Dishes for a family birthday. Festive birthday table: recipes for delicious dishes

A birthday is a great reason to set a festive table and surprise guests with interesting recipes. The main thing is that all the photo recipes offered below are very tasty and easy to prepare.

Snack "Peacock tail"

In order to prepare this dish, you will need simple and affordable ingredients. Namely:

  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 2 ripe eggplants;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • cheese (hard) is added to taste;
  • olives are added to taste;
  • mayonnaise for dressing;
  • salt.


  • All vegetables are thoroughly washed under running water and gently dried with a towel.
  • cut into circles and place in a deep bowl. Sprinkle with plenty of table salt and mix with clean hands. After about an hour, all the bitterness will be removed from the vegetables, after which they need to be washed with plenty of water.

  • Eggplant rings are fried in a preheated frying pan for 4 minutes on each side. To remove all the excess oil after frying, transfer them to a paper towel or baking paper.

  • During this time, tomatoes and cucumbers are cut into thin slices. The appetizer will look even more interesting if you choose tomatoes of different colors.

  • The cheese is grated on a coarse grater, combined with chopped garlic and mayonnaise. Mix everything thoroughly and set aside for a while.

  • The finished eggplants are transferred to a large dish so that the shape of a peacock's tail is obtained. A slice of tomato is placed on top, then the cheese mixture, and at the very end - a cucumber.

  • All that remains is to decorate the seedless appetizer and place the dish in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

Festive snack “Mushroom stumps”

Even a beginner can handle such an unusual dish, which will sell out first.


  • 250 g champignons;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 4 tbsp. l. refined oil;
  • 1 baguette (fresh);
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt and fresh herbs are added to taste.


  • The cooled filling is carefully placed in a baguette and sprinkled with grated cheese on top.

  • The future snack is laid out on a clean baking sheet and placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

The finished dish can be decorated with fresh herbs. It will be equally tasty both warm and cold.

Mushroom cake for appetizer

Birthday recipes should have an interesting presentation, memorable taste and simplicity. All these criteria are met by the following dish, which can be prepared according to the instructions with photos.


  • 0.5 kg of fresh mushrooms;
  • 100 g + 4 tbsp. l. thick sour cream;
  • 100-150 g hard cheese;
  • 80 ml sunflower oil;
  • 2-3 onions;
  • According to the recipe, salt and pepper are added to taste.


  • The onion is cut into small slices. Mushrooms are chopped into thin slices.

  • First add chopped onions to a heated frying pan for a few minutes, and then add fresh mushrooms. Mix everything well and fry over high heat until done. At the very end, the mushrooms are seasoned with spices.

  • The resulting filling is passed through a meat grinder. If you want to get a paste-like mass, you can repeat this action one more time.

  • The baking foil is folded into 6 layers. cut into 4 equal parts, that is, the result should be 8 sheets.

  • The first layer is laid out on foil, coated with a thin layer of filling and covered with pita bread. The steps are repeated until the filling is finished.

  • The mushroom mass is not laid out on the topmost layer - it is coated with sour cream, just like the sides of the future filling.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and use as decoration.

All that remains is to send the cake to the oven preheated to 180 degrees until the cheese melts. Before serving, the appetizer is cut into small portions and, if desired, decorated with fresh herbs.

Quick salad “Men's Tears”

For the next photo recipe, only the most delicious and affordable products are used.


  • 350 g champignons (marinated);
  • 250 g boiled chicken breast;
  • 200-250 g Korean carrots;
  • 150 g grated cheese;
  • 50 ml vinegar;
  • 4 chicken eggs (pre-boiled);
  • 1 onion;
  • mayonnaise.


  • Chop it into half rings and marinate it in table vinegar (9%).

  • During this time, the boiled brisket is cut into small pieces and laid out as the first layer on a beautiful round dish. Everything is coated with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Pickled onions are placed on top.

  • Pickled mushrooms are also chopped and laid out in the next layer. Everything is again coated with mayonnaise, which can be mixed with a small amount of mustard.

  • The penultimate layer of the salad is Korean carrots. All that remains is to add mayonnaise again and sprinkle everything with grated cheese.

Salad “Male Tears” can be served immediately after preparation, but the longer the dish sits, the richer its taste will be.

    How do you prefer to celebrate your birthday?

“Anthill” - salad with chicken and potato strips

The unusual presentation of the next dish attracts the attention of guests and arouses their curiosity. It’s hard to believe at the very beginning that elementary ingredients are used to prepare it.

  • 250 g chicken fillet;
  • 100 g light mayonnaise;
  • 100 ml refined oil;
  • 50 g hard cheese;
  • 3 green onions;
  • 2 potato tubers;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt and pepper are added to taste.


  • Boil the fillet in plenty of salted water. After cooking, the meat must be cooled directly in the water to maintain its juiciness.

  • In the next step of a simple photo recipe suitable for a birthday, the meat is cut into small squares and placed in a deep bowl.

  • Add chopped tomato and chopped cucumber to it. To make the salad look unusual and tasty, according to the recipe you need to grate it using a Korean carrot grater.

  • Grated cheese and a pressed clove of garlic are also added to the bowl. The amount of these ingredients may vary depending on personal preference.

The salad is seasoned with spices and seasoned with light mayonnaise, which can be replaced with low-fat sour cream.

  • All that remains is to prepare the potato strips. To do this, use a Korean carrot grater. Afterwards, the potatoes are thoroughly washed and dried on a kitchen towel.

  • Heat oil for frying in a deep saucepan. Potato sticks are fried in batches until golden brown.

  • The salad is placed in portions on plates, and cooled potato straws are sprinkled on top.

French-style meat with Adyghe cheese

The following recipe for a hot dish for a birthday will appeal to any meat-eater. It is not only delicious, but also incredibly easy to prepare. Here is a list of products you will need:

  • 1 kg (preferably without fat);
  • 1 kg of fresh mushrooms (champignons are best);
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 100 g Adyghe cheese;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • salt, ground pepper and mustard are added to taste.


  • Mushrooms are cut into thin slices and fried in heated sunflower oil. They must be stirred gently during the cooking process.

  • After a few minutes, finely chopped onions are added to the mushrooms. Mix everything with a wooden spatula.

  • The prepared ingredients are transferred to a deep plate. You need to wait until they cool down a little.

  • During this time, two types of cheese are grated on a coarse grater.

  • The meat is cut into small slices and beaten well with a special hammer on both sides.

  • The oven is heated to 200 degrees. The chops are coated with mustard and laid out on a baking sheet that has been previously greased with vegetable or butter. You can also use baking paper.

  • First, mushrooms are placed on the meat, then chopped tomato, and at the very end - Adyghe and hard cheeses. The baking sheet goes into the oven for 35-40 minutes.

  • The finished dish is served hot along with your favorite side dish or vegetable salad.

"Duchess" - a side dish of potatoes that is impossible to forget

Simple and delicious birthday recipes should look like it. After all, even the most ordinary side dish can be turned into a small culinary masterpiece.


  • 1 kg of raw potatoes;
  • 50-100 g of hard cheese (you can combine different varieties);
  • 2 chicken yolks;
  • 0.5 tsp. nutmeg;
  • salt and ground pepper are added to taste.


  • Peeled potatoes are poured with a small amount of water, salted and boiled until tender. All that remains is to make puree with the addition of fresh milk.

  • The cheese is grated on a fine grater. Otherwise, the dish may fall apart during cooking.

  • The cheese is mixed with slightly cooled puree. Yolk and spices are also added there. Everything is mixed well until maximum homogeneity.

  • The potato mixture is spooned into a pastry bag with a shaped tip. It is important that the potatoes are still warm.

The baking sheet is covered with baking parchment. If you grease it with oil, the dish may “spread” over the entire surface.

Small roses are carefully squeezed onto the parchment. The distance between them should be 1-2 cm. You need to make sure that they do not stick together.

Using a pastry brush, coat the potato flowers with raw yolk. You can do without this, but then the dish will be pale and less appetizing.

The side dish is baked in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. During this time, an appetizing golden crust should appear.

Lemon liqueur: for lovers of elite alcohol

The recipe for Italian liqueur “Limoncello” is simple and unpretentious. This drink is most often prepared for birthdays and is considered very tasty in Italy.

Ingredients :

  • 500 ml of quality vodka;
  • 350 g of drinking water;
  • 350 g granulated sugar;
  • 5 ripe lemons.


  • Lemons are thoroughly washed under running water, after which the peel is peeled off with a sharp knife.

  • The resulting zest is placed on the bottom of a glass jar and filled with vodka. The container is tightly covered with a lid and infused in a dark place for a week. It is important to gently shake the lemon drink every few days.

  • After the specified time, syrup is prepared. To do this, combine granulated sugar with drinking water in a deep saucepan. Everything is mixed several times and placed on low heat. After boiling, the syrup is cooked for no more than 5 minutes and cooled to room temperature.

  • According to the recipe, to get a tasty and simple birthday drink, all you have to do is strain the vodka through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and mix it with sugar syrup.

As you can see, cooking with photo recipes is much easier.

Based on the experience of past generations and famous chefs, even from ordinary products you can prepare incredible dishes that will decorate any table.

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Hot dishes for birthdays

The most popular holiday dish in our area, the recipes of which are known to many housewives, is chicken with potatoes in the oven. I am sharing a good and simple recipe for chicken with potatoes with photos.

Hash brown is a popular potato dish in American cuisine that is very simple and easy to prepare. We will need potatoes, butter and onions. We will cook in the oven and on the stove. Go!

A popular and very tasty dish of baked meat with potatoes under a beautiful crust of melted cheese. French-style meat with potatoes is something you should definitely try!

For you - a recipe for chicken Kiev with photos. Kiev cutlets made from chopped chicken fillet wrapped around a piece of butter, fried in boiling oil. I'll tell you how to cook!

The name of this recipe is somewhat arbitrary - French chops are the most ordinary chops, only baked with cheese. It has nothing to do with French cuisine. But the main thing is that it’s delicious!

For me, there is nothing tastier and more filling than a well-cooked meatloaf. Meatloaf is a real celebration of life for lovers of meat and meat products. I’m sharing a proven recipe! :)

Beef goulash is a classic dish of Hungarian cuisine. For me, this is both soup and second. You can’t do without the popular Hungarian paprika. You will also need potatoes, bell peppers, onions and spices.

Chicken tabaka is a popular Georgian dish. It is prepared simply and quite quickly. Fry the chicken with coriander and cumin. Two or three chickens will be enough for a family. You will need a hammer and mortar.

Fragrant, juicy potatoes in cream in the oven can be prepared in portioned pots or a large heat-resistant form - choose the dishes yourself, and it will turn out delicious in any case, I promise!

Another “exotic” dish of poultry and fruit - for those who support unusual culinary solutions. The original recipe for chicken breast with pear is also relevant for those who are watching their figure!

Scientists call potatoes a “botanical masterpiece.” This root vegetable is one of the most valuable on earth. There are simply countless options for preparing it, one of them is potato casserole with bacon.

Another unusual fruit and meat dish. The recipe for beef with pear is perfect for a romantic dinner for two or a gala family feast.

Only three ingredients, but what a colorful and tasty dish we get! You can please your family with an unusual dinner, and feel free to display boats on the festive table. I'm sharing the recipe!

I came across an excellent piece of beef just now. It was a pity to cut such meat into pieces. I decided to cook beef, baked in a piece. The beef came out meltingly tender and the spices were baked into a crispy coating.

Chicken with apples is delicious, but chicken with apples and prunes is even tastier! It’s easy to prepare, and the dish turns out amazing - try it! :)

Chicken fillet and bell pepper make a delicious and very beautiful roll. It can be served as a hot dish, cut into a snack or used in making sandwiches.

Chicken legs with apples will amaze you with the combination of the taste of chicken and sour apples flavored with onions. I got this recipe from a friend, and she came up with this dish when she couldn’t buy duck.

French-style meat with tomatoes is an excellent holiday dish for dinner with friends or family members. The meat turns out very juicy and tender, and the dish is aromatic and appetizing.

Here is a simple but very effective recipe for pork in the oven. With this recipe, you can easily prepare a hot dish that you can safely put even on the holiday table.

Tender beef with mushrooms and sour cream served with rice or noodles. The cooking recipe was invented by Count Pavel Alekandrovich Stroganov in 1890 in St. Petersburg.

A properly cooked piece of meat is the best thing you can put on the table. The beef medallion prepared according to this recipe is a dish of exactly this category.

Duck with apples is a classic New Year and Christmas dish in many European countries, especially in Germany and Austria. If you don't know what to cook for the New Year, try this!

Pork zrazy is a great way to prepare pork zrazy. The dish fits perfectly into the harmony of a festive feast - for example, in honor of the New Year. Try it - everyone will be delighted! :)

Turkey drumstick with garlic and rosemary is a trivial dish, but cook it once and you'll be making it over and over again.

Potato Chateau is a very popular side dish of potatoes for meat or fish in France. A wonderful alternative to boring mashed potatoes and fried potatoes :)

Baked Potatoes with Avocado Sauce are a crazy easy vegetarian dish. The potatoes turn out very appetizing and aromatic, and the avocado sauce makes the taste more varied. Try it!

Duck baked with oranges is a very festive and festive dish that I usually cook for New Year or Christmas. The hostess cooks, the owner cuts it and puts it on everyone’s plate...ah!

Pork loin is quite dry meat, and it is not easy to cook it tasty. I’m sharing a very successful recipe - bone-in pork loin with carrots. A couple of tricks - and the meat turns out very juicy.

The recipe for pork with mushrooms and cheese is a wonderful dish for the New Year's table. Festive serving, tender and juicy meat, magnificent spicy aroma - the dish meets all quality criteria.

Chicken baked with pineapples is an easy to prepare, but very tasty dish that can be prepared for a holiday - New Year or birthday. Effective, unusual and original.

French-style spiced potatoes are potatoes prepared in a very original way, which will serve as an excellent side dish for any meat, fish or vegetable dish.

Recipe for cooking chicken with tomatoes, sweet peppers and olives in white wine. French cuisine.

Chicken with garlic and thyme is another simple but very effective way to bake chicken deliciously in the oven. The garlic and thyme marinade makes the chicken very tender and flavorful.

Armenian stuffed eggplants are my signature dish, which was taught to me by a professional Armenian chef. The eggplants turn out simply excellent - you'll lick your fingers!

Chicken with peanuts is somewhat unusual for Slavic people, but a very tasty dish of Chinese traditional cuisine. Properly prepared, it is simply doomed to success. It's very easy to prepare!

"French-style meat" from minced chicken

A recipe for a popular meat dish using minced chicken. Essentially, we cook the same meat in French, but instead of chops we use minced chicken. Delicious!

Pork stuffed with dried apricots and onions is a very unusual and original meat dish, which consists of pork chops with very juicy and tasty minced meat. Surprise your eaters!

If you don’t know how to cook beef, I recommend paying attention to this recipe. Beef chops with garlic are very soft, tender, with a pleasant garlic taste and aroma. Try it!

Puff cabbage in Transylvanian style is a very tasty Romanian national dish, somewhat reminiscent of lazy cabbage rolls. A delicious dish made from simple and affordable ingredients.

Rooster in wine is an exquisite French dish that can be prepared in your home kitchen. As for me, the dish has every right to be called festive - it looks solemn and is very tasty.

Escalopes are lean pieces of boneless meat, fried in a frying pan without breading. It is best to use pork tenderloin. Escalope is prepared from the kidney part, where the meat is especially soft and tender.

If you don’t know what to cook for the New Year, I recommend trying chicken breasts baked in spices. This is a fairly simple to prepare, but very festive and worthy hot dish.

A simple recipe for chops for fans of fried pork. Step-by-step preparation with photographs.

Are you looking for something original for a side dish or an appetizer? Then meet - balls of thread. This chicken dish will not only surprise you with its appearance, but will also delight you with its taste.

I'll tell you how to cook a classic schnitzel - a thin pork chop that is rolled in batter and fried in oil. A wonderful men's lunch or dinner - simple and satisfying.

Breaded pork is a very unusual way of preparing the most trivial pork meat. Thanks to the original breading, the taste of pork is very original and unexpected.

Chicken marinated in kefir with potatoes is an excellent option for a fairly quick and simple dinner or lunch made from simple ingredients. No frills, everything is very simple, but delicious.

Lavangi is a delicious chicken dish traditionally prepared in the southern regions of Azerbaijan. I’m sharing my cooking secrets!

Almond crusted chicken is another great way to prepare everyone's favorite chicken meat. The almond crust gives the chicken a whole new taste - try it, you won’t regret it!

I haven’t cooked such a bright, colorful and tasty dish as stuffed peppers and tomatoes for a long time. The ingredients are simple, but the dish is a real masterpiece both visually and in taste :)

Stuffed baked potatoes are a great side dish for a meat dish. A very satisfying, attractive and beautiful side dish for some (for example, vegetarians) can become a separate serious dish!

Mackerel with bell pepper is a perfect union and a great flavor combination. Before you cook mackerel, remember this instruction and you will get the most excellent dish!

Stew is an excellent solution for those who like to cook dishes in earthenware. Check out this very simple recipe for stew with meat and green beans in a pot.

Zucchini and meat go together simply perfectly, but I don’t like large pieces of meat with zucchini, so I mix this vegetable with minced meat. The result is a very juicy and tender casserole.

Fried tomatoes are one of my favorite snacks for both everyday and holiday table. It takes no time to prepare, but it turns out very tasty and beautiful.

I discovered another interesting way to prepare pork meat - pork with bell pepper. The result is a very juicy, aromatic and tender dish.

Birthday is a fun and beloved holiday by everyone. Therefore, at least once a year, housewives have to organize either their own birthday or a holiday for one of the family members. And the question of what to cook for a birthday is relevant for every woman. When inviting guests into the house, the hostess dreams of treating them to delicious, unusual and original dishes. It sometimes takes whole days to find recipes and create menus. But the result is worth the effort, energy and time.

Creating a menu for a birthday is not an easy task and you need to approach the choice of dishes wisely. To do this, you need to clearly determine the location of the holiday, the number of guests and their age category. If children will be present, you can prepare several dishes especially for kids (with funny decor, for example). Also, if you know the tastes of this audience well, then try to create a menu so that everyone will enjoy tasting dishes from their favorite products.

Don’t think that the more food on the table, the better it will be for the guests. This is an old misconception, because eating a lot at once is harmful to the stomach, and the abundance of dishes does not allow you to enjoy their taste. The best option is when the holiday dinner consists of several salads, two or three appetizers, a main course with a side dish, and, of course, dessert. If you're on a tight budget, don't try to save on everything. Then prepare only one of the dishes using delicious and expensive delicacies. For example, sandwiches with caviar, baked red fish, salad with expensive cheese or other options.

When starting to prepare salads, give free rein to your imagination. There should not be three identical layered salads with mayonnaise on the table. Let one dish be with mayonnaise, prepare the second with vegetables or with the addition of various hard and processed cheeses and grapes.

The choice of dessert should also be approached responsibly. If you are not limited in time, then it is better to bake a cake or pie yourself. does not always require a lot of time and effort and it can never compare with store-bought sweets. You can bake a regular sponge cake with your favorite cream and make a chic decoration for a birthday cake. You can make several servings of cupcakes with different fillings and a cream top.

If you are planning a birthday, then we invite you to visit our section called “Birthday Recipes”, and you will find everything you need here. We have collected the best recipes for this holiday in one place, you just have to choose something suitable just for you. And remember, you need to take care of everything in advance so that you have time to prepare every dish for the holiday and at the same time look not tired or exhausted. It is necessary to create the impression that all these aromatic and delicious dishes were prepared by themselves.

Birthday menu: beautiful and inexpensive, recipes with photos

Sometimes preparing for a holiday takes a lot of time and this time is often not enough to prepare complex holiday dishes.

Therefore, we suggest considering dishes that are prepared quickly, but are in no way inferior in taste to dishes that are difficult to prepare.

What can you cook beautifully and inexpensively for a birthday: recipes

Lavash roll with salmon

This dish is quite easy to prepare. Cheese and salmon go well together.

These ingredients will suit almost everyone's taste. If desired, this dish can be supplemented with any ingredients. After all, cooking can be classified as an art form that is based on various experiments.

  • One sheet of pita bread;
  • One package of lightly salted salmon;
  • Two packages of processed cheese;
  • Greenery.


  1. All you need is a thin sheet of pita bread. A thick sheet will not work - it will not make a roll. You need to spread it on cling film and apply a thick layer of processed cheese;
  2. Then spread finely chopped salmon over the entire surface of the sheet;
  3. The lavash sheet needs to be rolled into a tube. Then put the resulting roll in the refrigerator and leave it there for 27-30 minutes so that it is saturated;
  4. When the roll is saturated, it needs to be carefully cut and decorated with herbs. The dish is ready.
  • What to cook for a birthday - birthday menu
  • Birthday menu at home for 10 people

Herring cake on waffle cakes

According to our traditions, every housewife’s holiday table is not complete without such a delicious snack as herring. But, unfortunately, there are not many recipes for its preparation.

Usually this is the famous “Shuba” salad, laid out in layers, simply chopped herring with pickled onions and butter and mincemeat for delicious sandwiches.

But today I will share with you how to serve herring cake on waffle cakes. My recipe with step-by-step photos, so you will understand how easy it is to prepare.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • herring mincemeat – 300 g,
  • waffle cakes - 1 pack.,
  • boiled egg – 2-3 pcs.,
  • mayonnaise sauce – 2-3 tsp,
  • boiled beets – 1-2 pcs.,
  • carrot – 1 pc.,
  • table salt - to taste.

How to make herring cake

  1. First, let's prepare all the ingredients listed above. I boiled beets and eggs in advance, and also prepared herring mincemeat.
  2. Life hack! To make eggs easier to peel, immediately after they are ready, immerse them in ice water, so the shell will easily peel away from the white. After peeling the boiled eggs (2-3 pcs.), grate them on a fine grater, and then mix them with 1-3 tsp. your favorite mayonnaise (I usually use Provencal or make homemade one from yolks).
  3. Peel the beets and grate them too.
  4. After this, we let our vegetable “rest” a little so that it can release its juice (5-7 minutes). Drain it and lightly squeeze the beets, and then add 3 -5 tsp to it. mayonnaise and salt (salt to taste). Take a cutting board, place the first waffle cake on it and apply the herring mincemeat (the layer should be dense). Then place the second cake coated with the egg mixture.
  5. After the beet layer. Then we repeat the layers. I prefer bright colors, so my top layer is a waffle cake spread with boiled beets. Herring cake on waffle cakes is almost ready.
  6. Leave it for 20-30 minutes to absorb all the beneficial ingredients.
  7. If you want to serve such an appetizer for the holiday table, then you need to serve it accordingly. I suggest decorating the top layer with bright and juicy carrots for serving.

Take carrots, cut them into slices, pour boiling water over them so that they soften slightly. Decorate the cake with greens, carrot roses and lingonberries.

Snack balls

The preparation of this snack is quite simple, despite this, it is very original and will look great on every holiday table. When preparing, the housewife will save a lot of time.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 120 grams or four pieces of processed cheese;
  • 200 grams of ground walnuts;
  • 200 grams of crab meat;
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • Salad leaves.


  1. Processed cheeses should be placed in the freezer for 25 minutes so that they harden a little and are convenient to grate;
  2. After 25 minutes, remove the cheese from the freezer and grate on a coarse grater;
  3. Mix the cheeses with nuts and garlic, passed through a garlic press;
  4. Roll the resulting mass into small balls;
  5. Grate the crab meat on a fine grater;
  6. Roll cheese "Raffaello" in crab shavings;
  7. Place lettuce leaves on a plate and put Raffaello on them. The dish is ready.

Menu: Hot

Today we offer you just such an option - a simple menu for the festive table for your birthday. Hot dishes are a staple on every holiday table. And, most often, housewives try to make a good impression on guests with the help of original and satisfying hot dishes.

Chop Jeanette

A very tasty dish and very easy to prepare. Pork goes well with tomatoes and cheese. These ingredients give the meat a special taste.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 450 grams of pork meat, preferably the neck part (you need to choose lean meat);
  • Two large tomatoes;
  • 450 grams of mushrooms, preferably oyster mushrooms;
  • 250 grams of Parmesan cheese;
  • Large bulbous head;
  • 300 grams of mayonnaise (it is better to take olive);
  • Greenery;
  • Olive oil.


  1. Cut the meat into medium-thick slices, beat;
  2. Pour mayonnaise over the meat, leave to soak for a couple of hours;
  3. Grate the cheese;
  4. Cut tomatoes into rings;
  5. Fry oyster mushrooms with onion (finely chopped);
  6. Place meat on a baking sheet greased with olive oil;
  7. Place oyster mushrooms with onions on the meat, then tomato, cheese and mayonnaise on the tomato;
  8. Place the resulting chops in the oven at 180 degrees;
  9. The chops are ready, after which you can decorate them with herbs.

Meat nests

A very delicate dish. It will look great on the holiday table.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 500 grams of minced meat;
  • Loaf - three slices;
  • Three cloves of garlic;
  • A bunch of dill;
  • Ground allspice;
  • Two chicken eggs;
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 100 grams of ketchup;
  • One small onion head;
  • One large tomato;
  • One bell pepper;
  • Olive oil;
  • 150 grams of cheese (hard).


  1. Soak the loaf in milk or water;
  2. Add garlic, dill, allspice, eggs, and chopped loaf to the minced meat. Mix well;
  3. Place flatbreads made from minced meat on a baking sheet greased with olive oil;
  4. Cut cheese, tomato, bell pepper (in rings);
  5. Place on the meat flatbread in the following order: ketchup, onion, tomato, mayonnaise, cheese. Place the pepper on top and press down lightly so that the filling penetrates a little;
  6. Place in the oven at 180 degrees. Bake for 25 – 35 minutes;
  7. Place the cutlets on a plate and garnish with dill. The dish is ready to be served on the festive table.

Different housewives prepare these cutlets in different ways.

Recipes for birthday celebrations at work

If you are planning a traditional celebration, then it is quite possible to set the table for a birthday at home inexpensively. Many people often celebrate their birthday with their work team. If you also want to share this holiday with your work colleagues, then you will need delicious and as unpretentious dishes as possible.

Peacock Tail Snack Recipe

This appetizer will not only decorate an inexpensive birthday table with its original design, but will also delight you with its combination of tastes, seemingly at first glance, of the simplest vegetables.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Two eggplants
  • Two tomatoes
  • Two cucumbers
  • Olives
  • Two cloves of garlic
  • Mayonnaise
  • Bunch of parsley
  • Salt to taste


Cut the eggplants into thick slices. Salt each circle on both sides and leave for 15 minutes until the bitterness goes away. Then, the eggplants should be washed with water. Place the eggplants on baking paper, grease with sunflower oil (for a golden crust), and place in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. Cut tomatoes into circles, cucumbers too. In an oval flat dish, assemble a snack in the shape of a peacock's tail: first lay out eggplant circles, grease with mayonnaise, sprinkle with garlic, then put in tomatoes, again mayonnaise, then cucumber. Place half an olive on the cucumber.

Tip: to make the “Peacock Tail” look more magnificent, you can place small bunches of parsley between each circle.

Tartlets with fish

This salad is very original. It consists of classic ingredients, but they are all loved by many.

Salad with red fish in tartlets is suitable for a festive table outdoors or in the office.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Greenery;
  • 100 grams of cream cheese;
  • 350 grams of any red fish;
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 10 small tartlets.


  1. Cut the fish into slices;
  2. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater;
  3. Mix cheese and fish, add mayonnaise and herbs;
  4. Place the resulting salad in tartlets;
  5. Decorate with sprigs of greenery. The dish can be served on a festive table.

Pie with fish and rice is beautiful and inexpensive

A fragrant, satisfying and tasty fish pie with rice will be an excellent appetizer on your table or suitable as a main dish. The combination of fish and rice is very beneficial for health and brain activity.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 800 g of fresh or frozen fish;
  • Onions 1 kg;
  • 1 cup of rice;
  • Vegetable oil 100 ml;
  • 7 pcs bay leaves;
  • 2 pinches of ground pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • Yeast dough 1,200 g;
  • 1 egg for greasing.


  1. How to make a pie from rice, onions and fish? Start preparing the onions and rice. Rinse the rice and leave it in cool, salted water for 1.5 hours. Then rinse again and boil in boiling water, also add a little salt (1 tsp salt). Cook the rice for about 20 minutes. To make the rice crispy and white, pour it directly into boiling water, you can even add a little citric acid. Prepare yeast dough according to your favorite recipe.
  2. Once the rice is ready, drain it in a colander. Then refrigerate. Peel the onion and cut into small half rings. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and then put the onion in it. Stir a little and simmer for 4 minutes, but so that the onion does not overcook. Mix the oil with the onions, where they were stewed, with the prepared rice, salt and pepper. Stir.
  3. Half an hour before the pie is ready, prepare the fatty fish. Cut the fish fillets into 1.5 cm strips.
  4. Salt each fish strip on all sides, pepper and place on parchment paper and leave to marinate for 40 minutes. To evenly distribute the fat in the pie, place the fish strips so that the lean part of the fish alternates with the fatty part.
  5. Divide the dough into two parts. Roll out half of the dough to a size slightly larger than the baking sheet, adding flour as needed. The dough should be about 1 cm thick.
  6. Lay out the bottom layer of dough on a baking sheet, place half of the prepared rice and onion filling on it, add 3 bay leaves.
  7. Transfer fish strips from the parchment to the filling in the same order; between the strips you can fill the space with pieces of small fish fillets.
  8. Place 4 bay leaves on a layer of evenly laid fish, lay out the rest of the rice and onion filling so that it can cover the entire surface.
  9. Roll out the second part of the dough into a layer. Cover the top with a second layer of dough, pinch the edges of the pie and place the pie with fish and rice in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  10. Separate the yolk from the white. Beat the yolk and brush the pie with it.
  11. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the greased pie in it on the middle shelf of the oven. Bake the pie for about 40 minutes, reduce the oven to 190 degrees. If there is uneven heat in the oven, then after 25 minutes turn the baking sheet over with the other end and bake the pie for another 20 minutes at 190 degrees.
  12. Remove the finished fish pie with rice onto a soft napkin and cover with a towel on top. This way the fish inside the pie will reach and the crust will soften.
  13. A fragrant raw fish pie with onions and rice can be served to your table!
  14. Bon appetit!

Canapes with herring

A tasty and easy to prepare dish. The taste is reminiscent of Soviet herring under a fur coat. Very good for a buffet table.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • A bunch of greenery;
  • Salted herring fillet – 300 grams;
  • One large beet;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Bread.


  1. Cut the herring fillet into slices;
  2. Boil the beets and grate them on a fine grater;
  3. Cut the bread into small slices, spread with mayonnaise and sprinkle with herbs on top;
  4. Finely chopped onion is placed on top;
  5. Next add beets, then a couple of pieces of herring fillet;
  6. Decorate with greens.

You know, canapés are considered the best snack to take to work and celebrate your birthday there. Why the best? Yes, because they are quick to make, you can get a lot of them, and you can bring them to the office without losing their aesthetics and appetizing appearance.

What delicious thing to cook for a birthday inexpensively?

If the amount that can be spent on food for preparing holiday dishes is limited, then tasty but inexpensive dishes will come to the rescue.

Summer menu: Zucchini cake

This dish is quite cheap to prepare. It will be an excellent option not only for the holiday table, but also for a family Sunday lunch.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 900 grams or 1 kg of zucchini, preferably yellow;
  • Three raw eggs;
  • Two boiled eggs for decoration;
  • Five st. l. flour;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • Two small tomatoes;
  • 250 grams of hard cheese;
  • Three cloves of garlic;
  • 200 grams of mayonnaise;
  • A bunch of greenery.


  1. If the zucchini is old, then you need to peel it, but if it’s young, you don’t have to peel it;
  2. Grate the zucchini on a coarse grater;
  3. Add flour, three eggs, soda, slaked with vinegar, and salt to taste to the zucchini mixture;
  4. Spread the resulting mixture little by little onto a heated frying pan to form pancakes. Fry on both sides;
  5. Grate the cheese onto a fine grater;
  6. Mix mayonnaise with garlic, previously passed through a garlic press;
  7. Grease the resulting zucchini cakes with mayonnaise and garlic, add thinly sliced ​​tomato and sprinkle with cheese;
  8. Place tortilla on tortilla;
  9. Grease the last flatbread with mayonnaise and sprinkle with boiled grated eggs;
  10. Place the resulting cake in the refrigerator to soak;
  11. Decorate with greens.

Chicken with sour cream

Chicken dishes very often decorate the holiday table and suit the taste of almost everyone.

Chicken can be cooked very tasty without much financial investment. And it will always be in demand on the holiday table.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Large chicken carcass about 2 kilograms;
  • 400 grams of sour cream;
  • Two tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar;
  • 500 grams of onions (purple, lettuce);
  • A bunch of greenery;
  • Olive oil;
  • Turmeric.


  1. The bird carcass should be cut into small slices, the onion into thin rings;
  2. Place a frying pan on low heat, pour olive oil into it, add chicken;
  3. Stir in onion, sour cream and turmeric;
  4. Pour apple cider vinegar into the frying pan with the chicken, followed by the prepared sauce;
  5. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until done;
  6. The dish is ready, garnish with herbs before serving.

A holiday in nature is always good. But dishes for an outdoor celebration should generally be prepared in advance.

The main thing is that they should taste excellent both hot and cold.

Layered salad with chicken

An excellent salad for an outdoor celebration. Delicious and very filling.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 250 grams of hard cheese;
  • 450 grams of fresh mushrooms (can be frozen);
  • Five boiled chicken eggs;
  • 250 grams of mayonnaise;
  • Boiled chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • Four small onions;
  • A bunch of greenery;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt.

More quick snack recipes. Interesting options for light dishes that are quick and easy to prepare.

Recently, such a snack as tartlets has become increasingly popular. If you consider yourself one of those people who like them, then here is an article with recipes. You will definitely have a bright holiday table!

When celebrating a birthday outdoors, the main dish is often shish kebab, especially chicken. We suggest you read here tips on choosing chicken meat for it and find out in which marinade the kebab will be the most delicious.


  1. Peel the onion and finely chop it, sauté over low heat;
  2. Add boiled mushrooms to the pan with onions and fry;
  3. Cut the cheese into thin strips;
  4. Grate the eggs on a coarse grater;
  5. Boil the fillet in salted water and cut into strips;
  6. Lay out in layers:
  • Layer I – chicken fillet cut into strips;
  • Layer II – grated eggs;
  • Grease with mayonnaise;
  • III layer – cheese;
  • Layer VI – onions with fried mushrooms;
  • Grease with mayonnaise;
  • V layer – cheese mixed with eggs;
  • Spread with mayonnaise and garnish with herbs.

Place the salad in a cool place to soak. Decorate with greens. The dish is ready to serve.

Festive menu for children

A child's birthday is a little different from an adult's. This is because little guests are most often picky. It is necessary to prepare dishes that will satisfy all the requirements of children.

Ice cream with fruits

At a children's party this dish will be very relevant. After all, all children love ice cream.

And it will be especially tasty with a fruit base. If a child’s birthday is in the summer, then this dish will even be indispensable.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Four bananas;
  • 400 grams of strawberries;
  • Four kiwis;
  • 400 grams of creamy ice cream;
  • Mint leaves.


  1. Grind all the fruits separately in a blender;
  2. Layer in layers: banana, strawberries, kiwi, ice cream;
  3. Place in the freezer;
  4. Garnish with mint leaves;
  5. The dish is ready.

Pizza with sausage

It is believed that pizza is a harmful dish, but if you prepare it at home from natural ingredients, then the harm from it will be minimal.

All children love pizza. And at a children's birthday party she will not take the last place.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 300 grams of flour;
  • One chicken egg;
  • Sugar;
  • Soda;
  • Salt;
  • Two tomatoes;
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 200 grams of pickled mushrooms;
  • 200 grams of sausage;
  • One bulbous head;
  • One bell pepper;
  • 200 grams of hard cheese;
  • 250 grams of mayonnaise.


  1. The flour needs to be sifted;
  2. Break an egg into a 3-liter container, add sugar, salt, soda;
  3. Add flour, kefir;
  4. The dough needs to be kneaded;
  5. Place the resulting dough on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil;
  6. Place the tomatoes cut into strips on the dough;
  7. Mushrooms need to be fried over low heat;
  8. Cut the sausage into strips;
  9. Pepper is also cut into strips;
  10. Grate the cheese;
  11. Cut the onion into rings and fry;
  12. Mushrooms, onions, sausage, mayonnaise, and pepper are placed on the tomatoes laid out on the dough. Sprinkle cheese on top;
  13. Bake at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.
  14. The dish is ready.

The hostess decides which dish to prepare for the holiday, based on the personal beliefs and taste preferences of the guests. This article will help you decide a little about the choice of dishes for your birthday celebration.

You need to create a birthday menu of beautiful and inexpensive dishes in advance.

All recipes have a result in the form of a final photo and of course a description. If the description with step-by-step photos is not in the text itself, but it is available via a link in the recipe on another page. Just click on the highlighted text and you will be taken to a detailed recipe for the dish you like. Choose!!!


First, let's start with what is really fast and really not expensive. And these are, of course, snacks. The simplest option for a birthday is a buffet table, accompanied by music and pleasant communication. What can you fill the buffet table with? We offer several recipes.

Don't give up regular ham sandwiches either. The modern industry says that people buy pleasure. If the sandwich is decorated beautifully (and this can be done simply), then your guests will receive double the pleasure. Here is an example of a beautiful ham sandwich, arranged in a wave and stabbed with a skewer.

Tartlets with filling! The tartlets themselves are sold in any more or less small supermarket and they are not expensive. So there is no need to mess with the dough. You can fill it with anything, from rice with mayonnaise and herbs to minced meat with cheese, you can also prepare fruit ones. Huge selection of fillings for tartlets -.

Chicken with potatoes would also be very good. The cooking time is minimal, the same as for the previous chicken + peeling the potatoes. It is better to choose small potatoes. You can serve sauces separately (if there are several, this will also decorate the festive table).

The next inexpensive and quick option for a birthday is stuffed champignons! We offer you a recipe with minced meat. This is the most satisfying dish. But you can fill it with cheese and a boiled egg and even boiled rice mixed with herbs. The main thing is to choose large champignons.

Here is a recipe for simple and tasty mushrooms - ““.


Well, first of all, vegetables can be served simply sliced. It's not a lot of money, and even less time. Arrange these chopped vegetables in the form of small skewers. Very elegant!

Bean salad! Yes, it is very tasty and very economical. The beans are hearty and very soft in the salad. The simplest option: boiled red beans (or canned) + boiled chicken breast + croutons + herbs + mayonnaise….

There are a lot of variations - choose any: salads with beans for the holiday table.


Napoleon from ears. Usha is the name given to cookies in the shape of two circles; they are tender and crumbly. This cake is very easy to prepare: buy 800 gram “Ears” cookies and cook them from 1 liter of milk. Lay out the ears in layers and coat each layer with cream. Be sure to let it brew and soak.

Fried bananas. Bananas are peeled and cut into 3-4 pieces. Then roll them in flour and then in beaten egg. And then again in agony. And deep fry for 2-3 minutes. Very original and very filling. This dish is also suitable for a buffet table.

Pancake cake. This is a modern invention, although it has not yet gained popular popularity, but the dessert is very tasty. Pancakes need to be fried with a minimum amount of oil. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable deodorized oil to the pancake dough. grease the frying pan 1st time and continue without oil. Any cream is suitable for such a cake, but the best one for my taste is semolina or custard.

Your guests won’t even guess that these are pancakes if you serve the cake cut into portions.

Outdoor birthday

Summer and autumn are the time to organize friendly meetings in garden plots, in the garden, and in nature. The menu at these receptions should not be overly sophisticated. The meal usually consists of appetizers, meat dishes cooked in the fresh air, seasonal salads and salads from raw vegetables, fruits, and cakes.

The table setting is usually modest. Dishes with food, baskets with fruit, jugs with drinks, plates with cakes are placed on multi-colored, often oilcloth, tablecloths. Approach the table setting with imagination, use stylish design, interesting little things and nuances that will make the reception interesting and memorable. Serve fruits and vegetables not traditionally, but colorfully and unusually.

“Garden bouquets” of vegetables and fruits look unusually impressive.

A vegetable bouquet is slices of cucumber, tomato, radish, red pepper, put on sticks and stuck, for example, into a head of cabbage.

Fruit bouquet - slices of apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches placed on long sticks and stuck into some large watermelon, pineapple or pumpkin. They wonderfully decorate the table and attract the eye with their shape and varied colors. They also taste very good and are healthy. By experimenting with the height of the sticks used for “bouquets”, you can get an unexpected solution in the form of three-dimensional figures of vegetables or fruits.

An excellent solution for an “outdoor picnic” is to prepare various types of salads and offer them to guests a la a buffet. The remaining dishes must be prepared so that they can be eaten standing or sitting and only with a fork.

Bizarrely shaped sandwiches, interestingly or funny decorated, will help add a touch of humor.

Outdoor entertaining can be made more inviting by serving food from the grill. They are not only exceptionally tasty, but also spectacular. They have the advantage that they are prepared with virtually no fat. Due to the high temperature, the outer layer of meat thickens, creating a crispy crust that protects against loss of juice, aroma and nutrients.

All types of meat, offal, fish, and vegetables such as potatoes, red peppers, and eggplant are suitable for grilling. You can experiment here too by trying to grill tomatoes or onions.

In all receptions, in addition to the principle of proper nutrition, it is important to adhere to one more thing, namely: do not force anyone to eat, do not force food on the guests’ plate. The same applies to entertaining guests outdoors or having a picnic.