a day.

The most frequent and most famous place The use of calcium is to restore and strengthen the density of dental and bone tissue. Calcium is part of hydroxyapatites, which are strung on a matrix of fibers and form the basis of bones and tooth enamel. Therefore, with multiple caries, after bone fractures, with intensive growth of children, an increased amount of calcium is required.

However, not everyone knows that the role of calcium in the body is much more extensive. Each muscle - from the heart to the biceps - uses calcium during its contraction. The blood coagulation system, which stops bleeding during wounds, also uses this mineral in its transformation cycle. And also incredible great amount metabolic processes, which are interconnected, like gears in a huge clockwork mechanism, depend on calcium.

That is, we really need a lot of it!

Even if you live on a dairy farm and consume fresh milk daily, you cannot be 100% sure that your body will have enough calcium.

Firstly, a certain acidity is required for calcium absorption gastric juice, proper functioning of the intestines for its absorption. Accordingly, when chronic diseases stomach and intestines may have problems with absorption. Secondly, for the absorption of calcium, vitamin D is necessary, which helps calcium reach bone tissue and strengthen it firmly.

Who needs more calcium?

It is often believed that only pregnant women need calcium supplementation. In fact, this is not true. No, of course, women expecting the birth of a baby need more calcium. It is needed for the formation of the fetal bone skeleton. However, even during breastfeeding - this amount should not decrease - during this period the child grows rapidly. And if there is not enough calcium in foods, the woman’s body begins to “wash it out” from bone or dental tissue.

Calcium is no less important for teenagers. About 85% of human bone tissue is formed at the age of most intensive growth - from 10 to 14 years. Therefore, to meet the daily calcium requirement, adolescents need to drink a liter of milk or eat 250 grams of cottage cheese per day.

The proper amount of calcium is important even after 30 years. It is believed that after the age of 25, bone density decreases. And to the beginning menopause– the body in a large number of cases experiences calcium deficiency, which is expressed in the development of osteoporosis. With this disease, on an x-ray, dense bone tissue turns into a “moth-eaten” plate. That's why complex drug calcium with vitamin D is a means to stop this destruction process.

Daily value of calcium

  • Children under 3 years old - 600 mg.
  • Children from 4 to 10 years old - 800 mg.
  • Children from 10 to 13 years old - 1000 mg.
  • Adolescents from 13 to 16 years old - 1200 mg.
  • Boys and girls - 1000 mg.
  • Adults - from 800 to 1200 mg.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women - from 1500 to 2000 mg.
  • Black bread 88 mg
  • Hard cheese 800 mg
  • Milk 120 mg
  • Watercress 220 mg
  • Yogurt 180 mg

Alternative to a refrigerator

In order not to spend days on end with a calculator, counting what you eat and drink, we offer you a proven French method of compensating for the required amount of calcium during the day. The drug is Kalceos. It contains 500 mg of calcium and 400 units of vitamin D in the form necessary for rapid absorption.

Taking it daily will allow you to:

  • avoid muscle cramps and bone pain
  • prevent bone weakening and destruction

Among other microelements, calcium is of paramount importance for children. During the growth period of the body, calcium deficiency has a detrimental effect on the formation of the musculoskeletal system, muscles, and tissues.

Why is calcium needed?

Calcium is part of cells and regulates their function muscle fibers, coordinates the nerve impulses. Calcium - main mineral, which strengthens bones. All parents know about this and make sure that their children consume enough of it. But Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what is needed for calcium to be absorbed.

Calcium is necessary for:

  • Growth of bones and their strengthening;
  • Formation and growth of teeth;
  • Abbreviations skeletal muscles;
  • Contractions of the heart muscle;
  • Blood clotting;
  • Tissue formation;
  • Protein synthesis processes;
  • Cell regeneration

Calcium deficiency leads to retarded child growth, development rheumatic diseases, excitability and sleep disorders. Involuntary muscle contractions – tics, cramps – appear. They become brittle brittle bones, nails, hair. Problems with teeth and enamel defects arise.

Young children experience growth retardation, poor posture, and bone deformation. In children under one year old, the fontanel does not close on time, teething is delayed, they are easily excitable, capricious, and sleep poorly.

Severe calcium deficiency leads to the development of rickets. For better absorption of calcium, you need vitamin D3, thyroid hormones and parathyroid gland.

Calcium norm for children

The daily amount of calcium for children of different ages varies:

  • In children from birth to six months, the norm is 400 mg;
  • From 6 months to 1 year – 600 mg;
  • From 1 year to 3 years – 700 mg;
  • From 3 to 5 years – 800 mg;
  • Children over 5 years old require 1000 mg per day

Parents of teenagers should pay special attention to the amount of calcium-containing foods their children eat.

During this period, rapid growth of the body occurs, hormonal changes and the daily microelement norm increases to 1300 mg.

Sources of calcium

Calcium enters the body from outside: with food or vitamin supplements. mineral complexes.

  1. The main source of calcium is milk and dairy products - fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese. When correct organized meals, the child replenishes about 80% with the help of dairy products daily norm calcium;
  2. Calcium from peas, beans, and other legumes is well absorbed. Young children should not overuse legumes as they lead to increased gas formation and colic;
  3. Many vegetables are rich in calcium - radishes, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, parsley, green salad, basil, dill, White cabbage, boiled potatoes;
  4. Children's favorite fruits and dried fruits are a supplier of calcium for the growing body - oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, kiwis, bananas, apples, pineapples, dried apricots, dates, prunes, raisins;
  5. Calcium is found in raspberries, grapes, black currants;
  6. Various types of nuts are very useful;
  7. Among various types meat should prevail chicken, veal;
  8. Children's diet V mandatory should include mackerel, fish of the salmon family, cod, herring.

Subject to availability serious violations metabolism, for example, with lactose intolerance, calcium deficiency can be replenished without consuming dairy products.

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a large number of medications that provide the child’s body with sufficient calcium.

Medicines as a source of calcium

Calcium gluconate

The most affordable drug is tablets calcium gluconate. They are not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

For a child 2 years of age or younger, it is preferable to give calcium liquid form or in the form of chewable lozenges.

Before use, calcium gluconate tablets are crushed to a powder state, since the drug is insoluble in water. You need to take the medicine with milk. The dose is selected by the pediatrician individually in each specific case.

Self-medication is fraught with excess calcium in the body.


"Complivit Calcium D3 for babies" are produced specifically for use in children in a convenient form - powder for preparing a suspension.

The powder is diluted boiled water to measure and give the child 5-10 ml per day, depending on the doctor’s recommendation. The course of treatment is 4 weeks, its duration varies depending on the condition little patient.

Complivit is given to the child with food. The drug has fruity taste, which makes the medicine attractive to the child, but additives can cause allergies.


Dietary supplement of the Tianshi brand is not medicine. It contains egg powder, powdered milk, crushed and ground calf bones, vitamins (including D3) and minerals.

The powder is dissolved in boiled water and mixed with food, optimal choice- cottage cheese.

Calcium D3 nycomed

Chewable tablets with orange, lemon or mint flavors are intended for children over 5 years old. The dosage is selected by the pediatrician depending on the age, weight, and health status of the child.

Vitamins Multi-Tabs for children

The Multi-tabs series of drugs is designed for children different ages and is balanced taking into account age-related calcium needs.

  • Baby vitamins are intended for children under one year of age. They contain vitamins A, C, D3, necessary for teeth growth and correct formation bones. The form of the medicine is liquid.
  • Multitabs Baby – for children over a year old, but younger than 4 years old. Release form: chewable tablets with a fruity flavor.
  • Enriched with calcium, Baby Calcium+ is recommended for children aged 2 to 7 years with calcium deficiency in the body and for its prevention.
  • Multitabs Junior facilitate adaptation and study at school, contain required amount vitamins and minerals. Chewable tablets for children under 11 years of age.
  • For children over 11 - a special Teen series, designed to satisfy the needs of the body during the period of rapid growth and puberty.

Calcium chloride

The drug Calcium Chloride is used for emergency measures– rapid increase in blood calcium levels. Main dosage form– solution for intravenous injections. The injection is given only in medical institutions under strict supervision, as it may cause bradycardia, weakness, and difficulty breathing.

Calcium glycerophosphate

To regulate phosphorus-calcium metabolism, children over 2 years of age are prescribed calcium glycerophosphate in the form of tablets. However modern pharmacology offers more convenient and available forms medications, with fewer contraindications and probable side effects.

In conclusion…

There is a category of parents who are firmly convinced that everything medications, mineral and vitamin complexes- “chemistry” that is harmful to the child’s body. Instead, children receive crushed eggshells, chalk and other “natural” substances.

It should be taken into account that even with high level calcium content in eggshells or food, you need to evaluate its availability to the body. Calcium must not simply enter the body; it must interact with cells and tissues.

What is the best way to maintain calcium levels in children's body It’s better for the parents to decide. Advice from a competent pediatrician will help you do right choice.

Having information about the numerous calcium supplements for children listed in the article, parents will be able to talk with a specialist on equal terms and make the right informed choice.

Calcium is the most important macronutrient for the body, and it is not for nothing that it is the target of many modern research devoted to the influence of minerals on the functioning human body, is exactly him. Performing several vital important functions, calcium is quickly consumed by the body and is easily excreted from it along with urine and sweat.

Importance of calcium for the body

Importance of calcium for normal functioning human body difficult to overestimate. In our body, the bulk of calcium is concentrated in its bone tissues and is responsible for their strength. Bone and cartilage cells are constantly renewed. To build new strong tissues, a huge amount of calcium is required; if there is a lack of calcium, cells grow weakened, with fragile nuclei and membranes.

A little more than 1% of the daily dose of calcium is in the blood and performs the following functions:

  • regulates normal blood clotting;
  • catalyzes the formation of many enzymes and hormones, including those responsible for protein synthesis in the body;
  • ensures the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • responsible for muscle contraction;
  • together with magnesium ensures the coordinated functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The importance of calcium for an athlete

People who play sports need to pay careful attention to saturating their diet with foods and supplements containing calcium. The balance of this microelement is especially important for them, because it:

  • Responsible for bone health, reduces the risk of injury. With a lack of calcium, the spine, wrists and bones of the lower extremities are primarily affected.
  • It is excreted from the body with increased sweating.
  • It is consumed faster under any type of emotional stress, including during training stress and during competitions.
  • Required to ensure proper operation heart, blood vessels and muscles.

Calcium in bodybuilding

Bodybuilders especially need calcium, because in addition to all the important functions of this mineral for an athlete, it provides:

  • building muscle mass;
  • balance with phosphorus, which is usually saturated protein food, which is a priority for a bodybuilder, especially during the “drying” period.

Best time to take calcium

Minerals are actively consumed by the body at night, so it is recommended to replenish the supply of most elements, including calcium, in the evening.

Calcium is better absorbed by the intestines and is absorbed faster from small portions food or mineral supplements. That's why daily dose It is advisable to break up calcium intake into several doses and consume them in the evening.

Calcium intake rate

Experts recommend a daily intake of calcium into the body of an adult in an amount of about 800 mg. For pregnant women, the dosage should be increased to 1000 mg, for people leading active image life and/or subject to constant emotional stress – up to 1200 mg. Calcium dosage for athletes, especially bodybuilders, varies from 1500 to 2000 mg.

The dangers of calcium deficiency

The most serious danger facing a lack of calcium is thinning bone tissue (osteoporosis). This happens for two reasons:

  • The bones do not have enough mineral to build new cells.
  • Calcium is quickly consumed from the blood; the body sends the newly received mineral, first of all, into the blood to regulate the processes for which it is responsible. If there is a lack of calcium from the outside, the body “takes” it from the bones.

In addition, a lack of calcium can lead to:

  • deterioration of the condition of teeth, nail plates, hair;
  • muscle cramps;
  • arrhythmias;
  • hypertension;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • fatigue;
  • impaired concentration;
  • memory impairment;
  • irritability.

Excess calcium

Excess calcium in the human body leads to other no less unpleasant consequences than the disadvantage:

  • The blood begins to clot inside the vessels and becomes thick, which leads to a deterioration in heart function, the formation of blood clots, and the risk of a heart attack.
  • Oversaturated with calcium bone tissue from being too hard they become brittle and begin to crumble easily.
  • Excess calcium is difficult to leave the body and accumulates in the form of salt deposits under the skin, in the kidneys and blood vessels.
  • Violated normal operation kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Calcium is difficult for the body to absorb. It is advisable to consume foods that, in addition to calcium, contain lactose (milk sugar) - it helps the absorption of calcium. In addition, the body must have enough vitamin D. Therefore, a common way to replenish calcium is to eat milk and dairy products - they contain all three components. Nuts (especially poppy and sesame), young nettles, greens, seaweed, sardines, salmon, and whole grain bread are rich in calcium.

Some products are specially fortified with calcium - it is advisable to include them in the daily diet.

In case of a lack of calcium supplied with food and the impossibility of significantly changing the diet, experts recommend taking vitamin-mineral complexes. When choosing a suitable supplement, give preference to one that contains calcium citrate - from this form, the mineral is easily absorbed by the body.