At night a severe cough begins. Causes of attacks at night. Dry cough throughout the night

Cough is reflex reaction the body to irritate the receptors of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It can occur suddenly or recur constantly. Sometimes a cough torments a person in attacks. They keep you awake at night and disturb you during the day. This can happen for various reasons. And before you look for a way to cough, you need to understand why it appeared. After all, any means will be ineffective if the cause of the attack is not eliminated.

Why does a cough appear?

This symptom of many diseases interferes physical activity a person, exhausts the body, attracts the attention of others. A cough may appear for the following reasons:

Attack of dry cough

Most of the above diseases begin with a dry cough. It most often occurs in the form of attacks. This may cause pain in the chest or throat, shortness of breath, and vomiting. This is a cough without sputum production, which is why it is also called non-productive. It often occurs due to an allergic reaction or exposure to attacks of dry cough in adults and children that need to be relieved with medications or folk remedies. The main thing is to moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve irritation.

Is it possible to block a wet cough?

When a cough produces phlegm, it is considered productive because it cleanses Airways from mucus. Such a wet cough cannot be cleared up. On the contrary, he needs to be helped with expectorants and sputum thinners. But in some cases it can also cause seizures. They are relieved by inhalation, warm drink or special medications.

Why do attacks often occur at night?

Cough may occur in different time, it depends on the reasons that caused it and the characteristics of the disease. But most often a coughing attack occurs at night. Especially with rhinitis, laryngitis or heart failure. The occurrence of attacks is influenced by the horizontal position of the body. In this case, mucus flows down the trachea and irritates the respiratory tract. In addition, relaxed muscles and slow blood circulation contribute to sputum congestion in the lungs.

First aid for an attack

You don't always need to get rid of a cough. Often it is a protective reaction of the body. Therefore, helping a person suffering from cough should consist of alleviating his condition:

  • you need to sit down, leaning on a pillow, or stand up, leaning forward a little;
  • relax and calm down;
  • humidify the air, for example, put a wet towel on the radiator, turn on the humidifier or place a pan of hot water next to it;
  • dilute 20 drops of valerian tincture in 100 g of water and drink;
  • Chamomile tea helps;
  • You can suck on a lollipop with menthol or honey.

How to relieve a coughing attack that finds a person not at home, for example, on the street or at work? You need to stand up straight, raise right hand up and pull it as high as possible until the cough stops.

Should I see a doctor?

Typically, occasional bouts of dry cough in adults should not be a cause for concern. If they do not recur and do not cause serious discomfort, you can cope with them yourself. Many patients with chronic diseases, such as allergies or asthma, know how to relieve a coughing attack. But there are cases when it is better to consult a doctor:

How to relieve a coughing attack in a child

You should be especially careful about such symptoms in children. If the cough is accompanied by fever, runny nose, watery eyes and weakness, then it is caused by a cold or a virus. To get rid of such a cough, you need to treat the underlying disease. You should consult a doctor for this; you should not give your child medications on your own.

If cough is the only symptom, this may be the result of an allergic reaction or a foreign body entering the respiratory tract. This often happens to babies who are left unattended: they can inhale parts of toys, food crumbs or other small objects. You should immediately consult a doctor if your child’s cough is accompanied by high fever, weakness, or shortness of breath. And if the baby begins to choke, his face turns pale or blue, you need to call ambulance.

How can you relieve a child’s coughing attack on your own?

Cough medicines for adults

All medications can be taken only after examination by a doctor and determination of the cause of the cough. Basically, they affect the body in a complex manner. How to relieve a cough attack with medications?

Traditional cough recipes

Such remedies are good for relieving coughing attacks in adults. But not all of them are suitable for helping with an attack. Most folk recipes need to be prepared in advance; this is done if a person’s cough recurs frequently. Other medications are taken for a long time, which is also more suitable for treatment. But there are also cough remedies for adults that will help ease attacks or make them less frequent.

  • Pour dry nettle herb with vodka and leave for 10 days in a dark place. Drink a tablespoon during attacks.
  • To sleep peacefully at night, you need to burn a tablespoon of sugar in a dry frying pan. Dilute this burnt mixture in a quarter glass of water and add a few drops of aloe juice.
  • Prevents coughing attacks at night with a decoction of sage in milk. This remedy is prepared in advance: boil a tablespoon of the herb in a glass of milk and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  • Tea with ginger, honey and lemon helps a lot.
  • If you are not allergic to bee products, you can mix honey with butter and eat a spoonful of this product with warm milk.
  • Warming helps in some cases chest. You can make a compress from boiled potatoes or rub yourself with cold ointment.

Everyone knows how unpleasant it is to be sick when the temperature rises, a runny nose and cough are tormented. It is especially disgusting when it intensifies at night. A cough can deprive a person of normal sleep.

In the morning, someone with a cold wakes up with a heavy head, completely exhausted, and absolutely not rested. Why does the cough get worse at night when lying down? The thing is that after 9 pm all processes that occur in the human body slow down. And, as a result, blood circulation deteriorates significantly, so sputum almost does not resolve, mucus accumulates and irritates the nerve endings. So the cough bothers me in the evening and at night, preventing me from fully falling asleep and relaxing.

Diseases that cause a person to become strong

Let's understand in more detail what can cause it and disrupt normal life:

  • Croup Here suits the man attacks and does not allow you to take full breaths.
  • Acid reflux. This is not a cold, but a digestive phenomenon.
  • Asthma or bronchitis. Here, coughing attacks at night are also accompanied by a strong whistle. This is especially true for obstructive bronchitis.
  • Whooping cough. An infectious disease, and it is characterized by night cough. The disease is most severe in young children under one year of age.
  • Sinusitis, rhinitis. Another reason for a bad night's sleep. Let us also note here chronic adenoiditis.
  • Heart failure. Cough treatment here by simple means It won’t work, because it is not caused by inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.

This general diseases which may cause coughing. Each of them must be treated and not neglected, so as not to suffer from a sore throat later.

Why does the cough get worse at night?

When a sick person goes to bed, the mucus practically stops dissolving. Phlegm begins to clog the nose and throat, causing a strong, coughing cough.

A similar process can be observed in the lungs, because when the body assumes a supine position, blood circulation slows down and is disrupted.

It was also noticed that in dark time The composition of the air changes throughout the day. It becomes much drier, cooler, different from daytime. This can also lead to reflex coughing attacks because the mucous membrane begins to be irritated.

But be that as it may, cough must be treated in any case and preferably under the supervision of a specialist. After all, the nature of its appearance can be varied and choosing treatment on your own is dangerous. First of all, eliminate the cause of the disease, not its consequence.

Why does my cough get worse at night? How to fight

Of course, lying down all night and coughing is very bad. A person does not get enough sleep, the body does not fully rest, and therefore is not treated. What will help you get rid of unpleasant condition and fall into a deep sleep.

A very good remedy is a glass of warm milk with butter and honey. Some people recommend adding a little baking soda to it.

A simple air humidifier will also help to cope with the problem.

If the cough continues to bother you, take inhalations. They will warm up the neck perfectly, and this will help cope with the disease.

Let us also remind you about effective action some medicines. These are "Sinekod", "Codelac", "Libexin" and "Dextrometofan".

But to apply them in healing process preferably after consultation with your doctor. The drugs help improve sleep, but can cause an allergic reaction.

Why does a child's cough become severe at night?

Little children are very exhausted at night by a strong cough, it literally brings them to real stress. IN daytime The tickle doesn’t bother the kids as much, the parents calm down a little and don’t turn to doctors for help, but when night comes, the cough comes again, and the insomnia comes again.

In order to stop the suffocating sounds, you need to visit a pediatrician to determine the cause of the disease, and you can also use old grandmother’s recipes to help fight the disease.

Causes of cough at night in babies

The body is trying to get rid of excess liquid, accumulated in it, and causes coughing. It is a protective reaction of the body, giving a sign that treatment is necessary.

Drugs that can eliminate a child’s cough have a bad effect on the body, they eliminate the disease only superficially, sputum remains in the bronchi, and this is dangerous because the disease develops into pneumonia.

Therefore, it is advisable to use proven medications and drink plenty of fluids.

Consequences of night cough in a child

Why does a child's cough get worse at night? After a baby has suffered an acute respiratory infection or a severe cold, which most often could be caused by hypothermia or a virus, he may continue to have a severe cough at night for a long time. It especially often accompanies those whose colds have not been properly cured.

That's why this consequence must be eliminated as quickly as possible by contacting a doctor who will prescribe the necessary conservative treatment and will heal everything that was carelessly missed at one time. With the right approach, the baby and his parents will forget about what a cough is in two or three days.

Why does cough get worse at night in adults?

Why does an adult's cough get worse at night? The tickle caused by asthma is different from simple cough loud whistling sounds, as well as heaviness in the chest and severe difficulty breathing.

Dry coughing at night is also observed when there is heart failure, and shortness of breath also appears. At night, insufficient oxygen enters the lungs due to the horizontal position of the body.

Another reason for coughing at night may be gastroenterological problems, when the nerve endings of the patient’s esophagus are affected irritating factors, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed.

Here you will need adequate treatment and observation by a specialist.

Why does the cough get worse at night when you have bronchitis?

This problem is not new for most people. It is with bronchitis that a strong cough is observed in the dark.

In a supine position, the fluid that separates from the lungs stops circulating and does not come out. That is, the sputum begins to stagnate, and a severe cough and sore throat manifests itself. The body tries to get rid of mucus, trying to cleanse the lungs and bronchi.

Why does night cough worsen with whooping cough?

Why does it get worse at night?? This disease is infectious and is especially dangerous for young children. The cough is very strong, accompanied by high fever and even vomiting.

The reasons for the appearance of whooping cough at night are not particularly different from those already listed above. This and:

  • Accumulated mucus in the lungs.
  • Incorrect body position during sleep.
  • Poorly ventilated area, too dry air.
  • Drink little fluid at night.
  • Lack of regular treatment.
  • Vomit is not regularly expectorated and accumulates in the bronchi.

Whooping cough needs to be treated intensively, with regular inhalations, drinking plenty of fluids and taking pills, medicines, herbal infusions.

How to deal with a cough

We have found out the reasons why the cough gets worse, now we will give a few useful recommendations how to deal with it at home.

We offer a couple of simple but effective recipes.

  1. Honey will help cope with coughing attacks. Dissolve a teaspoon of viscous liquid in a glass of hot water and drink in small sips.
  2. Lemon. It is rich in vitamin C, which helps block a sore throat at night. Mix the juice of half a lemon with honey and cinnamon. We take a teaspoon several times a day; it is advisable to also take a medicinal product at night.
  3. Radish. It's great if it's black. It has been helping in the fight against coughing attacks for many years. For treatment you will need one radish. She washes thoroughly, cuts a hole in the vegetable, and pours warm honey into it. We leave the medicine to simmer for a day. Afterwards, the juice that flows out of the radish, mixed with honey, is used as a cough mixture.
  4. Onion and garlic. Squeeze the juice from the cloves of garlic and onion and mix it with sugar. Boil everything over low heat, at the end pour a glass of milk and keep it on the fire for another five minutes.

Now you know exactly how to cure a cough and forget about it for many years. Do not get sick and do not delay the treatment process, and also seek help from specialists.

Coughing is a complex reflex act in which a sharp contraction of the respiratory muscles occurs and a strong push-like release of air from the lungs. A cough occurs when sensitive receptors located in the trachea, larynx, pleura, and large bronchi are irritated.

The main purpose of the cough reflex is to clear the airways of liquid, foreign body or mucus. At its core, a cough is a defense mechanism that is designed to clear the airways of phlegm, foreign particles and harmful microorganisms.

Severe dry cough

A dry cough often develops against the background of various respiratory diseases. To treat a severe dry cough, both medications and folk remedies are used. A dry cough appears when the cough receptors located in the mucous membrane of any part of the respiratory tract are irritated.

The cause of a severe dry cough can be infectious agents of bacterial, viral, fungal origin, as well as protozoa. In order to establish the causative agent of the infection and its sensitivity to various drugs, it is necessary to carry out microbiological examination sputum. Therefore, you should transform the cough into a wet one, and after sputum begins to cough up, conduct an analysis and, if necessary, adjust the treatment.

Pharyngitis causes a dry cough that is accompanied by a burning and scratching sensation in the throat. A dry, exhausting cough often develops with pharyngitis of fungal origin.

With laryngitis, a loud, barking, dry cough appears, which, with swelling of the larynx, turns into hoarse cough and causes suffocation. Tracheitis is accompanied by a dry cough with scratching pain in the chest, and pneumonia and bronchitis cause a duller dry cough.

With lung cancer, a dry cough can be especially long-lasting and intrusive: from small coughs to prolonged attacks.

A severe dry cough cannot be treated on your own, as its cause must be determined, so contacting a doctor is necessary. If it is possible to identify the causative agent of the disease, then treatment is carried out to suppress its vital activity. This treatment for dry cough is the most effective.

Severe cough with phlegm

A severe cough with phlegm occurs when the body needs to remove phlegm, which is very difficult to separate. In order to help the body, you need to take the following measures to facilitate the removal of phlegm, but only after consulting a doctor.

  • You should take expectorants: ACC, ambrohexal, bromhexine, lazolvan or ambrobene.
  • Additionally, you can take medicinal plants that have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect: wild rosemary decoction, St. John's wort, licorice syrup and breast tea.
  • Warming compresses in the form of mustard plasters, jars and grated black radish help well with a strong cough. In addition, you can extract juice from radish and take it by mixing it in equal parts or with honey or sugar.
  • In addition, it is useful to inhale five times a day using a mechanical inhaler or nebulizer using Vintolin or Ambrobene.

Severe cough at night

If your child has a severe cough at night, but there are no other symptoms, you should pay attention to the allergens in his room. New mattress, pillow, bed linen, clothes, or you just changed the washing powder. Attacks of allergic cough disappear immediately after the cause of the allergy is eliminated.

Severe attacks of dry, obsessive cough in a child at night can be caused by whooping cough. The cough with whooping cough is whistling, with a strained sigh, the child turns red, may stick out his tongue, tears flow, often coughing attacks cause vomiting or nosebleeds. An increased body temperature may occur. For treatment you should consult a doctor.

A cough during sleep, which intensifies in the morning and is accompanied by wheezing and whistling sounds, may indicate the development of bronchial asthma. Sometimes such a cough is the only symptom of the disease. You should definitely consult a doctor.

A prolonged dry cough at night can be caused by gastrointestinal reflux. In addition, shortness of breath must be present, wheezing, bouts of vomiting, poor appetite and weight loss. Dry obsessive cough at night can be caused by roundworm larvae migrating throughout the body. Laboratory tests can confirm the diagnosis.

Cough during sleep may accompany tuberculosis and lung tumor. If you have even the slightest suspicion of contact with a patient with tuberculosis, or the cough has continued for more than two weeks, immediately consult a doctor and undergo an X-ray examination of the lungs.

The body's defense mechanism against viral infections of the upper respiratory tract is to produce mucus, which is cleared from the body using the cough reflex. At night, when a person is in a lying position and the cough center is not so active, mucus accumulates and causes irritation of the respiratory tract. This can provoke a night cough, and attacks that last for quite a long time.

Severe cough in the morning

The most common disease among smokers is chronic bronchitis. The reason for it is chronic inflammation in the walls of the bronchi, accumulation of mucus in the lumen of the bronchi. Symptoms of a smoker's bronchitis are a cough that is constant and dry, a particularly severe cough in the morning, and a viscous cough often comes out. thick mucus. Cough increases with colds, viral infections and flu.

Over time, in addition to the cough, the smoker begins to be bothered by shortness of breath, and the exacerbation of the disease becomes increasingly difficult to cope with, and a cough with mucus also appears in the morning. During exacerbations, body temperature may rise slightly, and whistling and wheezing may appear when breathing. Smoker's bronchitis late stages develops into so-called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which in some cases leads to disability.

Severe cough to the point of vomiting

Severe coughing leading to vomiting can be caused by many diseases that develop in the upper respiratory tract. This cough can be a symptom of bronchitis or a common cold in children, and its presence in adults indicates a very serious illness.

Whooping cough is a common illness in children that causes a severe chest cough to the point of vomiting. As the disease progresses, coughing attacks can be repeated up to 50 times a day, and in addition to vomiting, hemoptysis and nosebleeds may appear. Treatment of whooping cough is possible only under the guidance of a doctor. Vomiting when coughing in a child can occur against the background of common acute respiratory viral infections and colds.

A common cause of vomiting during severe coughing in children is common snot. Mucus flows down back wall nasopharynx and accumulates, and the body gets rid of it with a strong cough, causing vomiting. Bronchial asthma manifests itself as nocturnal attacks of severe coughing. At first the cough is dry, gradually its intensity increases until vomiting. The attack subsides after an hour with sputum separation.

In an adult, severe coughing attacks that provoke vomiting can cause many diseases: allergies, cancer, tuberculosis, respiratory tract infections, as well as smoking, air pollution, inhalation toxic substances and dust. A similar cough is observed with gastroesophageal reflux, heart failure, and taking ACE inhibitors.

Severe cough in a child

Often parents are lost and do not know how to effectively treat a child’s severe cough, which prevents him from sleeping, exhausts him, and sometimes leads to vomiting. Before you begin treatment for a severe cough, you should understand the reasons for its occurrence. Coughing is a protective reaction of the body that helps clear the airways. Cough is a symptom of many diseases - from the common cold to tuberculosis. Therefore, to treat a cough, you should treat the disease that caused it.

Treatment of a severe cough in a child

Three types of medications are used to treat cough in children.

  • Expectorants, which are used to remove mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • Antitussives, which suppress a child’s severe, debilitating cough by acting on certain areas of the brain, reducing the sensitivity of receptors.
  • Mucolytic agents that facilitate the removal of sputum by diluting it.

If a child has a strong dry cough, he is usually prescribed children's antitussives; when there is a strong cough with sputum, expectorants are used. It is contraindicated to use both drugs at the same time, as it can provoke the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi.

With acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, a cough with sputum is most often observed, for the treatment of which mucolytics are used:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Bromhexine.

The following are used as expectorants:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Pertussin;
  • Solutan.

Medicinal herbs used:

  • liquorice root;
  • coltsfoot;
  • plantain;
  • thyme.

All these herbs are sold in ready-made breast preparations in pharmacies.

During the treatment period, the child should be warmly dressed - socks or a vest made of goat or sheep wool perfectly retain heat in the body, prevent many diseases and prevent coughing attacks.

We should not forget about folk remedies:

  • tea with raspberry jam;
  • hot milk with honey and butter.

These natural remedies not only do children like them for their sweet taste, but also contribute to the liquefaction and removal of sputum.

If a severe cough worsens at night, it is useful to do compresses and other procedures that warm the chest before going to bed.

For diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by a cough, it is usually recommended to take inhalations with mineral water, which effectively soften a strong dry cough and help alleviate the child’s condition.

Severe cough in an adult

Questions and answers on the topic "Severe cough"

Question:Hello, I have a strong dry cough that has lasted for the fifth month. Over the past two weeks, the cough has gotten worse (to the point of vomiting), and Laura’s runny nose was treated. The cough continues. I don’t have a fever, I’ve lost a lot of weight and I’m very tired. I took Ambroxol, breast milk mucaltin did not help. Now Ass, cefatoxin, Nimesulide, Loratadine. Nothing has changed yet. What should I expect, The End!

Answer: It is possible that the cough is of an allergic nature. Consult an allergist in person.

Question:Hello! My daughter is 5 years old, she has a strong “wet” cough, the doctor prescribed us Erespal 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day, course 10 days. Is it possible to replace Erespal with Bronchicum, and if so, how to take it? Thanks in advance!

Answer: Hello. Why do you need to change the drug? Erespal is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, tonsilopharyngitis, tracheitis, its effect is anti-inflammatory and antibronchoconstrictive, that is, the drug prevents the bronchi from collapsing, thus facilitating the discharge of sputum. Bronchicum has a number of contraindications; it should be used with caution in children; it contains alcohol, 29.5% drops, 1.5% elixir, and an age limit of 6 years. I think you should listen to your doctor and start the prescribed treatment.

Question:Hello, I have a severe cough and it’s hard to breathe. A couple of years ago I had pneumonia with similar symptoms. I barely made it out. Can I give myself a cefazolin injection? There are no doctors in our village.

Answer: Hello! Call an ambulance! Self-prescription of an antibiotic can blur the picture of the disease and complicate diagnosis in the future. The emergency doctor will examine you and give necessary treatment recommendations.

Question:Child 8 full years, a strong cough began on January 10 - we took antibiotics, ambrobene, licorice, mucaltin (all in order, one at a time), put on jars. Got better. started going to school, everything started again. What to do? We are currently accepting Sinecode. What else can we do? How to treat?

Answer: Sinekod is a drug that suppresses the activity of the cough (and therefore respiratory) center in the nervous system, so taking it is not at all useful. You need not to suppress the symptoms (a cough is just a symptom), but to be examined in detail. First of all, consultations with an otolaryngologist and pediatrician are necessary. If the ENT doctor does not see anything in the throat, and the pediatrician says that “the lungs are clear,” they will have to additionally take an X-ray of the lungs - some problems in the lungs cannot be heard by the ear, but are visible only on x-ray. Additionally, you will need to submit general analysis blood to understand whether the child currently has an inflammatory process. And only on the basis of these examinations will it be possible to judge what the cause of the cough is and what drugs can be used to combat it.

Question:In the evening there is a strong dry cough indoors. When I lie down I get a lump in my throat, I need to clear my throat. During the day there is almost no cough. I haven’t been to the doctors for a check-up for a long time. I checked the thyroid gland with an ultrasound, everything is fine, no enlargements. What could it be? I am 35 years old, 1 child, weigh 105 kg, height 168 cm. Chronic pancreatitis. There are no other diseases. I take it, it helps after 1.5-2 hours.

Answer: At a minimum, you need to do overview shot chest, external respiration function and see an ENT doctor. Also, coughing in a lying position can be caused by the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. An allergy factor cannot be ruled out. Go to the doctors and get examined.

Question:Hello! Daughter is 5 years old. I had a runny nose and cough for two weeks. We drank Kagocel and Ascaril and washed our nose with Dolphin. The cough became wet. Afterwards, the pediatrician prescribed physio:quartz No. 5. WE only did it three times. The cough has become stronger and drier, especially at night he coughs a lot and after sleep, both at night and during the day, there is no runny nose, no wheezing. Now they have prescribed Rinofluimucil, Polydexa, Sinupred and Gedelix for cough. Is it possible that the cough has gotten worse because of the quartz and what should I do now? Why all these medications if there is no runny nose at all?

Answer: Hello! Judging by your description, the child’s cough comes from the nasopharynx. During the night and during periods of increased activity, mucus from the nasopharynx flows into the trachea and, irritating the center of the cough, causes it. Of course, quartz could cause an increase in cough symptoms due to the fact that it dries out the mucous membrane somewhat. To make an appointment, you need to examine the child and see the results of the examination. Therefore, the best way is to show the child and the examination results to the doctor for the most optimal prescription.

Question:Good afternoon My son is 3.5 years old. A week ago he had ARVI and sinusitis, took antibiotics for 6 days: Flemoklab, Sinupret and Lazolvan. After discharge, a slight wet cough and slight congestion remained; a week later a strong dry cough began, mostly starting in the morning, lasting until lunch, then a little less frequently. The cough can be dry, it can be wet, but it does not always clear the throat (sometimes he coughs with a dry cough for a long time, then clears his throat, subsides for a while, and so on until the evening). We did inhalations with Ambrobene for 2 days, then simply took Ambrobene, Erius and Erespal. Today is the fourth day, there is no improvement. Maybe it’s worth replacing the ambrobene with something else, like ACC? Should antibiotics be included and which ones? Apart from the cough, there is nothing to worry about, there is no fever, the nasal congestion has gone away, the child is playing and eating. Thank you in advance for your response!

Answer: If the child does cough up sputum, it is most likely very thick. In this case, it is really necessary to replace the ambrobene with a more effective drug. It could be ACC or children's cough syrup - Milistan. Continue taking Erespal.

Cough is a kind of protective reaction of the body; it helps cleanse the bronchi and therefore has great value. It can appear in both an adult and a child.

There are several types of cough; there are plenty of reasons why a cough can occur, but its appearance is mainly caused by illness.

A cough that lasts more than half a month indicates the presence of an infection, and more than two months indicates that the disease has become chronic. children's cough occurs most often due to infection.

Treatment of the disease must be immediate and appropriate; ignoring the manifestations can lead to disastrous consequences. There are many reasons and factors that provoke a severe cough. So, for example, a prolonged, debilitating night cough can be a consequence of the presence of bronchial asthma, an allergic reaction, pneumonia, whooping cough and laryngitis. In addition, cough can occur against the background of cardiovascular diseases and the common cold. Moreover, the attack is often provoked by an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract.

The root cause of cough can be determined by its nature:

  • silent cough occurs due to paralysis or destruction of the vocal cords;
  • deaf - a symptom of obstructive bronchitis;
  • teary - a sign of a neoplasm in the larynx or trachea;
  • barking - appears with hoarseness;
  • paroxysmal - a consequence of damage to the pleura.

The most common causes of night cough include:

  • Incorrect position of the body during sleep. When lying down, the mucus in the nasopharynx is almost not absorbed and, therefore, clogs the respiratory system.
  • Changes in air temperature.
  • Infection of viral etymology.
  • Allergies.
  • Pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.

In most cases, a dry cough at night appears suddenly; such attacks can cause suffocation. Coughing brings a lot of unpleasant sensations, including vomiting. This cough occurs, as a rule, as a result of ailments of the upper respiratory tract: asthma, pneumonia, whooping cough, tuberculosis, pathologies of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Quite often, a dry cough occurs due to allergies to dust, air, animal dander, pollen or insect bites. Attacks accompanied by blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle indicate vascular pathology. In addition, the occurrence of a night cough can be triggered by the entry of a foreign body, dust, dilation of the aorta and enlarged lymph nodes.

What about wet cough, then its appearance is determined by:

  • focal pneumonia;
  • diseases of viral origin;
  • tuberculosis;
  • stress;
  • runny nose;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • oncological pathologies of the respiratory system.

A cough that occurs at night, accompanied by painful sensations, signals: inflammation of the membrane localized in chest cavity, inflammatory process in the lungs, neoplasms in the pleura, pericarditis, osteochondrosis, tracheitis, lung cancer, pneumothorax, bronchial asthma, bronchitis.

Emergency help for a night cough

If an attack occurs at night, regardless of who, an adult or a child, curative measures must be taken urgently. Provide the patient with an influx fresh air, open a window or window. Help him get out of bed and lean forward a little.

Regular stretching will help in eliminating the attack; you need to stand up and stretch well. Enough common reason dry night cough in a child - a foreign body entering the respiratory tract. In this case, place the baby on his stomach so that the head is lowered slightly below the body and, using light tapping movements, help the foreign body to come out. An ideal remedy for a cough is a decoction of chamomile; you can also calm a cough with the help of a mixture or herbal antitussive mixture.

If the attack does not stop, call an ambulance immediately. Remember that even the most common cough can be a symptom of a serious pathology, which, if left untreated, can lead to disastrous consequences.

Cough is a disease that requires immediate diagnosis and treatment. Only a doctor can select therapy; do not self-medicate under any circumstances. Excellent preventative measure cough is the use of herbal medicine.

Everyone famous doctor To prevent the disease, Komarovsky recommends:

  • humidify the air;
  • drink more fluids;
  • use inhalations with medicinal herbs.

Every parent who cares about the health of their baby, in the event of a cough, whether morning or night, must make an appointment with a doctor.

If a child has an attack at night, do not give him strong antitussives, especially if he is not yet a year old. Similar drugs may cause respiratory arrest.

Dry cough at night: symptoms and treatment

Attacks of intense night cough in a child, regardless of the cause, deprive not only the child himself, but also his parents. They leave no chance for anyone to be normal. deep dream What parent would be happy that their child is suffering. A dry cough occurs at night, as a rule, due to the accumulation in the nasopharynx of a baby in a horizontal position, which slowly dissolves and clogs the respiratory system, and thereby provokes the appearance of a cough.

The following pathologies can also provoke the disease:

  • chronic sinusitis, runny nose (the child begins to cough due to severe sore throat);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • tracheitis (inflammation of the tracheal mucosa, often involving the bronchial mucosa);
  • adenoiditis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux.

Accompanied by a dry, severe cough at night, in most cases: slight promotion temperature, loss of voice, redness of the face, sometimes vomiting, pain.

A pediatrician should treat pathology in a child; therapy is prescribed after a thorough examination and establishment of the exact cause and diagnosis.

As a rule, an appointment is made:

  • non-narcotic antitussive drugs: Glauvet, Sinekoda, Tusuprexa;
  • agents acting on cough receptors: Levopront, Libexin;
  • antitussives of combined action: Broncholitin, Stoptussin.

Funds from medicinal plants and natural ingredients are an excellent complement to the treatment prescribed by your doctor:

  1. Give your baby 10 grams of honey. Let him place it on his tongue and suck it like a lollipop.
  2. Dissolve a quarter spoon of soda in a glass of warm milk. Give it a drink in one go.
  3. Brew regular tea, but instead of sugar add raspberry jam.
  4. Mix oregano, licorice and coltsfoot in equal proportions. Brew the raw material with just boiled water. Leave it to brew. Give your baby half a glass of medicine three times a day.

Night cough in an adult is a fairly common phenomenon, indicating in most cases the presence of pathologies internal organs. A cough can also be a cold, in which case it can bother the patient both day and night. In addition, almost every person who quits smoking suffers from a debilitating cough at night.

Coughing attacks at night in an adult are caused by:

The cough may be accompanied by other manifestations, such as: pain in the chest, nausea, vomiting, fever. A wet cough signals a suppurative process in the lungs.

Abundant viscous sputum is a sign of the presence of diseases such as tracheitis, asthma or bronchitis. Purulent, slippery mucus indicates the presence of pneumonia, and rust-colored discharge indicates pleuropneumonia.

The presence of small grains in sputum is a signal of malfunctioning of the liver.

The appearance of a cough complicated by sputum production, increased temperature, or a significant deterioration in condition may indicate tuberculosis. There are often complaints of cough without rhinitis and fever. This cough is most often a manifestation of acute respiratory viral infection, heart failure, thyroid and gastrointestinal diseases. Any type of cough requires immediate treatment If you experience a cough during sleep, consult a specialist immediately.

In order to make a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the following examinations:

  • blood test;
  • chest x-ray;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • bronchography;
  • sputum analysis.

Therapy is selected after clarifying the root cause of the cough; to treat the cough, the following are prescribed: expectorants, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, antibacterial drugs (Gerbion, Sinekod, Stoptussin, Broncholitin, Bronchicum, Linkas).

Folk remedies that help cure cough include: herbal teas with chamomile, nettle, raspberry, mint, lavender, honey, milk. The use of inhalations is often prescribed; remember, only correctly selected drugs can help quickly eliminate cough.

Coughing attacks at night in an adult: why night cough gets worse

If a cough occurs at night, this can lead to sleep disturbances, since due to lack of rest a person becomes irritable and nervous.

Often the reasons why coughing attacks occur lie in an allergic reaction and the entry of a foreign body into the respiratory system.

If a night cough in an adult is accompanied by a runny nose and fever, then most likely it is of an infectious nature.

As a rule, a severe cough at night is an unpleasant symptom that requires quick and competent treatment, but before doing anything, you need to find out the factors that cause it.

Why does night cough occur: reasons

There are a number of diseases that provoke the development of this unpleasant symptom in an adult:

  1. malignant formation in the lungs;
  2. bronchial asthma;
  3. pulmonary emphysema;
  4. heart failure;
  5. laryngitis;
  6. Chronical bronchitis;
  7. pneumonia;
  8. allergy;
  9. whooping cough.

In addition, the reasons for which attacks of night cough occur may be the presence of inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Moreover, they develop due to exposure to thermal, chemical and mechanical stimuli.

To spend effective treatment, in the diagnostic process it is important to determine what type of night cough it is. So it could be:

  • barking with wheezing (often a companion to bronchitis);
  • dry and painful, indicating damage to the pleura;
  • silent - occurs with paralysis and destruction of the vocal cords;
  • dry and teary - its appearance is facilitated by such reasons as tumors of the trachea, bronchi and larynx.
  • deaf, which is typical for pulmonary emphysema and obstructive bronchitis.

A wet cough at night indicates a suppurative process occurring in the lungs. When a small amount of sputum with a viscous consistency is discharged, bronchitis, asthma or tracheitis is often diagnosed.

If a night cough is accompanied by the discharge of purulent, slippery mucus, then its causes lie in pneumonia. And discharge that has a rusty tint indicates the presence of pleuropneumonia.

Slime with small grains is characteristic feature liver diseases. When a cough at night is accompanied by sputum, chills and fever, and general health the patient is getting worse, that is, there is a risk that the person is sick with tuberculosis.

In addition, a high temperature accompanied by a cough in an adult signals an infection of viral origin. And if such symptoms are accompanied by malaise and vomiting, this also indicates tuberculosis.

Night acute cough, which cannot be reduced within 20 days, is characteristic of whooping cough. And if the patient is tormented by a prolonged cough reflex, then this indicates adenoiditis, rhinitis or sinusitis. At the same time, the patient has difficulty breathing and his nose is blocked.

Often a night cough develops after a history of colds. For example, he can remind himself when severe inflammation throat, when a lot of mucus collects in it, which is why the reflex appears.

To ease the attack, the doctor prescribes antitussives, which soften the mucous membrane and relieve spasm from the bronchi.

A wet cough occurs when a lot of sputum collects in the trachea or lungs. Thus, the respiratory organs get rid of excess mucus containing many bacteria.

It is worth noting that if a dry cough at night is not cured in a timely manner, then it will develop into a chronic form. In this case, you need to drink a large number of liquids (teas, compotes, fresh juices, herbal decoctions).

It is noteworthy that non-productive cough is treated with sedatives, and wet - by means which remove mucus.

If the membrane in the area of ​​the spine and chest is inflamed, affecting the lungs, then a severe painful cough may occur at night. In this case, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, while the torso is secured with bandages.

If painful sensations appear in the chest, then perhaps the reasons for this phenomenon lie in:

  1. rib damage;
  2. thoracic injury;
  3. malignant tumor;
  4. pericarditis.

And if the patient suffers from a stabbing sharp pain along with a cough, then perhaps he will be diagnosed with lung cancer.


A symptom such as a night cough can appear not only with diseases of the respiratory system. In addition, coughing attacks may indicate:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Natural honey is often used to relieve coughs at night. For this purpose, you need to mix honey, butter, milk.

Honey can also be dissolved as lozenges, which creates a warming and softening effect.

What to do if the cough gets worse? To avoid coughing at night, you can prepare a syrup based on the following ingredients:

  1. glycerol;
  2. lemon juice.

The resulting medicine should be taken 6 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

Moreover, you can relieve nighttime coughing attacks with mints. Such lollipops will warm and soften the mucous membrane.

To avoid coughing at night, traditional medicine recommends using remedy based on radish. To prepare the medicine, you need to chop the radish and then mix it with honey. The medicine is taken 1 tsp. three times a day.

Herbal decoctions help stop coughing attacks. Especially useful are infusions based on wild rosemary, coltsfoot and chamomile, which relieve pulmonary edema and remove mucus.

What to do with a dry cough and wheezing in the chest? To eliminate such unpleasant symptoms, 3 tbsp. l. elderberries are poured with a liter of boiling water. The infusion is drunk morning and evening, 50 ml at a time.

In addition, it is important to constantly humidify the air in the room where the patient is. For this purpose, it is best to use a special humidifier.

Another useful thing to do to cure a night cough is steam inhalations with the addition of the following essential extracts:

  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • eucalyptus;
  • cedar.

Regarding mustard plasters, this procedure is not entirely justified from a medical point of view. But you definitely shouldn’t make mustard plasters at high temperatures, bronchial asthma and skin irritation.

You can eliminate coughing attacks as follows: 4 tsp. apple cider vinegar mixed with ½ cup honey. When an unpleasant symptom appears, the patient should take 1 tsp. at night and 2 tsp. every 4 hours. It is worth noting that vinegar with honey dissolves mucus well and relieves spasms.

In addition, to help the patient sleep better at night, a napkin soaked in vinegar is placed under his pillow. In addition, it is useful to apply warm wraps and warm compresses.

It must be remembered that the appearance of a night cough is always accompanied by certain reasons. Most often these are diseases of the internal organs. To relieve symptoms, it is first important to determine why the disease occurred and only then carry out therapy.

So, in case of allergies, it is necessary to eliminate the main irritant, and in the presence of pneumonia, ARVI, bronchitis or influenza, it is important to treat the underlying disease. Moreover, night cough can be dangerous because it develops when chronic pathologies respiratory organs and bronchial asthma. ABOUT folk recipes for cough you can learn from the video in this article.

Cough at night in an adult - causes

Periodic cleansing of the bronchi and lungs is a normal reaction of the body to the ingress of dust and accumulation of various stimuli. An alarming symptom an obsessive cough at night in an adult is considered - the causes of this condition may not be dangerous, but more often this sign indicates pathological processes in the respiratory tract.

Physiological causes of dry cough at night in an adult

The bronchi secrete all the time a small amount of secretion necessary to protect the respiratory system from the penetration of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

During the day, when a person is active and moves a lot, this fluid is distributed evenly, and its excess is absorbed without a trace. At night, all processes in the body slow down, so the removal of sputum is difficult. In addition, the horizontal position of the body contributes to its accumulation in the respiratory tract. Therefore, light and infrequent coughing at night is quite normal phenomenon, which allows you to cleanse the lungs and bronchi of excess secretions.

Another physiological reason for the symptom in question is inappropriate humidity in the bedroom. If the air is too dry or oversaturated with water molecules, it can cause irritation of the respiratory tract. To solve this problem, it is enough to purchase a humidifier or ventilate the room more often.

Causes of severe cough at night in an adult

When the described phenomenon occurs regularly and is characterized by intense attacks, there is pathological process. It may be associated with diseases of the respiratory system or occur in other organs.

In the first case, the causes of cough are most often the following diseases:

  • acute or chronic bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • tracheitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • emphysema;
  • pharyngitis;
  • ARVI;
  • foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • laryngitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • open or closed tuberculosis;
  • lung abscess;
  • benign or malignant tumors respiratory tract;
  • inflammation of the adenoids.

The listed pathologies may be accompanied by the separation of varying amounts of sputum; based on its color, abundance and consistency, the doctor usually draws conclusions about a preliminary diagnosis.

It is worth noting that the causes of attacks of severe dry or productive cough at night in an adult are not always associated with respiratory tract diseases. The symptom in question often indicates dysfunction of other organs and systems:

  • allergic reaction;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • injury, paralysis or inflammation of the vocal cords;
  • gastritis;
  • heart muscle diseases;
  • pathologies of the liver and biliary tract;
  • metastases in the lungs;
  • diseases thyroid gland.

An attack can also occur against the background of irritation of the respiratory system. cigarette smoke, thermal, chemical and mechanical factors. Once they are eliminated, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

Treatment of the causes of cough at night in adults

In order to carry out adequate therapy for the described pathology, it is necessary to find out the real reason. It is impossible to establish a diagnosis on your own, since this requires careful laboratory, instrumental and X-ray studies, not only the respiratory, but also the digestive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Therefore, if you have an obsessive or paroxysmal cough, with or without sputum production, it is important to immediately consult a physician, and, if necessary, visit the following doctors:

  • pulmonologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • allergist;
  • hepatologist

Night cough in adults treatment

At various diseases cough is one of the most common symptoms. Moreover, his attacks haunt us much more often at night and in the morning. Night cough in adults can be caused by a number of factors. Night cough in adults, treatment of this phenomenon is the topic of this article.

Why does night cough occur in adults?

Primarily to blame for the development of night cough in adults physiological reasons, such as body position during sleep. The person lies horizontally, and the mucus in the nasopharynx does not dissolve, clogging the airways and causing coughing. In addition, when a person is lying down, the lungs do not work as actively, which means that phlegm also accumulates in them. The protracted nature of a night cough is explained by the fact that when a person lies down, his airways are not cleared as effectively. In addition, the air in the room at night is drier and colder, so it irritates the mucous membranes of the throat and trachea more.


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However, if your cough only bothers you at night, you should think about the possibility of developing something more serious than a cold. Night cough in adults may be a manifestation of whooping cough or bronchial asthma. And if you have already had whooping cough, then persistent cough will definitely be your companion for the coming months.

Night cough in adults: treatment of asthma

Asthma is accompanied by wheezing exhalations, as well as difficulty breathing and heaviness in the chest. Most often, children experience bronchial asthma and attacks of night cough, but the occurrence of the disease in adults cannot be completely ruled out. For successful treatment Asthma requires timely diagnosis and prescription of medications exclusively by a doctor.

If a child has asthma, then other than a night cough, he may not experience significant symptoms of the disease. You should pay attention to constant coughing, especially during walking and active games, as well as on the buttocks.

A child with attacks of night cough may begin to be afraid to play outdoor games, swim, run, etc. This is a kind of defensive reaction when he feels that movement brings him discomfort and tries to avoid it. At the same time, the child may not report anything about his condition and attacks of night cough, and it will be a complete surprise for you once diagnosed with bronchial asthma. Pay attention to such little things as fatigue and reluctance to be active, especially if you yourself had to undergo treatment for night coughs, asthma or severe forms of pulmonary diseases as a child.

Be more attentive to your health and the health of your children, and treat everything on time.

Choking cough in an adult: what to do if the cough is choking

The appearance of this type of cough has different reasons. Quite often it occurs as a result of foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract or active irritation mucous membranes with allergens.

However, usually such a cough should be considered as a signal of the development of diseases that are dangerous to health and life.

An annoying suffocating cough occurs in heavy smokers. Systematic inhalation of nicotine tars irritates the mucous membranes of the bronchi and larynx.

If there is also a history of chronic bronchitis, a sore throat bothers a person only in the morning. Inflammatory process in the bronchi of an adult it lasts for quite a long time, and can soon develop into secondary tuberculosis on its own.

A suffocating cough with little sputum production will indicate laryngitis. With this disease, the patient experiences:

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. hoarseness of voice;
  3. a sore throat.

The same symptom with severe shortness of breath characteristic of bronchial asthma. Additionally, the patient may suffer from acute pain behind the chest, and the bronchial secretion is released in an insignificant volume and very rarely.

When severe coughing begins after penetration foreign object, it will pass immediately after removing the body from the respiratory tract. Use of drugs in in this case will bring absolutely no benefit.

It is possible that a dry and suffocating cough arose due to cancer. As the pathology develops, the symptom will become more intense, painful, and painful.

Often the causes lie in lung cancer. It happens that dry dandruff in the throat of an adult occurs after taking certain medications.

Morning, afternoon or night?

The appearance of attacks of suffocating cough only at certain times of the day is a very eloquent symptom of a certain disease. If a person coughs all day, the doctor will find that he has an acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis.

This symptom in the morning will indicate:

  1. chronic course of bronchitis;
  2. lung abscess;
  3. bronchiectasis.

A suffocating type of cough at night indicates heart failure, lung cancer, and tuberculosis. The causes of cough and sore throat also lie in bronchial asthma. In approximately 10 percent of cases, this symptom will be the main one. During an attack:

  • the lumen in the bronchi narrows;
  • breathing becomes difficult when exhaling.

As a result, coughing, wheezing, and suffocation develop. These same symptoms occur only at night with emphysema, whooping cough and other pulmonary pathologies. IN in some cases the reason is dusty, dry air.

What to do?

It is possible to treat a dry suffocating cough only if you strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions and follow all his recommendations.

Treatment begins with full diagnostics body, taking tests to determine the cause of the disease.

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • enveloping.

It is very important to create certain conditions that will have a positive effect on the condition of the mucous membranes and help them recover. An important role is played by the transition of a non-productive (dry) cough to a productive (wet) one. This will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition and speed up the recovery process.

To relieve a sore throat and coughing, it is recommended to treat with various lozenges and lozenges that will soften the mucous membrane. Physiotherapy procedures will be very effective:

  1. inhalation for cough;
  2. gargling.

The basis for such procedures will be decoctions medicinal plants, saline and soda solutions. It is useful to make alkaline inhalations mineral waters, milk. Naturally, the proposed methods are not capable of having a lasting effect, but they will at least improve the condition of an adult patient for some time.

Highly effective treatment of dry cough involves the use of drugs that work in a complex manner: they coat the mucous membranes and stop the inflammatory process.

If the problem is treated promptly, such drugs will become powerful antibacterial drugs.

If the doctor allows it, treatment with folk remedies is completely justified. Medicinal herbs can cope with attacks of dry suffocating cough in an adult. They are used both externally and internally.

Warm milk and soda will help alleviate the condition and speed up treatment if coughing attacks are associated with a cold. This simple remedy will help soften the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation and sore throat.

Additionally, it won’t hurt to drink a decoction:

  • thyme;
  • elecampane;
  • plantain;
  • black radish;
  • coltsfoot.

In order not to suffer from a suffocating cough, you should do everything possible in advance to prevent it. In winter, you need to frequently ventilate the room and humidify the dry air. If the cough has already begun, these measures will help relieve it and turn it into a wet one. When the causes of the underlying disease are eliminated, the suffocating type cough will go away fast enough.

It should be said that timely vaccination saves you from some of the listed ailments, which are accompanied by a suffocating cough. Therefore, this preventive measure should not be neglected either. The educational video in this article will help you understand how to treat a suffocating type of cough.

Severe cough in an adult: causes

When receptors in the tracheobronchial tree are irritated, adults may experience coughing attacks. A severe cough in an adult can be dry or wet, that is, with sputum production. It most often intensifies at night, when, due to a long horizontal position, mucus flows down the larynx, irritating it, causing a severe cough in an adult. The reasons for this symptom and the disease that provokes a severe cough are described in this article.


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Severe cough in an adult: causes of the problem

A severe cough in an adult can develop for a number of reasons:

1. Bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe coughing attacks, most often this occurs at night. Given that the diaphragm muscles are constantly tense, the patient may experience pain in the chest and abdomen. The cough may subside after half an hour to an hour, then viscous sputum is coughed up.

2. A severe cough in an adult may not be infectious in nature, but the cough appears due to the entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract, such as dust particles or crumbs. It ends when the pollution is removed from the lungs.

3. Whooping cough is a possible cause of a severe, convulsive cough. At first it manifests itself in the form of a common cold, but cannot be treated with conventional means, for example, mustard plasters, inhalations, and intensifies over time. Most often, severe coughing attacks in adults occur at night and may be accompanied by gagging. The disease lasts about six weeks, but depending on the individual characteristics of the body, in some adults it passes as acute bronchitis.

4. Sometimes severe attacks can occur with respiratory diseases of the airways, that is, the nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx. The disease is accompanied by a dry “barking” cough. If the disease is treated correctly, then a severe cough will subside after 3 days; if left untreated, complications may appear in the form of bronchitis and pneumonia.

5. Acute bronchitis is accompanied by severe and frequent coughing attacks. The disease occurs due to inflammation of the bronchial mucosa; other symptoms may also appear, such as runny nose, sore throat, hoarseness, and fever. A dry cough develops first, severe attacks are more often observed at night, and after a few days it turns into a wet cough.

6. With laryngitis, the cough first appears dry, then turns into wet, which is accompanied by sputum production. Laryngitis is especially dangerous for young children: swelling of the mucous membrane can block the access of air to the larynx.

Causes of dry cough without fever in adults

Nowadays, it is difficult to find an adult or child who does not cough at least once a day. The pollution of large cities and megalopolises, harmful emissions from industrial enterprises, a lot of various infections - when living in a city, one can only dream of clean air.

The human respiratory system is designed in such a way that when infectious agents, allergens, dust, etc. penetrate into the bronchi and lungs, a cough occurs due to irritation of the respiratory tract receptors.

With its help, the tracheobronchial tree is cleansed from external and internal irritating agents such as pus, mucus, sputum, blood or foreign bodies - pollen, dust, food particles. The role of cough is to prevent mechanical obstructions and clear the respiratory tract of phlegm or other substances.

When a person has a cold and becomes infected with a viral respiratory disease- the clinical picture is clear, the person has a high fever, runny nose, cough, lacrimation, weakness and other symptoms of intoxication characteristic of these diseases. In these cases, the cause of the dry cough is clear. How can you figure out why a cough without fever occurs in an adult or a child?

Many people believe that cough is caused only by diseases of the respiratory tract, however, a prolonged dry cough can be a symptom of such serious diseases as heart failure, cancer of the mediastinal organs, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, sinusitis, and sinusitis. The table below presents the symptoms and diagnosis of some diseases that are characterized by a dry cough without fever or with a temperature of 37C.

Cough and runny nose without fever

  • For a cold

Catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, runny nose, cough without body temperature or 37 -37.2 may occur. With these types of Orvi, the throat may not bother you, but a runny nose and cough without high fever are typical. If the cough does not go away within 3 weeks after the onset of ARVI, you should consult a physician.

  • Allergic reaction

to various flowering plants in the apartment or on the street, dust allergies are also accompanied by dry unproductive cough, allergies to pet hair, food or animal care products; a similar reaction is also possible to perfumes and cosmetics.

Even in carpets and bed linen there are many allergens to which the body may have an inadequate reaction, which is expressed by a dry cough and runny nose without fever. Also, the massive use of various household chemicals, unsafe washing powders with surfactants over 35% - all this can affect the state of the respiratory system and manifest itself in the form of cough and runny nose without fever.

  • Post-infectious cough

after acute infectious or viral inflammation of the respiratory tract, a cough with tickling, coughing, a feeling of tickling or rawness, can last up to 3 weeks, and just discomfort and rare coughing is possible for up to 1.5 months.

Dry, prolonged cough without fever

  • Stress

Stressful situations, nervous shocks, experiences can provoke a dry cough - this is called a psychogenic cough, when a person is worried, lost or embarrassed, he may cough.

  • Also, if you stay in a room with dry, dusty air for a long time, irritation in the respiratory tract may appear.
  • Oncological diseases

If a prolonged strong dry cough without fever continues for more than a month, you should contact a general practitioner, pulmonologist, allergist, oncologist, or phthisiatrician to undergo a thorough diagnosis, since there are a lot of diseases that cause an incessant cough - tuberculosis, lung cancer, cancer of the bronchi, trachea, and throat.

  • Heart diseases

A cardiac cough should be distinguished, for example, from a smoker's cough or a bronchial cough. This cough occurs after physical activity and no sputum is produced, however, sometimes with acute course heart diseases are possible bleeding after a dry cough. This is due to improper functioning of the left ventricle, when blood stagnates in the lungs and is released with coughing. In addition to coughing, a person is also bothered by palpitations, shortness of breath, pain in the heart area, etc.

  • Chronic diseases of ENT organs

often with chronic diseases nasopharynx, such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis due to the flow of mucus from the nose along the back wall of the throat, a cough without fever may appear, it is concomitant and is not associated with the lower respiratory tract.

  • Tuberculosis

prolonged dry cough, temperature 37 - 37.5 indicates a possible tuberculosis process in the lungs or bronchi. Today, the situation with tuberculosis is very tense; even among people of high social status, the development of this terrible disease is possible, constant stressful situations, overwork, insufficient rest reduce the body's defenses, and since 90% of the population by the age of 30 is infected with Koch's bacillus, provoking factors can lead to the activation of mycobacteria in the body.

  • Thyroid diseases

with nodular or diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland, pressure occurs on the trachea, causing a dry cough without fever in adults.

  • Some gastrointestinal diseases

also capable of causing a dry cough without fever, this is a reflex cough after eating in the case of the development of esophageal-tracheal fistula, reflux esophagitis, esophageal diverticulum.

  • If a foreign body enters the respiratory tract.
Name of the disease Characteristics of cough and other symptoms Body temperature Diagnostics
Some types of ARVI The cough is dry at first, then becomes wet and produces sputum. There may be no temperature or may be subfebrile 37-37.2 Examination by a therapist, pediatrician, general blood test
Chronic bronchitis, smoker's bronchitis Chronic cough is usually dull; attacks become especially frequent in the morning, in the cold, or when inhaling polluted or smoky air. With long-term chronic bronchitis, the sputum may be purulent. With exacerbation or acute bronchitis, the temperature usually rises, especially with acute bronchitis in children, but with chronic temperature no or 37 with a little. Chest X-ray, examination by a therapist, general blood test, bacterial culture sputum for sensitivity to antibiotics in the case of purulent sputum.
Chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis Such diseases are characterized by a frequent dry cough, especially at night. At acute sinusitis and frontal waves, the temperature is high, but with chronic process cough and temperature 37 or normal Examination by an otolaryngologist, x-ray of the paranasal sinuses
Oncological diseases of the mediastinal organs At oncological diseases cough can be dry and debilitating No temperature Examination by a pulmonologist, oncologist - X-ray, MRI of mediastinal organs, bronchoscopy, blood test, tumor markers, etc.
Tuberculosis Constant cough with sputum production or with scanty sputum, weakness, decreased appetite and performance, night increased sweating, chills The temperature is normal in the morning, in the evening it is usually subfebrile 37-37.3 Chest X-ray, CT scan, tuberculin tests, consultation with a phthisiatrician.
Professional cough Appears in people working in hazardous manufacturing enterprises when there are many different things in the air chemical substances, dust, such a cough is dry, debilitating without phlegm No temperature Examination by a therapist, pulmonologist, x-ray of the lungs to exclude other pathologies.
Allergic reactions, allergic bronchitis The cough is dry, without phlegm, in the form of a tickling, irritation, occurs after contact with an allergen - animals, dust, pollen, fluff, feathers, wool, household chemicals, perfumes, washing powders. No temperature Consultation with an allergist, immunologist
Heart failure, thromboembolism pulmonary artery, heart defects, Dry, prolonged cough without fever, occurs after physical stress and intensifies in a lying position, but weakens after taking an upright position. Accompanied by shortness of breath, palpitations, high blood pressure, sometimes there are attacks of suffocation. No temperature First, consultation with a therapist, then with a cardiologist.
Lungs' cancer In addition to a dry cough, a person is bothered by chest pain. With a long process, a dry cough may be accompanied by periodic sputum with pus or blood. Dry cough, temperature 37 - 37.3 or may not exist Consultation with an oncologist - chest x-ray, bronchoscopy, general blood test, tumor markers, etc.
Throat cancer Signs of cancer of the throat and larynx with this disease are characterized by a dry cough without fever, which cannot be treated, and difficulty breathing is also possible, as the lumen of the larynx narrows. There may be blood in the sputum, and there may also be blood in the saliva and mucus from the nose. No temperature or 37 -37.5 Consultation with an otolaryngologist and oncologist.
Use of certain medications These drugs include: medications for hypertension, ACE inhibitors, nitrofurans, beta blockers, aspirin, amiodarone, inhalation drugs- beclomethasone, ipratropium bromide, can cause cough without fever, chronic non-productive. No temperature Tell your cardiologist about the medications you are taking and that they cause a cough.
Pneumonia in the elderly It is very rare, but there are cases when pneumonia occurs without fever or with a slight, unnoticeable increase, usually this is typical for older people, and in addition to coughing, chest pain, weakness, and loss of appetite are felt. Pneumonia sometimes occurs without a high fever with a severe cough, especially in weakened and elderly people. Contact a physician, chest x-ray, general blood test.

If a person is concerned that he has developed a strong dry cough without fever or other cold symptoms, or has been suffering from attacks of dry cough for a long time, he should not postpone a visit to a therapist.

  • First of all, you should be wary and analyze when coughing attacks most often occur - if this is related to the quality of inhaled air, the presence of new furniture, fresh renovations in the apartment or the appearance of an animal, wool or fur clothing, or other clothing Low quality- then most likely this is a protective reaction of the bronchopulmonary system to toxic substances found in dyes, plastic, chipboard, mattresses, carpets and other household items or an allergic reaction to wool, fur, down, feathers, etc.
  • If the cough occurs only at a certain time - only in the morning, it is most likely chronic bronchitis. If on the contrary, only at night or in a horizontal position - cardiac cough, cough due to diseases of the ENT organs. If during a meal, then throat cancer, larynx, and gastrointestinal diseases are possible.
  • Pay attention to the color, quantity and consistency of the sputum; you should definitely inform your doctor about this, what color it is, whether there are any impurities of blood or pus (yellow-green).

Coughing is a protective reaction with which the body tries to remove dust, mucus and other foreign bodies from the respiratory tract. Many diseases, such as bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, etc. accompanied by a cough, which usually becomes more severe at night. This is due to the difficulty in removing mucus from the body in a lying position. Attacks of nocturnal suffocating cough represent a rather unpleasant phenomenon which needs to be fought. How to calm a night cough, read further in the article.

How to relieve a night cough with traditional remedies?

If your night cough is caused by swelling of the respiratory tract or allergic reactions, then you should take it before going to bed. antihistamine, for example, “Loratadine”, “Tavegil” or “Suprastin”, which will prevent spasms and relieve swelling. Before you start taking it, you should consult your doctor, who will prescribe your dosage regimen and daily dose.

To calm a dry cough at night, you need to start taking expectorants, which should be prescribed to you by your doctor.

The herbal preparation Mukaltin can help an adult calm a night cough. It is necessary to dissolve 3-4 tablets in one glass of warm boiled water and drink this solution throughout the day.

If the cause of a dry cough at night is excessive dry air, then you should use a special humidifier in the bedroom at night. In addition, the sleeping area must be ventilated and vacuumed as often as possible so that dust does not provoke nighttime coughing attacks and the air is as fresh as possible.

How to relieve a night cough with remedies traditional medicine?

Ease night cough can be stopped in the following way. Add one teaspoon of butter to a glass of milk and boil the mixture. Then add a small pinch of soda to it. After you drink this hot remedy, you will sleep peacefully. If severe attack cough does not give you the opportunity to boil milk, drink at least warm water– any warm liquid can temporarily soothe a night cough. By drinking plenty of fluids, you ensure easier removal of phlegm from the body. As drinks you can use tea with currants, lemon, raspberries, honey, breastfeeding.

A decoction of pine needles is a useful remedy to soothe a night cough. Inhale this decoction or simply place it near your bed. Inhaling steam from pine needles relieves spasms of the respiratory tract.

The following herbs have a good expectorant effect to relieve night coughs: licorice, coltsfoot, elecampane, wild rosemary. Please note that you should not take antitussives simultaneously with expectorant infusions.

You can relieve a sore throat with warm vegetable oil. Take a little oil in your mouth, hold it for a while and swallow gradually.

You can get rid of a dry night cough and sore throat by rinsing with a soda-salt solution with a drop of iodine, as well as infusions of sage, chamomile and oak bark.

Thus, if your child or you are constantly bothered by coughing attacks at night, you should immediately consult a doctor. Cough is not a disease in itself, but it may indicate some kind of bacterial or viral infection, laryngitis, bronchitis, disorders normal operation organs of the gastrointestinal tract and a host of other diseases. Only experienced specialist can correctly diagnose a possible disease and prescribe competent treatment. Coughing attacks, of course, can be alleviated and stopped by various traditional methods, but self-medication is not recommended.

Why does night cough occur?

Basically, a night cough appears almost at the very beginning of a cold; initially, coughing attacks at night are dry and only later, gradually, the cough becomes wet. In general, it is not always possible to get rid of a dry cough, because the bacteria greatly irritate the throat, thereby provoking new attacks. Now let's figure out how to calm a night cough.

Typically, a dry night cough is characteristic only in the first days of the disease, at this time there is still no mucus coming out and nothing is coughed up. It is because of this that it is so difficult for the patient to sleep well and in the morning he suffers very severely. headache. You can get rid of a dry cough using various procedures that effectively moisturize the airways. You can resort to folk remedies and methods for treating dry cough, or you can use pharmaceutical medications that your doctor will prescribe to you.

How to calm a night cough - proven methods

How to calm a night cough, if you have just gotten sick, and the cough is still dry, and therefore there is no clearing effect yet, then you should take medications that contain codeine. This tool successfully relieves cough, but cannot be used for more than three days. Therefore, before using this remedy, it is best to consult your doctor. If you find yourself with any side effects, then you should stop taking the medicine immediately so that your general state did not worsen, and did not develop an even more severe allergic reaction.

The safest way to relieve a night cough is steam inhalation. To do this, you need to boil one liter of water, add a teaspoon to it baking soda. Inhalation occurs in this way: take a container, bend over it, cover your head with a towel and breathe in the fumes, after the procedure you should immediately go to bed. Why soda? Firstly, it softens the mucous membrane well and also effectively eliminates pathogenic bacteria. Inhalations are recommended to be carried out regularly, preferably every day 3 or 4 times. Can be used instead of soda essential oils, for example, fir, tea tree oil is also useful.

To calm a nighttime cough, you can take special expectorants or make herbal decoctions. A decoction of wild rosemary or thyme helps very effectively. To prepare it you will need to boil water and brew 2 tablespoons of herbs in a glass. You need to take the decoction 50 ml three times a day. With this decoction you can cure a dry cough in almost one or several days.

To relieve a cough at night, it is recommended to buy mint lozenges or other cough lozenges at the pharmacy. They should be dissolved before bed; with the help of lozenges you can soften the mucous membrane of the throat. And another sudden nocturnal attack dry cough will become easier. Usually at the pharmacy you can buy lozenges to choose from, with different flavors, different prices, there are quite a lot of them and there is plenty to choose from. Some lozenges contain a decoction of medicinal herbs and essential oils. There are many brands of such lozenges, so it’s worth asking your pharmacist who can tell you about them. Most often, there are no side effects when taking such lozenges, the maximum you may encounter is allergic reactions into individual components.

Another way to relieve a night cough is to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a cup of warm milk. It is also recommended to add a pinch of soda, stir thoroughly and slowly drink the milk, after which you should immediately lie down to rest.