What vaccinations should be given at 7 years of age? What vaccinations are given to children and adolescents? What vaccinations does your baby need?

In clinics, near the pediatrician’s office, there is a vaccination calendar, according to which every parent can find out which vaccination should be given to their baby. From birth, a child is exposed to various infections, and in order to protect him, various vaccines have been invented that should be injected at a certain age. So, children should receive vaccinations: ADSM, Mantoux and BCG at 7 years old. They do not prevent diseases one hundred percent, but if a child becomes infected, the disease will be milder than if he had not been vaccinated.

Vaccination is mandatory, and this is enshrined in the order of the Minister of Health, but parents have the right to decide for themselves whether they will give it to their children or not. It is worth knowing that without the required vaccinations, children will not be able to attend kindergarten or school. Many parents make a grave mistake and do not vaccinate their child until the age of six, and then do them all at once before school. Of course, after this the child experiences a response from the body and begins to get sick, since he received an increased dose of previously unfamiliar substances. Therefore, it is still better to carry them out one by one, and each at a certain age. Now let's take a closer look at what vaccinations children need to get at the age of seven.

BCG vaccine

The first time it is given to babies in the maternity hospital, and then at 7 years old it is revaccinated. This vaccine is carried out to prevent a deadly disease - tuberculosis, which has acquired enormous proportions in our time. Even the government’s decision to early detect signs of this disease and immediately treat it could not improve the epidemiological situation.

Vaccine composition

BCG consists of live, but artificially weakened strains of Mycobacterium Bovis. An isolate is isolated from its various subtypes. The subtypes of this bacterium obtained by such synthesis, which are used to produce the vaccine, are kept in the strictest confidence. To obtain the vaccine, the bacilli are planted in a nutrient medium and there they grow for 7 days, after which they are extracted, filtered and concentrated. Then they are diluted with water to reduce the concentration of the resulting drug and make it homogeneous. As a result, it contains both living and dead bacteria. Due to the fact that there are many methods for obtaining this vaccine, there are different BCG vaccinations in the world, but they have the same effect on the human body. This vaccination is associated with the Mantoux test, which is performed to identify the body’s reaction to it, and if no abnormalities are detected, then BCG can be performed.

Important! The BCG vaccination forms an infiltrate (compaction), inside of which there is an abscess. It cannot be lubricated or bandaged; over time, it forms a scar with a diameter of up to 10 mm. The scar remains for life - this is the norm.

If the vaccine is administered incorrectly, complications may arise, so to administer it, you must contact health care workers who know how to properly administer the vaccine. It should be remembered that this vaccination cannot be done in conjunction with any of its analogues. After the injection, you need to wait 6 weeks to see the body’s reaction, and if everything is fine, you can carry out the next vaccination.

Mantoux test

It is mandatory before BCG revaccination at 7 years of age, but only if the child’s condition is normal. There are a number of restrictions in the presence of which Mantoux must be transferred:

  • the child has skin rashes;
  • during infectious diseases;
  • allergic reactions occur;
  • not yet a month has passed since the previous vaccination;
  • the child is not yet a year old.

Knowledge of these features of the Mantoux vaccine will protect children from the negative consequences of its influence. If one of the above reasons exists, then you need to wait at least a month until it goes away, and then you can do a test.

After the vaccine is administered, usually into the child's arm, a papule appears, when you press on it you can see a whitish tint. The results of Mantoux are its size. It can be checked after the sample is taken two days later.

Important! You cannot agree to do this test if the child is sick. Even a common cold, without fever, since with a weakened body, the papule can turn out to be large.

The Mantoux parameter is measured with a regular ruler, which is placed parallel to the wrist. Only the size of the lump is taken into account, the redness around it is not taken into account.

Decoding Mantoux results

This vaccination is carried out in order to detect immunity to tuberculosis, which is why it is so significant. For children, the causative protein tuberculin is injected under the skin and the body’s response determines its ability to resist the disease.

The results depend on the size of the papule and look like this:

  • from 0 to 1 mm – a negative indicator, which indicates that the immune system is not able to resist tuberculosis;
  • from 2 to 4 mm – considered doubtful;
  • 5-9 mm – weakly positive result;
  • from 10 to 14 mm – an indicator of the average intensity of the reaction;
  • 15-16 mm – pronounced positive;
  • more than 17 mm indicates a hyperergic result.

A positive value for vaccination is considered to be a papule size of 5 to 17 mm. It means that the body has immunity against this disease. Doctors keep records of the readings, and if they deviate, they can assess whether the child is infected with tuberculosis or not.

Some children may have a false negative result. It appears when the child is already sick, but his body is not able to respond to the introduction of tuberculin. Or, conversely, the test may show a false positive reaction, which occurs after a recent vaccination, as well as due to a past infection or allergy.

If the size of the papule has increased by more than 5 mm compared to the previous value, additional tests are prescribed that will confirm or refute the result obtained.

Important! If children do not develop a scar after the first injection of BCG and the Mantoux test shows a negative reaction for two years, then revaccination should be immediately done, regardless of the timing of vaccinations.

Complications occur if the vaccine is administered incorrectly. BCG is based on Mantoux, and is not done if the test shows a reaction, so as not to provoke complications.

ADSM vaccination

It is given to protect against tetanus and diphtheria. This multicomponent vaccination has become a real invention in medicine; after its creation, you do not need to constantly consult a doctor and do many separate injections, just one injection is enough. ADSM rarely causes reactions. This is due to the fact that tetanus and diphtheria toxoids are easily tolerated by children.

Usually, up to 6 years of age, a DTP vaccine is given, which not only protects against the two indicated diseases, but also protects against whooping cough. But it is often replaced with an analogue without it, as there have been cases of severe complications. To avoid them, children began to be given the ADSM vaccine. Children over seven years of age very rarely get whooping cough, so an alternative vaccination without it will be sufficient. Protection from previous vaccinations is triggered against this disease.

If a child’s body reacts violently to this vaccine, then it is administered in smaller doses so that the immune system gradually gets used to incoming infections. Many parents themselves ask to reduce the dosage of the injection, believing that the child’s body will not withstand its strong effects, since it contains two components. This is a false misconception. The immune system will react the same way when one or two antigens enter the body. The ADSM vaccine is developed in such a way that it contains the optimal ratio of ingredients, and, most importantly, they are compatible with each other. Their double action is most effective.

Vaccination with ADSM can cause adverse reactions in the form of:

  • temperature rise;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • itching and redness of the place where the injection was made;
  • lack of appetite.

After ADSM, it is rare, but there are complications. They can manifest themselves in the form of endless crying or seizures.

Vaccinations between the ages of 6 and 7 years are very important for the normal development of a child. They will be able to protect him from unpleasant diseases, and in case of illness, they will make sure that it goes away faster. First of all, parents should monitor the calendar of mandatory vaccinations. If for some reason the time for vaccination was missed, then the vaccination should be done at the first opportunity.

I would like to note that you should not be afraid of vaccinations and bring yourself, the child and the doctor to an inadequate state, as in the video below.

Vaccinations for children are a reliable, effective means of creating active specific immunity. Vaccination prevents the development of dangerous diseases that threaten life and health.

Compliance with the vaccination schedule is a prerequisite for protecting a child from dangerous infections. Without specific antibodies, babies, older children and even adults easily become targets of attack by dangerous viruses and bacteria. Find out more information: why it is important to vaccinate your baby on time, the dangers of refusing to administer the vaccine on time and violating the deadlines for revaccination.

Why is vaccination necessary?

After birth, a newborn is exposed to bacteria and viruses. After a sterile environment, the tiny organism has to adapt to the proximity of various microorganisms. The almost complete absence of immunity at an early stage of life makes the baby easily vulnerable to microbes, including many pathogens. Vaccination is the main method that creates protection for a child.

Do children need vaccinations? Pediatricians insist: Vaccinations for children are mandatory! Epidemics of smallpox, polio, and measles, which raged several decades ago, have practically disappeared. Mass vaccination gave a positive result.

Why do children need vaccinations?

  • After the introduction of a live or inactivated form of the vaccine, the body fights the pathogen, lymphocytes actively protect the body from viruses and bacteria. The result is the production of protective antibody proteins;
  • for a year, three, five or more years, the body “remembers” the vaccination. The next time you come into contact with a harmful bacterium or dangerous virus, the risk of disease is reduced to almost zero or the disease is mild;
  • revaccination (repeated administration of the vaccine after a certain period) enhances protection against a specific pathogen, long-term, lasting immunity is developed. Even after close contact with a sick person, antibodies easily recognize a “familiar” pathogen, quickly neutralize it, and the disease does not develop.

Information for parents! Specific immunity to the causative agent of rubella, whooping cough, tetanus, viral hepatitis B, diphtheria, and other dangerous diseases occurs only after the administration of an inactivated or live vaccine. Other methods of therapy are not able to completely get rid of the disease; the risk of re-infection persists throughout life.

Causes of complications

Nowadays it is fashionable to refuse vaccination, to look for reasons not to vaccinate children. Internet forums are filled with stories about complications that arose after vaccinations. But, if you carefully study each case, it turns out that most of the negative reactions have objective reasons. With proper preparation for vaccination and taking into account certain factors, complications could have been avoided.

Most often, negative reactions occur in the following cases:

  • vaccination during a child’s illness;
  • doctors and parents ignoring contraindications (both temporary and absolute);
  • inattention to the baby’s condition on the day of vaccination;
  • improper preparation for vaccine administration;
  • inopportune moment: the baby has just suffered a serious illness, the family has returned from a trip to the sea, the child has suffered severe stress;
  • the use of potent drugs, blood transfusions shortly before the time of vaccination;
  • refusal to take antihistamines that prevent allergic reactions if the child has increased sensitization of the body.

Sometimes the cause of complications is a poor-quality vaccine. Fortunately, such cases are rare. With frequent complaints from parents about active adverse reactions in children, doctors are required to collect data on a certain type of vaccine and transfer it to the authorities involved in drug quality control. If there are a large number of negative reviews, a certain series is temporarily withdrawn from production to re-check the quality.

Table of vaccinations for children by age

Pay attention to the vaccination schedule for children. What vaccinations do children get? For medical reasons, the doctor can create an individual vaccination schedule or prescribe the use of an additional vaccine.

Frequently ill children are often prescribed vaccinations to prevent hemophilus influenzae infection. A dangerous pathogen provokes purulent meningitis, osteomyelitis, epiglotitis, pneumonia, otitis media.

Many pediatricians recommend vaccinating children against influenza from the age of 6 months. Vaccines are updated annually taking into account the strains of the virus that are most active in the current period. A risk group for which the flu vaccine will help prevent dangerous complications: children suffering from chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi, heart and kidney pathologies.

Calendar and schedule of vaccinations for children by age:

Age Name of the disease to be prevented by vaccination
First 12 hours after birth Viral hepatitis B (1st vaccination required)
Newborns (from 3 to 7 days) Tuberculosis
1 month Viral hepatitis B (2nd vaccination)
Age 3 months Diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, tetanus (1st vaccination)
At 4.5 months Diphtheria, polio, tetanus, whooping cough (2nd vaccination)
Six months Viral hepatitis B (3rd vaccination) + polio, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria (3rd vaccination)
1 year Mumps, rubella, measles (1st vaccination)
18 months The 1st revaccination of children against tetanus, whooping cough, polio, diphtheria is being carried out
20 months Revaccination against polio
Age 6 years Vaccination against rubella for children, measles and mumps (2nd vaccination)
From 6 to 7 years (in 1st grade) Revaccination (1st) against tuberculosis
From 7 to 8 years old (in 2nd grade) Revaccination against tetanus and diphtheria (pertussis component missing)
Age 13 For previously unvaccinated children - administration of a vaccine against viral hepatitis B, administration of a vaccine against rubella (only for girls)
From 14 to 15 years old Mandatory revaccination for children against diphtheria and tetanus (3rd), against polio (3rd revaccination), revaccination (2nd) against tuberculosis
For adults Revaccination against tetanus and diphtheria is mandatory every 10 years.

Parents must fulfill a few simple conditions. Preparation will not take much time and effort. The more accurately the recommendations are followed, the lower the risk of complications. Pay attention to the child’s health, do not rely only on the doctor.

Helpful Tips:

  • Before going to the clinic, measure your temperature: the readings should be at 36.6–36.7 degrees. In children under one year old, many doctors consider a normal temperature, harmless for vaccinations, to be 37.1 degrees with accelerated heat exchange;
  • Before vaccination, tell the doctor about the well-being of your son or daughter, the presence/absence of allergies, diseases suffered recently. The task of parents is to provide detailed information about the health of their children, talk about known contraindications;
  • do not refuse vaccination for far-fetched reasons: “he is still too small”, “he is so sick”, “they say that some vaccinations have been canceled”;
  • If you are prone to allergies, doctors often give antihistamines before vaccination. If there is no predisposition, taking allergy pills is not necessary.

Possible body reactions

Experience shows that parents should know what side effects may occur with a particular type of vaccine. The doctor is obliged to warn about reactions so that the mother does not panic if, after vaccination, the baby’s temperature rises slightly or a slight lump or redness appears in the injection area.

It is important to know what reactions are normal, and when to sound the alarm, and to immediately seek help.

The doctor should tell you:

  • how the body may react to the vaccine;
  • how to act in case of complications, pronounced negative symptoms;
  • when the side effects from the vaccine should subside.

Parents' task:

  • monitor the child’s condition, monitor the reaction to the vaccine;
  • if age allows, explain to children how to handle the vaccination area (do not rub, do not wet, do not scratch, etc.);
  • protect the injection site from moisture (as indicated);
  • protect your son or daughter from contact with sick people;
  • maintain a daily routine and diet;
  • do not engage in high physical activity in the first days after administering the vaccine;
  • Seek advice in time if there are deviations from the norm.

Main types of side effects:

  • local. Redness, soreness, hardness at the injection site. In some children, nearby lymph nodes become enlarged. Some mixtures are designed to provoke local reactions to enhance the immune response. Examples: compositions against hepatitis A, B, ADS vaccines, DTP vaccination. Adjuvants (substances that cause local reactions) contain inactivated vaccines;
  • are common. Problems with sleep and appetite, rashes, anxiety, uncharacteristic crying. Headache, increased body temperature, cyanosis, decreased temperature of the hands and feet were noted;
  • post-vaccination complications. A rather severe, undesirable response of the body during the formation of specific immunity. Among them: immediate allergy to the vaccine, anaphylactic shock, neurological disorders, seizures. Such manifestations threaten health and require immediate resuscitation measures. Post-vaccination complications are rare: 1 case per 1–10 million vaccinations.

What are the risks of refusing vaccinations?

Various consequences:

  • the child is defenseless against dangerous infections;
  • any contact with a virus or bacteria carrier causes a milder or more severe form of the disease;
  • With many infections, re-infection is possible even after illness;
  • Without a medical card with vaccination records, a child is temporarily not allowed to enter a kindergarten, school, or health camp;
  • In the absence of the necessary vaccinations, travel to a country where preventive vaccination is mandatory is prohibited.

Many infectious diseases in adults are more severe than in childhood. In the absence of vaccination, the risk of infection increases when in contact with a sick person, and severe complications often develop.

Now you know how mandatory vaccination protects a child from bacterial and viral infections that various treatment methods and traditional preventive measures cannot cope with. Take a responsible approach to vaccination, study the vaccination calendar, look at the table of vaccinations by age.

Never refuse vaccination for far-fetched reasons. If the rules are followed, contraindications are taken into account, and the doctor and parents interact, the risk of complications is minimal.

More useful and interesting information about vaccinations for children in the following video:

Scheduled vaccinations, as well as extraordinary and emergency vaccinations, are enshrined in law. The vaccination schedule that we present here, therefore, may be slightly modified depending on the health status of a particular child. But the main information contained in the table is a list of diseases against which all children are vaccinated, except in cases of serious contraindications.

In addition to the mandatory vaccinations included in the calendar, the doctor may offer parents other vaccinations that are not fully paid for by the insurance company, but their cost may be partially compensated by it. This is a voluntary vaccination; such vaccinations are not mandatory and are done at the discretion of the parents. Some initially optional vaccinations become mandatory over time, and it is the “demand” from parents and the recommendations of specialists that can become the decisive factor in ensuring that funds are allocated to fully reimburse the cost of the vaccine for all children.

On January 1, 2007, significant changes to the vaccination schedule came into force. The so-called hexavaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, hemophilus influenzae type B, viral hepatitis type B) became mandatory, which significantly simplified the entire vaccination scheme, made it more economical and reduced the burden on the child’s body.

The desired goal of every vaccination is to create artificial immunity against infectious diseases by administering vaccines or serums.

To create long-term active immunity, vaccines are administered, and to create passive immunity, serum preparations and immunoglobulins are administered.

Immunoglobulins are concentrated serum preparations made only from human blood.

Vaccinations are given either once (for measles, mumps, tuberculosis) or multiple times (for polio, whooping cough, diphtheria). And if the immunity developed during the initial vaccination must be maintained, after a few years the so-called vaccination is carried out.

Vaccination calendar for children

  • Newborns (in the first 24 hours of life): First vaccination against hepatitis B;
  • Newborns (3-7 days): Vaccination against tuberculosis;
  • 1 month: Second vaccination against hepatitis B (children at risk);
  • 2 months: Third vaccination against hepatitis B (children at risk);
  • 3 months: Second vaccination against hepatitis B First vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio First vaccination against rotavirus infection;
  • 4.5 months: Second vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio Second vaccination against rotavirus infection;
  • 6 months: Third vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio Third vaccination against hepatitis B;
  • 7 months: First vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae;
  • 8 months: Second vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae;
  • 12 months: Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps Vaccination against chickenpox;
  • 15 months: Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis; The vaccination schedule depends on the type of vaccine, is carried out in accordance with the instructions for use of the drug. Revaccination against tick-borne encephalitis and subsequent revaccinations depend on the type of vaccine, and is carried out in accordance with the instructions for use of the drug;
  • 18 months: First revaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, revaccination against Haemophilus influenzae;
  • 20 months: Second revaccination against polio First vaccination against GA;
  • 26 months: Second vaccination against GA;
  • 6 years: Revaccination against measles, rubella, mumps Second revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough;
  • 7 years: First revaccination against tuberculosis;
  • 13 years old (girls): Vaccination against human papillomavirus infection;
  • 14 years: Third revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus Third revaccination against polio Second revaccination against tuberculosis;
  • Children from 1 to 17 years of age who have not been sick, have not been vaccinated and do not have information about preventive vaccinations against hepatitis B: Vaccination against hepatitis B;
  • Children from 1 to 17 years of age who have not been sick, have not been vaccinated and do not have information about preventive vaccinations against rubella, as well as those vaccinated once against rubella: Vaccination against rubella;
  • Children from 1 year to 17 years old, vaccinated once against rubella: Revaccination against rubella.

At the same time, new drugs are appearing on the market to supplement the list of routine vaccinations given to children in the first months of life. We are talking primarily about vaccination against pneumococcal and rotavirus infections.

Thanks to vaccination with hexavaccine, each infant receives a vaccination against hepatitis B, which leads to an increase in interest in supplementing the calendar with vaccination against hepatitis A. There is also increased interest in vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis, meningococcus group C, and for older children - in a complex vaccination against hepatitis A and B In recent years, there has been interest in vaccinations against chickenpox. In 2008, a comprehensive tetravaccine against measles, rubella, mumps and chickenpox appeared on the market, which can also significantly simplify the entire scheme. Vaccination of girls against cervical cancer is popular - it is the first vaccine that protects against cancer by preventing infection with the human papillomavirus, which causes the disease.

As can be seen from the short list, several completely new vaccines have emerged in recent years, and discussions are currently underway about their inclusion in general practice.

Today, the most pressing issue is vaccination against pneumococcal infections (Pneumococcal infection is a group of diseases caused by pneumococcus: pneumococcal pneumonia, acute otitis media, pneumococcal meningitis, etc.). In accordance with the current vaccination regulations, such vaccinations are planned to be carried out at the expense of the state only for children at risk. Currently, the number of children who receive this vaccination at the request of their parents is growing.

Comments on individual vaccinations

Pneumococcal infections. A vaccine called Prevenar is currently used to vaccinate very young children against seven types of pneumococci - the main causative agents of primarily contagious pneumococcal diseases: sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia in children under two years of age. Recently, a new indication for the use of the drug was approved - the prevention of inflammation of the middle ear and pneumonia in children under 5 years of age. Due to the fact that a child becomes susceptible to pneumococcal infections in the first months of life (from about three months), vaccination should be carried out as early as possible. During laboratory studies of Prevenar, it was found that it can be administered to children on the same day with other vaccines, except BCG. At the age of up to 6 months, 3 vaccinations are carried out with revaccination in the second year; from 6 months - 2 vaccinations with revaccination in the second year. Children from one year old receive 2 vaccinations, from two years old - one.

Rotavirus gastroenteritis. New vaccines help limit the risk of disease. They can be used to prevent disease in all children who do not have problems with the digestive system. We are talking about a live oral vaccine here. In accordance with the recommendations for the use of both drugs, which can be used starting from the sixth week of a child’s life, it is necessary to determine the timing for the first injection of rotavirus vaccine. That is, vaccinations should be planned in such a way that two injections are given before the 24th week (Rotarix) or three injections before the 32nd week (Rotatek). Experts recommend one injection of rotavirus vaccine before 9 weeks of age. The second or third injection can be given one to two months later, along with the hexavaccine injection.

Meningococcus C. Prevention of meningococcal infections in children can be achieved with the meningococcal type C vaccine, which can be used from infancy, followed by vaccinations and revaccinations in the second year. In addition, the epidemiological situation must be taken into account. At the moment, adolescents aged 14 to 19 years are considered at risk.

Hepatitis A. Recently, interest in this vaccine has grown. Preschool children are practically not protected from this disease. Thanks to universal vaccination against hepatitis B, the hepatitis A vaccine could replace the previously popular combined hepatitis A+B vaccine. Preschool children are at greatest risk of the disease. It is advisable for a child to be vaccinated against hepatitis A before traveling abroad to a high-risk region.

Varicella zoster virus. Vaccination against the varicella zoster virus is best done before the child enters kindergarten or school. A vaccine called Varilrix is ​​used for this. For this disease, it is difficult to identify risk groups and predict possible complications. Recently, children and adolescents are required to receive this vaccination before traveling to the United States, where universal vaccination has been practiced for several years. A single injection guarantees almost complete protection against all serious clinical forms of the disease. The effectiveness against mild forms of the virus is approximately 88 percent, that is, after a single vaccination, in a relatively small percentage of cases the disease can develop, but only in a mild form. This was the reason for changes in recommendations for use and the transition to a two-dose vaccination system, originally intended for children over 12 years of age.

Priorix is ​​a vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps. In accordance with the vaccination calendar, the first vaccination is carried out for children aged 12 months and over, the second - at 6 years (girls are recommended to be revaccinated with T1riorix at the age of 13 years). The vaccine is well tolerated by the body, causes minimal reactions and is highly effective.

Priorix-Tetra is a vaccine against measles, rubella, mumps and varicella that has recently appeared on the market. It is used in a two-dose regimen, like Priorix, and thus replaces the mandatory vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps. The effectiveness of prevention is increased by double vaccination against the varicella zoster virus.

Tick-borne encephalitis. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is usually given to children aged 4 years and older; individual vaccination can be carried out earlier, but the risk of infection in young children is minimal. You also need to take into account the current epidemiological situation. Revaccination is recommended annually for 3 years after the first injection.

Human papillomavirus. It is recommended to vaccinate before the start of sexual activity, from nine and, preferably, up to fifteen years, but vaccination is also allowed at a later period. Girls are recommended to get vaccinated at age 13. Before the age of 15, the body produces antibodies most intensively, which creates effective protection against the disease. When administered before sexual activity, the vaccine guarantees complete protection against the virus. Vaccination with the two available drugs is carried out according to a three-dose schedule, it is advisable to do all three injections within one year, best according to the scheme: 0-2-6 months (Silgard vaccine) or 0-1-6 months (Cerva-Rix).

Preventive vaccinations are one of the main factors in the fight against preventable infectious diseases. Since 2001, the Ministry of Health has approved a calendar of preventive vaccinations. However, under the influence of social factors, more and more parents refuse to vaccinate their children for one reason or another. There is an opinion that it is strictly forbidden to vaccinate a child suffering from allergies or asthma. Today it is believed that it is necessary to vaccinate children suffering from allergic diseases in the same way as healthy children. However, it is better to vaccinate outside the period of exacerbation with the parallel use of antihistamines. It is strictly contraindicated to vaccinate children who have developed a violent allergic reaction to a previous vaccination, as well as children who are allergic to components of vaccine preparations (for example, chicken protein). The next misconception concerns the idea that vaccinations can only be given to children in a state of complete physiological health. A very small percentage of children, especially under 3 years of age, are completely healthy. It is children whose parents refuse vaccination due to an acute respiratory infection or a cold that are at risk for diseases against which preventive vaccinations are carried out (a viral infection can serve as a contraindication to vaccination only in cases of severe intoxication or high fever). Therefore, by refusing vaccination due to illness, the child is exposed to an even greater risk of contracting a more serious infectious disease.

The next common misconception is that various neurological diseases are considered a contraindication to vaccination. It is imperative to vaccinate a child suffering from any disease of the central or peripheral nervous system, since otherwise the occurrence of an infection can significantly increase the severity of the underlying neurological disease and cause complications. The presence of a disease of the nervous system is an indication for changing the vaccination schedule, as well as changing the vaccination regimen (for example, from the associated pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine, the pertussis component can be extracted, which affects the nervous system, since it can develop as a lesion of the central nervous system in the form of encephalitis and meningoencephalitis, and the peripheral nervous system in the form of polyneuritis, etc.). Neurological complications after vaccination may include short-term seizures that do not entail serious consequences. Diseases of the nervous system that develop as a result of chromosomal defects are considered stable, and their presence does not require an individual approach to vaccination issues. Such diseases include, for example, Down's disease, Patau syndrome, Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, Kline-Felter syndrome, etc. Disorders such as postpartum encephalopathy or thymus enlargement that resolve over time are also not a contraindication for preventive vaccination.

There is an opinion that preventive vaccination should not be given to children suffering from intestinal bacteriosis. However, a contraindication (relative, not absolute) is only a severe disturbance of the intestinal microbial flora, which most often develops as a result of long-term use of antimicrobial drugs (antibiotics). Only in this case should vaccination be postponed until normal intestinal microflora is restored, but in other cases there is no reason to refuse preventive vaccination.

The Russian Federation has a program for assessing the safety of vaccines for public health and a system of state testing of vaccines. So before a vaccine is released for mass use, it undergoes a multi-stage test, which includes conducting various experiments, experiments and clinical trials that evaluate the safety of a particular vaccine.

Characteristics of the main vaccine preparations

  1. Vaccines consisting of whole pathogens of infectious diseases killed by chemical, physical or biological methods. Such drugs include cholera, typhoid, pertussis and other vaccines, as well as inactive viral vaccines, such as polio and influenza vaccines.
  2. Vaccines that contain an inactive toxin produced by a microorganism (tetanus or diphtheria vaccine).
  3. Vaccines that contain live viruses that have lost their virulence, but retain immunogenicity and are capable of causing a mild form of infectious disease without any clinical manifestations: attenuated vaccines. These include vaccines against measles and mumps, and there is also an attenuated influenza vaccine.
  4. Vaccines containing live microorganisms that cross-react with each other and are immunologically related to each other (for example, the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis).
  5. Vaccines consisting of artificially inactivated, killed pathogens of infectious diseases (vaccine against meningitis or pneumococcal vaccine).
  6. Vaccines that contain drugs against several infections (associated vaccines), for example DPT, rubella-mumps-measles vaccine, etc.

Before carrying out preventive vaccination, the child must be examined by a doctor, who must measure the temperature and find out the immediate epidemic history of the parents (whether the child has suffered from any infectious disease or been in contact with infected people). The response to vaccination includes both local and systemic manifestations in the form of redness, swelling, local fever, itching, mild malaise and weakness.

Contraindications to vaccination

It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate if, during the previous vaccination, the child developed a severe allergic reaction with an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C or anaphylactic shock. All live vaccines (against measles, mumps or influenza) cannot be used if the body’s immune defense is reduced, for example, with primary immunodeficiency conditions, malignant neoplasms, etc. Vaccination against tuberculosis is not given to children weighing less than 2000 g, or children with any intrauterine infections and hemolytic disease of the newborn, as well as if, after a previous vaccination, a keloid scar has formed at the site of drug administration. In addition, vaccination against tuberculosis is contraindicated in the presence of malignant blood diseases. Vaccination against polio (oral polio vaccine) is not carried out if the child has a severe reaction to a previous vaccination against polio, immunodeficiency conditions or HIV infection, malignant blood diseases and the presence of neoplasms. Diseases accompanied by a high rise in body temperature and chronic, sluggish diseases in the acute stage are also contraindications (vaccination is carried out when diseases enter the compensation stage).

Vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough is not carried out if occupational, malignant current diseases of the nervous system are detected, as well as if there is a history of seizures (in this case, vaccination is carried out with a drug without an anti-pertussis component). Live measles vaccine is not administered if the child has severe allergic reactions to aminoglycoside drugs. Vaccination against mumps cannot be carried out in the presence of anaphylactic or allergic reactions to egg white.

Features of preventive vaccination in premature infants

In the case when the child is healthy and was born weighing at least 2000 g, vaccination is carried out according to the above scheme. Children who were born with a body weight of less than 2000 g are not vaccinated against tuberculosis in the maternity hospital; it is done when the child’s body weight reaches 2500 g. For children who were born with a body weight of less than 1.5 kg, preventive vaccination is carried out only at the end of the first years of life.

Adverse reactions and complications after vaccinations

The introduction of both live and killed bacterial or viral vaccines into the body is often accompanied by adverse reactions in the form of fever and general malaise or signs of a mild disease. In addition, there may be redness, swelling, and soreness at the injection site (injection or scratch). Usually all these reactions pass quite quickly. Less commonly observed are allergic reactions on the skin, suppuration at the site of vaccine administration, muscle cramps, signs of acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), and general intoxication. There are also immediate allergic reactions to the administered vaccine, which depend on individual intolerance to the drugs and are therefore generally difficult to predict.

A reaction to live measles vaccine (except immediate allergic) cannot occur earlier than 4 days, and later than 12-14 days after administration. When administering polio vaccines, the body's main reaction should be expected within 30 days (without excluding the possibility of an immediate allergic reaction).

In both cases, the incubation period is indicated, during which microorganisms that enter the baby’s body through vaccination with live vaccines and cause adverse reactions multiply.

Post-vaccination reactions may appear within 4 weeks, but usually not later. Only after anti-tuberculosis vaccination (BCG) there are cases of osteomyelitis even 14 months after vaccination. Most often, complications after vaccination are observed from complex DTP vaccination.

Complications after vaccinations may be due to a number of reasons. These include errors made by medical personnel (such as incorrect dosage, preparation or storage of the vaccine), and the increased sensitivity of children to injected drugs, and “forgetfulness” regarding the contraindications that exist for the baby.

How to avoid complications?

Some features of a child’s health can cause unwanted complications after vaccinations and require increased attention from a doctor.

These include:

  • the child has allergic (including food) reactions;
  • frequent acute respiratory diseases;
  • strong reactions to previous vaccinations;
  • the child or family members have immune diseases (cancer, AIDS);
  • the presence of congenital diseases or birth trauma;
  • the presence of increased intracranial pressure or seizures.

To minimize the risk of complications, the following requirements must be observed:

  • Not only your baby, but also everyone at home should be healthy (of course, in the sense of acute, in particular respiratory, diseases, because “grandmother’s diabetes” is not a contraindication for vaccination for a child);
  • if the child himself has recently had a cold, then he must wait at least two weeks before the next vaccination; babies who are already receiving complementary foods should stop giving new types of food no less than a week before the proposed vaccination;
  • you should definitely know about the contraindications for a specific vaccination and make sure that they do not apply to your baby;
  • The night before, wash your child completely, since after vaccination you will not be able to do this for at least several days (the injection site should not be wetted).

The pediatrician, in turn, will examine the baby immediately before vaccination, review the results of blood and urine tests done the day before, and recommend how to mitigate possible reactions to the vaccine. If a child is prone to allergies, he may prescribe antiallergic drugs to the baby.

Immediately after vaccination, it is better not to rush home, sit for another 15-20 minutes in the clinic, then in the event of an acute allergic reaction (it cannot be foreseen), you will be able to get quick, qualified help.

Don't forget to ask what time frame you can expect your child to respond to a particular vaccination.

Under no circumstances make any compresses or apply anything to the injection site!

  • Consider underfeeding your baby a little if he has a good appetite, or feeding according to his decreased appetite. If you have already introduced complementary foods to your baby’s diet, give him more drinks - compotes, green tea, fruit or berry tea, still mineral water;
  • minimize the baby’s contacts with other people: after vaccination, the child’s body is busy developing immunity, and “foreign germs” are undesirable for him at this moment;
  • spend more time with your child outside, in the fresh air. Ventilate the room more often.

If your baby has a fever in the evening or the next day, give him more to drink. If the temperature rises above 37.5 °C, consult a doctor to examine and monitor his condition.

The child’s body is busy developing immunity, and “foreign microbes” are undesirable for him at this moment...

Try to remember all the baby's reactions to each vaccination. It's even better if you write them down - this will come in handy when preparing for your next vaccination. This is especially true for those vaccinations that are administered in several doses!

What to do if the vaccination is missed?

First of all, if for some reason your baby missed one of his vaccinations, this does not mean that everything needs to start over. When the child is ready, you will give him the missed vaccination and in the future you will follow the routine vaccination calendar accepted in Russia. If the interval between scheduled vaccinations significantly (by two or more months) exceeds that recommended by the calendar, the doctor himself will monitor your baby’s individual vaccination schedule.

But in the case when the exemption from vaccinations was long and the child turned out to be unvaccinated, for example, up to a year (or even later), vaccination can begin as soon as the contraindications are removed, and the general rule is to observe the intervals between vaccinations that are indicated in the calendar vaccinations.

Is there an alternative?

You have just become acquainted with the current vaccination scheme in our country. There is another one. But first of all, we would like to say that the debate is not about vaccination as such, but about universal and thoughtless vaccination. Opponents of the thesis “vaccinate everyone” are scientists, virologists, immunologists, highly qualified specialists, many of whom themselves participated in the development of new vaccines.

The civic position of these doctors does not allow them to turn a blind eye to the problems of vaccinology. In addition, they do not at all deny the achievements of their beloved science, they are only afraid that such a powerful weapon as vaccinology can be used - through oversight, ignorance, negligence, indifference - not for good, but for harm. After all, we all know how a peaceful atom can turn into Chernobyl. So let's look at alternative arguments.

Why do doubts arise?

So, from the point of view of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, the painful condition of a child caused by vaccinations was not only possible, but also acceptable.

From a humane point of view, each individual child is precious, and if there is a danger even for him alone, then one should think about the benefits of the entire event. And if the number of post-vaccination complications is alarmingly high, then it would seem that emergency measures are necessary. But, apparently, the Ministry of Health believes that acquired immunity in some children compensates for post-vaccination complications in others.

It is precisely this position that opponents of the official view of the problem dispute. These scientists insist that vaccination is a serious immunobiological operation, that each child is individual and has its own adaptive capabilities, which for one can cope with the blow to the immune system, for another - not, and vaccination for a “non-standard” baby can result in a serious illness.

There is also an opinion that with the complete elimination of the causative agents of all infectious diseases, their “place in the sun” will be taken by much stronger microbes, since “nature abhors a vacuum.” And this forecast is coming true - new aggressive strains of mycobacteria have appeared, causing tuberculosis of the bones, skin, intestines, and genitourinary system.

The point is that according to all the rules, with which the Ministry of Health fully agrees, the vaccine is administered only to a healthy body. And now there are practically no healthy children - the social conditions of life of the majority of our population, the environmental situation in the country, etc. do not stand up to criticism.

So what should mothers do?

The formula is well known: it is easy to criticize, but it is difficult to offer a way out of a deadlock situation. However, supporters of an alternative view of vaccination seem to have found a way out.

The starting point of their thinking is this: it has long been known that even during the most terrible epidemics, only a certain percentage of people fell ill with smallpox or plague. If we were all equally sensitive to various infectious diseases, people would have died out a long time ago. It is unacceptable to “place” our “specific baby” in the category of “experimental errors”, because he is not a “percentage”, but someone’s sunshine, someone’s joy. Suddenly his body is especially sensitive to mercury salts, which are included in DTP, and so a healthy baby will turn out to be disabled, but vaccinated.

Therefore, a “pre-vaccination” method of mandatory diagnostic examination has been proposed - immunodiagnostics. This is not a routine procedure - taking blood from the umbilical cord at the birth of a child, not a superficial “quick” examination (a urine test will not tell you anything!), but a special examination before a serious biological operation, which is vaccination.

It is also proposed to introduce a “passport-questionnaire of immune status” as a mandatory medical document for every person. This document must reflect the specific immune status of the person, i.e. the degree of individual protection of his body from infectious diseases. According to immunologists, such a document should be issued in special microbiological diagnostic laboratories in any clinic in our country. Well, let's wait and hope!

Refusal of vaccinations

You will make a decision that can have a serious impact on the life and health of your baby yourself. We cannot advise anything, so we will only provide you with the information that we ourselves have.

It must be admitted that a formalized refusal represents one of the main administrative problems for those who do not want to vaccinate their children.

Consequences of your refusal to vaccinate can be quite varied.

If you are not a principled opponent of vaccinations, then you should remember that there are emergency cases when a baby or another family member should still be vaccinated.

If you want, you can vaccinate your baby or mother in the following cases:

  • if your baby has been in contact with someone who is sick and you are afraid that he may get sick. Contact your pediatrician for emergency administration of the appropriate vaccine and/or gamma globulin.
  • if the family is planning a pregnancy, and the mother and eldest child have not had rubella or are not vaccinated against it;
  • if there are AIDS patients in the family. In such a situation, it is better to vaccinate the baby. He will most likely survive the infection quite easily, but in sick relatives it can cause extremely serious consequences;
  • if there are adults in the family who have not had measles, mumps or rubella, and the baby must attend kindergarten and can easily bring the infection from there. Adults can also be vaccinated if they want, of course;
  • In case of contaminated injuries, an unvaccinated baby needs emergency prophylaxis against tetanus.

The issue of vaccinations is very controversial for many parents; there are both supporters and ardent opponents of this method. There can indeed be complications after vaccinations, but most of them can be minimized by following simple vaccination rules.

Vaccination rules:

1. Vaccinations should only be done if you have a healthy baby.

If a child is sick, he still has signs of a recent illness, or less than a month has passed since he was sick, his teeth are cutting, diathesis has begun, then children cannot be vaccinated now. If medical workers put pressure on you in this matter (and they are pressured from above), write a written refusal.

2. Compliance with vaccination schedules in children with chronic diseases(asthma, stomach diseases, allergies) or perinatal problems, such as hypertension, increased intracranial pressure, distance. In this case, there is a vaccination rule: wait until 1-1.5 years and “start vaccination no earlier than 12 months after the disappearance of pathological symptoms and only after the conclusion of a neurologist.” Failure to comply with this rule can lead to serious illness.

3. If necessary, tests are prescribed.

If the pediatrician has been monitoring the baby since birth and is sure that the child is healthy and developing according to his age, then tests are not needed. If the baby is often sick and prone to anemia, then a blood test and an immunogram are simply necessary for him. If low hemoglobin is detected, treatment is prescribed to increase it. An immunogram is also done if there is a suspicion that the child may have congenital or acquired immunodeficiency conditions. It is important to understand whether the baby’s body can give an immune response to the vaccine.

4. Vaccination rules say that the vaccination cannot be repeated unless it is prescribed by the schedule.

I witnessed a scene in the hospital where the baby's mother was screaming and crying for them to get vaccinated. But the point was that my mother bought the wrong vaccine by mistake - she bought the same one that they received last time. Mom cried that the vaccine costs money and get it, because she already bought it, but she can’t give it back. Neither the doctor nor the nurse could prove to her the danger and unnecessaryness of such an action. After your child has been vaccinated, wait for the nurse to make a note on your child's record.

5. Vaccinations should be carried out only in a specialized institution in a vaccination room.

It should be equipped with everything necessary in case emergency care is needed for a small patient.

6. When supplying the vaccine to medical institutions, the rules for its storage and transportation are observed.

State clinics use the so-called “cold chain”, which ensures a special temperature regime during storage and transportation of the vaccine, equal to 4-8 degrees. There is a special tester in the cooler bag in which each shipment is transported, and its serial number is recorded on the delivery note. The tester is placed in the refrigerator along with the received drug, and when it runs out, the tester is transferred to the sanitation station. In a situation where for some reason the temperature has changed, the tester shows a problem and the vaccine must be disposed of. This is so serious that no health worker will use the drug in case of temperature violation. But recently, many parents believe that the vaccine purchased at the pharmacy for money is of better quality. However, what about proper transportation in this case?

7. After the vaccine is administered, the vaccination rules advise staying in the medical room. institution about 10 minutes.

Any drug, including the one we are considering, can give an immediate type of reaction that occurs within a few minutes. In this case, doctors will be able to provide immediate medical assistance and reduce the negative consequences.

8. After any vaccination, the baby may have a slight fever for 3 days, be lethargic and irritable.

This is normal, because the baby suffers the infection, albeit in a very mild form. It is advisable that in the post-vaccination days the little one stays at home, leads a calm lifestyle, and drinks a lot. If he is getting sleepy, cover him with a woolen blanket and let him sleep. During sleep, it is easier for the body to cope with infections and recover. These days, avoid physical exercise, shopping, excursions, being in crowded places and public transport, so as not to catch an infection in a situation where your body is weakened.

9. Do not get vaccinated shortly before entering kindergarten.

It’s not uncommon for parents to receive a call that there is space available in kindergarten, and they begin to hastily register their child and get the missing vaccinations. Children usually go through a difficult period of adaptation to new conditions in a child care facility. And the post-vaccination period will lead to the fact that the baby will endure this time worse and get sick. Vaccination rules say that it is better to get vaccinated several months before your first trip to kindergarten.

10. Do not remain silent about post-vaccination complications.

The doctor must understand what causes a certain reaction in the baby’s body - individual characteristics or the vaccine itself. If an allergic reaction to the drug is confirmed, then this batch is subject to withdrawal and sent for clinical trials and certification. Even if the cause was the individual characteristics of the baby, it is possible to introduce a weakened vaccine next time.

Don't be afraid of vaccinations - they will help your baby avoid serious diseases. However, when going to the vaccination office, think about whether you are following all the vaccination rules.

And remember: no doctor will give you a guarantee that vaccinations will not cause complications. You and only you are responsible for the health of your children, so think and weigh the pros and cons.


Modern scientific developments have reached such a high level that doctors have learned not only to prevent, but also to treat many previously fatal diseases. Doctors also pay attention to the vaccination schedule for the population to prevent the spread of serious infections, which is especially important for younger patients.

How to prepare a vaccination schedule for children

The introduction of antigenic material in order to create immunity is carried out within strictly established periods. The national vaccination calendar for children determines when and under what epidemiological conditions in a particular region vaccination should be carried out. The generally accepted vaccination plan is constantly changing, taking into account the danger of the spread of infectious diseases in a particular period.

Together with the national schedule, a regional schedule of childhood vaccinations is formed. The latter takes into account the peculiarities of the epidemiological situation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and is approved by local authorities of the Ministry of Health. Vaccination carried out by private and public medical institutions is carried out only with registered drugs of Russian or foreign production. At the same time, prophylactic injection drugs against meningococcus and pneumococcus are mostly purchased in developed European countries.

Children's vaccinations by age

Preventive vaccination involves stimulating children's immunity through mandatory and voluntary injections. The latter are introduced if there are special indications. They are recommended if the child travels to another country with a hot climate or goes to a summer camp or sanatorium. Then it is necessary to vaccinate him against infections common in the area.

HIV and hepatitis B are known to be widespread in Southern and parts of Central Africa. It is important to know that any pathological agent can be “brought” from almost anywhere. As for Russia, for example, the population of the Siberian district receives mandatory injections against tick-borne encephalitis. According to the Russian national vaccination schedule, children receive the following preventive vaccinations against:

  1. Tuberculosis (BCG). The vaccine has been used for more than 80 years. The drug does not develop the body's resistance to tuberculosis, but helps children under 10 years of age avoid the serious consequences of this disease. The disadvantages of BCG include possible complications:
    • abscess;
    • osteomyelitis;
    • inflammation of the lymphatic ducts.
  2. Whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus (DTP). The drug is a polyvaccine, the effectiveness of which has been proven by numerous studies. DTP allows you to achieve immunity of the child to the above diseases. The injection can provoke the development of severe pathologies of the nervous system.
  3. Hepatitis B. The vaccine contains particles of the virus shell. The advantage of the drug can be considered the formation of stable immunity to the pathogen. The vaccination schedule recommends administering the vaccine three times at specific times. Experts warn about the possible occurrence of the following side effects after injection for hepatitis B:
    • encephalitis;
    • meningitis;
    • seizures,
    • runny nose

  1. Haemophilus influenzae. The drug includes only that part of the microbial shell that carries the antigen. A distinctive feature of this material is its joint introduction with DPT, which fully meets the requirements of the national schedule. The following side effects may occur after the antigen vaccine:
    • hypoplastic anemia;
    • decreased platelet count;
    • sudden death.
  2. Chicken pox. The introduction of antigenic material from this disease very effectively fights the pathogen. The vaccination schedule for children involves a single dose of the drug to obtain a stable immune response. An injection against chickenpox helps eliminate a number of severe complications that arise from the disease. However, the injection can also cause a number of negative consequences:
    • convulsions;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • allergies;
    • arthritis.
  3. Flu. Vaccination requires annual revaccination according to the established schedule. At the same time, the influenza virus is constantly mutating, which complicates the production of a vaccine. Influenza injections often provoke:
    • headache;
    • temperature increase;
    • loss of consciousness.

  1. Rubella, measles and mumps (RMR). An extremely important vaccine. Immunity to rubella is formed after the first vaccination, and in order for antibodies to measles and mumps to appear, it is necessary to administer the vaccine twice on schedule. Failure to comply with this rule may result in loss of the protective mechanism. Doctors warn about the following possible side effects after the MMR vaccine:
    • anaphylactic shock;
    • sleep or digestive disorders;
    • mumps.
  2. Meningococcus. The introduction of antigenic material against this serious disease in Russia is done from the very birth of the child. The procedure is voluntary. In case of severe spread of infection, it is recommended to carry out mandatory vaccination against meningitis. The consequences of injections against meningococcus can be:
    • Quincke's edema;
    • decreased muscle tone;
    • headache.
  3. Poliomyelitis. A couple of decades ago, this disease affected a huge number of people. After the introduction of compulsory vaccination against polio, the picture changed dramatically. In Russia, infants receive their first vaccination against this infection at 3 months. Further administration of the drug against meningitis is carried out according to the routine vaccination schedule. Parents often refuse polio injections due to the high risk of developing vaccine-associated polio.
  4. Pneumococcus. Vaccination guarantees resistance to 7 types of this microbe. Parents should be aware of the possible consequences of receiving the pneumococcal vaccine:
    • loss of consciousness;
    • low-grade fever;
    • allergies.

Up to a year

The baby, as a rule, is given drugs for tuberculosis (BCG) and hepatitis B while still in the maternity hospital. About a week later, the baby is given a Mantoux test. The further vaccination schedule for children is drawn up taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. At the same time, doctors often resort to delaying the upcoming vaccination due to medical withdrawal or parental refusal to administer it, which is recorded in the vaccine card. In the first year of life, the child’s body experiences the effects of the following injections:

  1. DPT;
  2. against polio;
  3. from hepatitis B;

From one to three years

Many parents postpone mandatory vaccination until a later period, which is actually justified in some situations. A child's body from one to three years of age is able to cope with many pathogenic agents; it has already developed immunity to many serious diseases. According to the planned schedule, at the age of one and a half years, the child is vaccinated against polio, hemophilus influenzae, whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Children under 3 years of age are not vaccinated against other diseases.


Repeated administration of antigenic material is necessary to maintain the immune response over a long period of time. Often, revaccination is not required at all, and to create immunity to a pathogenic agent, only one injection within the prescribed time frame is enough. In a situation where the next vaccination is missed, the child’s body loses resistance to microbes. The childhood vaccination schedule includes repeated administration of an injectable drug against the following infections:

  • tuberculosis;
  • whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus;
  • rubella, mumps, measles;
  • polio;
  • hepatitis B.

Planned schedule

Vaccination is carried out according to the National and regional schedule. It is important to note that these lists are constantly being updated. Additions and amendments reflect the epidemiological situation in a particular territory. For this reason, parents should not be surprised if the schedule of routine vaccinations for children has been supplemented with new vaccinations. The general plan for carrying out injection stimulation of children's immunity is as follows:


Newborn babies

Hepatitis B and BCG

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B

DPT, polio, first vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae.

DTP, revaccination against polio, hemophilus influenzae, hepatitis B.

Mantoux test, PDA, hepatitis B (children at risk).

DPT, revaccination against polio, hemophilus influenzae infection.

Repeated vaccination against polio.

DTP and CPC.

Revaccination against polio, tuberculosis, tetanus and diphtheria.

Vaccination of children for epidemic indications

It may happen that the spread of infection in certain areas is considered more likely than in others. For this reason, regional childhood vaccination schedules are constantly updated with new regimens for the administration of specific drugs. Thus, it is known that injections against anthrax and brucellosis are recommended for people living near livestock farms. Vaccination of children for epidemic reasons is voluntary, so parents must independently decide whether or not to vaccinate their children against plague, cholera and other serious diseases.


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