How to normalize sleep and recognize the body’s nighttime complaints. Expert advice on normalizing sleep Ways to improve your night's rest

Therefore, before you grab the pills, check whether you can help your body naturally.

The process of falling asleep can be hindered by:

Excess of impressions

As you cross the threshold of the bedroom, try to disconnect from the problems of the past day. Never turn your bedroom into a study or active recreation room.

There is no need to lie in bed, typing the text of tomorrow's speech on your laptop or playing computer games while answering phone calls. Remember: your bedroom is only for sleeping.

Don’t start a showdown with your family at night. You can walk before bed with your loved one, talking about trifles. It is better to exclude action-packed films, intellectual conversations, and programs with game plots broadcast in the evening. Watch an old comedy, listen to music, read the classics, finally.

Regime instability

Try to go to bed at the same time every day, preferably before midnight. It’s not for nothing that they say that an hour of sleep before 12 at night is two hours after it. The fact is that our biological clock, which determines the ability to fall asleep and wake up, is set to a certain regime and any failure of it has a painful effect on our well-being. Do not try to reduce your sleep time, because if there is not enough time for rest at night, you will have to nod off during the day. The habit of getting a good night's sleep on weekends should also be considered an aid to insomnia.

Restless stomach

In the evening, avoid fatty, salty and overly spiced dishes: digesting them is a difficult task for the gastrointestinal tract, which will certainly affect the quality of sleep. It is better to eat light food a few hours before bedtime - cottage cheese, milk porridge, boiled vegetables, fish, and before bed, if your appetite makes itself felt, drink a glass of kefir or milk.

Alcoholic drinks, strong tea, and coffee are also not beneficial at night.

Heat and cold

It used to be believed that a cool bedroom contributed to good sleep, and the fresher the better. However, recent medical studies have not confirmed this opinion. The temperature in the bedroom should be within 20 degrees Celsius. Dryness in the room contributes to the drying out of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and this, in turn, leads to easier penetration of microorganisms and the occurrence of diseases. To add humidity, place an open jug filled with water near the steam heating radiator.

You can refuse pajamas, shirts and other nightwear. The body rests better if nothing constrains it. If you still don’t like to sleep naked, choose sleepwear made from natural fabrics.

– I don’t have any particular problems falling asleep. Just because I'm very tired. I think the main thing is not to think about the fact that you can’t sleep. This, on the contrary, will increase insomnia. You need to relax, do whatever you want. For example, those that one usually doesn’t get around to. For example, I usually don’t have enough time to read. And if I can’t sleep, I pick up a book: it calms me down, and time doesn’t pass in vain. Tea helps well - mint, for example.

Contents of the article

Despite the abundance of sedative and hypnotic drugs that can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, people who are faced with the problem of insomnia try to choose for themselves not only the most effective, but also the safest methods of restoring sleep that can restore a good night's rest without addiction or side effects . Some look for the answer to the question of how to normalize sleep in Eastern teachings, practicing yoga or qigong, others prefer breathing exercises or use the psychological technique of sleep deprivation, but in the end everyone wants to get the same result - to quickly fall asleep and fully recover. wasted energy overnight. Let's try to figure out which techniques and techniques are best suited for this and how to use them correctly at home.

General rules

Quite often, the cause of insomnia lies in a person’s incorrect lifestyle, his habits, which at first glance are quite harmless, but in practice have very unpleasant consequences. The same mistakes made day after day can eventually lead to serious problems - a person has to spend more than one hour falling asleep, and the sleep itself becomes superficial and intermittent. Therefore, in order to regain a full night's rest, first of all, it is necessary to seriously reconsider the usual daily routine and make changes to it that will help restore sleep. In addition, you will have to adjust your diet, properly organize your sleeping area, master relaxation techniques and take into account a lot of other nuances that can cause insomnia.

Compliance with the regime

How much sleep do you need

The human body is designed in such a way that in order to fully restore wasted energy, it needs a stable regime, which means that it is necessary to go to bed and get up at the same time both on weekdays and on weekends. In the evening, it is better to go to bed no later than 22-23 o'clock, at the peak of the production of the sleep hormone - melatonin, and in the morning set the alarm clock for approximately 7 o'clock - this is exactly the time for an adult to get enough sleep. At the same time, you should not try to make up for the lack of night sleep through daytime rest - this exchange is unequal and will only worsen the problem of falling asleep in the evenings. If you stick to this schedule without concessions for 3-4 weeks, it will gradually become a habit for your body, and your night's sleep will become stronger and healthier.

Remember the old riddle: “What is the sweetest thing in the world”? Her answer, at first glance, is strange, but if you think about it, it’s the most obvious.

There is nothing sweeter than sleep, especially if you are tired and just falling off your feet. Would you be willing to trade it for chocolate or cake?

Nowadays, it is a rare person who can boast that he can sleep as much as he wants. We sacrifice sleep for many things: work, children, entertainment.

Although any specialist will tell you that it is better to neglect watching a movie or surfing the Internet than an hour of rest.

In addition, regular overexertion takes its revenge on us by the fact that even in those short hours of sleep, part of this time we toss and turn, simultaneously trying to stop the stream of consciousness and relax at least a little. This is why insomnia and lack of sleep are two of the most common problems in our society.

Remembering the topic of our conversation yesterday, we can say for sure: lack of sleep leads to a decrease in immunity, it interferes with the full functioning of the brain and can lead to nervous exhaustion. Today we will talk about how to improve your sleep and feel like a happy person.

How do Russians deal with insomnia? One of the most effective remedies, in our opinion, is to drink a glass of cognac in the evening.

However, we only have the illusion of sound sleep in this case. In fact, our body is busy processing the alcohol that enters it. To say that this is a healthy recovery is completely meaningless.

Often, you can achieve good and sound sleep even with serious disturbances using simple but effective methods. We'll talk about them.

6 effective methods to improve your sleep

Food as a sleeping pill

Of course, you can overeat so much that you fall asleep sitting in a chair. And if you use all the remedies from the previous paragraph and add a few glasses of alcohol, you can fall asleep with your face in the salad. You and I are looking for not only effective, but also useful methods, so we throw these recipes into the cesspool.

The main advice is that we eat fatty and high-calorie foods at least 3 hours before going to bed.

The next reason, which is indirectly related to food, is a lack of the hormone melatonin. It is responsible for the direct regulation of our sleep. Melatonin is produced at night by the pineal gland - the pineal gland.

But the older we get, the worse our organs work. The pineal gland is no exception. That is why, for children and young people to fall asleep, it is enough to put their head on the pillow and close their eyes. But an elderly person has to toss and turn and move the pillow from place to place.

It will be most difficult for a woman who has entered menopause. In addition to mood swings, hot flashes, and weight gain, insomnia is added in almost a third of cases.

You can fight it either using the methods listed in the article, or consult a doctor.

However, few people know that cereals such as rice, oats, barley and corn contain melatonin in finished form. It can also be found in tomatoes, raisins, cherries and cherries.

You can eat products that contain building materials for its production. For example, the amino acid tryptophan is found in pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and nuts.

Milk contains a good combination of calcium and essential tryptophan. Therefore, the ideal product for a full and long sleep is a combination of warm milk and honey. Helpful herbs that improve sleep include chamomile and mint, as well as fennel, sweet clover, St. John's wort and lavender.

The main disadvantage of melatonin is that it does not accumulate in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to create constant conditions for its development.

Caffeine can create a serious obstacle. Many already know that it is found in tea and coffee, as well as. The problem is that it interferes with the production of melatonin. If you absolutely cannot give up these drinks, then try to drink them in the first half of the day.

Stay true to your habits

Oddly enough, sleep loves regularity. Besides this, if we remember, in a new place we toss and turn and sleep very poorly.

Therefore, it is important to go to bed at the same time on your usual bed. Try not to disturb your daily routine, even on weekends, when you really want to relax and sit in front of the TV or in the company of friends.

We must also remember that melatonin begins to be produced in our body from about eight o'clock in the evening, and its peak concentration is around midnight and until 2-3 am.

Don't forget about psychological adjustment, so try to sleep only in the bedroom and do not transfer your work activities to this place.

You should associate your bed only with rest and relaxation. We remove tablets, laptops and phones from the bed. A similar attitude to where you sleep will help you almost instantly reset your body.

Royal box

In this case, we are not talking about the need to sprinkle rose petals on your bed before dreaming. However, it must be comfortable, that is, have a sufficient degree of rigidity, and. Also avoid down, cotton and wool blankets and pillows on your bed.

Another important point is sleeping in the dark, because light interferes with the production of melatonin. The last good tip is to ventilate the room before going to bed to increase the oxygen concentration in it.

Give up daytime naps!

It is only the child who needs a full sleep in the middle of the day. After a sleepless night, we are very tempted to sleep during the day. But other people can afford to take a nap for no more than 20 minutes after lunch, and it is definitely contraindicated to nap on a pillow after 4 days.

Otherwise, you will be guaranteed nighttime insomnia again. It is no coincidence that nature programmed us to work during the day and sleep at night.

Let's clear the trash out of our heads!

Try to take care of what you watch or read before you lie down on your pillows. The evening news may well be postponed until the morning. The next disasters and wars will not go anywhere without you, but such a routine will provide you with ideal peace of mind. An hour before bedtime, we go off the Internet.

Now go for a walk and swim!

What to do if we have an hour of free time left? It's time to go for a walk, and then you can take a warm bath. Fans can enhance the effect by adding a few drops of lavender, peppermint or chamomile essential oil to the water. The water temperature should be about 37 degrees.

Faster! Higher! Stronger!

It has long been known that sport gives us health. But a good workout actually forces our body to rest in the most productive way, that is, sleep.

In addition, the worse the metabolism in our body, the worse the production of melatonin. And this again speaks in favor of the fact that we should work actively during the day and rest at night.

However, remember that late evening workouts can invigorate you beyond measure, so exercise in the morning or afternoon.

If you don't have any time other than the evening, then tai chi or yoga can be a good alternative. Choose routines that will work with your stretching or breathing.

They will help you calm down and at the same time strengthen your body. In addition, almost any type of yoga is combined with meditation. This course will help you navigate:

What else can you do?

A good folk remedy that does not require any effort at all is a cold bath. It is enough to sit in this for a few minutes before going to bed.

At the same time, if you think about it, remember that any cooling followed by warming brings upon us a pleasant languor and sleep.

Are you familiar with this situation when you are pretty cold in winter? But as soon as you climb under the blanket and feel how warm your feet are, you immediately meet Morpheus.

You can sew a bag that will be filled with the aromatic herbs described above. They hang it by the bed.

I would classify ordinary onions as strange folk remedies. Experts say that a good portion of onions before bed will help you forget about insomnia. The most terrible onion amber, among other things, will apparently drive away mosquitoes that encroach on your sleep.

With severe sleep disorders, we, of course, will go to the doctor to sort it out.
I wish you strong and sweet dreams and look forward to seeing you in blog tomorrow. Let's talk about...

Lack of sleep can greatly reduce your quality of life. It is quite possible to get rid of insomnia without resorting to medications.

Insomnia refers to any disturbance in nighttime sleep. This could be difficulty falling asleep or interrupted sleep, early awakening: in total there are about 80 types of sleep disorders. No person is immune from the disease: people of all ages, as well as children, are susceptible to insomnia.

Sleep is the most important state of the body, during which processes of cell and tissue regeneration occur, as well as the restoration of all systems. During night sleep, the body rests: all muscles relax, nervous tension goes away. If for some reason a person is deprived of the opportunity to get enough sleep, the nervous system begins to work in emergency mode: susceptibility to stress increases, while performance decreases.

How to deal with insomnia

To avoid serious consequences, you need to fight insomnia at the first signs of the disease. Beginning insomnia can be easily eliminated without medications: you just need to make some adjustments to your usual schedule.

Method number 1: clearing thoughts
Psychologists say that most often people suffer from insomnia due to the fact that they cannot stop thinking about pressing matters, even when going to bed. The best way to clear your thoughts is to live in the present, without filling your head with sad memories or dreams of the future.
Sleep specialists are confident that negative emotions, such as anger and resentment, provoke insomnia and prevent the body from relaxing. It is very important to try to get rid of such feelings or at least stop thinking about them.

Method number 2: playing sports
Excessive mental stress and lack of physical labor are another reason that can cause insomnia. If you are already experiencing sleep disturbances, sign up for a gym. Try to exercise about 3-4 hours before bed. During exercise, the hormone endorphin is released into the blood, which neutralizes the effects of stress hormones. Good exercise in the evening will help you sleep better.

Method number 3: water procedures
A warm (37-38 degrees Celsius) bath is the simplest and most pleasant way to combat insomnia. The effectiveness of the procedure will increase significantly if you add pine extract or a decoction of medicinal plants, such as lavender and string, to the water. Avicenna also prescribed people suffering from insomnia to spend as much time as possible near the water. Try lying in the bath and leaving the tap open: the sound of running water has a relaxing effect on the nervous system.

Method number 4: fresh air
It is very important to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed. Oxygen helps you fall asleep quickly and have good sleep. Ideally, keep the window open even in winter. Comfortable temperature for sleeping is 18 degrees Celsius. You can improve the microclimate in your room using ionizers and air purifiers. These devices disinfect the air, killing pathogenic flora.

Method number 5: walks
Movement is life. Without sufficient physical activity, good and smooth sleep is impossible. Experts recommend daily walks before bed for those who suffer from insomnia. Minimal exercise in the fresh air, for example, a brisk walk in the park or an evening jog, will give the body pleasant fatigue and saturate every cell with oxygen. As a result, you will fall asleep much faster.

Method number 6: comfortable bed
A properly selected mattress, pillow and blanket are important components of a comfortable sleep. For example, the mattress should be of medium hardness, preferably orthopedic: it will relieve you of back pain in the morning.
A buckwheat hull pillow will help fight insomnia. It provides micro-massage, ensuring the anatomical position of the head and shoulders, and the slight rustling of the husks calms the nervous system.

Method number 7: moderation in food
You should not overeat before going to bed and overload your digestive system: it should rest at night. Following this rule not only allows you to fall asleep faster, but also protects your figure from extra centimeters. True, you should not go to bed on an empty stomach: your sleep will be disturbing. Ideally, drink a glass of kefir or warm milk with honey at night. Warm milk stimulates the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Method number 8: aromatherapy
When used correctly, aromatherapy can help with insomnia. Essential oils, unlike sleeping pills, have no side effects. Hang an aromatic sachet in the bedroom, next to the bed, or drop a few drops of oil on the corner of the pillow: the effect will not take long. The most popular oils that have a calming effect are esters of chamomile, lavender and neroli.

Method number 9: correct position
It is best to fall asleep on your right side with your legs slightly bent under you. This position is considered the most suitable for sleep: the muscles are relaxed, and the body weight does not put pressure on the heart muscle.

Method #10: Consistency
A person needs about 7 hours of continuous sleep to fully rest and recover. Ideally, you should go to bed no later than 1 am: in the period from 2 to 4, the body experiences the deepest phase of sleep, when maximum relaxation of all systems occurs. And it’s better not to miss this interval.

A young man named Randy Gardner spent 264 hours (11 days) without sleep.
The result of the experiment was entered into the Guinness Book of Records. to the youth
it took only 14 hours of sleep a night to regain my strength.

Expert: Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences
Natalia Karpova

Photos used in this material belong to

Insomnia is falling asleep late and getting up early, reducing the depth of sleep and interrupting it at night. Insomnia is manifested by a partial or complete lack of sleep. Moreover, such a disorder can occur even in an absolutely healthy person due to mental excitement or overwork. If insomnia is caused by one of the diseases, then you should consult a doctor, but if sleep problems arise from nervous excitement, then you can try methods of alternative and traditional medicine.

Typically, insomnia manifests itself in the fact that a person cannot fall asleep for a long time or often wakes up early, and sleep itself is interrupted several times during the night. Sometimes sleep can last long enough, but not be deep.

There is no better homemade sleeping pill in the world than honey. However, it does not harm the body. A steam bath with an oak broom will help calm the nervous system.

To prepare a sleeping pill based on honey, take a tablespoon of honey and Borjomi mineral water. Mix and add half a tablespoon of finely chopped lemon. Mix all ingredients well and consume the mixture in the morning for a month.

Take a glass of warm water and add a spoonful of honey in it. Drink sweet water before going to bed. You can also apply lavender oil to your temples before going to bed.

Take a glass of kefir and dilute a spoonful of honey in it. Drink this remedy at night for a week. You can take 30 to 50 grams of honey in the evening and morning, adding a teaspoon of royal jelly to it.

Take half a glass of water and soften a glass of bran in it. Then add half a glass of liquid honey to the bran. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and consume a few spoons before going to bed. The full course lasts several months.

If sleep disturbance is caused by a rush of blood to the head, then you can apply grated horseradish or mustard plasters to your calves. When carrying out this procedure, it is recommended to use cucumber pickle diluted with honey. It is worth noting that this remedy is a good laxative. A glass of brine requires a tablespoon of honey.

Take a cup of honey and add three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to it. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and consume a few teaspoons of the pulp immediately before bed. After taking it, you will fall asleep literally within half an hour. If you wake up in the middle of the night and feel very weak, you can repeat taking this sleeping pill. Honey itself has a calming and tonic effect. If you mix it with apple cider vinegar, the effect will only increase. This product cleanses blood vessels well.

Expert opinion

Insomnia is a serious illness that can lead to memory and attention disorders, increased irritability, and various types of mental illness. The main causes of insomnia are considered to be stress, nervous or physical strain, and various pathologies of the central nervous system. To regain normal sleep, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe adequate therapy.

If you have problems with falling asleep and staying asleep very rarely, you can use traditional methods. An hour and a half before bed, drink relaxing mint or lemon balm tea. An infusion of valerian or motherwort is excellent for calming. Warm milk with honey also promotes restful and sound sleep.

Herbal infusions

Take a piece of sugar and put a couple of drops of lavender oil on it. Dissolve this sugar before going to bed.

Take 30 grams of motherwort and peppermint leaves, 20 grams each. ordinary hop cones and valerian rhizomes. Of course, chop all the ingredients and then mix thoroughly. Take about 10 grams of ready-made herbal collection and pour just a glass of boiling water. Place the collection in a water bath and bring to a boil. Boil the broth for 15 minutes. Then remove it from the water bath and cool. Strain the broth and bring to the original volume with boiled water. Take ½ cup three times a day for constant insomnia or nervous overexcitation.

Take 20 grams of hop cones, valerian rhizomes, three-leaf mint and peppermint. Grind everything and mix well. Take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water for 30 minutes. Take 100 milliliters three times a day.

Take 10 grams of mistletoe, peppermint, hawthorn flowers, motherwort, and valerian rhizomes. Grind everything and mix. Pour a tablespoon of the prepared herbal mixture with 200 milliliters of water and let stand for 30 minutes. Take the prepared infusion at night and a glass in the morning.

Take 5 grams of valerian rhizome and 10 grams of oregano. Grind and mix. Pour 10 grams of this mixture with 100 milliliters of water and put on fire. Boil the broth for 12 minutes. Remove from heat and let it sit for one hour. Drink the finished product at night, 100 milliliters.

Take 5 grams of calendula, thyme and motherwort flowers. Grind and mix. Pour 10 grams of the mixture with 200 milliliters of water and boil for 15 minutes. Then remove the container from the heat and let it sit for an hour. Take 100 milliliters before bed, adding a little honey to the broth.

If you don’t know exactly the cause of your insomnia, then you shouldn’t take any remedies on your own. Better visit your doctor. Perhaps the reason lies not only in stress.