How long should basal temperature remain after ovulation? The period after ovulation. Normal basal temperature after ovulation

When planning a pregnancy, it is important not to miss an important day for conception, so you need to know when ovulation occurs. The basal temperature naturally rises at this moment. And here a number of questions arise: what should the body temperature be during ovulation, and is a sharp increase in body temperature normal?

What is our body saying?

When ovulation occurs, it is easy to determine by basal temperature. But, if you measure your body temperature, it is almost impossible to determine the time of ovulation, since a thermometer under your armpit will not show any changes.

However, after ovulation, before the start of your period, your body temperature may rise slightly. This time is characterized by a high probability of conception. It is considered normal if the body temperature after egg maturation does not exceed 37 o C.

The cause of temperature fluctuations is the growth of hormones.

According to doctors, in order to notice fluctuations in body temperature during ovulation, you need to purchase a special thermometer, which is characterized by divisions of 0.1 degrees, since the differences can be quite insignificant. But a regular thermometer will not demonstrate such changes.

A slightly noticeable rise in the mercury column appears at the very peak of ovulation to 0.5 o C. And at the beginning of this phase, the body temperature is slightly lower.

From time to time, the female body is exposed to temperature changes; it is possible that this is not ovulation at all, but for other reasons.

Temperature 37 o C or higher without cold symptoms:

  • presence of infection;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • hormonal changes (possibly ovulation, early pregnancy);
  • reaction to certain medications (antibiotics, preventive vaccinations).

The list of probable factors can frighten the expectant mother. But the list is presented for informational purposes only. Based on symptoms, it is impossible to understand why a woman's body exhibits temperature fluctuations.

When planning a pregnancy, a girl should visit a gynecologist, especially if problems arise with conception. In addition, she must undergo a preventive examination; it is possible that there is an infection in the body, which is better to get rid of before pregnancy.

What to do if the temperature reaches 38 o C and lasts a long time?

During ovulation, such numbers are not acceptable, unless, of course, we are talking about a disease. Now let’s imagine that on average TT is 36.6 o C, then BT will be slightly higher. And at BT 38 o C, in theory, BT will reach 39 o C. As you know, if BT is above 37.3 o C, then ovulation is considered false.

It is recommended that every woman keep a chart of basal temperatures at least from time to time. It allows you to indirectly judge the state of the reproductive and endocrine systems; its readings can warn a woman about a possible pregnancy, hormonal disorders, and the development of certain gynecological diseases. Thus, maintaining basal temperature at high levels during menstruation is considered a sign of endometritis.

However, most often basal temperature is measured to determine ovulation when planning pregnancy. Keeping this chart allows you to calculate or diagnose anovulation, when the egg does not mature. Every healthy woman can normally have several anovulatory cycles per year, but if ovulation does not occur from month to month, then we are talking about a serious disorder.

As you know, the duration of the menstrual cycle is different for each woman, and the basal temperature schedule is also very individual. But no matter what, ovulation almost always occurs 14 days before the expected date of the next period. For example, if your next menstruation should begin on the 15th, then expect ovulation on the 1st.

This date divides the entire menstrual cycle into 3 phases (not counting menstruation): the first - before ovulation (follicular), the second - ovulation itself (ovulatory) and the third - after ovulation (luteal or corpus luteum phase).

What is the basal temperature before ovulation?

During different periods of the menstrual cycle, a woman’s hormonal levels are not the same. In the first phase, the hormone estrogen dominates, under the influence of which the basal temperature is kept at a low level. This is necessary to create optimal conditions in which the next egg in turn will mature and prepare for potential fertilization.

The average basal temperature in the first phase is 36.3-36.5°C. It can fluctuate up and down by one tenth of a degree throughout the first period of the follicular phase. Before ovulation, BT increases (and in some cases a slight decrease), and on the day of ovulation it reaches an average of 37.1-37.3 C. These data may differ in each individual case. The main thing remains only the condition of the gap in the indicators between the phases.

A reduced (or rather normal, physiological) basal temperature is established at the beginning of each menstrual cycle and remains at such levels until ovulation occurs.

What is the basal temperature during ovulation?

The day on which the stable basal temperature makes a sharp jump upward (by at least 0.2 C) is the day of ovulation. At this time, the egg, ripe for fertilization, leaves the follicle and rushes into the abdominal cavity in anticipation of meeting with the sperm. She will live only a day, so for conception it would be good if the sperm was already waiting for her here at this time. If you are measuring basal temperature to protect against unwanted pregnancy, then unprotected sexual intercourse must be stopped 4-5 days before the expected onset of ovulation and contraception must be used at least two days after that.

During the period of ovulation, basal temperature increases to an average of 37°C. At the same time, many women experience a drop in BT on the day of ovulation, after which its increase is noted.

What is your basal temperature after ovulation?

The basal temperature that increases on the day of ovulation or immediately after its onset will remain that way until the onset of menstruation. If they never started, and the BBT continues to remain at 37-37.2°C even after a delay, then with a high degree of probability the woman is pregnant. It is possible to assume that conception has taken place in this cycle if the basal temperature, which is elevated in the second half of the menstrual cycle, does not fall for at least 18 days.

Between the first luteal and last follicular phases there should be a temperature “difference” of at least 0.4-0.5 ° C. Only in this case can we say that ovulation took place in this cycle.

The third period of the menstrual cycle - the corpus luteum phase - occurs against the background of increased levels of the hormone progesterone, which contributes to an increase in basal temperature. This is necessary to create beneficial conditions in which a fertilized egg can maintain its viability, move towards the uterus, and along the way divide and develop. The elevated basal temperature will persist throughout the first four months of pregnancy, as long as the corpus luteum functions. Then the placenta, which has formed by this time, takes over its functions, and the corpus luteum “unnecessarily” dies.

Correct basal temperature measurements

It should be noted that in order to obtain the most reliable data, it is necessary to adhere to clear rules for measuring basal temperature. Measurements are taken every morning on an empty stomach at the same time, seven days a week. The thermometer should always be near the bed, because you cannot get up or make any sudden movements before measuring BT - absolute rest is necessary.

In order for the graph to reflect reality as accurately as possible, BT must be measured after continuous sleep lasting at least several hours (ideally at least 6). Any violations of these rules and many other factors can affect the performance. Be sure to note in the graph everything that could distort the measurement results: more or less sleep duration, visiting the toilet at night, sexual intercourse shortly before measuring basal temperature, taking medications, colds and other ailments, physical and nervous fatigue, drinking alcohol and other. You can take note of the basal temperature chart based on the results of at least the last 3-4 months.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

When planning pregnancy or when diagnosing and treating many diseases in gynecology, a routine, simple method of measuring basal temperature is widely and actively used.

Basal temperature after ovulation

According to the outlined graph, you can determine all the phases of the cycle; usually there are three of them - the maturation of the follicle, its release (ovulation) and the luteal phase (conception and fertilization, or preparation for menstruation). The ovulation phase and the temperature changes that occur during it are well known to doctors, but even after ovulation, processes in the female body occur according to certain laws.

What should be your basal temperature after ovulation?

Ovulation occurs due to the fact that a fully mature egg is ready to be released, and under the influence of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) of the pituitary gland, the ovarian follicle bursts. The egg enters the cavity of the fallopian tube, where it will wait to meet the sperm. In order for the egg to be viable and conception to occur, it is necessary to create special conditions around it. This is formed due to changes in hormonal levels and vibrations of the cilia inside the tube. A natural normal process will be an increase in basal temperature after ovulation, formed due to the action of the hormone progesterone. It is he who will create the conditions most suitable for the survival of the egg. The normal basal temperature after ovulation is taken to increase it in the chart by approximately 0.5 degrees, and it should be at least higher than 37.0-37.5 degrees. These conditions will be optimal for possible conception.

It is also important to pay attention to how many days after ovulation the basal temperature lasts. Normally, it should gradually and very smoothly decrease throughout the entire second phase without sudden jumps, which will indicate that the hormonal levels are stable.

Why does basal temperature not rise after ovulation?

Sometimes there are situations in which a sharp decrease in basal temperature is detected immediately after ovulation or a few days later. This situation is abnormal and indicates health problems. Very low values ​​of basal temperature after ovulation, not reaching 37.0 degrees, indicate that there are problems with conception; under such conditions it is almost impossible - the egg does not survive in such conditions.

If, according to the graph, the basal temperature dropped sharply after ovulation, this may indicate ovarian dysfunction and the formation of progesterone deficiency. Progesterone deficiency leads to disruption of the second phase, which makes conception unlikely or impossible. This condition requires medical consultation and active treatment, including hormone replacement therapy.

Also, the basal temperature after ovulation drops markedly if, during ovulation, a non-viable defective egg was released from the follicle, which is not capable of fertilization. If this happened once, against the background of a stable schedule, there is no need to worry, but if such fluctuations tend to recur in each cycle, medical help and active treatment are needed, this is often the cause of infertility in a couple.

What is the basal temperature after ovulation, if fertilization has occurred?

Based on the measurement of basal temperature in the period after ovulation, you can also try to calculate the onset of pregnancy. Of course, this measurement will be approximate, but if you keep a pedantic chart, you will be able to immediately note the changes that have occurred - during pregnancy, there is no change in basal temperature after ovulation. Against the background of an elevated temperature of up to 37.5, or even higher, due to the action of progesterone, there is no premenstrual drop in temperature; they remain either the same or even slightly increase. This indicates the stable production of progesterone by the corpus luteum to form the mucous membrane and maintain the life of the fertilized egg.

Understand the lowest body temperature that a person experiences during the day. It is recommended to measure your basal temperature immediately after you wake up (meaning in the morning). If you are determining basal temperature to plan pregnancy and determine the period of ovulation, then you need to take the measurement every day at the same time. This is the only way to guarantee the reliability of the results.

Rules for measuring basal temperature

Let us briefly describe the basic rules for measuring basal temperature

Measurement time

It is very important to measure your basal temperature in the morning. At the same time, a night's sleep for at least 6 hours before each measurement is required. You need to measure your basal temperature at the same time – for example, at 7 am.

Thermometer for measurements

For measurements, it is advisable to use a regular mercury thermometer, since it is considered more accurate (do you need reliable results?). Basal temperature must be measured for at least 5 minutes. If you take measurements with an electronic thermometer, then 1 minute will be enough.

Where to take temperature measurements

Basal temperature is determined only in the rectum. Of course, you can measure the temperature in the vagina or under the tongue, but the result will still be less reliable. Therefore, decide where exactly you will measure your temperature and do it every day for several months to get the most reliable result.

The thermometer must be removed from the anus by the tip of the device. Otherwise, the warm touch of your hand may cause an error in the readings.

Lack of physical activity before measurement

For the most reliable result, it is necessary to completely limit any physical activity. Prepare a thermometer in advance (in the evening), shake it off, and place it near you so that you don’t get out of bed after waking up. It is not advisable to even turn from place to place.

During the measurement, you cannot walk, move or roll over.

Basal temperature value

Before ovulation, that is, before the release of the egg, a person’s basal temperature will be 36.6 degrees. This value may be slightly higher, but in most cases it does not exceed 36.8 degrees Celsius.

It starts at a temperature of 36 degrees and then rapidly creeps up.

If the temperature on the thermometer is at 36.6 degrees, then most likely the woman has already ovulated and the egg is moving through the fallopian tubes towards the sperm. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then this is the most optimal time for sexual intercourse.

If the basal temperature exceeds the mark on the thermometer at 36.7 degrees, then ovulation has already occurred. If the basal temperature does not drop and remains consistently high, then the woman is most likely pregnant.

Period after ovulation

The period after ovulation is the luteal phase. In gynecology, this phase is understood as the moment (approximately) from the 14th day of the cycle.

If a woman has a high basal temperature for at least 16 days after ovulation, then the chances of pregnancy are extremely high. A woman can take a pregnancy test no earlier than 10-12 days after ovulation.

A basal temperature of 36.9 degrees is the most typical and optimal temperature for most pregnant women.

So, during pregnancy the temperature is above 36.8 degrees Celsius. A high basal temperature will remain high throughout the first trimester. Temperature fluctuations downward should not be observed.

Even if one line is shown, that is, a negative result, but the basal temperature remains at the optimally high level, then this means that the woman is still pregnant. It is better, instead of a pregnancy test, take a blood test for hCG (the so-called pregnancy hormone) in the laboratory.

Deviations from the norm in measurements

Let's look at some deviations from the norm in measuring basal temperature.

  • The basal temperature does not increase in the middle of the cycle - if the basal temperature during the entire menstrual cycle does not exceed 37 degrees Celsius, then this means that you have an annovulatory cycle. This phenomenon is considered normal, since physiologically a woman can have about 3 infertile cycles a year, that is, it is not possible to get pregnant during these months. If the basal temperature does not increase for several months in a row, this means that some pathological process is occurring in the body. You need to see a gynecologist and consult on this issue, as well as undergo a series of tests and have an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • The second phase of the cycle is less than 10 days. If the second phase of a woman’s cycle lasts less than 10 days, that is, the high temperature lasts, for example, 5 days, and then menstruation (bleeding) occurs, then this indicates that the woman has a deficiency. You need to undergo appropriate hormonal treatment.
  • If the basal temperature increases at the beginning or at the end of the cycle, and before the increase in temperature in the rectum, there is no characteristic decrease in temperature, then this indicates a disorder in the body associated with a deficiency of female hormones or an excess of male hormones.
  • If after ovulation the temperature does not begin to decrease and remains extremely high during menstrual bleeding, while the woman is not pregnant, then this indicates a gynecological disease called.
  • Constant jumps in basal temperature indicate hormonal disorders in a woman’s body.

And you are wondering why after ovulation the indicators do not rise or, on the contrary, increase? How to calculate pregnancy or infertility this way. We will tell you the reasons.

Women are advised to keep a graph of basal body temperature for different purposes. This way you can find out how healthy you are, learn about hormonal problems and inflammation, determine the phases of your monthly cycle, the onset of menstruation, ovulation and pregnancy. During the monthly cycle, the girl observes. And this is absolutely normal if the indicators correspond to the generally accepted measurement system. For what reasons can basal temperature after ovulation jump in one direction or another?

This is due to the games of hormones. Their quantity has a direct impact on many processes in the body, including basal temperature indicators. When a mature egg leaves the follicle, it needs conditions for further life. They are created by progesterone, so its production increases. During ovulation, body temperature makes a rare jump down and then up, reaching approximately 37 degrees Celsius.

Jumps and drops in basal body temperature are caused by the influence of estrogen and progesterone.

Basal temperature after ovulation

If the girl is healthy, then the basal body temperature after ovulation will increase by 0.5 degrees and last for several days. And then gradually there is a decline. This indicates a decrease in the level of the hormone progesterone and the onset of menstrual periods.

If the temperature after ovulation is lower than it should be, or has not increased even after a few days, then this is an alarming sign. It can be assumed that you have problems with reproductive health or diseases of the reproductive system. If the basal temperature after ovulation is below 37 degrees, then the egg does not survive. A sharp decline also indicates disruption of the ovaries and insufficient production of progesterone.

Basal temperature after ovulation may also drop due to the fact that an immature egg has been released from the ovary, which even hundreds of eager sperm will not fertilize. There is no need to worry about this if you noticed a low temperature only once among all your cycles, and then the situation did not repeat. In the cases listed above, immediate consultation with a doctor and treatment is required, especially if you are trying to have a child, but it is not working out.

Basal temperature after ovulation should not be lower than 37 degrees. Other indicators indicate problems with reproductive health and require medical intervention.

What is the basal temperature after ovulation if the egg is fertilized

The temperature remains at the same level during ovulation and after, when conception occurs. The absence of the usual rise and fall in temperature before menstruation indicates a high production of progesterone to create conditions for the development of the embryo, as mentioned above. Basal temperature may even rise slightly.

Occurrence of errors

When you are going to keep a temperature chart, remember that you are dealing with your body, which reacts to everything. Therefore, no one is immune from errors, such as:

  • stressful situations;
  • heat;
  • hypothermia;
  • poor sleep;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • ventilation of premises;
  • sexual intercourse on the eve of measurement;
  • illness;
  • taking contraceptives, hormone-based medications;
  • inflammatory processes in the body.

It is also important to adhere to the following rules: you must take measurements as soon as you wake up, do not get out of bed and do not move. Use the same mercury thermometer. The thermometer is placed in the mouth, vagina or rectum. If you start measuring one way, stick to it.

Basal temperature cannot be measured once; it must be done systematically over a long period of time. Otherwise, you can get confused and draw the wrong conclusions.

This method does not provide a 100% guarantee, and not everyone takes it seriously. But it's still worth a try. We advise you not to draw any conclusions or assumptions on your own unless you have been checked by a doctor.