The cat whistles through his nose when breathing. Cat respiratory system: possible disorders and their causes

Weak or rapid breathing in a cat signals changes occurring in the pet’s body. Deviation from the norm is not always a pathology. But the owner must be able to recognize dangerous symptom to help your pet in a timely manner. How do cats breathe and what do these or other changes in breathing indicate?

Respiratory system cats are similar to humans. First, air enters the larynx through the pharynx, then moves along the trachea to the bronchi and into the lungs. From the lungs, oxygen is delivered to every cell of the body. On exhalation, at the moment of relaxation of the diaphragm, the “waste” material is removed from the body in the reverse way: through the bronchi into the trachea, larynx and pharynx. The respiratory rate in cats is not a constant indicator. IN calm state An adult animal takes about thirty breaths per minute. In kittens this figure is higher and can reach up to fifty. Cats breathe a little more often than males, but the difference is not significant.

Situations when rapid breathing in a cat it is not a pathology, there are many. For example, from fear, rage, surprise, or at a moment of joyful excitement, a cat breathes faster. This is a momentary change; breathing returns to normal after a short period of time, usually after the cat has stopped exposing the cat to external stimuli. Shallow, rapid breathing in a cat during a trip, in the veterinarian’s office, or during an unpleasant manipulation is a conditional norm, signaling that the pet is experiencing stress. Pregnant, giving birth, nursing pets and cats in heat also breathe somewhat faster. The respiratory rate in cats changes depending on the degree of exercise: during sleep the rate is lower, during active games- higher.

Some strange sounds wake you up at night. It turns out that your cat is snoring. I feel sorry for the little animal and myself. What to do in such cases?

Why does a cat snore through its nose and sniffles like a human when it sleeps, but there is no snot?

There are breeds of cats and dogs that are prone to snoring. These are animals with a shortened nose, for example, Persians or exotics. They snore or sniff slightly during sleep - this is a natural phenomenon. Sniffling can also be a sign of illness.

What to do if a cat becomes electrified and why does this happen?

A cat's fur can become electrified by dry indoor air. In winter, it is necessary to humidify the air in the apartment so that it is about 50–60%. Static electricity in wool can occur when it comes into contact with synthetic clothing owner or furniture upholstery. You can spray your clothes (but not your cat) with antistatic agent.

Why does a cat constantly snore and is it dangerous, how can I help?

Diseases that may cause a cat to snore:
helminthic infestations;
- asthma;
- polyps in the nose;
excess weight;
- hyperplasia of the soft palate;
- heart failure;
- urolithiasis disease;
- brain injuries.

It is necessary to observe the animal in order to know what to tell the veterinarian. How does a cat snore - through its nose or mouth, while inhaling or exhaling, what kind of appetite and behavior. A veterinarian will examine the animal and be able to prescribe treatment. An x-ray of the nose may be needed if snoring is caused by polyps or a deviated septum.

The cat snores when inhaling and when breathing, what to do and how to treat it, is it normal or bad?

Snoring or wheezing while inhaling may indicate bronchospasm. This condition occurs during an asthma attack. If the cat previously suffered from allergies that were not treated, asthma is a logical continuation of the disease in a more severe form. This disease is life-threatening; the animal can simply suffocate while sleeping. It is necessary for the doctor to prescribe a treatment for the cat that will definitely help.

A cat snores after anesthesia, what to do?

After anesthesia, the animal may feel unwell - refuse to eat, snore through its nose. Usually the condition returns to normal within a day. There is no need to disturb the cat, forcefully pour water into it, it may vomit. If the snoring does not go away within the next few days, take your cat to the vet.

Cat snores after sterilization

Snoring can be caused for various reasons, one of which is heart failure. Therefore, it is recommended to perform the operation on animals in at a young age. Danger appears urolithiasis due to changes in metabolism in the body. One of the symptoms of this disease is snoring.

After sterilization, the animal is transferred to specialized industrial feed, intended for sterilized animals.

This serves to prevent the occurrence of kidney disease. It is necessary to monitor the weight of the animal; after sterilization, a tendency towards obesity appears - this is also one of the reasons for snoring in a cat.

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In addition to the well-known sneezing, cats sometimes begin to snort, wrinkling their noses, and rubbing their faces with their paws. Of course, such uncharacteristic behavior often worries owners: why does the cat sneeze and snort through its nose? Is this normal, or should I still see a doctor? Let's try to answer these questions.

The main reasons for “snorting”

Snorting is another way for an animal to clear its nasal passages. Unlike sneezing, this action is not performed reflexively, but consciously, like a human blowing his nose. If the cat rubs its nose with its paws, it means it is experiencing discomfort. The reason for all these actions may be:

  • the beginning of a runny nose, when there is no discharge yet, but there is a burning and itching sensation in the nose;
  • entry of irritating substances or particles into the nasal passages;
  • foreign body in the nasal passages;
  • inflammation paranasal sinuses nose (sinusitis);
  • inflammation of the tooth root (pain may be felt in the nasal area).

How to help a cat if she sneezes and snorts?

If similar actions The cat rarely does this and generally feels well, then most likely nothing needs to be done. Perhaps the cat simply inhaled the dust and successfully got rid of it on her own. But if the condition worsens and becomes painful for the animal, action must be taken.

We wrote about the technique of rinsing the nose in the article “What to do at home if your cat sneezes?” - this is the only thing that can be done before the inspection veterinarian. The procedure will help get rid of foreign particles in the nose.

If the reason lies deeper inflammatory processes, you can’t do without a serious examination and treatment, which is why it’s so important to see a doctor.

What canned food tastes best for cats?

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Cats cause endless affection to their owners. This is especially true for the sounds sometimes made by pets - snoring, sighing and even snoring. After all, they are different from ours and seem charming when published furry pet. But if the cat wheezes when he breathes constantly, this causes concern and anxiety.

Why does the cat sniffle?

The respiratory system of cats is similar to humans. Our pets can sigh, sniffle and even snore in the same way. Most often this happens in a dream. Cats' dreams can consist of various events that cause external reaction not only in the form of twitching its paws, as if the animal is running, shuddering, but also reactions of the respiratory system.

But if a cat or kitten sniffles not only during sleep, but also when awake, this may indicate the appearance of health problems. In this case, the owners need to more carefully observe the pet, which sniffles when it breathes, and track the duration and frequency of the snoring. This can help in determining the cause of the condition, and in deciding what to do and how to treat the animal.

The most common causes of cat snoring:

Periodic snoring is normal for humans and animals. If this happens rarely, it should not be a cause for concern. But if the cat sniffles when he breathes all the time, or even breathes with open mouth, this should be a cause for concern. Constant violations breathing problems can cause more serious violations health. Most likely, you will need a veterinarian's consultation and treatment, because... It is difficult or even impossible to independently determine the disease. But before contacting a doctor, it is necessary to observe an animal that is sniffling and breathing heavily. To make a diagnosis, exclude various diseases and prescribe proper treatment the doctor will need detailed information.

The veterinarian may ask for the following information about a cat who wheezes when he breathes::

  • the age of the animal and its lifestyle;
  • weight and its relationship with the norm for a given breed;
  • how long ago did the wheezing occur?
  • Are there other sounds heard when the cat breathes?
  • changes in the color of mucous membranes;
  • Availability various injuries(torso, nose, mouth, larynx);
  • changes in behavior ( low activity, weakness, excitability);
  • other symptoms (digestive problems, vomiting, other breathing problems, cough, runny nose, sneezing).

If your cat is breathing poorly through his nose and sniffling, you should not wait for this to go away on its own. Such signs may indicate a serious illness in a cat or kitten that requires immediate treatment.

The nature of the snoring and sounds can often roughly determine the source of the disease.:

  • wet rales indicate the presence of phlegm in the respiratory organs;
  • dry wheezing indicates the presence of swelling in the bronchi or throat;
  • crackling – there may be problems in the alveoli;
  • A whistling sound may indicate swelling in the respiratory tract.

To determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment for a cat that wheezes when it breathes, only qualified specialist. Independent choice of treatment method and incorrect diagnosis of the disease can lead to a significant deterioration in the animal’s condition.

Only timely initiation of treatment, and right choice drugs can provide rapid and full recovery pet. You should not rely on the recommendations of other cat owners from forums - each case is individual, even with similar symptoms.