Operation of cutting out the tonsils. Tonsillectomy - removal of tonsils: types of operations and possible consequences. Is tonsil removal necessary?

The floor goes to our expert, the head of the acute care department. chronic pathology ear, nose and throat Research Clinical Institute of Pediatrics named after Academician Yu. E. Veltishchev Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after. N. I. Pirogov, candidate of medical sciences Alan Asmanov.

Wait or clean up?

My son often suffers from sore throat. The doctor advises to remove his tonsils. But I read that those who have had them removed then get colds even more often and more severely. What should I do?

Galina, Perm

- For surgical removal palatine tonsils there are clear indications. According to today's European standards, these are episodes of sore throat (or acute tonsillitis) more than 5-7 times a year.

Previously, it was believed that this operation should not be performed before the age of 14-15, since the palatine tonsils are an important immune organ, a kind of gateway to airborne infection. In addition, thanks to the modern antibacterial and other drugs that appeared later, which make it possible to promptly stop inflammatory process, the tonsils can be preserved.

However, in some cases even the most modern medications are powerless. Practice shows: when sore throats are aggressive, recurrent in nature, when the tonsils cannot cope with their protective role and themselves become a source of chronic infection, which can lead to severe complications(diseases of the heart, kidneys, joints), in this case conservative treatment will not have an effect. And the doctor decides on the advisability of a tonsillectomy, which today is much younger. Thanks to new surgical methods, such operations are now performed even on children 2-3 years old, who then forever forget what a sore throat is.

No pain or complications

They say that tonsil removal is a very dangerous and bloody operation. This is true?

Valentina, Voronezh region

—It depends on how the tonsils are removed. If done the old fashioned way, blindly with the help of sharp surgical instruments (which, unfortunately, is still practiced in a number of Russian clinics), this operation is indeed associated with significant blood loss, pronounced pain syndrome and a long recovery period.

However, in Lately In many leading Russian clinics (including ours), a low-traumatic approach is used when removing palatine tonsils. This operation is performed under anesthesia, if necessary, under the control of modern optical equipment, using hemostatic drugs and coagulation equipment. In addition, before each such operation, children are mandatory undergo a thorough examination of all systems and organs, the blood coagulation system, which allows minimizing operational risks.

A real breakthrough in the removal of palatine tonsils was radiofrequency tonsillectomy, thanks to which surgical blood loss managed to reduce it up to 10 times. The operation in this case is performed using a radiofrequency coagulator, thanks to which it is possible not only to completely remove the tonsils, but also to simultaneously cauterize the wound surface, reducing bleeding to a minimum and accelerating tissue healing. In this case, the structures surrounding the tonsils remain completely intact.

As a result, if after a traditional tonsillectomy children can return to normal eating only on the 7-8th day, after radiofrequency tonsillectomy they can eat normally on the 2-3rd day and be discharged home.

In addition to tonsillectomy, tonsillotomy is also performed in surgical hospitals, when the tonsils are only partially removed when they are enlarged and in the absence of any signs of inflammation.

For surgery - with ice cream?

Previously, after surgery to remove tonsils, children were given ice cream. Is this still practiced now?

Margarita, Moscow

— This tradition dates back to the times when ice cream was the only method of reducing postoperative bleeding (cold leads to vasoconstriction), tissue swelling and pain.

Today, when performing tonsillectomy with modern surgical methods This measure plays rather the role of a pleasant bonus that we allow our patients too.

Is surgery to remove tonsils necessary or can it be done without it? This question can only be answered experienced doctor after a thorough examination of the patient. The tonsils are located near the root of the tongue and protect the body from bacteria and viruses. Therefore, it is best to do without such a radical method of treatment, but severe cases lesions, removal of tonsils is the only way improve the patient's condition.

Severe cases

Usually a therapeutic method of treatment is used, in which ulcers are washed out of the lacunae. Chronic form The disease is accompanied by a host of complications that can affect the heart or joints. In this case, it is not worth risking other organs, so doctors prescribe tonsil removal.

The most basic indications for surgery:

  1. Peritonsillar abscesses.
  2. Ineffectiveness of continuous courses of drug treatment.
  3. Development pathological processes in other organs.

The first case is due to special physiological structure tonsils They are connected by a special tissue to other organs and systems, so the purulent process can quickly spread throughout the body. This is provoked serious complications in the form of rheumatic diseases of the joints, heart, kidney pathologies.

To patients within conservative treatment Numerous procedures and manipulations are prescribed. This is physiotherapy, lavage, restorative treatment And various medications. Typically, for patients with chronic tonsillitis, regular therapy is enough to maintain the body. But in some cases the situation becomes more complicated and more radical methods are required.

A child suffers from such diseases more severely, and surgery for a child is a lifelong scare. Now this method is used much less often, because medicine has since reached significant heights. But surgery is still necessary if a small patient cannot breathe fully due to swelling of the tonsils or he has a distortion of speech.

If the baby often suffers from sore throat or tonsillitis, and after antibiotics submandibular lymph nodes do not decrease in size, you cannot do without surgery. Damage to the tonsils can also cause a variety of ear diseases.

Adult patients

Previously, tonsils were removed using a scalpel, a special loop and scissors. The patient was given general anesthesia because the procedure is painful. Now doctors use modern method- This is a radiofrequency method or laser tonsillectomy. This manipulation lasts about 20 minutes without general anesthesia, a local anesthetic is sufficient.

This is a virtually bloodless removal of tonsils in adults, since large vessels sintered under the influence of a laser. In this case, the tonsil tissue is removed completely or partially (cut upper layer or selectively remove affected areas). Incomplete resection of the tonsils makes it possible to preserve part of the tonsil, which is a protective barrier for the entire body.

Types of operations

The classic option is cutting or tearing out under anesthesia using a scalpel and a loop. In this case, it is observed profuse bleeding, which is stopped by electrocoagulation. After this procedure, relapses do not occur, but some patients experience active development bronchitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis, the risk of developing allergic pathologies respiratory tract.

More modern way- ultrasonic scalpel, when the tonsil tissue is heated to 80 ° C, and the ultrasonic device cuts off the desired section of tissue. This is an effective procedure, but in rare cases You can burn the mucous membrane. An ectomy with a microdebrider will take a little longer. The patient feels less pain, but this requires the use of more painkillers.

Doctors also use tissue freezing followed by its death. This is called cryodestruction liquid nitrogen. Anesthesia is not used with this method, since pain receptors this manipulation blocks. Doctors use local anesthesia.

But the procedure has the following disadvantages:

  1. Long-term rehabilitation.
  2. Pain after surgery.
  3. Special antiseptic care for the pharyngeal mucosa.
  4. Possible repeated manipulations.

Electrocoagulation is not very popular, because it is not always possible to completely cauterize the entire layer of tissue, so the number of sessions may increase. If the specialist chooses the wrong power of the device, it can burn the patient, which will increase the healing time. There is only one advantage. The device removes tonsil tissue and cauterizes the blood vessels at the same time.

Under general anesthesia (), the operation is performed using a coblator. This is a liquid plasma method in which the patient feels virtually no pain. An experienced surgeon removes tissue with virtually no blood.

Little patients

Removal of tonsils in children is complicated by the age and fears of the child, because he needs to be persuaded and supported before the operation. He needs to be told that the procedure will not cause him pain, since it will be performed under general anesthesia. The consequences of such pain relief can be compared with drinking 50 g of alcohol. It's unpleasant, but not fatal. After 30 minutes of sleep, the little patient will wake up without tonsils.

Features of tonsil removal in children require the child to remain in the hospital for 1-6 days. In order to support a child in such Hard time, doctors allow his parents to stay with him. Before the procedure, the baby is given a mixture and after 30 minutes is taken to the operating room. There, a mask is put on the patient and after a few minutes the child falls asleep. When he wakes up in the ward, the procedure will already be completed.

After the operation, the child is placed on right side, and a cold ice pack is placed on the neck to prevent bleeding. To avoid infection, he is prescribed a course of antibiotics. On the first day, the baby is not allowed to eat; he is only allowed to drink a few sips of water. In by next days give liquid pureed and cold food. Within 4-5 days his wound will begin to heal, but full recovery will happen in 14 days.

Due to swelling of the tissues of the nasopharynx, breathing little patient will be difficult. To alleviate the child’s condition, drops are placed in the nose vasoconstrictor drops And saline. Parents should remember that in postoperative period bleeding is possible, because a piece of tissue remains in the nasopharynx and bleeds. It can only be removed by repeated scraping.

Contraindications for surgery

Not every patient is eligible to have their tonsils removed. There are absolute and relative reasons on the basis of which one cannot operate. Last group— temporary factors, after elimination of which tonsillectomy can be performed. For example, they do not operate during pregnancy, during an exacerbation chronic diseases, as well as in the development of acute infections.

Absolute reasons do not allow doctors to treat the disease in radical ways. Manipulation is contraindicated in patients diagnosed with the following problems:

Previously, there were contraindications regarding the patient’s age; children underwent surgery only after 5 years. Now allowed to use radical ways treatment from 2 years.

Possible complications

If the patient can be operated on, the preparation and procedure itself were carried out correctly, Negative consequences are not observed or occur in rare cases. Among possible complications can be called infectious processes and bleeding. Even less often on palatine arches And soft palate Scars form that need to be properly treated. Other negative consequences are agranulocytosis or transient diabetes insipidus.

One of the most dangerous complications consider bleeding that may occur during the patient’s sleep, which is fraught with the development of asphyxia. In patients with poor health, the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases is observed. In this case, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics.

I am tormented by endless sore throats... My throat constantly hurts and it hurts to swallow. And the tonsils, or rather their inflammation, are to blame. What should I do, can I have my tonsils removed and get rid of the constant fever and endless sick days? Should I delete or not? It’s so simple, but then you won’t have sore throats or sore throat problems. Is this so?

What are tonsils and why are they needed?

Tonsils are connective lymphoid tissue, which is entirely permeated with lymphocytes and cells, which are the main and important part immune system organism (macrophages). There are six tonsils in our body: pharyngeal, palatine, lingual and tubal.

The palatine tonsils also have a hematopoietic function, in clusters lymphoid tissue lymphocytes (white blood cells) are formed, which are main basis immunity. The most important part of our immune system is the tonsils, the removal of which does not have a very good effect on the body as a whole.

Experts say that tonsils (or adenoids) are so important to the body that even a half-dead and collapsed tonsil produces more immunoglobulin than the rest of the immune system.

Due to the porous structure of the tonsils, all pathogenic microbes, when trying to enter the body, are surrounded by cells of the immune system and destroyed. Adenoids are a serious barrier to infections, and if the body itself cannot cope with the disease, then inflammation of the tonsils begins.

When is surgery needed?

In the recent Soviet past, removal of adenoids was a completely ordinary operation. And in America, almost all children under six years of age had their adenoids (or tonsils) removed. Nowadays, adenoid removal is performed much less frequently, because there are a number of problems associated with such an operation. unpleasant consequences for the body.

  • If a person gets a sore throat ( acute inflammation palatine tonsils) more than four times a year, and the disease occurs with high temperature And general weakness body.
  • The occurrence of chronic tonsillitis against the background of constant tonsillitis (irreversible changes in the functioning of the tonsils and their constant inflammation.)
  • Development against the background of this disease purulent abscesses(ulcers) affecting the larynx area.
  • When there is an unconscious closure of the airways by large tonsils (snoring during sleep, which causes short-term cessation of breathing).
  • A sharp weakening of the immune system.

Chronic tonsillitis, which is one of the main reasons for surgery to remove tonsils, is pathological condition body. Natural functions The tonsils' protection against infections is lost during the course of such a disease, and the tonsils themselves become the focus of inflammatory processes.

Progressive chronic tonsillitis can provoke diseases of the heart, joints and disrupt everything protective forces body. It can also cause rheumatism and serious illnesses kidney

But early tonsillitis excellent treatment conservative methods(rinsing, lubrication, physiotherapeutic procedures, etc.). If treatment for chronic tonsillitis fails, the inflammatory process goes too far and the damaged tonsils no longer contain healthy lymphoid tissue.

How is tonsils removed?

Nowadays, tonsil removal is performed using gentle methods and using modern equipment.

1. Partial removal adenoids.

Inflamed lesions are exposed to ultra-low (freezing with liquid nitrogen) or ultra-high (cauterization with infrared or carbon laser) temperatures. After the damaged tonsil or part thereof dies, it is directly removed.

This operation is absolutely painless. But the tonsils are only partially removed, so in the postoperative period the patient suffers for some time from a sore throat and a slight increase in temperature.

Electrocoagulation. Damaged and destroyed tonsils are exposed to high-frequency electric current. The operation is painless and bloodless. But application electric current may adversely affect healthy tissue surrounding the damaged tonsil. There may be some complications after surgery.

Ultrasonic excision. Tissue cutting to remove tonsils is performed using high-frequency sound vibrations, this operation is good because neither the blood vessels nor nearby tissues are damaged.

2. Complete removal of adenoids (glands).

Mechanical removal of tonsils in adults. Using surgical scissors and a wire loop. This operation is performed under general anesthesia and is accompanied by slight bleeding.

Immediately after surgery, the patient is placed on his right side, with an ice pack placed on his neck (cold helps to narrow the blood vessels and prevents bleeding from occurring). Over the next few days, the patient takes a course of antibiotics to prevent a possible infection.

On the first postoperative day you are allowed to drink a few sips of water; on the following days you will have to limit yourself to pureed and liquid food cold. Five days later, the wound surface heals after the tonsils are removed.

Contraindications for surgery:

  • Presence of blood diseases (deterioration of clotting).
  • Heart problems (angina and tachycardia).
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Severe forms of hypertension.
  • Active form of tuberculosis.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Pregnancy in the third trimester (after six months).

Cardiologists and gynecologists (in cases with women) are categorically against surgery to remove tonsils. The body is greatly weakened by the loss of tonsils.

Consequences and complications of such an operation^

After a tonsillectomy (any operation, even the most gentle), complications may begin.

  • The body is now less protected from pathogenic microorganisms After removal of the tonsils, the immune system is greatly weakened.
  • The tissues of the pharynx and larynx experience severe stress, which manifests itself as a sharp constant pain in the throat.
  • Possibility of dangerous bleeding.
  • Spread of infection to the neck The lymph nodes(lymphadenitis). This complication subsides a week after tonsil surgery to remove them.

Should I delete or not?

This issue should be resolved by a qualified and experienced doctor. The decision to operate is made only in as a last resort when other types of treatment do not help. In this case, the harm and danger of chronic tonsillitis outweighs the complications after surgery.

Removing your adenoids is the most last resort. If a person suffering from chronic tonsillitis begins to have problems with internal organs, then without a doubt, surgery to remove the tonsils is necessary. Tonsillectomy is performed only when tonsils begin to work against their own body.

In any case, in modern pharmacology exist strong antibiotics. We have at our disposal numerous folk remedies, homeopathy. Our health and well-being of the body largely depends on its integrity.

To remove tonsils or not? First of all, try to treat them and not let things take their course. Harden own body, take in the off-season vitamin complexes. Any operation - major change body and it is better to do without surgical measures. By the way, removing tonsils in adults is much more difficult than in children. An adult body is rarely completely healthy.

Take care of yourself and don't get sick!

Before talking about the painful procedure, you need to know what the tonsils are and their functions in the human body. And so tonsils are accumulations of tissue lymphatic system located in the oral cavity and nasopharynx. Their main function is protective or barrier. The tonsils protect the upper respiratory tract from various infections that enter the body through the respiratory system, mouth or nose. Most often, the reason for removing accumulations is chronic tonsillitis, as well as an increase in the volume of the tonsils.
A chronic disease, tonsillitis is an excessive and frequent inflamed state of accumulations, during which they are not able to fulfill their immune role in protecting the body, but act in direct proportion, that is, they themselves become the cause infectious diseases upper respiratory tract. Also, the reason for the removal of tonsils is their hypertrophy. During this condition, the tonsils increase in size, resulting in breathing problems or problems swallowing food.
Today, tonsils are removed different ways. Let's look at several ways to remove tonsils.
Tonsilectomy, a technique for removing tonsils, is characterized by isolating and removing inflamed deposits using a special loop. The technical breakthrough does not stand still and therefore there is a method for removing tonsils using electrocoagulation, using a laser and ultra sound. The removal procedure itself lasts from 30 minutes to 45 minutes. Inflammatory tonsils are removed under general anesthesia. Countries in the Western world use anesthesia and general anesthesia to remove and extract tonsils. During anesthesia, a person is not able to feel pain, because at the same time he is unconscious and does not see the entire procedure. In the post-Soviet countries, until several years ago, tonsils were removed under local anesthesia. At this moment, the person does not feel pain, but is conscious and can see the entire operation with his own eyes. As a result of this operation, a person develops state of shock, which leads to stress in the body, especially if surgery to remove tonsils is performed in childhood.
When using any type of anesthesia, the perception of pain is stopped or blocked, and consciousness is completely turned off. To put a patient under anesthesia, anesthesiologists use special devices. To achieve this condition of the patient, an incubation tube is used or replaced with a laryngeal mask. Less commonly, doctors use sedation to put the human body into an anesthetized state. Local anesthesia during surgery to remove tonsils, they are used only if the patient is an adult and has a resistant to stressful situations organism. Before the procedure, you must consult your doctor, who, knowing your body, will be able to suggest the use of the correct and required type anesthesia when removing tonsils. However, if during the start of the procedure the anesthesiologist insists on changing anesthesia, you should trust his many years of experience.
Since most patients are children, there is an opinion that using local anesthesia to remove tonsils is a real act of vandalism. During the operation, the patient must be motionless, and his muscles must be completely relaxed, and it is impossible to achieve all of the above from children. That's why alternative way Removal of tonsils in children takes place under general anesthesia. Many years of experience in Western countries show its advantages and causes less trauma to the child’s psyche. In the western region, if a doctor suggests a different type of anesthesia, this may be regarded as an act of bullying a sick child.
Complex surgery to remove tonsils is considered one of the easiest types surgical intervention, which passes quickly and painlessly.
The procedure itself takes place in several stages.
1. Before the procedure to remove the tonsils, the anesthesiologist puts a breathing mask on the patient, as a result, after a few minutes the patient falls asleep.
2. For the patient, the operation is painless; during the procedure, the doctor removes part of the charged accumulation and the entire tonsil, depending on the degree of disease of the tonsils.
3. After anesthesia, the patient regains consciousness and medical staff helps him turn over on his side, apply a cold ice pack to his neck so that the blood can clot faster and the patient does not lose a large amount of it.
During use general anesthesia the person’s consciousness is completely switched off, as a result of which pain is not perceived by the patient. Also, the chosen method of anesthesia allows the doctor to work calmly.
In addition to anesthesia, the patient can choose a method for removing tonsils:
1. removal of tonsils using liquid nitrogen;
2. removal of tonsils using a laser beam;
3. Removal with a scalpel.
After the operation, the patient will need several hours to recover from anesthesia. The return to reality itself is painless, since before the procedure the anesthesiologist selects the type of anesthesia that suits you. The use of general anesthesia makes it possible not to feel pain only during the operation. After the operation the pain returns. To eliminate pain, doctors prescribe painkillers to the patient. After the operation you must undergo full course taking antibiotics to prevent infection. The only complications after surgery may be bleeding, infection and an unfavorable outcome of anesthesia. According to statistics, out of 10,000 operations performed, only one may have complications, and for every 250,000 procedures performed, there is 1 death.

The majority of adults and children experience tonsillitis once every three to five years, but there is a category of patients who experience three or more relapses per year. In many cases, the question becomes relevant: how to remove tonsils and how harmless is such an operation?

Modern doctors have proven that tonsils are part of the human immune system; they form a protective lymphadenoid ring. Some viruses or bacteria coming from external environment, remains on the surface of the tonsils, the tissues of which produce the number of leukocytes necessary to fight infection.

Experienced otolaryngologists explain why tonsils should not be removed without sufficient reason, especially in pre-adolescence. The organ is preserved as long as it is functional and does not have a toxic effect on other systems. A healthy tonsil is a powerful barrier that prevents infection from entering the body.

But in adults, the operation is not so significant for the immune system: after 14-16 years, the tonsils are not the only barrier to bacteria or viruses. Formed, take on a part protective functions sublingual and pharyngeal auxiliary tonsils. Therefore, those whose tonsil tissues are inflamed and do not perform their functions should get rid of the presence of purulent deposits in the body.

When is it necessary to remove tonsils and what are the contraindications?

According to ENT doctors, there are absolute indications for tonsil removal in adults and children. Experts have developed a list of factors that indicate the need for surgical intervention:

  • Constant tonsillitis - 3-4 diseases per year. As a consequence, the formation of ulcers in the tissues and constant infection of the body.
  • The tissues of the tonsils change, become loose, and the organ no longer performs a protective function.
  • The tonsils grow and make breathing difficult.
  • Traditional treatment with antiseptics and antibacterial agents does not bring the expected result.
  • Complications: Possible failures heart rate, pathologies in kidney function - renal failure, rheumatoid manifestations in the joints.

The age of the patient who was offered surgery varies significantly: it could be a child, a teenager or an adult patient. And all visitors to the ENT office suffering from sore throats should clarify: in what cases the tonsils must be removed.

There are two possible forms of surgical treatment:

  • Tonsillotomy - the hypertrophied part of the tonsil is removed. This method will be rational for those who have contraindications to complete organ removal. It is impossible to remove the tonsils completely different forms atherosclerosis, insufficiency of the pancreatic insular system. IN similar cases a partial solution to the problem will be life-saving.
  • Tonsillectomy involves complete removal purulent and loose tonsil with capsule. In this case, the internal source of inflammation that produces bacteria is removed, and the load on the body is reduced.

There are a number of temporary contraindications in which surgery can be postponed:

  • Acute period of acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infection.
  • Caries, periodontitis in the acute phase.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Exacerbations of chronic rheumatoid diseases, malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, tuberculosis. Surgery is highly undesirable for those suffering diabetes mellitus, severe hypertension.

In the above cases, it makes sense to stop acute conditions, and postpone the operation for several weeks. For pregnant or nursing mothers, the need and urgency of intervention is determined by a medical commission.

Methods for removing tonsils: advantages and disadvantages

Until recently, there was only one way to perform the operation, but today there are several options for tonsillectomy. The doctor chooses the required technique, assessing the characteristics of the disease and the patient’s body reaction:

  • Traditional technique using surgical instrument often in demand for the category of adult patients who do not have other chronic diseases. Its advantage is the complete excision of problematic tissues; most otolaryngologists have extensive experience in performing such mechanical operations.
  • The main disadvantage of such removal is long-term rehabilitation, which is problematic for people with poor healing ability. Applicable local anesthesia- in adults this is lidocaine, and an intramuscular injection is indicated 30-40 minutes before surgery sedative. Face covered sterile wipe, leaving free oral cavity, and perform the necessary manipulations. Time spent - 30-35 minutes.
  • Using a laser beam or freezing with liquid nitrogen. Such techniques are especially popular in the presence of local necrotic processes. When excision of tissue with a laser, the operation takes a matter of minutes, and there is no significant swelling afterwards. But concomitant burns of the mucous membrane adjacent to the tonsils are possible. When using nitrogen, a tonsillotomy is more often performed: the treated part of the tonsil dies and can be cut out almost painlessly.
  • An innovative method is the use of ultrasound. This is an excellent opportunity to quickly cut off the tonsils with the capsule using an ultrasonic scalpel with a temperature of about 80°. But such a solution is unacceptable for patients with poor clotting blood.
  • A rarely used method, just entering the history of medicine, is collocation. The tonsils are removed with a targeted bipolar radiofrequency knife. The advantage is the versatility of the technique: in this way you can remove the entire tonsil or part of it. But these manipulations can only be performed under general anesthesia.

Each method will be optimal in separately considered cases. Before the operation, the patient undergoes full examination, and the doctor will explain in detail how the tonsils are removed.

Preparation for surgery and rehabilitation period

Partial removal of the tonsils is typical for children and adolescents or in cases of severe localization of inflammation in adults. When it is necessary to remove the tonsils completely, the patient is prescribed comprehensive examination. Mandatory analysis- determination of the number of platelets responsible for blood clotting. After receiving positive results The day of the operation is set.

  • 6 hours in advance, you should go into fasting mode: you exclude the intake of foods and juices.
  • You cannot drink water 4 hours before.
  • You should not take sedatives or tranquilizers on your own.

At normal course surgery to remove tonsils using laser or ultrasound, the patient is on outpatient treatment. In other cases, the patient is left in the hospital for several days - depending on the type surgical intervention and the course of the postoperative period.

In the first days rehabilitation period injections of analgesics and antibiotics are indicated. The resulting whitish film covers wound surfaces, until the wounds heal, gargling is prohibited.

After any type of operation, the patient must observe the following regulations:

  • Limit vocal activity.
  • Protect yourself from inhaling frosty or hot air.
  • It is advisable to consume only soft foods or pureed soups.
  • Daily drinking regime-2 liters of warm liquid.
  • Avoid hot baths, which increase the risk of bleeding.

Complete wound healing occurs within a month after surgery. After 14-20 days, scar tissue appears on the surgical wound, which is gradually covered with a healthy mucous membrane.

If you ignore the rules of postoperative behavior, complications are possible: resumption of bleeding during the first days of rehabilitation, prolonged pain.