Emergency contraception. Emergency contraception. What is the price of pregnancy pills for women's health

Emergency contraception is a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex. From this article you will learn how safe these methods are, how to use them correctly and what types of side effects.

Types of emergency contraception

  1. Copper-containing intrauterine device (IUD). Installed for a long period (up to several years) only by a gynecologist no later than 120 hours after unprotected sex. Not recommended for women who have not given birth.
  2. Combined lane oral contraceptives(tablets) containing ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel in the required dosage (Yuzpe method). The product must be taken twice with an interval of 12 hours in the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  3. Progestin preparations are tablets containing a gestagen, levonorgestrel. The drug is taken in 1 or 2 doses. More precise recommendations are present in the instructions for use of each specific manufacturer.
  4. Antigestagenic drugs are tablets containing a progesterone antagonist (mifepristone). The drug is taken once.

Duration of action

With the exception of the intrauterine device, which, after installation over a long period of time, prevents the onset of unwanted pregnancy, hormonal drugs emergency contraception act differently. The active substance of each of these drugs minimizes, but does not eliminate by 100%, the likelihood of pregnancy only once - at the time of administration.

Indications for the use of hormonal drugs

Hormonal emergency contraception is taken only when exceptional cases and no more than 2-3 times a year, since changes hormonal levels, which they entail, do not have the best effect on women's health. In most European countries, such tablets can only be obtained from a gynecologist's office if the doctor considers that it is relatively safe for the patient to take them, taking into account her state of health. In Russia and a number of CIS countries, emergency contraceptives are available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Acceptance of funds in this category is appropriate in following cases:

  • rape has been committed;
  • the condom has slipped or broken;
  • the rules were not followed or hormonal contraceptives were missed;
  • similar situations.

Safety of emergency contraception methods

Each product has its own characteristics, which it is better to know about in advance.

Intrauterine device (IUD)

Is it possible in your case to use this method emergency contraception can only be determined by a doctor.

Contraindicated in the following cases:
  • you are one of the women who have never given birth;
  • you have inflammatory or infectious gynecological diseases.
Side effects:
  • discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • prolonged and heavy menstrual flow;
  • the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases.

IN in rare cases the IUD may suddenly fall out.

Hormonal emergency contraception (pills)

There are outdated drugs and new generation tablets with a more gentle effect.

Yuzpe method

Combined oral emergency contraception is taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Rigevidon, Microgynon, Miniziston, Femoden, Regulon, Marvelon, Novinet, Mercilon, Logest.

Studies of the properties of the drug showed the following:
  • if ovulation occurs immediately after sexual intercourse, the effect of the active substances of the drug is reduced;
  • The Yuzpe method is less effective than taking progestin-only products.
  • liver diseases;
  • vascular diseases;
  • uterine bleeding for unknown reasons;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • endometriosis and similar problems.
Side effects:
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • weakness and dizziness
  • pain in the mammary glands.

Progestin drugs

An obsolete method of emergency contraception. It is considered more dangerous to health than when taking antigestagenic drugs.

Trade names of drugs: Postinor, Levonorgestrel, Microlut, Norplant, Escapel, Eskinor-F.

Read the instructions. Consult your doctor before taking any of these remedies.

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • jaundice;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • expected pregnancy more late date;
  • lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, malabsorption of glucose or galactose;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • breastfeeding (after taking the drug, you must take a break for 1 day).
Side effects:
  • uterine bleeding;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Antigestagenic drugs

Drugs in this category are effective for 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Compared to progestogens, they have a gentler effect on the body and have fewer side effects.

Trade names: Ginepristone, Agesta, Zhenale, Mensofta, Miropriston, Mifegin, Mifeprex Mifepristone, Mifolian, Pencrofton.

Read the instructions. Consult your doctor before taking any of these remedies.

Dose active substance in the drug determines the strength of its action. If more than 72 hours have passed since sexual intercourse, consult a doctor to help you choose the most suitable remedy for you.

  • age up to 16 years
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • long-term or simultaneous therapy with glucocorticosteroids;
  • anemia;
  • any disturbances of hemostasis;
  • breastfeeding (you will need to take a two-week break after taking the drug);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
Side effects:
  • uterine bleeding;
  • weakness, dizziness, headache;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Consequences of taking postcoital contraception

Failure of the menstrual cycle - a slight delay or its premature onset is often a consequence of taking similar drugs. The risk of ectopic pregnancy also increases slightly.

In case of a long delay in menstruation (more than 7 days), long-term pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands or lower abdomen, as well as when there is too much menstrual flow consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

After taking emergency contraception, it is necessary to protect yourself with a barrier method (condoms) until the onset of menstruation.

Features of emergency contraception

In this video, a gynecologist talks about the properties of emergency contraception methods and touches on their positive and negative properties.

Video source: Medical Center Familia

Emergency contraception- these are methods and means of preventing unwanted pregnancy, intended for use after sexual intercourse. They are designed for one-time appointment and are not a replacement for planned contraceptives. The effectiveness of emergency contraception directly depends on the timing and technique of use: if you follow the recommendations of specialists and manufacturers, conception can be avoided in 95% of cases.

  • unprotected sexual intercourse took place;
  • when using barrier contraception they have been damaged or slipped;
  • failed to take hormonal preparations of planned contraception 3 times in a row;
  • doubts have arisen regarding the effectiveness of spermicidal tablets or films due to their incomplete dissolution;
  • the technique of interrupted coitus is violated.

Emergency contraception is also necessary to prevent pregnancy as a result of rape.

Before turning to the technique of emergency prevention of conception, you should make sure that it is necessary. To do this, you need to determine the day of the menstrual cycle: if sexual intercourse occurred on the first or last week with a cycle of 28-30 days, the likelihood of an egg being released and fertilized is minimal.


As urgent measures on prevention unplanned pregnancy Several techniques and medications for emergency contraception are used. All of them have both indications and certain limitations that must be taken into account when choosing a remedy. Contraindications include some organ pathologies genitourinary system, bleeding disorders, previous liver diseases, presence bad habits etc.

That is why, before using any medications, techniques and methods of contraception, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to select an emergency contraception technique, the use of which will be associated with minimal harm to the body.

Operating principle

In gynecology, two main techniques of urgent contraception are used: the introduction of intrauterine copper-containing contraceptives and the use of hormonal drugs. The operating principle of these two main groups is somewhat different.

The technique of intrauterine contraception is based on the fact that the means introduced into the organ (spirals) are perceived by the body as foreign body. As a result of the constant presence irritating factor in the mucous membrane (endometrium) is formed increased amount prostaglandins. They increase the contractility of the muscular layer of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Due to more intense contractions, the egg moving through the tube enters the uterine cavity ahead of schedule and cannot attach to the endometrium. This emergency technique prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg into the mucous membrane, preventing unplanned pregnancy.

Hormonal contraceptive pills act as follows: the substances they contain slow down ovulation, so that the egg continues to remain in the ovary. In addition, hormones change the timing of maturation of the upper layer of the mucosa, causing its premature rejection. It is accompanied by bleeding similar to menstruation. Even if the egg managed to get into the tube and be fertilized before using contraception, it will come out along with the blood and top layer endometrium.


Before choosing one of the emergency contraception techniques, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of each option and determine the possibility of its use in a particular situation.


If no more than 72 hours have passed since sexual intercourse, the gynecologist may recommend emergency contraception one of the hormone-containing drugs. The effectiveness of this emergency method ranges from 60 to 90% and depends on the composition of the tablets and compliance with the administration technique.

Most hormonal emergency contraception is intended for single use, in some cases you may need to take the tablet again after 12 hours. Before recommending this technique, the doctor must exclude contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy (hormones have a negative effect on the fetus), previous uterine bleeding and liver disease.

Since the use of hormonal emergency contraception results in a change in the balance of hormones, a woman may experience some discomfort and temporary deterioration in well-being. Side effects of this technique for emergency prevention of conception are headaches, dizziness, attacks of nausea, and pain in the lower abdomen.

The use of hormonal emergency pregnancy prevention techniques in the vast majority of cases causes cycle disruption. Your period may start earlier or later due date, while the discharge is more abundant. The reason for visiting a doctor should be a delay in menstruation for more than three weeks after using contraception.

Hormonal contraception is not recommended for breastfeeding, since some of the components fall into breast milk. If this technique is the only possible way emergency prevention of conception, the drug is taken as follows: the tablet is taken after feeding the baby, who is then transferred to artificial feeding for at least a day. Some emergency contraceptive medications require more long period for removal from the body, therefore consultation with a specialist is necessary. Following these recommendations during lactation will minimize the effect of hormones on the child.

The list of pills that can be used for emergency contraception is quite large. They differ in composition, technique of exposure, and list of contraindications. Only a specialist can determine which pills are suitable in a particular situation, and whether it is even possible to use this technique to prevent conception, after collecting an anamnesis and assessing the patient’s condition. Hormonal drugs intended for emergency use medical abortions, cannot be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.


Non-hormonal pregnancy prevention techniques include the installation of intrauterine devices. Today you can find several dozen types of such contraceptive devices on sale. They are made of flexible plastic, copper or silver. It is believed that best spirals- these are those that contain copper. This metal is capable of inhibiting the vital activity of sperm, which ensures increased efficiency protection techniques.

Spirals are divided into types not only by materials, but also by shape. Traditionally, T-shaped products are used for emergency contraception, but some women with a non-standard shape or abnormal curvature of the uterus are recommended to install other spirals for more reliable fixation.

The recommended time frame for using this emergency contraception technique is up to 5 days from the moment of unprotected sexual intercourse. Before placing the IUD into the uterus, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests and examinations that will establish the possibility of using this technique for emergency pregnancy prevention. The list includes smears for microflora and oncocytology, clinical analysis blood, ultrasound of the internal genital organs and other examination methods.

Various types of IUDs can be inserted both for a short period of time to prevent conception after unprotected sexual intercourse, and for a long period of up to 5 years (if a woman intends to use the technique as routine contraception).

The method has several contraindications that must be taken into account before making a final decision. Non-hormonal methods Contraception is not suitable for those girls and women who have not yet given birth or have had an ectopic pregnancy in the past. Absolute contraindications for the use of this technique include the presence inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages, sexually transmitted infections, various pathologies endometrium.

Installing an intrauterine device has undeniable advantages compared to the use of hormonal emergency contraception:

  • The effectiveness of the method reaches 98%;
  • during sexual intercourse, the woman and her partner do not experience discomfort;
  • this is one of the most financially available ways contraception: the IUD can be installed for several years, during which there is no need to use other types of contraceptives;
  • The method of non-hormonal emergency contraception is recommended for nursing mothers due to the lack of harmful effects for the baby.

The use of a spiral also has its disadvantages. First of all, this concerns an increase in the intensity of discharge during menstruation. The technique is also not suitable for women who do not have one permanent partner due to the increased likelihood of infections entering the uterus.


Some women, after having sexual intercourse without using contraception, avoid visits to the doctor, preferring hormonal pills and the installation of an IUD. folk remedies emergency pregnancy prevention.

To the most popular techniques and types folk contraception can be attributed to douching herbal infusions and vinegar solution, reception hot bath, drinking decoctions of ginger root, marjoram or shepherd's purse. The effectiveness of such techniques is quite low, but this is not the main drawback of such contraception: most contraceptive methods that are used at home can lead to damage and burns to the uterine mucosa and cause exacerbation concomitant diseases and menstrual irregularities. Doctors strongly recommend not to use such emergency techniques to prevent and terminate pregnancy, as such contraception can affect health and lead to serious complications.

When using any of the emergency conception prevention techniques, the following important points must be taken into account:

  • None of the types of emergency postcoital contraception protect against sexually transmitted diseases. If sexual intercourse did not occur with a regular partner and there is a possibility of infection, it is necessary to undergo additional examinations for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.
  • During a visit to the doctor, you should clarify the time frame for returning from emergency to planned contraception, and which pregnancy prevention technique is most optimal for use in the future. This primarily applies to cases of using hormonal pills. Depending on the composition and name of the drug, the time frame for resuming taking the tablets varies from 1 to 6 days.
  • If a woman does not plan to have children, she should think about contraception, which will forever eliminate the risk of unplanned pregnancy. Reviews from specialists and patients indicate that the safest and most effective technology contraception on this moment is sterilization.

Points for and against

Any method of emergency contraception has side effects: from allergies, headaches and discomfort to more serious violations, causing irregular and more intense periods. Before using one of the emergency techniques to prevent conception, you should be sure to make sure of its necessity and weigh all the arguments for and against.


Despite negative impact hormonal urgent contraception on the body, it has one significant advantage: it helps to avoid more dangerous female body abortion-related stress. The technique of artificial abortion has not only negative physiological consequences. For many women, abortion causes depression, neuroses and other psychological disorders. Using emergency contraception can avoid many problems.

Installing an intrauterine device has the following advantages:

  • The technique can be used both as emergency and planned contraception.
  • The method has the highest degree of efficiency among all known species emergency prevention of conception.


The main disadvantages of emergency contraception techniques include the presence of many contraindications and side effects. Thus, hormonal drugs can provoke menstrual irregularities, the appearance bloody discharge up to the opening of uterine bleeding. With frequent use of such emergency contraception, the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy increases.

The main disadvantages of the spiral installation technique is the need for preliminary medical examination, the likelihood of injury to the mucous membrane and walls of the uterus when performing emergency contraceptive procedures, an increase in the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes of infectious etiology.


Despite the regular emergence of new generations of hormone-containing drugs and intrauterine devices for emergency contraception, pharmacists and doctors have not yet been able to develop methods that prevent conception without side effects.

The correct selection of emergency pregnancy prevention techniques will help ensure maximum safety. This can only be done by a doctor after a preliminary examination and assessment of the condition, carrying out certain tests and examinations.

It should be remembered that emergency contraception is a fairly serious category of medications, the independent use of which can result in serious pathologies. The same applies to the intrauterine device: its installation must be carried out in appropriate conditions and in compliance with the technique of inserting the device into the uterus.

Reception frequency

The difference between emergency contraceptive pills and conventional contraceptives is that the dosage is biologically increased by several times active ingredients: preparations for routine use contain significantly less hormones. In this regard, this technique for preventing conception should be used no more often than once every 4-6 months. At regular intake tablets is broken hormonal balance. In some cases too frequent use Emergency contraception techniques can lead to infertility.

As for the technique of using intrauterine devices, the frequency of installation and removal of contraceptive devices depends on their model and the desire of the patient. On average, spirals can provide effective protection from conception for 5-8 years.

Side effects

The list of possible negative consequences depends on the types and methods of emergency contraception, correct selection technology and strict adherence to specialist recommendations. Main side effects that may cause use various techniques emergency pregnancy prevention, the following:

  • from the reproductive system: pain, the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge, disturbance in the duration of the cycle and the intensity of bleeding;
  • from the outside nervous system: mood swings, dizziness;
  • from the outside gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • from the outside circulatory system: bleeding, thrombosis.

After some methods of hormonal contraception, you may experience allergic reactions in the form of rashes, swelling, itching.


If the emergency pregnancy prevention technique is used only in extreme cases and no more than once every few months, Negative consequences contraception will be temporary. With uncontrolled independent use of medications containing hormones, the consequences can be quite serious: from persistent cycle disruption to the development of pathologies of the reproductive system and irreversible infertility. Young girls and mature women should be especially careful when choosing a technique, since their risk of developing negative consequences is much higher.

Any girl or woman reproductive age may face the need to take emergency measures to prevent unplanned conception. In such cases, most optimal solution the situation will be the use of emergency contraception or techniques. Before choosing a contraceptive method, you should always consult your doctor and follow all his recommendations in the future. Self-use of medications and failure to follow the accompanying instructions may not only be ineffective, but also harm your health. It should be remembered that the use of any urgent contraception technique is stressful for the body and entails numerous negative consequences. It should only be used in in case of emergency and only as directed by a qualified specialist.

In a woman's life, unprotected intimacy occurs, after which emergency contraception is necessary to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. IN gynecological practice apply pills against unwanted pregnancy, folk remedies similar action, spirals.

Many women know about these methods, but not everyone knows how to take them correctly. Most women are sure that emergency birth control pills , are a panacea for unwanted pregnancy. The use of these remedies is obvious, but so is the harm. Therefore, when using them, it is worth assessing the pros and cons of the action, assessing the degree of risk and providing possible dangerous consequences.

Indications for emergency contraception

For about thirty years, emergency contraception methods have been studied by doctors, many of them have proven their effectiveness and their tolerability by women. Their gynecologists recommended after sexual intercourse, the consequences of which can lead to unwanted pregnancy, namely the following situations:

  • there was no planned protection;
  • there has been a shift in barrier contraceptive devices;
  • the condom broke;
  • oral contraceptives have not been taken for at least two days;
  • injection long term action not taken;
  • the spermicidal tablet did not have time to dissolve;
  • ejaculation (during interruption of sexual intercourse) partially occurred in the vagina;
  • incorrect definition of the "safe" period, if used calendar method protection;
  • rape occurred.

Types of emergency contraception

If a woman does not plan pregnancy and childbirth, she should know types of emergency contraception. These include:

  • intrauterine devices;
  • traditional methods;
  • hormonal drugs, tablets.

Timely emergency postcoital contraception will help avoid fertilization of the egg. It is enough to have an idea about the features of each possible options protection and be able to use them.

Intrauterine devices

There are reliable methods of contraception that are not medicinal. You can protect a woman from pregnancy that she does not plan with the help. This procedure is performed by a doctor within 5 days after intimacy, during which there were no means of protection.

The mechanical device provides a protective effect of 99%. IUD for emergency contraception used for women with children, victims of rape, girls adolescence.

Traditional methods

An alternative to traditional (medical) methods are folk remedies for emergency contraception. It is worth noting that they do not provide a guaranteed result. They are used when no way to use it medications .

The most effective among " grandma's recipes"are considered:

  • Douching using a weak solution of fresh lemon juice. To do this, mix 200 ml of water with the juice of one large lemon and wash the vagina. To avoid disruption of the microflora, after douching, the mucous membranes must be thoroughly rinsed.
  • Douching is very weak solution potassium permanganate. The protective effect of this procedure is about 60%, but this method must be used extremely carefully. If the concentration of the solution is incorrect, it can only cause harm. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1:18. After douching, the genitals should be washed using mild soap. intimate hygiene.
  • A slice of peeled lemon inserted into the vagina immediately after intimacy is a dangerous but effective method. Under the influence of acid, emergency contraception will occur in a few seconds. Next, the pulp is removed, the genitals need to be washed warm water with soap.
  • TO in dangerous ways protection involves inserting a small piece into the vagina laundry soap. After 15-20 seconds it is removed, the mucous membranes must be rinsed well. After this, it is advisable to treat them with a special moisturizer.
  • For immediate protection, use an aspirin tablet. The effectiveness of its protection is about 60%.

All of the above methods of emergency intervention have a certain effect only within 5-7 minutes after intercourse. They violate acid-base balance in the vagina, which has a detrimental effect on sperm, they lose the ability to fertilize.

The same destructive effect traditional methods also have an effect on the mucous membranes of the female genital organs. You can use them extremely rarely, and do not combine them for protection purposes. After using them, you need to contact your gynecologist and talk about contraception performed in a similar way.

Emergency contraception using hormonal pills

Emergency contraception is effective with the help of hormonal drugs. They contain hormones that have a suppressive effect on the maturation of the egg, inhibit the penetration of the fertilized egg into the uterus, and reject it from the uterus, disrupting the implantation process.

Valid hormonal pills differently. They cannot be used constantly; these are emergency contraceptive drugs.

If there is a risk of becoming pregnant after sexual intercourse, it is important take the pills right away after him. Their effectiveness in the first hours of admission is 94%, by the end of the third day the probability of protecting everything 57% . When resorting to emergency contraception using pills, you need to take into account the rules of administration and possible contraindications.

Applying hormonal remedies at home, You need to know that there are drug options:

  • Only 1 tablet is needed to protect against possible pregnancy;
  • The drug is required to be taken according to the regimen for 3 days, up to 6 tablets.

The choice of emergency contraceptive measures depends on the length of time after the act.

All contraceptive pills after an act that may have consequences must be taken strictly according to the instructions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and possible complications.

Taking a hormonal contraceptive during the day

Exist medications which will provide reliable protection, if taken immediately after intimacy or within twelve hours after it. List of names of such drugs:

  • Ovidon – 2 tablets;
  • Non-Ovlon – 2 tablets;
  • Ministison – 3 tablets;
  • Rigevidon – 3 tablets;
  • Marvelon – 4 tablets.

Reliably protect tablets that contain an artificial analogue of progesterone - levonorgestrel. This medicines Eskinor F, Escapelle, Postinor. The action of these drugs is based on decreased egg activity after ovulation,reducing the speed of movement of the fallopian tubes.

The egg cell under the influence of these hormonal contraceptives dies before reaching the uterine cavity. Even if the egg has penetrated the uterus, the mucous membrane is rejected and it is not able to implant.

Protection after the act for 72 hours

This group includes combined oral medications, which contain a high concentration of hormones (estrogen, gestagen). They should be used according to the schedule in a certain dosage. They cause the endometrium to slough and cause bleeding.

Non-hormonal pills as a means of protection

Emergency contraception is possible using the latest drugs that do not contain hormones. As active substance Mifepristone is used. These drugs are: Zhenale, Mifolian, Mifetin, Ginepristone.

Their action is based on changing the inner lining of the uterus and increasing its contractile activity. As a result of these processes, the fertilized egg is unable to implant and is rejected. It is enough to drink one contraceptive capsule at any phase of the cycle.

Emergency contraception during lactation

After childbirth female reproductive system does not recover immediately. With the onset of lactation, she works in a special mode; contraception during lactation is difficult due to the absence of menstruation. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, which is not uncommon during breastfeeding, emergency contraception methods are used.

A reliable method of contraception when breastfeeding is insertion of an intrauterine device. There is no need to stop feeding the newborn for this. It is important to install a contraceptive no later than the fifth day after unprotected sex; it will continue to protect the woman in the future.

When breastfeeding can be used hormonal agents for contraception after intercourse, but in this case you should adhere to strict rules:

  • after taking the first protective tablet, feeding stops for 36 hours;
  • in order not to disrupt the lactation process during a forced break, breast milk should be expressed and the baby should be fed with recommended milk formulas;
  • You can start feeding only 36 hours after taking the last hormonal pill.

Names of drugs prescribed to breastfeeding women:

  • Postinor, Escapel (contain gestagens - analogues of progesterone);
  • Mifegin, Mifepristone, Agesta, Zhenale (contain antigestagens - substances that block the production of progesterone).

Very popular during breastfeeding Escapelle, as it is taken once within 72-96 hours after sexual intercourse has occurred.

Of the antigestagenic drugs, preference is often given to Zhenale, Ageste, and Ginepristone. The concentration of the active substance is only 10 mg in one tablet. This amount is quite sufficient for emergency protection, and unfavorable adverse reactions occurs much less.

Regular birth control pills are not suitable for emergency contraception

Despite the fact that today hormonal contraception is the most effective method protection, action regular birth control pills and the means for “fire” contraception are different. Although both are developed on the basis of hormones.

Conventional birth control pills are selected individually and are used by a woman every day throughout her menstrual cycle. Their action is aimed at suppressing the ovulation process, changing the uterine mucosa, thickening cervical mucus. When asked whether regular birth control pills will help after intercourse, the answer is clear - no, if the woman has not taken them before.

Emergency contraception using hormonal drugs taken immediately after unprotected sex once, according to the instructions for the drug. The effect of such contraceptives based on egg rejection decreased peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, changes in the endothelium.

The dangers of emergency contraception

Emergency contraception is best used only in cases of extreme necessity; the consequences of such protection may become irreversible:

These drugs have many side effects:

  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • severe headaches;
  • painful sensations lower abdomen;
  • increased emotionality;
  • allergic reactions.

Modern medicine helps a woman plan a pregnancy. In case of unforeseen situations, you should not trust advice; only a specialist will suggest the most effective and maximum safe way prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Emergency (urgent) postcoital contraception is carried out after unprotected sexual intercourse (within 1-3 days) to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Usually used for emergency contraception hormonal method(antigestagens, gestatens) or intrauterine contraception(introduction intrauterine device).

Emergency contraception is used if:

  • rape has been committed;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse occurred;
  • interrupted sexual intercourse was performed incorrectly;
  • the condom broke during sexual intercourse;
  • other similar situations.

Hormonal method

Attention! Before using the drug, carefully read the instructions for use. It should be remembered that when large quantities sexual intercourse, the effectiveness of the drug decreases.

1) Antigestagenic drugs

  • Gynepristone or Agest - a modern hormonal postcoital drug. Compared to Postinor, it is almost harmless. Used within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

2) Progestin drugs

  • Escapelle is an exclusive new means for emergency contraception. Recommended for use within 96 hours after unprotected sex. The earlier the pill is taken, the more effective it is.
  • Mifegin (Mifepristone) - modern drug, with the help of which medical (non-surgical) termination of pregnancy is performed for a period from the first day of missed menstruation to 8 weeks. To carry out this procedure, you must contact a gynecologist licensed to use the drug.
  • Postinor - hormonal drug for emergency contraception from the “last century”. The earlier the pill was taken, the more pronounced the contraceptive effect. Postinor contains a very high dose of the hormone levonorgestrel, which has a very noticeable impact on the ovaries. Therefore, after using the drug menstrual cycle may be violated. This drug should not be used more than 2 times a year and should not be considered as one of the possible contraceptives! This especially applies to young women under 18 years of age whose hormonal balance has not yet been established. .

After taking emergency contraception:

  • your next period may start earlier or later than usual;
  • menstrual flow may be more abundant, in which case you should consult a doctor;
  • be sure to consult a gynecologist before the start of your next menstruation to be examined for sexually transmitted infections; at the appointment, tell them that you used emergency contraception;
  • if three weeks after taking emergency contraception you have not started menstruation or have signs of pregnancy, immediately visit a gynecologist;
  • if pain occurs in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a gynecologist;
  • Before the next menstruation, it is necessary to use barrier methods (condom).


  • thromboembolism and uterine bleeding in the past;
  • severe liver diseases;
  • severe attack of headache (migraine);
  • age over 35 years;
  • long smoking history.

Possible side effects of hormonal emergency contraception:

  • headache;

    pain in the mammary glands;

    stomach ache;

    various menstrual cycle disorders;


Side effects of emergency contraception usually decrease or disappear completely within two days.

Due to the possible damaging (teratogenic) effect of hormones on the fetus, medical abortion is recommended if emergency contraception fails and pregnancy occurs.

Intrauterine contraception

Intrauterine emergency contraception involves the insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD) in the first 5-7 days after unprotected intercourse, which prevents implantation of an already fertilized egg.

The method is somewhat more effective than the hormonal emergency contraception method, however, when using it, it should be taken into account individual characteristics woman, her desire to continue to use this particular method of protection against unwanted pregnancy for a long time, as well as all possible contraindications to the insertion of intrauterine devices.

Emergency insertion of intrauterine devices is not recommended for young people nulliparous women, and also when large number sexual contacts and partners, during casual sexual intercourse. If a woman wants to put intrauterine device, but in the past I was often sick inflammatory diseases genital organs, you need to use antibiotics immediately before inserting the intrauterine device and in the next 5 days.

It often happens that sexual intercourse occurs unplanned, when neither the boy nor the girl has any contraceptives with them. Or, for example, the “barrier” method does not work, that is, the condom breaks. What to do in this situation? You can't rely on chance. Action must be taken immediately. It is best to go to the gynecologist the next morning after unprotected intercourse to decide on emergency contraception.

"Pills after intercourse" are primarily intended to prevent pregnancy as a result of unprotected intimacy and includes various methods and drugs. The essence of emergency contraception is to prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus and starting to develop.


* You did not use any contraceptives;
* Interrupted sexual intercourse;
* The condom broke;
*You didn't do it on time contraceptive injection;
*missed one or more birth control pills or started late new packaging;
*You were forced into sexual intercourse.

Emergency contraception -
a chance to prevent unwanted pregnancy without abortion!

*For how long is it applicable?
Emergency contraceptive pills can prevent pregnancy within the first 72-96 hours.

* What is their composition?
These drugs contain estrogen, a hormone corpus luteum or a combination thereof. However, due to the need for quick and successful assistance, these drugs for immediate protection against pregnancy contain large quantity hormone compared to daily dose contraceptive pills used in last years for regular use.

* How do they work?
Depending on when such a contraceptive drug is used, it affects the rupture of follicles, prevents conception and/or implantation of the egg. Emergency contraception does not affect the already implanted fertilized egg and, therefore, the development of intrauterine pregnancy.

* How effective are emergency birth control pills?
They are very effective in emergency situations, although 100% protection cannot be achieved. After a single sexual intercourse with correct use With these drugs, pregnancy develops in 2 out of 100 women.

* Are there any contraindications to their use?
Due to the fact that they are used for prevention purposes possible abortion or surgical intervention, absolute contraindications is not available for their use. If you need to use them, you should always consult a doctor!

* How to use emergency contraceptive pills?
The drug should be taken within the first 72 hours after sexual intercourse. The drug is taken twice with an interval of 12 hours. It is advisable to take the first dose at a time so that the second dose is taken during the daytime. You cannot delay taking it, as this reduces effectiveness.

* Which side effects may occur?
Most often, nausea or vomiting occurs. Less common are headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue or a feeling of tension in the mammary glands; these phenomena usually disappear within 24 hours. In the days following taking the drug, bleeding may occur, in most cases of a spotting nature.

* Do they affect the timing of menstruation?
In most cases, your period comes at the expected time after using emergency contraception, sometimes a few days earlier or later. If the delay exceeds a week, pregnancy is suspected and a doctor's consultation is required.

What emergency contraceptive medications are available?

Disadvantages of pills after the act

“Firefighter” contraception is completely useless if the process of implantation of the egg in the uterus has already taken place. Therefore, effectiveness can only be observed if the drug is taken within 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

The best emergency contraception

Mifepristone. This drug is not hormonal. Its action is aimed at suppressing female hormone at the level of receptors in the uterus and to increase the contraction of its muscles. Mifepristone (Ginepristone, Genale) is by far the best and most effective means emergency contraception. It blocks the egg so that it cannot enter the uterine lining and also stimulates its rejection. Mifepristone should only be used after consulting a doctor.

Birth control pills after intercourse do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. If you suspect that you have been exposed to an STI, you should contact your doctor immediately. “Pills after intercourse” do not affect an existing pregnancy and cannot cause its artificial termination!


Name Price, rub
"Firefighter" contraception (mifepristone + doctor's appointment) 3 500