Reasons for delay of menstruation for more than a month. Reasons for delayed menstruation, which is considered normal

A delay in menstruation is a disruption in the functioning of the reproductive system, in which bleeding does not occur at the expected time.

Normal parameters of the menstrual cycle are characterized by the following properties:

  • duration from 22 to 35 days;
  • duration of bleeding: 2-7 days (average 5 days);
  • the volume of blood loss is 50-60 ml.

A delay of 10 days or more in menstruation indicates a disruption of physiological processes in the female body, provided that it is not associated with physiological changes:

  1. Formation of the cycle in adolescence. For 1-2 years, the girl has an irregular cycle. Menarche (first bleeding) appears at 12-14 years of age, but may be absent for several months during the period of hormonal development and should not cause concern.
  2. Climax- a natural stage for a woman, characterized by restructuring and involution of the reproductive system. Delayed menstruation after 40 years is not a rare occurrence. Menopause occurs on average at 47-50 years of age: estrogen production decreases, discharge and the regularity of menstruation change.

The cycle can occur at intervals of 36-180 days:

  1. Oligomenorrhea- weakening of menstruation, in which the cycle duration is less than three days. Hypomenstrual syndrome develops against the background of congenital abnormalities of the brain or reproductive system, secondary factors and insufficient secretion of estrogen.
  2. Amenorrhea- absence of the menstrual cycle for 6 months as a result of genetic, physiological, hormonal and mental pathologies.
  3. Opsomenorrhea- increasing the duration of the female cycle from 36 to 90 days.
  4. Spaniomenorea- a type of hypomenstrual syndrome in which the cycle lengthens within 90-180 days.

Delay during pregnancy and lactation

The development of a fertilized egg does not imply the possibility of menstrual bleeding. During a healthy pregnancy, endometrial rejection does not occur; otherwise, this leads to arbitrary termination of pregnancy (miscarriage). Bloody discharge in the first months of conception misleads the expectant mother and prevents early diagnosis of the embryo.

The absence of a delay in menstruation during pregnancy is not the norm and requires consultation with a gynecologist. Even in the early stages, blood from the genital tract indicates detachment of the ovum and requires hospitalization.

Menstruation after childbirth is normally absent for 6-24 months if the mother is breastfeeding the baby. Milk is produced as a result of the action of the hormone prolactin on the body, which prevents ovulation, and the endometrium is not rejected. Thus, lactation becomes a type of natural contraception.

The restored cycle may be irregular, but a new delay in menstruation after stopping breastfeeding for more than 60 days indicates a pathology of the reproductive system or fertilization of the egg.

Why don't my periods come?

Delayed menstruation with a negative pregnancy test occurs under the influence of gynecological and non-gynecological causes of physiological and pathological nature.

The absence of menstruation for 5 or more days indicates a malfunction of the body under the influence of emotional, hormonal and other external factors.

10 reasons for a missed period other than pregnancy:

  1. Sudden weight loss or gain. Following a low-calorie diet, eating low-quality and unhealthy food disrupts the functioning of systems and organs, and reducing body weight to 40 kg leads to amenorrhea.
  2. Emotional load. Death of a loved one, loss of a job, change of place of residence, breakup in a relationship, disruption of the daily routine.
  3. Climate change, frequent flights, jet lag, environmental degradation.
  4. Increased physical activity, reduction in the percentage of fatty tissue in the body as a result of professional sports.
  5. Intoxication with alcohol, nicotine, chemicals.
  6. Abrupt withdrawal of contraceptives.
  7. Use of emergency contraceptive pills (Postinor, Escapelle).
  8. Long-term functional disease that alters hormonal regulation (diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, cardiovascular and digestive system diseases).
  9. Viral and bacterial infections.
  10. Use of antidepressants, antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs.

A day late period is not a cause for concern. In the case of a long absence of a cycle with a negative pregnancy test and complete health of the female reproductive organs, the true cause of the symptom should be identified and addressed.

A 15-day delay in menstruation may be the cause of a negative pregnancy test (a pale, fuzzy line). A poor-quality medical product or its improper use indicates the absence of a fertilized egg. In case of doubt, it is worth repeating the test several times.

Pathology of systems and organs

A delay in menstruation, the causes of which are not related to pregnancy and external factors, indicates diseases of the organs of the reproductive, nervous or endocrine system.

Pathologies of the reproductive system:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • tumors of the female genital organs;
  • premature ovarian failure;
  • endometriosis;
  • organ malformations;
  • candidiasis;
  • adnexitis

A delay of 10 days or more with a negative pregnancy test may indicate a digestive system disorder:

  • pancreatitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastritis;
  • liver disease.

Kidney diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • acute and chronic renal failure.

Neurological disorders:

  • epilepsy;
  • parkinsonism.

Mental disorders:

  • anorexia nervosa;
  • stress.

Endocrine system diseases:

  • adrenal tumors;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

A delay in menstruation by 2 weeks or more indicates a pathology in a woman’s body. In this case, you should immediately contact the antenatal clinic for examination.

Complication of delayed menstruation

The danger of menstrual irregularities is the risk of:

  • infertility;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • miscarriage;
  • tumors of the uterus and ovaries;
  • early menopause.

Constant delays are a reason to contact a gynecologist to identify the cause and treat the identified pathology.

How to induce your period

Women can restore their cycle at home using hormonal and folk remedies. However, self-medication leads to disruption of the reproductive system and infertility.

You can induce menstruation by eliminating the external cause of their absence:

  • normalize weight;
  • improve emotional background;
  • adjust your work and sleep patterns.

In the case of organic pathology, the only solution is to contact a specialist.

What to do if your period is late and the test is negative:

  1. Contact a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and prescribe tests. In the absence of organic disorders, the doctor will prescribe drugs that bring the onset of menstruation closer (Mifegin, Postinor).
  2. Visit an endocrinologist. The specialist will conduct a full examination and give recommendations if signs of hormonal imbalance are detected.
  3. If there are no signs of diseases of the endocrine and reproductive systems, you will need to consult a psychiatrist, therapist, or neurologist.

A delay in menstruation without a reason is impossible: a girl of reproductive age has a regular cycle - a guarantee of pregnancy and a healthy body. If you regularly miss your critical days, you should consult a specialist and cure the disease in time.

The usual length of the menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 28 days. If the cycle is longer, it is considered a delay. Why does it occur? Let's try to figure it out.

Every girl should know how to correctly calculate the duration of her cycle. But for some reason, many people do not know how to do this and calculate the cycle from the last day of menstruation to the first. In fact, the calculations are made differently: the duration of the cycle is calculated from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation. And if there is a delay in menstruation, it is important to find out why it might be.

In general, the causes of delayed menstruation are divided into natural and pathological.

Delayed menstruation: reasons other than pregnancy

So you missed your period but tested negative? This means pregnancy is excluded. What could have served as a factor for the development of this condition? As already written above: pathological and natural causes.

Physiological, or natural, causes of delay include:

  1. Puberty. There is no reason, as such, for delayed periods in adolescents. It’s just that during puberty, delay is an absolutely normal condition and does not require seeing a doctor. It is observed for about 2 years after the first menstruation.
  2. Premenopause This condition occurs after 45 years and is evidence of approaching menopause.

The pathological causes of delayed menstruation include the following:

  1. Diseases from the field of gynecology, as well as pathology of the endocrine system. For example, PCOS, adnexitis, fibroids, endometritis, cervical cancer, impaired thyroid function, diabetes mellitus, renal dysfunction, poorly installed IUD, sunburn, ovarian defects, etc.
  2. Abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancy is a factor due to which hormonal imbalance occurs. If a large amount of uterine tissue was removed during curettage, it needs to recover. Therefore, in this case there may be a delay of about three weeks.
  3. Cancellation of hormonal drugs. After it, ovarian hyperinhibition is usually observed, as a result of which there is no menstruation for 2-4 months.
  4. Taking medications. In particular, antidepressants, diuretics and cytostatic drugs, antibiotics.
  5. Obesity or, conversely, excessive thinness. Both conditions can lead to a long delay.
  6. Significant physical activity. They deplete the girl’s body, so it begins to produce hormones that delay menstruation.
  7. Stressful situations, acclimatization, change of environment. Any stressful situation can negatively affect the body. It disrupts the production of hormones that are responsible for reproductive function, and because of this, menstruation stops.
  8. Chronic alcoholism or drug addiction, diseases that destroy the immune system and lead to hormonal imbalance.

Delayed menstruation reasons after childbirth

After the birth of a child, a delay in menstruation is quite reasonable. Usually, immediately after giving birth, the mother begins to breastfeed the baby, and during this period, the production of prolactin, a hormone due to which ovulation stops, occurs. After the end of feeding, menstruation is completely restored within 1-2 months.

Constant delays of monthly reasons

Why can a girl have a constant delay in her periods? It usually occurs due to taking hormonal drugs that increase the length of the cycle. The drugs block ovulation and prevent fertilization from occurring. After taking the last pill, literally the next day, menstruation should begin. If it does not start within two days, the drug needs to be changed.

Regular delays can also occur due to polycystic ovary syndrome, which interferes with normal hormone production.

That is, the question of why a girl has a delay in her period every month can be answered unequivocally: due to pathological processes in the body. You should consult a doctor.

Reasons for a week's delay in menstruation

A slight delay in menstruation, about 5-7 days, is normal. Therefore, it is not always necessary to look for reasons for a delay in menstruation by a week, especially if it happened once. Such a delay can occur due to stress, excessive exercise, diet or acclimatization. Of course, if you have a large delay in menstruation, or it occurs regularly, you need to find the causes of this condition. Just for this, be sure to consult a doctor. He will prescribe an examination and help identify pathology, if any. Thanks to a timely visit to a doctor, the cause of the delay can be treated effectively and quickly.

Delayed menstruation is one of the earliest signs of conception. However, the absence of menstruation on time does not always indicate pregnancy. Sometimes the delay is a consequence of stress, emotional stress, hormonal imbalance or other pathology.

All girls and women of reproductive age should carefully monitor their cycle. For greater accuracy, gynecologists recommend keeping a special calendar that indicates the start and end date of each menstrual bleeding. The regularity of the cycle indicates the proper functioning of the reproductive system.
- a set of changes in a woman’s body aimed at the ability to conceive. Its regulation is carried out using a complex hormonal mechanism.

The average duration of the menstrual cycle is . However, its length in healthy women can be shortened to 21 days or extended to 35 days.

Ovulation is the process of release of the female reproductive cell from the ovary into the free abdominal cavity. This event corresponds to the middle of the menstrual cycle - days 12-16. During ovulation and 1-2 days after it, the female body is ready to conceive a child.

Menarche is the first menstrual cycle in a girl's life, it is the beginning of the reproductive activity of the female body. Typically, this event occurs between the ages of 11 and 14 years, but the norm is considered to be from 9 to 16 years. The time of menarche depends on many reasons - genetics, physique, diet, general health.

Menopause or menopause is the last menstrual cycle in life. This diagnosis is made post facto, after 12 months of no bleeding. The normal range for the onset of menopause is considered to be from 42 to 61 years, with an average of 47-56 years. Its onset depends on the number of pregnancies, the supply of eggs, the use of oral contraceptives, and lifestyle.

Menstruation or menstruation is a part of the female cycle characterized by the development of uterine bleeding. Normally, its duration is from 3 to 7 days, on average - 4-5 days. Menstruation represents the shedding of the endometrium of the uterus - its inner mucous layer.

Due to menstruation, the uterine endometrium is renewed. This process is necessary to prepare the organ wall for the next cycle, in which conception is possible.

Delayed menstruation is considered to be its absence for more than 6-7 days during a normal cycle. A shorter period is not considered a pathology. Normally, cycle shifts by 2-3 days are possible. Delayed menstruation can occur in women and girls of any age due to natural (physiological) and pathological reasons.

Reasons for missed periods


Regulation of the menstrual cycle is a complex process that depends on many factors in the internal environment of the body. The functioning of the hormonal system is very susceptible to stress and emotional upheaval. This feature is the result of the close interaction between the endocrine glands and the brain.

Psychological and emotional stress is an unfavorable environment for pregnancy. This is why the brain gives a signal to the endocrine system that conception should not occur. In response to this, the hormonal glands change their mode of operation, preventing the onset of ovulation.

A delay in menstruation can be caused by various stresses. Some women calmly endure severe shocks (the death of a loved one, diagnosis of an illness, dismissal from work, etc.). In some patients, the absence of menstruation may be associated with minor experiences.

Possible causes of missed periods also include severe lack of sleep and overwork. To restore the cycle, a woman should eliminate the provoking factor. If this is not possible, the patient is advised to consult a specialist. Usually, a delay in menstruation during stress does not exceed 6-8 days, but in severe cases, it may be absent for a long time - 2 weeks or more.

Heavy physical activity

By its nature, the female body is not adapted to strong physical activity. Excessive forceful tension can cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Such disorders of the reproductive system are quite often observed among professional athletes.

The reason for the delay of menstruation during heavy physical activity is the production of increased amounts of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Thanks to it, muscle tissue can grow in response to its tension. Normally, the female body contains a small amount of testosterone, but its increase leads to disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

High levels of testosterone affect the complex mechanisms between the pituitary gland and the ovaries, which disrupts their interaction. This leads to delayed menstrual bleeding.

If there are disruptions in the menstrual cycle, a woman should avoid strength training. They can be replaced with aerobic exercises - dancing, running, yoga.

What are the reasons for a delay in menstruation?

Climate change

Sometimes the human body has difficulty adapting to new living conditions. A sudden change in climate can cause menstrual irregularities. This feature is most often observed when traveling to hot and humid countries.

Changes in environmental conditions are a signal of the need to prevent conception. This mechanism is similar to the delay of menstruation during emotional stress and shock. The brain sends a signal to the ovaries to block ovulation.

Another reason for a missed period with a negative pregnancy test is prolonged exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on the functioning of the ovaries. A delay may occur if you abuse the solarium.

Typically, the duration of delayed menstrual bleeding when traveling does not exceed 10 days. If it is absent for a longer period, the woman should consult a specialist.

Hormonal changes

In teenage girls, during the first 2-3 years after menarche, jumps in the cycle are possible. This feature is a normal phenomenon associated with the regulation of ovarian activity. Usually the cycle is established by the age of 14-17 years; if menstruation delays continue after 17-19 years, the girl should consult a specialist.

The reason for delayed periods after 40 years is the onset of menopause, characterized by the decline of reproductive function. Typically, the menopause period lasts for 5-10 years, during which there is a gradual increase in the period between bleedings. Quite often, menopause is accompanied by other symptoms - a feeling of heat, sweating, nervousness, and surges in blood pressure.

Also, a long delay in menstruation is a natural reaction of the body after pregnancy. During breastfeeding, the pituitary gland produces a special hormone - prolactin. It causes blocking of ovulation and absence of menstrual bleeding. This reaction is intended by nature, since the female body must recover after childbirth.

If a woman does not breastfeed immediately after giving birth, her normal cycle will return after about 2 months. If a young mother begins lactation, menstruation will occur after it ends. The total duration of delayed bleeding should not exceed one year.

Natural hormonal changes occur after discontinuation of oral contraceptives. While taking them, the ovaries stop functioning, so they need 1-3 months to recover. This reaction of the body is considered absolutely normal and does not require medication adjustment.

Another reason for a delay in menstruation for a week or more is taking emergency contraception (Postinor, Escapelle). These drugs contain artificial hormones that block the synthesis of their own. Due to this effect, ovulation is blocked and the menstrual cycle shifts.

Lack of body weight and poor nutrition

Not only the endocrine glands, but also adipose tissue participate in the endocrine metabolism of the female body. Its percentage of body weight should not be lower than 15-17%. Adipose tissue is involved in the synthesis of estrogens - female sex hormones.

Inadequate nutrition causes severe weight loss, which leads to amenorrhea - absence of menstruation. With severe underweight, cyclic bleeding may not be observed for a long period of time. This feature is adaptive in nature - the brain sends signals that the woman will not be able to bear a child.

Constant delays in menstruation may be associated with insufficient intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E into the body. These substances participate in the endocrine function of the ovaries, causing the normal division of female germ cells.

To restore the cycle, a woman should gain the missing kilograms and reconsider her diet. It should include sea fish, red meat, nuts, and vegetable oil. If necessary, vitamin E supplements can be used.


Weight gain can cause menstrual irregularities. The mechanism of pathology of reproductive function is associated with blocking ovulation due to excessive accumulation of estrogens in adipose tissue.

Also, against the background of obesity, insulin resistance occurs - a condition in which the cells of the human body become less sensitive to insulin. In response to this, the pancreas begins to synthesize increasing amounts of the hormone. A persistent increase in the amount of insulin in the blood increases testosterone levels.

An increased amount of male sex hormones disrupts the normal menstrual cycle. That is why women are advised to monitor their weight and avoid obesity.

Infectious process

Any inflammatory process disrupts the normal course of the female cycle. The body perceives it as a negative background for the onset of conception, and therefore blocks or delays ovulation.

One of the most common causes of delayed menstrual bleeding is colds and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Usually, with such pathologies, the cycle shifts by no more than 7-8 days.

Specific diseases of the genitourinary organs (,) can cause prolonged absence of menstruation due to disruption of the internal organs. If a woman has pain or tightness in her lower abdomen, pathological discharge from the genital tract is observed, body temperature rises, or pain occurs during sexual intercourse, she should consult a specialist.

This pathology is characterized by multiple changes in hormonal levels, causing blocking of ovulation and a shift in the menstrual cycle. In polycystic ovary syndrome, the endocrine function of the pituitary gland is disrupted. This leads to the maturation of several follicles, but none of them becomes dominant.

With polycystic ovary syndrome, an increased amount of male sex hormones is observed in a woman’s blood. They aggravate the course of the disease, further preventing ovulation. Quite often, against the background of pathology, insulin resistance is observed, which increases the secretion of testosterone.

To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination. An ultrasound shows enlarged ovaries with many follicles. With pathology, an increase in androgens (male sex hormones) and their derivatives is observed in the blood. Quite often, polycystic ovary syndrome is accompanied by external symptoms - male pattern hair growth, acne, seborrhea, low timbre of voice.

Treatment of the pathology includes taking hormonal contraceptives with antiandrogenic effects. When planning a pregnancy, the expectant mother may be advised to stimulate ovulation with the help of drugs.


Hypothyroidism is a disease characterized by decreased function of the thyroid gland. There are many factors that cause this condition - iodine deficiency, pituitary gland pathologies, trauma, autoimmune damage.

Thyroid hormones are responsible for all metabolic processes in the human body. With their deficiency, a decrease in reproductive function is observed due to blocking ovulation. That is why, with hypothyroidism, long delays in menstruation, even its absence, are often observed.

To diagnose pathologies of the thyroid gland, ultrasound examination and calculation of the amount of hormones in the blood are used. Treatment is based on the type of disease and may include iodine supplementation, replacement therapy, or surgery.


This disease is characterized by increased synthesis of the pituitary hormone prolactin. Its excess quantity blocks ovulation and disrupts the menstrual cycle. Hyperprolactinemia occurs due to injury, pituitary tumors, medications, or disruptions in hormonal regulation.

Diagnosis of pathology includes a blood test for hormones, as well as an MRI or CT scan of the brain. To treat this disease, dopamine agonist medications are used.

Hyperprolactinemia: the main mechanism for the development of PMS


Delayed menstruation is considered one of the very first signs of pregnancy. To confirm conception, the expectant mother can use test strips that determine the level of hCG in the urine. The most modern of them can detect pregnancy even before a missed period.

In addition to pregnancy, delayed menstruation can be caused by more rare pathologies and diseases:

  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease (overproduction of adrenal hormones);
  • Addison's disease (underproduction of the adrenal cortex);
  • tumors of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • damage to the endometrium of the uterus (as a result of surgery, cleaning, abortion);
  • resistant ovarian syndrome (autoimmune disease);
  • ovarian wasting syndrome (premature menopause);
  • ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome (due to long-term use of oral contraception, radiation exposure).

Few women come to the gynecologist simply to inquire about their health. The most frequent visitors are pregnant women, those who need to undergo a medical examination, as well as patients with certain complaints, including delays in menstruation.

At the age of 12-14, every girl experiences menarche - the first sign of puberty, which is known as menstruation. Menstruation may be irregular for 1.5-2 years, since the girl’s hormonal system is still developing.

But in some cases, it happens that by the time the hormonal levels are fully mature, the delays continue. This is already a reason to consult a doctor and find out why this could be happening.

Possible causes of delayed menstruation

A regular menstrual cycle helps keep your sex life under control and detect the first signs of pregnancy in time. Therefore, a failure usually causes anxiety and a question: what could cause a delay in menstruation?

Typically, women of childbearing age associate this exclusively with pregnancy. Girls during puberty will be calm about menstrual irregularities for 2 years if their mothers explained to them in advance what is happening in their body during this period.

Women of mature age may assume that the reason for this phenomenon is the imminent onset of menopause.

In reality, menopause does not come unexpectedly. Several years before menopause, periodic disorders of the menstrual cycle are observed. This warns the body that it is appropriate to consult a doctor.

The average duration is 28 days. If there is a delay of several days, it is necessary to find out why this happened.

Reasons for delayed menstruation of a gynecological nature besides pregnancy:

  • The period after childbirth. Throughout pregnancy, women do not have periods. After the birth of a child, renewal occurs in different ways; this process is individual in nature and depends on physiology, the state of health of the female organs and the whole organism. During breastfeeding, the absence of menstruation is explained by the fact that the level of the hormone prolactin responsible for lactation increases significantly at this time. In the absence of milk, menstruation occurs after 1.5 months. In some cases, a woman becomes pregnant while breastfeeding because the egg matures despite increased hormone levels.
  • . Dysfunction refers to disruption of the activity of the ovaries, which regulate hormonal processes. If your menstrual cycle becomes shorter or increase, then a malfunction of the ovaries may be the probable cause of this.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Adenomyosis, the appearance of neoplasms, can cause a delay in menstruation.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome. One of the external, but optional signs of the disease is abundant hair growth on the face, legs, and groin area. This cannot be a fundamental factor in making a diagnosis, since similar phenomena can occur according to physiological and genetic indicators in any woman. A more significant sign of polycystic disease is a high level of the male hormone – testosterone. Its excess disrupts the menstrual cycle and can ultimately lead to infertility.
  • Abortion. After termination of pregnancy, the body needs to restore hormonal levels, so it will take some time before all ovarian functions are restored.

Other reasons:

  • Weight problems. Irregular menstruation and frequent delays occur in those who are obese. All processes in their body are sluggish. Most often, the activity of the endocrine system is disrupted in such women. A slow metabolism affects the delay of menstruation, which is why the entire reproductive system malfunctions. With a sudden change in diet in order to lose weight and exhausting diets, the body can also react with a delay in menstruation. With rapid weight loss, eating behavior is disrupted, and an aversion to foods with vitamins appears. As a result, the nervous system suffers. In medicine, this condition is called anorexia. This leads to a decrease in hormone production in the ovaries.
  • Hard physical labor. Physical activity associated with difficult working conditions affects not only the general state of health, but also the well-being of each organ, therefore, menstrual cycle disruption in this case is a fair indignation of the female organs at the backbreaking work, which is why a delay in menstruation happens quite often. Slowing down is the only way out of the situation.
  • Stressful situations. Much of the truth is that all diseases come from nerves. During emotional shock, the brain signals all organs about danger. A delay in menstruation cannot be ruled out.
  • Change of climatic conditions or time zone. In this case, the factor of the body’s adaptation to certain living conditions, work, rest and sleep patterns is triggered. When an established routine is disrupted, the body reacts differently.
  • Taking medications. In the treatment of certain diseases, women are prescribed medications that can disrupt the intervals between menstruation. In this situation, it is necessary to stop taking them.
  • Chronic diseases. Diseases such as gastritis, diabetes mellitus, pathology of the kidneys and thyroid gland, make changes in the functioning of the entire body, and accordingly, affect the genital organs. The use of medications that help alleviate chronic diseases can negatively affect the activity of the ovaries.
  • Application OK. A missed period can also occur while using or after stopping birth control. The use of oral contraceptives provokes a disruption in the cycle, but this is considered normal, as the body undergoes adaptation. There may also be a short delay after finishing the medication or taking a break between packs. This happens because the ovaries need time to rebuild after a long period of inhibition.

Thus, there are many reasons why menstruation is delayed. If menstruation occurs within a week, then there is no need to worry. It is recommended to consult a doctor if the delay lasts more than 7 days.

The woman’s body is still a mystery to science. But there are points that have been studied for a long time. Only not all citizens know about them. Today we will be interested in delayed menstruation. What it is? For what reasons can it appear? And how to deal with the corresponding phenomenon? We will have to figure out all this and more further. It's actually not that difficult. Especially if a woman carefully monitors her body.

Menstruation and its formation

What is menstruation? And when does she appear?

This is what menstruation is called. People call them critical days. A woman begins to bleed during menstruation. It is not dangerous to health. Critical days are a symbol of the fact that the egg in the body has not been fertilized.

The menstrual cycle is the period of time between the beginnings of the two “extreme” periods. During this period, the egg matures, leaves the follicle, travels through the fallopian tubes, fertilization or death of the female cell.

Accordingly, if conception does not occur, the egg dies. This period ends, then preparation for critical days begins.

Phases of the monthly cycle

In order to accurately judge a delay in menstruation, it is important to understand what phases the female reproductive organs have to go through at one time or another.

The monthly cycle is divided into 4 stages. Namely:

  • monthly bleeding;
  • follicular;
  • ovulatory;
  • luteal

As already mentioned, first the egg matures in the follicle. This period lasts about 14 days. Next comes ovulation - the time the female cell leaves and travels through the body. This is the best moment to conceive. Ovulation lasts up to 48 hours.

If fertilization does not occur, the body enters the luteal phase. This is a condition in which the egg dies and the organs prepare for their critical days. A new cycle begins with another menstruation. But what to do if there is a delay?


There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the circumstances under which the deviation from the usual cycle occurred.

Delayed menstruation most often occurs in adolescents. Girls first encounter their period during puberty. Hormonal changes in the body occur, and the cycle is just being established.

Accordingly, several years after the first menstruation, a teenage girl may experience a delay in her period or early menstruation. The situation does not require medical supervision and is completely normal.

For those who have recently given birth

Can menstruation be delayed after childbirth? Yes, and this is also normal.

The thing is that after giving birth, a woman faces a serious restructuring of her body. At first there will be no critical days. And after their resumption, “jumps” in the cycle are possible. It lengthens and shortens. This situation can last up to several years after childbirth.

Important: some girls do not experience menstruation throughout the entire lactation period. This phenomenon is very common. If a woman gets her period while breastfeeding her baby, it will appear throughout the entire lactation + about 1.5-2 years after it stops.

Hormone disruptions

A problem that many women and girls of different ages face. But why does this happen?

Quite often, the cause of untimely periods is hormonal imbalance. It either speeds up ovulation or delays it. And therefore, menstruation comes earlier/later accordingly.

If you suspect a hormonal imbalance, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe a series of tests to clarify the situation. It is possible that the cause of the hormone imbalance is some disease or illness.

Everything is okay

The reasons for delayed menstruation vary. And among them you can get confused. Especially if you don’t take care of your body.

You don’t always need to panic if your critical days come sooner or later. The point is that even a healthy woman may have a standard deviation from the norm.

This means that critical days may come a little earlier or disturb the girl a little later than expected. A deviation of 5-7 days in one direction or another is considered normal.

However, more often than not, problems with the menstrual cycle make a girl wonder what’s wrong. What other scenarios may occur in practice?

"Interesting situation", or I'll soon become a mother

What does a delay in menstruation indicate? Pregnancy is what women suspect when their periods are delayed or completely absent.

The menstrual cycle ideally stops immediately after successful conception. The fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, and then the development of the fetus begins. New female cells do not mature. Ovulation does not happen, and menstruation does not come.

To determine pregnancy, it is better to do a home test and go to the gynecologist. Research is recommended to be carried out on days 1-3 of the delay. Otherwise, you may encounter false results.

Important: sometimes a girl experiences menstruation during pregnancy. This happens in the first trimester. It is better to consult a doctor with the relevant problem.

The test is negative, but there is a pregnancy

Has your period been delayed? Test negative? Some girls believe that such a situation guarantees the absence of pregnancy. Is it so?

Not at all. A woman may see a false negative pregnancy test result if the test is of poor quality or expired. In addition, in the first days of delay of critical days, the level of hCG in the urine is often too low. And that's why the pregnancy test shows one line.

To exclude an “interesting situation”, you will need to repeat the test on the 5-7th day of delay. If you don’t want to wait, you should do an ultrasound and donate blood for an hCG test.

Ectopic pregnancy

A woman's period is 5 days late, but the test is negative? If there is a possibility of pregnancy, you should hurry with its diagnosis. Why?

The thing is that sometimes girls hear a disappointing diagnosis - an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, menstruation will not come, and the pregnancy test will either show a negative result, or it will show a second line, but its color will be dim.

This happens because when the fetus is attached outside the uterus, the hCG level does not rise as quickly as when it is in the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous for a woman and almost always ends in miscarriage or abortion. And therefore, you should not hesitate to visit a specialist.

Important: no one is immune from ectopic pregnancy. Doctors still cannot say exactly under what circumstances this type of “interesting situation” occurs. But healthy girls living in a calm environment have less chance of encountering the disease.

Late "Day X"

Are your periods delayed? Test negative? If a girl is confident in her health, perhaps her ovulation came later than expected. This led to a delay in the menstrual cycle.

In fact, “Day X” is influenced by various factors. For example, emotional shock or severe stress. Overloading the body also negatively affects ovulation. And sometimes it comes earlier or later due to hormonal imbalance or standard deviation.

As a rule, late ovulation occurs as a one-time occurrence. The easiest way to diagnose it is by looking at your basal temperature chart. During "Day X" BT rises to 37-37.5 degrees Celsius, and then stays at 36.8 to 37.2 degrees.

Lack of ovulation

A delay in menstruation by a week is a cause for concern. Especially if the woman had protected sex.

However, untimely periods should not always cause you to panic. Even a healthy girl experiences a lack of ovulation. This process is called anovulation.

Usually can be observed up to twice a year. For more frequent manifestations, you will have to consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.

Important: with anovulation, the menstrual cycle is delayed by 1 month or more. It all depends on the duration of the cycle. After two full monthly periods, critical days will still come.

In women aged

Immediately after birth, the body begins to develop. This is an inevitable process. It's called growing up. At one point, a person begins puberty, and then he becomes ready to procreate.

However, at a certain point the body begins not to grow, but to age. Life processes undergo certain changes. And girls after 40 years old experience delayed menstruation.

Why is this happening? Usually late periods are a sign of aging and the onset of menopause. The body simply stops producing eggs for fertilization. And therefore the menstrual cycle first “jumps” and then stops altogether.

Important: in the rhythm of modern life, even women 30-35 years old can suffer from menopause. Therefore, you will not be able to determine it yourself. You will have to go to the gynecologist and take all the tests he prescribed.

Diseases and cycle

Delayed menstruation? Test negative? If a woman thinks about the causes of deviations in the monthly cycle, we must not forget about such a factor as disease.

During illness, the body begins to work differently than before. All his forces are aimed at strengthening the immune system and fighting the disease. Therefore, critical days come later than expected.

It follows that even a common cold can become an impetus for adjusting the monthly cycle. After complete recovery, the process under study will return to normal.

Important: STDs also affect menstruation. If a girl has gynecological diseases, her periods will return to normal after undergoing a full course of treatment with recovery.

Tumors and cancer

A long delay in menstruation (2 months or more) with a negative pregnancy test is a serious cause for concern. After all, sometimes periods can indicate the presence of hidden or chronic diseases.

Most often, adjustments to the menstrual cycle occur with tumors and cancer. Diseases of the endocrine and genitourinary systems, as well as inflammatory processes, also have an impact on critical days.

The most common ailments are:

  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • polycystic disease;
  • multifollicular ovaries;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • inflammation of the uterus and its appendages;
  • kidney problems;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland.

In any case, only a comprehensive examination will help identify the disease. You cannot diagnose yourself based on signs and symptoms.

Nutrition and lifestyle

Delayed menstruation is possible due to poor nutrition or leading a passive lifestyle. It's hard to believe, but even diets can trigger early or delayed ovulation.

Bad habits are another factor that negatively affects the body. If you abuse alcohol, tobacco or drugs, your critical days may be adjusted. The cycle is disrupted, ovulation comes earlier/later.

Obesity or dystrophy also often negatively affects menstrual periods. The cycle returns to normal immediately after weight adjustment.

Other circumstances

We studied the main points associated with the untimely arrival of monthly bleeding. But, as already mentioned, there are a lot of options for the development of events. And you can look at them endlessly.

Among other things, a woman’s menstrual cycle can be disrupted under the following circumstances:

  • stress;
  • emotional shocks (including positive ones);
  • depression;
  • being under physical, psychological or mental stress;
  • use of a number of medications;
  • abortions;
  • undergoing infertility treatment;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • use of oral contraceptives (especially if they are selected incorrectly);
  • long trips;
  • acclimatization or sudden change in weather.

In fact, the reasons for delayed menstruation are varied. And not all of them can be easily diagnosed. Sometimes you have to go through many doctors and take a huge number of tests to clarify the situation.

Signs of delays

A few words about how in some cases one can suspect the untimely arrival of critical days. Let's consider several options for the development of events.

A girl may experience the following signs of delayed menstruation:

  1. The basal temperature chart does not indicate ovulation. The worst thing is when BT has no schedule. The points marked on it are a chaotic set of temperatures. A similar picture occurs during anovulation.
  2. Nausea, fatigue, vomiting, minor bleeding from the vagina (usually bloody smears) indicate pregnancy. Sometimes there is pain in the ovaries.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen and elevated body temperature for several days may indicate an illness or inflammatory process. Most often - for problems in the genitourinary system and tumors.
  4. Increased hair growth, weight gain and deterioration of skin are signs of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Perhaps in other cases you will just have to go to the hospital and get tested. It is advisable to stop at:

  • general blood test;
  • hCG study;
  • visit to an endocrinologist, urologist, gynecologist.

All other tests will be prescribed by a specific specialist. Usually you have to donate blood for various hormones and do a tomography. Going to a psychologist and nutritionist would also be a good idea.