Types of Pinschers. The Pinscher is a dog known as the "griffin of the stable." List of breeds and description. Intelligence and training

Miniature Pinscher. Breed characteristics

  • Adult height: from 25 to 30 centimeters.
  • Weight: 3.5 – 5 kilograms.
  • Characteristic color: black and tan, fawn.
  • Wool length: short.
  • Lifespan: 12-16 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: active, temperamental, courageous dog. Well trained.
  • Difficulties of the breed: loves to bark very loudly, cannot stand the cold, requires long walks.
  • average price: a miniature pinscher puppy from elite parents with RKF documents costs from 800 to 1000 dollars, a puppy without a pedigree - 200 dollars, a puppy with SKOR documents - 400-500 dollars.

Origin story

The miniature pinscher was known as a rat-catcher dog, and a watchman accompanying carts, lifting incredibly loud barking when strangers try to approach to horses or carriage. With the disappearance of horse-drawn transport, the popularity of Pinschers began to decline, and the war led to the almost complete extermination of the breed.

Miniature pinschers appeared in Russia after the war and quickly won the hearts of dog lovers. When pedigree miniature pinschers were brought to the USSR in the seventies, a decent quality stock had already formed in the country. Currently at exhibitions you can see beautiful pinschers, since there are a lot of fans and enthusiasts of this breed.

Purpose of the breed

The modern miniature pinscher perfectly plays the role of a companion dog for active, sports-loving people. Pronounced choleric, miniature pinscher loves long walks and jogging, he easily gets used to traveling to exhibitions and loves to visit the training area. At home, dogs of this breed are always on the alert, they are excellent watchmen, and will not save even in front of an enemy much larger than them.

Character of the miniature pinscher

Battery-powered dog is the most accurate nickname for the miniature pinscher. Indeed, in a small dog there is a huge amount of energy hidden which requires an exit. These kids can live in an apartment, but a country house with a huge fenced area is best suited for them.

Running without a leash and jumping are the favorite activities of dogs of this breed. Even in the car, during a long trip, the Miniature Pinscher constantly jumping on the seat, unable to calm down.

On the street, these kids are most often active and bullying towards other dogs, they can attack people, bark at them, and even try to bite them.

Dog behaves quite friendly with pets living with him in the same room. Small children irritate dogs of this breed, and the activity of children is directly proportional to the activity of the dog, and in an excited state he can bite the child sensitively.

Male miniature pinscher after one year may start marking in a house or apartment, and this problem also applies to bitches: they simply make puddles on upholstered furniture.

These dogs hate being left alone; during periods of boredom, they chew wallpaper and their owner's shoes, chew blankets and tear magazines and books. To prevent teenagers from pogroms often locked in a special cage during the absence of household members.

The miniature pinscher never loses heart, he is always ready to joyfully play with any member of the household. A high level of intelligence and the ability to imitate help these dogs learn different tricks quickly and participate in agility competitions.

Video review of the breed

The video talks about the origin of the breed, the influence of ancestors on the character of the modern miniature pinscher. The health issues of miniature pinschers are addressed, tendency to obesity and fragility of their bones. A separate story is about training and some typical character traits of these dogs.

How to choose a puppy

The Miniature Pinscher is prone to dominance in relationships with the owner, so buying an adult dog can result in great disappointment. An adult dog has an established character, and if he has behavioral problems, then it will be very difficult to fix them.

For a potential owner who wants an obedient and faithful dog, the best option would be to buy a small puppy, and the younger the better. This is explained by the fact that puppies weaned from their mother early become more attached to humans than pets who have lived with their mother for several months.

When purchasing a puppy, you should definitely look at how its mother behaves: a dog with uncontrollable, aggressive behavior should alert the buyer. Maybe, excessive excitability will be passed on to the puppies. Babies at one month of age are still very small, but each already has its own character. You should not adopt a puppy that barks at the sight of a stranger or tries to run away. The baby should be active, self-confident and friendly, and show curiosity.

It is advisable to ask the breeder to demonstrate the babies’ appetite, for which they are offered food that is familiar to them. Miniature Pinscher puppies love to eat, so it’s better not to take someone who is in no hurry to get to the bowl. There is also no need to buy a puppy that flatly refuses to approach its future owner: maybe he is sick, or maybe he just doesn’t like the person.

Regarding the health and appearance of small pinschers, they should have dark, clear eyes, shiny, smooth coat without bald spots or white spots, straight paws and compact build. With age, the eyes will become lighter, the white spots will not disappear, and the crooked paws will not straighten out.

The miniature pinscher does not require special care, just Brush his thick, coarse coat with a soft brush once a week, wipe the ears and trim the nails that do not grind down due to the dog’s low weight.

The miniature pinscher cannot live on the street, although he tolerates cool weather well and is active even at temperatures of minus five degrees. For the cold winter, he gets overalls and boots to prevent his paws from freezing. Hot weather is also dangerous for these dogs, in summer they feel good in the shade of trees, as well as playing with water.

Miniature pinschers are suitable for an apartment: they take up little space and like comfort, but whether apartment miniature pinschers will become pleasant neighbors for others living in this area depends on the amount and duration of physical activity.

Physical exercise

Miniature pinschers are pronounced choleric and have a furious temperament. These dogs are very smart, stubborn and can make their owners' lives hell if their seething energy is not given an outlet. As soon as the quarantine is over, the baby is put on a long leash and goes for a walk with him, not once a day, but twice.

First the walk can last no more than one hour: the pet is taken along the streets and allowed to run (on a long leash!) in a park or square. In the following days, the walking time is gradually increased, observing the dog’s condition: if after walking he lies down and sleeps for a long time, then the duration is left the same. If after a walk the baby happily jumps around the house, then he needs to walk and run more. The owner's goal: to tire the puppy so much that he didn't engage in sabotage out of boredom.

In order to allow the dog to recover in the first weeks, walks are carried out at least five to six times a day, and this is done from the first day in the new home. Time is of great importance in raising a Miniature Pinscher: stubborn and arrogant dog grows very quickly, and it is important to have time to teach him all the useful skills while he is still small.

Briefly about training

A miniature pinscher needs to be trained from four months of age. It is advisable to visit the site for this. Dogs of this breed train well, but you need to keep in mind the pet’s temperament and increased activity. Before classes, the dog is given a good walk to tire him out a little. Miniature pinschers love to eat, so pieces of cheese are used to practice commands or special treats.

These kids can and should be scolded for disobedience; they should not be allowed to bite themselves or try to jump into their arms or onto the sofa. An adult dog will no longer bite the owner with puppy teeth, but with sharp fangs. Any aggression towards household members must also be immediately and harshly extinguished. A trained, well-mannered miniature pinscher is beautiful dog, smart and fearless, communication with whom is a pleasure.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Unpretentious, does not require special care;
  • Very active, good, vigilant watchman;
  • Playful, cheerful and always ready to play;
  • A beautiful, graceful dog.


  • Stubborn and headstrong, has her own opinion;
  • Males are very temperamental and can mark walls and furniture;
  • If brought up incorrectly, they are aggressive towards strangers and manically suspicious;
  • They bark very loudly and unpleasantly.

Update: October 2017

The miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher) is positioned as a smaller copy of the Doberman pinscher, but it is a separate breed. Its features:

  • self confidence;
  • stable psyche;
  • fearlessness;
  • lightning-fast reactions;
  • intelligence, attentiveness;
  • well-developed hunting and guard instincts;
  • playful disposition, mobility;
  • friendliness;
  • high degree of adaptability.

Brief characteristics of the breed representatives

Is it possible for people who have no experience interacting with dogs to own a miniature pinscher?
Yes, but keep in mind that your pet needs time to be raised and trained. Otherwise, the dog will grow up uncontrollable and become a real despot.
How do miniature pinschers cope with the cold?
Badly. You cannot keep a dog outside. During the cold season, clothing is required. Please note that at air temperatures below -7 o C, the dog’s paws get cold, so shoes will be required. In the summer, the risk of heat stroke is increased; your pet should not be walked for a long time.
How old do pinschers grow?
By 6 months the puppy reaches its maximum height. Final formation occurs up to a year.
How long should you walk your Miniature Pinscher?
You need to walk the puppy for 15 to 30 minutes, 2-3 times a day; with an adult dog - twice a day, for at least 45 minutes. A Pinscher should not be walked by a child under 12 years of age, as the dog can easily run away or knock him down with a sharp tug of the leash.
At what age do miniature pinschers' ears get cropped?
In the period from 4 months. before the teeth change. When teeth begin to change, the puppy’s immunity weakens. At this time, surgery is contraindicated.
Is it necessary to dock the tail?

According to the official standard, a pinscher's tail can only be undocked. However, in the Russian Federation, neighboring countries, at international exhibitions of the CACIB rank, where there is no ban on the procedure, both docked and undocked dogs participate in exhibitions.

The choice remains with the breeder. In countries where this is prohibited, pinschers with docked tails cannot compete in show events.

At what age do matings begin?
Males are bred starting from 12 months, females - from 15 months. (after the second heat).


  1. The conditions of a small-sized apartment are suitable for maintenance.
  2. They have good health.
  3. Requires minimal grooming.
  4. They hardly shed.
  5. Balanced, calm.
  6. Very loyal.
  7. They are highly trainable.
  8. They can be good watchmen and protectors.
  9. Excellent at catching rodents.


  1. They are distinguished by their domineering character.
  2. They show a tendency to dominate.
  3. They require a serious approach to education.
  4. They bark often and loudly.
  5. They can run away.
  6. They need regular walking, physical and intellectual exercise.
  7. They do not tolerate loneliness or lack of attention well; out of boredom they can play pranks and chew things.
  8. Prone to obesity.

Photo of a miniature pinscher

Character, behavioral characteristics

The character of the Miniature Pinscher is strong and independent. They are stubborn and willful, nevertheless, they are very devoted to their owner and suffer from lack of attention. However, they do not like excessive tenderness or stroking, and can sometimes behave a little aggressively.

They are very confident in themselves and have a strong psyche. These dogs are active, energetic, and mobile. They get along well with children, play with pleasure, but cannot stand importunity or disrespectful attitude.

Learning ability

Miniature pinschers are distinguished by high intelligence and attentiveness. They are very inquisitive, understanding, and learn many commands after 2-3 repetitions. A Pinscher needs to be trained from puppyhood, otherwise the older dog will no longer obey.

Attitude towards strangers

They treat strangers with caution, mistrust, and greet them with angry barking. The miniature pinscher can attack an attacker when he tries to harm the owner, and will give a worthy rebuff, thanks to lightning-fast reactions and a death grip.

Attitude towards pets

Pinschers often show aggression towards relatives and other animals and tend to dominate. This also applies to unfamiliar dogs on the street. The dog is cocky and often gets into fights even with those who are larger and stronger. They will be able to make friends only with those pets with whom they have lived since puppyhood; They won’t get along with newcomers.

The miniature pinscher can be kept both in an apartment and in a private house where there is a walking area. The pet must be protected from drafts and cold. The sleeping area should be secluded so that the dog can rest peacefully.


  • Wool: brushing 2-3 times/week. Occasionally wipe the dog with a special mitten or a damp towel to remove dead hairs. Washing - as needed, using special shampoos containing protein.
  • Ears: regularly wipe with a damp soft cloth. Movements must be careful.
  • Eyes: examination, removal of discharge with a cotton swab moistened with water.
  • Teeth: weekly brushing will prevent the formation of tartar.
  • Nails: trim as needed. If walks are frequent and long, the claws wear off on their own.

Health, tendency to disease

Miniature Pinschers are prone to the following diseases:

  1. Diabetes. Develops due to insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas. Symptoms of the disease: frequent urination, urine is light-colored, almost transparent, severe thirst, weight loss with normal or increased nutrition, poor coat condition. Characterized by frequent skin lesions. Any wounds caused by diabetes take a very long time to heal. Treatment: insulin injections; at an early stage, following a diet is sufficient. It is necessary to regularly examine your pet to monitor sugar levels and detect possible complications (ketoacidosis, eye pathologies, liver damage, angiopathy, infections).
  2. Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. It manifests itself as destruction of the head of the femur due to disruption of normal blood circulation. Symptoms include: lameness, pain, loss of weight bearing. Treatment involves surgery during which the femoral head is removed. This will allow, in the future, to restore the functions of the limb.
  3. Urolithiasis disease. Develops due to a shift in the chemical balance of urine to the acidic or alkaline side. Manifested by the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys and urinary tract. Symptoms: frequent urination accompanied by pain. The urine becomes cloudy and droplets of blood may be released. Therapy can be conservative or surgical (this depends on the type of stones). It is necessary to follow a diet with a reduced amount of protein.
  4. Pannus. This is a lesion of the cornea and/or third eyelid, manifested by tissue proliferation. A complication is loss of vision. The disease is chronic, treatment is carried out in order to control the pathological process and reduce the affected area. Used: eye drops, subconjunctival injections, general therapy.
  5. Dystrophy of the cornea of ​​the eye. Characterized by a decrease in its transparency. This is a non-inflammatory disease that is progressive in nature. Therapy includes antibiotics; in the later stages of the disease, surgery is performed.
  6. Glaucoma. Accompanied by a violation of the outflow of intraocular fluid and a subsequent increase in intraocular pressure. A complication is damage to the optic nerve, which leads to blindness. Symptoms: squinting, redness of blood vessels in the whites, sunken or enlarged eyeball, dilated pupil. Treatment includes the use of agents to lower intraocular pressure. Sometimes a procedure is performed to remove excess fluid and destroy the cells that produce it.

Choosing a puppy, care, maintenance, education

The puppy is adopted at the age of 2-3 months. It is not advisable to adopt an adult dog, since its character has already been formed, and besides, changing the owner is a lot of stress. The place of detention should be bright and clean. An indicator of a puppy’s health is curiosity, showing interest in unfamiliar people and objects.

A small miniature pinscher should have certain exterior features:

  1. The correct bite is a scissor bite, the canines are closed in a lock. There are 6 incisors in the upper and lower jaws.
  2. The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to the length of the skull.
  3. The lines of the back of the nose and forehead should be parallel.
  4. The angles of the hind limbs are well expressed.
  5. The front legs stand straight, parallel to each other.
  6. The topline falls smoothly from the withers to the base of the tail.
  7. Back without deflection.
  8. There are no white spots on the coat.
  9. The skin pigment is painted over (nose, lips, paw pads, claws should be black).
  10. Black and tan individuals have a more intense tan, the boundaries of which should not be blurred.
  11. The red color should be more saturated.

The description of the Miniature Pinscher breed indicates the following disadvantages:

  • too light frame;
  • round shaped head;
  • sharp stop from forehead to muzzle;
  • round or large eyes;
  • high feet.

Please note that the puppy cannot be picked up by the scruff of the neck or front paws. To avoid damaging the tendons, carry your pet with both hands, one lifting it under the chest and stomach, the other under the hind legs.

Find a separate place for the puppy, protected from drafts. The kitchen needs a separate corner for feeding; place bowls there. Buy care items:

  • collar;
  • leash or harness;
  • carrying;
  • clothes and shoes for walking in the cold season;
  • soft massage brush or rubber brush;
  • terry towels;
  • shampoo;
  • nail clipper;
  • cotton swabs, ear cleaners.

You will need various toys, including squeaking, wind-up, interactive, and also those made of molded rubber. The Pinscher loves to play, but you can’t give him more than 3 items at once, as he quickly loses interest in them.

A first aid kit is required in the house. It includes:

  • adhesive plaster;
  • cotton wool;
  • bandages simple (4 cm) and elastic (7 cm);
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • synthomycin emulsion;
  • antidiarrheal agent (suitable for children);
  • anthelmintic;
  • tourniquet to stop bleeding;
  • pipette;
  • enema bulb;
  • tweezers;
  • syringes (2, 5 and 10 ml);
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • ointment "Levomekol";
  • adsorbent (activated carbon);
  • potassium permanganate;
  • antiallergic agent.

How to position the ears

Ear cropping for a miniature pinscher is optional; it is done to give it a unique shape. This will make the dog look more elegant. The procedure is carried out at the age of 4 months. before the teeth change. After the operation, the ears are sealed with adhesive tape, and a protective bandage is needed on the head. After a day it needs to be removed.

Treat wounds with Vitaon ointment for a week. On days 10-14, the stitches disappear. Residues can be removed using sharp scissors. During the entire wound healing period, the puppy should wear a protective collar.

The ears are placed as follows. You will need: adhesive plaster, cotton swabs, lighter fluid. Procedure:

  1. Cut 2 small pieces of adhesive the size of a cotton swab.
  2. Place a cotton swab on the sticky surface of 1 piece.
  3. Cover with the second piece so that the sticky part is on top.
  4. Degrease the inside of the ear with the prepared liquid.
  5. Draw out the ear and stick the structure.
  6. Wrap a narrow strip of plaster around each ear at the base, first separately, and then both at once (“figure eight”).

Leave for 3 days. After a day, build the structure again. The process of setting up the ears takes 1-2 weeks, sometimes several months.


It is better to walk a miniature pinscher on a harness, as it is more difficult to get out of it. This equipment is easy to use and the dog does not feel any discomfort. To train to use the toilet outside, you need to walk your puppy at least 5-6 times a day. Choose special fenced areas and other places that are safe for walking.

In public places, in the presence of other dogs, the Pinscher must be kept on a leash. Gradually increase the duration of your walks. Active games are necessary, this will avoid obesity and prevent destructive behavior.


Obedience must be taught from puppyhood. Under no circumstances allow your dog to break the established rules or play pranks. She will not obey if the owner shows softness or weak character.

Innate guarding and protective instincts can develop into territorial aggression, so you should not follow the dog’s lead. To ensure successful interactions with your pet, be patient and understanding. Don’t raise your voice, don’t hit the dog, at most you can spank him with a newspaper. Otherwise he will grow up angry or intimidated.

The puppy needs to be socialized. He should not be afraid of the street or show aggression towards other dogs or cats. The pinscher should not be allowed to rush at strangers who meet him during a walk.


Training can begin at 4-6 months. In puppyhood, activities should be in the form of play. Start training with simple commands: “sit”, “paw”, “fetch”. Pinschers quickly remember them and can learn many tricks. The puppy should be rewarded for every task completed correctly.

In the process of training, perseverance and determination are required, but not rudeness. Small difficulties may arise: due to curiosity, the dog is often distracted, this can be confused with disobedience. Please note that the dog quickly gets bored with monotonous training, and then it stops obeying. With a pinscher you can enroll in courses: obedience, general training course, “Protective guard service”.


You can use high-quality ready-made diets, which should be given in accordance with the instructions indicated on the package. For a puppy, dry food is pre-soaked. A natural diet for adults should contain meat (beef, veal, offal) - at least 1/3 of the menu. The by-products are pre-boiled, the meat is given raw, defrosted. Bones are allowed, but only large (sugar) bones, raw - no more than 1 ruble/week.

A third of the diet should include porridge (millet, oatmeal, buckwheat), and the other third should include vegetables (fresh, stewed). You can make salads with the addition of vegetable oil and sour cream. It is necessary to give eggs (1-2 times/week), vitamin and mineral supplements. Diet composition for puppies:

  1. Protein foods (beef, chicken, dairy products) - 2/3 parts. This also includes sea fish and egg yolk, which give 1-2 rubles/week.
  2. Vegetables, grains – 1/3 part.

It is useful to give 1 clove of garlic per day (to prevent helminthic infestation). In addition, you need multivitamins. The Miniature Pinscher is prohibited from:

  • food with added salt;
  • products containing preservatives, sweeteners, chemical additives;
  • salo;
  • pork;
  • legumes;
  • sweets;
  • raw fish;
  • caffeinated products;
  • tubular and fish bones.

You cannot overfeed, these dogs are prone to obesity. Feeding scheme:

  • 1 month – 6 times/day;
  • 2-3 months - 5 times;
  • 3-4 months – 4 times;
  • 4-6 months – 3 times;
  • 6-12 months – 2 times/day.

Breeding Features

The main task of breeding is to preserve and improve the unique qualities of the breed and eliminate shortcomings. A purebred, strong bitch with strong bones and good angulations of the limbs is optimally suited for mating. The dog must be in excellent health. The first mating should be at the age of 15 months. (for the second heat). The frequency is once a year. You can knit it up to 8 years old.

As a rule, pregnancy goes well. To prevent obesity, you should not overfeed your bitch. Do not change the portion size, but you must include 1 additional feeding. From 2 months increase the amount of easily digestible proteins (fish, fermented milk are recommended). Vitamin complexes are required.

If your dog is on a prepared diet, buy food for puppy dogs. Do not shorten your walking time: long walks strengthen muscles and childbirth will be easier. Caesarean section is indicated in rare cases when the puppies are too large.

Monitor the condition of newborns; care includes treating the navels with green paint (twice a day), trimming the claws (at the age of 2-3 weeks). If puppies have diarrhea, adjust the bitch's diet.

The eyes open at the 2nd week, and the puppies begin to hear at the 3rd week. Teeth appear at the 4th week, at this time start giving complementary foods (1 ruble/day). If the puppies tolerate it well, start feeding them 2 times a day. You can give:

  • meat (scraper);
  • ground meat;
  • porridge with meat;
  • lean boiled fish;
  • poultry (chopped meat),
  • milk.

From the 6th week. Cottage cheese, boiled yolk, sour milk, and dry food are introduced into the diet. The temperature of the food should be about 38 o C. When adding a new product to the menu, monitor the condition of the puppies if signs of allergy appear (itching, rash, vomiting, diarrhea).

At the age of 4-5 weeks, give puppies anthelmintic drugs, after 10 days they need to be vaccinated. From the 45th day you can begin socialization. Spend more time on communication and games. This way puppies get used to being handled faster. Babies can be given to new owners at 2-3 months.

FCI breed standard


The skull is oblong and strong. The forehead is flat and should be parallel to the bridge of the nose. There are no wrinkles or folds.

The stop is insignificant, but clearly marked. The bridge of the nose is straight. The nose is black and well developed.

Lips Black, close to the jaws. The corners of the lips are closed.
Jaws/Teeth Strong. Scissor bite, close tightly. The chewing muscles are strongly developed, the cheekbones do not protrude.
Eyes Oval, dark. The eyelids are black, pigmented, and fit tightly.
Ears Set high, hanging on cartilage or erect, V-shaped.
Neck Medium length, smoothly blending into the withers. The base is not indicated. There is no suspension, no dewlap. There are no folds on the throat.
Back Short, strong.
Croup Slightly rounded. Smoothly transitions to the base of the tail.
Tail It is shaped like a sickle, saber-shaped. Natural length.
Forelegs When viewed from the side, the forearms are straight. When viewed from the front, the limbs are strong, straight, and not placed close to each other. The paws are round, short, closed. The toes are arched (“cat paws”).
Hind limbs When viewed from the side, they are slightly set back. When viewed from behind, they are parallel to each other, not placed close. The paws are slightly longer than the front ones. The fingers are arched and closed.
Movements Harmonious, strong, confident. Characteristic is a sweeping, free trot with good length strides.
Wool Fits snugly. Shiny, thick, short, smooth.

Single-color (fawn-red), black with tan, lacquered black with tan (brown, red). The tan marks are darker, clearly outlined, and rich in color.

Distribution of tan marks: above the eyes, on the lower throat, on the pasterns, paws, inside of the hind legs, legs and under the base of the tail; There are 2 identical triangles on the chest.

Historical reference

Country of origin: Germany. The ancestors of pinschers lived in Central Europe already during the early Middle Ages. The main task of the dogs was to destroy rodents. Subsequently, pinschers became pets, valued for their intelligence and unpretentiousness.

Purposeful breeding of the breed began in the 2nd half of the 19th century. The official standard was approved in 1880; miniature pinschers were first exhibited in 1900. In Europe, they were very popular at the beginning of the 20th century, and it was at this time that ears and tails began to be cropped. Black, red and brown colors were considered fashionable. In the USA, the miniature pinscher club was founded in the 20s of the 20th century; representatives of the breed were brought to England in 1950.

Miniature pinschers came to Russia long before the revolution. After 1917, the number of animals decreased sharply. Interest in the breed arose after the Great Patriotic War; pinschers were brought from Germany and became popular among the Moscow intelligentsia. A new round of development occurred in the early 90s. Currently, the number of livestock in the country is increasing every year. Thanks to successful breeding work, dogs from Russia have a high breed level, which is recognized throughout the world.

Cheerful and active pet of the whole family

The Miniature Pinscher is a very lively and self-confident miniature dog with a cheerful character. This cheerful spinning top literally cannot sit still and will become a favorite of the whole family and a wonderful companion. The miniature pinscher, according to the breed description, is a copy of the German pinscher of small size, but without signs of dwarfism. These are square-format dogs, graceful, with short, smooth hair.


They are very attached to their owners and love the family they live with.

Fearless, inquisitive, hyperactive, they both delight and tire their owners. The restless nature of the Miniature Pinscher makes it quite difficult to keep. These dogs are interested in everything around them, and if not supervised, they can get into trouble. Little adventurers tend to run away whenever possible. Owners will have to constantly ensure that small objects, sweets and medicines are not within reach. These dogs will definitely taste them! The Miniature Pinscher is not the kind of dog that will keep you company on the couch. They are too busy for that. But nevertheless, they are very attached to their owners and love the family in which they live. Miniature Pinschers are dogs that love to be the center of attention - for this they are ready to entertain everyone around them.

The miniature pinscher is known to many as the miniature pinscher or miniature pinscher. This is a small breed of dog with a square format, characterized by energy, a muscular body and strong limbs.

History of the origin of the breed

The homeland of the miniature pinscher breed is Germany, where the first miniature smooth-haired pinschers or so-called miniature Dobermans appeared almost three centuries ago.

This is interesting! There are no reliable sources indicating the origin of the miniature pinscher, but the very first mentions of dogs similar in appearance to the miniature pinscher date back to the mid-fifteenth century.

According to some versions, the ancestors of the breed were Scandinavian dogs that lived on the Baltic shores and near Swiss lakes. Most likely, the black and tan English terrier was brought to Germany from Great Britain.

It was on the basis of this dog that it was possible to develop a smaller variety of the breed, rich in different colors, including brown, chocolate, light red, blue, as well as shiny black with very pronounced tan marks. Dogs with a very original deer color in Germany were called “Re-pinscher”.

Miniature Pinschers are an old breed, and some external resemblance to Doberman Pinschers was acquired post facto. Initially, pinschers were housed at stables, where the dogs were used not only as guards, but also for catching various rodents.

However, over time, this breed gained increased attention and gradually turned into a very popular house pet. Starting from the second half of the nineteenth century, German breeders began targeted breeding work with the aim of breed improvement of the miniature pinscher.

Appearance and description

The Miniature Pinscher is an unusual breed of dog, which is characterized by a specific gait that resembles the gait of a riding horse. Another characteristic feature of the breed is its elegant and slender appearance.

Breed standards

Generally accepted FCI Miniature Pinscher breed standard No. 185:

  • the cranial part is strong, oblong, without a protruding or pronounced occipital protuberance, with a flat frontal part;
  • the transition from the frontal region to the muzzle is not very clearly marked;
  • a well-developed nose has a characteristic black coloration;
  • lips are smooth, black in color, with a tight fit to the jaws and closed corners;
  • jaws are strong, with a complete scissor bite and highly developed chewing muscles;
  • eyes are oval-shaped, dark in color, with tight-fitting and well-pigmented black eyelids;
  • ears are erect or hanging on cartilage, high-set, triangular or V-shaped;
  • the neck area is nobly curved, medium in length, with a smooth transition to the withers, dry and without dewlap;
  • top line with a slight slope from the withers area towards the ischial tuberosity;
  • the back is short and fairly elastic, with a strong lumbar region;
  • the croup area is slightly rounded, imperceptibly turning into the caudal base;
  • moderately wide chest with an oval cross-section reaching to the elbows, with a pronounced protruding sternum;
  • the tail has a characteristic saber or sickle shape;
  • the forelimbs are quite strong and erect, not set too close to each other, with shoulder blades tightly fitting to the chest, highly developed and muscular forearms, as well as strong and strong wrists;
  • The hind legs are slightly set back, slightly longer than the forelimbs, with moderately long, fairly wide, very muscular thighs and vertically set metatarsals.

The dog's movements are harmonious and confident, light and smooth, quite strong, with a free and sweeping trot. The height of an adult male and a mature female at the withers varies from a quarter of a meter to 30 cm, with an average weight of 4-6 kg.

Personality of the Miniature Pinscher

Very elegant, smooth-haired dogs with a square body format are characterized by intelligence. These are lively, very easy to raise and train dogs that are distinguished by their mobility, restraint and playfulness within the family, as well as their distrust of all strangers.

The miniature pinscher will become a wonderful watchman who bravely attacks any violators of the protected territory. However, with a lack of attention and lack of education, a dog of this breed can become poorly controlled.


Miniature pinschers or miniature pinschers, according to general statistics, are relative among other common dog breeds. The average life expectancy, with strict adherence to maintenance rules and good care, ranges from 12-16 years.

The miniature breed is quite easy to keep, clean and does not require special coat care.. However, it is highly advisable to follow some important rules that will make the life of a pet of this breed comfortable and long.

Care and hygiene

The short coat of the miniature pinscher or miniature pinscher does not require too frequent or vigorous brushing. This breed does not create problems during the shedding period, but once a week it is advisable to brush the coat with a brush with not too coarse bristles.

If correct and timely ear cropping has been performed, then a healthy dog ​​rarely needs to have its ears cleaned, so standard care comes down to weekly preventive examinations.

Uncropped or semi-drop ears will require more attention. It is also necessary to systematically trim the dog’s nails, which rarely wear down naturally while walking outside.

Important! Veterinarians advise replacing washing a pet of this breed with wiping it with a damp towel, which will avoid the risk of disturbing the natural balance of the pinscher’s skin microflora.

Increased attention must be paid to the miniature pinscher's mouth and teeth, since tartar often becomes a very serious problem that requires qualified medical intervention. The best option is weekly prevention in the form of brushing your teeth.

What to feed your miniature pinscher

The composition of the diet of a miniature pinscher is not too different from the rules for feeding dogs of other breeds:

  • the amount of meat is at least one third of the total daily volume of other food products. For this purpose, it is allowed to use lean beef, rabbit and poultry meat;
  • the amount of plant food is about ¼ of the total daily diet. The best vegetable crops are carrots, zucchini, beets and cabbage, which can be given either raw or stewed, with the addition of a small amount of any vegetable oil;
  • the amount of cereals is approximately a third of the total volume of daily feed. It is recommended to use oatmeal, rice and buckwheat porridge.

About a couple of times a week you need to replace meat products with boneless fillets of any low-fat sea fish.

This is interesting! Correctly calculating the amount of food given is a guarantee of maintaining the health of your pet for many years. An approximate single serving should be about 25 g per kilogram of dog weight.

High quality ones are the most convenient to use and are well suited for feeding a miniature pinscher, regardless of age.

Such food is perfectly preserved for a long time, it is convenient to take them on the road, and among other things, the composition of the finished diet is completely balanced. It is important to remember that you should not mix canned food or dry diet with natural products..

Diseases and breed defects

The most common shortcomings and disqualifying defects of the miniature pinscher are:

  • coarse or overly light build;
  • short or high legs;
  • heavy or rounded skull;
  • folding on the forehead;
  • short, pointed or narrow muzzle;
  • direct bite;
  • light, too small or too large eyes;
  • low-set or very long ears;
  • ears with different types of set;
  • the presence of a dewlap;
  • an excessively long, tight or soft back, as well as a hunchback;
  • sloping croup;
  • ambling or prancing step;
  • rare wool.

A dog of this breed should not be cowardly, aggressive, angry or nervous, and should not have an underbite or underbite, or misalignment of the jaw. The most common hereditary and breed diseases of the miniature pinscher include:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • diabetes;
  • shoulder dislocation;
  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease
  • pannus;
  • progressive degeneration of the retina;
  • dystrophy of the ocular cornea;
  • entropion of the eyelid;
  • glaucoma and cataracts;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • congenital deafness.

Polytrauma, which develops when the pet falls from a great height, is quite common in miniature pinschers. Among other things, the miniature pinscher must be protected from cold and drafts, and to maintain health, it is necessary to provide the pet with systematic preventive veterinary examinations, timely conduct, as well as long walks with outdoor games.

It is not known for certain where the miniature pinscher breed came from - either from miniature Scandinavian dogs, or from the English terrier. The homeland of the pinscher is Germany, they appeared a long time ago, about 300 years ago, which is why there are disputes about their ancestors. Like all Germanic breeds, they have a very complex character.

Miniature Pinscher breed

Breed characteristics

The Miniature Pinscher dog looks like a miniature Doberman, and there is even an opinion that it was bred from this breed. A certain German gentleman named Doberman admired this small dog so much that he set a goal to breed a larger breed. He scrupulously selected the largest puppies from all over the country, it took years, but he achieved his goal.

Characteristics of the Miniature Pinscher:

  • Size – up to 30 cm at the withers;
  • Weight – up to 5 kg;
  • Color – black, brown, red, and their combinations;
  • Life expectancy is up to 17 years.

Brown Pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher breed is distinguished by its very high intelligence, which is why it has a complex, demanding character, and in often cases very stubborn. But with proper upbringing and care, this is simply a super-energetic animal, they are cheerful and cheerful, they are great with small children, but cannot tolerate the presence of other pets if they have not been familiar with them since childhood.

The breed has gained immense popularity not only for its playfulness, but also for its useful qualities:

  • Pinscher is an excellent guard. By nature they are very suspicious, and at the slightest need they open a loud, ringing bark, reminiscent of a pack of dogs, and not just one baby;
  • They are also famous for their desire to catch rats, mice and moles, and are able to give odds to yard cats. If a miniature pinscher walks across the field, the mice will not bother you for long.

Buying a puppy

  1. Do not believe the photographs if you find an ad on Avito or another Internet resource. The final decision can only be made after direct contact with the puppy;
  2. Let them show you the puppy's parents; the bitch must be nursing;
  3. Ask the grandmothers on the bench where they live about the reputation of the seller. Perhaps this is not the first litter, and not the first sale of puppies, then you can be more or less calm.

In addition, such a purchase is justified only if you need a pet for your soul. If you are planning to raise a titled champion, then go straight to the professionals when purchasing.

Miniature Pinscher puppies

Only in the nursery or from the breeder you will receive:

  • Pedigree;
  • We guarantee that you have a miniature pinscher;
  • The puppy will be well-groomed and have all the necessary vaccinations;
  • If it’s a puppy, then it’s an excellent gene set.

The price for a puppy starts from 50,000 rubles according to the advertisement, and from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles from professionals, depending on the class.

Raising a dog

These are real little robbers, and it is very important to take his character into your own hands and show who is boss. From the first day, the puppy will begin to understand what is possible and what is not, draw conclusions, and in the future, re-education is much more difficult if everything is put on hold.

Little hooligan

Their hyperactivity and playful attitude will last a lifetime; it is very rare for a dog of this breed to become calm and quiet with age. Fortunately, they are highly trainable, and all your energy can be put into the right direction - both the dog feels good and you will spend more time outside, teaching your pet commands and tricks.

Until recently, miniature pinschers were required to have a tail and ears, but nowadays, fortunately, this is done less and less often.

When raising, training, and generally communicating, do not use swearing or physical punishment. Of course, unless you want an angry dog. A dog raised with love and affection will be your most devoted friend, ready to protect you to the death.

Don't leave your dog alone for a long time; out of boredom, they can turn the apartment upside down, turning all their clothes and things into toys.


Due to the short coat, grooming is limited to weekly brushing to remove dead hairs. To care for your teeth, you can buy special dental bones. Try to keep your home free of drafts, and in the cold season, walk your dog in clothes like the one in the photo below.

Pinscher in a suit

Water procedures are not required, and you can bathe the dog only if it is really dirty. Do not use shampoos for people; you will need them for smooth-haired dogs, which are sold at any pet store.

Of course, proper care also includes proper nutrition, which is best not to skimp on.


The main rule is balanced nutrition. It should have everything - protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins. Most of it should be meat products, like raw beef and chicken. Be sure to give vegetables in any form, fruits, and grains daily. Milk and dairy products are also recommended, but in no case do they replace regular boiled water.

If your financial situation allows, then it is much easier and healthier to feed your miniature pinscher with ready-made food.

Food for small dogs (clickable)

Feed your dog strictly on a schedule, a couple of times a day, so that the plate is licked to a shine. After the meal, the pinscher should go away to play, but if he looks at you with a sad look, then you can increase the portion a little. If there is food left on the plates, then reduce the diet.

Keep an eye on the water in the next bowl and change it a couple of times a day.

Breed health

The miniature pinscher, like all “Germans,” boasts excellent immunity. I rarely get sick; the most common thing is a cold after a bath, if you haven’t dried it well with a towel and a hairdryer. But they have a slight predisposition to genetic diseases and problems:

  • Diabetes;
  • Joint dislocations;
  • Eye problems (retinal degeneration, corneal dystrophy, glaucoma and cataracts, pannus);
  • Deafness;
  • Epilepsy.

Of course, a lot depends on the genes that their parents passed on to them; this is another argument in favor of purchasing from specialized nurseries. But still, the main reasons for poor animal health are improper care and cruelty, which dogs do not deserve.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!