Emergency contraceptive pills. When can you have sex after using Postinor? How does emergency contraception work?

Modern contraceptive methods are 100% effective in most cases. But for this they need to be used before sexual intercourse. For example, it is useless to use a contraceptive suppository if penetrative sexual intercourse has just happened or 2 hours ago. If contraception is not used in a timely manner, pregnancy may occur. But there are medications that help avoid unwanted conception.

Emergency contraception

Emergency contraceptives will help you avoid getting pregnant, but they will not protect you from various sexually transmitted diseases. So, if your condom breaks during intercourse and your partner is not permanent, then it is better to take the necessary tests after 1-3 months to make sure there are no diseases.

The cost of drugs in this category is low. Depending on the composition and manufacturer, you can purchase an emergency contraceptive for 300–500 rubles. Of course, there are also expensive analogues.

WHO does not recommend taking such pills due to the fact that the products contain a large amount of hormones and cause a devastating blow to women's health. After taking the pill, you may notice that your menstrual cycle has shifted or your periods are absent for several months.

That is why emergency medications can be taken no more than 1-2 times a year. You should not go for a pill in case of a false alarm, when you just think that something went wrong during
time for sex.

You can take emergency contraceptives if you have had unprotected sex, in these cases:

  • when the condom was torn during contact;
  • if before the start of intercourse you forgot to take a contraceptive pill or missed taking it within 24 hours;
  • if you forgot to put a contraceptive suppository before sexual intercourse;
  • sexual violence.

Rules of application

All contraceptives are taken within 72 hours after sexual intercourse. If you do not meet the deadline within 72 hours, then birth control will be useless. It is worth visiting a gynecologist and an ultrasound room to plan subsequent actions.

Within 5 days, you can ask your doctor to insert an intrauterine device, which will prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. But here, too, it is necessary to act promptly, and if you do not want to take pills, immediately contact a gynecologist so that the IUD can be installed as quickly as possible.

Read the instructions before taking emergency contraceptive pills. Some medications and gastrointestinal diseases may reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive. A list of them can be found in the instructions.

The drug "Postinor"

The drug contains the substance levonorgestrel, which is a hormone. 1 tablet of Postinor contains about 750 mg.

"Postinor" is taken twice:

  • take the first dose of the medicine within 3 days after unprotected sex;
  • The second dose should be taken 12 hours after the first.

“Postinor” is the most famous drug today that prevents the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.

If the fear of getting pregnant is too great, then try to take the pill as early as possible. Every day its effectiveness decreases, and after three days it is useless to take the medicine, it simply will not help. Ideally, Postinor is taken 2-3 hours after unprotected sex.

Daily efficiency statistics:

  • on the first day – 95%;
  • on the second day – 85%;
  • on the third day – only 50-58%.

Side effects

After taking the pill, you will still have to do a test, donate blood for hCG, and go for an ultrasound. It is worth remembering that everyone has different body characteristics. If the medicine helped your friend, this does not mean that it will have the same effect on you. Even if your period arrives on the exact day, this does not guarantee that the emergency pill has worked.

Typically, after taking Postinor, women experience various adverse reactions:

  • failure of menstruation: absence, early or, conversely, late onset;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands and pain in them;
  • rapid breathing;
  • nausea, headaches, weakness;
  • bloody brown discharge;
  • apathy, emotional decline.

If the drug does not help, you need to urgently go to the doctor - the pills increase the risk of developing pregnancy outside the uterus. Therefore, be sure to make sure that the fetus is in the uterus and not in one of the tubes.

If pregnancy occurs, do not worry, the hormonal drug does not harm the development of the child. If there are no contraindications, then there is no need to artificially interrupt it.

The drug "Escapelle"

This drug contains the same hormone as Postinor and has the same effect. But the dosage of the hormone is 4.5 times lower and is only 150 mg, and the contraceptive is taken 1 time.

The highest effectiveness of the tablet is in the first 24 hours after the act. If you take it later, the result decreases by 50% every day.

The side effects of the drug are stronger than those of Postinor. You may feel nauseous in the first 5 hours. If you vomit during this period, you need to take the medicine again. In the following days, you may also notice that your menstrual cycle is interrupted and red spots appear on your underwear. Breast sensitivity will increase, and nausea may not leave you for another 3 days.

This remedy also does not affect the development of the child, and if pregnancy has occurred and is proceeding normally, you can safely give birth.

Duration of action of drugs

Any contraceptive drug acts as a one-time contraception. Those. one unprotected sex - one dose of Postinor or Escapella to avoid getting pregnant. After taking it, you need to contact your doctor so that he can adjust the further course of taking standard birth control pills.

If you use other types of contraception (condoms, suppositories, vaginal pills), then continue to use them immediately before sexual intercourse according to the instructions.

Other emergency contraceptives

If Postinor and Escapelle consist of levonorgestrel, then the other group of emergency contraceptives does not contain hormones. The active substance in their composition is called mifepristone. These are the drugs “Zhenale” and “Ginepristone” (consonant with the active substance from the composition).

This is a new generation of contraception. Taking these pills after an unprotected act, you will not feel any changes in your body: there is no nausea, cycle disruption, red discharge or pain in the chest.

But the active substance in these drugs also prevents the attachment of a fertilized egg, and pregnancy does not occur.

Admission rules

The regimen for taking these drugs is identical to Escapelle. You need to have time to take 1 tablet within 72 hours, so the sooner you take it, the more likely a positive result is. Studies have shown that the Zhenale tablet, taken in the first 12 hours, prevents pregnancy in 95% of cases.

Any of the drugs containing mifepristone should be taken between meals - 2 hours after meals, and you should not eat anything for another 2 hours. The effect of the drug is reduced by painkillers and immunity-boosting drugs, such as Analgin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, etc.

Unfortunately, this group of drugs has not been fully studied and it is impossible to predict how taking such a pill will affect the baby’s development if the medicine does not help. Therefore, doctors recommend preventing pregnancy in another way.

Psychological aspects

Very often, after unprotected sexual intercourse, a girl begins to worry about her health. This is natural, but don't worry too much: taking the emergency pill is not an abortion, but a natural precaution. Of course, we need to thank modern medicine for relatively safe drugs, because 50–60 years ago a woman was forced to use a douche.

A single dose of a pill will not affect the subsequent conception of a child, but you should not abuse these medications.

Don’t worry about the occurrence of such situations: every woman experiences such force majeure 3-7 times in her life.

Young girls may be embarrassed to go to the pharmacy and ask for such a drug. They can turn to their mother, a friend or their boyfriend. If he takes the situation into his own hands, then you can be convinced of his reliability. If not, solve the current problem by consulting with closer people.

Unprotected sex can happen in the lives of many, but here we are not talking about diseases that can be “caught,” but about an unplanned pregnancy, when a child is not included in the plans of both partners and panic begins. The first thing to do is to calm down for both, because there are no hopeless situations, and pharmacology suggests the use of birth control pills, which must be taken immediately after the act for 24 hours. They will help avoid unwanted consequences.

Modern drugs created to prevent unwanted pregnancy after unprotected copulation are popular. Some of the most famous remedies:

  • Mifepristone.

It is a mistake to believe that drugs will be an ideal opportunity to have unprotected sex. These are hormonal products for one-time use. They affect the woman's body. Gynecologists say that the maximum allowable intake is two capsules per year. Taking pills by a partner will not affect men's health in any way, but it can cause a critical blow to a woman. To be more precise, not to the entire body, but to the organs responsible for procreation. Medicines are not kept in home cabinets, as they are available at any pharmacy.

Hormonal anti-pregnancy drugs block the process of ovulation and egg implantation. The female body is subject to severe hormonal disruption, so it is better to forget about planning a pregnancy for the next six months. Information is important for both partners if they dream of becoming parents of a healthy baby in the future.

The harm of “emergency” contraceptives

Partners who have had unprotected sexual intercourse together resort to solving the problem without contacting doctors, on their own, fearing that the woman has become pregnant. The best option would be to contact a gynecologist to save yourself from the need to use harmful chemical components of drugs. When the decision not to see a doctor is deliberate and unchangeable, the couple needs to carefully read the instructions for the drug and find out about the side effects. It should be remembered that there are no harmless drugs in this category.

A woman’s body is exposed to negative effects and even danger. There are several reasons:

  • Taking birth control can lead to ectopic pregnancy;
  • The use of the drug often causes bleeding from the uterus;
  • After using a contraceptive, the likelihood of successful conception decreases sharply.

Contraceptive pills and other express methods are harmful and dangerous for young girls who have not given birth. The price to pay for intercourse without the use of contraceptives is infertility. Before taking the pills, the couple should jointly think through and weigh all the pros and cons, and a trip to the gynecologist will allow you to choose the formulations that cause the least harm, without greatly shaking the female hormonal system.

The list consists of popular drugs, where Postinor is the most powerful. The effect is comparable to hitting the female reproductive organs with a heavy object. It is known that taking the drug will prevent pregnancy by 95%, but will put the subsequent one into question. In addition, the remaining 5% leaves a chance for conception, but how will the pregnancy proceed, what abnormalities may appear in the embryo after a strong hormonal shock. Statistics say that cases where the drug does not help are resolved by doctors suggesting an abortion, since complications are likely for both the mother and the child.

Both grandmothers and mothers, all those who lived in the 1980s of the last century, know about the drug. But not everyone knows what price they will have to pay. The product consists of a mini-course, taken over three days, and each package contains two tablets.

Contraception is not suitable for all women, but if you want to use it, it is important to know the date of your last menstrual period. In case of menstrual irregularities, delays, or other problems associated with menstruation, postinor should be abandoned. Doctors say that after taking it, heavy, prolonged bleeding will appear.

The tablets are not intended for women who have problems and complications associated with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, or those suffering from diabetes. Admission to young people under 16 years of age, as well as to those who have not given birth, is strictly prohibited.

Contraception is dangerous for those who are sick:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Thrombosis;
  • or other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Botkin's disease;
  • Has problems with high blood pressure;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart.

The product is intended for women who do not have health problems, but taking pills can seriously undermine it. The consequences of taking are manifested:

  • In violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • The occurrence of vomiting and nausea;
  • Headaches;
  • Development of ectopic pregnancy;
  • Bleeding from the vagina;
  • Infertility;
  • Sudden fainting, itching, swelling, rash;
  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen;

A drug used in a medical clinic to prevent unwanted pregnancy and abortion when the period does not exceed six weeks. Contraceptive pills are not sold in pharmacy chains; they are distributed and sold exclusively with a doctor’s prescription. It is used only in clinical settings so that the doctor can observe and control the process.

Contraindications include problems with the liver and kidneys in women. It is necessary to notify the medical professional about smoking or drinking alcohol if the patient often indulges in bad habits. The doctor should know that if a woman uses, taking the drug with her is unacceptable. After three weeks, the woman needs to have an ultrasound to make sure there is no pregnancy; if there is one, an abortion is performed. A child cannot be born full-fledged and healthy if the person has taken agesta.

Side effects are expressed:

  • In nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Bleeding;
  • Fainting;
  • In menstrual cycle disorders.

The contraceptive, which must be taken within 24 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse, contains levonorgestrel, an ingredient that prevents pregnancy.

  • Menstruation irregularities;
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Apathy, headache.

Tablets that prevent a woman’s body from unwanted pregnancy after intercourse without protection, containing the substance mifepristone, are a synthetic steroid drug.

The active substances block the effects of progesterone, the pregnancy hormone. Within a couple of hours, an environment appears in the uterine area that is negative in relation to the fertilization process. The drug is highly effective.

Side effects:

  • In skin rash, itching;
  • Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Increased temperature, irregular periods;
  • The appearance of bleeding.

Taking birth control on the first day may not lead to side effects, which cannot be said about using it at a later date. If uterine bleeding occurs, you will need to seek immediate medical attention.


The contraceptive is a means of medical abortion. It is acceptable to use contraception during the first 24 hours after sexual intercourse without protective equipment. When it turns out that pregnancy has occurred, mifepristone is used to terminate it.

Prescribing the drug during this period excludes independent use; you must consult a doctor. The uterus will acquire tone, accompanied by contractile myometrium, which will lead to miscarriage. The fertilized egg will be destroyed due to the effects of a drug that blocks progesterone. There is a large list of contraindications:

  • Excluded in case of renal failure;
  • For diabetes mellitus;
  • Suspicion of ectopic pregnancy;
  • In inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • Anemia, bronchial asthma;
  • Infections, bad habits.

For two days after using the product, the woman remains under the supervision of a doctor, and after 14 days she returns to the clinic for an additional health check. The drug is dangerous, sometimes it does not have the desired effect, and an abortion will be required. The side effects of the early stages and time after an abortion with the use of medication are identical.

Birth control pills taken after sexual intercourse are also called SOS contraception or rapid abortion. Among professionals, this method is usually called medical or medicinal termination of pregnancy.

These drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. This availability, coupled with quick action and ease of use, makes birth control pills after sexual intercourse popular among girls. But is it worth drinking them without a doctor’s recommendation, are they safe? Let's find out...

The principle of action of the contraceptive drug is based on the artificial stimulation of menstruation in a woman. After unprotected sexual intercourse, the girl must take a pill according to the instructions (Postinor and Ovidon are taken two tablets within 72 hours after sex, Rigevidon, Diana-35 and Silest are taken three tablets each).

In fact, all of these contraceptives are steroids, that is, the main component in the composition is a concentrated hormone. Once in a woman’s body, the hormone starts the process of menstruation, as a result of which uterine contractions occur and the fertilized egg is washed out of the cavity. The production of progesterone, the female hormone responsible for the preservation and development of the embryo, is also blocked.

Benefits and Lurking Dangers

Of course, it is better not to let the situation get to the point where you have to use any method of terminating the pregnancy. However, if unprotected sex does occur, then taking a birth control pill is the best option. By at least, this type of contraception is safer than surgical abortion, and here's why:

  • After taking the SOS contraceptive pill correctly, complications occur less frequently than with other methods of terminating a pregnancy.
  • Recovery occurs quickly (faster than after a surgical abortion).
  • The medical abortion procedure does not require the woman to be hospitalized.
  • One course does not cause major changes in the functioning of the hormonal system.

Although instant birth control pills are considered safer than surgical abortion, they are still not completely harmless. Birth control medications interfere with the body's natural functioning and cause stress. In addition, they do not provide a 100% guarantee that a fertilized egg will be released from the uterus. This is why you should go to the doctor after taking the pill - it is important to make sure that the drug worked correctly.

It is worth remembering the contraindications to taking pills. This method of contraception should not be taken:

  1. People with allergies to components (before taking, study the composition!).
  2. Women with chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.
  3. During pregnancy at a later stage than indicated in the instructions.
  4. For various inflammatory, tumor, cystic processes.
  5. In case of disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system, especially in cases of problems with blood clotting.

Overview of common tools

Birth control pills taken after sexual intercourse are of two types - with moderate and increased concentrations of the hormone. The first group of contraceptives includes the previously mentioned Postinor, Ovidon, Rigevidon, Silest. They can be found widely sold. They are taken within 70–72 hours after unprotected sex.

If more time has passed after sexual intercourse, then taking the listed contraceptive pills is useless. For a period of 1 to 6 weeks, you can take stronger drugs, for example Mifepristone (the drug also has other names - Mifegin, Mifolian). This is a powerful remedy, which is why it is prescribed by a doctor.

There are many pills for urgent termination of pregnancy in the earliest stages. However, they are all similar. Their main difference, as a rule, is the concentration of the hormone. Here is a brief overview of the most common drugs:

  • Postinor.
  1. Composition: 0.75 mg levonorgestrel.
  2. Form: the package contains a blister with two contraceptive pills.
  3. Application: 1 tablet within 72 hours after unprotected sex and another one 12 hours after taking the first one.
  4. Price: 350–390 rub.
  • Ovidon (other name: Non-Ovlon).
  1. Manufacturer: Gedeon Richter, Hungary.
  2. Composition: levonorgestrel 0.25 mg + ethinyl estradiol 0.05 mg.
  3. Application: immediately within 12 hours after sexual intercourse, you must take the first dose of 2 tablets, repeat after 12 hours.
  4. Price: from 450–510 rubles per package.
  • Gynepristone.
  1. Manufacturer: JSC "Obninsk Chemical and Pharmaceutical Company", Russia.
  2. Composition: mifepristone 0.01 g.
  3. Form: the package contains a blister with 1 contraceptive pill.
  4. Application: take 1 tablet within 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.
  5. Price: 360–390 rub.

  • Rigevidon.
  1. Composition: ethinyl estradiol 0.03 mg and levonorgestrel 0.15 mg.
  2. Application: two doses of three tablets within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.
  3. Price: from 230 rub.
  • Escapelle.
  1. Manufacturer: Gedeon Richter, Hungary.
  2. Composition: levonorgestrel 1.5 mg.
  3. Form: one tablet per package.
  4. Application: Take one piece at a time. within 72 hours after sexual intercourse.
  5. Price: from 410 rub.

Don't forget to visit the doctor

To minimize the danger of drugs for quick abortion, you should definitely see a doctor within two weeks after the mini-abortion, even if you feel well and there is no reason to worry. Only a doctor can determine whether everything went as it should. The fact is that abortion pills do not give a 100% result - there is a small chance that, despite the induced menstruation, the pregnancy will still continue to develop or the fertilized egg will not be fully released and part of it will remain in the uterus and provoke inflammation.

It is worth remembering that birth control pills taken after sexual intercourse are an emergency remedy. It is not suitable as a permanent method of contraception. It should not be taken more than once every six months. If you take the drug more often, a hormonal imbalance will occur, which can subsequently become the main cause of problems with conceiving and bearing a child.

Remember the time

One more thing: the sooner the pill is taken, the more likely it is that it will work. Although the packaging says that you should drink it within 72 hours after unprotected sex, you shouldn’t wait too long. It is better to take the remedy not the next day, but immediately after sexual intercourse. During the first two hours, the probability of complete washing out of the fertilized cell is 94%. After 3–12 hours the probability drops to 84%. After 24–48 hours – up to 80%. After 48–72 hours – up to 58%.

Let's summarize: terminating a pregnancy with pills in the first days after sexual intercourse is the safest of all permitted types of abortion. However, it is not at all harmless, as many girls think, and you should not use it often. It is better not to let the situation come to this and take care of a suitable means of contraception before having sexual intercourse.

Pregnancy is simply wonderful. But there is one BUT! It is wonderful when it is long-awaited and desired, and not spontaneous, extramarital and early. When, in a fit of passion, you lose your head, forgetting about contraception, they come to the rescue after unprotected sex.

Thanks to the development of pharmacology and medicine, such products are not uncommon; they are sold in any pharmacy, are available without a doctor’s prescription, and most importantly, no surgery is required. KHOCHU.ua will tell you which pills to take after sex, their benefits, side effects and contraindications.


If the pill is taken within 24 hours, the risk of getting pregnant is minimized to 5%, if within 25-48 hours, the percentage increases to 15, and if within 49-72 hours, you can get pregnant with a 40% chance.


Abortion pills are absolutely safe if you have no contraindications for taking them. They do not injure the uterine mucosa, which minimizes the risk of infertility in the future.

Never take pregnancy pills in the following cases:

  • Ectopic pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  • Renal and adrenal failure;
  • Long-term use of corticosteroid drugs;
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Diabetes mellitus in the last stages;
  • History of thrombosis.

Despite the safety of a medical abortion compared to a surgical one, there may be complications after it, because each body reacts differently to interference in its “life”. Among the complications are the following:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea;
  • In the first cycle after taking the pills, there may be no periods;
  • Aching and cramping;
  • , dizziness;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Allergy;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Chills, weakness;
  • Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Profuse uterine bleeding.


There is a myth that most girls have gotten into their heads and they just don’t want to get it out of their heads. Unprotected does not lead to pregnancy. But this is not true. It is possible to get pregnant, especially if a woman has a short cycle.

And there is another myth according to which discharge after unprotected sex is mistaken for sperm leaking from the vagina. But this is not always true. Sometimes just one drop of seminal fluid is enough to fertilize an egg. And the white liquid that leaks out is not always sperm - it can be vaginal lubrication or a symptom of an infectious disease. So you need to take the pregnancy pill anyway.


There are many, they vary in price and effectiveness. We chose the most popular and effective.

Escapelle- a modern gestagenic postcoital contraceptive with less pronounced side effects than Postinor. Taking Escapel is effective within 96 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, but the rule “the sooner the better” is not canceled.

Genale- one of the most common and effective modern antigestagenic drugs. Not suitable if you are already pregnant and need a full-fledged abortion. The pill should be taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Pencrofton- used when it is necessary to get rid of a child in the early stages of pregnancy. The main active ingredient is mifepristone. Suitable for use by nulliparous women, does not cause infertility.

Mifegin- the safest and most reliable drug for abortion. Efficiency - 100%. Can be used up to 8 weeks of pregnancy, prescribed only by a gynecologist after all the necessary tests and examinations. The drug is not commercially available and is available only with a prescription.

Mifeprex- a synthetic steroid antigestagenic drug suitable for termination of pregnancy in very early stages (up to 42 days). The drug is well tolerated, causes virtually no side effects and guarantees 98% results. After taking Mifeprex, a woman may experience some spotting for a while.

“Emergency” protection from fertilization of the egg is resorted to to prevent pregnancy. Emergency contraception is a list of methods and means used after unprotected intimacy between a man and a woman. Methods include medicinal and mechanical. Emergency medication is effective for 72 hours after sexual intercourse. Intrauterine devices can prevent fertilization for 120 hours. Despite their effectiveness, the solutions cause damage to the woman’s body, and their constant use is contraindicated.

When is emergency contraception needed?

For any woman, an unplanned pregnancy is a serious stress. Intimacy is not always associated with long-term relationships, so in some cases it’s better right away. The circumstances in which a woman may find herself “in a position” that was not planned can hardly be called ordinary, but it still happens. Below is a list of cases after which emergency contraception is required:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • rape;
  • improper use of regular contraception when ejaculation occurs during vaginal sex;
  • unsuccessful use of regular contraceptives.

The last point may include any of the following cases:

  • ruptures of barrier contraceptives;
  • skipping contraceptive medications;
  • delayed introduction/displacement or premature removal of the hormonal contraceptive ring;
  • premature removal of the contraceptive transdermal patch;
  • incomplete dissolution of spermicidal agents;
  • premature removal/displacement/breakage/rupture of the contraceptive diaphragm/cap;
  • loss of the contraceptive intrauterine device;
  • interrupted sexual intercourse.

Types of postcoital contraception

Modern medicine knows several ways to effectively and at the same time safely prevent fertilization after unprotected sex. Every sexually mature girl should know the classification of emergency contraception. You need to have a general understanding of each variety. In the following sections we will look at the most reliable methods of getting rid of the possible consequences of unprotected sex.

Hormonal drugs

This category of emergency medicinal contraception is aimed at hormonal suppression of ovulation. Such drugs contain synthetic analogues of female sex hormones that provide protection against fertilization. There are two types of hormonal contraception for emergency use: oral (tablets) and long-acting (injections/injections). Below is a list of the most effective drugs in this category:

  1. Agest. A modern drug that demonstrates high efficiency and does not cause harm to the female body. Taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.
  2. Fasile-Van. A drug that prevents the fertilization of an egg within 72 hours after sexual intercourse without contraception. There are no strict contraindications.
  3. Postinor. A widely used remedy. The sooner a woman takes the pill, the higher the contraceptive effect will be. The maximum interval is 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The drug contains a powerful dose of the hormone levonorgestrel, which provides a high probability of termination of pregnancy, but at the same time causes significant damage to the ovaries. In 90% of cases, the drug disrupts the menstrual cycle. The use of Postinor more than three times a year is strictly contraindicated.
  4. Escapelle. Exclusive pills against unwanted pregnancy based on hormones. The desired effect is achieved within four days after unprotected sex.
  5. Gynepreston. The drug is indicated for use when emergency contraception is necessary. A Ginepreston tablet is taken no later than three days after unprotected coitus.

Intrauterine devices

The only non-drug method of emergency pregnancy prevention is the installation of an intrauterine device. The mechanical device is inserted by a gynecologist within five days after unprotected sex and provides a contraceptive effect in 99% of cases. The disadvantage of this method is the lengthy preparation, which includes undergoing a medical examination (tests, ultrasound, etc.). Emergency insertion of an intrauterine device is contraindicated in women who have given birth, adolescents and victims of rape.

Traditional methods of contraception after unprotected intercourse

Traditional methods of preventing unplanned pregnancy are not the only ones. There are also traditional methods of contraception for women. It’s worth noting right away that none of them can provide a guaranteed effect. If you do not want to risk your future, use medications or an IUD. Grandmother's recipes are used in cases of absolute necessity, when it is not possible to visit a doctor or purchase a contraceptive drug.

Write down more or less effective folk remedies for yourself so as not to be unarmed in an unforeseen situation:

  • Douching with a weak solution of lemon juice and water using an irrigator. Mix 200 ml of boiled water with the juice of one large lemon and thoroughly rinse the vagina with an irrigator. At the end of the emergency contraception procedure, wash the mucous membranes with clean water so that the acid contained in lemon juice does not disturb the vaginal microflora.
  • Emergency douching with a solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure provides a contraceptive effect in 60% of cases, however, if the vagina is not properly treated, it can harm the internal genital organs, so be extremely careful. Make a solution in a ratio of 1:18 and perform the douching procedure. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent that can deprive active sperm of their main function. After washing, perform genital hygiene using gentle soap.

  • Slice of lemon. A dangerous, but at the same time quite effective method of contraception. After completing sexual intercourse, place a peeled medium-sized lemon slice into your vagina. The acid will do its job in a matter of seconds. Remove the pulp and wash the mucous membranes with warm water and soap to prevent disruption of the microflora.
  • Laundry soap. Such contraceptives are extremely dangerous for women, but in some cases, when it is not possible to avoid pregnancy in other ways, you have to take risks. Within 10 minutes after unprotected intercourse, insert a matchbox-sized piece of soap into your vagina. After 15-20 seconds, remove it and immediately rinse the mucous membranes with clean water. To avoid depressing consequences, try to quickly get a moisturizer for the intimate area.
  • Aspirin. Another method of emergency abortion using acid. Its effectiveness is about 50-60%. Like lemon juice, acetylsalicylic acid reduces the activity of sperm, as a result of which they do not reach their main goal - eggs. Do not try to use such contraceptive methods regularly as there may be consequences. Violation of the acid balance of the vagina can lead to serious diseases.

The listed “grandmother’s” means of emergency contraception can provide the desired result if used within 5-7 minutes after unprotected coitus. Combining the described methods is not recommended, as this can cause even more serious complications. If you are forced to resort to one of them, visit your gynecologist as soon as possible and describe in detail everything you have done for contraception.

Side effects and contraindications

When studying the topic of postcoital method of protection against pregnancy, you must clearly understand the main thing: any, even the most effective methods of medical emergency contraception cannot be absolutely harmless. After use medical supplies The following side effects may occur:

  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • heavy menstrual flow;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • drowsy, lethargic state;

Birth control pills after unprotected sex are contraindicated if the following diseases/conditions occur:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • age over 35 years;
  • attacks of headache;
  • many years of smoking experience;
  • severe forms of liver disease.

Find out more ways if it is unwanted.

If you want to protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy after unprotected sex, listen to the advice in the video below. A qualified specialist will tell you how emergency contraceptives work and explain in detail the rules for their use. In addition, your doctor will list the names of the most effective and safe emergency contraceptive medications to make it easier for you to choose the right one.