Wet cough in a child is treated with medications. What medications are indicated for children for dry cough? Wet cough in a healthy child: causes

We encounter such a phenomenon as cough more than once in our lives. Any cold and viral disease often occur with this unpleasant symptom. Therefore, it is very important to always have on hand effective means to alleviate the condition. Moreover, it will not be possible to choose one drug that will help in any situation. Depending on the symptoms, you have to choose new treatment regimens each time and combine pharmaceutical drugs with folk remedies. Today we want to spend general review the most effective drugs and methods for treating cough.

What is a cough

First of all, this is a protective reaction of the body. Although a bit of a nuisance, it is very important. In this way, the body tries to get rid of harmful microorganisms and mucus. Therefore, your task is not to suppress the cough, but to help the body complete this work. Based on the fact that the varieties this symptom and there are many ways to treat it, today we will only talk about expectorants for wet coughs.

How to get rid of it faster

In fact, there is no need to rush things. Moist cough is productive, it is not as unpleasant and painful as dry. Therefore, expectorants for wet coughs are not aimed at suppressing, but at stimulating the bronchi. However, in addition to receiving special drugs There are a number of other things you can do to help you recover faster.

What drugs should you avoid?

Often, with such a symptom, we do not go to the hospital, but go directly to the pharmacy to choose expectorants for a wet cough. Today the choice is very large, and in most cases pharmacists do not ask about the doctor’s prescriptions. However, there are drugs that definitely will not benefit you.

First of all, this is actually They are effective if the cough is dry, barking. The drug suppresses it, thereby relieving discomfort. In your case, taking such drugs can lead to the accumulation of sputum and the development of pneumonia. Examples of such drugs are “Codeine”, “Atussin”, “Stoptussin”.

Not best choice are also mucolytics. They thin mucus and have a slight anti-inflammatory effect. However, their use is justified only if the sputum does not clear on its own, that is, it is too thick. An example would be known drugs“Bromhexine”, “Ambrobene”, “ACC”, “Lazolvan”.

The task of expectorants

Let's now figure out what they serve. Expectorants for wet coughs are used to reduce the viscosity of sputum and make it easier to expel. Many of them contain herbal decoctions and infusions (coltsfoot, anise and fennel, licorice and marshmallow root). All these components are necessary to ensure the regeneration of damaged bronchial mucosa.

It is forbidden to take them together with drugs that inhibit the cough reflex. You will only torture the body, simultaneously causing a response and blocking it. In addition, during treatment it is highly undesirable to take diuretics and laxatives that dehydrate the body.

There is one more point to remember. It is not recommended to prescribe these medications to bedridden patients, as the outflow of mucus increases. This indicates the high effectiveness of treatment. Let's now look at exactly what drugs are on the market and what doctors say about them.

Classifying drugs

In fact, there is no clear boundary between them, but, nevertheless, it is customary among pharmacists to divide all expectorants into four large groups.

1. Annoying. The basis is medicinal plants. These expectorants are most often used for wet coughs in adults and children. The active components act on the receptors of the mucous membrane. Due to this, reflex stimulation of the bronchi occurs. Such remedies include a decoction of marshmallow root, essential oils.

This also includes those medications that directly affect the bronchial receptors. The consequence is stimulation of sputum production. This and

2. Drugs with sulfhydryl forms. Used for purulent infections to speed up recovery processes. Thanks to such active ingredients as acetylcysteine, carbocysteine, sputum and pus are effectively liquefied.

3. Derivatives Vasicina. These are the most effective expectorants for wet coughs for children. But they can also be used to treat adults. Initially, the alkaloid vasicine was obtained from plant leaves, but today scientists were able to synthesize the artificial drug “Bromhexine”, which, upon decomposition, turns into ambroxol. This active substance helps to liquefy sputum and increases the activity of the epithelium.

4. Combination drugs.

Drugs used in pediatrics

Expectorants for wet coughs (for children the most the best option- syrups) are used very often. Despite the fact that doctors are quite optimistic about its treatment, this does not mean that it can be ignored. First of all, take your baby to the pediatrician, as self-medication can be quite dangerous.

The most difficult thing is that children’s sputum is very thick and viscous. That is why in pediatrics expectorants are given Special attention. There are two large groups of drugs: herbal and synthetic. Today, most parents for their baby will choose a product based on natural ingredients. However, this is not always correct. By giving such expectorants to children for a wet cough, you risk causing severe allergies.

Actually modern synthetic drugs are more effective and safe, so do not try to choose those medicines that have herbs and roots painted on them.

Medicines for small children

The most difficult thing to treat is babies in the first year of life. We need a very competent pediatrician who will select the safest expectorants for wet coughs. Effective potions Children, as a rule, accept them willingly, as they taste good. Many people are familiar with the drug "ACC" - this is a modern cough medicine that does its job very well.

However, for some reason this dosage form is not popular with manufacturers, so there are many more syrups and tablets on the market. Pediatricians most often recommend giving children either “ACC” or a mixture based on marshmallow root, which is sold in jars, bottles or single-use sachets. It’s called: “Dry cough medicine.” Its merits are undeniable. Inexpensive, completely safe and very effective, it allows you to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms.

In addition, quite often pediatricians prescribe Fluimucil powder, which has a mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The fastest help - syrups

Drugs in liquid form absorbed into the blood as quickly as possible, which means they begin to act sooner than their solid counterparts. Are these really the best expectorants for wet coughs? Syrups have their pros and cons, but they are ideal for taking before bed. Let's take a quick look at the most popular drugs from this group.

  • Fluditek is very effective drug based on carbocysteine. Parents often treat syrup quite frivolously, despite the fact that it is a serious drug. The pediatric form with a dosage of 2% can even be used to treat a newborn.
  • "Ambroxol" is the most powerful mucolytic drug based on it that exists today. There is a children's form that is recommended for children under one year old. Ambroxol is the most accessible means, its analogues like Lazolvan are much more expensive.
  • If your child does not suffer from allergic reactions, then you can use herbal expectorants for a wet cough. Medicinal syrups based medicinal herbs are effective and gentle at the same time. Pediatricians recommend paying attention to Prospan, a product based on ivy leaves. It is prescribed to children from one year of age. Another popular drug is “Gerbion”. It contains primrose and thyme herbs. The syrup has not only an expectorant, but also an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Syrups for adults

It is much easier to choose expectorants for wet coughs in adults, since you can consider drugs that contain alcohol. First of all, we need to mention the famous “Pertussin”. It is the most affordable and gives good result. The drug is based on herbs. In addition, there is a version of the drug with licorice root.

"Pertussin" stimulates mucus secretion and thins phlegm. It contains a calming effect. However, during pregnancy, lactation and under the age of 3 years, the use of the product is prohibited.

Other forms of medication for adults

Most often, expectorants for wet coughs in tablets are prescribed specifically to this category of patients. Tablets take a little longer to digest, but are often even more effective than syrups. One of the most effective and inexpensive options is Bromhexine. The tablets are taken orally, without chewing, during meals.

"Thermopsol" is prescribed from the age of 12. The drug contains plant alkaloids that stimulate respiratory center, and sodium bicarbonate, which thins sputum.

The drug “Mukaltin” based on marshmallow and sodium bicarbonate is excellent for both children and adults. It can be dissolved in water or absorbed until completely dissolved.

The drug “GeloMyrtol” stands out separately. These are enteric capsules that can be taken immediately before meals with water. The drug Myrtol thins mucus and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Medicines for expectant mothers

Expectorants for wet coughs for pregnant women should be selected only by the attending physician. Do not forget that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for your future baby. Cough tablets are selected to minimize the risk to the fetus. Basically, experts prescribe herbal preparations, of course, if the mother does not have an allergic reaction to the active ingredients.

Most often, doctors recommend Faringosept to women in the position. Active substance- ambazon - used to treat diseases caused by streptococci and staphylococci. It's safe enough antibacterial agent. In addition, the list of drugs allowed during pregnancy includes the following medications:

  • "Falimint."
  • "Laripront."
  • "Stoptussin."
  • "Bronchipret."

But the most common cough remedy for expectant mothers remains the time-tested Mukaltin.

Folk remedies

We have not listed all expectorants. For a wet cough, you can take different medications. The means listed above, although they differ high efficiency and accessibility are far from the only ones. For example, do not forget about experience traditional healers. Surely many of you will immediately remember old recipes, which were passed down to us from our grandmothers.

  • Black radish is unique remedy, which will help you quickly relieve the condition and has no side effects. Getting ready medicinal syrup very easy: take out the middle of the radish, put honey inside the cavity. After a few hours, the collected juice can be used for therapy.
  • Onions are another vegetable that can quickly combat cold symptoms. To do this, just chop the onion and add a spoonful of sugar or honey. The collected juice is drunk one spoon three times a day.
  • Warm milk is the first remedy for colds and flu. Add honey or baking soda, as a result healthy drink turns into a powerful remedy for sputum discharge.
  • Honey is a source of vitamins and antioxidants, has a mucolytic and soothing effect. It can be dissolved in warm tea or milk, or you can use water.

These are the safest expectorants for wet coughs. Folk remedies also include currant and raspberry jam, decoction of chamomile and calendula, linden flowers. Official medicine fully confirms their effectiveness, but doctors warn that herbs should also be used under the supervision of a doctor. Only a competent specialist can assess the state of your health and tell you in time when you need to stop treatment with folk remedies and move on to more serious methods therapy, and when you can do the opposite. In some cases, if the disease is not advanced, herbs and decoctions may be quite sufficient. Therefore, consult a doctor in time.

An antitussive medicine for children must correspond to the type of cough (wet or dry), effectively remove phlegm and, most importantly, be suitable for use by age. Many products have age restrictions and are not allowed for children over 1 year old. The most popular dosage form of children's cough medications is syrup. There are also medications in the form of tablets, drops and ointments. Folk remedies can also help treat coughs.

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    Types and principles of action of cough medicines

    Medicines for the treatment of cough in children are available in several dosage forms:

    1. 1. Tablets – contain a high concentration active substance than in syrups and drops. Therefore, they are recommended for children aged six years and older.
    2. 2. Syrups – have sweet taste, the children accept it with pleasure. The safest form for a small child.
    3. 3. Drops are an alternative to tablets and syrups. Plant-based drops are most often used.
    4. 4. Ointments - warm up, helping the body fight colds

    All children's medications for this disease can be divided into 2 groups:

    • having an expectorant effect.
    • helping to suppress the cough reflex.

    Drugs from the first group are more preferable for use, because they help thin sputum and make coughing easier.

    Medicines from the second group are rarely prescribed to children, since they do not fight the causes of the disease, but only suppress it. The principle of action of such drugs is to influence the center in the brain responsible for the cough reflex. Thus, signals from the bronchi are blocked - coughing does not occur. Included similar drugs often contains codeine. The use of medications with this component is contraindicated for children. Since in this case the disease itself is not treated, and the sputum remains in the bronchi, this is a direct path to bronchitis or pneumonia.

    The exception is a situation where the child has been suffering from prolonged frequent coughing attacks for a long time. But it is necessary to use medications that suppress the cough reflex only on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

    Features of choosing a medicine for a child over 1 year old

    When choosing a medicine, first of all it is necessary to determine what type of cough the child has: dry or wet. Each of them has its own causes and methods of treatment.

    With a dry cough, there is hardness of breathing, swelling of the pharynx and airways. Sputum does not come away due to its viscosity and stringiness.

    Wet is characterized by good discharge of bronchial secretions, most often this is facilitated by the use of expectorants and plenty of warm drinks.

    For children aged one year and more, it is preferable to use syrups, since the active ingredients are contained in gentle concentrations.

    Taking any drug for removal of phlegm should be accompanied by plenty of warm drink.

    Syrups for dry cough

    Exists big list children's syrups that help thin mucus and remove it from the bronchi:

    1. 1. Fluditek. The main active substance is carbocisteine, it has an expectorant effect. This medicine is effective in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia and tracheitis. Fluditec is available in syrup form. It must be taken 2 times a day, 5 ml. It has a short course of administration – 3 days. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the high price; on average, a 125 ml bottle costs about 270-350 rubles.
    2. 2. Bromhexine. The main substance is bromhexine hydrochloride. The medicine helps to liquefy and quickly remove sputum. Bromhexine is prescribed for the treatment of tuberculosis, tracheitis and cystic fibrosis. It is available in the form of syrup and tablets. The dosage depends on age: children under two years old should be given the medicine 2.5 ml 3 times a day, from two to six years old 5 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 6 days.
    3. 3. Sinekod. The medicine fights asthma attacks and reduces inflammation in the bronchi. This drug does not contain plant components. The active ingredient is butamirate. The drug is used to treat tracheitis, whooping cough and bronchitis. Its price is many times higher than other drugs with a similar principle of action. On average, you will have to pay about 450 rubles for 200 ml of syrup. Analogues of Sinecode, which are cheaper, are: Broncholitin, Codelac NEO and Broncholin sage. Sinekod is available in several forms: tablets, syrup or drops. For children over one year of age, it is preferable to use drops. The medicine should be used no more than three times a day. The course of treatment is equal to a week.
    4. 4. Glycodin. The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the bronchi and lungs occurring in acute form. Glycodin helps with phlegm removal. The main active ingredients are levomenthol, dextromethorphan and terpin hydrate. Cannot be used for bronchial asthma. Available in the form of syrup. It must be taken three times a day for seven days. The downside is overstimulation nervous system child after using the drug.

    Syrups for wet cough

    The most popular medications to ease sputum discharge during a wet cough:

    1. 1. Dr. Theiss. This syrup contains only plant components: plantain juice, mint, beetroot. The drug helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and quickly get rid of it. It should be taken four times a day, 2.5 ml. The syrup should be washed down with plenty of warm water.
    2. 2. Overslept. The main component of this medicine is ivy extract. Prospan has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. Using this medicine helps remove sticky phlegm from the body. The only disadvantage of Prospan is the possible allergic reactions for the main active ingredient – ​​ivy. Allergies can manifest themselves in the form of hives. Prospan is used 3 times a day, 5 ml.
    3. 3. Ambrobene. The drug is approved for use in children from infancy. The main active ingredient is ambroxol. It does not contain thickeners or preservatives - this is a very big plus. The product has an expectorant and mucolytic effect. The medicine is produced in the form of syrup, it can be taken orally or inhaled.


    Drops are another type of medication whose action is aimed at removing phlegm. Suitable for children:

    1. 1. Ammonia-anise drops. Active Ingredients: anise oil (has antimicrobial effect, stimulates the discharge of mucus into respiratory tract), ammonia (reduces the viscosity of sputum). The drug is used to treat wet cough. They remove mucus accumulation and prevent the development of complications. Treatment with such drops has a positive effect not only on the respiratory system, but also on the digestive system - anise stimulates appetite. This effect can be called positive, since often a sick child refuses to eat. For children aged 1-2 years, use 2 drops 3-4 times a day.
    2. 2. Overslept. Drops based on ivy extract. Prospan has a mucolytic effect, relieves spasms in the bronchi. This drug is used to treat inflammatory processes respiratory tract, characterized by an abundance of difficult-to-remove mucus. Children 1-3 years old are given 10 drops 3-5 times a day. To consolidate the results obtained, it is recommended to continue treatment for 2-3 days after the symptoms of the disease cease. Significantly exceeding the dose indicated in the instructions can lead to vomiting, nausea and gastrointestinal upset.
    3. 3. Stoptussin. The main components are guaifenesin and butamirate citrate. Possesses combined action: antitussive and mucolytic effect. Used for dry, exhausting cough. The dosage depends on the patient’s weight: up to 7 kg - 8 drops, 7-12 kg - 9 drops, 12-20 - 14 drops. A measured amount of medicine should be dripped into the child 3-4 times a day. The time interval between doses should be 6 hours. Rarely possible manifestation side effects: vomiting, dizziness, urticaria.
    4. 4. Tussamag. Thyme-based drops help remove mucus from the bronchi and make breathing easier. Tussamag is used to treat diseases accompanied by difficult to separate sputum. Drops are contraindicated in cases of cardiac dysfunction and individual intolerance to the components. Children 1-5 years old should take 10-25 drops. 2 times a day. The medicine can be taken undiluted or with a small amount water.


    Tablets can be used to combat cough. There are a number of quite effective means:

    1. 1. Bromhexine. The active ingredient is bromhexine hydrochloride. Reduces the viscosity of bronchial secretions, thereby facilitating its removal. Indications for use: chronic and acute bronchitis, tracheitis, mucovescidosis, bronchial asthma. Children aged 1-2 years are recommended to take 2 mg 3 times a day. Possible side effects: headache, cough, dizziness, bronchospasm. Bromhexine should not be used simultaneously with medications containing codeine.
    2. 2. Thermopsol. The active substance is thermopsis herb, which has a pronounced expectorant effect. The composition contains sodium bicarbonate, which helps reduce the viscosity of sputum. Thermopsol is recommended for use in tracheobronchitis and bronchitis. Tablets must be taken 1 piece 3 times a day, the course is 3-5 days.
    3. 3. Mukaltin. Main component– marshmallow herb. Thanks to him, Mucaltin has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used to treat diseases in which sputum is viscous and difficult to remove from the body: bronchitis, pulmonary enphysema, tracheobronchitis. Prohibited for use in case of stomach ulcer. Rarely possible side effects: vomiting, nausea, allergic manifestations. Children from one year of age are recommended to take ¼ tablet diluted with 100 ml warm water 3-4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

    Warming ointments

    To combat cough in the composition complex therapy you can use ointments. They are applied to chest baby, warming and making breathing easier. These remedies are also good for treating a runny nose.

    1. 1. "Pulmex baby". The ointment is approved for use by children from 6 months. It contains: eucalyptus and rosemary oils, Peruvian balsam. This remedy has a combined anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and expectorant effect. It is used in combination with other medications to treat diseases such as chronic and acute bronchitis, tracheitis. Rubbing with ointment should be done 2 times a day. The drug is applied to the upper and middle part chest and back. After the procedure, it is necessary to dress the child warmly. "Pulmex baby" does not leave greasy marks on clothes. Cannot be used to treat children with epileptic syndrome. Side effects from use include: allergic rashes on the skin. In case of an overdose, headache, nausea, abdominal cramps, and convulsions are possible.
    2. 2. Ointment “Badger”. This is a warming ointment-balm. Main component – badger fat, additional substances: purified water, stearin, wax and extract hot pepper Used for the prevention of ARVI and treatment of acute respiratory diseases accompanied by sore throat and cough. “Badger” contains red pepper, which increases the activity of the other components of the ointment and promotes their penetration into skin cells. Apply the product to the back, chest and feet, after which you should dress warmly. Contraindication is intolerance to the components.
    3. 3. Vishnevsky ointment. Main components: Castor oil, Birch tar and xenoforms. Thanks completely natural composition The ointment is approved for use by children from birth. To carry out the procedure, do not a large number of ointment is applied to gauze and applied to the upper chest and back. This compress should be kept for no more than 3 hours.
    4. 4. Propolis ointment. Active component is propolis - a substance rich in amino acids, oils and vitamins. Bees collect it from flowers. This ointment has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effects. Rubbing with this product warms, thereby promoting the release of phlegm from the body. May cause an allergic reaction in children who are intolerant to bee products.

    Treatment with ointments can be carried out only if the child does not have elevated temperature.

    Folk remedies for treatment

    If pharmaceutical drugs do not show the expected effect, a folk remedy can be given to the child to treat a cough. Among the most famous recipes:

    1. 1. Carrot smoothie. To prepare it, you should take freshly squeezed carrot juice And sugar syrup in a 1:2 ratio, the components must be placed in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and mixed thoroughly. The resulting product is stored in the refrigerator. This folk remedy should be given to the baby 1 teaspoon 4 times a day.
    2. 2. Honey-glycerin medicine. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 glass of honey, the juice of 2 lemons and a 5 ml bottle of glycerin. It is recommended to take this remedy 7 times a day: before and after each meal and at night. It is recommended to shake the drug before each use.
    3. 3. Milk-egg shake. You need to take 1 glass of hot milk and add 1 tbsp to it. l.butter and honey. All ingredients should be mixed and well beaten egg yolk and soda on the tip of a knife. This cocktail should be taken 3 times a day until complete recovery.


    For more quick treatment If there is an illness, parents should not only give medicine to their children, but also provide conditions conducive to recovery. Namely: humidify the air, maintain cool temperature in the child’s room and give him plenty of warm tea or milk.

    If, despite the use of medication, the cough does not go away, this may indicate a more serious diagnosis. To exclude this possibility, at the first symptoms of cough in a child, you should contact your pediatrician.

An article about the causes of wet cough in children and methods of treating it.

There is not a single child who has not coughed at least once in his life. Parents seemed resigned to endless illnesses. But is it necessary to humble yourself? It is better to learn to quickly identify the cause of a cough and eliminate it no less quickly.

Causes of wet cough in a child

Cough is not a disease. On the contrary, this is how the body reacts to irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It is not considered a pathology if a child coughs up to 10 times a day, and he does not have any ailments or symptoms indicating illness.

The cause of a wet cough in a child is not always an illness.

A child's cough may be:

  1. Dry or unproductive. Children cough without sputum production in the first days of laryngitis, bronchitis, other diseases of the ENT organs and bronchopulmonary system, as well as with allergies, whooping cough, and other ailments
  2. Wet, or productive. As you recover or during treatment, mucus secreted by the organ mucosa respiratory system, begins to liquefy and lose viscosity. The child begins to cough it up. Parents can hear a characteristic “gurgling” and also see clots of phlegm that the child spits out when he coughs

A wet cough may indicate an illness if it is provoked by:

  • virus
  • bacterium
  • fungus
  • allergen
  • toxin
  • other aggressive substance

Simultaneously with the appearance of a wet cough in a baby, if he is sick, other symptoms appear:

  • a sharp increase in temperature to subfebrile (37.5 degrees), febrile (38 - 39 degrees) and higher
  • shortness of breath and cyanosis
  • chest pain
  • loss of appetite
  • deterioration of sleep
  • lethargy
  • irritability
  • wheezing

Also, you need to pay attention to the cough mechanism itself and the nature of the sputum released during it. Reasons for immediately contacting a pediatrician are:

  • sudden, prolonged, paroxysmal cough
  • green sputum discharged in large quantities, Brown, with blood or an unpleasant odor

Pathological conditions in which a child may begin to cough with sputum production are diseases of the respiratory system:

  • acute respiratory infections
  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • bronchial asthma
  • other diseases of the respiratory system of an allergic nature
  • tuberculosis
  • other

Diseases of other organs and systems can also provoke a wet cough:

  • cardiac pathologies
  • helminthiasis
  • gastrointestinal reflux
  • some venereal diseases, for example, chlamydia (children can “catch” it at birth or through contact at home)

Also, in children, a cough with sputum may begin:

  • when they are in a room with dry air
  • when they inhale vapors household chemicals, tobacco smoke, dust, etc.
  • when choking on breast milk
  • when choking on saliva during teething

To identify the cause of a wet cough in specific child, he needs to be examined. In this case, doctors use the following methods:

  • external inspection
  • auscultation
  • percussion
  • laboratory blood test
  • chest x-ray

IMPORTANT: If the cause of the cough is a virus or bacteria, a blood test will show leukocytosis, if allergies or helminths - eosinophilia

VIDEO: Wet cough during teething

Wet cough, fever and runny nose in a child - causes

Fever, runny nose and cough with sputum are signs of ARVI.
  • When a child gets sick with ARVI, his temperature rises, his nose runs and he begins to cough. The virus irritates the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
    It happens that on the second or third day from the onset of the illness, a runny nose and fever are accompanied by another symptom - a wet cough
  • Parents may be frightened by his unexpected attacks. It seems to them that everything inside the child is gurgling and bubbling. You need to know - in this way the child’s airways are cleared of mucus from the nasal cavity (snot), which flows down the back wall throats. Evacuation of sputum occurs through coughing
  • On the one hand, such a transformation of cough from dry to wet indicates that the child is getting better. On the other hand, sputum from the nasal cavity can infect the pharyngeal mucosa and cause inflammation. It is recommended to adjust the treatment and add measures to sanitize the throat and larynx
  • Often a pathogenic organism, a virus or a bacterium, affects not just one part of the child’s respiratory system, but several at once. Bronchitis or pneumonia, the symptoms of which at a certain stage are fever and a productive cough, may be accompanied by rhinitis. Symptomatic treatment then it will be difficult, at the same time it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the source of infection

Causes of wet cough in a child during sleep

A severe cough with sputum production, which occurs in a baby at night, should alert parents and prompt them to show the child to the doctor, not only because it interferes with his sleep. The first priority is to find out the cause of coughing, which may be:

  1. Start of acute respiratory infection. Often, in the first few days, the virus that has infected the upper respiratory tract does not make itself felt in any way. daytime. At night, as soon as the child falls asleep, he may develop a cough, either dry or with sputum.
  2. Rhinitis. In a dream, a child is in horizontal position, does not blow his nose, so the snot flows into the throat, blocking the respiratory lumen, irritating the mucous membrane of the throat. The evacuation mechanism turns on in the form of a cough
  3. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs (adenoiditis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia). During a certain period of these diseases, the sputum becomes thinner, and during the day the child begins to cough it up gradually. When he sleeps, phlegm accumulates in his respiratory tract. A reflex paroxysmal cough occurs
  4. Allergy. A cough that produces sputum may occur at night if there is an allergen near the baby's crib.
  5. Bronchial asthma. Its cough form manifests itself in bouts of wet cough, worsening at night.

IMPORTANT: To prevent a cough from preventing a child from sleeping peacefully, first of all, parents, together with a pediatrician, must identify its cause and eliminate it.

They can also take the following measures:

  • humidify the air in the child's bedroom, if it is winter, the heating system is running
  • ventilate the child's bedroom
  • put the child to sleep not horizontally, but on a hill, sitting up
  • infants change position more often during their sleep
  • give plenty of warm drinks
  • remove from the child's bed all items that have the potential to cause allergies
  • Give your child a decongestant or antihistamine at night

IMPORTANT: If the child takes expectorant, you can’t give it right before bed, it’s better to do it 1.5 – 2 hours before. The medicine can drive away phlegm, and then in a dream the child will literally begin to choke on coughing. Antitussives for productive coughs are strictly prohibited.

Why does my child's wet cough not go away? Causes of a prolonged wet cough in a child without fever

Cough with ARVI and bronchitis, provided adequate treatment goes away in 5 – 14 days. If after this time the child continues to cough, you need to sound the alarm, as this may mean:

  • continuation infectious process in the respiratory organ or its chronicity
  • pneumonia
  • pulmonary tuberculosis
  • helminthiasis
  • bronchial asthma or other type of severe respiratory allergy

A prolonged cough with sputum may or may not be accompanied by an increase in temperature (usually up to 38 degrees).

To determine its cause, the child must be examined in detail.

IMPORTANT: After bronchitis and other respiratory diseases there may be a so-called residual cough. The cause of the disease has been eliminated, but the mucous membrane of the organ remains inflamed, and sputum is produced above normal. This cough in a child is not accompanied by others. pathological symptoms and tends to fade away.

VIDEO: Wet cough for respiratory diseases

Remedies for wet coughs for children: compresses, mustard plasters, medications

Cough is not cured, its cause is treated. Depending on what it is, the child is prescribed the following medications:

  • antiviral
  • antifungal
  • antibacterial
  • antihistamine
  • anthelmintic

Traditionally, mucolytics are prescribed for productive cough. These drugs, which help reduce the viscosity of sputum and facilitate its expectoration, are divided into two large groups:

IMPORTANT: infectious inflammation mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, in which a wet cough appears, there is always allergic component. Therefore, simultaneously with the mucolytic, the child should be given Claritit, Suprastin, Erius or another antiallergic drug prescribed by the doctor.

Procedures such as:

  • rubbing
  • compresses (potato, honey, vodka, etc.)
  • mustard plasters

But they must be carried out strictly according to the rules and only as prescribed by a doctor. You can read more about mustard plasters in the article:

Herbion for wet coughs for children

For conditions accompanied by a wet cough, children over two years of age are prescribed Gerbion Primrose syrup, which has expectorant properties.

Herbion Primrose for coughs with phlegm.

The composition of the drug includes menthol, aqueous extract primrose root, aqueous extract of thyme herb.

IMPORTANT: In addition to the expectorant properties, Herbion Primrose also has immunomodulatory properties.

  • Children drink the drug 1-2 scoops 3 times a day, depending on age
  • The duration of the course of treatment is adjusted by the doctor

Inhalations for wet cough in children

They have been and will be effective against cough with sputum production various types inhalation.

Steam inhalations with wet cough in children.

They can be done as before, over a saucepan or kettle. Decoctions of herbs and essential oils that have an expectorant effect help. This:

  • sage
  • St. John's wort
  • eucalyptus
  • nettle

Also, many families today have a nebulizer through which the child can be given Lazolvan, saline solution, or alkaline mineral water to breathe.

Folk remedies for wet cough for children

You can help your child cough up by giving pharmaceutical drugs folk remedies. Parents should arm themselves with several recipes.

RECIPE: Black radish with milk from important cough The child has

Need: Black radish juice, milk, honey

  • I grate the radish and squeeze out the juice.
  • Milk is boiled and cooled slightly
  • Mix radish juice (1 part) and milk (2 parts), add a spoonful of honey
  • The child is given the elixir an hour after he eats, three times a day.

RECIPE: Vegetable juices and aloe from wet cough to kid

You need: juices of beets, carrots, black radishes, cranberries - 100 ml, aloe juice - 1 tbsp. spoon, lemon juice – 50 ml

  • The juices must be mixed and left overnight.
  • If your child finds the medicine bitter, you can add honey or sugar to it.
  • Give 2 tbsp three times a day. spoons

RECIPE: Licorice for wet cough

You need: licorice root – 10 g, boiling water – 200 ml, honey – as needed

Simmer the crushed licorice root in a water bath for 20 minutes, leave for an hour, and filter. A child with a wet cough is given 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.

IMPORTANT: Folk remedies used to treat a child with a wet cough must be approved by a doctor. Firstly, not all of them may be suitable for his age. Secondly, they may cause an allergic reaction.

VIDEO: Causes of cough and its treatment - Doctor Komarovsky

Cough is a common symptom of viral and allergic pathologies, the appearance of which seriously disrupts a person’s quality of life. It interferes with normal sleep, eating, and work. To cope with this condition, you need to contact a specialist who will select inexpensive, but effective medicines From cough.

Types of medicines

Medicines to combat cough can be different. The main categories include the following:

Drugs that inhibit cough receptors. This group contains substances that act on cough centers. They are found in the human brain. Also, cough suppressants can affect nerves and receptors present in organs respiratory system. Some substances affect the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. They cope with coughs thanks to their local anesthetic effect.

It is important to consider that such drugs have many contraindications and side effects. In addition, they are prescribed exclusively for dry coughs that are not accompanied by the formation of sputum.

Medicines that have a bronchodilator effect. They help relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi and eliminate spasms. Due to this effect, a coughing attack is eliminated. Such drugs are usually used for bronchitis and other pathologies that are accompanied by spasm of the respiratory tract.

Mucolytic agents. These substances dilute mucus, which greatly facilitates its removal from the lungs. Such drugs are prescribed when a viscous secretion forms, which is removed with great difficulty.

Expectorants. Such medications help remove secretions from the respiratory system. Medications from this group contribute to irritation of the mucous membranes and lead to coughing, which activates the process of cleansing the respiratory system.

Anti-inflammatory drugs. Such substances help eliminate inflammatory lesion mucous membranes, which often causes coughing.

Combined substances. These medications act in several directions at once, which helps solve various problems.

Features of choosing an effective drug

To choose the right cough medicine, you should consider several important features:

  • First of all, you need to determine the type of cough - dry or wet. At different types For this symptom, various medications must be used.
  • Each drug has a number of side effects and contraindications. This is why it is so important to study the instructions in detail.
  • Only a doctor can choose the right medicine, taking into account clinical picture diseases. Therefore, any self-medication options are unacceptable.

When purchasing a cough medicine, it is recommended to give preference to well-known manufacturers. At the same time, medicines from foreign companies are much more expensive compared to domestic ones. To pick up more affordable analogue, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Cost is also important medicine. The price directly depends on the pricing policy of the pharmacy and the manufacturer of the drug.

Inexpensive and effective medicines for dry cough

Dry is called barking and painful cough, in which the removal of sputum is significantly impaired. For adult patients, inexpensive but effective cough medications are prescribed in the form of capsules and tablets. They can be aimed at suppressing this symptom or improving sputum removal.

If the cough has running form, the doctor can choose inexpensive remedy for dry cough in the form of injections. Antitussives or expectorants are also often prescribed in combination with antibacterial substances.

It is important to consider that with intramuscular or intravenous administration You can get the desired effect much faster. In simpler cases, syrups are prescribed to treat the symptom.

So, to the most effective means that help with dry cough include the following:

  1. Libexin. This tool has a triple effect - reduces sensitivity nerve receptors, relaxes the bronchi and reduces the reaction to irritation. The drug can be used to combat severe dry cough. The desired effect is achieved literally 4 hours after application. TO side effects include allergic reactions, increased fatigue, dizziness. approximate price 520 rubles.
  2. . The characteristics of this substance are similar to menthol, since it leads to a feeling of freshness in the oral cavity. The drug does not dry out mucous membranes. In this case, the desired effect is achieved after the first dose. These inexpensive tablets cough medicines have virtually no side effects or contraindications. The only exceptions are allergic reactions. Approximate price 250 rubles.
  3. . This syrup has antitussive and antibacterial effect. With its help, it is possible to increase the volume of sputum and make it less viscous. The presence of vitamin C in the medicine helps strengthen immune system. In addition, the substance forms a special film on the mucous membrane, reducing irritation and stopping inflammation. The product has virtually no contraindications. Approximate price 340 rubles. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with cheaper analogues of Gerbion.
  4. . This drug helps achieve the desired effect literally 30 minutes after use. With its help, the viscosity of sputum is reduced and irritation of the mucous membranes is relieved. However, the product is prohibited from use during pregnancy and pathologies. digestive system. Approximate price 120 rubles.
  5. . This drug has natural origin and is available in various dosage forms. You can find tablets and syrup on sale. The remedy is different combined effect, reduces excitability without depressing breathing. It is important to consider that the drug can provoke addiction, therefore it should not be used long time. Approximate price 135 rubles.
  6. . The drug can be used for laryngitis, bronchial pathologies, and sinusitis. It is also often prescribed to combat complications. surgical interventions. The product has a pronounced effect. Approximate price 220 rubles.
  7. . These cheap cough drops have a combined effect, providing a mucolytic and antitussive effect. The medicine is actively used to eliminate dry and nonproductive cough. Approximate price 240 rubles.

Cheap drugs for wet cough

This type of cough is characterized by a large amount of viscous sputum in the respiratory organs. To remove this substance, expectorants and thinners are used. Adult patients are prescribed various substances- syrups, tablets, capsules, suspensions.

Prices for inexpensive, effective cough medicines may vary. Your doctor will help you choose the appropriate option. It is important to consider that you should not use the medicine for a long time, since there is a risk of addiction, which will reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

The most effective remedies that are suitable for combating wet cough include the following:

  1. . This medicine has vegetable origin and effectively copes with respiratory pathologies. With its help you can get rid of bronchitis, rhinitis, and viral pathologies. The drug is produced in the form of lollipops, tablets, and syrups. You can also find pencils, ointments and lozenges on sale. Price from 140 to 220 rubles depending on the form of the drug (tablets/syrup/lozenges).
  2. ACC and its cheap analogues . This drug helps thin mucus and increases cough productivity. Thanks to this, you can achieve relief literally in the first day. In addition, the product has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics. It is important to note that it cannot be combined with paracetamol and other cough medicines. The substance is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Price from 140 rubles.
  3. . The drug can be used for bronchial pathologies, which are accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum. The product is well tolerated and combines well with antibacterial substances. During therapy, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and refrain from performing hazardous work and driving. Price from 25 rubles.
  4. . This substance has an expectorant effect and successfully copes with inflammation. It can be used to prevent respiratory infections. The product is produced in the form of syrup with pleasant taste and aroma. It quickly helps to cope with bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and perfectly eliminates cough. Price from 45 rubles.
  5. . This drug suppresses the cough center without depressing breathing. With its help, you can remove mucus and eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes. Side effects include allergic reactions, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure. Price from 50 rubles.
  6. . This natural substance copes well with wet coughs and removes viscous secretions that impair breathing. Thanks to the use of the medicine, you can get the desired result within 2 days after starting therapy. Contraindications include diseases of the digestive system, allergic reactions, diabetes. The undoubted advantage of the product is that it is not addictive. Price from 20 rubles.
  7. . This product has thinning and expectorant properties. With its help, you can speed up the outflow of mucus from the bronchi and neutralize the affected molecules. The effect is achieved literally 30 minutes after application and lasts for 10 hours. You can find tablets and syrups on sale. There are also solutions for injections and inhalations. Price from 140 rubles.

Inexpensive cough medicines for children - syrups and tablets

Children's cough medications are prescribed depending on the patient's age. Antitussives and expectorants are used to treat dry and wet coughs. Moreover, the age of the child affects not only the dosage, but also the form of the drug. Thus, cough medicines for children over 3 years of age are produced in the form of suspensions or syrups. Patients over 6 years of age can already be given tablets.

The most effective mucolytic agents that can be given to children include the following:

Which cough medicines should I choose for children? – Doctor Komarovsky

In some cases, when a cough occurs, expectorants must be used. Such substances help to cope with cough by removing phlegm from the lungs. This occurs due to the liquefaction of the secretion and the normalization of the ciliated epithelium. Such drugs are prescribed for acute and chronic inflammation respiratory organs. Most often, doctors prescribe herbal substances:

Currently there are quite a few effective medicines to combat various types cough. To choose a truly effective drug, you need to consult a doctor in time. The specialist will prescribe the optimal remedy based on clinical symptoms and results of diagnostic studies.

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Cough is a protective reaction and often occurs in healthy children, but when it is a symptom of any disease, the cough begins to torment the child and requires treatment. Among the medications prescribed for coughs, syrups and mixtures are the leading ones, but there are also medications in the form of tablets.

Operating principle

Depending on the effect that appears on children's body, cough tablets are:

  • Antitussives. They affect the brain, in particular the cough center, inhibiting its activity. Such tablets may have a narcotic effect (these drugs are used in childhood extremely rare and are not sold without a prescription) and non-narcotic (such medications are taken after consulting a doctor, they are not addictive).
  • Expectorants. Medicines in this group intensify cough, helping to quickly rid the child’s body of excess phlegm, bacteria and viruses. These can be tablets with thermopsis, marshmallow and others herbal ingredients having an expectorant effect.
  • Mucolytics. Such drugs affect the sputum itself, as a result of which it becomes liquefied and is better coughed up by a sick child.
  • Antihistamines. Tablets of this group are prescribed in situations where the cause of cough is associated with allergies. Selection suitable remedy It's better to trust a doctor.

Antitussives eliminate coughing attacks by affecting the brain

Expectorant tablets ensure the removal of mucus for the normal functioning of the respiratory tract

Mucolytics thin mucus and facilitate its removal from the lungs

Antihistamines eliminate allergic cough

Review of effective tablets

Since they are used in the treatment of cough different groups medications in tablet form, it is important to consult a doctor before taking them. The pediatrician will examine the baby, determine the cause of the cough and its type, and then prescribe treatment based on age, because a 7-year-old child can be prescribed only medications, for younger children the list of medications is reduced, and for older children it is expanded. Let's consider the most effective tablets From cough.

For dry cough

If a child suffers from attacks of dry cough, he may be prescribed the following tablets:

  • Codelac. An antitussive drug that reduces the excitability of the cough center and facilitates expectoration of sputum. It contains thermopsis, licorice, sodium bicarbonate and codeine. Appointed from 2 years of age.
  • Libexin. An anti-cough drug with peripheral action that reduces the sensitivity of receptors in the respiratory tract and dilates the bronchi. In childhood, it is prescribed with caution and taking into account the child’s body weight.
  • Terpincode. A product that combines terpene hydrate, codeine and sodium bicarbonate. This medicine has an antitussive effect and an expectorant effect. Prescribed for children over 12 years of age.
  • Stoptussin. An antitussive medicine that reduces the excitability of bronchial receptors and activates mucus production. Appointed from age 12.
  • Omnitus. Cough medicine with central action, as well as a moderate anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effect. Tablets with 20 mg of active substance are prescribed from 6 years of age.
  • Tusuprex. The medicine acts on the cough center without a narcotic effect. He is appointed to exceptional cases children from the age of two.

For wet cough

If your baby’s cough has become productive, the doctor will recommend mucolytics and expectorants, for example:

  • Mukaltin. The main substance of such tablets is an extract from marshmallow, which is supplemented with sodium bicarbonate. The drug has an expectorant, enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed from the age of 3, while for young children it is crushed into powder and then mixed with water.
  • Thermopsol. A product containing thermopsis herb and sodium bicarbonate. Reflexively affects the bronchi, stimulating the production of sputum and its expectoration. Dosage for of different ages the doctor selects.
  • Ambroxol. This drug has a mucolytic effect. The tablet form is prescribed to children from 12 years of age.
  • Bromhexine. This medicine has both an expectorant and mucolytic effect. Appointed from 3 years of age.
  • Lazolvan, Ambrobene and Flavamed. These drugs contain ambroxol, so the drugs are classified as mucolytics. Such tablets are prescribed from the age of 12.
  • Ascoril. Combination drug with bronchodilator, mucolytic and expectorant effects. Appointed from 6 years of age.
  • Pectusin. The basis of this drug contains Eucalyptus oil and menthol, so of this medicine there is a distracting, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect. Children are prescribed from 7 years of age.


The medicine is prescribed to children over 12 years of age, half a tablet or a whole tablet at a time.

Instructions for use

The frequency of taking cough tablets is 3 times a day, and the duration of use is 3-5 days. The tablet should be swallowed and washed down with a small amount of water.

Treatment tips various tablets From cough:

  • When treating a cough, it is important to give your baby more warm drink and humidify the indoor air. Such measures will further soften the mucus and help make the cough moist.
  • Simultaneous use antitussives with drugs that have a mucolytic or expectorant effect are prohibited. This can worsen the condition of a coughing child, causing serious complications from the respiratory system.
  • If you are trying to cure a cough on your own, but your child’s condition does not improve within two or three days, be sure to show your baby to a doctor. You also need to urgently call a doctor if night attacks occur. barking cough, breathing problems, high temperature, pus or blood in the sputum.