Intrauterine device (IUD) - principle of operation, types (hormonal, copper), indications and contraindications, what are the best devices (Mirena, Juno, etc.), what happens after installation of the device, reviews. How to choose a good intrauterine device? What kind of spira

Due to various life circumstances, many women and girls deliberately refuse childbearing. To protect themselves from unwanted conception, ladies resort to a variety of means to prevent pregnancy. At the moment, there are many contraceptives, among which doctors highlight the Vector intrauterine device. According to doctors, this contraceptive is the safest for a woman’s health. Let's take a closer look at what the Vector intrauterine device with silver is, the principle of its operation, and its effect on the female reproductive system.

What is the Vector intrauterine device?

This type of contraception consists of two main elements: an F-shaped or T-shaped frame and a spiral. The frame is often made of plastic and covered with a film made from a mixture of biologically active components. It is equipped with special hangers, thanks to which the IUD is attached to the uterine cavity. On the frame there is a direct spiral, which is made of gold or silver wire. These materials are considered pure enough to be introduced into the body. In addition, the surface of the frame is treated with a solution of propolis or calendula, thereby minimizing the risk of infection. The contraceptive is also equipped with a special device for installation, which is a polypropylene tube with a diameter of 4 mm.

Operating principle of the IUD

By introducing Vector intrauterine devices, doctors ensure that the intensity of the ovaries is significantly reduced, and the produced eggs cannot take root in the uterine cavity. After all, this is how a woman’s reproductive system reacts to the invasion of a foreign body into epithelial tissue. But after the IUD is removed, the work of the reproductive system resumes, and then the fair sex does not experience serious problems with conceiving and bearing a child.

Is the intrauterine device harmful to the body?

According to doctors, the Vector intrauterine device with silver not only does not cause harm, but also has a positive effect on the body. After all, the silver from which it is made prevents the appearance of many gynecological diseases, including cervical cancer. And propolis and calendula have antibacterial properties, due to which pathogenic bacteria and microbes are removed from the uterine cavity and vagina. Therefore, thousands of women around the world have resorted to installing a vector IUD, the price of which is quite reasonable.

Vector intrauterine devices have the following names:

  1. Au 300F Vector-extra
  2. Au 300T Vector-extra PC
  3. Au 300T Vector-extra
  4. KVMK-Au-300-Vector ring
  5. Ag 400F Vector - extra PC
  6. Ag 400F Vector - extra
  7. KVMK-Ag 300-Vector ring
  8. AgCu 150/250F Vector-extra PC
  9. AgCu 150/250F Vector-extra
  10. Ag 400T Vector-extra
  11. AgCu 150/250T Vector-extra
  12. and etc.

Reviews and comments

I really want to install a t-nova spiral, but unfortunately there are sanctions in Russia... I bought Vector for the first time and was shocked to learn that there is another specific method of installation.

I would gladly buy a new one. They are not there! And there are no analogues. They only goldlied for more than 4 thousand. I’m ordering a vector...whether it will take root or not, time will tell.

Instructions for use

Vector-extra contraceptive intrauterine silver-containing T-shaped ag 400t instructions for use


T-shaped plastic frame, on which a spiral of silver wire is wound with a surface area of ​​400 mm sq., frame dimensions 32x32 mm.

A thread is attached to the bottom of the frame. The thread is contrasting and elastic.


Intrauterine contraceptives "Vector-extra" are plastic frames on which metal spirals are placed.

The frames are plastic rods with hangers.

T-shaped shoulders are raised upward.

The structure of intrauterine devices:

1. The plastic base of the spiral is a frame that is made of flexible plastic containing barium sulfate, this allows you to see the spiral during X-ray studies (X-ray positive material).

2. The leg of the spiral is part of the base of the IUD (intrauterine device), on which a copper wire can be wound; some spirals have silver or gold plating, and in hormonal spirals there is also a container with a hormonal drug in the leg.

3. The shoulders of the spiral may have antennae or spikes - parts of the spiral with which the device is attached to the uterine cavity. The hangers are folded for installation, and straightened out in the uterine cavity.

4. Nylon threads or spiral garters - with the help of them the spiral is removed from the uterine cavity.

Increased contraceptive, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, lasts from 7 years

The principle of action of contraceptives is based on the fact that they cause a rejection reaction in the endometrium to a foreign body, change the activity of the fallopian tubes, prevent the implantation of the egg into the endometrium, and reduce the lifespan of the egg. The presence of silver in contraceptives provides a preventive effect in preventing exacerbations of chronic inflammation of the uterus and its appendages. Propolis and calendula, which are part of the water-soluble film that covers the plastic frame, have bactericidal, disinfectant and medicinal properties. Gradually dissolving in a liquid medium in the first weeks after the introduction of a contraceptive, biologically active substances suppress microbial flora, improve the sterility of the uterine cavity, and have a therapeutic effect in case of minor injuries to the uterine mucosa.

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a method of contraception, a special device that is inserted into the uterine cavity, impeding the passage of sperm to the egg, preventing its fertilization and the attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus.

Intrauterine contraceptive “vector”

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions

Benefits of intrauterine contraception

Intrauterine protection is 98% effective;

Intrauterine protection can be used even during lactation; it does not affect the feeding of the baby;

The spiral begins to act immediately after it is inserted into the uterine cavity;

The service life of intrauterine protection is 7 years (Ag 400T “Vector – extra” ELITE Segment - “ELITE”)

Immediately after the device is removed from the intrauterine cavity, a woman can become pregnant without any problems;

There are very few special precautions other than an allergic reaction and no special care is required either. A woman can forget about contraception and not worry about an unwanted pregnancy. And this improves the emotional background.

Disadvantages of intrauterine protection

The spiral is a foreign body. It is for this reason that after its administration, a woman may feel some discomfort in the first 24 hours, and severe pain may appear in the lower abdomen.

As you know, there are many diseases that are transmitted to women through sexual contact. The peculiarity of the intrauterine contraceptive system is that it protects only from unwanted pregnancy, but not from diseases.

The risk of developing many inflammatory diseases also increases.

The first few months after the introduction of the intrauterine system, there may be a constant change in the menstrual cycle. In this case, spotting can occur not only during menstruation, but also in the intervals between them.

Sometimes it can happen that even if a woman does not have any allergic reactions to the composition of the spiral, it can randomly fall out.

If the IUD was inserted incorrectly, the uterus may simply be damaged. Of course, this happens extremely rarely, but such an outcome is still possible.

The IUD only protects against intrauterine pregnancy. In some cases, a woman may experience an ectopic pregnancy.

Who should not use an IUD

If a woman is pregnant, or there is the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, then the IUD should absolutely not be used.

If there is heavy bleeding from the vagina, the cause of which has not yet been established, the IUD cannot be used as a means of contraception.

If you have a genital tract infection, the IUD cannot be inserted.

In case of uterine fibroids or its congenital deformation, an IUD cannot be inserted because it can harm the woman and cause not very good consequences.

If a woman has oncological processes that directly affect her genital organs, then the IUD cannot be inserted.

If a woman has more than one sexual partner, then before inserting the IUD, you need to consult a doctor and undergo all the necessary tests.


An effective and convenient method of contraception is the intrauterine device.

For women who have given birth


Absolute contraindications. Those cases when under no circumstances should you use an IUD.

Inflammation of the genital organs;

Bleeding for no reason;

If there is the slightest suspicion of pregnancy;

Cervical cancer;

Relative contraindications. Cases when the IUD cannot be used until the woman has undergone a thorough examination by a doctor and until her tests are in perfect order;

Inflammation of the cervix, dysbacteriosis, infections, colpitis;

Uterine bleeding;

If the menstrual cycle lasts more than 6 days;

Severe pain during the menstrual cycle;

The uterine mucosa is larger than normal;

Congenital deformation of the uterus;

If the woman has had an ectopic pregnancy in the past;

Blood diseases;

Frequent inflammatory diseases;

Allergy to the composition of the IUD;

Mode of application


Introduction of the IUD

There is no need to rush to insert the IUD into yourself. Before doing this, you need to do the following:

See a gynecologist;

Take tests: smear from the urethra and vagina;

Be sure to do an ultrasound of all pelvic organs;

Only a doctor can insert an IUD into the uterine cavity, and the conditions for insertion must be sterile. The doctor should carefully examine the uterus to see if it is enlarged or deformed. The IUD is inserted only when using a special guide. After inserting the IUD, the doctor must remove the guidewire. After insertion, the spiral itself will be located in the uterine cavity, and the antennae from it will be in the vagina. With the help of these tendrils, the spiral will then be very easy to remove. By the way, these antennae will not interfere with sexual intercourse at all.

When to insert an IUD

Any day during menstruation, or in the event that a woman is firmly convinced that she is not pregnant;

If you are not completely sure that there is no pregnancy, the IUD can only be inserted during the menstrual cycle;

Immediately after childbirth, or a few weeks after it in case of childbirth without complications. If a caesarean section was performed, then the IUD can be inserted only after 6 months;

After an abortion, a woman can insert an IUD immediately or within the next week.

After the IUD is inserted into the uterine cavity, sexual activity cannot be resumed immediately. This can be done after at least two weeks, depending on how the woman feels.

Possible complications

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen. If they continue for more than 48 hours, the device must be removed immediately.

There may be some kind of discharge in the first few days after insertion of the IUD.

If your periods have become very heavy, and treatment does not work on them, then you need to urgently get rid of the IUD.

If, after inserting the IUD, a woman finds out that she is pregnant, then it is not necessary to immediately remove the IUD if she wants to keep the child. But, at the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that the IUD can cause a miscarriage.

The body may reject the IUD, and then the IUD will fall out on its own.

When to remove the IUD

When does the expiration date pass?

If a woman wants to get pregnant.

Instructions for patients

When a woman has inserted an IUD and has already completed her first menstrual cycle, she definitely needs to see a doctor so that he can check if everything is in order.

The first few months after insertion of the IUD, you need to check the antennae in the vagina, if they are in place.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If the slightest signs of pregnancy appear;

If the menstrual cycle does not occur;

If the threads from the spiral cannot be felt;

If a woman has more than one sexual partner;

A woman can use the IUD until she reaches menopause. However, doctors recommend not inserting an IUD into women over 35 years of age. Here it is best to use other means of contraception. As for those women who have not yet given birth, they are not prohibited from inserting the IUD. But, not recommended. The fact is that in the future, inflammation may develop in the uterine cavity, and then it will be very difficult to get pregnant. This is especially true for young people

intrauterine contraceptive "vector"


T-shaped plastic frame, on which a spiral of silver wire is wound with a surface area of ​​400 mm sq., frame dimensions 32x32 mm.

A thread is attached to the bottom of the frame. The thread is contrasting and elastic.

pharmachologic effect

Intrauterine contraceptives "Vector-extra" are plastic frames on which metal spirals are placed.

The frames are plastic rods with hangers.

T-shaped shoulders are raised upward.

The structure of intrauterine devices:

1. The plastic base of the spiral is a frame that is made of flexible plastic containing barium sulfate, this allows you to see the spiral during X-ray studies (X-ray positive material).

2. The leg of the spiral is part of the base of the IUD (intrauterine device), on which a copper wire can be wound; some spirals have silver or gold plating, and in hormonal spirals there is also a container with a hormonal drug in the leg.

3. The shoulders of the spiral may have antennae or spikes - parts of the spiral with which the device is attached to the uterine cavity. The hangers are folded for installation, and straightened out in the uterine cavity.

4. Nylon threads or spiral garters - with the help of them the spiral is removed from the uterine cavity.

Increased contraceptive, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, lasts from 7 years

The principle of action of contraceptives is based on the fact that they cause a rejection reaction in the endometrium to a foreign body, change the activity of the fallopian tubes, prevent the implantation of the egg into the endometrium, and reduce the lifespan of the egg. The presence of silver in contraceptives provides a preventive effect in preventing exacerbations of chronic inflammation of the uterus and its appendages. Propolis and calendula, which are part of the water-soluble film that covers the plastic frame, have bactericidal, disinfectant and medicinal properties. Gradually dissolving in a liquid medium in the first weeks after the introduction of a contraceptive, biologically active substances suppress microbial flora, improve the sterility of the uterine cavity, and have a therapeutic effect in case of minor injuries to the uterine mucosa.

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a method of contraception, a special device that is inserted into the uterine cavity, impeding the passage of sperm to the egg, preventing its fertilization and the attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus.

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions

Benefits of intrauterine contraception

Intrauterine protection is 98% effective;

Intrauterine protection can be used even during lactation; it does not affect the feeding of the baby;

The spiral begins to act immediately after it is inserted into the uterine cavity;

The service life of intrauterine protection is 7 years (Ag 400T “Vector – extra” ELITE Segment - “ELITE”)

Immediately after the device is removed from the intrauterine cavity, a woman can become pregnant without any problems;

There are very few special precautions other than an allergic reaction and no special care is required either. A woman can forget about contraception and not worry about an unwanted pregnancy. And this improves the emotional background.

Disadvantages of intrauterine protection

The spiral is a foreign body. It is for this reason that after its administration, a woman may feel some discomfort in the first 24 hours, and severe pain may appear in the lower abdomen.

As you know, there are many diseases that are transmitted to women through sexual contact. The peculiarity of the intrauterine contraceptive system is that it protects only from unwanted pregnancy, but not from diseases.

The risk of developing many inflammatory diseases also increases.

The first few months after the introduction of the intrauterine system, there may be a constant change in the menstrual cycle. In this case, spotting can occur not only during menstruation, but also in the intervals between them.

Sometimes it can happen that even if a woman does not have any allergic reactions to the composition of the spiral, it can randomly fall out.

If the IUD was inserted incorrectly, the uterus may simply be damaged. Of course, this happens extremely rarely, but such an outcome is still possible.

The IUD only protects against intrauterine pregnancy. In some cases, a woman may experience an ectopic pregnancy.

Who should not use an IUD

If a woman is pregnant, or there is the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, then the IUD should absolutely not be used.

If there is heavy bleeding from the vagina, the cause of which has not yet been established, the IUD cannot be used as a means of contraception.

If you have a genital tract infection, the IUD cannot be inserted.

In case of uterine fibroids or its congenital deformation, an IUD cannot be inserted because it can harm the woman and cause not very good consequences.

If a woman has oncological processes that directly affect her genital organs, then the IUD cannot be inserted.

If a woman has more than one sexual partner, then before inserting the IUD, you need to consult a doctor and undergo all the necessary tests.


An effective and convenient method of contraception is the intrauterine device.

For women who have given birth


Absolute contraindications. Those cases when under no circumstances should you use an IUD.

Inflammation of the genital organs;

Bleeding for no reason;

If there is the slightest suspicion of pregnancy;

Cervical cancer;

Relative contraindications. Cases when the IUD cannot be used until the woman has undergone a thorough examination by a doctor and until her tests are in perfect order;

Inflammation of the cervix, dysbacteriosis, infections, colpitis;

Uterine bleeding;

If the menstrual cycle lasts more than 6 days;

Severe pain during the menstrual cycle;

The uterine mucosa is larger than normal;

Congenital deformation of the uterus;

If the woman has had an ectopic pregnancy in the past;

Blood diseases;

Frequent inflammatory diseases;

Allergy to the composition of the IUD;


Inserting an IUD Do not rush to insert an IUD into yourself. Before this you need to do the following: See a gynecologist; Take tests: smear from the urethra and vagina; Be sure to do an ultrasound of all pelvic organs; Only a doctor can insert an IUD into the uterine cavity, and the conditions for insertion must be sterile. The doctor should carefully examine the uterus to see if it is enlarged or deformed. The IUD is inserted only when using a special guide. After inserting the IUD, the doctor must remove the guidewire. After insertion, the spiral itself will be located in the uterine cavity, and the antennae from it will be in the vagina. With the help of these tendrils, the spiral will then be very easy to remove. By the way, these antennae will not interfere with sexual intercourse at all. When to insert an IUD Any day during menstruation, or if a woman is firmly convinced that she is not pregnant; If you are not completely sure that there is no pregnancy, the IUD can only be inserted during the menstrual cycle; Immediately after childbirth, or a few weeks after it in case of childbirth without complications. If a caesarean section was performed, then the IUD can be inserted only after 6 months; After an abortion, a woman can insert an IUD immediately or within the next week. After the IUD is inserted into the uterine cavity, sexual activity cannot be resumed immediately. This can be done after at least two weeks, depending on how the woman feels. Possible complications Painful sensations in the lower abdomen. If they continue for more than 48 hours, the device must be removed immediately. A peculiar discharge is possible in the first few days after the insertion of the IUD. If your periods become very heavy and treatment does not work on them, then you need to urgently get rid of the IUD. If, after inserting the IUD, a woman finds out that she is pregnant, then it is not necessary to immediately remove the IUD if she wants to keep the child. But, at the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that the IUD can cause a miscarriage. The body may reject the IUD, and then the IUD will fall out on its own. When to remove the IUD When the expiration date passes; If a woman wants to get pregnant. Instructions for patients When a woman has inserted an IUD and has already completed her first menstrual cycle, she definitely needs to see a doctor so that he can check if everything is in order. The first few months after insertion of the IUD, you need to check the antennae in the vagina, if they are in place. In what cases should you consult a doctor? If the slightest signs of pregnancy appear; If the menstrual cycle does not occur; If the threads from the spiral cannot be felt; If a woman has more than one sexual partner; A woman can use the IUD until she reaches menopause. However, doctors recommend not inserting an IUD into women over 35 years of age. Here it is best to use other means of contraception. As for those women who have not yet given birth, they are not prohibited from inserting the IUD. But, not recommended. The fact is that in the future, inflammation may develop in the uterine cavity, and then it will be very difficult to get pregnant. This is especially true for young people
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    intrauterine contraceptive "vector"


    T-shaped plastic frame, on which a spiral of silver wire is wound with a surface area of ​​400 mm sq., frame dimensions 32x32 mm.

    A thread is attached to the bottom of the frame. The thread is contrasting and elastic.

    pharmachologic effect

    Intrauterine contraceptives "Vector-extra" are plastic frames on which metal spirals are placed.

    The frames are plastic rods with hangers.

    T-shaped shoulders are raised upward.

    The structure of intrauterine devices:

    1. The plastic base of the spiral is a frame that is made of flexible plastic containing barium sulfate, this allows you to see the spiral during X-ray studies (X-ray positive material).

    2. The leg of the spiral is part of the base of the IUD (intrauterine device), on which a copper wire can be wound; some spirals have silver or gold plating, and in hormonal spirals there is also a container with a hormonal drug in the leg.

    3. The shoulders of the spiral may have antennae or spikes - parts of the spiral with which the device is attached to the uterine cavity. The hangers are folded for installation, and straightened out in the uterine cavity.

    4. Nylon threads or spiral garters - with the help of them the spiral is removed from the uterine cavity.

    Increased contraceptive, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, lasts from 7 years

    The principle of action of contraceptives is based on the fact that they cause a rejection reaction in the endometrium to a foreign body, change the activity of the fallopian tubes, prevent the implantation of the egg into the endometrium, and reduce the lifespan of the egg. The presence of silver in contraceptives provides a preventive effect in preventing exacerbations of chronic inflammation of the uterus and its appendages. Propolis and calendula, which are part of the water-soluble film that covers the plastic frame, have bactericidal, disinfectant and medicinal properties. Gradually dissolving in a liquid medium in the first weeks after the introduction of a contraceptive, biologically active substances suppress microbial flora, improve the sterility of the uterine cavity, and have a therapeutic effect in case of minor injuries to the uterine mucosa.

    An intrauterine device (IUD) is a method of contraception, a special device that is inserted into the uterine cavity, impeding the passage of sperm to the egg, preventing its fertilization and the attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus.

    Selling Features

    Without a license

    Special conditions

    Benefits of intrauterine contraception

    Intrauterine protection is 98% effective;

    Intrauterine protection can be used even during lactation; it does not affect the feeding of the baby;

    The spiral begins to act immediately after it is inserted into the uterine cavity;

    The service life of intrauterine protection is 7 years (Ag 400T “Vector – extra” ELITE Segment - “ELITE”)

    Immediately after the device is removed from the intrauterine cavity, a woman can become pregnant without any problems;

    There are very few special precautions other than an allergic reaction and no special care is required either. A woman can forget about contraception and not worry about an unwanted pregnancy. And this improves the emotional background.

    Disadvantages of intrauterine protection

    The spiral is a foreign body. It is for this reason that after its administration, a woman may feel some discomfort in the first 24 hours, and severe pain may appear in the lower abdomen.

    As you know, there are many diseases that are transmitted to women through sexual contact. The peculiarity of the intrauterine contraceptive system is that it protects only from unwanted pregnancy, but not from diseases.

    The risk of developing many inflammatory diseases also increases.

    The first few months after the introduction of the intrauterine system, there may be a constant change in the menstrual cycle. In this case, spotting can occur not only during menstruation, but also in the intervals between them.

    Sometimes it can happen that even if a woman does not have any allergic reactions to the composition of the spiral, it can randomly fall out.

    If the IUD was inserted incorrectly, the uterus may simply be damaged. Of course, this happens extremely rarely, but such an outcome is still possible.

    The IUD only protects against intrauterine pregnancy. In some cases, a woman may experience an ectopic pregnancy.

    Who should not use an IUD

    If a woman is pregnant, or there is the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, then the IUD should absolutely not be used.

    If there is heavy bleeding from the vagina, the cause of which has not yet been established, the IUD cannot be used as a means of contraception.

    If you have a genital tract infection, the IUD cannot be inserted.

    In case of uterine fibroids or its congenital deformation, an IUD cannot be inserted because it can harm the woman and cause not very good consequences.

    If a woman has oncological processes that directly affect her genital organs, then the IUD cannot be inserted.

    If a woman has more than one sexual partner, then before inserting the IUD, you need to consult a doctor and undergo all the necessary tests.


    An effective and convenient method of contraception is the intrauterine device.

    For women who have given birth


    Absolute contraindications. Those cases when under no circumstances should you use an IUD.

    Inflammation of the genital organs;

    Bleeding for no reason;

    If there is the slightest suspicion of pregnancy;

    Cervical cancer;

    Relative contraindications. Cases when the IUD cannot be used until the woman has undergone a thorough examination by a doctor and until her tests are in perfect order;

    Inflammation of the cervix, dysbacteriosis, infections, colpitis;

    Uterine bleeding;

    If the menstrual cycle lasts more than 6 days;

    Severe pain during the menstrual cycle;

    The uterine mucosa is larger than normal;

    Congenital deformation of the uterus;

    If the woman has had an ectopic pregnancy in the past;

    Blood diseases;

    Frequent inflammatory diseases;

    Allergy to the composition of the IUD;

    Women don't want to constantly swallow hormonal pills, and men don't like condoms. A contraceptive option for permanent relationships is the intrauterine device.

    Gynecologist Oksana Bogdashevskaya on whether there is contraception that can be honestly forgotten without the risk of unexpected pregnancy

  • Dosage

    Inserting an IUD Do not rush to insert an IUD into yourself. Before this you need to do the following: See a gynecologist; Take tests: smear from the urethra and vagina; Be sure to do an ultrasound of all pelvic organs; Only a doctor can insert an IUD into the uterine cavity, and the conditions for insertion must be sterile. The doctor should carefully examine the uterus to see if it is enlarged or deformed. The IUD is inserted only when using a special guide. After inserting the IUD, the doctor must remove the guidewire. After insertion, the spiral itself will be located in the uterine cavity, and the antennae from it will be in the vagina. With the help of these tendrils, the spiral will then be very easy to remove. By the way, these antennae will not interfere with sexual intercourse at all. When to insert an IUD Any day during menstruation, or if a woman is firmly convinced that she is not pregnant; If you are not completely sure that there is no pregnancy, the IUD can only be inserted during the menstrual cycle; Immediately after childbirth, or a few weeks after it in case of childbirth without complications. If a caesarean section was performed, then the IUD can be inserted only after 6 months; After an abortion, a woman can insert an IUD immediately or within the next week. After the IUD is inserted into the uterine cavity, sexual activity cannot be resumed immediately. This can be done after at least two weeks, depending on how the woman feels. Possible complications Painful sensations in the lower abdomen. If they continue for more than 48 hours, the device must be removed immediately. A peculiar discharge is possible in the first few days after the insertion of the IUD. If your periods become very heavy and treatment does not work on them, then you need to urgently get rid of the IUD. If, after inserting the IUD, a woman finds out that she is pregnant, then it is not necessary to immediately remove the IUD if she wants to keep the child. But, at the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that the IUD can cause a miscarriage. The body may reject the IUD, and then the IUD will fall out on its own. When to remove the IUD When the expiration date passes; If a woman wants to get pregnant. Instructions for patients When a woman has inserted an IUD and has already completed her first menstrual cycle, she definitely needs to see a doctor so that he can check if everything is in order. The first few months after insertion of the IUD, you need to check the antennae in the vagina, if they are in place. In what cases should you consult a doctor? If the slightest signs of pregnancy appear; If the menstrual cycle does not occur; If the threads from the spiral cannot be felt; If a woman has more than one sexual partner; A woman can use the IUD until she reaches menopause. However, doctors recommend not inserting an IUD into women over 35 years of age. Here it is best to use other means of contraception. As for those women who have not yet given birth, they are not prohibited from inserting the IUD. But, not recommended. The fact is that in the future, inflammation may develop in the uterine cavity, and then it will be very difficult to get pregnant. This is especially true for young people
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T-shaped intrauterine contraceptives.
Cu 400T "Vector-extra"

Intrauterine contraceptives "Vector-extra" are plastic frames on which metal spirals are placed.
Contraceptives are available with two frame options: T-shaped and F-shaped. The frames are plastic rods with hangers. The shoulders can be raised up (for T-shaped ones) or lowered down (for F-shaped ones). F-shaped contraceptives have special teeth on their shoulders.
Spirals made of gold, copper wire, silver wire, or combinations thereof are placed on the rods. The active surface of the spirals is up to 400 mm2. A polypropylene monofilament is attached to the bottom of the rod. Overall dimensions of the product are 32 x 32 mm for T-shaped and 18 x 32 mm for F-shaped.
The plastic frames of Vector-Extra contraceptives are covered with a thin soluble film made from a mixture of biologically active substances - propolis and calendula.
Contraceptives are equipped with devices for their installation, which are tubes with a diameter of 4 mm made of polypropylene.
The principle of action of contraceptives is based on the fact that they cause a rejection reaction in the endometrium to a foreign body, change the activity of the fallopian tubes, prevent the implantation of the egg into the endometrium, and reduce the lifespan of the egg. The presence of silver in contraceptives provides a preventive effect in preventing exacerbations of chronic inflammation of the uterus and its appendages. Propolis and calendula, which are part of the water-soluble film that covers the plastic frame, have bactericidal, disinfectant and medicinal properties. Gradually dissolving in a liquid medium in the first weeks after the introduction of a contraceptive, biologically active substances suppress microbial flora, improve the sterility of the uterine cavity, and have a therapeutic effect in case of minor injuries to the uterine mucosa.

I. T-shaped intrauterine contraceptives.
*Cu 400T "Vector-extra"
A T-shaped plastic frame is covered with a thin water-soluble film of a mixture of biologically active substances - propolis and calendula, on which a spiral of copper wire with a surface area of ​​400 mm is wound. A thread is attached to the bottom of the frame. Overall dimensions of the frame (32x32).

AgCu 150/250T "Vector-extra"
A T-shaped plastic frame is covered with a thin water-soluble film from a mixture of biologically active substances - propolis and calendula, on which spirals of copper wire with a surface area of ​​250 mm are wound? and silver wire with a surface area of ​​150 mm?. A thread is attached to the bottom of the frame. Overall dimensions of the frame (32x32).

Ag 400T "Vector-extra"
A T-shaped plastic frame is covered with a thin water-soluble film of a mixture of biologically active substances - propolis and calendula, on which a spiral of silver wire with a surface area of ​​400 mm is wound. A thread is attached to the bottom of the frame. Overall dimensions of the frame (32x32).

*Au 300T "Vector-extra"
A T-shaped plastic frame is covered with a thin water-soluble film of a mixture of biologically active substances - propolis and calendula, on which a spiral of gold wire with a surface area of ​​300 mm is wound. A thread is attached to the bottom of the frame. Overall dimensions of the frame (32x32).

II. F-shaped intrauterine contraceptives:
*Cu 400F "Vector-extra"
An F-shaped plastic frame is covered with a thin water-soluble film of a mixture of biologically active substances - propolis and calendula, on which a spiral of copper wire with a surface area of ​​400 mm is wound. A thread is attached to the bottom of the frame. Overall dimensions of the frame (18x32). For order:

*AgCu 150/250F "Vector-extra"
An F-shaped plastic frame is covered with a thin water-soluble film of a mixture of biologically active substances - propolis and calendula, on which spirals of copper wire with a surface area of ​​250 mm are wound? and silver wire with a surface area of ​​150 mm?. A thread is attached to the bottom of the frame. Overall dimensions of the frame (18x32).

*Ag 400F "Vector-extra"
An F-shaped plastic frame is covered with a thin water-soluble film of a mixture of biologically active substances - propolis and calendula, on which a spiral of silver wire with a surface area of ​​400 mm is wound. A thread is attached to the bottom of the frame. Overall dimensions of the frame (18x32).

*Au 300F "Vector-extra"
An F-shaped plastic frame is covered with a thin water-soluble film of a mixture of biologically active substances - propolis and calendula, on which a spiral of gold wire with a surface area of ​​300 mm is wound. A thread is attached to the bottom of the frame. Overall dimensions of the frame (18x32). To order Au 300F