If there are problems with the kidneys, they deteriorate. External signs and symptoms of kidney pain in women. Glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis

Kidneys - vital important organ, which supports the body in in good condition. They are a natural filter, remove excess fluid, filter blood, remove unnecessary substances and toxins. That's why healthy kidneys– deposit wellness And good health. If they are not healthy, all sorts of disruptions in the functioning of many organs and systems of the body occur.

The most unpleasant thing is that the symptoms of kidney disease do not always appear immediately. Sometimes years pass before a person finds out about his illness, when it has already progressed to chronic stage. But as you know, any disease is much more successful and can be treated faster if it is detected in a timely manner.

Today we will talk to you about what types of kidney problems there are, symptoms, treatment, and the causes of diseases of this organ. Perhaps this will help many to pay attention to some warning signs and consult a doctor in time. Let's start our conversation on the www.site with the main reasons that can lead to the disease.

Why do kidney problems occur, what are the reasons for this?

One of the main reasons is pathogens, living in the intestines, ureter, genitals. If the immune system is weakened, for example after hypothermia, or colds and so on. microbes begin to actively multiply, adversely affecting the kidneys.

Another reason is pathological addictions: alcoholism, tobacco smoking, narcotic drugs. Diseases may occur due to long-term use of certain medications, especially their uncontrolled intake. We also must not forget about hereditary causes.

Symptoms of kidney problems

Be sure to pay attention and visit a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

Dull pain in lumbar region pulling, aching character. Sometimes it can radiate to the abdominal area.

Frequent urination, swelling on the face and body.

If during an external examination you can feel the kidneys with your fingers, this indicates the presence of a serious inflammatory process.

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

Acute lumbar pain, increased temperature, difficult, painful urination, or its absence long time. These are all signs
serious acute inflammation which requires immediate professional medical intervention.

Common kidney diseases

The list of ailments of this organ is not very long. Let us briefly list some diseases and their causes:

Kidney inflammation. The reasons are frequent colds, inflammatory processes in the body, alcohol abuse. This disease is treated with a certain diet, which is mandatory bed rest. Effective application folk remedies.

Nephritis, pyelonephritis. Common ailments caused by infection and inflammation. The patient is prescribed therapeutic diet and medications. Folk remedies are effective as an addition to the main treatment.

Dysmetabolic nephropathy. This disease usually occurs due to impaired metabolism. Also reasons may be endocrine disorders, oncological diseases, stomach problems.

Hydronephrosis. The disease is an expansion of the renal pelvis and its calyx, as a result of which urine does not flow out. It accumulates inside the kidneys. If the disease is not treated, the diseased organ may die. Treatment is surgical only.

Kidney stone disease. Stones can form due to poor nutrition, drinking unfiltered water high content calcium component, as well as due to chronic inflammatory processes. Treat with diet, medications, and folk remedies. IN severe cases appoint surgery.

Oxaluria. Develops due to high content oxalates in urine. If the disease is not treated, urolithiasis may occur, renal failure.

How are kidney problems corrected, what treatment helps?

If the cause of the disease is infectious in nature, the patient is prescribed complex treatment using medications: diuretics, uroantiseptics.

According to indications, the patient is prescribed:

Antispasmodics: Nosh-pu, Spasmol, Papaverine, etc.

Analgesics: Tramal, Ketanov, Ketorol, etc.

Modern medicine has a variety of modern techniques treatment
kidney diseases. The main thing is to discover the cause, the nature of the development of this or that ailment. This will determine which technique the attending physician chooses.

Therefore, treatment is always prescribed individually after diagnosis.

Kidney problems and folk remedies

As an addition to the prescribed medicines, on the advice of a doctor, you can use traditional medicine. Folk remedies are especially effective when the disease is just beginning to develop.

Here are some recipes:

An effective anti-inflammatory agent is corn silk. They will need 1 tbsp. l. per glass of boiling water. Place them in a saucepan and add boiling water. Simmer at very low temperature for 20 minutes. Then let it sit for about half an hour. Pour into a cup through a fine strainer. Take a sip every 3 hours.

It is very useful to drink a mixture of vegetable juices. Squeeze a glass of juice from ripe carrots, half a glass of beetroot and cucumber. Stir in the jar. This mixture should be drunk in three doses throughout the day.

Take care of your kidney health in a timely manner. Take care of them, eat right, treat them on time inflammatory diseases, don't get too cold. If you have problems with your kidneys, do not delay visiting your doctor. Be healthy!

Kidney diseases more common in women, this is due to physiological characteristics. Normal kidney activity maintains the health of the body; when they are damaged, excretory functions are disrupted, and water and salts are retained.

External symptoms of kidney problems in women

When the immune system is weakened, hypovitaminosis increases the risk of urinary organ diseases. Often worsens chronic cystitis or pyelonephritis. How to identify kidney problems? Some of the first symptoms when the disease develops include:

  • swelling;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • chills;
  • temperature increase.

To identify the cause of pain, the nature of the attacks, their location and the symptoms accompanying the pain are important.

Morning swelling of the face and legs

Characteristic signs indicating kidney problems are: swelling. They can be located in the eye area, on lower limbs, arise as a result of the delay excess liquid in organism. They cause inconvenience and signal the onset of a disease.

In case of kidney pathologies with urine from the body protein is excreted, resulting in liquid from blood vessels sent to tissues and organs. At the same time, salt and water retention occurs in the body.

There is usually no urination at night, so liquid drunk in the evening remains in the body. Above the swelling, the skin color is pale. Establish the cause renal edema help:

  • Ultrasound and x-ray of the kidneys;
  • scintigraphy;
  • blood test (general and biochemical);
  • urine tests;
  • MRI, CT;
  • X-ray contrast studies.

After treatment of the disease that caused the swelling, it disappears. You should not take diuretics on your own for these purposes; they can aggravate the condition.

Change in complexion

In case of kidney diseases, the face looks pale with an icteric tint; gradually, with the progression of the pathological process, the appearance of unhealthy blush which is permanently preserved. The skin of the face becomes dry and flaky, the hair is weakened (which also indicates existing problems with the kidneys).

Changes in color, odor, or amount of urine produced

For kidney diseases changes in the color and composition of urine: it becomes cloudy, the shade changes (normally straw yellow). If the urine is cloudy and has a greenish tint, this is a sign of a purulent process occurring in the kidneys. Reminding by appearance“meat slop” urine appears when hemoglobin is partially released with it.

Sometimes it occurs urinary retention. A decrease in the amount of urine occurs when kidney function is impaired. There may be no urine at all in acute renal failure, severe glomerulonephritis, or as a result of blockage of the renal tubules.

Blood, stones, salts in urine

Appearance blood in urine- one of the main symptoms of kidney disease, often indicating an advanced form. Blood in the urine may appear in the presence of stones in the ureter or kidneys, inflammatory processes, after kidney injuries, during a tumor process or kidney stones.

At urolithiasis sand may be found in patients' urine, small sizes stones. The cause of the appearance of salts in the urine is pyelonephritis and nephrolithiasis. Main reasons, causing salts in urine - defeat urinary tract infection.

Noticeable symptoms of kidney disease in women

When microflora appears in the kidneys, inflammatory process. As a result of development pathological changes symptoms can be very varied. How do kidney problems manifest themselves?

Lower back pain

Painful sensations in kidney diseases occur only when they develop inflammatory processes or during exacerbation chronic form diseases. Pain in the lower back can be cutting, pulling, aching, and radiate to the bladder.

Severe paroxysmal pain in the lower back may indicate renal colic, you can’t tolerate it, you need to see a doctor. With pyelonephritis, pain may occur on one side, with glomerulonephritis - on both.

Pain when urinating, incontinence

Difficulty urinating accompanied by painful urges, sensation incomplete emptying occurs in diseases of the urethra, Bladder, kidneys (in the presence of tumors, stones, foreign bodies, inflammatory processes). Frequent urge to urinate occurs with cystitis and in case of kidney damage due to a violation of their functions.

Frequent urination, false urges occur with pyelonephritis, frequent urination at night - with glomerulonephritis. After recovery from acute renal failure, urine output is greater than normal.

Weakness, fever

Fatigue and weakness indicate changes occurring in the kidneys. Weakness comes suddenly and can be paroxysmal. Disappears after drinking large quantities of liquid. Apathy takes its place, any actions slow down, and you want to lie down.

Increased body temperature- one of characteristic symptoms accompanying kidney pathology. There is a certain pattern: in the morning the temperature is subfebrile, in the evening it rises to 38 degrees.

In some patients heat lasts throughout the day, after stress, hypothermia or consumption large quantity liquid it exceeds 38 degrees.


At glomeruloneftite headache may occur due to increased blood pressure.

Nausea, vomiting

Pyelonephritis is accompanied by reflex nausea and vomiting. This condition can cause chronic renal failure when the body is being poisoned by nitrogenous wastes.

Promotion blood pressure

If blood pressure readings exceed 140/90 mm Hg. Art., this may indicate impaired nutrition of the kidneys as a result of the formation atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. As a result, the kidneys begin to produce angiotensin, causing vasospasm.

If there is a persistent increase in blood pressure, you need to undergo examination by a nephrologist. Such pressure is difficult to treat and disappears after getting rid of the renal pathology.

If the described symptoms occur, you need to consult a doctor to identify the cause and clarify the diagnosis. Only in this case will it be assigned effective treatment . When self-medicating with medications Serious deterioration in health may occur.

Signs pathological processes in the kidneys manifest a number of characteristic symptoms, and it is not always possible to know the consequences of diseases.

The paired organ allows you to remove harmful substances from the body naturally, and is also provided normal work the rest are vital important systems and organ.

If you have kidney problems, you need to know characteristics manifestations that allow timely action to be taken.

Features of disease manifestations

Many internal organs have nerve endings, which work like sensors, sending signals to the brain.

If malfunctions in the functioning of organs appear in the body, then the nerve endings are activated, after sending signals to the brain, people feel pain and other disorders.

Kidneys belong to parenchymal organs, which have the same functional parts, which are connected to each other by special fabrics.

The capsule has this structure, and the nerve endings do not enter the kidneys themselves; they reach exclusively the capsule.

This structure suggests that inside the paired organ there are no nerve endings that can send impulses to the brain, which will immediately indicate the development of pathology.

In other words, if there are problems with the kidneys, patients will not find out about it immediately, since the kidneys do not hurt.

Characteristic pain in lumbar region, which indicate renal pathologies, indicate running form diseases, which are accompanied by swelling and inflammation.

In this case, the tissues surrounding the paired organs begin to swell, their size increases, which leads to stretching of the capsule.

After this, the nerve endings begin to react to deviations, sending signals to the brain, after which pain appears.

As a result, we can conclude that pain syndrome will develop with the progression of inflammation and pathologies, when it enters a serious condition.

Despite the fact that almost no signals about violations are given immediately, in medicine there are various methods, which allow us to assess the structure and condition of the paired organ at the time of the initial stages of the disease. True, for this you need to go through timely diagnosis from doctors.

Kidney problems can occur in people of different genders, ages, and other characteristics.

The risk group includes patients who have a weakened immune system, appear frequent illnesses infectious nature, for example, otitis media, tonsillitis and the like.

In addition, kidney problems appear in people with a genetic predisposition, if parents or other blood relatives had a disease of the paired organ, then there is a risk of problems occurring in children.

Main reasons

The main causes of kidney disease may include the following:

  1. Viral or bacterial infections body.
  2. Presence of tumors different types and kind.
  3. Failures of metabolic processes.
  4. Autoimmune diseases and disorders.
  5. Problems in children appear during intrauterine development.
  6. Presence of stones in the kidneys.
  7. Lack of mobility, sedentary work.
  8. Having bad habits.
  9. Poor nutrition.
  10. Problems with the outflow of urine due to deformation of the urinary canals. Similar problem appears with scars, stones or after surgical treatment.
  11. Diseases that are sexually transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse.
  12. Chronic pathologies, which are complemented by the inflammatory process not only of the kidneys, but also of nearby organs.
  13. Symptoms in women appear when there is a violation hormonal levels as a result of pregnancy and other reasons.
  14. Diseases or surgical treatment Gastrointestinal tract, endocrine pathologies, for example, diabetes.

Statistics show that approximately 4% of the total population has kidney disease.

More often, kidney problems are diagnosed in women, and the reason for this phenomenon lies in the structure of the genitourinary organs.

Among the main pathologies of the paired organ are:

  1. Hydronephrosis.
  2. Pyelonephritis.
  3. Glomerulonephritis.
  4. Urolithiasis.
  5. Organ failure.
  6. Cystic formations or tumors.

As a result of weak immune system Kidney problems often appear in women during pregnancy, when the body undergoes a strong restructuring to bear a child.


There are several characteristic symptoms that should not be ignored.

If at least one of them appears, you will need to be diagnosed and begin treatment.

The main signs indicating kidney problems are:

  1. Symptoms general intoxication in the form of obvious weakness in the body, rapid fatigue and rising temperatures. Against this background, there may be gastrointestinal disorders, headaches and signs often indicate inflammation in the kidneys. Characteristic pathologies is pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis.
  2. The development of swelling, which is noticeable in the morning and evening time. The symptom appears as a result of insufficient removal of fluid from the body. Patients' face and legs swell, and if they are overweight, the symptoms become more severe. In the area of ​​edema, the tissues turn white and will be loose.
  3. Pain syndrome from the lower back, with different character manifestations range from aching to cutting. If there are stones that move, then the sign is stronger and appears on the left or right.

The pain can radiate to different parts of the body, for example, to the groin, leg or pubic area, which leads to the inability to function normally.

Availability chronic inflammation often not accompanied by pain, this symptom is characteristic of the stage of exacerbations or acute course diseases.

Obvious pain can occur with paranephritis, as well as blockage of the ureter and other diseases.

Patients may see mucus or blood clots. In some cases, pain appears in a standing position, and when lying down, it will disappear.

In this case, there may be prolapse of one of the paired organs.

  1. The appearance of blood in the urine. Its coloring will be stronger if intense loads are carried out. This sign may indicate pyelonephritis, which occurs in chronic phase. In addition, there will be blood in the urine if the kidneys are damaged, tumors or stones, which irritate and injure the walls.
  2. Cloudy urine - characteristic feature inflammation and tissue necrosis of the paired organ. The patient's urine becomes cloudy, and during urination there will be foam on the surface. In this case, additional purulent discharge. The sign is characteristic of an abscess, neoplasm or hemolysis.
  3. Disturbances in the outflow of urine, when the discharge is sluggish or disappears altogether. Patients may have frequent urge, but the volume of discharge is minimal, and is complemented by pain and pain in the lower abdomen.
  4. Change the amount of urine per day. If oliguria develops, the volume of urine is reduced by 0.5 liters. If the decrease in quantity is insignificant, then the body may have been poisoned by chemicals, alcohol or other harmful substances.
  5. Urinary retention in the acute phase - appears with prostate adenoma, and also indicates the development of kidney stones or tumors.
  6. Extreme thirst and dryness oral cavity speaks of disturbances in the removal of fluid from the body.
  7. Increased blood pressure is a common symptom of kidney problems caused by disruptions in blood circulation. Often there will be an increase in the lower value, patients do not develop pain, and in severe cases there may be crises. Long-term fixation high pressure negatively affects the functioning of the entire body, and may not be controlled by medications, which means there are problems with the arteries of the kidneys.
  8. Operational disruptions nervous system– a sign characteristic of the early stages of inflammation. When intoxicated, the effect on the nervous system begins, which causes urinary incontinence, lethargy and drowsiness.

In general, symptoms in women and men may differ; they differ in the nature of their manifestation and strength.

To accurately establish the causes and diagnosis, you must undergo a comprehensive examination by a urologist or nephrologist.


Can be used for diagnosis different methods, but there are several standard measures that are used most often:

  1. Blood and urine are donated for analysis.
  2. The patient needs to undergo an ultrasound of the urinary system.
  3. The immune system is assessed.
  4. They do urography.
  5. X-rays, MRIs and CT scans may be required.

After the examination, the doctor receives results that make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis and select treatment methods.

The course of therapy itself can be conservative or surgical. Any means used make it possible to normalize the functioning of the paired organ, eliminating acute manifestations symptoms.

Provoking factors and nutritional rules

Problems with the kidneys do not allow them to work normally, causing different symptoms, which can lead to hypertension, heart pathologies and other disorders.

It should be remembered that paired organ need water when severe dehydration stones appear.

There are several factors that can cause disturbances and problems in the functioning of organs:

  1. Eating more protein foods. This diet increases the level of urea, which begins the metabolism of proteins and fructose.
  2. Stones in a paired organ – common reason poor nutrition, where there is a lot of fructose, as well as sugars, which prevent the normal absorption of calcium, magnesium and other beneficial substances.
  3. Problems develop with impaired use of analgesics, especially if the tablets are used in conjunction with alcohol.
  4. Bad habits impair performance internal organs, including renal functions.

To prevent kidney problems, it is important to monitor your diet. It is recommended to use 3 basic rules:

  1. Reduce consumption of protein foods. A person needs to use about 70 grams of protein per day, but the calculation is based on body weight. For 1 kg of weight you need 1 gram of protein per day, the calculation is carried out without taking into account fat.
  2. Reduce fructose consumption; up to 25 grams per day is considered normal, but less is better.
  3. Observe drinking regime and monitor water quality. To avoid malfunctions in the kidneys, you must use clean and high-quality water, and not lemonade and other drinks with sweeteners. Pure water useful for both the paired organ and the body as a whole.

Kidney disorders can be determined by the color of urine. U healthy person it will be transparent, with a yellow tint. If the color is dark, then there is a lack of water that needs to be replenished.

The intake of potassium into the body deserves special attention. This substance is necessary and has a positive effect on the bones, heart, and gastrointestinal tract.

The daily norm for a healthy person is 4.7 mg, and you can get the element from plant food, red fish, dairy products and nuts.

It is also important to monitor the balance of sodium and potassium in the body. If a person consumes more sodium, the body requires a lot of potassium.

If you have kidney problems, your sodium intake should be significantly reduced. Therefore, in case of kidney disease, you should always reduce your intake of salt and processed food.

The balance of potassium and sodium should be 5:1. This can be achieved by increasing plant products in the diet and reducing processed foods.

To cleanse the kidneys if their function is impaired, you can use medicinal herbs, from which teas, decoctions or infusions are made. Best suited:

  1. Turmeric.
  2. Dandelion.
  3. Althea.
  4. Nettle.
  5. Millennium.
  6. Immortelle.

Before using herbs and other ingredients for folk remedies, you should consult a doctor about the advisability of use for a specific pathology.


Any disturbances in kidney function require medical intervention and proper treatment.

Timely therapy allows you to get a good prognosis and quickly relieve a person from painful symptoms.

If the described symptoms develop, and the patient himself is at risk, then he needs to be diagnosed.

For conservative treatment can be used:

  1. Antispasmodic drugs that relieve pain.
  2. Medicines for inflammation.
  3. Antibacterial tablets to prevent secondary infection.
  4. Preparations for crushing and loosening kidney stones.
  5. Folk remedies.

If the reason has infectious nature, then you will need to use antibiotics and other tablets for quite a long period.

Affected kidneys affect not only the condition of the urinary system. The functioning of other systems and organs depends on them; the cardiovascular system is most often affected by failures.

When one kidney is damaged, the second takes over the main functions and works with increased load, but this does not mean that treatment can be avoided.

Timely conservative therapy, makes it possible to avoid the need for surgical intervention.

The kidneys are considered the main filter of the human body. Besides others important functions, the kidneys and the nephrons (small filtering units) they contain remove waste products from the blood and maintain mineral (electrolyte) balance. Disruption of the filtration process can lead to the appearance of protein, excess minerals and other secretions in the urine. This may cause various problems with the kidneys, including kidney stones, kidney infection or chronic kidney disease. Sometimes on early stages kidney disease there are no symptoms.


Part 1

Detection of kidney stones

    Find out what it is kidney stones(nephrolithiasis). Kidney stones are small pieces of fossilized minerals and salts that form in the kidneys. Some stones remain in the kidneys, while others break off and pass into the urine. Although passing kidney stones can be quite painful, they usually do not cause long-term damage.

    Take a closer look at the symptoms of kidney stones. Perhaps you will feel sharp pain in the sides and back, below the ribs, in the groin area and lower abdomen. As kidney stones move, the pain can come in waves, then subside, then intensify again. In addition, the following symptoms are possible:

    • Pain when urinating
    • Pink, red, or brown urine that is cloudy or foul-smelling
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • A constant urge to urinate, urinating more frequently (albeit in small amounts)
    • Fever and chills (if you also have an infection)
    • Attempts to accept comfortable position(for example, sitting, then standing, then lying down)
  1. Consider risk factors. Kidney stones are more common in men than in women. The susceptibility to urolithiasis may vary among representatives of different ethnic groups: for example, in the United States, urolithiasis is more common among white Americans of non-Hispanic origin. Excess weight, obesity, dehydration, and eating large amounts of sugar, sodium, and protein also increase the risk of kidney stones.

    • You are more likely to develop kidney stones if you or someone in your family has already had them.
  2. Get a medical diagnosis. The doctor will examine you and order blood and urine tests. He will pay attention to the calcium content, uric acid and other minerals that contribute to the formation of kidney stones. You may also be given X-ray examination, computed tomography or ultrasonography. With these methods, your doctor will be able to see if you have kidney stones.

    • Your doctor may collect kidney stones after they pass in your urine. This will allow the stones to be analyzed so that the doctor can determine what caused the stones to form, especially if the stones are frequently passed in the urine.
  3. Follow your doctor's recommendations for treatment. If the stones are small, you can remove them at home. To do this you should drink more water, take both over-the-counter medications and possibly stronger prescription medications to help relax the muscles in your urinary tract.

    Part 2

    Detection of kidney infection
    1. Find out what a kidney infection (pyelonephritis) is. Bacteria can enter the urinary tract and multiply there, ultimately leading to kidney problems. In more in rare cases bacteria can enter the kidneys through the bloodstream. The infection can affect one or both kidneys.

      • The urinary tract consists of the kidneys, bladder, ureter (ducts connecting the kidneys to bladder) and urethra (urethra).
    2. Pay attention to symptoms of kidney infection. The first sign of a problem may be difficulty urinating. When visiting the restroom, a person experiences pain, and then literally immediately feels a repeated urge to urinate. The following symptoms also indicate a kidney infection:

      • Heat
      • Nausea and vomiting
      • Chills
      • Pain in the back, side or groin
      • Abdominal pain
      • Frequent urination
      • Pus or blood in the urine (hematuria)
      • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine
      • Confusion or other unusual symptoms, especially in older people
    3. Consider risk factors. Since women have a urethra ( urethra) in short, it is easier for bacteria to get inside and cause an infection. In addition, the following factors increase the risk of kidney infection:

      • Weakened immunity
      • Damage to the nerves near the bladder
      • Blockage of the urinary tract (for example, due to kidney stones or enlarged prostate)
      • Urine entering the kidneys
    4. Know when to seek medical help. If you experience any symptoms of a kidney infection, you should contact your doctor. Treatment of some diseases requires health care, so it is advisable to make a diagnosis as early as possible. You will have a urine test and may have an ultrasound to check for possible damage kidney

      • Your doctor may also order a blood test to look for bacteria and check if there is blood in your urine.
    5. When treating, follow your doctor's recommendations. Because a kidney infection is caused by bacteria, you will likely be treated with antibiotics. As a rule, such a course lasts about a week. In severe cases, you may be admitted to hospital while you take antibiotics.

      • You must complete your course of antibiotics, even if your condition improves before it ends. Early interruption of the course may lead to a resumption of infection, and this time the bacteria will be more resistant to medications.

    Part 3

    Revealing chronic illness kidney
    1. Learn about chronic kidney disease (CKD). CKD can develop suddenly or gradually due to other diseases that cause kidney damage. For example, kidney damage can be caused by high blood pressure or diabetes. If kidney damage is severe enough, chronic kidney disease may develop. This usually takes from several months to several years.

      • Primary kidney disease can develop because the kidney nephrons lose their ability to filter blood. Nephron damage can be caused by other problems, such as kidney stones, infection, or injury.
    2. Recognize the symptoms of chronic kidney disease. Because chronic kidney disease takes time to develop, you may not notice symptoms until the disease is more advanced. late stages. The following symptoms are typical for chronic kidney disease:

      • More frequent or infrequent urination
      • Fatigue
      • Nausea
      • Itching and dry skin all over the body
      • Noticeable blood in the urine or dark, foamy urine
      • Muscle spasms and muscle cramps
      • Swelling or swelling around the eyes, feet and/or ankles
      • Confusion
      • Difficulty breathing, problems concentrating and sleeping
      • Decreased appetite
      • Weakness
    3. Consider risk factors. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease, then you are susceptible increased risk development of chronic kidney disease. The susceptibility to chronic kidney disease differs among representatives of different ethnic groups: for example, in the United States it is more common among African-Americans, people from Latin America and the indigenous people of the Americas. Because some kidney diseases are due in part to genetics, family history also plays a role. Also, discuss the medications you are taking with your doctor, as some may harm your kidneys, especially if taken long-term.

      • The risk of kidney disease increases after age 60.
    4. Know when to seek medical help. Symptoms of kidney disease can easily be mistaken for signs of another disease, so if you experience any of the symptoms listed above, you should get a medical examination to determine the specific cause. An important role in the timely detection of renal diseases is played by annual medical examinations, which often allow you to identify the problem even before any symptoms appear.

      • It is also a good idea to discuss your family history with your doctor and let him know about your concerns about your kidney health.
    5. Get diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. The doctor will examine you and order blood and urine tests and imaging tests. Imaging tests will allow the doctor to see if there are any abnormalities in the kidneys. Blood and urine tests will help identify possible problems kidneys, filtering waste products, proteins and nitrogen from the blood.

    6. When treating, follow your doctor's instructions. Once your doctor determines the cause of your kidney disease, he will create a treatment plan. For example, if symptoms are caused bacterial infection, you will be prescribed antibiotics. However, when chronic disease It may turn out that the doctor can only cure complications. In severe cases, such as kidney failure, hemodialysis or a kidney transplant may be required.

      • To treat complications of CKD, you may be prescribed medications for high blood pressure or anemia, as well as to lower cholesterol, relieve swelling, and protect bones.
      • Your doctor may also tell you not to take certain medications, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Symptoms of kidney disease are expressed by a number of signs, and it is not always possible to predict their sequence. These organs provide the process of secreting a number of harmful substances from the body and ensure its normal functioning.


The following factors can cause damage to kidney tissue:

  • bacterial or viral infection;
  • benign and;
  • abnormalities of intrauterine development;
  • stone formation;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits.

According to statistics, kidney pathologies are observed among 3.5% of the population. In most cases, these diseases are observed among women, and this fact is explained by the characteristic structure of the female genitourinary organs.

The most commonly observed kidney pathologies are:

  • hydronephrosis;
  • kidney cysts and other neoplasms.

11 Symptoms of Kidney Problems You Shouldn't Ignore

Lower back pain may be a sign of kidney disease.

Kidney disease may include the following signs and symptoms:

  1. Signs of general intoxication ( severe weakness, temperature increase, ). Such symptoms are most often observed with inflammation of the kidney tissue (pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis).
  2. The appearance of edema. This symptom is provoked by incomplete removal of fluid and is more often observed in the morning. It is more pronounced in obesity. In this case, the tissue in the area of ​​edema becomes loose and white.
  3. One- or two-sided painin the lumbar region. They can be aching or cutting, and in the presence and movement of stones they become intense and are localized on the left and/or right side belly. The pain may radiate to top part thighs, groin or pubis and gives the patient painful sensations. Chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys in most cases are not accompanied by painful sensations. More often they are observed in acute inflammatory reactions, neoplasms or kidney tuberculosis.

Severe pain is present with paranephritis, blockage of the ureter with decomposed masses of kidney tissue, infarction of the renal veins or apostematous nephritis. In this case, blood clots or pus may be detected in the urine.

Sometimes lower back pain occurs when the patient is standing and disappears when horizontal position. In such cases, they require detailed clarification of the diagnosis about possible omission one of the kidneys.

  1. Blood in urine. Urine resembles the color of meat slop and becomes more intensely colored with intense exercise. This symptom may be related to the development chronic pyelonephritis, kidney injury, kidney tumor or stones in the pelvis.
  2. Cloudy urine. This symptom is observed with inflammatory or necrotic kidney damage. The urine becomes cloudy and foam may form on its surface. It may contain pus or a cloudy sediment. Such symptoms are characteristic of hemolysis, tumor or abscess of the kidney.
  3. Disorders of urine flow. Urine may be released in a sluggish stream or drops. The patient may experience pain, which is accompanied by pain or cramping in the lower abdomen.
  4. Change in the volume of urine excreted. With oliguria, the amount of urine decreases by 500 ml. This symptom can be caused by glomerulonephritis and other kidney pathologies. A reduction in urine volume to 50 ml per day may indicate poisoning, development renal colic, drug poisoning and other pathologies. Sometimes kidney pathologies are accompanied by nocturia (urination at night).
  5. Acute urinary retention. This symptom is more often observed during development, but may be a sign of urolithiasis, bladder tumor, narrowing of the urethra or ureter.
  6. Thirst or dry mouth. This symptom can be provoked by a violation of the removal of fluid from the body.
  7. Increased blood pressure readings.Blood circulation disorders in kidney diseases lead to. As a rule, diastolic (lower) pressure increases. Patients do not experience intense headaches and are observed in rare cases.

Long-term increase blood pressure indicators, which are difficult to reduce with the help of, may indicate pathologies of the renal arteries.

  1. Changes in the nervous system. On initial stages inflammation of kidney tissue, intoxication processes can lead to the development nervous excitement which causes loss of consciousness, involuntary urination, tongue bite, state of lethargy and drowsiness.

Such conditions can be observed with nephrotic syndrome, which is provoked by various renal and other pathologies associated with metabolic disorders.

Symptoms of kidney damage can vary in severity and combinatoriality. For determining accurate diagnosis the patient must consult a nephrologist or urologist and undergo a course of examination.

Part comprehensive examination may include the following procedures:

  • urine and blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the urinary organs;
  • analysis of biochemical blood parameters;
  • TORCH infection tests;
  • tests for immunological disorders;
  • excretory urography;
  • MRI of the kidneys;
  • Kidney CT;
  • radiological studies.

After analyzing all the data obtained, the patient must undergo a course of treatment prescribed by the doctor. It may include therapeutic and surgical techniques aimed at stabilizing kidney function.

This article will help you suspect kidney disease early and take necessary measures for their treatment. To do this, you will need to contact your local physician or make an appointment with a nephrologist or urologist. Remember this!

Do not put off your visit until later and do not neglect the first alarms indicating kidney pathologies. Be healthy!

Which doctor should I contact?

For any of listed symptoms You can contact a urologist for an initial consultation. The doctor will prescribe full examination which will clarify the diagnosis. Primary diagnosis can also be carried out by a therapist or family doctor. In case of severe kidney pathology, it is better to be observed by a specialized specialist - a nephrologist.

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