Is pregnancy possible after tubal ligation? Tubal ligation: essence of the procedure, indications, implementation, result


In order to avoid pregnancy problems, it is necessary to exclude the presence of inflammatory processes and adhesions in the remaining fallopian tube, which can become an obstacle to the fertilized egg entering the uterus for further proper development.


The probability of pregnancy with one fallopian tube is somewhat reduced, but it remains quite high, therefore, after successfully passing all the tests, treatment and the preparatory stage for the planned pregnancy, it is necessary to direct your efforts also to psychological support for the expectant mother.

The absence of fallopian tubes today is not a death sentence. Previously, removed fallopian tubes were tantamount to infertility, but modern women can become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child even without them, thanks to the latest medical technologies.


Women who have had to undergo surgery to remove the fallopian tubes often give up their future motherhood, since natural fertilization is not possible. The fallopian tubes play a direct role in the process: it is through the tube that the mature egg moves towards the uterus, and then, connecting with the sperm, attaches to the uterine wall and begins to divide, forming an embryo. If the fallopian tubes are removed, the ovaries have no connection with the uterus, and to achieve the long-awaited pregnancy, the woman must undergo IVF - a special artificial insemination procedure.

Pathology of the fallopian tubes is an absolute indication for in vitro fertilization. The high cost of IVF should not scare potential expectant mothers: in Russia there is a state program that allows absentee women to receive free IVF if they have compulsory health insurance.

In order to get in line for free in vitro fertilization, a woman should contact an antenatal clinic for a full examination, the results of which will confirm and document the diagnosis. A referral for IVF and a conclusion about the need for the procedure due to the absence of fallopian tubes is issued in. A married couple applying for artificial insemination must obtain an official medical certificate of infertility.

A woman who wants to receive a quota for IVF should collect a package of documents, which includes written confirmation of complete tubal infertility. If only one fallopian tube is removed, the possibility of pregnancy naturally cannot be ruled out. In this case, the expectant mother will not receive a quota for the procedure. Also, to obtain a quota, you must provide a marriage certificate, a valid compulsory medical insurance policy, and a SNILS certificate. The patient's age should not exceed 28 years. The quota is issued for only one procedure: if IVF is unsuccessful, the woman will have to collect documents again and stand in line for a second attempt at fertilization.

Today, tubal ligation is the most effective method of birth control, because after this medical procedure, pregnancy becomes virtually impossible. This method is used for those women who voluntarily refuse possible pregnancies, that is, those who no longer want to have children.

How to ligate the fallopian tubes after childbirth: who is allowed

Of course, not all women can undergo this procedure. There are enough contraindications that prevent this operation. Therefore, it is easier to list cases that have no contraindications for tubal ligation.

When ligation surgery is possible:

  • When a new pregnancy and childbirth threatens the patient’s health;
  • At an age close to menopause, when there is a history of severe genetic diseases;
  • When a woman has two or more children and is under 35 years old;
  • In case the woman is over 35 and has a child;
  • When both husband and wife no longer want children.

The operation is not that complicated, so complications are rare. Laparoscopic operations are the least traumatic. This operation is performed under local or general anesthesia, as the patient wishes and as the doctor recommends. Postpartum sterilization is carried out using the laparoscopic method. It is performed 72 hours after the baby is born. At this time, the fallopian tubes are located in the navel area, which makes the operation easier, and rehabilitation will be faster and easier.

Is pregnancy possible after sterilization?

The chances of getting pregnant do exist, but you need to understand how minimal they are. It is believed that an unambiguous guarantee that conception will not occur is given exclusively for the first two years after the operation. The degree of reliability also depends on the method by which sterilization was carried out.

It is believed that after the method of tubal ligation using terminals and clamps, cases of unwanted pregnancy are most common. But, on the other hand, this method of sterilization preserves the chances of a reverse operation.

However, it is considered:

  • Any type of tubal ligation maintains the chance of pregnancy naturally by approximately 9%;
  • The risks of ectopic pregnancy increase;
  • Sterilization is recommended for women after 34-35 years of age, when, in principle, the possibility of pregnancy decreases.

The main risk of sterilization is the threat of ectopic pregnancy. There is no way to insure against it, and it can be dangerous. Especially in the case of women who have had their tubes tied. They are sure that pregnancy is simply impossible, and they do not attach importance to some suspicious symptoms. And, as you know, it is very important to notice an ectopic pregnancy on time. Because complications develop very quickly, leading to death.

Is it possible to get pregnant with tubal ligation?

Such cases do occur. According to some data, in every tenth case, women became pregnant after dressing without protection. But these statistics also include pathological ectopic pregnancies. Therefore, it cannot be said that sterilization is a 100% guarantee - that’s why it is not done for women under 30; the risks of getting pregnant in this case are quite large, even with ligated tubes.

Also, a woman considering this procedure should know:

  • Sterilization does not affect hormonal levels;
  • It does not affect the hormonal cycle in any way;
  • Women's sexuality is not decreasing.

However, be sure to think about the consequences. Are you sure that you are ruling out the possibility of another child in the family? Is your husband or partner sure that he wants the same thing? Often a woman is pressured by external reasons (financial situation, the opinion of her family and husband, fear of pregnancy), and not by internal beliefs. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to have a confidential conversation with a gynecologist who is reputable for you, as well as visit a psychologist.

Reverse surgery: is it possible to untie the fallopian tubes?

While there are several ways to tie your tubes, none of them actually involve literal tying. There is a higher chance of pregnancy if the tubes have been tied with clamps or rings, or if a small part of the tube has been removed. If, again, the tubes are tied immediately after childbirth, and the woman is young, the chance of successful restoration of reproductive function increases.

This takes into account:

  • Patient's age;
  • Difficulties/lack of them with the onset of previous pregnancies;
  • Presence of diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • The presence of other chronic or acute diseases;
  • Complication/absence of tubal ligation surgery;
  • Motives of women.

Everything needs to be approached carefully and calmly. If a woman, in addition to tied tubes, has other factors that prevent pregnancy, for example, age, previous gynecological diseases, the recovery process will not be easy. And there is no guarantee that pregnancy will occur and that it will be successful.

Therefore, women are asked to think seriously before agreeing to surgery, which in some cases may not be reversible. The doctor will tell you how the operation will go, how to prepare for it, and what is included in the recovery period. Recommendations are individual.

Expert opinion: is it possible to get pregnant with ligated tubes (video)

As it turns out, ligated tubes do not guarantee the impossibility of pregnancy. Moreover, the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases. Therefore, it is worth considering alternative contraceptive options.

Reasonable decisions!

Tubal ligation (ligation) is performed to prevent pregnancy. The operation prevents the egg from entering the uterus.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a tubal ligation?

Although rare, it is possible to become pregnant after a tubal ligation. This usually occurs if the fallopian tubes become enlarged over time. In some cases, pregnancy is possible if the surgeon performed the procedure incorrectly. Approximately one in 200 women becomes pregnant after having this procedure.

Women who have undergone ligation should be aware of some pregnancy symptoms because there is an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Pregnancy symptoms

  • cravings for certain foods and aversion to others;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • unexplained fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • frequent urination.

Pregnancy tests can help determine whether a woman is pregnant. If the test shows a positive result, it is important to see your doctor for confirmation.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube rather than in the uterus.

An ectopic pregnancy may initially cause the same symptoms as a normal pregnancy. However, some additional symptoms may occur:

  • vaginal bleeding;
  • abdominal pain;
  • acute pain in the pelvic area;
  • feeling of pressure on the pelvis.

An ectopic pregnancy can cause the fallopian tube to rupture, causing internal bleeding. A woman should seek emergency medical help if she experiences the following symptoms:

  • heavy vaginal bleeding;
  • severe pain in the abdomen or pelvis;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • left shoulder pain;
  • dizziness.

Your doctor will usually prescribe medication to stop an ectopic pregnancy if it is detected early. The doctor will monitor the woman's hormone levels to make sure they are falling. If medications fail to stop the pregnancy, your doctor may recommend surgery.

Complications after tubal ligation

The risks and complications of the procedure are usually minor. Some risks include:

  • infections at the incision site;
  • incomplete healing.

More serious complications may include:

  • allergic reaction to general anesthesia;
  • significant blood loss;
  • organ damage during surgery.

Factors that increase the risk of complications include:


  • overweight;
  • previous abdominal surgery;
  • lung disease;
  • heart problems.

When to see a doctor

After a tubal ligation, you should watch for signs of infection at the incision site. If there is swelling and redness, consult a doctor.

If a woman suspects that she is pregnant, she can conduct a test at home. If the test is positive, you should see a doctor to confirm pregnancy. It is also important to know the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, which can be life-threatening if you do not receive prompt medical attention.


Tubal ligation is one of the most effective forms of birth control. However, this is not a complete guarantee. If pregnancy occurs after this procedure, it is important to be aware of the risks and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.

Surgical sterilization, or tubal ligation, is a radical method of contraception. Women who have chosen this path worry whether they can get pregnant with their tubes tied. Some people want to be sure that pregnancy will definitely not occur. And someone repents and thinks about how to regain the ability to have children.

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. Previously, it was believed that after such a procedure it was impossible to get pregnant naturally. And you shouldn’t count on a complete restoration of the correct functioning of the reproductive system either.

However, sometimes a woman who was forced or consciously decided to undergo this operation, after a certain time expresses a desire to become a mother and hopes that she will succeed.

So is it possible to get pregnant after sterilization? To understand the essence of the problem, you need to understand how conception occurs.

At a certain time, the egg that has matured in the ovary breaks through the membrane and is sent into the fallopian tube. During sexual intercourse, sperm move in the same direction and, having met the egg, merge with it. In case of successful development of events, a fertilized egg is formed. It begins to move through the tube, reaches the uterus and joins the endometrium there. Having attached itself to the inner wall of the uterus, the fetus develops until birth.

In this chain of pregnancy, each element plays an important role. Consequently, after tubal ligation, the formation of an embryo is impossible, since the egg will die before reaching its final destination.

However, the likelihood of natural conception after surgery is rare, but still exists:

  • If the technology of the operation was violated, which affected its quality;
  • In the case of spontaneous fusion of the fallopian tubes, which allowed them to create a new passage for sperm;
  • The woman became pregnant before the operation.

From all that has been said above, we can come to the conclusion that natural pregnancy after sterilization occurs extremely rarely.

Risk of ectopic pregnancy

Not all women know that if the tubes were tied during a cesarean section, this will not provide a complete guarantee that a new pregnancy will not occur.

Of course, the combination of these two procedures is very convenient for both the woman and the doctors. After all, there is no need for repeated surgery. However, the human body is capable of recovering quickly, and sometimes this possibility borders on a miracle from the point of view of medical theory.

Since the women’s body directs all its forces to postpartum recovery, injured pipes are also included in this process. Of course, from a common sense point of view, the chances that they will be able to recover, allowing the egg to progress, are negligible. But life situations prove that such a possibility still exists. The sperm can penetrate the egg and fertilize it. Pregnancy will occur, but it will most likely be ectopic. If it is not detected in time, the woman’s health and even life are in serious danger. In order to prevent this situation, it is important to monitor the menstrual cycle for several years after surgery.

So, if you have decided to ligate your tubes, you should remember that the risk of an ectopic pregnancy will increase several times. Therefore, after this surgical intervention, it is important to undergo an ultrasound examination. The doctor will be able to evaluate how the operation went by analyzing the degree of patency of the tube.

How to restore patency of pipes

For women who really want to experience the joy of motherhood, modern medicine can offer ways to still get pregnant:

  • Laparoscopy, tubal plastic surgery;

Let's consider these methods in detail.

With the help of laparoscopy and tubal plastic surgery, it is possible to restore the lumen in the fallopian tube, that is, relatively speaking, to “untie” them. But pregnancy after tubal ligation can only occur if they were tied with threads or tied in a knot.

If during the operation part of the organ was removed, then laparoscopy will not help.

Is it possible to get pregnant with ligated tubes if the patency is restored with plastic surgery?

In this case, the probability of natural conception after surgery will be less than 50%. And this is still a pretty good indicator. The success of the procedure is influenced by the time factor. If the tubes were tied not so long ago, then the chances of getting pregnant increase.

However, the more time has passed since the surgical intervention, the more the cilia will atrophy. This means that even with complete restoration of patency, conception will not occur. This is due to the fact that the fertilized egg will not be able to move through the tube.

Will IVF help?

Is it possible to get pregnant after sterilization using IVF?

If a sterilized woman really wants to get pregnant, the modern IVF procedure (in vitro fertilization) can help her in this matter.

To get pregnant using this method, tubes are not needed at all. For the process to be successful, you need a healthy uterus, good doctors, luck and a certain amount of money: this procedure, unfortunately, is expensive.

From a theoretical point of view, the IVF method is very simple. An egg is removed from a woman's ovary, fertilized in a test tube, and then implanted in the woman's uterus. However, its practical implementation is very complex and consists of several stages.

Let's consider the stages that need to be completed for the long-awaited pregnancy to occur.

Stage 1. “Superovulation”

Considering that a woman normally matures one egg per month, the task of doctors is to increase its number as much as possible. To achieve the desired result, a woman takes strong hormonal drugs for 1-3 weeks. They stimulate the ovaries so that “superovulation” occurs.

This hormone therapy is called IVF protocols. There are several types of them. For each woman, depending on the state of her reproductive system and age, an individual protocol is selected. How the eggs mature is assessed using ultrasound.

Stage 2. Egg retrieval.

Once the eggs have grown to the desired size, they need to be retrieved. To do this, the ovary is punctured through the vagina using a special needle, collecting mature eggs. This stage is carried out under anesthesia and under ultrasound supervision. The resulting eggs are placed in a special environment for several days. At this time, the future father's sperm is collected.

Stage 3. Fertilization.

This stage is carried out in laboratory conditions, where the presence of future parents is not necessary. The most commonly used method is when sperm are added to a container with eggs. This process is similar to natural fertilization.

Once the egg is fertilized, it is considered an embryo. The embryos remain in incubators for several days, where embryologists ensure that their development occurs correctly. To eliminate the risk of possible hereditary and genetic diseases, appropriate diagnostics can be carried out at this stage.

If there are a lot of viable embryos, they can be frozen and used a second time if necessary.

Stage 4. Transfer of the embryo into the uterus.

Since the likelihood of successful attachment of the embryo to the uterus depends on the thickness of the endometrium, before implantation the woman takes special hormonal drugs that stimulate its growth.

After this stage, the woman should not get up for an hour. After 2 weeks, she can take the long-awaited pregnancy test.

So, can a woman get pregnant with a tubal ligation using IVF? The answer in most cases will be yes. But do not forget that the risk of death of implanted embryos is high. Therefore, in this case, a 100% guarantee cannot be given.

Of course, the birth of children should be desired and planned. And all sensible married couples understand this when choosing various means of contraception. However, you should not try to solve the issue once and for all by resorting to such serious operations as sterilization. After all, it is quite possible that after some time you will have to really regret this and put in a lot of effort and material costs to correct the current situation.

Among the wide variety of contraceptive methods, the most effective is tubal ligation. Sometimes it is done according to indications, but most often at the request of the woman herself. It happens that over time a woman still wants to have a child, and then the question arises whether it is possible to get pregnant if the fallopian tubes are ligated. Let's consider all aspects of this process.

How are the fallopian tubes tied after childbirth, and who is allowed?

Not all women decide on such a radical method of contraception. There are also contraindications to this tubal ligation procedure. But sometimes it is performed for medical reasons.

Who is indicated for tubal ligation:

  • a woman whose new pregnancy or childbirth threatens life and health;
  • a woman who is close to menopause and has a history of severe genetic diseases that can be passed on to the unborn baby;
  • if there are already two or more children, but the woman is under 35 years old;
  • women over the age of 35 who already have a child;
  • when a married couple decided not to have any more children.

To avoid the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with ligated tubes, the woman undergoes a comprehensive examination, including from a psychologist. The operation itself is not complicated, but you need to carefully prepare for it by passing a series of tests that minimize the risk of side effects and complications.

Most often, tubal ligation is performed using laparoscopy, under local or general anesthesia. This method is also called sterilization, and it can be performed as early as three days after birth. This time is considered the most favorable for the procedure, since the fallopian tubes are located near the navel, which facilitates the constriction process. In addition, rehabilitation will take place quickly and without consequences.

How is tubal infertility research performed?

Most often, tubal ligation is performed on women who already have children and as a method of contraception. But before carrying out the procedure, the fair sex undergoes a series of studies. If a woman decides to become pregnant after sterilization, she must also undergo a series of examinations together with her partner.

Research after sterilization includes:

  • analysis of basal temperature over the past few months (the doctor needs to make sure whether the woman is ovulating and on what day of the menstrual cycle);
  • a blood test to detect hormonal disorders (indicates the ability of the ovaries to produce eggs);
  • spermogram of the partner to identify possible deviations in indicators;
  • diagnosis and determination of a possible method of conception.

A woman can become pregnant if her tubes are tied, but for this it is important to rule out other factors of infertility using the tests described above. If all tests are positive, including the partner’s spermogram, then IVF or artificial insemination is most often recommended.

Is it possible to get pregnant after sterilization?

Reading expert opinions and reviews on whether it is possible to get pregnant with tubal ligation, you can give a positive answer to this question. There are chances, but they are minimal, especially in the first two years after the procedure. This depends primarily on how well and in what way the sterilization was carried out. Tubal ligations using clamps and clips are believed to have the highest rates of unintended pregnancy. But, if you look at the situation from the other side, this method also makes it possible to perform the reverse operation of decoupling the pipes.

It is believed that with tubal ligation, the chance of getting pregnant naturally is 9%, but the risks of ectopic pregnancy increase significantly. The procedure is not recommended for women over 35, since at this age the chances of conceiving a baby are reduced.

The main risk of tubal ligation is ectopic pregnancy, which can be extremely dangerous to the life and health of a woman. It is impossible to protect yourself from it, but it is important to notice it in time, although in most cases it cannot be diagnosed early.

Is it possible to get pregnant with tubal ligation naturally?

It is quite possible to successfully become pregnant naturally after a tubal ligation, although the chances are minimal (less than 10%).

The percentage of natural conception increases after sterilization:

  • in the case of a poorly performed operation, after which significant defects were revealed;
  • when the process of fusion of the welded fallopian tubes occurs (in this case, a small passage for sperm is formed);
  • I already had a successful pregnancy after the dressing was performed.

An ultrasound examination is performed to check how well the fallopian tubes can function. It is also worth remembering that the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy in the case of ligated tubes is high, since the passages for eggs are limited.

Pregnancy after tubal ligation: features

It is possible to conceive and carry a child with ligated fallopian tubes, but more often this happens through artificial insemination rather than naturally. According to statistics, one out of 10 women who were sterilized without protection were able to successfully become pregnant. But it should also be noted that there is a higher percentage of ectopic pregnancies.

A woman who is considering tubal ligation should know:

  • sterilization does not affect hormonal levels (although it is rarely done for women under 30);
  • Tubal ligation also does not affect sexual activity and libido.

In vitro fertilization is performed on women even with two tubes tied and often has a positive result. Before the procedure, hormonal therapy is required, and the patient undergoes ultrasound control at all stages of the process. In order for conceiving and carrying a baby through IVF to be successful, a woman must maintain physical and emotional peace, since embryos react to any condition of the mother. There are also cases when the first attempt was unsuccessful, so the procedure is repeated again and again.

IVF or plastic

Many people ask whether it is possible to get pregnant with ligated tubes only through IVF. Of course not, although in this case the chances only increase. As you know, artificial insemination is a fairly expensive procedure that not everyone can afford. But there is an alternative to IVF - surgical plastic surgery. This is a common manipulation among women with tubal ligations, but the process is lengthy. If several years have passed after the bandaging, then the plastic surgery may not bring results, since during this time the muscles completely atrophy.

It is possible, although difficult, to conceive a baby with tubal ligation. Therefore, before deciding on this method of contraception, it is worth considering other options that do not in any way affect the condition and viability of the reproductive organs.

Can an ectopic pregnancy occur if the tubes are tied?

Women often ask: “Can I get pregnant if my tubes are tied?” All gynecologists unanimously answer that sterilization prevents unwanted pregnancy in 95% of cases. But this increases the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy, since the fertilized egg’s path through the tubes to the uterus is closed, and it needs to mature somewhere.

Also, the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy increases if there are any pathologies in the fallopian tubes, there have been abortions, other gynecological operations or chronic inflammation associated with the genitourinary system.

It is impossible to somehow prevent or prevent an ectopic pregnancy. There are no general recommendations here, since this can happen even to completely healthy women, although it is rare.

Reverse operation: untying the fallopian tubes - is this possible?

Those who wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant with ligated tubes are also interested in the possibility of reversing the process. The tubal ligation performed by surgeons is not taken so literally. If sterilization was carried out using rings and clamps or only a small part of the tube was removed, then it is possible to reverse the process, and the woman has a great chance of becoming a mother again. There is also a high probability of restoring full reproductive function in those women who had tubal ligation immediately after childbirth, and not much time has passed.

In order to “untie the pipes” the following is taken into account:

  • patient's age;
  • difficulties that arose during previous pregnancies;
  • the presence of pathologies in the reproductive organs;
  • other diseases in the acute or chronic stage;
  • complications arising after sterilization;
  • the motives of the woman herself.

The process of re-tensioning pipes, as well as the reverse operation, should be approached carefully. Therefore, in both the first and second cases, a comprehensive examination of the woman’s health is carried out.


The answer to the question whether you can get pregnant with tubal ligation or not is positive. But before you decide on the procedure, you should weigh the pros and cons. Sterilization is not the only method of protection against unwanted pregnancy.