The enamel of the teeth has become sensitive. What to do if you have sensitive teeth. Why does hyperesthesia occur?

Tooth sensitivity is a sudden response to a sensory stimulus that would normally cause no reaction in a normal healthy tooth. The problem is chronic irritation affecting eating, drinking and breathing. Increased hypersensitivity interferes with the ability to control dental plaque and compromises oral health. Main sign Dental sensitivity is a rapid, sharp pain from tactile (such as brushing teeth), thermal (hot or cold) and chemical (acidic and sweet) stimuli, as well as exposure to air.

Causes of tooth sensitivity to cold

Teeth are more sensitive when the root structure is exposed. They are covered with enamel, the hardest substance in the body. The enamel layer protects only the part of the tooth that is located above the gum. has no root protective coating, therefore exposed for many reasons. It contains microscopic dentinal tubules. All of them are connected to nerve endings that transmit the temperature of foods and drinks. As a result, when the grooves are open, teeth become sensitive to extreme temperatures.

One of the main reasons for a cold-sensitive tooth is that it is broken or has lost some of its enamel. A deep breakthrough that exposes the nerve leads to severe pain.

Pulpitis - common dental problem, described as inflammation of the dental nerve. Tooth sensitivity is one of the symptoms of acute pulpitis, accompanied by severe pain.

Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of using too much force when brushing their mouth. This action leads to tooth wear and ultimately gum recession. Must be avoided mechanical damage using a soft toothbrush and exploring effective methods cleansing.

Teeth are also sensitive to cold if the right toothpaste is not used. Whitening, although it gives a more pleasant color, greatly wears out the enamel. Harsh toothpaste can even cause your teeth to turn yellow. When the enamel becomes thinner, the dentin, which has yellow. Use a special toothpaste For sensitive teeth instead of one that contains abrasive ingredients.

Many people whiten their teeth to achieve a sparkling white smile. However, not everyone goes through this process without damaging their teeth. Bleaching causes erosion on their outer layer due to the strong chemicals contained in the product. chemical substances. As enamel erodes, teeth become increasingly sensitive to extreme temperatures.

More soft option will be used baking soda as a bleaching agent.

Certain foods also affect enamel. Acidic foods such as soda, juices, citrus fruits, wine and beer will dissolve it. The process of erosion occurs right at the gums, where the enamel is thinnest. As we continue to eat and drink harmful products, it wears out.

You need to change your diet by eliminating acid products and drinks. They will only worsen tooth sensitivity and can cause more serious problems. Also, never brush your teeth immediately after eating because the acid softens the enamel, making them more sensitive. It is better to neutralize the unfavorable environment with a glass of milk.

Acid wear isn't just about diet. Erosion can be caused by health problems. People with stomach diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux have increased risk development of dental problems.

Tooth sensitivity to cold may be a sign of gum disease. In this case, it is caused by the accumulation of bacterial plaque that damages the gums and bone. Because receding gums leave the root exposed, the teeth are no longer able to protect themselves from hot or cold temperatures.

Teeth grinding is another cause of enamel wear. This contact, resulting in loss of dental tissue, is called tooth attrition. Usually occurs only when teeth rub against each other. A bad habit develops unnoticed.

Wearing an occlusal splint will help protect your teeth from further damage.

After defining possible reasons problems, it is necessary to choose a treatment method. As already mentioned, desensitizing paste and soft Toothbrush will help cope with sensitivity, but its severity varies. Therefore, it is necessary to make an appointment with the dentist and carefully explain the symptoms.

If a tooth sensitive to cold hurts for more than four days, you should consult a specialist. Don't ignore the problem or rely on over-the-counter medications that provide little pain relief.

The first step to treating hypersensitivity is determining the cause. Your specialist will likely recommend one of the following treatment options:

Video - How to relieve tooth sensitivity, the mechanism of pain

Home Remedies for Tooth Sensitivity to Cold

There are several natural remedies that can alleviate suffering. If the problem is not caused by any serious dental disease, then the following treatment options will be very effective:

Take 1 tbsp. l. mustard oil and mix with 1 tsp. rock salt. By using index finger Apply the mixture to your teeth and gently massage the painful area. Leave it on for 5 minutes. After this, you can rinse your mouth with water.

If you don't have mustard, take a glass warm water and add 2 tsp to it. regular salt. Mix well until it dissolves. Use the mouthwash once in the morning and once before bed.

Asafoetida is used in Indian and vegetarian recipes. This spice can relieve tooth pain. Mix some powdered spice with half lemon juice. Warm the solution and apply it to the sensitive area.

Thanks to its antiseptic properties, garlic is one of the most terrible enemies of bacteria. Take the head and crush it. Then add half a spoon of rock salt (make sure it is in powder form) and mix thoroughly. Using your finger, rub the paste into the affected area. It should relieve any discomfort associated with cold sensitivity.

Honey helps protect the enamel and prevent further decay. Take one spoon of honey and mix in a glass of warm water. Use the mouthwash several times a day. It will not only protect sensitive enamel, but also soothe toothache.

It is important to always investigate the cause of the problem with your specialist. While teeth that are sensitive to cold are not a cause for concern, they may indicate a dental disease that should be recognized as soon as possible.

Video - Increased tooth sensitivity

Hello dear readers. Many of us are very familiar with this unpleasant problem like tooth sensitivity. When they react to cold and hot, we experience severe discomfort and sometimes even pain. We will discuss how to reduce tooth sensitivity at home.

I myself faced this problem in my youth. I could only eat ice cream with a spoon. Whenever I tried to bite the treat with my teeth, I experienced terrible discomfort. Probably, it was then that some unprintable words appeared in my vocabulary, and I myself first addressed this problem to the city dentistry. It all started with damage to the enamel. I can’t remember what exactly I gnawed as a child, but it was enough for many years of problems and toothache.

Main causes of hypersensitivity

  • the layer of tooth enamel has become thinner;
  • there are microcracks;
  • demineralization;
  • undetected caries.

Any damage to the enamel leads to the fact that the next layer - dentin - begins to feel everything from which the enamel should have protected it. normal conditions. Unpleasant sensations pass through thin nerves, causing you to experience indescribable emotions.

If the causes of sensitivity are carious in nature, you may not even try to treat them at home. It is quite likely that there is a wedge-shaped defect. They must be eliminated by cleaning and filling.

Symptoms and methods of control

You can read the forums for a long time and tediously, which are like mushrooms after the rain. They are as good as advice in glossy magazines. Because they are written by bloggers, not specialists. They will teach you how to apply plantain to gangrene and treat diabetes with dietary supplements.

First of all, you need to understand why you have this problem. To do this, contact your dentist. Let him check the condition of his teeth. If he doesn’t find anything serious, he might recommend some kind of paste, like Lacalut Extra Sensitive.

In general, such a phenomenon as hyperesthesia (this is the scientific name for this problem) manifests itself in different ways:

  • teeth react only to hot and cold;
  • they hurt even if you breathe in cold air;
  • there is a reaction to sour/salty/sweet.

Lacalut Extra Sensitive paste

In adolescents, this phenomenon may be a consequence hormonal changes in organism. Endocrine diseases, periodontitis, etc. can also be the cause. Even an incorrectly selected brush with excessively hard bristles can cause damage to the enamel and hypersensitivity.

Is it really possible to reduce tooth sensitivity at home? Yes, if there are no serious defects (initial caries, wedge-shaped defect, erosion, injuries leading to chips).

We are reviewing our eating habits. For example, we avoid soda, citrus fruits, and solid foods like crackers and nuts. We eat foods containing calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus. In particular, do not forget to eat fish and seafood, fresh cottage cheese, etc.

Sudden temperature changes like coffee + ice cream negatively affect the condition. Therefore, you should refrain from such experiments on your health. At the very least, it will be unpleasant.

Don't forget about various kinds gels and varnishes, the task of which is to fight microcracks. For example, there are such tools:

  • Remodent powder containing all the necessary minerals;
  • “Bifluoride 12” – enamel varnish with calcium and sodium fluoride;
  • calcium gluconate solution.

In general, many of these gels, varnishes, etc. are produced in our country, tested, certified, etc. They do not contain any harmful compounds. This is somehow more reliable than advertised drugs. Therefore, I personally would recommend something like this for home use. These products are available without prescriptions.

Treating tooth sensitivity with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is not a panacea, but it is good recipes, which have been tested and are truly capable of having an effect on various non-critical enamel defects. I've collected some of the simplest ones.

  1. Take 3 drops of oil tea tree and dissolve in a glass of water at room temperature. We rinse our mouth with this mixture three times a day.
  2. We make a decoction of oak bark. The product is sold at any pharmacy. You need a tablespoon of it in the same glass of water. Pour boiling water for 10 minutes or put on fire for 5 minutes.
  3. Make an infusion of chamomile and burdock (in equal parts). Let it sit for an hour and rinse your teeth 2-3 times a day.
  4. The simplest remedy local action– hold warm milk in your mouth.

The main thing is to read less of any “healer” recipes. Using them can make things even worse. Often you come across unique people who will recommend almost alcohol and tar. I came across a couple of books in the spirit of “recipes of a traditional healer.” Another sorceress in the forty-fifth generation promises you miracles. You, following her “wise advice,” drink all sorts of nonsense and read conspiracies.

And people really think that if they whisper some words, the hole in the tooth will heal and everything will be fine. It’s the same as curing cirrhosis of the liver through willpower and helping with bullet wound. And 90% of these books are written based on what is collected on the Internet, and are beautifully designed with pictures and in a hard cover with an attractive title.

Tooth hypersensitivity after therapy

Types of desensitizers:

Seal Protect(Densplay)
Admira Protect (voco)
Fluor protector IVOCLAR
Glumo(Heraeus Kulzer

In some cases, increased sensitivity may occur after dental treatment. For example, one of the reasons why sensitivity increases may be due to the use of a special gel (chemically active). If so, we recommend using desensitizers - special products (in the form of a paste, gel or rinse) that reduce tooth sensitivity. In addition, increased sensitivity after whitening or professional hygiene procedures can be reduced with remineralization therapy.

On a note! Another factor affecting sensitivity is microinflammation of the pulp. In some cases, they are observed after medical intervention - for example, treatment of caries.

Dental hypersensitivity is often caused by periodontal disease. Here the problems can be solved by the same professional hygienic measures, including the removal of sub- and supragingival deposits, as well as subsequent fluoridation. Finally, high sensitivity occurs due to uncontrolled clenching/grinding of teeth. Because of this, the enamel and tissues of the teeth wear out, which provokes severe hyperesthesia.

Getting rid of the problem of tooth sensitivity

You will say that there are a lot of words, but nothing has been said, is it possible to remove tooth sensitivity forever? Theoretically, and if there are no serious defects, yes. And even in ordinary living conditions. But you will have to seriously reconsider your lifestyle. What is more important to you – healthy teeth or beer crackers, ice cream and lemonade? I personally would choose the teeth. Because today they react to the cold, tomorrow caries will appear, and so on.

And how many articles have I seen on the Internet about relieving tooth sensitivity? This is not to mention all sorts of miracle remedies. Of these, 90% are outright attempts to defraud money. Remember the “Kremlin pill”? These were flowers. Here you will find all sorts of devices with radiation and space technologies for presidents. In general, if you have a couple of hundred extra dollars and want to add to your collection of household useless items, you can buy it.

Video - Increased tooth sensitivity

Prevention of tooth sensitivity

So that in the foreseeable future you have as much as possible less problems with teeth, and every sip cold water did not cause pain or discomfort, you should follow simple rules.

  1. You should not open bottles, etc. with your teeth. Chips in the enamel are one of the main causes of pain. You should also not bite your nails, pencils, or pen caps.
  2. If you have areas of demineralization in the form of small white spots on the surface of the tooth, go to the dentist. It will help you prevent it from getting worse.
  3. Use fluoride pastes. Quality, not for a dollar.
  4. Forget about solid foods like the above-mentioned crackers. You should not crack nuts with your teeth.
  5. You will have to eat ice cream with a spoon. And not icy, but slightly heated. Drinking hot drinks like tea and coffee is bad for your teeth.
  6. If your hair is not perfect, then strong bleaching pastes and powders with an abrasive effect can damage it. Rinsing with baking soda and peroxide is similar.

When choosing, look at their composition and purpose. Therapeutic and preventive, of course, can reduce tooth sensitivity. And here regular pastes, sold in every supermarket, will, at most, partially remove plaque.

Pastes for tooth sensitivity:

LACALUT Extra Sensitive
SILCA Complete Sensitive
LACALUT Sensitive
Blendamed Pro-Expert

Yes, you shouldn’t forget about visiting the dentist either - it’s not at all difficult to do this 2-3 times a year. Visually, damage to tooth enamel is invisible. But they are like a gopher. You don't see them, but they are there. For treatment, iontophoresis or electrophoresis with calcium gluconate, sodium fluoride, vitamin B and trimecaine may be prescribed. These remedies help relieve acute sensitivity teeth and guarantee not just temporary relief, but a long-term effect.

On your own personal experience I can say from the experience of people I know – it helps. But, of course, not in one procedure. A course of treatment and the use of remineralization agents are required.

When was the last time you went to the dentist, not because it already hurts, but just to get examined? Now there are a lot special means, which can be used to solve the problem by using them at home.

Have questions or comments? I'm looking forward to it! And subscribe for updates. There will be a lot more interesting things to come.

Video - How to reduce tooth sensitivity at home - practical tips

Increased tooth sensitivity creates many problems. Looks like healthy teeth acute pain react to an aggressive environment - temperature changes, sour foods. In dentistry, this phenomenon is called dental hyperesthesia.

What is dental hyperesthesia

When complaining of increased tooth sensitivity, the dentist usually diagnoses “enamel hypertension.” Hyperesthesia means high sensitivity of teeth to any type of irritant - chemical, temperature, mechanical. This phenomenon is quite common; approximately 50 - 70% of Russian residents are familiar with increased sensitivity of teeth.

Sensitivity of teeth happens independent disease or a symptom of increased abrasion of tooth enamel, erosion of tooth enamel or. Severe tooth sensitivity is common even in patients with complete healthy teeth without caries, when tooth enamel thins, exposing dentin.

Sensitivity of tooth enamel may also occur with carious defects in teeth. Moreover external manifestations do not always happen, but a painful reaction of a tooth to an aggressive environment (thermal, mechanical or chemical irritants) is a signal for both the patient and the doctor, since this symptom can be one of the first signs of incipient caries. Increased sensitivity of the neck of the tooth may indicate periodontal disease, when the necks of the teeth are exposed, reacting with acute pain to cold or hot food.

Typically, patients complaining of sensitivity note a different type of pain - from acute intense but short-lived pain in one tooth to long-term dull pain in the area of ​​​​several teeth. The most common increased sensitivity of teeth is to cold, hot and sour, sweet foods. By location, tooth sensitivity is most often noted at the base of the tooth, near the gums.

Causes of tooth sensitivity

The causes of hyperesthesia range from mechanical damage to the surface of tooth enamel with a hard toothbrush to general disturbances in the functioning of the body. The most common of them:

  • destruction of the enamel layer by short-term influence of mineral or organic acids;
  • exposure of dentin canals various lesions teeth;
  • restructuring of the endocrine system during pregnancy, adolescence or menopause;
  • metabolic disorders (phosphorus-calcium) in the body;
  • previous neuropsychological or general diseases;
  • exposure to ionizing radiation on the body;
  • habit of eating a lot sour food- fruits, berries, fruit drinks, juices.
Increased tooth sensitivity during pregnancy is explained by hormonal fluctuations and increased blood flow into the teeth. oral cavity. Vomiting increases the acid level in the mouth, causing acid erosion. The enamel becomes thinner and nerve endings react more actively to temperature changes.

Sensitivity of tooth enamel occurs as a result of the fact that the dentinal canals various reasons are exposed, and all sorts of irritants affect the sensitive tooth pulp. Even simply breathing in cold air or carelessly brushing your teeth can cause pain. Especially sensitive teeth in the cervical area, where the enamel is thinnest, and if, then it will immediately react sharply to any irritants.

The mechanism of dental hyperesthesia is quite simple: dentin is penetrated by tiny tubes (dentinal tubules), which contain nerve endings that connect to the dental pulp. The dentinal canals are filled with fluid that is in constant motion. Any change in the speed of fluid movement causes pain. When tooth enamel becomes thin, the dentinal tubules become exposed. Under the influence of various stimuli, the speed of fluid movement in the dentinal tubules constantly changes, it is accompanied by acute short-term pain, resulting in complaints about sensitive teeth.

Diagnosis of tooth sensitivity

If you complain about a painful reaction when exposed to an aggressive environment, the dentist may immediately suspect dental hyperesthesia. The disease can be diagnosed already visual inspection oral cavity. During examination, changes in the structure of hard dental tissues and periodontium are noted. Usually there is a decrease in hard tissue at the cutting edge of the front teeth or on the chewing surface of the molars.

Differential diagnosis of dental hyperesthesia should recognize the symptoms of tooth sensitivity due to pulpitis. In acute pulpitis, the pain is more prolonged and occurs mainly at night. With dental hyperesthesia, pain is usually short-lived and appears as a result of direct chemical or thermal irritation of the tooth and passes relatively quickly.

Symptoms of dental hyperesthesia

The main symptom of dental hyperesthesia is acute short-term pain. Common complaints from patients are that the tooth feels cold, sweet, hot, sour, and pain immediately appears, which subsides literally after a few seconds. The intensity of toothache ranges from mild discomfort to severe throbbing pain. In extreme cases, patients cannot breathe cold air, eating only warm and neutral-tasting foods

Typically, pain during hyperesthesia is a constant reaction, but temporary periods of remission can also be observed when the teeth do not respond to stimuli at all or the intensity of the reaction is low.

Treatment of tooth sensitivity

  1. If a diagnosis of “increased tooth sensitivity” is established, treatment is prescribed in accordance with the cause of the disease and the degree of its development. Treatment of such a disease does not cause difficulties for the doctor.
  2. Hyperesthesia 1st degree complex treatment does not need - a course of dental fluoridation of 10 - 15 sessions is enough. Applications of calcium and fluoride salts are made to problem areas.
  3. In the treatment of dental hyperesthesia of degrees 2 and 3, fluoridation may not be enough, then it is blocked tooth enamel modern filling materials.
  4. If the cause of hyperesthesia is caries, it is necessary to change the filling.
  5. When the cause of hyperesthesia is the lowering of the gums, inflamed periodontal tissues and exposure of the cervical areas, it is necessary to surgery, during which the gum is lifted and the neck of the tooth is covered.
  6. With increased tooth wear, decreased sensitivity by simple therapeutic methods not provide – can be applied orthodontic treatment aimed at changing the bite.
  7. When treating a generalized form of hyperesthesia, drugs are simultaneously prescribed to restore phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the form of calcium glycerophosphate and multivitamin complexes, which are taken throughout the course of treatment of hyperesthesia.
  8. If increased sensitivity remains after filling, you need to check the quality of the filling. If it is placed incorrectly, with the edges not tightly adjacent to the tooth enamel, food debris can enter the cavity, causing characteristic pain. In this case, the tooth must be refilled. Sometimes tooth sensitivity after caries treatment may indicate the presence of chronic inflammation in the tooth pulp. If tooth sensitivity occurs after active brushing or whitening, this indicates thinning of the tooth enamel. If there are no other diseases, good effect in the treatment of hyperesthesia can be achieved by electrophoresis with a solution of calcium glycerophosphate. A new and well-proven method is to coat the enamel with varnish containing calcium and sodium fluorides.
Whitening sensitive teeth should be carried out with great care and only in professional conditions, after consulting a specialist. After all, during the whitening process, tooth enamel becomes even thinner and more sensitive. The doctor selects the most gentle whitening technology so that the tooth enamel is not damaged.

Sensitivity of teeth and braces are also interconnected; after removing braces, increased sensitivity of teeth may occur, which is eliminated by applying fluoride and calcium, as well as coating the surface of the tooth enamel with a special varnish with calcium and sodium fluorides.

If tooth sensitivity occurs after brushing, you should choose special toothpastes with a high content of fluoride and calcium. Today it is not difficult to find a good toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

High tooth sensitivity: prevention

What to do if you have tooth sensitivity at home? Prevention of hyperesthesia is simple:

  • complete oral hygiene, which includes systematic brushing of teeth with preventive toothpastes that do not contain abrasive particles and do not destroy tooth enamel;
  • competent technique for cleaning teeth using a toothbrush of medium or minimal hardness, without the risk of injuring the teeth and gums;
  • careful use of whitening toothpaste with abrasive particles and chemical elements causing damage to tooth enamel and leaching of calcium from it;
  • a balanced diet with a sufficient amount of foods rich in phosphorus and calcium;
  • limiting the consumption of sour fruits, berries and juices that destroy enamel;
  • systematic visits to the dentist twice a year.

Treatment of hypertension with traditional methods

Simple measures can weaken the nerve impulse emanating from the teeth when taking a breath of cold air, ice cream and other foods:

  • exclusion of sugar and sweet foods from the diet;
  • adding protein, dairy, seafood, fresh berries and fruits;
  • additional intake of vitamins D and C;
  • do not eat hot and cold foods, as well as sour and sweet foods at the same time;
  • rinsing the mouth with green tea, burdock decoction, snakeweed herb, oak bark, infusion of chamomile and calamus root several times a day. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs per 1 liter of water - boil, insist, strain.

Treatment of increased sensitivity of teeth with folk remedies strengthens tooth enamel (if damage to it increases tooth sensitivity), heals gums, but does not eliminate the cause of sensitivity. Rinses are especially effective for inflammation of the gums and sensitivity of the cervical area of ​​the tooth. Relieving gum inflammation automatically reduces sensitivity. But traditional methods of treatment (rinses, applications) are effective with prolonged regular use. If, after treatment with home methods, increased sensitivity persists, gums swell, and pain persists, a visit to the dentist’s office cannot be avoided.

Toothache - extremely unpleasant phenomenon, which each of us has encountered at least once. Today we will talk about its cause, such as increased sensitivity. In this article, you will learn what tooth sensitivity is, what causes it, and, finally, how to get rid of it.

general characteristics

In dentistry, increased tooth sensitivity is called hyperesthesia. It can occur for various reasons. Hyperesthesia manifests itself as pronounced painful sensations while eating certain foods. Teeth react especially sharply to cold, hot, sweet, salty and sour foods. Thus, a person suffering from tooth sensitivity cannot fully enjoy food. Sharp pain usually goes away in a couple of minutes, but if it does not go away for several days, it means that hyperesthesia has reached the stage where treatment is simply necessary. But even if hypersensitivity manifests itself rarely, as a reaction of the teeth to a particular product, it is extremely unpleasant, so it is better to eradicate it from the first stages.

Why does hyperesthesia occur?

Before we find out how to relieve tooth sensitivity, let's figure out why it occurs. Hyperesthesia manifests itself when the tooth is exposed to three types of irritants: chemical, temperature, mechanical. In the first stages, in order to remove the painful sensation, it is enough to simply interrupt the contact irritating factor with enamel.

The following can act as irritants to tooth enamel:

  1. Fruits and vegetables. These are mainly citrus fruits, apples and pickles.
  2. Cold drinks.
  3. Hot drinks and meals.
  4. Solid foods. For example, bagels, nuts, etc.

Sensitivity can also occur when brushing your teeth if the brush or toothpaste is chosen incorrectly. This problem often occurs after certain dental procedures, so you can often hear questions: how to relieve tooth sensitivity after filling?

Now let's look at the physiological part of the process. Our teeth are reliably protected by enamel. It is only smooth at first glance. In fact, enamel has pronounced porosity. It even has voids and microspace containing liquid. Such pores are connected to each other by tubules. The tubules penetrate the dentin ( bone tissue tooth). If the teeth are healthy, then the liquid moves through them at a speed of 4 millimeters per hour. This speed is extremely important for the health of the nerve processes. If it changes even a little, they become irritated. This is how the same thing appears unpleasant feeling. The speed of fluid movement can change for two reasons: exposure of dentin, depletion of enamel.

Types of hyperesthesia

Tooth sensitivity is classified according to several parameters. Let's look at each of them.

By origin:

  1. Sensitivity that occurs due to partial loss of hard tooth tissue. This can happen for a number of reasons. The loss of tooth tissue is caused by wedge-shaped defects, caries, erosion, abrasion of enamel and tooth preparation for installation of a crown.
  2. Sensitivity that does not depend on the loss of hard tooth tissue. It manifests itself when a person suffers from diseases that are not at all related to dentistry. As a rule, such hyperesthesia has chronic course. This group also includes periodontal disease and gum recession. Due to gum pathology, over time, even the neck of the tooth may become exposed. It has high sensitivity. In the most severe cases even the root of the tooth is exposed.

By area of ​​distribution:

  1. Limited sensitivity. Occurs in one or more teeth. Usually these are teeth that have been affected by caries, a wedge-shaped defect, or damaged due to the installation of a crown.
  2. Generalized hyperesthesia. In this case, almost the entire dentition suffers. The reason for this may be multiple caries, erosion or periodontal disease. If such teeth are not treated, their condition will constantly worsen.

By severity:

  • 1st degree. Accompanied increased reaction for cold and heat. Therefore, most often dentists are asked the question: how to relieve tooth sensitivity to cold and hot?
  • 2nd degree. In addition to the reaction to temperature influences, there is also a reaction to chemical ones: salty and sour.
  • 3rd degree. In addition to the listed irritants, discomfort cause any tactile stimuli.

Visit to the dentist

If you show signs of hyperesthesia, then you need to contact your dentist, he will tell you how to relieve tooth sensitivity. You need to undergo a special course of treatment. Your dentist will perform procedures to close the nerve canaliculi. For this, remineralizing drugs, electrophoresis, special varnishes and other less common procedures are used. When the tubules are closed, tooth sensitivity decreases. At the same time, tooth enamel becomes stronger and thicker.

We already know what hyperesthesia is and why it can occur. Now let's find out how to relieve tooth sensitivity at home. To get rid of hyperesthesia, special toothpastes are used, as well as rinsing with fluoride, calcium and potassium. In the first stages, this may be quite enough. For example, Sensodyne F paste contains potassium chloride. It quickly reduces tooth sensitivity. You can use this paste either constantly or alternating it with others. It is better to buy a paste that reduces sensitivity at a pharmacy or a reliable store. You can find a lot of fakes on the market today.

By the way, toothpastes with a whitening effect are not recommended for use if you have tooth sensitivity. And in general it is better not to resort to their use. They thin out tooth enamel and cause hyperesthesia. Unfortunately, even in the age of scientific progress, aggressive components continue to be used in such pastes.

Mouth rinse

Rinse preparations also help to quickly relieve tooth sensitivity.

These drugs usually include:

  1. Potassium nitrate. Helps reduce the sensitivity of nerve fibers.
  2. Sodium fluoride. Helps strengthen the enamel structure.
  3. Antiseptics. They fight microorganisms that cause plaque formation.
  4. Plant extracts. Eliminate inflammatory processes in the gums.

Therapeutic films

Another good way to reduce tooth sensitivity is the use of Diplen medicinal films, which are impregnated special composition. They are simply glued to the teeth for several hours. During this time, the medicine penetrates the enamel and reduces hyperesthesia. It is not necessary to remove the remaining films, as they dissolve on their own.

Balanced diet

Asked about how to relieve tooth sensitivity, many resort to traditional methods. In the arsenal traditional medicine There are many desensitizing agents available, but their common disadvantage is that they do not eliminate the cause of the problem. Therefore, in addition to dental treatment, you also need to take care of balanced diet And healthy way life. These are the first and critical steps on the way to restoring and strengthening enamel.

At the first symptoms of increased sensitivity of teeth and gums, you need to limit the consumption of sugar and products with sugar. high content. At the same time, you should start consuming more dairy products, fresh eggs and carrots. Liver and sea fish also contribute to dental restoration. The substances contained in the listed products restore dental tissue and normalize their sensitivity.

If, in addition to hyperesthesia, gum inflammation is observed, then you need to eat more wild berries: lingonberries, blackberries, cloudberries and blueberries. Fortunately, they are now available frozen at any time of the year.

Do not consume food and drinks that are too cold or hot. It is strictly not recommended to do both at the same time. For example, many people like to eat ice cream with hot coffee. To bring the enamel into proper condition, you should get used to the fact that the temperature of the food you eat should not exceed 40 degrees.

Tooth sensitivity: how to relieve (folk remedies)

People know many infusions and decoctions that reduce hyperesthesia. Let's look at the main ones to find out how to relieve tooth sensitivity at home, without using any special means or medications.

A decoction of oak bark, famous for its antiseptic and astringent properties, is also used for dental hyperesthesia and gum disease. It is prepared quite simply. One tablespoon of bark should be poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Then the preparation needs to be slightly cooled and strained. The oral cavity is rinsed with warm (but in no case hot) decoction 2-3 times a day.

Preparations from snakeweed can not only relieve a person from tooth sensitivity, but also strengthen the gums, and also eliminate bad smell from mouth. The drug is prepared as follows. 10 grams of crushed knotweed are poured with 200 milliliters of water and boiled in a water bath for about 30 minutes. Then the broth is cooled and filtered. They rinse the mouth with it 4 times a day. A decoction of burdock is used in a similar way, only it is boiled for only 2-3 minutes.

Eggplant peel tincture is also used for rinsing. It must first be thoroughly dried and ground to a powder. One tablespoon of this powder is poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. Rinse the mouth 4-5 times a day.

There are quite a few types of rinses that help with hyperesthesia. There are even recipes using essential oils. For example, tea tree oil not only relieves inflammation of teeth, but also neutralizes bad breath. Add 3 drops of this oil to 200 ml of warm water and rinse the mouth with the solution up to 4 times a day. Before adding oil to water, it must be dissolved in an emulsifier, since fat does not dissolve in water. The simplest emulsifier is soda.

Other folk methods

Just rinses traditional treatment hyperesthesia is not limited. Let's find out how to relieve tooth sensitivity at home using other methods. Few people know that warm boiled milk can help combat hyperesthesia. It should be consumed in small sips, holding it in the mouth for 10-15 seconds. Homemade milk for these purposes fits better than store-bought.

Another way to relieve yourself of tooth sensitivity is to chew propolis. You can also stick it to your teeth during the day or at night. Healing substances, which are part of propolis, penetrating into tooth enamel, will strengthen it.

Brushing teeth and preventing hyperesthesia

Often people with healthy teeth suffer from increased sensitivity. The reason for this is simply an incorrectly selected toothbrush. Her stubble should not be too hard. At the same time, it should fit well between the teeth. Use dental floss It is recommended to apply it carefully so that it does not harm the enamel. It is interesting to note that according to the observations of dentists, sensitivity usually occurs in those teeth from which a person begins brushing. That is, right-handers suffer left-hand side, and for left-handed people, accordingly, the right one.

It is recommended to start brushing with the front teeth, which are usually less sensitive. Then, as the pressure decreases, you should move on to the remaining areas. To minimize the risk of thinning the enamel, it is recommended to brush your teeth from the bottom up.

If you decide to undergo a teeth whitening procedure, it is better to give preference to the laser or ultrasound option. Procedures using chemicals and high temperatures recommended to avoid. Having chosen the last two methods, you will most likely have to return to the question of how to relieve teeth sensitivity after whitening.


Today we looked at the issue of tooth sensitivity. How to remove? Paste or decoction, rinsing or chewing propolis - there are many ways. As you can see, there are many traditional methods for treating tooth sensitivity, each of which is quite effective. However, at the first symptoms of hyperesthesia, it is recommended to consult a dentist in order to identify the causes of the problem. Diagnostics at home, without the appropriate knowledge and equipment, is simply impossible. And only after knowing the cause of the problem, you can think about how to relieve tooth sensitivity.