Masteron side effects, price and reviews. Masteron technique in various disciplines. Masteron course. Masteron Application and combination

Masteron course designed for “drying” or for building strength without gaining muscle mass, which may be relevant if you are a power-lifter and don’t want to difficult to move into a heavier category. A Masteron course in combination with other AAS, for example, testosterone, can also be mass-gaining, and since dro-sta-no-lon is an anti-estrogen, the gained mass will be enough for you. However, if your course does not pursue any specific goals, you do not need to undergo a drug test soon and you are not an oligarch, then it is better to use everything as intended. By the way, since the cost of the mask is quite high, your dealer may find fakes, which does not mean that he is a lover of anal pleasures, just on the market in fact, there are many fakes, some of which can end up even with honest sellers. And keep in mind that steroids have side effects, so you should not use them without a doctor’s advice!

The fact that it is a diuretic also speaks in favor of the use of masteron for the “cutting” cycle; the fact that it does not increase blood pressure speaks in favor of the use of drostanolone in the strength cycle, but in favor of The use of this steroid for gaining muscle mass says practically nothing. Moreover, since masteron has high androgenic activity, and to increase muscle mass it is usually combined with dough, this all leads to increased according to the pituitary-hypothalamus-testis axis. Are you tired of spending money on women? Run after every skirt with your dick slung over your shoulder? Only we have a super promotion “mas-te-ron”: a steel figure and a limp pepper!

Masteron course: properties of the drug

Masteron is an androgenic anabolic steroid with high androgenic and anabolic indexes, which is also an aromatase inhibitor and diuretic agent. This steroid does not aromatize and reduces the concentration of globulin, which binds hormones. Drostanolone is a short ester, the half-life lasts 2-3 days, so it is necessary to take the steroid every day or every other day, but it is quickly eliminated from the body. For example, those athletes who need to undergo a doping control test cancel the drug 10-6 weeks before the test. Since the drug is a diuretic, it does not help increase blood pressure.

Drostanolone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which, in general, is responsible for its ability to suppress the effect of aromatase and weaken the effect of estrogens. In general, the course is mas-te-ro-na solo on low carb or carbohydrate-free the diet helps to achieve the perfect body of bodybuilders. For those who love to prepare for the beach, of course, it’s better to use Oksana , but to prepare for competitions - mas-te-ron. The advantage of this drug is also the absence of such side effects as ruptured muscles and ligaments, which the use of Winstrol promises. Perhaps this is why dros-ta-no-lon is often called a mild form of stanozolol, and trainers in fitness clubs, luring simpletons into their insidious networks with experience on the Internet -they use this steroid almost all year round.

It is better for novice alchemists to avoid this drug, saving it for more difficult times, when their anabolic receptors are already quite damaged and lose their sensitivity. It is better for beginners to replace the course of drostanolone with a course of ok-san-dro-lo-na, if we are talking about “drying”, but if we are talking about gaining muscle mass, then mass-based courses with the participation of Masteron it’s even better to leave it for the future. If you are a strong person and want to try this wonderful AAS, then it’s better for you to start your acquaintance with “hee-me-ee” with something else. If you do not want to move to a heavier weight category, then for these purposes you can use tu-ri-na-bol . If you don’t care about being in a certain weight category, then you can use more classic strength drugs, like deca.

How to create a masteron course

Duration: 6-10 weeks, but the course for 10 weeks should be either strength or mass; when “drying,” drostanolone is added 6 weeks before the start.
Dosages: from 200 to 600 mg per week, effective dosages start from 400, in principle, pros use 1 g per week, but for average athletes of 50 cm, 400-600 is enough.
Dosage frequency: injections are usually given every other day, although it is possible every day, since mas-te-ron is a short ester.
Compote: solo Masteron is only used for drying; for weight gain, it is most often mixed with test-to-sterone, less often with trenbolone or boldenone; during power cycles, dough and turic or methane become present; During “drying” you can add “oksana” to the compote.

Course for beginners: masteron solo 50 mg every other day, or 50 mg every other day and 30 mg me-tash-ki per day, any of these courses lasts 6 weeks.
Course for mass: masteron 300-400 mg per week, 400 mg testosterone propionate in non-de-lu and 300 mg trenbolone acetate per week, all drugs are given every other day, course duration is 8 weeks.
Course for strength: masteron 300-400 mg per week, 400 mg propic and 40 mg turik per day, mas-te-ron and propionate every other day, course duration 8 weeks.
Drying course: 400 mg of Masteron per week and 50 mg of “Oxana” per day, duration 6-8 weeks, Masteron, of course, should be given every other day.

Pharmaceutical name: Drostanolone propionate/enanthate

Common, trade, slang name: Masteron, Mastabol, Masteril.

Chemical compound: 2a-methyl-androstan-3-one-17b-ol

Method of administration: Injectable

Half-life: Depending on the type of ester:

  • Drostanolone propionate - 1-2 days
  • Drostanolone enanthate - 5-6 days

Standard vial dose: 50 mg/ml to 200 mg/ml

History of the drug

Masteron (drostanolone propionate) is perhaps one of the most “exotic” androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) used by athletes. Originally developed as an anti-estrogen (called Masteril), the drug was used to treat breast cancer. It has been widely used in the treatment of breast cancer in combination with SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator) Tamoxifen (or Nolvadex) and has been shown to significantly reduce estrogen levels in women undergoing such treatment. Today, for various reasons, it is rarely used for these purposes, but for many athletes, and professional bodybuilders in particular, Masteron remains a virtually unsung favorite among anabolic steroid drugs.

The fact that Masteron has been used as an anti-estrogen suggests some of its properties. Masteron is a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and is not converted to estrogen through aromatization. It is believed that the antiestrogenic properties of Masteron may be partly due to either inhibition of the synthesis of the aromatase enzyme, or a direct effect on estrogens, blocking its binding to estrogen receptors. Either way, this makes Masteron a useful option for those using steroid compounds that convert to estrogen (and many do, given that testosterone is the mainstay of most cycles).

By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, Masteron prevents the transformation of free testosterone into estrogen through aromatization. This not only serves to slightly increase the amount of active free testosterone in the circulatory system (making testosterone more effective than in a non-Masteron system), but also negates the side effects that result from high estrogen levels. These side effects include gynecomastia and fluid retention/swelling. Conversely, if Masteron actually blocks estrogen from binding to estrogen receptors, even if aromatization of testosterone occurs, its effect will be limited due to estrogen's inability to bind to estrogen receptors. Thus, through this mechanism, when using Masteron, the effect of excess estrogen production through aromatization will also be limited.

Properties of Masteron

The drug has not only antiestrogenic properties, but also (being a DHT derivative) has anabolic and androgenic qualities. Although masteron is not theoretically considered a very strong androgen, it actually has stronger androgenic effects than you might expect. The use of Masteron, which is an androgenic anabolic steroid, reduces natural testosterone production. Therefore, you should not think that Masteron can be used as an alternative in post-cycle therapy. Despite its anti-estrogenic effect, it will interfere with recovery.

There are two publicly available forms of Masteron - drostanolone propionate and drostanolone enanthate. Propionate is typically produced in dosages of 50-150 mg/ml and is a fast-acting version of Masteron that must be administered every other day. Enanthate is usually dosed at a concentration of about 200 mg/ml and requires injections twice a week, since the enanthate ester attached to drostanolone has a longer-lasting, slow-release hormone.

You can view the full range of injectable Masteron and buy for courses using the link

Courses offered

Thanks to Masteron's effect on estrogenic side effects, it is a very useful cutting aid (especially in professional bodybuilding). An increase in estrogen levels leads to fluid retention, and Masteron prevents this. And many claim that Masteron gives muscles not only a feeling of fullness and hardness, but also a strikingly “pumped up” appearance. The use of Masteron (in combination with other appropriate drugs) with a low level of subcutaneous fat allows you to achieve emphasized relief of even the smallest muscle details, highlighting all muscle fibers. Masteron helps get rid of excess fluid between the muscles and skin, giving the body a very sculpted appearance (with minimal fat). Few steroid drugs have such an effect on muscles as Masteron.

What should I combine Masteron with?

Despite the positive properties, Masteron itself is a rather weak anabolic steroid. It is unlikely that you can achieve full results using Masteron alone. In addition, the use of Masteron alone can lead to loss of libido due to a decrease in the production of your own testosterone. For this reason, it is recommended to always combine Masteron with other steroids.

Many people say that there is no point in using Masteron if your body fat content exceeds 10-12%. There is a basis for such judgments: you need to understand that with a higher level of fat, muscle relief will not be similar to that described above. However, with such anti-estrogenic properties, I do not consider it unnecessary. These properties make it possible not to use other auxiliary drugs during the course, which may have other undesirable side effects. In addition, Masteron can work in conjunction with other steroids, enhancing their effects (for example, with testosterone, as described above). Masteron, however, is not recommended for beginners as it is not necessary at this stage.

Masteron can be safely included in any course containing testosterone; we recommend a combination with Testosterone Propionate.

You can find out more details and buy this course by clicking on the link

Dosage in which masteron should be used:

  • 350-500 mg per week (propionate, injections every other day)
  • 400-600 mg per week (enanthate, twice weekly injections)

Example of an excellent drying course for experienced users (6-10 weeks):

  • Testosterone propionate, 150 mg every other day
  • Trenbolone acetate, 50 mg daily (or 100 mg every other day)
  • Masteron (propionate), 150 mg every other day
  • Winstrol, 50 mg every day, only the last 4 weeks of the course

Of course, such a course for experienced and advanced users can include other drugs, such as clenbuterol, T3, growth hormone, IGF (insulin-like growth factor), etc.

A drying course, more suitable for beginners, (6-8 weeks) may consist of:

  • Testosterone propionate, 100 mg every other day
  • Masteron (propionate), 100 mg every other day

Possible side effects

As mentioned above, Masteron has anti-estrogenic properties, thereby eliminating many of the unwanted side effects observed in AC users, such as gynecomastia, fluid retention and dangerous increases in blood pressure. Although Masteron is a moderate steroid and theoretically has weak androgenic properties, in practice, as already mentioned, its androgenic qualities are often slightly stronger than in theory. And then, masteron is a derivative of DHT. For more information about DHT and the effects of having too much of it in your blood.

In short, the following side effects are possible when using Masteron: hair loss ( with a tendency to baldness), aggression and acne. If acne was observed with the use of other androgens such as testosterone, then there is a high probability of its occurrence with Masteron. There are people who only had a few pimples when using testosterone, but with Masteron the acne was much worse. On the other hand, some people experience less of it with masteron than with trenbolone.

As with all AAS, and any other drugs, it is impossible to predict what an individual's individual reaction to side effects will be. Because the effect of the same drug on different people will always differ, not only in form, but also in degree. You need to be aware that there is a potential for an adverse reaction and take this into account when planning your course.

At the same time, Masteron, originally manufactured in pharmaceutical production, was perceived by the FDA as a relatively safe drug, even at high dosages. Doses greater than 150 mg per day (that's over 1,000 mg per week) have been considered a safe concentration limit by the FDA (keep in mind that most other AAS used by athletes are consumed at dosages above the FDA safe limit). This is good news, but do not misinterpret this information as a reason to use excessive doses of Masteron, since any dosage exceeding 600 mg per week will provide no more benefit than 500-600 mg. Thus, exceeding this dose would be a waste of money and drug.

Masteron is an anabolic steroid available in the form of propionate and enanthate. The drug is produced under the trademarks Drolban, Drostanolone, Metormon, Permastril. The anabolic effect is moderate, androgenic activity is high. In modern medicine it is used for the productive treatment of breast cancer in women. Since while taking Masteron, the development of the female body according to the male type is observed, the steroid is currently used extremely rarely.

Description of the drug Masteron

According to its pharmacological properties, the steroid is a derivative form of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, repeating its biological activity. Available for free sale in ampoules of 50 and 100 mg/ml. In bodybuilding it is used to “dry” muscles, preserve muscle mass and increase the body’s endurance. More often it is used by athletes and runners who need to maintain the accumulated muscle mass in competitions and get to the desired weight.

Due to its antiestrogenic properties, the resulting effect lasts for a long period of time, which is one of the main advantages of using the steroid drug Masteron. In addition, the steroid has a pronounced fat-burning effect, and in combination with a low-carbohydrate diet, it helps to quickly eliminate subcutaneous fat and acquire an athletic silhouette. The risk of ligament and muscle rupture is minimal, which cannot be said about competitor Winstrol.

  • gaining and maintaining muscle mass;
  • removing excess water from the body;
  • increased muscle density;
  • reduction in fat mass by 5-7% from the initial value;
  • increasing endurance and physical strength;
  • powerful fat burning effect;
  • correction of hormonal and energy metabolism.

The steroid drug is used not only in powerlifting, but also in correcting problematic figures. It is necessary to suppress the process of catabolism, maintain muscle mass and an athletic silhouette. Additionally, it has a diuretic effect, prevents or eliminates congestion in the body.

Side effects of Masteron

The list of side effects that may occur in the body of a beginner or a professional athlete after using Masteron is minimal, and the resulting effects should be classified for greater clarity:

  1. Androgenic effect. The danger is an increased risk of hair loss; it is possible that testosterone is converted to DHT. There are cases where androgenic side effects caused masculine effects. Additional abnormalities: nervousness, aggression, prostate hypertrophy, acne, virilization in women. Individual adjustment of daily dosages will help reduce the risk of such anomalies.
  2. Cardiovascular effects. In this case, we are talking about unexpected jumps in blood pressure, the replacement of “good” cholesterol with “bad” cholesterol, with further disruption of the permeability of the vascular walls. If there is a persistent increase in bad cholesterol, it is recommended to stop taking this steroid.
  3. Estrogenic effects. Progestin capacity of an estrogenic nature is not observed in bodybuilders. It is not recommended to combine the use of the steroid Masteron with anti-estrogenic substances.
  4. Toxic effects. According to its pharmacological properties, Masteron is a non-toxic steroid drug, therefore, if the prescribed dosages are observed, there is no negative effect on the liver at all. Cases of overdose should be completely excluded.
  5. Testosterone effect. This drug inhibits the natural production of the male hormone testosterone, so the male athlete is additionally prescribed exogenous testosterone therapy. The side effect is temporary and disappears after completing the full course of Masteron.

Course on how to take Masteron

To increase the body's endurance and gain muscle mass, Masteron is recommended to be taken in a 10-week course. If the main goal of the steroid and the athlete is to burn subcutaneous fat as much as possible, taking Masteron for 6 weeks is sufficient. The drug is administered subcutaneously, daily doses vary from 200 to 600 mg. Correction of these standards is carried out individually, and depends on the final result that the athlete must achieve. There are several regimens for taking Masteron, here are the most optimal among them:

  1. For newbies. Take 50 mg of the steroid Masteron alone every other day, performing a solo course, or alternate with Methandienone, 30 mg of each daily. Duration of treatment – ​​up to 6 weeks.
  2. To increase strength. Take Masteron in a volume of 300-400 mg, Testosterone Propionate – 400 mg, Turinabol – 40 mg. Propionate and Masteron are indicated to be administered additionally every second day. Duration of therapy is 8 weeks.
  3. For drying the body. Combine the following steroids every day: 400 mg of Masteron and 50 mg of Oxandrolone. The duration of use varies from 6 to 8 weeks depending on the volume of fat.

Photos before and after

The drug helps to modify the figure and ensures the formation of an athletic silhouette. Many bodybuilders have already taken advantage of this prescription, and the results obtained are simply amazing. Here are some eloquent examples:

The women were no less fortunate:

Reviews of Masteron

Despite the fact that the drug is currently used extremely rarely, reviews of its action fill thematic forums of bodybuilders. More often these are positive notes about the high effectiveness of the steroid, which without modeling an athletic corset, literally transforms the once problematic figure. Everything would be fine, but women, after completing the course, often complain about symptoms of virilization. Here's what they write:

- Because of Masteron, acne appeared that did not go away. It turns out that I am modeling the figure, but spoiling the appearance. I changed the steroid medication and the side effects immediately disappeared.

- Masteron makes body hair grow faster, but otherwise the effect is excellent - the muscles are tight and lean, there is no subcutaneous fat.

It is precisely because of such reviews that the steroid drug today is “morally obsolete.” A replacement was found long ago, and now the modeling of an athletic silhouette occurs with a minimum number of side effects. However, there are also positive reviews on the forums, and they are left by men. In their case, side effects occur extremely rarely, and notes on the Internet are approximately as follows:

- An excellent steroid, although you have to administer the dose subcutaneously. The action is fast, the muscles become dense and elastic. If there is fat anywhere, it disappears very quickly during the course.

- Powerful fat-burning effect, which is noticeable after 3-4 weeks of use. Completed the course without side effects. I was pleased with the results obtained.

Masteron is an effective steroid drug that all bodybuilders know about. Thanks to its unique hormonal composition, it can transform any figure, regardless of the volume of fat mass.

Check out Masteron!

Helped me 0

Pharmacological group: anabolic/androgenic steroids
Androgen: 25-40
Anabolic: 62-130
Standard: testosterone
Chemical name: 2alpha-methyl-androstan-3-one-17beta-ol 2alpha-methyl-dihydrotestosterone
Estrogenic activity: no
Progesterone activity: no data (low)


Drostanolone propionate is an injectable anabolic steroid based on (DHT). It has a modified DHT base. The 2-methyl group increases the anabolic properties of the drug, as well as its effectiveness in promoting muscle growth, compared to its unmethylated predecessors. Drostanolone propionate is described in the literature as “a steroid with potent anabolic and anti-estrogenic properties.” True, its anabolic properties would be more correctly called moderate, especially in comparison with other drugs. The drug is most commonly used by bodybuilders during dieting and by athletes in speed sports, where it is valued for its ability to increase muscle mass and strength, typically accompanied by decreased fat levels and minimal side effects.


Drostanolone propionate was first described in 1959. Syntex developed this drug along with such well-known steroids as Anadrol and (Superdrol), first described at the same time. About ten years later, drostanolone propionate begins to be used as a prescription drug. Lilly has entered into an agreement with Syntex to share responsibilities for certain research and development activities in exchange for the right to sell the results of that research. Lilly thus received the right to sell drostanolone propionate in the United States under the brand name Drolban, and Syntex in other markets. These products included, but were not limited to, Masteron in Belgium (SarvaSyntex) and Portugal (Cilag), Masteril in the UK and Bulgaria, and Metormon in Spain. Drostanolone propionate was also included in such popular drugs as Permastril (Cassenne, France), Mastisol (Shionogi, Japan) and Masterid (Grunenthal, German Democratic Republic). In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved drostanolone propionate for the treatment of inoperable breast cancer in postmenopausal women. This fact has affected the clinical indications for the drug in all international markets. Medical literature often indicates that drostanolone propionate has a significantly lower virilization effect compared to equal doses of testosterone propionate, and is considered a successful alternative to testosterone injections for women. However, this dosage level (300 mg per week) is relatively high. When taking the drug, mild symptoms of virilization may occur, such as deepening of the voice, acne, facial hair growth and enlargement of the clitoris. It is also noted that virilization effects sometimes appear after a period of long-term therapy. Very popular among athletes in the 1970s and 80s, drostanolone propionate has had limited success as a prescription drug. Manufacturers soon voluntarily stopped selling the drug in various markets, which is likely due to the emergence of more effective methods of treating breast cancer, as well as the gradual decline in the popularity of steroids at this stage of treatment. One of the first drugs to go off the market was Drolban in the US, which was taken off the market in the late 1980s. It was soon followed by Permastril and Metormon. The last drug containing drostanolone propionate remaining in the West is the drug Masteron from Belgium, which disappeared from the market in the late 1990s. Drostanolone propionate remains on the US Pharmacopoeia and it is believed that there are no legal barriers to its marketing at this time, although Masteron's commercial revival as a prescription drug appears highly unlikely.

How supplied

Drostanolone propionate is no longer available as a prescription drug. At the time of its production, the drug was available in the form of 1 ml and 2 ml ampoules and 10 ml vials containing 50 mg/ml or 100 mg/ml of the steroid in oil.

Structural characteristics

Drostanolone (also known as dromostanolone) is a modified form of . It is distinguished by the introduction of a methyl group at carbon-2 (alpha), which significantly increases the anabolic potency of the steroid and increases its resistance to metabolism in skeletal muscle tissue through the enzyme 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Drostanolone propionate is a modified form of drostanolone where a carboxylic acid (propionic acid) is attached to the 17-beta-hydroxyl group. Esterified steroids are less polar than free steroids and are absorbed more slowly from the injection site. Once in the blood, the ester is removed, leaving free (active) drostanolone. Esterified steroids are designed to prolong the therapeutic effect after administration, allowing for less frequent injections compared to free (non-esterified) steroids. The half-life of drostanolone propionate lasts approximately two days after injection.

Side effects of Masteron (estrogenic)

Side effects of Masteron (hepatotoxicity)

Drostanolone is not a c17-alpha alkaline and has no known hepatotoxic properties. Liver toxicity is unlikely.

Side effects of Masteron (cardiovascular)

Anabolic/androgenic steroids can have detrimental effects on cholesterol levels, which include a tendency to decrease HDL (good cholesterol) levels and increase LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, shifting the ratio of HDL to LDL in a direction that promotes a greater risk of atherosclerosis. The relative effects of anabolic/androgenic steroids on serum lipids depend on the dose, route of administration (oral or injectable), type of steroid (or not), and the level of resistance to hepatic metabolism. Drostanolone should have a stronger negative effect on hepatic cholesterol levels than testosterone or nandrolone, due to its nature, but a weaker effect than c-17 alpha alkylated steroids. Anabolic/androgenic steroids may also negatively affect blood pressure and triglycerides, decrease endothelial relaxation, and maintain left ventricular hypertrophy, which may potentially increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction. In order to reduce the risk of cardiovascular deformations, it is recommended to perform active cardio exercises and minimize the intake of saturated fats, cholesterol and simple carbohydrates during the entire period of active use of AAS. Supplemental fish oil (4 g per day) and natural cholesterol/antioxidants such as or products with comparable ingredients are also recommended.

Side effects of Masteron (testosterone suppression)

All anabolic/androgenic steroids, when taken in doses sufficient to promote muscle growth, suppress endogenous testosterone production. Without the intervention of testosterone-stimulating substances, testosterone levels should return to normal within 1-4 months of taking the drug. Note that prolonged hypogonadotropic hypogonadism may develop secondary to steroids, requiring medical intervention. The side effects listed above are not complete.

Masteron course (men)

Drostanolone propionate has not been approved by the FDA for use in men. There are no guidelines for its administration. To improve physique or performance, the drug is usually injected three times a week. The weekly dose is usually 200-400 mg, and is taken for 6-12 weeks. This dosage is sufficient to produce measurable increases in muscle mass and strength. To enhance the effect, Drostanolone propionate is often combined with other steroids, such as injectable anabolics ® (nandrolone decanoate) or ® (boldenone undecylenate), which provide muscle growth without excessive water retention. To build muscle mass, the steroid is often combined with injectable testosterone. The result is muscle growth and lower rates of water retention and other estrogenic side effects than when using these steroids alone (usually at higher doses). Masteron is most often used during drying. It is often combined with other non-steroids such as ®, Primobolan ®, Parabolan or Anavar, which helps maintain built muscle mass and promote fat burning, during a period that can be very catabolic without the use of steroids.

Masteron course (women)

Masteron in women is used at a dose of 100 mg three times a week. Before evaluating the effectiveness of a substance, it is necessary to take it for at least 8-12 weeks. If successful, the drug can be continued to be used for as long as necessary to obtain satisfactory results. Please note that symptoms of masculinization are very common even at the recommended dosage. When used for physique enhancement or performance enhancement, dosages of 50 mg per week are most commonly taken for 4-6 weeks. At a dose of 100 mg per week or lower, masculinizing effects are extremely rare. Please note that due to the short-acting nature of propionate ester, the total weekly dose is typically divided into smaller injections every two or three days.


The original Masteron is no longer available on the black market. In Europe, its production has long been discontinued. Old batches are no longer circulating, which means there is no legitimate source for marketing a product called Masteron anywhere. There are virtually no other legitimate pharmaceutical brands. There is a version of drostanolone sold in Myanmar called Dromostan by XELOX. The drug contains drostanolone, not drostanolone propionate. Although the drug has not been lab tested, this company is legit and hopefully produces a legit product. If so, then this product is the second real drostanolone currently sold. Due to the lack of ether, it is better to do injections every 2 days, a little more often than when using Masteron (3-4 times). In addition to the above, there are currently many clandestine laboratories producing drostanolone propionate. Make sure you understand the risks when purchasing illegal products. The risks may include more than just losing money, as clandestine products are often not produced in a sterile environment.

A short article will be devoted to the most rumored harmless drug, which is not at all true.
There are no safe steroids or other hormonal drugs.
All safety in using AAS lies in proper health monitoring and a suitable diet while taking synthetic hormonal drugs.

There will be no description of how to administer the course.
Only examples and what it is necessary to use Masteron with in the required dosages in Sports, Bodybuilding and during the preparation period during cutting in any disciplines.

I. Course for athletes: wrestlers, athletes and other disciplines where weight gain is not needed.
The first problem an athlete faces is clogging.
The second problem is weight gain

The main task when taking doping is to exclude both options.

The initial dosage of Masteron is 50 mg. h/day and 30 mg. h/day Testosterone Propionate.
We put Masteron 50 mg for 1-5 weeks. h/day and Propionate 30 mg. h/day
If clogging is not observed, you can increase to 100 mg Masteron and up to 50 mg Propionate
For 6-12 weeks we put Masteron 100 mg. h/day and Propionate 30 mg. h/day
If you got the desired result and were able to cope with blockage with the correct administration of the course, leave this dosage and take the course up to 16-18 weeks

Fighting Clogging and Weight
1. Monitoring hormones and general health twice a month: Estradiol, prolactin, Oak, total bilirubin.
2. Use succinic acid in a prescribed dosage, which helps you. Take before training +/- half an hour before training.
To support health, you will need Anastrozole, Cabergoline and everything that will be visible from the test results and taken in the required dosages based on the test results.

* No need to use any advice protocols/templates for everyone from SportsWiki, Pharma Stores and Forum posts.
Only control and adjustment of dosages based on test results and sensations.

Before the course, it is important to take: Total testosterone, lg, fsh, estradiol, prolactin, oak, alt, ast, total bilirubin, tsh, t4 free, t3 total, cortisol and progesterone.
** For management during the preparation period, you should contact a specialist who can decipher the tests and adjust the dosages of the drugs to achieve effectiveness and eliminate side effects during the course, correct problems before and after the course.

II. A course for athletes, body builders, for the composition of your body - in short for Bodybuilding:
In this case, clogging, on the contrary, is welcomed, everything is for its sake.
The recommended period for using the course based on Masteron is 12-16 weeks
The foundation of muscle growth lies in the use of long esters.
Therefore, there is no need to jerk off with Testosterone Propionate, but whoever likes it can do it, no one minds.

My recommendation:
1-14 Testosterone Sustanon: 500-600 mg/week. divided into 2 doses per week
1-16 Masteron Propionate 200 mg h/day
There are enanthate versions in nature, but only a few have them and their quality and compliance with what is stated on the packaging does not coincide with reality.
Use manufacturers that have been proven for years and don’t be fooled by the low price tag.

The real result from such a course: 3-4 kg of muscle mass gain and only over a period of 12-16 weeks of use, subject to proper use, proper calculation of fatty acids and the quality of products and training.

As for monitoring hormones and taking tests, it is similar to the first protocol for using Masteron.

III. The course is for everyone who needs to dry out at the end of training or take a course for the composition of their body with 15-20% fat
My recommendation:
1-8 (up to 12-16) Testosterone Propionate: 100 mg. h/day
1-8 (up to 12-16) Masteron Propionate 100 mg h/day

*You will not gain muscle mass in this course. Drying course. Masteron will help you maintain your gains by inhibiting Catabolism.
*Clogging is possible on this course.
* To dry out, you need to not wait for you to dry out and not practice according to the typical Kacha scheme. - You need to work hard, do cardio for 40 minutes or more, do multiple repetitions in the gym, exercise more than 3 hours a day.
* Nutrition. No need to diet. You need to correctly select the ratio of KBJU and that’s it. No one should go below 1500. 2000-2500 kcal is acceptable, using carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, getting more fats from vegetables and seafood 1.5-2 grams per kg, protein above 1.5 grams does not need to be increased.

Likewise, with regard to monitoring hormones and taking tests, see the first protocol for using Masteron.

Side effects.
Most of all side effects are associated with a lack of control and with the saucy diet culture.

* If you have problems with the prostate, have had acne since childhood or adolescence, this disposition will worsen during the course.
* Problems with the liver, acne, excess weight gain, chaos in the lipogram, viscous blood - this is nutrition before and during the course.
There is no need to shit on medications if there are side effects. Think about how you ate before and what you should change today.
* If you do not administer the course correctly and do not check your hormones, these reactions will be wider, and the result from the course will not correspond to what is presented.

HCG/Chronic Gonadotropin on course.
If, before the course, according to the test results, LH and FSH were already very low, you need to take hCG from the second week of the course and regardless of how long the course will be.
When the course extends exactly beyond 8 weeks, it is imperative to set hCG from 4-6 weeks of the course.

* There is nothing complicated about using hCG. There is no need to be afraid of him.

How to take hCG
After dissolving in the supplied solvent, the drug Horagon should be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously into the abdominal fold immediately!

Schemes for a steroid cycle:
1. Three injections of 1500 IU, once every 4 days, once every 3 months.
2. Five injections of 1000 IU, once every 4 days - once every 3 months.
3. One injection of 1000-1500 IU, 1 time per week for 3 weeks (4th week rest).

* The first and second options are suitable for an eternal or very long course.
The third option is suitable for courses up to 26 weeks, but you can also use it forever - it will only be better.

There is no need to imagine that the drugs are very dangerous and they carry a lot of side effects. All these reactions are due to non-compliance with the rules of use.
Me personally. I never treated the liver on an eternal course and, apart from Anastrozole and Cabergoline, did not take anything, did not thin the blood, cholesterol and the LDL/HDL ratio was ideal on the course. This also applies to most of my clients. With proper management, there will be a minimum of health problems, and how you ate before the course will affect how you feel during the course, since nutrition spoils us through the accumulative system in the process of life.

What tests need to be taken: