Discharge in the form of ichor. Stopping lymph at home. After intrauterine interventions

Vaginal discharge accompanies a woman throughout her life. Depending on their quality and color, one can judge women's health. Normally there are few of them, they have a slimy consistency, are transparent or whitish, and have a neutral odor. Minor health problems reproductive system affect the quality of the secret. It may develop an unpleasant odor and change color. The appearance of ichor in the discharge most often indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process.

What it is bloody discharge? This is a secretion released from the vagina mixed with blood. A woman notices them by pink or brownish marks on underwear or pads.

Is it normal to produce such a secretion?

Don't worry

It is considered normal when the appearance of ichor almost coincides with the onset menstrual days. Spotting appears 2-3 days before the cycle and ends 1-2 days after. The color of the secretion varies from pale pink to brown. Such an individual hint about the offensive critical days gives to the body of many women.

It is considered absolutely natural to have lubricants bloody discharge:

  • after childbirth – up to 4 weeks;
  • after a miscarriage or planned abortion – up to 3 weeks;
  • upon admission hormonal contraception while the body is at the “addiction” stage – 1-3 months.

In some women, bloody discharge appears in the middle of the cycle. The pinkish color of the secretion signals that ovulation has occurred, the egg has left the follicle, and the body is ready for conception.

This manifestation does not create discomfort for the woman. The appearance of bloody “spot” is not accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Bloody secretion - pathology

The causes of prolonged blood discharge after menstruation - if it lasts more than a week - are diseases of the reproductive system.

Such diseases include: adnexitis, endometriosis, endometritis, endometrial hyperplasia, the occurrence of uterine fibroids and fibroids, malignant tumors.

All factors that provoke prolongation of menstruation are caused by hormonal imbalance; therefore, hormonal drugs must be prescribed for treatment.

If a woman in connection with chronic diseases or other pathologies in the body cannot be used hormone therapy, then she must be very careful about own condition and for any changes, consult your doctor. Sometimes surgery may be required.

Traditional medicine helps stabilize the condition by offering recipes for herbal remedies that contain phytohormones. Unfortunately, such treatment can also cause unwanted by-effect, and the condition stabilizes only as long as herbal preparations are used.

As soon as the course of treatment ends - and it cannot be used without a break for more than 2 months - after menstruation and in the middle of the cycle, discharge will again appear with the inclusion of bloody clots.

Also, bloody smears may indicate sexually transmitted diseases or inflammatory processes. If the secretion of ichor was provoked by these reasons, then the bleeding does not depend on the menstrual cycle.

Even if a woman knows for sure that she has tumors or endometriosis, if the bleeding increases, it is necessary to consult a doctor. You can simultaneously have a history of fibroids, adnexitis and a sexually transmitted disease.

How fewer reasons for abnormal discharge at the same time, the better.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy is considered normal only in the first weeks, when women are not yet aware of their condition.

Bloody symptoms accompany the entire first trimester and coincide on days with the expected menstruation. These days the risk of miscarriage increases, as similar manifestations during pregnancy, this indicates insufficient progesterone production. It is considered especially dangerous if blood appears at 4, 5, 9 and 11 weeks.

On early stages pregnancy, a bloody secretion appears when the embryo is rejected. Additional symptom– pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of contractions. Painful sensations often radiate to the rectum and lower back. It is very important to be aware of what bloody discharge looks like during pregnancy. If they are bright, immediate hospitalization is required. You can’t lie at home in this state and take the prescribed pills. By clinical picture This is how bleeding from the vessels of the uterus manifests itself; because of it, the fetus experiences oxygen starvation.

Bloody discharge also occurs during ectopic pregnancy. At first they are light pink, then brownish - and at this stage you should consult a doctor. If you wait until the vagina discharges dark blood, can be lost during surgery fallopian tube. If you apply for medical care before rupture, it is possible to perform laparoscopic surgery to save fallopian tube, which in the future will give a chance to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

Bloody discharge after childbirth

After childbirth, spotting that lasts up to 8 weeks is considered normal. They are called lochia. Secretion production continues all the time while the uterus is recovering from labor.

After childbirth, the discharge looks like this:

  • at first they are scarlet;
  • already the next day after birth they become brownish and thicken;
  • By the end of the week, bloody discharge is replaced by bloody discharge.

Gradually they turn pale, the color changes from brown to yellow, then - when the uterine mucosa has healed - they disappear.

If the secretion changes color from brownish to red and its quantity increases, you should consult a doctor. This is how the inflammatory process manifests itself.

Bloody discharge during menopause

You can diagnose menopause in a woman if she has not had her period for a year. During menopause, there should normally be no bleeding.

Women even complain about complete absence vaginal secretion and they are prescribed special gels and creams for lubrication - due to its absence, they experience discomfort. Itching and burning appear in the vagina, the mucous membrane becomes thinner, becomes fragile, and micro-abrasions appear on it.

If bloody discharge appears during this period, the woman should visit a gynecologist.

quickly: it is not uncommon for them to continue to secrete a few days after injury. transparent ichor , or lymph. Normally, lymph is involved in cleansing tissues of dirt particles and dead cells. Let's consider in what cases it is necessary to stop its exudation.

Photo 1. When improper treatment lymph turns into pus. Source: Flickr (jmawork)

Why is clear liquid flowing from the wound?

When body tissues are damaged, the phenomenon of exudation occurs at the site of injury: the vessels increase their capacity and intercellular space liquid comes out. This is how the body tries to get rid of foreign microorganisms. The watery ichor, having fulfilled its role, forms a protective film on the wound.

But sometimes the healing process is disrupted: for example, in the absence of a large damaged area, it becomes infected. Then the lymph continues to abundantly irrigate the wound.

Description of lymph (ichor)

On this moment The lymphatic system is one of the least studied structures human body. It is believed that it is just an application to cardiovascular system. The functions of lymph are to nourish body tissues, filtering out waste products, and transport lymphocytes.

Its structure includes vessels, nodes and organs (spleen, thymus behind the sternum and tonsils).

The lymphatic system performs its functions through the flow of lymph - a fluid that circulates freely in the body and, if necessary, enters the intercellular space. Its content in the body is approximately 1-3 liters. Lymph moves from bottom to top at a speed of 5-16 cm/min.

She consists of two fractions: lymphoplasm and shaped elements (lymphocytes, leukocytes). The plasma component includes proteins, electrolytes, enzymes, fats and sugars.

Lymph is usually a transparent substance, but milky white and yellowish colors are within normal limits.

How to distinguish pus from lymph

The formation of pus is associated with insufficient cleansing of the wound: dead protective cells (lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, etc.) in the released ichor become a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms, which inseminate the wound.

Note! Purulent inflammation indicates that the immune and lymphatic systems cannot cope with the resulting load. Therefore, to avoid complications, antibiotics are prescribed for suppuration.

Lymph Pus
At what phase of healing does it occur? Inflammatory phase Inflammatory phase
ColorCharacterized by transparency; color ranges from white (cream) to yellowCloudy exudate of dirty yellow, green, gray, blue color(depending on microbial composition)
SmellAbsentAt the beginning there is no selection; over time - unpleasant putrid
ConsistencyWatery, slightly viscousNewly formed pus is liquid; gets thicker over time
Availability blood clots and vesselsMaybeMaybe

What to do if there is heavy discharge

At proper care small scratches and abrasions disappear within a week without complications, and ichor no longer comes out of the wound.

To speed up the regeneration process, the following measures should be taken:

  • Use of medications. On pharmaceutical market a whole class is presented - creams (“Argosulfan” with silver”, “ Ambulance"), ointments ( ichthyol ointment, "Levomekol"), liniments (Vishnevsky ointment). These drugs have a drying and antibacterial effect on wound surface. And sorbent dressings (“Voskosorb”) additionally increase the outflow of exudate.
  • Isolation of the wound. Dressings that are applied after treating the wound will help avoid repeated microbial contamination. Apply bandages made of sterile breathable materials (gauze, cotton wool) and change them at least twice a day.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases. Some diseases provoke slow healing of wounds: for example, not only the processes of skin restoration slow down, but also its destructive changes intensify - trophic ulcers appear on the legs.

Note! If you are concerned about wounds after removal of stitches, you need to contact your doctor: he will assess the condition of the operated area, recommend products for treating the wound and prescribe procedures to improve lymphatic drainage.

Is it necessary to stop the flow of lymph from the wound?

The flow of lymph from a wound is a natural protective reaction of the body, therefore there is no need to stop its release during the inflammation phase(the first stage of wound healing, which lasts up to two days). During this period of time, enzymes and cells immune system destroy bacteria and fungi, and also stimulate the formation of new vascular bundles in the wound cavity.

Continued release of ichor 3-5 days after injury indicates the severity of the damage. In this case, it is necessary to stop the flow of lymph so as not to stimulate its degeneration into pus. It is urgent to seek help from medical institution (surgery department). You will probably need to drain the wound and surgical treatment and take antibiotics for a while.

Photo 2. If the wound does not heal for too long, antibiotics will be required.

Any adult or child can fall or injure themselves unexpectedly. The consequence of such an accident will be bruises, abrasions or even wounds. As a rule, a small amount flows out of the wound along with blood. clear liquid- lymph flows.

A small abrasion usually heals quite quickly, but large wounds cause more trouble. The wound may not heal for a long time, and fluid will continue to flow out of it. People call her ichor. Before you understand why fluid is flowing from a wound, you need to understand what lymph and the lymphatic system as a whole are.

Lymph and lymphatic system

Lymph is a clear, colorless liquid containing lymphocytes, scientifically medical name ichor. It always begins to stand out at the site of any skin damage.

Having received a wound, a person most often treats it independently at home with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green), then covers it with a plaster or bandage. The main task in treatment is not to introduce infection into the healing wound. After all, even after it has been tightened by a crust, the risk of infection exists. If after a long time a wound, for example, on a leg, does not heal, a person panics and goes to the doctor with the words: “Help, fluid is oozing from the leg.”

Any doctor will immediately reassure the patient, because lymph is designed by nature to remove salts, water, protein and toxins from tissues and return them to the blood. Lymph is contained in human body always in a volume of 1-2 liters.

The lymphatic system is a very complex component vascular system human body. It is involved in metabolism. Its main function is to cleanse and disinfect the body of the “garbage” accumulated inside and prevent the penetration of external infections.

The lymphatic system is involved in maintaining and improving human immunity, protecting against viruses and harmful microbes.

Causes of lymph flow

Pus or ichor?

If lymph flows in small quantities it normal phenomenon, then the presence of pus is a reason for concern or even a visit to the doctor. According to statistics, suppuration of sutures after surgical intervention occurs in 15% of operated people.

Other reasons for possible suppuration:

  • Damaged skin covering, not treated with antiseptics;
  • Individual intolerance to drainage or prosthesis;
  • Weakened immunity.

How to distinguish pus from lymph?

When fluid leaks from a wound, you can distinguish pus from lymph by the color of the fluid that is released from the wound. If the discharge is red, then blood flows out. Lymph is a colorless viscous liquid, and pus is cloudy, most often yellow or yellow-green.

Lymphorrhea and lymphostasis

Excessive discharge of clear fluid is called lymphorrhea. This condition is caused by impaired drainage of lymph from the human body. Gradually accumulating, the fluid increases tension in the tissues located nearby and makes it difficult for itself to drain. This causes tissue swelling. Lymphorrhea often appears after surgery or other medical manipulation.

This is enough serious problem requiring observation by a specialist or even repeated surgical intervention. With severe lymphorrhea in the legs, the disease can develop into.

Lymphostasis is a pathology lymphatic system, in which lymph circulation completely stops. In the most severe third stage of the disease (popularly called “”), there is a continuous flow of lymph from the wounds. Treatment should only take place under the supervision of medical professionals.

Leakage of lymph in trophic ulcers

One of severe complications, in which there is a situation of lymph leakage from wounds on the legs, these are trophic ulcers. Ulcers appear with such a common disease now as varicose veins veins

Trophic ulcers - chronic process, usually lasting more than 6 weeks, in which a skin defect occurs on the leg (usually on the lower leg) with a weak tendency to heal. This disease occurs due to venous stagnation blood caused by varicose veins.

The most common cause of ulcers is increased load on the veins of the legs when a person walks for a long time or spends time standing on his feet. If at the same time the patient is engaged in heavy physical labor and is not treated, the disease progresses. Thinning of the skin and walls of the veins in the legs occurs, the veins “come out” and become visible and painful.

When trophic ulcers lymph flows and purulent-bloody discharge, the smell is usually unpleasant. Itching occurs when cleansing. In this situation, urgent effective treatment, the purpose of which is to clean the wound and prevent infection.

The result of treatment of trophic ulcers.

How to stop lymph flow

In a situation where discharge from a small wound bothers the patient unpleasant sensations, doctors recommend treatment with hydrogen peroxide (using a piece of bandage or cotton swab). If the situation does not improve or suppuration occurs, then you should undergo a course of more complex drug treatment: ointments with antibiotics (for example, Levomikol) are most often prescribed.

If drug treatment if suppuration does not help, then the wound is often opened surgically, then the pus is removed and the wound is disinfected. Next, treatment is carried out until the wound surface is completely scarred.

If lymphorrhea is diagnosed, treatment should be more complex:

  • treating the wound with special solutions (fucorcin, dioxidin, hydrogen peroxide) or streptocide powder - done 2-3 times a day. Also, brilliant green and sea buckthorn oil are used for drying and healing;
  • dressing the affected area with knee socks or an elastic bandage;
  • medications (antibiotics are prescribed to act on microorganisms that cause suppuration in the wound);
  • surgical suturing of the wound.

Very often, women experience ichor after menstruation. And many do not know whether this is a pathology or the norm. A woman should be especially careful about her menstrual cycle, since in case of any deviations from the norm, you should contact a specialist. This must be done as quickly as possible in order to promptly identify possible illnesses reproductive system and eliminate them.

What does discharge after menstruation mean?

Most women have at least once encountered such a situation when their periods have passed, but spotting is still ongoing. Everyone has a different reaction to this. You should know that the nature of the origin of these secretions may be different. To determine what caused this, you need to carefully study the secretion released. The reasons may be:

  1. ABOUT chronic endocervicitis or endometritis is indicated by pinkish discharge that has a rotten smell.
  2. A slight dysfunction of the pelvic organs is indicated by scarlet discharge. If they are not regular, then they can be considered normal.
  3. About availability uterine pathology evidenced by a smearing brown secretion.

Regardless of what color the postmenstrual spotting is, you should consult a doctor if the discharge is heavy. This may be bleeding.

Main reasons

There are many reasons why menstruation comes after bleeding. They can be caused by external or internal factors.

External causes of ichor after menstruation are:

  1. Bad habits and stressful situations. The cause of discharge may be frequent stress and overwork. Very often, instability of hormone production and disorder can be caused by the use of alcoholic drinks for a long time.
  2. Injuries can occur due to mechanical impact, or during sexual intercourse, blood vessels are naturally damaged.

And here external factors the appearance of bloody discharge after menstruation is much greater. These include:

  1. Ovulation. In some representatives of the fairer sex, a feature of the body can be considered scanty discharge blood during ovulation. This factor is associated with hormonal imbalance. Secretion goes away when the ovulation period ends.
  2. With fibroids, pain may occur below abdominal cavity, which are cramp-like in nature. Also, slight spotting after menstruation is observed.
  3. Endometrial hyperplasia is one of the female pathologies when bleeding occurs after menstruation. At the same time there appear copious discharge with blood clots.
  4. Sexual venereal diseases can have a latent form and at the same time progress. Discharge may appear only 6-12 months after infection occurs.
  5. Endometriosis - inflammatory pathology, in which bloody discharge may be observed.
  6. Poyomenorrhea is a short cycle. The next period can begin approximately 14-18 days after the previous one. The reason for this phenomenon is a lack of estrogen.

Blood discharge may occur due to consumption hormonal drugs or if there is a spiral inside the uterus.

What to do if you are bleeding after your period

You should always contact a specialist if there is prolonged bleeding. You should be wary if, in addition to ichor with an unpleasant odor, there is strong pain. In this situation, it is forbidden to self-medicate, as this can worsen the situation. You should also avoid using traditional medicine. It is best to undergo a thorough examination and follow all recommendations given by a specialist.

Treatment depends entirely on the cause of this phenomenon:

  1. Infectious pathologies are treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. In addition to eliminating the cause, the doctor must prescribe general restorative therapy, as well as hemostatic agents.
  3. Surgical treatment is mandatory for polyps, fibroids or endometriosis.
  4. By using hormonal drugs treat abnormalities of the endocrine system.

When the ichor appears

The ichor can go every other day or several, as well as a week or throughout the week after the critical days have passed. Discharge can be observed for another week after the critical days for several reasons. With endometriosis, an accompanying symptom is pain in the lower abdomen. The frequency and volume depend entirely on where the pathology is located, as well as on the severity of development. With this disease, a mucous secretion structure may appear. The duration of this phenomenon is approximately a week.

But if the duration of menstruation is only 4 days, then secretion can occur on the 6th day. This is explained by the following factors:

  1. Woman uses contraception, which have a hormonal basis. Bloody spotting may occur during the first 6 months after starting to use these medications.
  2. There is a subsequent cleansing of the uterus from period blood. Pink discharge at the same time, they are absolutely no different from secretion on critical days. For 12-14 cycles, they can normally appear from 2 to 5 times.

If the bloody secretion is not accompanied by pain or physical discomfort, then The reasons may be the following factors:

  1. Decreased blood clotting levels. This leads to the fact that the uterus takes longer to clear the endometrium.
  2. Violation hormonal levels.

There is no need to worry if this phenomenon goes away after 3 days. But if the secretion is released longer, then you should immediately visit a specialist.

A common cause of postmenstrual spotting is ectopic pregnancy. The volume and intensity of menstruation become smaller, and blood secretion can be observed 3-7 days after the end of the critical days. There are situations when blood clots appear. There is also pain in the lower abdomen.

A week after the critical days, ichor can be observed when the egg matures (ovulation). In this case, the walls of the follicle rupture and the egg is released to travel into the uterus. In this case, symptoms such as pain and discomfort may be observed. The remains of the follicle are released along with other mucous secretions.

Endocervicitis and erosion can contribute to the occurrence of bleeding 7-10 days after the end of menstruation. We can talk about bleeding if the ichor appears regularly and has a dark tint. In this case, you must immediately visit a specialist.

Pain in the lower abdominal cavity, which is accompanied by the appearance of blood from the vagina, may indicate the presence of ovulation. Some women observe such symptoms 12–16 days after the end of menstruation. It is very easy to distinguish such discharge from bleeding. They pink shade, since they come out together with other vaginal transparent secretions. Their duration is no more than a day.

Fertilization of the egg may be indicated by vaginal discharge that occurs 14–18 days after the end of menstruation. This medical term is called implantation bleeding. This happens due to the fact that by attaching to the uterine wall, the fertilized egg damages its surface.

After intercourse

There are situations when blood ichor appears after sexual intercourse. The reason for this phenomenon may be:

  1. Polyps or vaginitis.
  2. Erosion or cervicitis.
  3. Too violent and passionate sexual intercourse.
  4. Previous injuries.
  5. Cystic rupture.
  6. Presence of ectopia. In this case, blood is released from the vagina after any contact with it.

Uterine and heavy blood loss

Uterine bleeding is very dangerous condition female body. In this situation, a representative of the fair sex needs urgent medical intervention. But it is worth remembering that scanty bleeding 17 days from the start of the cycle is a symptom of pregnancy. During this period, attachment to the uterine wall occurs. corpus luteum(fertilized egg).

Very often in Lately In individuals aged 40–50 years, dysfunctional uterine bleeding is diagnosed. Their course is painless, and the cause of their occurrence is a jump in estrogen levels in the aging body. This condition can be caused by many factors, the main of which are: intense physical activity, use of certain medications, nervous overstrain and stress and others.

The discharge is called heavy if the pad is completely filled within 60 minutes. And this happens in the postmenstrual period.

Accompanying symptoms are:

  1. Demotion temperature regime, as well as human pressure.
  2. Pale skin.
  3. Dizziness and fatigue.
  4. General weakness.

If you have heavy postmenstrual discharge, you should not hesitate to visit a specialist. This can be fraught with disruption of normal hemodynamics, as well as the occurrence of complications.

Instability, as well as fluctuations in hormonal levels can cause minor bloody discharge. They very often appear during ovulation. Usually this ichor goes away within a maximum of 72 hours. But if after this period the ichor has not stopped, then you definitely need to visit a specialist.

Postmenstrual spotting and clots

Clots in the ichor can occur due to the fact that there is a septum in the uterine cavity that prevents the complete removal of blood due to the narrowing of the lumen of the cervix. This is why blood accumulates inside. If the clots are not completely cleared from the body, a genital infection may occur.

These partitions very often arise due to congenital feature or abortions performed. Clots may also appear due to the presence intrauterine device. It is considered a partition of artificial origin.

Spotting secretion in the postmenstrual period may appear due to hormonal imbalance. But we can talk about the presence of pathology if such associated symptoms, How painful sensations when urinating, during sexual intercourse, discomfort, burning and itching in the perineum, an increase in body temperature, as well as pulling or aching pain. Only a specialist can tell what kind of pathology we are talking about after taking all the tests and a thorough examination.

Streaked or brown mucus

With erosion or a cyst, mucous secretion is produced more abundantly. During exacerbation or inflammation, streaks of blood are observed in the smear.

Similar symptoms are present in diseases such as ectopia and polyps. cervical canal. The appearance of blood in the mucus can be caused by suppository therapy, insertion of tampons, physical activity or sexual intercourse, that is, when microtrauma of the growth occurs.

After menstruation, blood clotting increases. This is why discharge appears of a thicker consistency, which has an almost brown tint. They are generally considered physiological norm if they do not have an unpleasant odor and are not plentiful. But with their abundance or presence unpleasant odor It is necessary to undergo a smear test for the presence of the following diseases:

  1. Mycoplasmosis.
  2. Herpes.
  3. Chlamydia.
  4. Cytomegalovirus infection.

If endometriosis progresses, adenomyosis may occur. In this situation, all uterine layers will be affected. That is why, when identifying the first brown mucus It's worth visiting a gynecologist.

Pink discharge that looks like diluted blood is called ichor. This - physiological fluid, which the body forms to heal ulcers and wounds. Bloody discharge often comes out of the vagina during pregnancy, as well as

in many other conditions. Sometimes they are normal, but there are circumstances where they can be a dangerous symptom.

When is discharge considered normal?

The ichor can be released before menstruation, this happens about 3 days before it. Its color sometimes changes from pink to brownish. In addition, bloody discharge is observed under the following factors, and under them they are considered normal:

- after childbirth

- after a miscarriage

- before or after menstruation

- when taking contraceptives

- after a medical abortion.

When is pathology suspected?

In severe cases, constant or episodic discharge of ichor may indicate the presence of pathologies: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cervical ectopia, oncological process. Most often, grayish discharge with blood droplets is observed at the beginning of pregnancy. Or more precisely, at the moment of conception, when the woman is not yet aware of her new condition. This is due to the attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus.

Ichor at the beginning of pregnancy

It is necessary to monitor how many days the bloody discharge continues, because it will begin on the day of conception, when pregnancy is not yet known. The maximum period is several weeks, and they should be insignificant in terms of the amount of mucus secreted.

At the beginning of pregnancy, such discharge is observed on the days of the expected menstruation. It is important to know that these days there is a threat of miscarriage. That is why you need to protect yourself from stress and physical activity. Particularly dangerous: 4, 5, 11, 12 weeks.

In the middle of the cycle

Also, these symptoms are often observed in the days between menstruation. They are associated with the peak of hormonal fluctuations and are normal if they are not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Minor bleeding in the middle of the cycle should last no more than 3 days. Consistency - mucous, smearing.

The reasons for such manifestations are:

- release of the egg from the follicle

- insufficient work thyroid gland

- taking hormonal drugs

— sexually transmitted infections (STIs) (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).

Pathological and inflammatory processes with a poor picture

If the process occurs with intense bleeding, you should urgently consult a doctor. Saturated bloody discharge outside of menstruation indicates pathological process. Separately, we should remind you about infections of the uterus and other female genital organs. For any inflammatory process begins in these organs increased production leukocytes. They fight infection, die and are excreted from the body.

If the inflammation occurs against the background of ichor, then the latter will mix with dead leukocytes. Most often, pink-yellow, yellow or green discharge in women is observed precisely for this reason. It is important to consult a doctor to determine the diagnosis, because the prescription of a specific antibiotic depends on it.


In addition, women experience green discharge during pregnancy. And they are also associated with infection, but now with a chronic one. At this moment, the woman’s immunity is weakened, and hidden diseases are starting to show themselves. It is important that the treatment (and it should begin immediately) be prescribed by a doctor, since it is necessary to choose drugs that will not harm the baby.

The discharge observed in women after childbirth is called lochia. They are stained with postpartum mucus and blood, so they have pink color. Lochia is secreted for no more than 8 weeks, often up to 6 weeks. Gradually they become white, have no smell.

Infectious causes

If white discharge appears with sour smell This means an infection is developing. It is necessary to urgently begin treatment, since the body is weakened and any infections are prohibited. Postpartum mucus collects the remnants of rejected tissue from the uterus, cervical canal, and vagina. If at the beginning the lochia was a bloody discharge, then gradually it becomes free of blood impurities and transparent white.

After an abortion, miscarriage

After medical abortion or miscarriage, you can observe the same discharge. They also contain endometrial tissue, but in these cases they come out of the uterus in even greater quantities. You should pay attention to the duration of mucus release: they should stop after 7-10 days. Sometimes mucus with clots and blood continues to come out for a long time. In this case they most likely mean:

1. Blood clotting disorder.

2. Significant trauma to the walls of the uterus and cervix.

Ichor during menopause: a dangerous prognosis

During menopause, bloody discharge should alert a woman. Normally they shouldn't be there. At the same time, many women during menopause turn to doctors with this symptom. At this age, women are more susceptible to dangerous pathologies. That is why you need to be careful about the condition of the vagina and uterus, because dangerous disease may initially be asymptomatic.

This applies to the following diseases:

- uterine fibroids

- endometrial polyps

- cancer.

In menopausal women, only transparent discharge from vagina to small quantity. Most often during this period, dryness and burning are observed, very little mucus is produced. That is why in case excess mucus yellow, pink or white, a woman in menopause should urgently contact a gynecologist and have an examination. This especially applies to red mucus, with big amount blood and clots.

While taking hormones

Taking hormonal drugs has a positive effect on the condition of the uterine epithelium and other female organs. With very long-term use of hormones, the mucous membranes of the uterus, cervix and vagina can undergo changes, as a result of which cracks and microscopic bleeding appear. As a result, cloudy discharge appears, meager character. You should tell your doctor about this at your appointment so that he can review the dosage of the medications.

In small doses, hormones have a beneficial effect on the epithelium and on a woman’s health in general. As soon as the mucous membrane heals, the discharge gradually becomes transparent color, blood clots disappear. There is little left in them white matter if the organs are healthy. Now it is important to maintain this condition of the mucous membrane, and if the mucus changes color, consult a doctor.