Tabex tablets: pros and cons of the drug. How to take Tabex anti-smoking tablets? What Tabex looks like in new and old packaging What to do to quickly and easily give up cigarettes

According to the World Health Organization, every 6.5 seconds in the world one person dies from smoking. Every year tobacco takes more than 5 million lives. However, most smokers continue to indulge in this harmful activity.

“Tabex” is a real salvation for those who have decided to get rid of a bad habit once and for all or to significantly reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke. The high effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by clinical studies and numerous reviews from smokers.

The main active component of Tabex is the alkaloid cytisine. According to the mechanism of its action, this substance is very similar to nicotine, but at the same time it is practically harmless to the body.

Cytisine affects metabolic processes in the human body, creating a nicotine replacement effect: taking a pill is like smoking a cigarette. Thus deceiving the body, a person experiences less and less cravings for smoking.

If you combine taking Tabex with smoking, a person experiences a feeling of nicotine overdose, which can be accompanied by dizziness, nausea and even vomiting. Every day a person involuntarily smokes fewer and fewer cigarettes and, ultimately, gives up them completely.

"Tabex" tablets: instructions for use

Tabex tablets are produced by the Bulgarian pharmaceutical company SopharmaPharmaceuticals. One package contains 100 film-coated tablets. Each tablet contains 1.5 mg of cytisine.

Take Tabex according to the following scheme:

  • 1-3 days. The daily dose of cytisine is 9 mg. Take 1 tablet. every 2 hours, 6 times a day (for example, from 9.00 to 19.00).
  • 4-12 days. The daily dose of cytisine is 7.5 mg. Take 1 tablet. every 2.5 hours, 5 times a day.
  • 13-16 days. The daily dose of cytisine is 6 mg. Take 1 tablet. every 3 hours, 4 times a day.
  • 17-20 days. The daily dose of cytisine is 4.5 mg. Take 1 tablet. every 5 hours, 3 times a day.
  • 21-25 days. The daily dose of cytisine is 3 mg. Take 1 tablet. every 6 hours, 2 times a day. After day 23, the dose of cytisine can be reduced to 1.5 mg, i.e. 1 tablet. in a day.

At the same time, the number of cigarettes smoked should constantly decrease, and on day 5 a person should completely give up them. If this does not happen, stop taking Tabex and repeat the course after 2-3 months.

"Tabex": contraindications and side effects

Despite the obvious benefits of Tabex, the drug has a number of contraindications. So, you should avoid taking it if you have the following diseases and conditions:

  • Arrhythmias of various origins
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Inflammation of stomach and/or duodenal ulcers
  • Hypertension
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke
  • Cardiac ischemia
  • Pulmonary edema

Doctors also strongly recommend that people suffering from diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular diseases, liver or kidney failure, and individual intolerance to the components of the drug not take the drug.

As for side effects, they do not appear with the correct dosage of the drug. At the beginning of the course, some unpleasant symptoms may be observed, but they, as a rule, soon disappear. These symptoms include:

  • Allergic skin rashes
  • Decreased appetite
  • Unusual taste sensations
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Sweating
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Headache

Attention! An overdose of the drug is extremely dangerous for your health! When taking an increased dose of Tabex (more than 6 tablets per day), an overdose of the drug may occur. This condition is accompanied by weakness, rapid heartbeat, nausea and vomiting.

At the same time, the patient’s pupils dilate, the skin becomes pale, and convulsions may occur. If a person is not given timely assistance, respiratory paralysis and death may occur.

If you even suspect an overdose of the drug, immediately rinse your stomach and call an ambulance!

"Tabex": price

The cost of the drug ranges from 465-750 rubles. One package is enough for a full course of treatment. You can buy Tabex at a pharmacy or order it online.

Tablets "Tabex": customer reviews

  • Ulyana, 31 years old: “My smoking experience is more than 10 years. I tried to quit several times, but to no avail: in a moment of stress, my hand automatically reached for a cigarette. The result is more than a pack of cigarettes a day. I tried a lot of anti-smoking products, from cheap lozenges to expensive patches - all to no avail. A colleague recommended Tabex and decided to try it. I decided for myself: if he doesn’t help, I will no longer torture myself and my body, and I will stop trying to quit smoking. But Tabex really helped! I have not touched cigarettes for 6 months now. Moreover, even cigarette smoke is disgusting! Now I lead a healthy lifestyle and feel much better. Thanks to my colleague and Tabex tablets!
  • Irina, 34 years old: “After the birth of my second child, I began to get better. On one of the forums I read “useful advice” that to lose weight you need to start smoking. And I started. People, don't repeat my mistake! The excess weight, of course, has not gone away. But there was a persistent dependence on cigarettes. I even woke up at night to smoke. After 2 years, I began to suffer from a morning cough, and I began to look worse. I decided it was time to call it a day. I am a woman and a mother, after all! They recommended Tabex and tried it. At first it was very difficult psychologically, although I didn’t feel a physical need for nicotine. Now I have not smoked for 4 months, and I can say for sure that Tabex is an effective drug. The main thing is to prepare yourself psychologically. You need to really want to quit smoking, strictly follow the instructions and not skip taking your pills.”
  • Ilya, 40 years old: “I smoked, scary to say, 23 years out of 40! During this time I lost a lot of my health, and for the money I spent on cigarettes, some manufacturer of this nasty thing bought himself a Mercedes. And there was also enough for gasoline. 2 weeks ago I decided – enough is enough! And I bought Tabex. To be honest, I didn’t expect much result. But (lo and behold!) the pills really work! I haven’t smoked for 10 days now, and I don’t even feel like it! Even with beer and after lunch! I don’t know who came up with all this, but he definitely needs to erect a monument!”

In conclusion, I would like to say that quitting smoking is a difficult task, but it can be done. If you decide to get rid of a bad habit once and for all, be patient and try to cope with psychological dependence. And Tabex tablets will help you overcome your physical needs. Be healthy!

Now the drug Tabex is at the peak of popularity; reviews from smokers (side effects can occur, but rarely) are generally positive.

The tool can cope with the problem quite effectively and in a relatively short time. However, it is better to resort to its use after consultation with a specialist.

A little about the drug

Tabex is a drug whose action is aimed at combating nicotine addiction. It contains a special active element, which is aimed at changing the taste sensations during smoking. Due to this, disgust from the smoking process occurs.

The pharmacological effect of the drug is to reduce the smoker’s desire to turn to cigarettes again or to completely eliminate it. Withdrawal syndrome is present in the process of fighting a bad habit, but with the help of Tabex it is much easier to tolerate.

The active component is aimed at stimulating special receptors that perceive nicotine. As a result of taking the tablets in doses prescribed by the attending physician, the respiratory organs are stimulated due to reflex functions. Thanks to this, adrenaline is released. Adrenal cells are directly involved in this process. The patient's blood pressure increases.

The effect of the drug Tabex on the human body is quite close in its mechanism to the effect of nicotine during smoking. Thus, the patient is ready to completely give up the addiction after some time.

Application technology

The drug Tabex is usually prescribed for 25 days. Specific dosages are determined only by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. The instructions indicate that the tablets must be taken up to 6 times a day in the first stages of therapy. Subsequently, the number is reduced.

It is not recommended to suddenly give up cigarettes during treatment. Their number should be reduced gradually. Due to the action of the drug, the patient will independently give up the addiction as a result of therapy, since nicotine will cause disgust.

There are rare cases when a patient cannot quit smoking during treatment. In this case, there is a high probability of intoxication of the body, so taking the drug should be stopped. If progress is not noticeable within 5 days from the start of treatment, the medicine should also be discontinued. You can take this course again after 2 months.

It is important to follow the dosage, because high doses can lead to negative consequences. So, the patient may experience:

  • nausea;
  • tachycardia;
  • dilated pupils;
  • convulsions;
  • weakness;
  • vomit;
  • labored breathing.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor. In some cases, it is enough to perform gastric lavage; less often it is necessary to resort to the use of drugs aimed at eliminating seizures and other negative manifestations.

Smokers' opinions

The drug Tabex receives positive reviews in almost 80% of cases. An unsatisfactory opinion remains among those smokers who have experienced various side effects. Most doctors note that the drug in question belongs to the category of effective drugs. The product allows you to cope with nicotine addiction in a relatively short time. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of specialists.

The use of the drug makes it possible to completely get rid of the bad habit, as a result of which the general condition of the former smoker significantly improves.

The drug helps experienced smokers and beginners.

Most common side effects

Tabex tablets rarely cause side effects, but in practice such cases do occur. The main reason for its appearance is its pharmacological properties, which in rare cases can negatively affect the human condition.

Side effects affect various functional systems of the human body.

Most often they affect the digestive system. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, which leads to the following consequences:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • constipation;
  • pain in the stomach and intestines.

In addition, smokers may experience dry mouth. There are cases when a person’s taste sensations undergo significant changes. The patient's appetite is also prone to fluctuations: a person may constantly eat or have an aversion to food.

The human central nervous system can be negatively affected, as evidenced by reviews from doctors and patients. Some fairly common side effects include:

  • headaches of varying degrees;
  • insomnia or, conversely, a constant desire to sleep;
  • dizziness;
  • excessive nervousness;
  • hot temper;
  • irritability.

If Tabex causes side effects, they are not pronounced. As a rule, they go away on their own and do not require additional medical care.

Other negative aspects of the product

Among the side effects that lead to taking Tabex in certain cases are disorders of the cardiovascular system. Former smokers may experience the following symptoms:

  • destabilization of blood pressure indicators (as a rule, they increase);
  • tachycardia;
  • chest pain;
  • strong or rapid heartbeat;
  • feeling of fullness in the chest.

The respiratory organs may not fully cope with their functions. Because of this, shortness of breath occurs and breathing becomes difficult. Patients experience high sweating, which causes discomfort and discomfort. If appetite is poor, a person usually loses weight, and in some cases this procedure occurs rapidly.

Other side effects include myalgia. Sometimes an allergy to the drug may occur if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components that make up the product. In this case, the following symptoms may occur: pain in the body, muscles, joints, and a rash appears on the skin, which is accompanied by itching. In addition, a high eosinophil count is detected in the patient during a blood test. This parameter stabilizes over time.

There are different groups of patients in whom side effects may not appear during the entire treatment period. But there is a list of negative aspects that are observed in the majority of former smokers. These include the following symptomatic manifestations: dry mouth and changes in tastes.

Negative manifestations related to the cardiovascular and digestive systems are observed quite rarely. Even if they occur, at the initial stage of therapy they disappear, as the body adapts to the active substances of the drug. If negative symptoms intensify or do not go away for a long time, you need to seek help from a specialist.

Contraindications for use

If a person intends to quit smoking, he can turn to Tabex for help. However, this remedy has contraindications that must be taken into account so as not to harm your own body. Typically, contraindications are presented in the instructions that come with the drug. Most often, the ban applies to people who suffer from diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and the thyroid gland. The active substance of the drug can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  • diabetes;
  • stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer;
  • renal failure;
  • liver failure.

The liver and kidneys are the organs through which the drug is removed from the body. When taking medication, the load on diseased organs increases, which can lead to negative consequences.

Contraindications also apply to a number of other diseases, among which it should be noted:

  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • arrhythmia;
  • angina pectoris occurring in an unstable mode;
  • atherosclerosis, which is in a pronounced form;
  • disorders associated with improper circulatory processes in the brain;
  • asthma affecting the bronchi;
  • hypertension of arterial origin;
  • bleeding involving large vessels;
  • pneumonia.

The drug should not be taken by pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding, as the active substances may adversely affect the development of the baby. It is prohibited to use Tabex in cases where the patient is hypersensitive to the components or individual intolerance to the proposed drug.

In certain cases, it is necessary to consult with a specialist about the possibility of using the remedy. Among such cases, we can highlight the presence of the patient:

  • a certain type of adrenal disease;
  • schizophrenia;
  • heart diseases;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • vascular diseases.

On an individual basis, a doctor may prescribe the use of Tabex to elderly patients and adolescents. In this case, the likelihood of side effects is taken into account.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Tabex - anti-smoking tablets

Action of tablets

Tabex alleviates withdrawal symptoms, i.e. a state of discomfort that occurs in a person who has quit smoking. It relieves the smoker's physiological dependence on nicotine.

This is achieved due to the alkaloid content in Tabex cytisine. This substance is very similar in its mechanism of action to nicotine, but does not have such harmful properties. The influence of cytisine on metabolic processes in the human body creates a nicotine replacement effect. Therefore, a person taking Tabex tablets does not experience as strong a craving for smoking as before. A kind of “deception” of the body occurs: receiving such a pill is as if you had smoked a cigarette.

If you combine taking Tabex with smoking, unpleasant sensations appear, as with an overdose of nicotine. Thus, taking this drug, a person involuntarily smokes fewer and fewer cigarettes every day, and then gives them up altogether, without experiencing any pain: the body is “put to sleep” by the action of cytisine.

Tabex - instructions for use

Release form of the drug

How to take Tabex (method of application and dosage)

Tabex tablets are swallowed with plenty of clean water. There is no need to chew the tablet; it is swallowed whole. Taking the drug is not related to the timing of meals.

The course of treatment with Tabex is carried out according to the following scheme:
1st – 3rd days: 1 table each every 2 hours, 6 times in total (for example, from 10.00 to 20.00). The daily dose is therefore 9 mg (6 tablets).
4th – 12th days: 1 table each every 2.5 hours, 5 times in total. The daily dose is reduced by 1.5 mg and is 7.5 mg (5 tablets).
13th – 16th days: 1 table each every 3 hours, 4 times in total. The daily dose is 6 mg (4 tablets).
17th – 20th days: 1 table each every 5 hours, 3 times in total. The daily dose is 4.5 mg (3 tables).
21st – 25th days: 1 table each 2 times a day, then 1 time a day. The daily dose is reduced to 1.5 mg (1 table).

The number of cigarettes smoked per day should gradually decrease, and on the 5th day of treatment the patient should completely stop smoking. If this effect cannot be achieved, stop taking Tabex. After 2-3 months, the course of treatment begins again; if this attempt is unsuccessful, the patient should look for another way to quit smoking.


Side effects


Taking an increased dose of Tabex (more than 6 tablets per day) can cause an overdose of the drug. This is a rather dangerous condition, accompanied by general weakness, vomiting, nausea, and rapid heartbeat. The patient is pale and his pupils are dilated. If untreated, convulsions appear, and then paralysis of the respiratory muscles, leading to death.

Therefore, in case of an overdose, or even only if an overdose of Tabex is suspected, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. Treatment is carried out in a hospital and consists of gastric lavage, intravenous drip administration of water-salt solutions, glucose solutions, anticonvulsants, etc.

special instructions

Although Tabex removes the physiological dependence on nicotine, the psychological dependence remains, and the smoker must overcome it with willpower. Therefore, it makes sense to start treatment with Tabex only when the patient’s intentions to quit smoking are quite serious. Otherwise, when a patient takes this drug and at the same time does not reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, nicotine intoxication may occur.

Tabex has no effect on a person’s neuropsychic state, ability for mental work, or reaction speed. This remedy can be taken without fear by vehicle drivers and people whose work is related to machine tools and various industrial units.


Champix or Tabex?

Quite often the question arises: which drug is better to choose for quitting smoking – Champix or Tabex? In this regard, let us consider in more detail the features of the action of Champix.

Taking Champix creates reactions in the body similar to those that occur when smoking. In this respect the drug is similar to Tabex. But varenicline (the active ingredient of Champix) and nicotine are antagonists, i.e. antagonistic substances. Therefore, if a person taking Champix lights a cigarette, he develops a persistent aversion to it. This is often accompanied by side effects:

  • headache;
  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • nausea;
  • excessive irritability.

However, despite the abundance of side effects, experts consider Champix to be a more modern, more effective and more potent drug than Tabex. This medicine is also more expensive: on average, the price of Champix ranges from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. The course of treatment lasts 12 weeks.

Does Tabex help? (reviews about the drug)

Most of the reviews about Tabex are positive. Many smokers, even with a long history of smoking, managed to get rid of nicotine addiction with the help of Tabex. People note that the drug gradually and imperceptibly removes the physiological dependence on cigarettes.

Some reviews are filled with sincere surprise: patients did not believe that they could quit smoking, and agreed to take Tabex only at the insistence of loved ones. However, during the treatment process, they unexpectedly noticed that the craving for smoking weakened significantly and then completely disappeared.

Very few reviews mention side effects; Dry mouth and strange taste of food were mainly noted in the first days of treatment. Then these symptoms disappeared on their own.

Many reviews approvingly mention the affordable price of the drug.

There are, but much less often, negative reviews about Tabex with something like this: “I tried everything, nothing helps, and Tabex is of no use.” It further turns out that the smoker himself did not make any effort and did not intend to overcome the craving for a cigarette. He expected a miraculous deliverance from his bad habit, but the miracle did not happen. After all, Tabex does not relieve psychological dependence on nicotine. And the instructions for the drug emphasize that a person must be serious about quitting smoking - only then does treatment with Tabex make sense and have a positive effect.

Let's summarize: Tabex helps get rid of nicotine addiction, but only when a person has firmly decided to quit smoking.

The description is valid on 29.03.2014

  • Latin name: Tabex
  • ATX code: N07BA
  • Active substance: Cytisine
  • Manufacturer:"Sopharma" JSC, Bulgaria


The composition of one tablet is as follows: cytisine (active substance) 1.5 mg. The composition also includes additional excipients: microcrystalline cellulose , lactose monohydrate , magnesium stearate , talc .

The medicine is coated with a film coating containing opadry II brown , titanium dioxide , polyvinyl alcohol partially hydrolyzed, macrogol 3350 , talc , iron oxide .

Release form

The drug is available in the form of biconvex, round tablets, which are coated with a light brown film coating.

The drug is produced in a blister pack containing 20 tablets. A cardboard pack contains 5 such packages and an annotation.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is N-cholinomimetic . It has a stimulating effect on the nicotinic receptors of the autonomic ganglia, has a reflex stimulating effect on the respiratory center, and promotes the release of chromaffin cells of the medullary part of the adrenal glands adrenaline , increases arterial pressure .

As a result, Tabex effectively reduces the body's dependence on nicotine . Under the influence of the drug, the taste of smoking becomes unpleasant for a person. Gradually the desire to smoke decreases. The drug helps reduce withdrawal syndrome , which is associated with nicotine withdrawal.

Overall effects on the body cytisine close to the mechanism of action of nicotine. This allows you to gradually stop smoking and significantly reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The pharmacokinetics of Tabex have not been studied in humans. Wikipedia indicates that data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug appeared as a result of animal studies. The substance Cytisine is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract quickly, but not completely. In mice, after oral administration of the drug, the degree of resorption is 42%, in rabbits - 34%. When administered orally, the highest concentration in mice was achieved after 2 hours, in rabbits - after 35 minutes. The maximum plasma concentration of cytisine is observed in kidneys , liver , adrenal glands .

The half-life of the drug taken intravenously in mice is 200 minutes, 18% of the dose taken orally was eliminated in mice over 24 hours. In rabbits, the half-life after intravenous administration is 37 minutes.

Tabex contains cytisine , the effect of which on the body is similar to that of nicotine.

Indications for use

The drug is taken with severe nicotine addiction , in order to alleviate the condition when quitting smoking.

Contraindications for Tabex

The drug should not be taken by those who have hypersensitivity to cytisine or other components of this drug. Contraindications to Tabex are observed in those people who suffer from certain physical and mental illnesses. In particular, contraindications for smoking pills are observed in the following diseases:

Doctors prescribe Tabex and its analogues to patients with caution schizophrenia , coronary heart disease , diabetes mellitus , chromaffin adrenal tumors , gastroesophageal disease , hyperthyroidism , as well as sick renal And liver failure .

For children and people over 65 years of age, the drug is prescribed only after assessing how the benefits and potential risks compare.

Side effects of Tabex

Side effects of tablets can occur in a number of body systems. Reviews of the side effects of the drug indicate that the drug may have the following side effects:

  • feeling dry mouth , diarrhea , constipation , nausea , changes in taste and fluctuations in appetite - from the digestive system;
  • dizziness And headache , drowsiness or insomnia , periodic increase in irritability - from the nervous system;
  • tachycardia , increased blood pressure, dyspnea , pain in the chest - from the cardiovascular system.

In addition, there may be weight loss , myalgia , high sweating , allergic manifestations.

As a rule, side effects disappear on their own. If the side effects of Tabex worsen, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Instructions for use of Tabex (Method and dosage)

The instructions for Tabex suggest a specific method of using the tablets. Initially, 1 tablet is prescribed five times a day, later the dose should be reduced to 1-2 tablets per day. Treatment with this drug lasts from 20 to 25 days. The method of using Tabex must be approved by a doctor in each individual case. It is advisable to find out in more detail how to take Tabex from the specialist who prescribes the treatment. If the patient continues to take the pills correctly, but there is no effect, it is necessary to undergo treatment again after 2-3 months.

When advising the patient how to take the pills, the doctor also warns that smoking must be completely stopped no later than five days after the start of treatment.


In case of overdose, a person may experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea And vomit ;
  • convulsions ;
  • general feeling of weakness ;
  • tachycardia , increased heart rate ;
  • respiratory paralysis .

If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to completely stop treatment with the drug.

Patients trying to quit smoking with the help of this drug, and who have exceeded the dose of taking it, need to lavage the stomach; if necessary, administer infusion solutions , anti-seizure drugs and other remedies that relieve symptoms. It is important to closely monitor your heart rate and blood pressure.


Tabex should not be taken at the same time as treatment medications tuberculosis , since it can enhance their side effects. There are no known physicochemical incompatibilities of the drug.

Terms of sale

Dispensed in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

The drug belongs to list B. It must be stored in a place protected from light and moisture, the storage temperature should not exceed 25°C. Keep the product away from children and store in its original packaging.

Best before date

The shelf life of the drug Tabex is 2 years.

special instructions

It is advisable to take the product only for those people who consciously intend to quit smoking.

Taking the drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and operate complex machinery.


Analogues of the drug are products in which the active ingredient is cytisine. Such products are produced in the form of tablets ( cititon , cytisine , lobesile ), in the form of special films that are glued to the skin ( cyperkuten ).

Which is better Brizantine or Tabex?

There are a number of drugs that have an effect on the smoker’s body similar to Tabex. This Brizantine , Nicorette , Champix etc. The basis of the drug Brizantin contains antibodies to brain-specific proteins, which helps reduce a person’s craving for nicotine. However, which is better, Brizantine or Tabex, can only be determined after an individual consultation with a doctor. The cost of the drug in Moscow is 280 rubles.

Nicorette or Tabex - which is better?

In the preparation Nicorette contains nicotine, so it is used as replacement therapy in the process of quitting smoking tobacco. Nicorette comes in the form of chewing gum, so the nicotine is released and absorbed into the body gradually. The cost of the drug in the form of chewing gum in Ukraine ranges from 75 to 88 UAH.

Which is better Champix or Tabex?

The drug Champix contains varenicline , interacting with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. As a result, the severity of withdrawal syndrome decreases. There are different opinions about whether this drug helps you quit smoking. But its cost is higher than Tabex: in Ukraine it ranges from 335 to 336 UAH. You can find out whether pills help you quit smoking from the reviews of those who have undergone such treatment.

For children

For children under 18 years of age, Tabex is prescribed only after determining how the benefits of such treatment compare with the existing risks.

With alcohol

The drug cannot be combined with alcoholic beverages. When discussing compatibility with alcohol, it should be noted that alcohol negatively affects a person’s self-control. As a result, consumed alcohol can stimulate an overdose of nicotine. In addition, when taking alcohol and Tabex at the same time, a person may feel that such abuse leads to a noticeable loss of taste. In addition, the following side effects are possible:

  • shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat;
  • heartburn ;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased craving for smoking.

Therefore, you should abstain from alcohol during the treatment process.

During pregnancy and lactation

Reviews about Tabex

The majority of those who have been treated with this drug give positive feedback about Tabex. However, those who leave reviews about Tabex tablets note that this drug should be taken strictly according to the regimen that is described in the drug's annotation. Negative reviews on the forum are left by those who noted side effects in the form of irritability, etc. Also, those who have contraindications to taking them should not practice treatment with these pills.

Most former smokers note that with the help of this drug they were able to effectively and relatively easily get rid of this addiction.

Tabex price, where to buy

The average price for Tabex in Moscow for a package of 100 pieces is 540 rubles.

The price in Ukraine for a package of 100 pieces is on average 160 UAH.

You can find out how much pills cost in a particular city by visiting the websites of popular pharmacy chains. Cost may vary. The average price in Kharkov with delivery is 180 UAH, without delivery – 150 UAH. Similar offers can be seen in pharmacies in Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk - here tablets are offered at prices ranging from 150 to 170 UAH

The price of Tabex anti-smoking tablets is quite reasonable compared to other anti-smoking products. Reviews of anti-smoking pills Tabex indicate that one course of treatment is enough to get rid of this bad habit. A specialist will tell you in more detail what exactly to start with in the process of choosing an effective remedy.

Where to buy Tabex depends on the person’s place of residence. You can buy the drug in Moscow and St. Petersburg at any pharmacy. In Krasnoyarsk, Tabex is sold in many pharmacy chains; it can also be purchased in online pharmacies. The drug is sold similarly in Ukraine.

According to the World Health Organization, every 6.5 seconds in the world one person dies from smoking. Every year tobacco takes more than 5 million lives. However, most smokers continue to indulge in this harmful activity.

“Tabex” is a real salvation for those who have decided to get rid of a bad habit once and for all or to significantly reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke. The high effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by clinical studies and numerous reviews from smokers.

The main active component of Tabex is the alkaloid cytisine. According to the mechanism of its action, this substance is very similar to nicotine, but at the same time it is practically harmless to the body.

Cytisine affects metabolic processes in the human body, creating a nicotine replacement effect: taking a pill is like smoking a cigarette. Thus deceiving the body, a person experiences less and less cravings for smoking.

If you combine taking Tabex with smoking, a person experiences a feeling of nicotine overdose, which can be accompanied by dizziness, nausea and even vomiting. Every day a person involuntarily smokes fewer and fewer cigarettes and, ultimately, gives up them completely.

"Tabex" tablets: instructions for use

Tabex tablets are produced by the Bulgarian pharmaceutical company SopharmaPharmaceuticals. One package contains 100 film-coated tablets. Each tablet contains 1.5 mg of cytisine.

Take Tabex according to the following scheme:

  • 1-3 days. The daily dose of cytisine is 9 mg. Take 1 tablet. every 2 hours, 6 times a day (for example, from 9.00 to 19.00).
  • 4-12 days. The daily dose of cytisine is 7.5 mg. Take 1 tablet. every 2.5 hours, 5 times a day.
  • 13-16 days. The daily dose of cytisine is 6 mg. Take 1 tablet. every 3 hours, 4 times a day.
  • 17-20 days. The daily dose of cytisine is 4.5 mg. Take 1 tablet. every 5 hours, 3 times a day.
  • 21-25 days. The daily dose of cytisine is 3 mg. Take 1 tablet. every 6 hours, 2 times a day. After day 23, the dose of cytisine can be reduced to 1.5 mg, i.e. 1 tablet. in a day.

At the same time, the number of cigarettes smoked should constantly decrease, and on day 5 a person should completely give up them. If this does not happen, stop taking Tabex and repeat the course after 2-3 months.

"Tabex": contraindications and side effects

Despite the obvious benefits of Tabex, the drug has a number of contraindications. So, you should avoid taking it if you have the following diseases and conditions:

  • Arrhythmias of various origins
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Inflammation of stomach and/or duodenal ulcers
  • Hypertension
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke
  • Cardiac ischemia
  • Pulmonary edema

Doctors also strongly recommend that people suffering from diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular diseases, liver or kidney failure, and individual intolerance to the components of the drug not take the drug.

As for side effects, they do not appear with the correct dosage of the drug. At the beginning of the course, some unpleasant symptoms may be observed, but they, as a rule, soon disappear. These symptoms include:

  • Allergic skin rashes
  • Decreased appetite
  • Unusual taste sensations
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Sweating
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Headache

Attention! An overdose of the drug is extremely dangerous for your health! When taking an increased dose of Tabex (more than 6 tablets per day), an overdose of the drug may occur. This condition is accompanied by weakness, rapid heartbeat, nausea and vomiting.

At the same time, the patient’s pupils dilate, the skin becomes pale, and convulsions may occur. If a person is not given timely assistance, respiratory paralysis and death may occur.

If you even suspect an overdose of the drug, immediately rinse your stomach and call an ambulance!

"Tabex": price

The cost of the drug ranges from 465-750 rubles. One package is enough for a full course of treatment. You can buy Tabex at a pharmacy or order it online.

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Elena asks 04 Feb 2013

First of all, you need to calm down. When you started taking Tabex, you knew that after you finished taking it, the craving for smoking would come back.

I understand you perfectly, because I quit smoking myself: headache, chest pain, stomach pain, irritation - I already went through all this.

First, simulate smoking. Put a pencil, pen, or best of all, a chewing cigarette in your mouth. Make a few smoking moves. Sometimes it really helps.

Replace smoking with other ways to relieve stress. You can eat seeds, suck lollipops at the moment when the desire to smoke comes. At the same time, a parallel TV or the Internet will help you get distracted.

It is imperative to establish a constant supply of joy hormones (endorphins) into the body. This could be skiing, skating, running, visiting the fitness center, swimming pool and any other feasible activity that you can do regularly. The fact is that when you perform physical activity, blood circulation and metabolism accelerate significantly. With sweat, everything that your body does not need comes out, including nicotine. The body is filled with hormones that displace the dubious pleasure that a person gets from smoking.

Create a clear plan to combat smoking. Prepare everything you need to complete it. Take action.


How to reduce the craving for smoking after stopping taking Tabex?

I started to quit smoking with the help of Tabex. But it made me dizzy, and at work I need to be concentrated and not miss anything. So after 3 days I decided to fight without it. I need to identify the root cause why I can’t quit and replace it with something else .!) I was afraid of gaining weight, I replaced it with the gym, then when I was nervous I took up a cigarette, justifying myself that those who brought me to this point were to blame for my smoking. Therefore, no excuses! I bought myself chamomile tea and stopped deceiving myself and poking myself Well, then I began to notice that my thoughts about the craving for smoking were decreasing. Then they disappeared completely, nothing will go away so quickly, especially a habit developed over the years.

You have tried for a long time for your habit to take hold of you like a tick, now try to get rid of this tick like a warrior, and not cry like a child if something doesn’t work out right away. Good luck! Join our ranks as a healthy nation))

Good day! Today I will talk about how I quit smoking with Tabex. I haven’t smoked for 2 months (I started 3). Someone will say, “Oh, how little, you’ll still smoke!” To which I will answer “I’ll smoke, I’ll smoke, it’s my business” :P

Front side "In Russian"

Front side "In English"

Decor : I want to point out that I’m not the least bit ashamed of him. It looks very rich, elite, not surprising for 900 rubles! The size resembles a large chocolate bar, and the design looks like a large pack of cigarettes.

Manufacturer : Sopharma JSC. Bulgaria, Sofia.

Place of purchase: "Pharmacy from warehouse"

Price : 900 rubles

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Over the counter.

Instructions : huge and voluminous. If it’s hard to see from the photo, then I ask you below:

Active substance : Cytisine

Cytisine (Cytisinum) is an alkaloid contained in the seeds of the Russian broom plant ( Cytisus ruthenicus Fisch. ex Wol.) and Thermopsis lanceolifolia ( Thermopsis lanceolata R.Br.) both from the legume family ( Fabaceae, or Leguminosae).

Compound :

active substance: cytisine 1.5 mg; Excipients: lactose monohydrate - 28 mg; MCC - 67.5 mg; talc - 2 mg; magnesium stearate -1 mg; film shell: Opadry II brown 8 F 26948 - 3 mg: partially hydrolyzed polyvinyl alcohol - 1.2 mg; titanium dioxide (E171) - 0.654 mg; macrogol 3350 - 0.606 mg; talc - 0.444 mg; iron oxide yellow (E172) - 0.062 mg, iron oxide red (E172) - 0.018 mg, iron oxide black (E172) - 0.016 mg.

Description of the dosage form:

Pills: round, biconvex, covered with a light brown film shell.

View at the break- from white to beige.

Indications for the drug Tabex:

Nicotine addiction (to facilitate smoking cessation).

Physical and psychological dependence on nicotine is considered a specific type of disease that leads to the inability to abstain from smoking, even with the understanding of its negative effects.


  • hypersensitivity to the active or any of the excipients of the drug;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • unstable angina;
  • Heart arythmy;
  • recent cerebrovascular accident;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • severe arterial hypertension;
  • lactase deficiency, galactosemia, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome (the drug contains lactose);
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • age under 18 and after 65 years.


Other forms of coronary heart disease (stable angina, asymptomatic (silent) myocardial ischemia, vasospastic angina, syndrome “X” (microvascular angina); heart failure, high blood pressure; cerebrovascular diseases; obliterating arterial diseases, hyperthyroidism, gastric ulcer, diabetes diabetes, renal or liver failure, some forms of schizophrenia, the presence of chromaffin tumors of the adrenal glands, gastroesophageal reflux disease, persons with a long history of smoking and persons over 40–45 years of age (see “Special Instructions”). Use of the drug in patients with diseases listed in section “With caution”, is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Side effects:

The drug is usually well tolerated, the observed side effects are mild or moderate. Most of them appear at the beginning of treatment and go away on their own. Most often they are associated with quitting smoking and are manifested by dizziness, headache and insomnia.

The following side effects are possible:

From the SSS side: tachycardia, slight increase in blood pressure, palpitations.

From the side of the central nervous system: headache, dizziness, insomnia or drowsiness, increased irritability.

From the respiratory system: dyspnea.

From the gastrointestinal tract: dry mouth, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, changes in taste and appetite.

From the musculoskeletal and connective tissue side: muscle pain.

Metabolism and nutrition: weight loss, increased sweating.

Others: chest pain.

There are only 100 tablets. Very conveniently scheduled by day. They are easy to swallow.

Directions for use and dosage:

Inside, whole, with a sufficient amount of liquid. Do not exceed recommended doses. It is advisable to start taking the drug after the patient has committed to complete smoking cessation.

The drug should be used according to the following scheme: from the 1st to the 3rd day - 1 tablet. 6 times a day (every 2 hours), gradually reducing the number of cigarettes smoked. The tablet should be taken between smoking episodes to lengthen the intervals between smoking cigarettes in order to reduce their consumption as much as possible. The dosage interval every 2 hours must be observed. If the result is unsatisfactory, treatment should be stopped and after 2-3 months it can be started again.

If the effect is good, treatment is continued according to the following scheme: from the 4th to the 12th day - 1 tablet. every 2.5 hours; from the 13th to the 16th day - 1 tablet. every 3 hours; from the 17th to the 20th day - 1 tablet. every 5 hours; from the 21st to the 25th day - 1–2 tablets. in a day.

It is strongly recommended to quit smoking no later than the 5th day from the start of treatment. A combination of drug therapy with consultations, incl. with measures of psychological support for the patient, significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Effect :

For the first time I bought it a year ago in the summer, with a great desire to quit smoking. I bought Tabex at a warehouse pharmacy, but for 800 rubles. I didn’t go to the doctor, it was purely my decision. My experience is 7 years. One pack lasted me 2 days (10 cigarettes a day), usually this norm was exceeded when I drank alcohol (15 cigarettes a day). Let's just say that at first I didn't understand how it worked. After two days of taking the pills, the desire to smoke has already decreased. It was disgusting to put cigarettes in my mouth. The instructions say that you should stop smoking on the 4th day of taking the pills. That's what I did. I didn’t feel like smoking, although at first I really put up with seeing my smoking friends. In the middle of taking the pills (on days 12-15), one of the side effects appeared - headaches. I've never had such a headache in my life! But I endured until the end of taking the pills. And even after taking the pills, at first I had headaches. I also experienced side effects:

  • changing the taste and smell of food (due to this they discourage the desire to smoke);
  • high blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • increased irritability (I don’t know if it was because of the refusal of cigarettes or if it was the fault of the pills);
  • poor sleep;
  • dry mouth;
  • muscle pain (not severe, but noticeable);
  • increased sweating (the first time I took them, I blamed it on the summer weather, but the second time I took them in early April, excuse the mountains of snow outside, but I’m sweating like a pig);
  • increased appetite (perhaps due to quitting smoking).

Someone in other reviews noted that they were dreaming because of taking pills. I always see dreams in the morning when I’m about to wake up, but I don’t always remember them. And with these pills, I woke up every day in the middle of the night. As for dreams, I remembered them perfectly and they were terribly REALISTIC! I always had the feeling that I was not dreaming and that all this was for real. To be honest, it's scary. Because I never have adequate dreams. :O

And so, for the first time I quit smoking for a month. Then I started again (a month after taking the pills). True, it’s not like before (10 cigarettes a day), but 1-3 cigarettes a day and a pack lasted me for 5-6 days! Then I realized that my addiction was more psychological, because I smoked only after certain moments:

1 cigarette - in the morning, before going to school;

2 cigarettes - after study;

3 cigarette - evening trip to the store.

Something like this.

Second time of admission. I wanted to quit smoking after half a year and I remembered Tabex, which helped me so well. Apparently the price of it is growing rapidly, just like cigarettes. If half a year ago I bought it for 800 rubles, then the second time for 900 rubles! Having started taking the pills for the second time, I stopped smoking on the 3rd day of taking it. The side effects were still the same. To this day (2 months) I don’t smoke because I don’t want to.

Conclusion : Now I can safely say that I didn’t need Tabex for the second time! Since this drug is more for physical dependence (which is very small), and not for psychological. If your cigarette consumption is low (1-3 per day), then you should not spend so much money on these pills and endure such side effects. I just don't see the point. After all, if you want to quit smoking, your desire is stronger than any pills. But if your consumption of cigarettes is more than 5 pieces per day and it is REALLY difficult for you to quit smoking, then you can resort to buying them. But still, if you are a smoker, I wish you to do without any patches and pills, because essentially this is all a placebo effect. I’m also planning to write an article here about ways to quit smoking, stay tuned!

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