How to treat curdled discharge and itching. Pinkish discharge: normal or pathological? Characteristic symptoms are

Curdled discharge from a woman’s genital tract is the most common complaint of gynecologist patients. This symptom clearly characterizes the inflammatory process in the vagina associated with the proliferation of Candida fungi. In common parlance, the disease is called thrush for the corresponding leucorrhoea, and the scientific name comes from the name of the pathogen - candidiasis. But does a cheesy consistency always mean the presence of this particular pathology? We'll tell you in this article.

What is candidiasis?

In fact, yeast-like fungi are found everywhere and live on the body of the majority of the world's population. In this case, the microorganism does not lead to disease and does not reveal itself in any way. However, under favorable conditions, candida multiplies quickly, leading to thrush. You can get the fungus from the mother at birth, as well as through touching and sex. Moreover, it does not matter whether it is full vaginal intercourse, peting, oral or anal contact. But once infected, a woman will not immediately develop candidiasis; it will develop only under favorable conditions. Several factors contribute to the proliferation of this opportunistic microorganism:

To summarize, we can say that candidiasis is activated when something is wrong in the reproductive system and the body as a whole.

Interesting fact! These fungi can lead to inflammation of the eyes, mouth, ears, skin, navel, and anus under the right conditions.

Clinical picture of classic thrush

Let's consider the symptoms that accompany the uncomplicated acute form of candidiasis:

  • The itching is unbearable, itching inside the vagina, more at night;
  • A burning sensation occurs as a result of scratching after sexual intercourse or toilet;
  • The discharge is white in color and has a cheesy consistency with the smell of fermented milk products. Sometimes the mass with lumps is granular or white and thick like sour cream;
  • Swelling and redness of the vulva and vagina;
  • Dryness during sexual intercourse;
  • Over time, colonies of fungi eat into the mucous membrane, which leads to the formation of erosions under the white coating.

Curd leucorrhoea in small quantities without itching or burning

The acute stage of thrush without treatment eventually develops into chronic candidiasis. The discharge begins to resemble normal, but denser and white, there is a slight sour flair, there is no itching or it is not very pronounced. With the next decrease in immune defense, a new wave of exacerbation will arise.

Without smell

The aroma does not necessarily have to be present in case of candidiasis with curdled leucorrhoea. It all depends on the individual characteristics and acidity of the vagina. Sometimes the smell of the discharge can be so slight that the woman stops noticing.

Yellow curd

This shade indicates bacterial infection, which means that candidiasis develops along with another infection. The causative agent may be trichomoniasis, streptococcus or another pathogenic microorganism. The discharge is copious and has a putrid odor. There is itching and a cheesy consistency.

Attention! It is necessary to evaluate the color of leucorrhoea with candidiasis not by the spots on the panties, but by studying those that have just come out of the vagina. After some time, oxidizing, the discharge acquires a yellow tint.

Such leucorrhoea accompanies gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, and gardnerellosis. The smell is fishy, ​​pungent and repulsive, as well as severe itching. The structure is curdled, sometimes foamy.

These discharges may indicate a combination of candidiasis with chlamydia or mycoplasma. The smell is unpleasant, discomfort and itching in the vagina are felt.

Brown and brown

Thrush in an advanced stage leads to damage to the mucous membrane, which is why it bleeds, dried blood comes out along with leucorrhoea in the form of cottage cheese. Other symptoms may include pain in the vaginal wall.

Sometimes such discharge occurs before and after menstruation. This may be a symptom of uterine polyps or other endometrial diseases. Or the woman has cervical erosion.

An admixture of fresh blood in the curd during candidiasis indicates injury, various pathologies of the uterus, polyps, cysts, or the onset of menstruation. A uniform pink color or red streaks in the discharge indicate slight bleeding, the causes of which are too numerous to assume anything. For example, dry, inelastic mucosa can crack even during sex.

The curdled masses are colored black when pieces of the endometrium and blood enter. This happens with endometriosis accompanying thrush, the use of certain hormonal contraceptives, and oncology. Or venous bleeding from a damaged vessel occurs in the uterine cavity. This symptom does not require delay in treatment.

Pain when urinating

Candidiasis can also spread to the urethra, which is close to the vagina. As a result, discharge can be observed over the entire surface of the mucous membranes of the vulva and near the opening for urination. In this case, the diagnosis combines urethritis with candidiasis. In the future, the infection will rise higher and cystitis will occur. Symptoms include severe itching of the urethra and burning after using the toilet, pain during urination.

Thrush without discharge

Chronic candidiasis sometimes occurs without the release of cheesy masses, leaving itching and discomfort during sexual intercourse. However, the gynecologist will see a certain amount of discharge of the appropriate consistency inside the vagina and on the cervix.

Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

Women in most cases come with mixed infections, where there is candidiasis and 1-2 other bacterial pathogens. Sometimes serious illnesses are hidden for some time behind the symptoms of thrush. Chlamydia, for example, often occurs without discharge, and syphilis may not show itself for a long time. Therefore, only a clinical examination can lead to a positive treatment outcome.

Discharge of a cheesy structure in pregnant women

Very often, thrush blooms against the background of hormonal changes and the special acidity of the vagina during pregnancy. In an interesting situation, it is imperative to treat candidiasis, otherwise the baby will be infected during childbirth, and there is also a high probability of ruptures and injuries to the woman’s genital tract, which lose elasticity under the influence of the fungal colony. During this period, the pathology also manifests itself in the form of white cheesy vaginal discharge, unbearable itching and dryness.

Thrush in men

Often the stronger sex is only a carrier of candidiasis. Or there is discharge in a small amount of a cheesy structure, sometimes odorless or with a corresponding aroma. Itching and burning also do not always bother a man.

Diagnostic features

It often happens that a gynecologist, seeing characteristic leucorrhoea, simply prescribes treatment with antifungal drugs. But, in this way, a bacterial infection may remain, which is possible in combination with thrush. For full results you need:

  • Carry out an inspection on the chair;
  • Take a smear of discharge for microscopic examination;
  • Donate blood for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis;
  • Study the micropreparation using the PCR method;
  • If you suspect gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and other STDs, refer the patient to a venereologist.

Only after this can an accurate diagnosis be made for curdled white and other discharge and begin taking medications. At the end of the course, a smear is taken for analysis again.

Treatment of thrush and other infections

As we have already figured out, cheesy leucorrhoea is a clear sign of candidiasis. Therefore, therapy will necessarily contain antibiotics with an antifungal effect. Today there are quite a few drugs in local form for the treatment of candidiasis. These are suppositories Pimafucin and Nystatin mainly for thrush, Hexicon is an antiseptic that kills all pathogenic flora, Terzhinan is a complex drug with 2 antibiotics for the most common bacteria, an antifungal agent for candidiasis and prednisolone to relieve inflammation.

The combination of curdled leucorrhoea with an STD requires the use of systemic antibiotics. It will not be possible to get rid of trichomonas or syphilis with suppositories alone. And sometimes chronic thrush requires oral administration of drugs to achieve higher concentrations in tissues.

Attention! All antifungal agents for use through the gastrointestinal tract are very toxic, so drinking them yourself during discharge without a doctor’s prescription is dangerous.

The main point is that even one thrush cannot be treated only in the woman; therapy is also necessary for the sexual partner. For this purpose, ointments and creams are used topically and a single tablet of Fluconazole is used, the active substance being 150 mg. And if there are sexually transmitted infections along with candidiasis, the man will be called to a venereologist for examination and treatment.

In the future, the woman may be prescribed drugs that strengthen the local immunity of the vagina, for example, Kolpocid or drugs with lactobacilli.

Therapy for pregnant women

Expectant mothers with curdled white discharge must be treated with extreme caution, so taking antifungal antibiotic tablets orally is prohibited. During this period, a woman can only rely on suppositories for candidiasis. Pimafucin is allowed, as well as Terzhinan, if a bacterial infection is present.

Attention! The question of the necessary treatment and choice of drug against thrush during pregnancy should be decided by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Traditional methods for curdled leucorrhoea

Doctors do not advise relying only on home remedies for candidiasis. Although some recipes have helped and continue to help many women:

  • Douching with infusions or decoctions of calendula, chamomile, and soda solution. Herbs cleanse the mucous membrane of bacteria, and soda brings temporary relief from itching due to thrush;
  • A ready-made gynecological collection from a pharmacy orally has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect;
  • Baths with a solution of copper sulfate disinfect the mucous membrane;
  • Sanitation with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin is washing the genital tract secretions with powerful antiseptics, helps kill all pathogenic microorganisms, but native lactobacilli may also disappear with them;
  • Tampons soaked in fresh kefir really help restore the beneficial flora of the vagina. It is better to do such procedures at night for a week after the main treatment of candidiasis.

Carefully! Traditional methods are not strong enough to destroy the entire population of the fungus, so often after home remedies, thrush simply goes into the chronic stage. The use of antiseptics for rinsing can lead to vaginal dysbiosis and even greater problems.

Errors in treatment for curd-like discharge

Unfortunately, women often suffer from thrush for years, experiencing periodic exacerbations. This happens due to incorrect actions on the part of the patient and the doctor during candidiasis:

  1. Therapy was prescribed without tests according to a standard regimen. Often happens as a result of negligence and excessive self-confidence of the gynecologist. With this approach, concomitant infections may be missed.
  2. Insufficient treatment. Each person is individual and standard courses of therapy do not always allow you to completely get rid of candidiasis. Sometimes women stop taking the drug on their own, feeling relief and cessation of discharge. It is better to overdo it with antibiotics than to underdo it. Otherwise, the infection will not only remain, but also become resistant to the drug.
  3. Sexual relations during candidiasis therapy are prohibited, even with a condom. Just as treatment of the partner is mandatory, which doctors sometimes forget about.
  4. Use only folk remedies. With this treatment, there is a very high probability that thrush will go into a chronic stage, then discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese will appear again after some time.
  5. Lack of outcome control. After a course of treatment, only a smear analysis of the discharge can confirm the diagnosis of “healthy”.

Attention! If a gynecologist makes similar mistakes in treating thrush, then it is better to choose another doctor, which is possible even under a free health insurance policy.

Prevention of candidiasis

You can prevent the appearance of discharge with a cheesy structure by following some basic rules:

  • Cleanliness of linen and woman's genitals. And also men before sex;
  • Frequent changes of partners are associated not only with candidiasis, but also with STDs;
  • Excess weight, as well as an unbalanced diet, leads to hormonal imbalances, changes in vaginal acidity, creating a favorable environment for thrush;
  • Any pathological manifestations should be reported to the attending physician as soon as they appear. It is much easier to destroy fungi at the beginning of the inflammatory process;
  • Alcohol and smoking reduce immunity, so you need to give them up;
  • Hypothermia is often a trigger for various diseases;
  • Synthetics do not allow for normal heat and air exchange, so it is better to choose panties made from natural fabrics;
  • Many common diseases provoke an exacerbation of candidiasis, which is why it is so necessary to monitor your overall health.

Attention! If there is no discharge or other symptoms, the presence of fungi in a smear does not mean that there is thrush. The number of microorganisms in the discharge is taken into account.


Curdled leucorrhoea of ​​any color is not a sign of the norm. Most likely, a woman develops candidiasis, but this does not exclude the presence of other infections. Thrush is not a dangerous disease, but it brings severe discomfort. Against the background of constant itching, women begin to experience depression, and sometimes neurosis. Therefore, you should not postpone treatment until later.

Curdled discharge and itching in the intimate area can serve as symptoms of various gynecological pathologies, from those that are easily treatable to more serious ones that can even lead to infertility. Moderate, colorless, odorless vaginal discharge is a completely normal phenomenon, typical for any girl of the reproductive age category.

The secretion produced by the glands of the reproductive system removes harmful microbes and dead cells from the vagina, thus protecting the body from infectious pathologies. In other words, natural secretions help the body carry out its protective function.

Changes in the color, smell and consistency of vaginal secretions usually indicate the presence of certain diseases in the reproductive system of women. For example, one of the main symptoms of many gynecological diseases are white lumps.


The main cause of this phenomenon, which is often accompanied by itching, is thrush. The causative agents of this disease are yeast-like fungi. Among the factors that provoke pathology are the following:

  • taking immunosuppressive drugs or hormonal contraceptives;
  • decreased immune system caused by physical illnesses (inflammation of the tonsils, bronchitis, HIV, etc.);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics without the use of probiotics;
  • frequent stress and psychological stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • sudden climate change;
  • failure to comply with hygiene standards;
  • use of synthetic underwear.

Today, thrush can be easily treated with medications and various creams and suppositories. The duration of the therapeutic period can vary from several days to 2-3 weeks.

The main symptoms indicating the presence of this disease in women are:

  1. curdled discharge and itching;
  2. microcracks on the surface of the genital organs;
  3. sour smell;
  4. pain during urination.

Very often, thrush is observed in girls during pregnancy and continues throughout the entire period of gestation. In this case, it is very difficult to cure. The disease requires treatment in the following situations:

  1. If symptoms cause severe discomfort (excessive itching and burning).
  2. The presence of complications of pregnancy, in particular, the risk of miscarriage, delayed fetal development, etc.

Since thrush provokes significant inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, therapy should be carried out approximately at the 36th week of pregnancy. As the disease develops, the mucous membrane becomes very sensitive and can be damaged during childbirth. Treatment is carried out for two partners at once.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a gynecological pathology that occurs as a result of a decrease in the number of lactobacilli in the microflora of the genital organs. This usually occurs due to prolonged use of antibiotics, due to hormonal imbalances, regular use of spermicides, and sometimes results from the private use of hormonal contraceptives.

This disease can be transmitted during sexual intercourse, especially if there is a constant change of partners. Sometimes vaginosis is a companion to sexually transmitted infections. For this reason, doctors send patients who are concerned about vaginosis to have smears taken to check for internal infections.

Moreover, in most cases, the development of this disease is provoked by regular douching, as a result of which the natural microflora of the vagina is washed away. Along with it, lactobacilli are released, the lack of which leads to the appearance of vaginosis. Many people confuse this disease with thrush. But the gynecologist takes a smear for analysis to make a correct diagnosis. It should be remembered that before visiting a specialist, douching should not be done. Otherwise, the analysis results will not give an accurate answer.

Symptoms of the disease:

  1. white discharge, reminiscent of cottage cheese, as well as itching (sometimes vaginal discharge has a gray or green tint);
  2. pungent fishy smell.

People often confuse thrush and vaginosis, but it is necessary to understand that these are fundamentally different diseases. And the nature of their development is considered completely different. Therefore, bacterial vaginosis is treated not with antifungal agents, but in several stages. At the initial stage, the type of bacteria is determined, after which optimal antimicrobial drugs are prescribed, and subsequently lactobacilli are restored to the optimal level.

Discharge during pregnancy

Often during pregnancy, a cheesy white discharge appears. While carrying a child, women experience hormonal disturbances in their bodies, and their defenses deteriorate, making it possible to prevent a pathological increase in the volume of pathogens. As a result, Candida fungi, which are part of the normal vaginal microflora, rapidly multiply, causing the girl discomfort.

The modern medical market offers a large number of anti-thrush drugs that can be used during pregnancy. But most often they do not eliminate the main cause of thrush, relieving symptoms only for a certain time. If any vaginal discharge occurs that has an abnormal consistency, color or unpleasant odor, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Only a qualified specialist will help determine the exact cause of the disease and develop a competent and effective treatment regimen.

Curd discharge in women caused by Candida bacteria is treated with antifungal agents. For non-advanced forms of thrush, local medications are used. Special creams, tablets, ointments and suppositories are suitable for these purposes.

Suppositories and ointments containing nystatin, clotrimazole and miconazole will help get rid of the pathology within a week. More modern drugs cope with the problem in three days.


If the female body has a tendency to dysbacteriosis, it is better to choose local remedies that are not capable of causing changes in the microflora of the genital organs. Some antimycotics have similar characteristics, in particular Gino-Dactanol and Pimafucin. Terzhinan and Polygynax have strong side effects. They can cause disruption to the natural environment of the vagina, so they must be used very carefully, and after permission from a doctor.

Suppositories usually need to be inserted into the vagina in the morning and before bed in a lying position. In this case, you need to insert the suppository deeper. After the procedure, lie quietly for half an hour until the drug is completely dissolved. During the therapeutic period, it is recommended to give up intimate life.

In case of advanced disease, in particular in the presence of abundant cheesy white discharge, oral antimicrobial agents are used: Flucostat, Mikomax and Forkan. The first one is used once. In case of recurrences or development of a chronic form of thrush, these drugs are prescribed once every week for several months. At the same time, regular supervision by a specialist is required.

The formation of a cheesy discharge without itching after a certain time again indicates the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

In women, vaginal discharge is as normal and natural as the production of gastric juice, saliva and other physiological secretions. In normal condition, the vaginal glands play a very important role for a woman’s body - with their help, the genital tract is cleansed, in addition, they prevent various kinds of infectious agents from getting inside.

By its nature, natural vaginal discharge completely depends on many factors: what age is the woman, what is the degree of her sexual activity, what is her hormonal status, etc.

Normally, vaginal discharge has the following characteristic signs:
- the discharge is either colorless or has a mild whitish or yellowish tint;
- discharge is not abundant;
- the consistency of the discharge is mucous or watery;
- the smell is barely noticeable, sourish or completely absent.

However, in some cases, vaginal discharge is a sign that there is some kind of pathology in the woman’s genital area; in addition, they are the first symptoms of various gynecological diseases. If the consistency of the discharge has changed, a non-standard color or a foul odor has appeared, then this is a clear sign that some destructive process is taking place in the female body. One of the types of pathological vaginal discharge is white discharge with a cheesy consistency. In most cases, the presence of such discharge is a clear sign of the presence of candidiasis, or thrush - the most common fungal disease, during which the internal tissues of the genital tract, as well as internal organs, are affected.

Curdled discharge in women is the main sign of candidiasis

Genital candidiasis is one of the most common gynecological diseases. According to medical statistics, about 75% of women of reproductive age have encountered its manifestations. The cause of genital candidiasis is a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida, which normally is always present in the natural microflora of the internal tissues of the female genital organs. Thrush occurs when fungi begin to multiply faster, which leads to disruption of the normal environment of the reproductive tract.

The fungus can begin to actively reproduce for the following reasons:
- decreased immunity of the female body and, as a result, resistance to all infections;
- long-term or uncontrolled use of a number of medications containing hormones or antibiotics;
- signs of intestinal dysbiosis;
- any stage of pregnancy;
- wearing very tight underwear or synthetic underwear;
- unreasonable or very frequent douching;
- unfavorable external factors, for example, staying for a long time in rooms with high levels of humidity and temperature.

Signs of candidiasis are not only abundant milky-white discharge with a cheesy consistency, but also the following symptoms:
- burning, irritation or itching in the vulva area. These sensations may intensify during sleep, as well as after a warm bath and urination;
- painful sensations during sexual intercourse, as well as increasing irritation;
- redness of the internal tissues of the vagina affected by the disease, the appearance of a pathological plaque on the epithelial tissues, which looks like cheesy white films.

Genital candidiasis is a disease that does not threaten women’s health in particular and her life in general, but its manifestations are very unpleasant, and this entails disturbances in both the psycho-emotional and intimate spheres. In addition, the appearance of candidiasis may be a sign that a woman has a more serious disease in her body, for example, diabetes mellitus or HIV infection.

With the help of modern treatment methods, curing candidiasis is not difficult. To treat mild forms of thrush, as a rule, local medications are used, for the treatment of aggravated forms - drugs that have a general effect. For local treatment of candidiasis, vaginal tablets, capsules, suppositories and ointments are used, which contain antifungal drugs: nystatin, pimafucin, clotrimazole, ketoconazole, miconazole. Fluconazole and itraconazole are used as general medications for the treatment of thrush.

During treatment of candidiasis, one should not forget about proper nutrition. With thrush, a woman should not eat foods that provoke yeast-like fungi to multiply. These are sugar, coffee, mushrooms, yeast dough, beer, carbonated drinks, spicy, fatty and spicy foods, sweet fruits, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, dairy products. It is necessary to eat boiled fruits and vegetables, lean fish and meat, fermented milk drinks, stale bread, legumes and cereals.

Other causes of curdled discharge in women

Cloudy-white, cheesy vaginal discharge can also appear with other gynecological diseases, for example, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia. These diseases occur when pathogenic microorganisms - mycoplasmas and chlamydia - enter the body. If a woman suffers from one of these diseases, then the vaginal discharge has a dirty gray color and a strong, unpleasant odor.

From this we can conclude that if a woman experiences white, cheesy vaginal discharge, she should immediately contact a gynecologist for professional help, regardless of the reason for the discharge. In case of delaying a visit to the doctor, as well as in case of self-medication, you can only aggravate the course of the disease, which will lead to difficulties in the process of its subsequent treatment.

Vaginal discharge is most often a normal phenomenon that every woman encounters during various periods of the menstrual cycle. However, sometimes they indicate certain health problems.

First of all, this applies to sexually transmitted infections. That is why it is extremely important to understand what curdled discharge and severe itching indicate, as well as how you can deal with them.

Curdled discharge and itching in women's vagina are signs that do not always indicate an infectious disease. Sometimes they are a symptom of a microflora disorder.

Leucorrhoea, which looks like small lumps, may appear due to the fact that the acidity of the environment has changed, as well as the imbalance of biocinosis.

The latter occurs due to infection with fungi of the genus Candida. They are always present on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, but in most cases in an inactive form.

A sharp increase in their number contributes to the development of thrush, which doctors more often call candidiasis. Its main consequence is the appearance of white discharge.

An active increase in the number of fungi can be triggered by several fairly common reasons. Among them it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • a significant decrease in the level of the immune system;
  • prolonged or incorrect use of certain medications (including antibiotics);
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • the presence of dermatitis near the genital organs;
  • wearing underwear made from synthetic materials;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • significant and rapid increase in body weight;
  • frequent douching.

Thus, it is important to understand the signs of candidiasis and the possible causes of its occurrence. If this problem appears due to the above factors, no gynecological treatment is required. It will be enough to eliminate the initial problem, after which the discharge will stop on its own.

Pink, cheesy discharge and itching are reasons to seek help from a gynecologist. In this case, you should not carry out therapy yourself, as it can be dangerous to health. Often this problem is a sign of the following pathologies and diseases:

  • cervical erosions;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • threats of abortion;
  • infection with human papillomavirus;
  • benign neoplasms (myomas and fibroids);
  • excessive vaginal dryness, etc.

Discharge with itching and odor in women in such situations appears mainly during the period between menstruation. If they appeared immediately after them, there is often no need to worry. There shouldn't be any in the middle of the cycle.

Among other reasons that can provoke the appearance of cheesy vaginal discharge, experts identify the following:

  1. Sexual infections. Most often, patients are diagnosed with mycoplasmosis, chlamydia or ureaplasmosis;
  2. Violations of intimate hygiene rules. It is very important to use effective and safe products to which the body does not react adversely;
  3. Dysbacteriosis. As a result, the discharge in most cases is not very significant. Itching with this problem intensifies during urination;
  4. Inflammatory diseases affecting the pelvic organs. These include primarily adnexitis, endometritis and oophoritis;
  5. Strong sexual arousal. If a woman had to abstain from sexual intercourse for a long time, immediately after intimate intercourse she may experience vaginal discharge;
  6. Vulvovaginitis. This disease is an inflammation of the vulva and the mucous membrane of the vagina itself.

Thus, there are quite a few reasons for the appearance of discharge against the background of itching.

White cheesy discharge without odor or itching

Many women think that odor and itching are constant signs of most diseases of the reproductive system. In fact, they do not appear in all patients.

If their immune system is significantly depleted, the mucous membrane may stop fighting the pathogen. In such situations, pathogens often penetrate into deeper layers, provoking the development of a chronic process there.

It is accompanied by mild symptoms and constant periods of exacerbation along with relapses.

White, curd-like discharge that is odorless and itchy can be a sign of various diseases. These symptoms characterize a large number of diseases - both inflammatory and infectious.

The presence or absence of odor directly depends on the microflora of the vaginal mucosa at a particular moment. That is why this symptom cannot be confidently attributed to a particular disease.

Thrush, for example, in some cases does not provoke the development of odor or itching. Often, leucorrhoea with this disease is almost impossible to distinguish from the normal discharge that every woman has.

It is important to determine whether itching is a symptom of an initial disease, or a sign of secondary infection.

Often this problem leads to difficulties in diagnosis. That is why it is extremely important to conduct appropriate laboratory tests when determining the disease.

Treatment and prevention of discharge

It is imperative to understand how to treat itching and curdled discharge if they occur in certain cases.

The response to the problem must be timely and correct, as it can lead to quite adverse health consequences.

Modern medical practice involves initial confirmation of the diagnosis and the doctor prescribing appropriate medications.

Acute disease must be treated with medications. They are prescribed depending on what caused the development of the disease:

  1. For gonorrhea, doctors recommend the use of antibiotics. Ceftriaxone, Ofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin have proven their effectiveness;
  2. For trichomoniasis, experts prescribe mainly specialized drugs. These include Trichopolum, Trochomonacid, Klion and Tinidazole;
  3. For chlamydia, therapy is successfully carried out using medications such as antibiotics. Doctors recommend tetracycline drugs, macrolides or fluoroquinolones;
  4. Antifungal drugs are prescribed for candidiasis. This applies primarily to Miconazole, Zalain and Nystotin. They need to be used in various forms, both systemically and locally.

It is important to understand not only how to treat curdled discharge and itching in women, but also ways to prevent such problems. The basic rules and measures to combat the disease are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to promptly and fully treat any acute or chronic diseases. They can reduce the level of immunity;
  2. You should take medications in strict accordance with the doctor's prescription. It is prohibited to carry out therapy on your own;
  3. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of sexual partners. Their frequent change leads to an imbalance of microflora;
  4. It is worth quickly eliminating any signs of dermatitis in the immediate vicinity of the intimate area;
  5. You need to buy only high-quality underwear. It must be made from natural materials. In addition, it is important to pay attention to its size;
  6. You should monitor your hormonal levels. If you suspect any changes in it, you should seek help from a specialist.
  7. It is necessary to monitor your own weight. If there is a sharp increase in body weight, an appropriate diet should be selected to help slow down the changes.

If you follow all of the above preventive measures, the risk of candidiasis, which provokes itching against the background of cheesy discharge, is significantly reduced. The rules must be followed both before the disease occurs and after the appropriate diagnosis is made.

Chronic form

In some cases, untimely treatment or incorrect selection of drugs leads to the fact that the initial relatively safe disease passes from an acute to a chronic form of its development.

This happens due to the fact that pathogens penetrate into the deeper epithelial layers, where it is quite difficult to influence them with any drugs.

The chronic form of candidiasis over time can lead to women developing yellow, curd-like discharge and itching.

This indicates that a secondary infection has joined the initial disease. It can have much more serious consequences than ordinary thrush.

If you see a lot of white lumps that turn yellowish over time, you should seek help from a doctor. This pathology indicates that the patient initially had an infection with fungi of the genus Candida, after which they were joined by damage to the mucous membrane by another pathogenic microorganism. Most often this concerns gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

The advanced stage of the disease is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • yellowish tint of curd discharge;
  • copious amounts of fluid;
  • purulent or brown-bloody inclusions;
  • a distinct fishy smell, etc.

If the above symptoms are present, it is necessary for the patient to develop an individual treatment program, which can be quite lengthy.

Most often, it requires the use of various methods of therapy - both local and systemic. These include antifungal tablets, antibiotics, douching with antiseptics, boosting the immune system, etc.

Sometimes yellow curd discharge is not always that way. It happens that after contact with underwear, leucorrhoea takes on one shade or another. They appear completely different from their own vagina.

That is why, before visiting a doctor, it is very important to determine whether a yellowish discharge is actually forming in the perineum. If this is not the case, it is too early to talk about the addition of an infectious disease.

Also, large yellow discharge may appear with chronic candidiasis. In appearance, they are a bit like grains of granular cottage cheese.

This type of secretion is often accompanied by the appearance of small swellings in the area of ​​the woman’s labia. The occurrence of such a problem is a clear sign that the first stages of the development of the disease passed without appropriate medical therapy that could cause a state of remission or even a complete cure.

A chronic infectious process, in turn, is much more difficult to control. In addition, it can make itself felt for many years with any decrease in the level of immunity.

Cottage cheese discharge during pregnancy

White, curd-like discharge and itching often occur in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that gestation is one of the reasons leading to various changes in the body.

This applies primarily to hormonal levels, which can provoke the active growth of fungal infections.

Cheesy discharge and itching during pregnancy occur in half of all women. This is due to the fact that fungi in such situations spread throughout the mucous membrane.

30% of the remaining patients complain of an unpleasant odor. This may be accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and burning.

Sometimes various dysuric manifestations appear. Most often, this situation occurs either at the beginning of gestation, or at the end of pregnancy - in the third trimester.

If a pregnant woman becomes infected with Candida fungi, the clinical picture of her disease may be ambiguous. This is due to the fact that due to certain physiological characteristics of her body, many symptoms of the disease do not manifest themselves. To determine the cause of the disease in such situations, it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological laboratory test.

It is important to understand how pregnancy can become a factor that triggers the development of a fungal infection. Lacobacteria, which are present in the vagina, require the use of glycogen for their normal functioning.

The latter is extracted from the surface layer of the genital organs. Due to the fact that their epithelium is very sensitive to any changes in hormonal levels, pregnancy leads to the beginning of the accumulation of excessive amounts of glycogen on the mucous membrane.

Its excess contributes to the fact that the quantitative composition of varnish flora quickly decreases, which in turn provokes a change in acidity. Such conditions are ideal for the rapid development of mycobacteria, which are fungi of the genus Candida.

The immunity of pregnant women in such situations does not have the resources to cope with the problem that has arisen, which is why an infectious inflammatory process develops.

Curdled discharge also occurs during breastfeeding. The reason for their appearance is exactly the same as during pregnancy.

It is connected with the fact that after the birth of a child, a woman continues to undergo various hormonal changes that promote lactation. During this period, estrogen and many other substances are formed in large quantities, allowing the body to prepare for new responsibilities - feeding the baby.

Bottom line

If a woman has white discharge, she should definitely seek help from a qualified doctor at a medical facility. It is this specialist who must determine the cause of the problem by conducting an appropriate examination.

Based on the data obtained during the diagnostic process, the gynecologist can prescribe correct and effective treatment, which must be followed until all symptoms are completely eliminated.

It is important to understand that burning and cheesy discharge in women is a problem that everyone can face. That is why it is timely and fully to take measures to resolve it.

The natural protective barrier of the genital organs from infection is the mucus produced by the cervix. These physiological discharges from the female genital organs are normally colorless, odorless, and are observed in a small volume.

If a cheesy discharge appears, a burning sensation of the skin, itching, or a feeling of fullness occurs, we can talk about the development of candidiasis or cytolytic vaginosis. This condition occurs when the vaginal microflora is disrupted, caused by a change in the ratio of lactobacilli.

Vaginal mucus often acquires a whitish tint, and its structure changes. The main reason why curdled vaginal discharge may appear is candidiasis. It occurs for a number of reasons - from physiological, for example, the use of underwear made of synthetic fabrics, to pathological: a sharp decrease in immunity, hormonal imbalance.

Candidiasis, thrush

An infectious disease - candidiasis or thrush - develops with damage to the mucous membranes and skin, as well as internal organs under the influence of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The disease begins in the gastrointestinal tract. This is where the fungi begin to grow abundantly, penetrating into other parts of the body. In addition to the genital organs, they can actively multiply in the bronchi, parenchymal organs and other areas.

Normally, these fungi live in the body of absolutely any person. and usually do not cause any discomfort. The development of candidiasis occurs only if their number increases sharply. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. develops while taking antibiotics and often causes intestinal dysbiosis. Antibacterial drugs lead to the death of not only pathogenic microbes, but also beneficial bacteria, causing an imbalance of intestinal flora.
  2. Chronic diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases, persistent infections, and HIV reduce immunity and cause exacerbation of thrush.
  3. External factors - stress, colds, hypothermia, taking hormonal medications or pregnancy, eating large amounts of sweet foods.
  4. Endocrine diseases - hypothyroidism, obesity, diabetes - are also often accompanied by candidiasis due to changes in hormonal balance.
  5. Hot, humid climate, wearing uncomfortable synthetic tight underwear and regular injury to the skin of the genitals.

The development of candidiasis most often occurs without external infection. The source becomes the female body’s own flora, so thrush is classified as an autoinfection. from the outside is possible through unprotected sexual contact, the use of towels and other household items.

Pathogenic fungi, penetrating into epithelial cells, gain a foothold in them and begin to actively multiply. At the same time, the nature of the mucus changes significantly. In order to “wash away” pathogenic microorganisms, the body begins to produce a large amount of secretion, it becomes thicker, with white flakes. This is expressed by itching and irritation of the skin of the external genitalia, pain.

Cytolytic vaginosis

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina of a non-inflammatory nature, causing a decrease in acidity and further destruction of the epithelium, is called cytolytic vaginosis. Its symptoms include:

  • copious curdled discharge;
  • swelling of the external genitalia, redness of the skin;
  • burning and itching in the vulva and vagina.

The disease has almost the same symptoms as candidiasis. The difference is that changes in the vaginal microflora during cytological vaginosis occur not under the influence of the growth of candida fungi, but due to the destruction of the mucous membrane.

The main cause of the disease is frequent douching. Cytolysis affects the epithelium, the vaginal mucosa becomes unable to protect the internal genital organs from infections. The pH changes significantly - normally the indicator should be in the range of 3.8-4.5, and with the development of cytolysis it always decreases to a level less than 3.5.

In addition to the appearance of cheesy discharge in large quantities, the disease is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, the discharge may acquire a yellowish or greenish tint, and nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen. Diuresis is often impaired - an increase in the number of urinations, frequent painful urges.

This type of vaginosis is also called the “disease of purity.” It occurs in women who wash their genitals too intensively with regular soap, use regular douching, or are treated for a long time with vaginal suppositories. In this case, Doderlein bacilli (lactobacteria living in the vagina), in the absence of the required amount of secretion, which is washed off during douching, begin to actively feed on glycogen, destroying the epithelium.

The main method of treating vaginosis is to restore the acidity of the vagina. But the disease is especially difficult at the diagnostic stage, since its symptoms are similar to vulvovaginitis, thrush and other gynecological diseases.

How to distinguish normality from pathology

Normal vaginal secretion is clear or slightly whitish mucus, which sometimes has a slight yellowish tint. The abundance of discharge and its color changes depending on the phase of the cycle. At the beginning there is little mucus, by the middle of the cycle the volume of secretion increases, a slight milky smell appears, which indicates ovulation.

Discharge in the form of cottage cheese, especially causing itching and discomfort on the genitals, is not normal and indicates a violation of the vaginal microflora. In addition, the activity of these bacteria gives the secretion a white tint and a sour milk smell, which indicates the development of thrush.


It can be caused not only by the growth of Candida fungi and disruption of the vaginal biocenosis, but also by acute inflammatory processes in the body. In this case, white, odorless discharge appears. An unpleasant odor is felt only when mucus is removed from the body.

The occurrence of thrush or other pathological conditions will always be indicated by additional symptoms - burning, redness, itching. A rash or allergic reaction to the skin may also occur.

If white secretion is not caused by thrush, but is accompanied by severe pain when urinating, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea may develop. These diseases are also characterized by an increase in the volume of secretion, the appearance of white flakes in the mucus secreted from the vagina.


When candidiasis becomes chronic, secretion becomes more intense. When exposed to air, even ordinary leucorrhoea can turn yellow when exposed to air. In addition, this shade of discharge appears before the onset of menstruation - a small amount of blood combines with normal physiological mucus, coloring it yellowish.

With candidiasis, yellow curdled discharge is a sign of the transition of the acute phase of the disease to the chronic stage.

The lack of timely diagnosis and therapy leads to the fact that the symptoms disappear, but the growth of yeast-like fungi and the gradual destruction of the epithelium are observed.

More rare causes of yellow secretion are trichomoniasis and gonorrhea. These diseases also increase the growth of fungi and disruption of microflora, the appearance of copious vaginal discharge, but are always accompanied by pain when urinating, itching and burning of the skin.

Without smell

Lack of odor in vaginal secretion is not yet the norm. If a woman has discharge like flakes, but there is no odor, as well as pain, burning, itching, the reasons may be physiological:

  • discharge after an abortion or surgery;
  • using lubricant during sexual intercourse;
  • early onset of menstruation;
  • sexual contacts without using a condom.

Thick discharge can also be a symptom of various diseases:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • atrophic vaginitis.

The secretion, similar to cottage cheese, should not have an unpleasant rotten odor, inclusions of blood, or cause discomfort in the external and internal genital organs. If the amount of discharge increases, it continues for 3 days or more, swelling and redness of the skin increases, it is necessary to consult a specialist for timely treatment.

With smell

The presence of any foreign odor in vaginal secretion indicates the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Unpleasant-smelling discharge is a sign of the development of the following diseases:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • using contraceptives and wearing an IUD;
  • oncological tumors of the cervix and vagina;
  • poor genital hygiene.

The addition of itching or burning in the area of ​​the external genitalia indicates the development of an infection and the need for treatment. Particularly dangerous are infections with Trichomonas vaginalis and various benign and malignant tumors.

With itching and burning

Most often indicate the development of candidiasis. But besides this disease, there are other reasons for the appearance of these symptoms:

  1. Genital herpes. It is characterized by the early manifestation of itching inside the vagina, fever, general malaise, and headache. The main external symptom is blisters with clear liquid on the vaginal mucosa and external genitalia.
  2. Gardnerellosis. It is also characterized by copious discharge of a cheesy consistency with a grayish or yellowish tint. There is an unpleasant odor reminiscent of rotten fish. Redness of the labia may appear.

If there is a burning sensation, you should never scratch the skin to prevent bacterial infection.

Discharge with a greenish tint

The green tint of secretion is a sign of an inflammatory process of a bacterial nature. Main reasons:

  • infectious viral diseases in the acute phase;
  • an increase in the number of leukocytes against the background of the development of benign and malignant tumors, blood diseases, pregnancy, menopause, gynecological diseases;
  • inflammatory bacterial processes;
  • diseases of the ovaries, appendages, cervix.

Curdled discharge during pregnancy

In the early stages, curdled discharge may be normal if:

  • do not cause discomfort, itching, burning;
  • no sour or rotten smell;
  • the consistency of the mucus resembles egg white, viscous, thick;
  • the color is slightly white or transparent;
  • there are no inclusions in the form of lumps or flakes.

After 38 weeks of pregnancy, the secretion may have inclusions of droplets in the blood, which is called a “plug”. She says that the cervix has begun to dilate in anticipation of the onset of labor.

Heavy discharge with flakes, itching and burning indicates thrush and requires proper selection of treatment.

How to treat such discharge in women

Before treating such discharge, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis to determine the cause. Usually a smear, a general blood test and a standard gynecological examination are sufficient.

The selection of therapy depends on the type of disease that caused the unusual secretion:

  1. For candidiasis, drugs of local and systemic action are used - Miconazole, Nystatin, Zalain.
  2. When trichomoniasis is detected, Klion, Trichopolum, and Tinidazole are used.
  3. Gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics: Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Ceftriaxone.
  4. For chlamydia, macrolide antibiotics, tetracyclines or fluoroquinolones are used.

An individual approach is used in the treatment of other women's diseases. Drugs are selected with extreme caution during pregnancy - the use of antibacterial agents is limited due to the danger to the developing fetus.

Thrush is one of the most common female diseases, which even girls face before the start of their menstrual cycle. This disease requires mandatory treatment, since in its absence it becomes chronic, difficult to treat and causes discomfort, and can also lead to complications - colpitis, endometriosis.