Chlorogenic acid in which foods. Beneficial properties of chlorogenic acid, its effect on the body. Methods for industrial extraction of the component

Until recently, the question of the dangers and benefits of chlorogenic acid was practically not of concern to the general public. Moreover, only chemists knew what kind of acid it was, and “with what (more precisely, in what) it is eaten.” However, now that a great many people who are losing weight have become interested in green coffee and its miraculous properties, this question: " Chlorogenic acid- harm and benefit?” has become very relevant.

So what is this acid? This is a chemical compound that is an ester of caffeic and quinic acids. Most likely, this means nothing to many readers. Let's try to explain it more simply. It is colorless crystals that easily dissolve in water. Their melting point is 206-210 °C. Not too high, and that's important.

Chlorogenic acid does not contain chlorine. Its name comes from the Greek “chloros”, which means light green. It is contained in large quantities in unroasted coffee and germinating sunflower seeds. What are the harms and benefits of chlorogenic acid? What caused the surge of interest in it? It turns out that this compound slows down the release of glucose into the blood after eating. Thus, natural spring The body’s energy is blocked, and the body is forced to break down existing fats to obtain energy.

Yes, I must admit, we are ready to grasp at every straw that will give us the opportunity to get rid of the hated extra pounds. Idea in in this case simple. Chlorogenic acid is found in large quantities in green coffee.

Let's immediately clarify that green coffee– this is not a variety, these are simply unroasted coffee beans. Scientists believe that chlorogenic acid regulates plant maturation processes. During heat treatment, it naturally collapses.

The simplest and most nice way drinking green coffee is traditional. The beans must be ground in a coffee grinder, poured cold water and bring to a boil over low heat. For one cup of coffee, take 1-2 teaspoons of finely ground green coffee. The drink tastes bitter, somewhat specific, but many people like it.

It is worth mentioning once again the harms and benefits of chlorogenic acid. If you have diabetes, osteoporosis or glaucoma, you better refrain from this method of losing weight. For liver problems and gallbladder– Consult your doctor whether you should drink this drink. Nutritionists believe that two to three cups of green coffee a day is enough to start the fat burning process. Of course, this is not a panacea. We must not forget about physical exercise, healthy eating and active lifestyle. Green coffee itself will not give the desired effect, and do not snack on it with sweet candy.

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Comment, review No. 1

I agree, there is no more pressing topic today than weight loss. Concerned young girls and sedate men. It would be nice if these fashionable wonders did not cause harm. We haven't fully figured out the black coffee issue here. Can everyone drink it? How much of it can you drink, and how much is harmful? I think that if a person has hypertension, and this often happens in those who want to lose weight, one should be more careful with coffee. Black, green - with any pressure the pressure will jump. People, you cannot believe only in this chlorogenic acid, and harm and benefit from it are quite possible. Why are we so lazy? Let's go to the gym, or go rafting somewhere.


Comment, review No. 2

Guys, what are you talking about? I don't want to go rafting on rivers. I don't have time and I'm wet. I'd rather eat something to lose weight. I really liked the idea of ​​green coffee. I tried it yesterday with a friend. A bit bitter for my taste, though. I would like to add more sugar. I started to figure it out, maybe I could find something tastier? What foods contain chlorogenic acid? Everyone on the Internet writes about green coffee. I also read that eggplants contain it. It’s just not clear where and how much. Maybe switch to eggplants? Then how many of them should you eat? The thing is delicious, but you can’t sit on eggplants alone. Although, if you only eat eggplants, you’ll lose weight. I wonder if they should be eaten green too?


Comment, review No. 3

It is absolutely not necessary to eat green eggplants. Chlorogenic acid is sold in tablets. By the way, they are made from artichokes, not eggplants. You need to take 3-4 pieces three times a day. It's all written there in the insert. But to be honest, I like green coffee better. It invigorates well. The eyes even open on their own. It’s a bit bitter, really, but there is an effect. I've already lost two kilos, and it's only been a week! Maybe this is also a psychological effect? The pills were from the doctor, but I made the coffee myself and took care of it. By the way, I read that from coffee cake good masks for the face are obtained. I tried it, it makes my skin smooth and light.


Comment, review No. 4

The problem of excess weight is relevant, but it is not the only problem of humanity. There are still a lot of diseases that require a careful, let’s say, meaningful approach to nutrition. Balance and knowledge of what is contained in which products is very important here. We usually focus on the concept of “tasty or tasteless.” Most likely, this is the one intuitively the right approach to nutrition. If the body needs to replenish the supply of some substances, one thing is tasty for it, other substances are needed - something else is tasty. However, you need to know what is present in which fruits and vegetables. Chlorogenic acid, which is now so much debated, is found in barberries, pears, quince, and some varieties of apples. Green coffee also contains it, but this is not its only source. It is useful not only for weight loss purposes. Chlorogenic acid strengthens capillaries, prevents a number of liver diseases, supports normal work kidney


Comment, review No. 5

Excess weight- the scourge of our time. To the idea active image Our society is moving forward, but somehow very slowly. Young people go to gyms and ski. But we won’t indicate their age for those who are older; they have problems with sports. I really want to take some good pills so that I can wake up and everything will be fine. So he appears in society every year new fashion. I remember we ate pineapples with pleasure. Tasty, healthy. Some who did not snack on cakes even lost weight. Then everyone drank ginger tea, with mint, with honey, with lemon. Useful thing. Strengthens the immune system, stabilizes blood pressure. Again, those who also ran at the same time lost weight. Chlorogenic acid for weight loss is fashionable these days, as I understand it. If it helps, thank God. There is still a problem, and it needs to be solved. Is it worth it to be zealous with green coffee? Let everyone decide for themselves. Just don't forget to move.

Comment, review No. 6

Where can you buy chlorogenic acid? Does it come in tablets? A friend says that green coffee helps her. Yes, this is already visible to the naked eye. There is no need to step on the scale. She drinks green coffee three times a day. He's already finishing his sixth pack. She likes the taste, there is no violence against the body. But I’m sad. Unbearably bitter. I also dilute black coffee with milk. And green is bitter even to smell, but there is an effect. I can see. Where to find chlorogenic acid in diet pills?

Comment, review No. 7

The drug Tropicana Slim has appeared in pharmacies. These are, of course, not tablets, in the sense in which we are accustomed, they are dietary supplements. For me this means that this drug will not cause harm to the body. I would like, of course, that for 400 rubles there would still be some benefit. The packaging states that the product contains 100% green coffee extract. It’s doubtful, because usually something is added. Rarely is a dietary supplement made on the basis of one substance; usually it is a combination of different components. It does not say how much chlorogenic acid is in the tablets. It is believed that if less than 45%, the effectiveness for weight loss is very low. And again, the price is confusing. In the States in 2012, drugs with chlorogenic acid were among the most sold, but prices there are much higher. Is this a marketing ploy? Is it still possible to buy chlorogenic acid in tablets in a pharmacy with a high content of such useful substance?

Comment, review No. 10

The consumption of many products is subject to fashion. We very often eat things that even ten years ago we would not have thought of putting in our mouths. Do you remember how the first Chinese restaurants appeared in our country? What is the current sushi boom worth? It's like we've been eating here all our lives raw fish and ate it with pancakes. It’s certainly good that we have the opportunity to try different cuisines. Let's just do this without fanaticism. The body cannot create such imbalances in nutrition. And now chlorogenic acid has appeared. Perhaps this is a useful thing. I would like to know in more detail where chlorogenic acid is found in products? I mean, for example, eggplants. Is it in the skin or in the pulp? After all, we peel many vegetables and throw away the most useful ones.

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Most people love coffee for their taste qualities and a tonic effect, but few people know that the most important role in this extremely popular drink is played by chlorogenic acid, which is part of it. The properties of this chemical compound largely form the range of rich aroma and exquisite taste that its many fans admire so much. In addition, this substance, as the latest Scientific research, brings many biological and physiological dividends to our body. However, first things first.

From the point of view of organic chemistry, chlorogenic acid is a depside with a caffeine-esterified hydroxyl at the third carbon atom of quinic acid. This chemical compound is present in many plants, but highest value It is present in coffee beans due to their extreme abundance. They contain about seven percent chlorogenic acid. It has recently been established that the leaves of eucommia, a deciduous tree reaching a height of twenty meters, can also serve as a good source of this substance.

Chlorogenic acid performs important function in various enzymatic and oxidative processes. But it also brings many benefits to our body. Chlorogenic acid, effectively and safely burning fat, promotes the acquisition slim figure. In addition, this chemical compound improves metabolic processes in the liver, which performs an important function in breaking down all fats that enter our body. Chlorogenic acid also works as a certain blood sugar regulator.

It is this acid that can quickly convert excess fat reserves into clean energy, which is especially important for people trying to lose weight. One more useful quality This substance is its ability to slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates, which can also be deposited on problem areas of the body (hips, abdomen, sides) in the form of fat.

Chlorogenic acid was first discovered by a Russian botanist and public figure A.S. Famintsyn in 1893 on sections of sunflower cotyledons through a qualitative microchemical reaction. The widespread distribution of this chemical compound among higher plants(it was found in 98 out of 230 samples studied) attracted the close attention of scientists who began to study it biological role in the life and development of plant organisms.

Thus, it was found that chlorogenic acid (you can also buy it in its pure synthesized form, in which it is a white crystalline powder) takes an active part in the processes of regulating fruit ripening, acting as an inhibitor. It is also known that this chemical compound is extremely toxic for some types pathogenic microorganisms, which cause many different plant diseases. For example, in rice, an increase in chlorogenic acid biosynthesis serves as a natural response to microbial infections.

Not long ago, Chinese scientists made an important medical discovery. After a series of studies, they found that this, due to its unique ability to block toxic proteins, could in the future become the basis of a medicine for the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

The products we consume contain great amount elements that can both positively and negatively affect the state of the body. The properties of individual components often become the basis for their use in therapeutic or for cosmetic purposes. Thus, chlorogenic acid, which is so popular in aromatic coffee, is often used as a substance that promotes weight loss. But this is only one aspect of using the component; let’s find out how and what effect chlorogenic acid has on humans.

Chlorogenic acid - what is it?

Chlorogenic acid is a chemical compound that is an ester of caffeic and quinic acid. For people who do not understand the intricacies of chemistry, the name may seem somewhat confusing - it clearly hints at the presence of chlorine elements in the compound, but this is not the case. This prefix from Greek means light green, which hints at the products in which it is found in the most large quantities.

This acid is represented by colorless crystals that easily dissolve in water and have a low melting point (about 200 degrees Celsius). It is very important to note that the described acid is one of the most powerful antioxidants, it was first identified by scientists at the end of the 19th century, but Special attention attracted to Lately.

Beneficial properties of chlorogenic acid

According to scientists, the effect of chlorogenic acid on the human body cannot be called unambiguous, and this issue causes active debate in the scientific community. The most well-known aspect of the substance’s effect today is the activation of fat burning processes and the regulation metabolic processes, which helps people who want to lose weight. However, this is not the only one positive factor influences:

  • antioxidant effect as prevention of mutagenic activity, that is, the acid minimizes the risks of developing malignant tumors;
  • increasing the elasticity of vascular walls;
  • improving the condition of the skin by normalizing the processes of supplying cells with oxygen;
  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect;
  • strengthening muscles and bones;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • cleansing functions (normalization of liver function, mild diuretic and laxative effect).

Due to the fact that the greatest concentration of harmful toxins is in the intestines, and the chlorogenic compound promotes their removal, the substance becomes a means of preventing infection digestive tract and development various diseases in this area.

Possible harm from use to the body

Research into the effects of chlorogenic acid on humans reveals other results that indicate negative aspects. Mainly harmful to human body only comes with substance abuse, which becomes quite dangerous. So, a substance can have Negative influence in the following way:

  1. if acid production occurs only through coffee consumption, this will lead to serious violations nervous system;
  2. when a substance in the body is in excess, all its beneficial properties are canceled - it begins to lead to weight gain, accumulation of fat cells in the liver, overload the body and disrupt the circulatory system.

Taking this into account, taking chlorogenic acid as a drug in significant quantities to achieve a particular goal is necessary only under the strict supervision of a doctor, since the line between great benefit and serious harm in this case is extremely subtle.

Daily intake of the substance

It is believed that a person needs no more than the amount of chlorogenic acid contained in one cup of regular black coffee. A lack of this substance is a rare occurrence, since it is found in many foods, but there is no need to overdo it.

Daily consumption of black coffee should not exceed 4 cups. For the purpose of losing weight, 2 mugs of green coffee are usually prescribed daily, which is a very high dose.

What foods contain chlorogenic acid?

Chlorogenic acid is found in various products, but the leader is coffee, and it is its green beans. The fried version also contains this substance, but it is almost completely destroyed when heat treatment. The following foods are also rich in acid:

  • sunflower seeds;
  • chicory;
  • blueberry;
  • artichoke;
  • apples (acid concentration can vary from 5 to 40% depending on the variety);
  • barberry;
  • eggplant;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • sorrel;
  • pear;
  • cranberries, etc.

In the human body this substance naturally is not produced, and from the list of products you can see that it is found precisely in plants. Of course, in the listed products the concentration of the substance is several times less than in the mentioned green Arabica beans, however daily use at least some of them help to saturate the body with the necessary minimum of chlorogenic acid without the risk of excessive intake.

Chlorogenic acid in diet pills

Chlorogenic acid extract can be purchased in tablet form for the most convenient use and the ability to clearly calculate the dose. Today a lot of means are offered - biologically active additives– for weight loss, where the main component is the described substance.

They operate as follows. The main source of the obesity problem is carbohydrates, which have the ability to quickly transform into fats. Carbohydrates are included not only in sweets and baked goods, but also in a huge number of other modern products, and in very large quantities. Normal consumption of compounds is easily processed by the body, and all excess is eliminated, but overindulgence carbohydrate-containing food becomes overwhelming for natural mechanisms and leads to obesity.

Chlorogenic acid, in turn, activates metabolic processes, increases muscle and vascular tone, which triggers the process of burning fat cells. This is how the weight loss effect is achieved, but it is worth remembering important nuance– without correcting your diet and normalizing your lifestyle, there will be no result, since the substance only helps in the fight against fat deposits, but does not do all the work on its own. You should not believe the myth that just tablets with the substance or drinking green coffee will have a miraculous effect on weight, without complex impact V this issue not enough. Feedback on the use of this approach is mostly positive.

Pills “for slimness” can be purchased at any pharmacy, but it is best to consult with doctors in advance - a nutritionist and an endocrinologist. The amount and frequency of taking them depends on the specific type of drug. Well-chosen complex physical activity, correcting nutrition and taking dietary supplements will help you lose weight without harm to the body.

The coffee bean contains hundreds of chemical elements. Among them is chlorogenic acid, which has many functions in coffee. useful functions. What does it give to a person, what benefits can we get from it and does it help lose weight?

"Chloro" means green

The name “chlorogenic” has a suspicious syllable “chlorine”, but this random coincidence. To the dangerous chemical element our acid has nothing to do with it. Translated from ancient Greek, “chlório” means a shade of green.

The honor of discovery belongs to the Russian botanist A.S. Famintsyn. He discovered the compound in the late 19th century while studying sunflower seed kernels.

The origin of chlorogenic acid is most peaceful.

  • Formed only in flora as a result of the interaction of caffeic and quinic acids.
  • It is an ester of natural origin.
  • It got its name because of its delicate green color. alkaline solution, which is obtained upon contact with air.

A short chemical excursion does not yet provide an understanding of the unprecedented popularity of this component of coffee beans. What pros and cons does it hide, what benefit or harm does it cause to the body?

Questions and answers

In plants, the substance performs an important function.

  • Participates in the process of “breathing”.
  • Protects against viruses and pathogenic fungi.
  • Promotes growth.

The effect on humans remained unstudied for a long time. Scientists found other objects for research, leaving the discovery of the Russian botanist on the sidelines of attention.

The situation changed in the 21st century, when research on oxidizing substances intensified and the role they play in preventing cell aging became clearer.

Research has proven that chlorogenic acid has powerful antioxidant properties. Its antioxidant potential is many times greater than the popular substances of the flavonoid group. Translating this fact from the spheres of high chemistry to the everyday level, we can confidently say that coffee better protects our cells from oxidation than the popular red wine, grapes and onions.

The ability of chlorogenic acid to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates was useful. This effect is best demonstrated in the large intestine, where there was a 7% decrease in glucose absorption. This reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

I wonder what for a long time coffee was credited with the ability to increase sugar levels. It turned out that pure caffeine actually increases glucose levels. But the effect of chlorogenic acid is much stronger. It blocks the effect of caffeine and, as a result, the finished drink reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Acid accelerates transport function blood and lymph. It is a stimulator of processes and at the same time increases the elasticity of vascular tissue. The result is an active supply of oxygen to the body, good blood flow to external integument. The skin looks fresh, healthy and acquires a delicate tone.

From coffee to chlorogenic, and then vice versa

The properties of chlorogens are the subject of active study. There is evidence of improved elasticity of vascular tissue, about positive impact on heartbeat. Acid can prevent pressure from rising. All these properties arise due to the action of substance-metabolites, which are obtained as a result of the interaction of chlorogens with other chemical compounds our body.

So, during the breakdown of the active compound in the intestines, we get caffeic and ferulic acids at our disposal. Yes, yes, that’s right: chlorogenic acid is formed from coffee, and in our the body goes the reverse process of the formation of caffeic acid molecules, of course, in smaller quantities. These molecules work as antioxidants, pressure stabilizers, and anti-inflammatory agents.

Chlorogenic and caffeic acid are two different substances. They are obtained as a result of complex chemical transformations at the molecular level


  • Prevents oxidation and cell aging.
  • Reduces sugar levels and reduces the risk of diabetes.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is associated with the ability of coffee to act as a preventive agent for various diseases at the cellular level.
  • Forms useful metabolites that increase the elasticity of blood vessels and activate the transport function.


Excessive accumulation of the substance leads to an imbalance in the nervous system.

Chlorogenic acid and weight loss

The data on the effect of the compound on the fat burning process were unexpected and promising. The action is based on the property of the substance to partially block the supply of glucose from consumed carbohydrates. As a result, the body, without access to “fast calories,” is forced to turn to its own reserves, which are stored in fat depots. Their active consumption leads to a reduction in fat deposits.

This is where the widespread belief comes from that coffee helps you lose weight. This is also the basis for the belief that green grains are an excellent fat-burning agent. After all, they have much more content chlorogens. When fried, they quickly disintegrate, although there is quite enough of them left to meet the daily consumption requirement.

We are forced to disappoint those who are looking for " magic pill" You can lose weight with the help of chemical tricks only if you reduce the caloric content of your diet and create a difference between the calories consumed and the calories burned. IN otherwise There will be no effect, even if you wash down all your meals with liters of tincture made from green grains.

This conclusion is confirmed by the experiments of scientists from Australia on mice. The subjects received a generous diet. One group was given chlorogenic food supplement, the second group managed without it. After the control period, mice from both groups gained the same amount of weight. This simple experiment negates attempts to present coffee as a panacea for excess weight.

Effectiveness for weight loss is possible only with a decrease in caloric intake and physical activity.

Daily value and food sources

The substance has a range of beneficial properties and is not harmful to humans in reasonable doses. The body does not produce this beneficial compound on its own, so you can only get it from food. The body's need for it is small and healthy person enough small portion in 100 mg. Daily norm chlorogenic acid is contained in 120 ml of oriental coffee. Is not the only source of connections. Many products are rich in it.

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Potato.
  • Artichokes.
  • Fresh bamboo stalks.
  • Chicory root.
  • Apples (especially the peel).
  • Sorrel leaves.
  • Blueberries and strawberries.
  • Green beans.

The compound does not accumulate in tissues, so the supply must be replenished daily.

Chlorogenic acid: our conclusion

  1. Resists oxidative processes.
  2. Reduces blood sugar levels.
  3. Makes blood vessels more elastic.
  4. Anti-inflammatory agent.
  5. Can be used in complex therapy against excess weight.
  6. It is found in many fruits and vegetables, but most of all it is found in coffee beans.

Chinese scientists have published research materials on the mechanisms of action of chlorogenic fat-burning acid. This acid is considered strong antioxidant. It is present in many foods and drinks. For example, in apples, blueberries, eggplants. But it is especially abundant in coffee.

As a result of the studies, it was suggested that chlorogenic acid has a mechanism of action similar to metabolites. Its use leads to a significant reduction in blood pressure due to improved endothelial function in the arterial vascular system. It was previously revealed that chlorogenic acid can be used for weight loss, and it also has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it is characterized by anti-cancer activity and helps strengthen bones and muscles.

What is chlorogenic acid? It is found in plants. Organic acids have a weak effect, so they are completely safe when consumed naturally. Moreover, they do not affect acid-base balance. in tablets has recently been actively introduced by manufacturers as But the studies conducted do not confirm or refute the fat-burning effect of this organic substance.

The benefits and harms of chlorogenic acid

One thing can be said for sure: consuming such acid in plants, not in tablets or in concentrated form, will not cause harm. But if you use it in concentrate forms, then its excessive intake has a detrimental effect on the liver and can lead to poisoning. Can chlorogenic acid be used for weight loss? It has been proven that it helps reduce the body's free radicals, which, in turn, slows down the aging process and helps improve the body's resistance to stress.

The antimutagenic effect of acid has also been scientifically proven, that is, this substance helps protect against the development cancer diseases. Of course, taking chlorogenic acid will not get rid of the above problems, but it will have a certain effect on general state she still has an organism.

The fat-burning function of this substance has not yet been reliably identified. This is confirmed only by studies conducted by manufacturers of drugs that contain chlorogenic acid. This substance is recommended for weight loss because it helps reduce the proportion of glycogen used to replenish energy reserves, thanks to which the body uses up accumulated fat. But this means that all the carbohydrates we consumed went into glycogen, which is not used by the body. Consequently, some fat reserves are consumed by the body, while others accumulate, which in the future can lead to metabolic disorders and diabetes mellitus.

In addition, all these processes can negatively affect the functioning of the liver. Therefore, we can conclude that although chlorogenic acid can be used for weight loss, its use must be treated with great caution.