Retroflexion of the cue uterus with functional changes. What does a retroflexed uterus mean and how to deal with it? Pregnancy and retroflexion

It is a pathology, but does not always require treatment, does not have characteristic clinical manifestations, but pain, vaginal discharge, dysfunction of adjacent organs and menstrual function may be associated. In some cases, retroflexion of the uterus, a photo of which is on the pages of medical reference books, can lead to the development of infertility and miscarriage.

Uterus: normal location

Normally, the uterus is located in the center of the pelvis, in the cavity between the bladder and large intestine. In this case, its bottom is facing upward and anteriorly, and its neck is facing downward and anteriorly. The uterus in this position is very mobile, its position can freely change depending on the filling of the surrounding organs. The tone, ligaments and muscles, abdominal press and pelvic floor ensure its normal position.

Under the influence of various reasons, the uterus can deviate posteriorly, changing the proportions between the pelvic organs. The consequence of this arrangement is a stretched ligamentous apparatus that holds it, which provokes displacement and prolapse of the internal genital organs.

Types of uterine bending

There are several types of retroflexion:

Mobile, resulting from decreased myometrial tone or stretched muscles or ligaments. The uterus tilts backward without losing mobility.

Fixed retroflexion is a completely or partially immobile organ relative to its neighbors.

Causes of bending

Mobile retroflexion of the uterus can occur due to:

Sudden weight loss;

Prolonged bed rest;

Irrational diet;

Weakness of the myometrium and weakening of the uterine ligaments;

Birth injuries, postpartum infections;

Hard work;

Frequent abortions.

Fixed retroflexion can result from:

Adnexitis - inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes;

Palvioperitonitis is inflammation in any part of the pelvic peritoneum;

Endometritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the inner mucous membrane of the uterus;

Endometriosis is a pathological growth of the glandular tissue of the uterus beyond its boundaries.

Any type of retroflexion can occur due to:

Long lactation;

Inflammation of the rectum;

Frequent constipation;

Congenital features of the uterus;

Difficult childbirth;

Tumors of the pelvic organs;

Collections of blood in the space between the bladder and vagina.

Symptoms of the disease

Mobile retroflexion of the uterus is often asymptomatic and accidentally discovered during a gynecological examination. The fixed bend is accompanied by the patient’s complaints about:

Irregular or heavy menstrual bleeding;

Painful sensations in the sacral area;

Pain during sexual intercourse;

Frequent urge to urinate;

Constipation if intestinal loops are compressed.

Retroflexion can lead to the threat of miscarriage or result in spontaneous miscarriage. However, timely detection of the problem and adequate therapy will help overcome difficulties during conception or pregnancy and prevent problems in the future.

Pregnancy and retroflexion

Retroflexion of the uterus and pregnancy are far from mutually exclusive concepts. Difficulties, of course, may arise, but you can get pregnant, moreover, in some cases, it is this condition that allows the uterus to take the correct position. It should also be noted that it is not the bend itself that provokes the problem, although it is more difficult for sperm to get to the place where fertilization of the egg takes place, but the disease that led to retroflexion. This means that after consulting a doctor, you should get rid of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs or, if adhesions are detected, undergo courses of physiotherapy, enzyme therapy, mud therapy, and gynecological massage.

An important role in the bending of the cervix in case of desire to become pregnant is played by the position during sexual intercourse. The classic position, when the man is on top, is not suitable for conception with such a pathology. The best poses will be:

A man is on top of a woman who is lying on her stomach with a pillow under her hips;

Knee-elbow pose.

It is in these positions that the uterus takes the position closest to its natural one, and sperm get freer access to the eggs. After the end of sexual intercourse, it is recommended not to jump up immediately, but to lie on your stomach for half an hour. It is also recommended to lie on your back and raise your legs up, supporting yourself by your sides. You should lock in this position for 5-10 minutes.

Mobile retroflexion will definitely not become an obstacle to conception. This diagnosis can be completely removed during pregnancy, because the growing and heavier fetus, as well as amniotic fluid, through their pressure, contribute to the straightening of the uterus. Pregnancy often develops normally, but medical supervision will be necessary until the birth of the child.

How to diagnose a tilted cervix

Retroflexion is diagnosed quite simply - upon examination through a bimanual examination, in which the fingers of one hand of the gynecologist are in the vagina, and with the other he feels the uterus through the abdominal wall. This examination method will help determine the type of pathology. You can also use an ultrasound examination or computed tomography if there is a suspicion of the presence of inflammatory processes or tumors.

Therapeutic measures

Retroflexion of the uterus, the treatment of which is prescribed and selected exclusively by a gynecologist, is a curable pathology. Therapy is often aimed at eliminating the causes that led to the bend.

Treatment of mobile retroflexion involves manual reduction of the organ. After this, a course of gynecological massage or the use of special pessaries is prescribed. It is prohibited to lift or carry heavy objects after therapy.

To treat diseases that lead to fixed retroflexion, such as adhesions, inflammatory processes or endometriosis, the following are used:

Electrophoresis or ultraphonophoresis;


Mud therapy;

Fibrinolytic or anti-inflammatory drugs;

Vitamin and mineral complex;

Drugs that normalize general hormonal levels.

If they do not respond to medication or physiotherapeutic treatment, then surgical intervention may be performed, which involves excision of adhesions. After this, the woman is also prescribed to wear pessaries and is not allowed to deal with heavy objects.

Uterine retroflexion is a disease that develops for various reasons and is often asymptomatic. Diagnosing the pathology is not difficult, but it should be treated comprehensively, correcting the position of the organ and eliminating the causes that initially led to the bend.

The term means an atypical position of the organ, its deviation towards the spine. In common parlance, retroflexion of the uterus is called a bend; pathology is detected during. Despite the fact that uterine retroflexion significantly affects the standard of living, this condition is not a disease.

Position of the uterus in the body

The uterus is a reproductive female organ designed to bear a fetus. It consists entirely of muscle tissue. Outside of pregnancy, its anterior and posterior walls almost touch each other, and the body's neck has a slight angle of deviation from the vertical axis.

The normal position of the organ is recorded during examination. Before this, you need to empty your bladder and bowels. The uterus should be located approximately at an equal distance between the walls of the pelvis, the pubis and the sacrum. With retroflexion, the organ is deviated towards the spine.

Types of retroflexion:

  • Movable. It usually occurs without severe symptoms and is discovered by chance during a routine examination;
  • Motionless. Patients complain of pain and frequent inflammation in the gynecological organs.

Mobile retroflexion is more often detected in women with or in patients who have been on bed rest for a long time. The tone of the myometrium decreases, and the ligaments that support the organ in its normal position are stretched.

Provoke bending of the uterus:

  • systematic malnutrition leading to weight loss;
  • genital infantilism;
  • birth injuries;
  • prolapse of organs located in the abdominal cavity;
  • infections associated with the reproductive sphere;
  • frequent abortions;
  • increased physical activity.

Fixed retroflexion occurs due to the occurrence of adhesions, which can develop for various reasons: from inflammatory diseases to the individual structure of the body.

Symptoms of the condition:

  • pain in the sacral area;
  • constipation;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • painful menstruation;
  • painful sensations during coitus.

Despite the fact that the condition is not a disease, it is not recommended to leave it without treatment. The bending of the uterus can lead to its prolapse, and subsequently to prolapse. Pathology also affects the ability to get pregnant.

Possibility of conception during retroflexion

With mobile retroflexion of the uterus during pregnancy, problems are identified in rare cases. Rather, infertility will be associated with the presence of an underlying disease that caused this condition.

Carrying a child while bending helps the organ take the position intended by nature. During pregnancy, the angle straightens, and as the child grows, the muscles and ligaments become stronger. There is a high chance that after childbirth the uterus will straighten out and return to its normal position.

In order for pregnancy to occur, it is necessary to take a position during which nothing will prevent sperm from entering the cavity of the reproductive organ. A couple who wants to have a child can be advised to use the knee-elbow position. After sexual intercourse, women are also advised to place a pillow under the pelvic area.

If the cause of uterine retroflexion is an adhesive process, then without treatment the possibility of bearing a child is extremely small. In addition to treating the underlying disease, in this case it is sometimes necessary to perform surgical intervention to eliminate adhesions.

Surgical correction is performed after identifying the factors that influenced the change in the position of the reproductive organ.

Diagnosis of retroflexion

First of all, during a gynecological examination, the clinical picture is assessed. The gynecologist uses a two-handed examination to identify the presence of deviations and assess the mobility of the organ.

The conclusion is made based on the symptom: fixed retroflexion when the position of the uterus changes provokes sharp pain.

Then the reasons that caused this bend are determined:

  • Floral smears are taken to determine the presence or absence of infections.
  • An ultrasound examination is prescribed.
  • If necessary, the patient is sent for a computed tomography scan.

The latest examination helps determine the presence of neoplasms. Sometimes a biopsy may be required - a histological examination of scrapings from the uterine cavity. After a general examination, complex therapy is carried out.

Therapy for uterine retroflexion

To solve the problem of how to get pregnant with mobile retroflexion of the uterus, no special treatment is required. But in some cases it is necessary to change the usual way of life.

Intense physical activity will need to be limited. If it is related to work, try to find easier work. When physical efforts are aimed at building your own body, they will have to be replaced with anaerobic exercise.

Sometimes women have to wear a bandage or special devices - pessaries. Thanks to these devices, the uterus is restored to its normal state.

Gynecological pessaries are devices that are inserted into the vagina or uterine cavity to prevent prolapse and prevent changes in position and sagging of the walls. They come in 2 types.

The first ones are supportive:

  • rings that are placed on the cervix for fixation;
  • stripes;
  • cup-shaped, for the outflow of vaginal secretions.

The second are filling ones, which help not only to eliminate changes in the position of the uterus, but also to prevent prolapse of the rectum and bladder.

They have the following form:

  • thick rings;
  • cubic;
  • mushroom-shaped.

The choice of pessary is made depending on the clinical picture.

The same devices can be used to treat immobile retroflexion of the uterus, but before installing pessaries, complex therapy is carried out.

This may include the following treatment measures:

  • Prescribing antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Vitamin therapy;
  • Prescribing medications containing hormones;
  • Physiotherapy. For example, ultraphonophoresis and electrophoresis using dimexide and lidase;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Mud therapy;
  • Physiotherapy.

Recently, it has been prescribed to straighten the curvature of the uterus, but when the procedure is not accompanied by the installation of pessaries, its effectiveness is considered questionable.

If the above measures and procedures do not help to cope with the problem, surgical intervention is resorted to in order to conceive and bear a child. Correction using laparoscopy, during which adhesions are excised, is considered the safest.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

Prevention of uterine displacement

This information is necessary for women with daughters. The initial stage of prevention of tag retroflexion should begin at an early age.

The female body is designed in such a way that such an important organ as the uterus is reliably protected by the bones of the small pelvis. With a normal structure, the uterus is located in the central part of the small pelvis.

A healthy uterus must additionally have a certain degree of mobility. Only a specialist can determine how mobile the uterus is; a woman cannot check this indicator on her own.

If the mobility of a woman’s reproductive organ is impaired, we speak of such a pathology as an abnormal position of the female genital organs. If the body of the uterus and ovaries is very mobile, then it will be very difficult for a woman to become pregnant. Any abnormal location of the organ can create a number of problems during pregnancy and childbirth.

In order for the mobility of the uterus to be impaired, it must move away from the center of the pelvis. Moreover, the symptoms are similar to those of many gynecological diseases.

First of all, it is necessary to mention the unpleasant sensations that inevitably appear when the uterus is displaced. Similar sensations occur due to dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane. In order to understand how the position of the uterus and dry mucous membranes are related.


What happens when the uterus moves? She begins to put pressure on the bladder, the position of which also changes. Its back wall is forced to lower. Because of this, intestinal permeability is impaired. Constipation begins.

There is a prolapse of the anterior wall of the rectum. Incorrect position of the uterus can cause the development of hemorrhoids. Also, women suffering from impaired uterine mobility are diagnosed with anal sphincter insufficiency.

Problems with the uterus lead to disruption of the functioning of all pelvic organs. Of the organs of the reproductive system, the ovaries are the first to suffer from improper positioning of the uterus due to which the menstrual cycle is disrupted. All these changes lead to the fact that a woman is unable to conceive a child for a long time.


There are many reasons why the uterus can change its location. Therefore, in each specific case, to establish the truth, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the woman. Depending on the results of this examination, treatment is prescribed.

In total, impaired uterine motility can be described in three terms. Limited mobility, complete immobility and excessive mobility. What factors can affect uterine motility? Such changes do not occur unexpectedly and on their own. They are preceded by some gynecological diseases.

Complications in their course and lead to the uterus changing its position. The uterus, for example, becomes excessively mobile when the tone of the genital organs decreases. The ligamentous apparatus also plays an important role in maintaining the uterus in a normal position.

If the ligaments are weakened, the position of the uterus will change, and it itself will become too mobile. Complete or partial immobility of the uterus may develop due to adhesive disease. Adhesions most often occur as a complication after an advanced inflammatory process or after surgery.

The uterus may become immobile due to a cancerous tumor in its cavity or in neighboring organs. The formation of very large fibroids leads to the same result. A benign tumor can grow in the cavity of the same uterus, the large size of which can limit the mobility of the uterus or make it completely immobile.

Muscle tone

During a routine examination, a gynecologist can easily determine the presence of problems with uterine mobility. But in order to find the cause of the pathology that has arisen, it is necessary to conduct a full examination of the woman.

The uterus is in a specific position thanks to three systems that ensure its mobility. These include supporting and reinforcing formations. As well as mechanisms that ensure the mobility of the uterus due to its suspended state.

Normal position of the uterus. Source:

The uterus maintains its position primarily due to its tone. All organs in the pelvis have a certain size and are located in such a way as not to interfere with each other’s work. Their position is ensured by the diaphragm, pelvic floor and abdominal wall. If one of the above factors changes, the operation of the entire system is disrupted.

The consequence of such shifts is a change in the position of the uterus and a violation of the degree of its mobility. The tone of the uterus may decrease or, conversely, increase for various reasons. First of all, hormonal imbalance in the body can affect the tone of the uterus and other genital organs. With age, the condition of all tissues and their tone changes. In this case, tissue tone is significantly reduced. Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system can increase tone.

But the most important factor in maintaining a certain position of the organs in the small pelvis is the size of the organs themselves and their position relative to each other. There is such a thing as capillary adhesion. Thanks to it, as well as to the certain size of the intestines, which are provided by the gases filling it, the pressure on the uterus is minimal.

The joint work of the pelvic floor of the anterior wall of the peritoneum and the diaphragm maintain a certain level of intra-abdominal pressure phenomena. This entire system helps the genitals to constantly remain in good shape. The suspensory apparatus consists of the ovarian ligaments and the broad and round ligaments of the uterus.

The anchoring apparatus includes ligaments that are located in the loose tissue of the pelvis. They have a very specific location from the bottom of the uterus to the front, back and side walls of the pelvis. The muscles that form the pelvic floor act as a supporting apparatus. IN aggregates and ligaments and muscles and the pelvic organs themselves hold the uterus in a certain normal state for it and thereby ensure its mobility.


Uterine motility disorders are most often treated conservatively. First of all, procedures are prescribed to increase the tone of the uterus. For this purpose, mud therapy and gynecological massage are prescribed. Particular attention is paid to the diet, which should be enhanced. If the mobility of the uterus has been impaired due to the inflammatory process, measures are taken to increase general immunity.

Another method is orthopedic. It uses special devices - pessaries. The shapes of pessaries are different and are selected for each woman individually. The most commonly used pessaries are ring- or saucer-shaped.

Once inserted into the vagina, they provide a good hold on the uterus that is prone to prolapse. But many doctors, based on their own experience, believe that it is best to avoid using pessaries.

The pessary itself is held in place by the levator muscle, against which it rests. Over time, the vaginal walls in the area where they come into contact with the pessary become irritated. Because of this device, the amount of discharge increases significantly. In some cases, bedsores form at the point of contact, which are very difficult to cure due to the moist environment in the vagina.

In addition, choosing a pessary so that it does not cause discomfort to the woman and at the same time ideally supports the uterus is very difficult. Therefore, loss of the pessaries themselves occurs quite often.

Surgical treatment occurs in a situation where doctors have to deal with particularly complex cases of uterine prolapse or in the presence of severe prolapse of the vaginal walls. However, a small number of patients experience a relapse of the disease.


An important role is given to preventive measures aimed at preventing impaired uterine motility. An important role in this prevention is given to the correct management of the birth process. Doctors try to minimize the trauma to the mother in labor as the fetus passes through the birth canal. If necessary, all tears are carefully sutured.

Since the location of the uterus is strongly influenced by the other organs surrounding it, the fight against inflammatory processes that can lead to the onset of adhesive disease becomes very important in prevention. At the same time, self-medication, which can lead to a significant deterioration in a woman’s health, is considered unacceptable.

Every woman should monitor her health, especially if she plans to have a child in the future. Everyone knows that during pregnancy and childbirth, the mother’s body experiences a serious load, due to which many sores that were not properly cured at the time can come to the surface.

In its normal position (anteflexion), the uterus is located between the bladder and rectum in the center of the pelvis; her body is tilted forward, forming an anteriorly open angle with the neck. In this case, the uterus is physiologically quite mobile, its position changes depending on the degree of filling of the rectum and bladder. The normal position of the uterus is ensured by its own tone, the ligaments and muscles of the uterus itself, the abdominal press and pelvic floor, and the influence of surrounding organs.

With retroflexion, the body of the uterus is deviated towards the spine, forming a posteriorly open angle with the cervix. Retroflexion of the uterus affects the muscles and ligaments holding the organ, contributes to the constant pressure of intestinal loops on the wall of the uterus and the uncovered posterior wall of the bladder, which ultimately provokes prolapse or prolapse of the internal genital organs. In some cases, uterine retroflexion can be combined with infertility and miscarriage.

Types and causes of uterine retroflexion

There are mobile and fixed retroflexion of the uterus.

Fixed retroflexion of the uterus is accompanied by complete or partial immobility of the organ and pain when straightening it during a gynecological examination. The cause of fixed retroflexion of the uterus is adhesions in the pelvis, which can be caused by inflammation (endometritis, adnexitis, pelvioperitonitis), tumor diseases of the pelvic organs, and endometriosis.

The development of mobile retroflexion of the uterus is caused by a decrease in tone, stretching of the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis, which support the uterus in a normal state.

Mobile retroflexion of the uterus can occur in women of asthenic (thin) build, with sudden weight loss after serious illness, prolonged bed rest, due to poor nutrition. Anatomical and physiological disorders due to underdevelopment of the genital organs, enteroptosis, birth injuries, frequent abortions, and heavy physical work also contribute to the development of mobile retroflexion of the uterus.

Symptoms of uterine retroflexion

Mobile retroflexion of the uterus is usually asymptomatic and can be detected accidentally during a gynecological examination.

With fixed retroflexion of the uterus, patients present with complaints characteristic of the underlying disease that led to the reflexion (inflammatory process or endometriosis). Typically, this is heaviness, pain in the sacrum and lower abdomen, leucorrhoea, menstrual dysfunction (heavy or irregular menstruation), pain during sexual intercourse, dysfunction of the intestines (constipation) and urination (frequent urge).

With long-term retroflexion of the uterus, prolapse and prolapse of the uterus are observed. Infertility that accompanies the retroflexion of the uterus, as a rule, is not due to its incorrect position, but to the underlying diseases that led to the bend. With retroflexion of the uterus, pregnancy often occurs with the threat of miscarriage or ends in spontaneous termination.

Diagnosis of uterine retroflexion

Diagnosis of uterine retroflexion is possible based on the results of a gynecological examination with bimanual examination.

During a two-handed examination, the gynecologist determines the posterior deviation of the uterine body and evaluates its mobility. In the case of mobile retroflexion, during bimanual examination, the uterus can be freely returned to its normal position; with fixed retroflexion, it is not possible to change the position of the uterus; it is accompanied by severe pain.

If tumors of the internal genital organs and inflammatory processes in the pelvic area are suspected, patients with uterine retroflexion undergo ultrasound and computed tomography.

Treatment of uterine retroflexion

Asymptomatic uterine retroflexion does not require treatment, but heavy lifting should be limited.

Modern gynecology considers it necessary to treat uterine retroflexion in the presence of severe clinical symptoms, infertility and miscarriage. Treatment is aimed primarily at eliminating the cause of the disease that caused the bend.

The choice of treatment tactics for uterine retroflexion depends on the possibility of reverse displacement of the uterus in the pelvic cavity. With mobile retroflexion of the uterus, the uterus is manually straightened to its normal position after preliminary emptying of the bladder and rectum, physical therapy is prescribed, sometimes gynecological massage and the wearing of special pessaries.

If uterine retroflexion has developed as a result of inflammatory and adhesive processes in the pelvis, the use of anti-inflammatory, fibrinolytic drugs, vitamin-mineral complexes, and physiotherapy (electrophoresis, diadynamic therapy, ultraphonophoresis, paraffin treatment, mud therapy, acupuncture) is indicated.

Treatment of uterine retroflexion caused by endometriosis is carried out with the aim of normalizing hormonal levels. Sometimes pregnancy and childbirth can contribute to the spontaneous return of the uterus to anteflexion.

In the presence of tumors in the pelvic area leading to retroflexion of the uterus, surgical removal of the tumor is performed and, if necessary, gentle surgical correction of the position of the uterus.

Prevention of uterine retroflexion

Prevention of uterine retroflexion includes preventing the development of sexual infantilism (good nutrition, prevention of infectious diseases in childhood and adolescence), as well as timely diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

Management of pregnancy during uterine retroflexion requires taking into account the threat of a possible miscarriage.

Carrying a fetus is the main function of the uterus. Its anatomical location allows the organ to increase in size many times over. There is a pathology in which the organ is positioned incorrectly - retoflexion of the uterus. What causes this condition, what threatens it and can it be cured?

Normal position of the uterus

The procedure for determining where the uterus is located in women is carried out in a standing position. In this case, the patient’s intestines and bladder must be completely emptied. In the normal state - Anteversio - the reproductive organ is located in the middle of the pelvic cavity (as in the photo). It should be equidistant from the surrounding walls, the pubis and sacrum, as well as between the intestines and the bladder.

The uterine body should lean forward. The angle between the body and the cervix should be greater than 90° with the apex at the level of the internal os.

A non-standard position (flexion) causes the appearance of a deflection: pathology changes the indicated proportions, and displacement occurs.

Thus, the tilt of the cervix forward and the uterine body posteriorly, with the concomitant formation of an acute angle facing backwards, is called retroflexion.

Causes of pathology

The reproductive organ is attached to the pelvis with the help of elastic ligaments consisting of connective tissue. Increased pressure inside the abdominal cavity acts as an additional fixation. It is created by fatty tissue and abdominal muscles.

Uterine reflexion occurs if:

  1. Ligaments are stretched and elongated (multiple pregnancies, weakening of connective tissue, congenital features).
  2. Body weight is sharply reduced.
  3. Abdominal muscles are weakened (caesarean section, low mobility, surgery, somatic or infectious diseases)
  4. In the pelvic cavity there are space-occupying formations - myomatous nodes.
  5. Previously, there were operations on the abdominal cavity, peritonitis, or diseases such as endometritis, endometriosis, salpingoophoritis, oophoritis.

It is worth noting that all the reasons from this list, except the last one, entail temporary changes in the location of the uterus.

Retroflexion of the uterus of a permanent nature can be caused by adhesions. Correction of this condition is carried out only by surgery.

Retroflexion of the uterus: signs

The presence of uterine retroflexion can be determined either by ultrasound or after a gynecological examination. There are no specific symptoms; with such pathologies, only some of the signs may be observed:

  • Indigestion;
  • Unpleasant sensations during physical activity or changing body position;
  • Discharge of mucus from the genital tract;
  • Disruptions in the menstrual cycle, with bleeding either heavy or scanty;
  • Feeling pain during sexual intercourse.

Retroflexion of the uterus and pregnancy

When the location of the uterus changes, the penetration of sperm is often difficult, but not completely. Most often, they enter the reproductive tract, but in smaller quantities, which means they may not be enough for conception. Positioning on the stomach and with the pelvis raised at the end of intercourse for 15 to 20 minutes significantly facilitates conception.

The combination of pregnancy and uterine retroflexion is common. With successful fertilization, gradual correction of retroflexion occurs due to the growing fetus. But in severe cases, when the intestinal loops and the reproductive organ are tightly fused, pain or termination of pregnancy may occur, then serious treatment will be required.

Retroflexion of the uterus - correction and treatment

The need for treatment is determined by a gynecologist. In some cases, this is lifestyle correction, in some it is surgical intervention, and sometimes treatment is aimed at eliminating the diseases that caused the pathology.

It is impossible to name a specific treatment for all cases, since retroflexion is not an independent disease, but a consequence. Treatment is carried out after diagnostic procedures and is always aimed at eliminating provoking factors.