Dependence of weight on the menstrual cycle. Weight before menstruation. Weight during menstruation. Natural weight gain during menstrual periods. Complication after surgery. How can you make a prediction based on women's critical days?

Today I want to dispel several myths about practices during critical days. In the modern world, women have many prejudices on this topic. It’s unlikely that ancient people thought that “today is such a day, so I won’t go butcher a mammoth.” But at the same time, there were many traditions when, during the period of purification days, a woman was completely removed from business, given a separate room, and forbidden to attend church. All this is connected with her vulnerability during this period, both at the body level and at the psychological and energetic levels.

Myth 1. “When everything hurts, you can’t exercise.”

When a person has some kind of illness, it is indeed believed that it is better to hold off on intensive practice. same – the natural state of a woman. So give it a try anyway! It is possible and necessary to reduce the load, but it is not worth canceling the practice at all. Yoga has things that can ease your physical condition. And perhaps the desire to strangle someone will leave you, because... your emotional state will also return to normal.

Myth 2. “Well, inverted poses are definitely not allowed!”

It’s really impossible if, guided by ancient texts, you stand on your head for at least an hour. In this case, the blood, instead of leaving the body, remains in it, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. If you replace the headstand with lifting your legs onto the wall from a lying position for a few seconds, no harm will be done, it has been verified.

Myth 3. “If you really do, then stick to light exercises only.”

It's not about ease, but about understanding the processes occurring in the body.

What not to do:

  • squeeze the abdominal area;
  • perform deep deflections;
  • breathing practices with delays.

What will be useful:

  • exercises for the pelvic floor: rotations, rocking back and forth, micro shaking;
  • working out the cervical spine and feet, as they are directly connected to the pelvic floor muscles;
  • full breath into the lower abdomen.

So, critical days are not a reason to quit practice.

Always focus on your feelings, but do not confuse the body’s actual desire to rest with laziness.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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Studies have been conducted to determine the impact of menstrual cycle symptoms on a woman’s activity and ability to work. Their results were very disappointing:

PMS affects 50-80% of the female population of the planet. About 150 symptoms of PMS are recorded in medical works, the most common of which are: weight gain, pain in the lower back and pelvic area, bloating, attacks of nausea, tenderness and hardening of the mammary glands, irritability, insomnia and drowsiness, fast fatiguability, as well as inappropriate behavior, tearfulness and mood swings. Some women experience fear of the onset of menstrual periods long before this period and, as a result, become even more irritable and withdrawn.

The last few days of the menstrual cycle account for about 33% of cases of acute appendicitis, 31% of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, about 25% of women are hospitalized during this period. 27% of women during premenstrual syndrome begin to take tranquilizers or some other drugs that affect the neuropsychic state, which also negatively affects both their health in the future and their ability to work.

Due to monthly changes hormonal levels a certain percentage of the gentle half of humanity has difficulty controlling their behavior for 3-10 days, and some representatives of this half are under the influence of severe aggression or asthenia. The same behavioral changes also occur during the postpartum, postlactation period and during menopause. What is their cause? The ratio of hormones: prolactin, progesterone and estrogen is disrupted. Blood sugar levels decrease, sodium and water are retained in the body. How is it violated, and why? So, let’s analyze each hormone in order to trace the cause-and-effect relationship of changes occurring in a woman’s body, and the reflection of these changes on behavior, in other words, in order to better understand female mystery.

Progesterone - "pregnancy hormone". Produced by the corpus luteum (a gland formed in the ovary after the release of the egg from the follicle). If conception does not occur, then 12-14 days after the completion of the life cycle of the corpus luteum, menstruation begins. The hormone affects the nervous system, preparing the body for pregnancy and childbirth; stimulates sebum production; affects water, mineral and carbohydrate metabolism; has an immunosuppressive effect.

Progesterone is produced not only in the ovaries, some of it is produced by the adrenal glands, so progesterone is both a female hormone and a male one. In men throughout adult life, progesterone levels are 0.32−0.64 nmol/l. The amount of hormone in women from the follicular phase (beginning of the cycle) to the luteal phase (end of the cycle) varies from 0.32 to 56.63 nmol/l; during pregnancy it rises to 771.50, and after childbirth and the end of the breastfeeding period it drops sharply.

During the postpartum period, cases of suicide of women and mothers killing their own newborn children were even recorded.

Prolactin among doctors it is called the hormone of irritability. It is produced by the pituitary gland. Prolactin is responsible for the growth and development of the mammary glands and the formation of milk in a woman. Hormone regulates water-salt metabolism in the body, delaying the excretion of water and salt by the kidneys. The hormone is directly dependent on stress and sleep, physical activity and sexual intercourse. Accordingly, during stressful situations, the production of the hormone is reduced, and during sleep, physical activity and sexual intercourse it increases (to increase lactation, these methods are stimulating). During pregnancy, it is necessary that all 3 of the above actions are present, since the hormone prolactin is important in the formation of the lung tissue of the embryo). Estrogens also have a direct effect on prolactin levels.

Estrogens are produced in small quantities from the stage of embryonic development until adolescence, then the secretion of estrogen is activated by the ovaries. The increasing amount of estrogens entering the blood leads to the development of female organs. In girls during adolescence, the first sign that the ovaries are working fully is the formation of mammary glands. Early puberty indicates hypersecretion of estrogen, which in adulthood increases the risk of developing breast cancer and uterine fibroids. Insufficient secretion of estrogen leads to disruption of the sexual cycle. Moreover, if this happens in adolescence, then eunuchoid syndrome is formed: delayed skeletal formation, underdevelopment of the mammary glands, genital organs, amenorrhea. In women, hypoestrogenism is characterized by amenorrhea, a decrease in the size of the uterus, and atrophy of the vaginal epithelium and mammary glands. When beautiful pre-teen girls' facial features deteriorate and become elongated, this is the first sign of a disruption in the production of the hormone estrogen (this also happens in boys, and this is also a consequence of a disruption in the production of hormones). In such cases, it is necessary to monitor hormone levels and monitor the girls’ nutrition so that it is as balanced as possible. Diets at this age are unacceptable.

Estrogen hormones are involved in a female-specific distribution subcutaneous tissue, in the formation of the female-type skeleton, having an anabolic effect on bones and cartilage, dilates peripheral blood vessels, which improves microcirculation and enhances heat transfer.

Now, having visually and with numbers presented what is happening in a woman’s body, men will be able to understand why postpartum depression exists and why a woman during this period needs not only a man’s presence, but also sensitive attention and help from them. At the same time, women should also not forget that after childbirth they are not the “navel of the earth”, but the newborn, and that men also experience postpartum depression, and men endure stress very hard. So we need to unite marital efforts and support each other. Take the first period after childbirth as work, sometimes very difficult and obligatory, and do not be afraid of the birth of a child!

So, if a woman’s body becomes more or less of one or another hormone, this not only changes her character and behavior, but also affects her appearance, as well as her love preferences.

How to avoid behavioral changes or at least mitigate this condition - read.

Every month strange things happen to women - they become capricious, irritable and overly impressionable. For no apparent reason they can cry, and then suddenly think, and... accurately predict the score of a football match. What's happening? Critical days have arrived. The period is so strange and mysterious that it is time to launch an entire investigation into it, classified as “top secret.” And home magic in this investigation is the cornerstone!

Folk signs about women's critical days

The epithets that are used to describe women's periods can mislead anyone. In the old days they called menstruation as many different names as “pike”, “guests”, “it’s time”, “shirt”, “temporary”. However, modern ladies also cannot be denied imaginative thinking. “Red calendar day”, “holidays”, “monthly report”, “to-dos” - it’s clear and no translation is required!

Another thing is not clear - why don’t we call a spade a spade? Secrecy in such a delicate matter is justified from the point of view of sex therapists. According to their observations, some men who saw a used intimate part of a toilet with wings could no longer have sex with its owner.

In many parts of the world, menstruation was considered a bad thing. Here are a few prejudices of that time. If a woman “in season” touches iron, it will become covered with rust, if she pickles cabbage, it will turn sour, if she touches an apple, the garden will die, if she makes jam, it will ferment, if she pickles pork, the meat will go rotten.

In France, several centuries ago, it was believed that even a woman’s breath during menstruation could spoil the taste and quality of the holy of holies of French cuisine - mayonnaise...

However, there is some truth in every sign. It is far from mystical, and the answer lies in hormones. There are even statistics that it is on these days that a woman, due to extreme imbalance, can get into an accident (of course, if she is driving) and even commit an offense. This is probably why in many countries a woman is exempt from household chores during her critical days, and in Japan she is even entitled to sick leave.

But there is another point of view, which endows women during the “monthly period” with almost the gift of magic. This is the method of extinguishing a fire that is described in a book from the century before last: “This method of taming the element of fire is considered a good or somewhat useful method: a woman who has regula at the time of a fire runs around the burning house three times, and this is supposed to prevent the fire from moving from the burning house to the next one."

Menstruation is also an excellent means of “home magic”, or manipulation as a way to avoid work! Everyone also knows that women’s intuition increases these days.

Did you know that menstruation determines the events that will happen to a woman during the month?.. Remember the time of day, day of the week and day when your cycle began, and read the prediction.

How can you make a prediction based on women's critical days?

So, if your period starts...

  • in the morning: you will be imbued with altruism towards others. You may experience an unprecedented release of pheromones that attract members of the opposite sex. Along with your period, new love relationships will begin;
  • In the evening: You will have to be patient and calm. The month will be boring, dull and monotonous. The reason for this is your pessimism and depression;
  • at night: Quarrels and separation await you. And not necessarily through your fault, but solely “thanks” to hormones;
  • on Monday: get ready for profits and acquisitions. You can easily make the purchase you planned earlier. Just listen to your intuition, and not to the “voice of hormones,” otherwise they may sell you something completely unnecessary. It is likely that this month you will receive an unexpected gift that you will be very happy about. You yourself will also have to fork out money by making a present for some important person. Don’t hesitate, this will be the first step towards well-being and success;
  • on Tuesday: Circumstances dictated by hormones favor the strengthening of love relationships, as well as their improvement. You will have a great opportunity to make peace with someone with whom you were in a quarrel. But don’t take the first step towards him - he will come to you himself. If you doubt the sincerity and depth of feelings of a loved one, break up with him without doubt. By doing this this month, you will avoid the stress that usually accompanies the end of an intimate relationship. In addition, right now it is more likely than ever that you will have a successful acquaintance. Well, if your happiness is strong, try to talk less about it and show your feelings in public. They may envy you and do everything to destroy the idyll;
  • on Wednesday: your condition is such that you will hear only sad news, experience unexpected disappointments, and perhaps feel intense anger. Your “feeling disorder” has a chance to develop into long-term depression. The news of the illness of a friend or relative will plunge you into despondency. It may come as a complete surprise to learn that your own health has deteriorated. Our advice: use the “hormonal hint” for personal purposes - leave everything and get treatment! If you get down to business this month, you will easily overcome your illness;
  • on Thursday: get ready for unexpected good news. You will receive a profitable business offer that you never expected. Perhaps this will be information that your money affairs will soon improve significantly. The news of pregnancy or the birth of a child from loved ones may come as a surprise. The mental and physical ailments that previously burdened us will disappear this month. If you need to know about something, turn to the occult sciences for help;
  • on Friday: you will be haunted by troubles caused by obstacles - both small and large. You may encounter serious problems on the road, when receiving money, or simply because of an absurd accident. Try to postpone important tasks to the next month, because by starting them at this time, you will not speed up, but, on the contrary, delay the result. But don’t be afraid of small obstacles - your instincts and ingenuity will help you overcome them. If circumstances change for the worse and you cannot do anything, turn to your acquaintances, relatives, friends for help - this month they will not refuse you. If you get sick, do not delay treatment, otherwise the illness may drag on;
  • on Saturday: A month of love and business meetings is coming. If you want to find out about a person's true feelings, be sure to meet him - you will be given the right hint. When going on a date, put your favorite ring in your pocket and mentally ask the most pressing question. When you meet, say it out loud. By the nature of the answer (your intuition and sensitivity will work better than that of the legendary Madame Lenormand), you can easily determine how he treats you. A simple, clear, friendly answer will tell about the desire for further friendship with you. And if it’s “all around the bush,” don’t trust it—he’s pursuing his own goals;
  • on Sunday: fate (with the help of all-powerful hormones) will arrange for you many meetings with friends, acquaintances, relatives, as well as with those whom you have not seen for a long time. You will receive only positive emotions and benefits from these meetings. You may find yourself in unfamiliar company. Do not wear flashy jewelry or overly bright clothes - they will attract increased attention from unworthy people. Beautiful, but calm trinkets and an appropriate outfit will not cause passions and will contribute to establishing a relationship with a good person. Which, as you will understand later, will come in handy.

Women can also make some predictions based on what day of the month their critical days began... For example:

  • 1 (day of the month). Wonderful mood throughout the entire cycle. It’s good to do some painstaking work - do some general cleaning, go through things in the closet...
  • 2 Someone will give you a feeling of contempt that you will not be able to forget for a long time. It is better to reduce communication, trying to be alone.
  • 3 Quarrels are possible. Your task is not to get into conflict situations. It makes sense to go to a psychologist or do breathing (calming) exercises.
  • 4 You may even be tired of having fun all month and experiencing a feeling of total happiness. Use this period to build relationships.
  • 5 Gift. It can be both material and moral, large or small, but have no doubt that it will give you pleasure.
  • 6 Rumors and gossip about you or someone you love will seriously upset you. Don't take them to heart. But also avoid sharing information yourself, so as not to end up in the role of a gossip.
  • 7 A relationship with a person who declares his love for you this month may turn out to be short-lived and last exactly until the next fortune telling.
  • 8 You will be tormented by jealousy all month long. And most often born in your imagination.
  • 9 Trouble may arise due to rumors. The calmer you treat them, the easier this period will pass for you.
  • 10 You will be in a state of love. Perhaps even your own husband, with whom you will experience your second honeymoon. Until the next "holidays"...
  • 11 Loyalty and devotion on the part of your loved ones are guaranteed to you. It would be a sin not to take advantage of such an opportunity.
  • 12 Perhaps someone will bewitch you or simply charm you, attracting your attention with intelligent conversations or promises. Make no mistake, this “someone” is simply pursuing personal goals.
  • 13 The number of rock, fate, when little will depend on you. Do not make important decisions, postpone long trips.
  • 14 You will have to learn a related profession as a postmaster and accept good news for a whole month.
  • 15 But if the monthly cycle began today, your “mailbox” will mainly be filled with bad news.
  • 16 You may get a “click on the nose” from fate for your long tongue. But if you immediately start playing by the rules - don’t lie and don’t weave intrigues - everything will work out.
  • 17 Separation. If the first day of a woman’s period fell on the 17th, alas, most likely she will have to part with her loved one.
  • 18 You will be sure that this is love. Do not delude yourself and do not give this feeling great importance - it will not last long.
  • 19 But if you fall in love, then strongly and for a long time.
  • 20 There is a chance to fall in love. Alas, without reciprocity...
  • 21 They can deceive - be careful. Don't trust anyone without checking.
  • 22 Your charisma is like Bill Gates. She will attract material benefits and good cash flow to you.
  • 23 You are simply happy.
  • 24 You will be invited to visit. And your home, until the next “red day of the calendar,” resembles a banquet hall or a hotel.
  • 25 A new acquaintance is on the way.
  • 26 You run the risk of committing a rash act, for which those around you will only... regret it.
  • 27 Close your eyes. Make a wish. Open... It will be completed within a month!
  • 28 You don’t have to worry until your next period - the entire period will be prosperous.
  • 29 Stock up on handkerchiefs - the month foretells tears. And perhaps bitter.
  • 30 A new hobby, if it happens, will be mutual.
  • 31 Expect an unexpected adventure. There is no doubt that it will be love!

What is PMS and how does it affect menstrual periods in women?

Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is not an invention of impressionable ladies, but a scientifically proven fact. According to research by Ukrainian scientists, PMS most often occurs in women aged 26 to 45, and its manifestations only worsen over the years.

It occurs due to hormonal changes in the body. One fine day - about a week before the start of menstruation in women - the hormones estrogen and progesterone become too crowded in one body, and they begin to fight with each other.

If estrogen wins, the woman becomes nervous and irritable for the entire period of PMS. If progesterone takes over, depression and apathy are guaranteed. True, universal grief is not the only form of manifestation of PMS. This is also...

  • psychological problems - anxiety, insomnia, depression, apathy, absent-mindedness, memory impairment;
  • loss of appetite and irresistible cravings for sweets;
  • fainting and fatigue, headache and arrhythmia - a reaction to an increase in blood sugar levels;
  • physical problems - weight gain, swelling of the arms and legs, breast swelling, bloating and abdominal pain.

Therefore, if your PMS is pronounced, it is better to deal with it right away.

How to deal with PMS: special nutrition

Depending on what is on your table during this period, an experienced doctor can accurately predict how painful PMS will be.


  • seafood and nuts rich in magnesium, which will relieve depression during PMS, relieve irritability and fatigue;
  • millet, buckwheat, barley, beans - they contain fiber, which cleanses the body of excess estrogen;
  • fresh green vegetables - parsley, cabbage, spinach, lettuce - sources of calcium and other beneficial microelements to improve well-being during PMS;
  • lean meat, poultry, fish, egg whites - to maintain muscle mass and the functioning of internal organs;
  • vitamin E - for pain in the mammary gland and fluid accumulation, C - to strengthen the immune system, A or beta-carotene, B6 - to relieve symptoms of PMS and conditions during menstruation in women.

It is forbidden:

  • dairy products, as they remove magnesium from the body;
  • caffeine and chocolate, which contribute to increased heart rate and increased excitability.
  • sugar, since it increases insulin levels in the blood (and when large quantities insulin increases the number of prostaglandins responsible for uterine spasms, increases pain and increases blood pressure);
  • red meat and lard, because animal fats contribute to an increase in estrogen levels (and this will only worsen PMS);
  • salt - it retains water in the body, which is fraught with edema.
  • alcohol, spices, tobacco (they have a stimulating effect on the nervous system).

How to relieve PMS: special exercises

By taking a horizontal position, you are unlikely to relieve pain both during PMS and during menstrual periods in women. But playing sports and walking in the fresh air will speed up the movement of blood through the vessels, the processes of metabolism and removal of toxins. Besides physical activity promotes the formation of endorphins in the body - “hormones of happiness” that calm the nerves.

And besides:

  • proper rest and healthy sleep, preferably in a cool, well-ventilated room, is one of the conditions for preventing PMS;
  • a fifteen-minute bath at a temperature of about 40 degrees with a herbal decoction of peppermint, chamomile and horehound will help relieve premenstrual tension;
  • jogging or cardio exercises are the best option for PMS
  • strength exercises are best performed only on top part torso.

PMS - relaxation

To strengthen nervous system Relaxing breathing exercises are perfect.

  • 1 Lie on your side in the fetal position.
  • 2 Use your big toe and second toe to grasp the Achilles tendon area of ​​the leg lying on the floor.
  • 3 Close your eyes and slowly rock back and forth for a few minutes, pressing on the Achilles tendon area. It is in this place that the points are located, the impact of which alleviates the symptoms of PMS, calms the nervous system and relieves fatigue.
  • 4 Turn over to the other side and repeat the exercise on the other leg.
  • 5 After completing the exercise, close your eyes, lie on your back and relax.

About pain during menstruation in women

Almost half of the fairer sex suffer from painful periods, and 10 percent of women have impaired performance during their periods. So it’s high time to elevate pain during menstruation from the category of medical problems to the rank of social cataclysms.

By the way, in Sweden, female employees are given three days of paid leave every month. Well, since we are legally required to work on critical days, we will have to save ourselves on our own. The causes of algodismenorrhea, or painful periods, are divided into two groups.

Primary, or functional, algodismenorrhea is not associated with gynecological diseases. A nagging pain in the lower abdomen often occurs because “the process has already begun” inside the uterus, but the cervix has not yet opened. Blood that should be expelled accumulates and stretches the uterus, causing discomfort.

Secondary algomenorrhea is a consequence of more serious gynecological diseases: chronic, impaired outflow of menstrual blood. In this case, drug treatment is indicated. Only a doctor can find out what is happening to you. He will also prescribe treatment. These could be, for example: drugs to reduce heavy discharge; antispasmodics and analgesics to relieve spasms and pain; vitamin C to strengthen the immune system; hormonal therapy, and sometimes even surgery.

During an ultrasound, the device shows anatomical changes in the female genital organs - an increase or decrease in the size of the uterus, ovaries, endometrium, etc. If the origin of the pain is not clinical in nature, and you do not want to take pills, use traditional medicine recipes:

  • From heavy bleeding: Pour ten viburnum berries with a glass of boiling water and put on fire for 30 minutes. Take a tablespoon of the decoction three times a day before meals.
  • To relieve lower abdominal pain: do the exercise: get on all fours, while inhaling, arch your back and tense your spine, while exhaling, pull in your stomach and bend over.
  • Reduce menstrual pain Aromatherapy will help - rose, geranium, lavender and fennel oils.
  • For relaxation do a massage: stroke your stomach in a clockwise circular motion.
  • To strengthen the body: actively take in vitamins: eat more fruits, vegetables and herbs.

What do the icons and symbols on the packaging of products used on women’s menstrual periods say?

The icons and hieroglyphs that decorate the packaging of pads or tampons may seem to some inexperienced ladies to be encrypted messages from Alex to Eustace (or vice versa). We offer keys, using which you can easily select the most suitable hygiene product. This is what the inscription means:

  • Thickness is more than 7 mm. Pads designed for heavy discharge.
  • Thickness up to 3 mm. Thin, almost invisible under clothing pads for secretions of varying degrees of abundance.
  • Rubber top layer. It lets moisture in and doesn't let it out.
  • Cotton top layer. Gasket made of natural material, most suitable for very sensitive skin.
  • Superabsorbent. The pad uses a substance that acts on the principle of gelatin - it absorbs liquid, turning it into a gel.
  • Wings. They securely attach the pad to the fabric.
  • Droplets 2-3 (ultra)- for minimal discharge.
  • Droplets 4 (normal)- for normal discharge.
  • Droplets 5 (super)- for the rich.
  • Drops up to 8 (night)- the gasket provides maximum protection at night.
  • Applicator tampons. A special tube helps you insert a tampon. Inside the body it increases in length.
  • Applicatorless tampons. This means that they are inserted using the fingers. Tampons expand as they fill.

Rules for using hygiene products during menstruation in women

  • Both the pad and the tampon need to be changed every 4-6 hours;
  • If your night's sleep lasts more than eight hours, it is better to use a pad;
  • Use tampons only during menstruation;
  • Read the instructions carefully!

In the absence of any pathologies, menstruation, in general, should not cause much discomfort in the daily life of women. But sometimes certain actions can imperceptibly provoke an increase in any ailment. To avoid this, you just need to know a few rules about what you should not do during “critical” days.

Sport for a woman, like for everyone else, is an indispensable aspect of maintaining her body normally. And the time of the onset of menstruation is no exception to this. Small physical activity is even useful on such days, as it helps reduce pain. Stretching exercises have a particularly beneficial effect on the body. But excessive physical activity during menstruation can lead to more intense bleeding due to increased blood circulation in the pelvis, a decrease in hemoglobin, which leads to drowsiness and general weakness of the body, and lifting heavy weights can over time provoke prolapse of the internal genital organs. Therefore, based on the above, it becomes clear that everything is good in moderation and sport is no exception to this rule.

Alcohol consumption on special women's days the same should be limited. A glass of wine, of course, is unlikely to significantly affect the course of these days, but more voluminous consumption of alcohol and, especially, strong drinks clearly affects not only the increased intensity of discharge, but also its duration, so plus two extra days of menstruation will be guaranteed .

Question about sex life during menstruation is of interest to almost every woman and, especially, her partner. There is no definite answer to this question, but there is also no categorical prohibition on this matter. It is an indisputable fact that during menstrual periods the female body is predisposed to increased susceptibility to various infections, and especially genital infections. Therefore, maintaining hygiene and using condoms during menstruation will help avoid further troubles.

If you need to take any medications during your periodmedical drugs, It is better to consult your doctor about them in advance, since some of them, for example, aspirin, thin the blood, which can significantly increase bleeding.

Not recommended during menstruation plan a trip to the dentist , especially if it is necessary to remove a diseased tooth. This is due to the fact that during menstruation the blood does not clot well, so it will be difficult to stop it.

During critical days it is undesirable eat fatty and spicy foods, milk, raw vegetables, eggs, strong tea and coffee, as these products can provoke pain in the gastrointestinal tract, constipation or diarrhea, and a feeling of nausea.

Preferably the same avoid visiting saunas during menstruation, taking into account that this is not always a sterile place, which means the risk of infection increases. Also, high temperature can provoke heavy discharge. If you nevertheless decide to visit the sauna, then drinking alcohol in it should be completely excluded.

During “these” days, some cosmetic procedures , such as skin tightening, perm and hair coloring. Due to temporary changes in hormonal levels, the results of planned procedures may have unexpected results, so if possible, postpone them temporarily.

And be sure to find out

Previously, one could quite often hear the medical point of view that it was impossible to engage in any physical activity during menstrual periods. Fortunately, modern medicine has radically changed its opinion on this matter. Now you can and should exercise during critical days. But the specific physical activity will depend on the woman’s overall health, her general physical fitness and the presence of regular exercise in her life, as well as her current state of health.

It is important that there are certain safety rules that must be followed during this period, but otherwise it is not at all necessary to interrupt the training process and give up many of the positive effects of the classes. One of the best options for physical activity during menstrual periods is the Pilates system.

Regular Pilates classes - not only during menstrual periods - help improve the stabilization of the pelvis and build the correct position of all body segments in space, which has an extremely positive effect on the location of the internal organs, especially the pelvic organs, which include the uterus.

When she takes the most correct position for herself, she is less bothered by spasms during her menstrual period. A stable lower back, supported by solid, strong abs, will also not make itself felt. So the Pilates system is also an excellent prevention of all the unpleasant moments that usually accompany menstrual period.

Pilates helps get rid of PMS symptoms and copes well with malaise and mild pain during the entire period. Exercise in this system reduces spasms and bloating, helping blood and lymph circulate better.

The benefit will be improved posture, mobility of the spine and major joints of the body. Of course, this is not a panacea, and perhaps such a load will not suit some women, but it’s definitely worth a try and evaluate the impact of exercise on the body. Maybe this is your “magic pill”. It's nice to know that even such low-intensity exercise triggers the production of endorphins, which are natural pain relievers and improve mood.

To make Pilates training as safe as possible during menstrual periods, you should adhere to a number of rules that can easily be applied to many types of physical activity.

If in the first days of the cycle you feel weakness, nagging pain in the lower abdomen or pain in the lower back, it is better not to do a full workout, but to use only some exercises and adaptations that can bring relief and improve overall well-being without overloading the body.

For example, exercises that are performed on four points of support with arms and legs stretched sequentially or simultaneously, or a smooth, extension-based, well-known “Cat” exercise, will help relieve spasms and pain in the back.

You can perform simple isolated exercises to stabilize the shoulder blades, develop mobility of the shoulder joint, work on the ankle joints and feet, work on the leg muscles and develop mobility in the hip joints. In general, pay attention to all those details that you don’t get to during a normal training period, because you’re bored or have a lot of energy, and they can be spent on something more global.

Therefore, if there is no great desire to exercise, devote time to the “forgotten” parts of the body. Remember the general safety rules when practicing Pilates during menstrual periods.

It is necessary to exclude:

1. Inverted poses

Any inverted exercises (there are quite a lot of them in Pilates) and other poses where the pelvis is higher than the head, for example, “Shoulder Bridge”.

2. Any exercises with an emphasis on the abdominal area

Of course, in Pilates you always need to “keep the center” and tense your abs, pulling your stomach towards your back with some effort, but it is during this period that you should ease the tension and just breathe correctly.

2. Classic variations of exercises from the “Magic Five”

“The Magic Five” are 5 exercises whose goal is to strengthen the muscles of the center. But there are options for their implementation that do not actively involve the abdominal muscles, and therefore such adaptations are quite applicable during critical days.

Warn your instructor if you go to group or personal Pilates in a studio or club, and he will definitely tell you the correct nuances of performing the exercises.

3. Eliminate complex and simple deflections

Back extension exercises. In Pilates, these are most often exercises from a prone position; they should also not be abused during this period; it is better to replace them with simpler alternatives from four points of support.

4. Avoid intense exercise

During critical days, there is a sharp decline in estrogen and progesterone, which negatively affects strength, endurance and well-being in general. Therefore, instead of challenging functional Pilates workouts, you should choose low- to moderate-intensity activity.

Olga Rebrova, specialist in the #Sekta training department, international class Pilates trainer:

Perhaps the question “should I exercise during my period or not” is indeed one of the top 5 most frequently asked questions. But the trick is that only you can answer it yourself. After all, purely technically, there are no prohibitions or restrictions.

If, from the point of view of medical indicators, your women's health is normal, then everything depends only on you, your desire and well-being. And Pilates is just one of many other great ways to stay on top of your workout routine during your period or simply make your life easier during this period. As an alternative, I can also put on a par with it thirty-minute swimming, light jogging or walking, gentle women's yoga and stretching.

My professional advice is this: listen to your body and workout at your own pace, trying not to overexert yourself during your periods.

If premenstrual or menstrual symptoms are particularly bothersome, take a break for 1-2 days and then get back into the routine, starting with stretching, yoga or Pilates. If painful sensations are permanent during menstrual periods, be sure to consult your doctor.

Now you know the basic rules and, provided you feel well and do not have any gynecological diseases (endometriosis or fibroids) that prohibit you from exercising during your menstrual periods, you can safely start practicing the Pilates system!


1. Saitova Natalya, “Is it possible to exercise on menstrual days?” , Women's Heals Russia.
2. Len Kravitz, PhD, Afton Cazares, MA, Christine Mermier, PhD “Women, Hormones, Metabolism & Energy Expenditure”, IDEA Fitness Journal, Volume 10, Issue 7
3. Diana White, “How to Exercise during Your Period,” HEALTHMar 3, 2015
4. “Is it okay to workout on your period? Should you workout with cramps? , website