What is more harmful: an electronic cigarette or a regular one? Electronic cigarette device, composition of liquid for electronic cigarettes

Health effects

Today, vaping, or an electronic cigarette, is not just a way to quit smoking regular cigarettes in favor of your health, but also something more. Vapers advocate that everyone can feel safe without changing their own habits.

At the same time, opponents of the innovation find all sorts of arguments that indicate that they also pose a danger to the body. Is it harmful to smoke e-cigarettes with liquid, and does the vapor affect the people around you?

Today, vapers use different types of cigarettes: mini, eGo (also called egoshki), box mods, mech mods. All of them, except the mini category, can be filled with liquids in one way or another.

It is their composition that quite often causes numerous disputes among opponents of this movement. The liquid contains the following components:

  • nicotine;
  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • flavorings;
  • distilled water.

The most harmful component is, of course, nicotine. However, unlike a regular cigarette, it does not produce dangerous tars or carcinogens as a result of the combustion of paper and tobacco.

Tobacco flavorings cause direct harm to humans; when burned, the toxic compounds benzaprien, nitrosamines, pyrene, naphthols, mothballs and other poisons appear. All this causes many chronic diseases, including lung cancer.

As for newfangled gadgets, e-cigarette liquid does not contain such unsafe components, but can still cause harm to the vaper. Which one? Let's take a closer look at the main components of juice.


They say a drop of nicotine kills a horse, and for vapers this proverb is most relevant. Those who prefer to self-mix run a very high risk of poisoning if the correct proportions are not followed.

Nicotine is an extremely strong and fast poison because it is easily absorbed through the mucous membranes. For humans, the lethal dose is 50 mg.

This is the amount contained in two cigarettes, however, due to less toxic tobacco, it is poorly absorbed and most of it is converted into smoke. Therefore, it is believed that passive smoking is much more dangerous than active smoking.

For those who prefer to use electronic vaporizers, nicotine is also harmful and, even in small doses, can cause conditions such as:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • rapid breathing;
  • hyperthermia (increased body temperature);
  • salivation.

In case of nicotine poisoning in large doses, excitability of the cerebral cortex can be observed, which manifests itself in convulsions, cardiac arrhythmias, and ultimately coma can occur. In severe poisonings, death can occur within minutes from respiratory failure.

Smoking liquids containing nicotine are usually formulated with the correct proportions and, even with frequent vaping, cannot cause severe poisoning. However, for those who play with self-kneading, there is such a danger. It is enough to increase its amount in the total mass, and the smoker may end up, at best, in a hospital bed.

In addition, nicotine is a narcotic substance and is addictive. The Ministry of Health has banned manufacturers of electronic cigarettes from advertising them as a way to combat smoking, since such an alternative is very, very dubious. Moreover, a person who smokes analogues is limited to smoking areas, while the steamer does not have them. Those. theoretically, a vaper can easily get carried away and quickly bring his nicotine dose to a critical point.

People who take the path of smoking electronic cigarettes certainly risk less, because vaping does not provoke cancer and other fatal diseases. But when deciding to go over to the side of vapers, you should be aware of other risks.

Propylene glycol

Propylene glycol, or propylene glycol, is a clear liquid with a faint sweetish odor and is a very important component in the liquid responsible for vaporization. Today there are simply a huge number of myths about this substance, some are completely inadequate.

What do vaping opponents say about propylene glycol?

  1. GHG is used in car coolant and has a high level of toxicity.
  2. Causes cancer and other fatal diseases.
  3. Propylene glycol is a harmful food additive and prohibited in Europe and the USA.

All these statements have nothing to do with reality.

The New Zealand Ministry of Health published a report from a researcher who tested the effects of propylene glycol on the human body. Toxicological analysis did not reveal any toxic effects.

PG is used in pharmaceutical products, as a delivery vehicle, and also as a preservative. It is also used in skin care cosmetics, in the production of animal feed, as a component of tobacco flavoring, and it is also used to make fog for fog machines during all kinds of shows and theatrical productions.

Experts from the same New Zealand Ministry of Health found out how much propylene glycol affects the body of animals, adults and children.

At the same time, they found that rats and monkeys that were in a room with “smoke” from this substance for a long time felt slightly worse than those who did not inhale this vapor. Such ill health was manifested in the fact that individuals who received a loading dose within a month greatly increased their body weight.

A study of the effect of PG on people showed that this substance is easily absorbed by the human body, 20-25% is excreted unchanged through the kidneys. The maximum harm caused by cosmetics containing propylene glycol was rare allergic reactions in the form of redness of the skin.

The effect on children was tested using antibacterial medications, however, no effects were identified. However, adults who regularly staged theatrical productions using smoke reported complaints of sore throats and sore throats. It is noted that the complaints were mainly from people who were smokers.

Based on this report, we can say that if there is a negative effect of propylene glycol on the human body, it is so small that it can be neglected.

For those who have a personal intolerance to PG or allergies, you may not use it at all. In addition, when thinking about whether an electronic cigarette with liquid is harmful, it is important to consider the presence of other components in it.


Glycerin is probably known to everyone, however, opponents of vaping claim that harm from electronic cigarettes may be due to it. This substance is used in the food industry, and it is added to increase viscosity.

It has a minimal degree of toxicity in any state, including vapor. It is used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of various suspensions and suppositories. However, in large quantities, its vapors can irritate the upper respiratory tract and cause allergies.

Vapers who use homemade smoking mixtures add glycerin and propylene glycol in different proportions in order to regulate the vapor and the so-called load on the throat.

If you use more VG (as glycerin is called) in the mixture, or vape only glycerin juice, it can cause coughing and throat irritation. However, if you do not add nicotine to it, then such a liquid is not hazardous to health.


Various flavorings are added to e-liquids to improve the taste. There are a huge number of them, and there are many rumors, speculations and myths about them.

This is due to the fact that in the world of vaping, almost from the very beginning, a horror story about diacetyl in e-liquids has been passed on from mouth to mouth. What is it and why is it dangerous?

Despite the “chemical” name, this substance is of natural origin, formed as a result of fermentation. Many foods contain diacetyl: yoghurt, cheese, cocoa, butter.

The human intestine also produces it during the functioning of the body. The substance improves the taste of many products, so it is not surprising that it is also used in vape flavors.

The Food and Drug Administration in the United States does not list diacetyl as a hazardous substance, but one wonders why there is so much talk about the dangers of this substance.

Popcorn lung disease

The fact is that in the 90s of the last century, a group of workers at a factory that produced popcorn developed a disease - brochiolitis obliterans. After an investigation into this case, studies were carried out that found that the reason could be a very high concentration of diacetyl in the factory premises.

It was used in a flavoring that gave popcorn a buttery flavor. Factory workers inhaled it for many years, working in this room for 8 hours a day.

However, the problem exists and cannot be ignored. Diacetyl, which is extremely safe for oral administration, can actually cause unpleasant health consequences if inhaled continuously. Given this, not all manufacturers declare that their products contain diacetyl, for example, inexpensive flavors from China.

That is why you need to very carefully choose liquids for your vapes, and if you are not sure whether there is diacetyl in it or not, then it is better not to risk it and vape without taste, using only glycerin and propylene glycol.

Let's sum it up

When talking about how many people die every year from lung cancer caused by smoking tobacco, it immediately becomes clear that e-cigarettes are 95% healthier. Especially if they don't use nicotine.

What are the main conclusions we have drawn?

  1. Liquid cigarettes are harmful and beneficial at the same time: nicotine addiction does not go away, but the user does not have to worry about harmful carcinogens that settle on the lungs.
  2. The most dangerous component in the liquid is nicotine, which, if the proportions in the self-mix are not observed, can lead to poisoning.
  3. Propylene and glycerin are completely harmless components, however, they can cause allergies.
  4. It’s better not to use cheap flavors; if you doubt the quality of the product, then it’s better to vape without them.

Now you know what factors can compromise your health! Soar wisely!

What is an electronic cigarette? This is a fairly simple device, which consists of a cartridge with liquid for refilling, a heating element, and a smoldering simulator. The latter does not always happen. In addition to the above, the electronic cigarette contains the following components: an evaporator for creating imitation smoke and a battery. The models differ from each other in the types of atomizer (evaporator), sizes - from small (about 105 mm) to huge “mods”, vaguely similar to classic cigarettes. They are so large that it is not customary to hold them in the mouth. In general, the shape and size of the product in this matter are not as important as the components of the device. Leaving aside the construction question, it is better to worry about the problem of which cigarette is more harmful: electronic or regular, and what is more harmful: smoking or vaping?

Mixed opinions

Vaping has become very popular in the last decade. But are e-cigarettes harmful compared to regular cigarettes? The data is very contradictory. The answer, it would seem, lies on the surface. The harm that regular cigarettes cause is not comparable to electronic devices - this is what many people think. But this question is not so clear-cut. The fact is that studies of both traditional and electronic cigarettes are not detailed enough, although the harm of the former is much greater - it’s hard to argue with that. But are their substitutes so harmless? They cause less harm, but they cannot be called completely safe. Here are a few authoritative opinions:

  • Brief history of research. Scientist Martin Dossing believes that research on e-cigarettes does not have a long-term history, so tracking their possible harm after a long time does not seem realistic. Since inclusions of carcinogens are found in many smoking mixtures, the possibility of cancer developing in smokers after 10-20 years cannot be ruled out.
  • Multiple options – lack of control. Judith P., a professor at the Stanford Research Center, says that due to the huge variety of liquids and devices themselves, it is problematic to determine their potential harm, since the effects on the human body will vary significantly.
  • Relief of withdrawal syndrome. The Tobacco Control company published an opinion that the e-cigarette helps mitigate the effect of attempts to quit smoking and reduces the risk to the health of the smoker in general.
  • Less danger. The above-mentioned company conducted independent experiments and found that there are 9 to 450 times fewer carcinogens in the electronic substitute.
  • "Healthy" experiments. The US Heart Association considers it inappropriate to take into account experiments involving completely healthy people. For example, propylene glycol has a negative effect on patients with bronchial asthma and other pulmonary pathologies. Therefore, a not entirely healthy smoker of electronic devices may, over time, feel their negative impact on the body. Although, of course, if the question is which cigarettes are more harmful to smoke, then e-cigarettes cannot be compared with their nicotine counterparts.

The harm from such cigarettes is difficult to determine due to the variety of liquids and the devices themselves.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about smoking electronic substitutes during pregnancy. Doctors are categorical on this issue: expectant mothers should refuse this option, since even a small amount of nicotine causes genetic mutations in the fetus, so the risk is not justified. Nicotine-free options can also pose a danger - allergic reactions. But if a woman cannot give up smoking during pregnancy, then the harm from electronic devices without the presence of a dangerous substance will be disproportionately less than from smoking tobacco.

So which – regular cigarettes or electronic cigarettes – cause more significant harm? Below are the absolutely proven harms of nicotine.

The dangers of tobacco

A person who smokes tobacco products is usually aware of the serious dangers of nicotine. Its degree is quite high, but not everyone is able to quit a bad habit. What is the harm? Why is smoking regular cigarettes extremely undesirable?

In addition to this substance, cigarette smoke contains:

  • Hexamine.
  • Arsenic.
  • Methane.
  • Cadmium.
  • Carbon monoxide.
  • Ammonium.
  • Methanol.
  • Glue.
  • Butane.
  • Dyes.

In addition, tobacco products contain very dangerous resins: pyrene, naphthols, phenols, naphthalene, nitrosamines, acetaldehyde and many other substances that cause cancer, lung diseases, cardiovascular problems, skin aging, bad breath, dark teeth, hoarseness voices and similar troubles.

Nicotine in electronic versions, unlike regular ones, is purified, although it still causes some harm. But in tobacco smoke this substance is quite dangerous. The vast majority of scientists believe that the dose found in e-cigarettes is much lower in terms of concentration, so smoking electronic versions is a gentler route for vapers.

Vape components

Vapes differ from the cigarettes described above primarily in their composition. These components are also not ideal, but this is a less dangerous option. So, the composition of electronic cigarettes:

  1. Water.
  2. Propylene glycol.
  3. Glycerol.
  4. Fragrances.
  5. Medical nicotine.

Electronic cigarettes contain purified nicotine, unlike regular cigarettes.

The first point - distilled water, does not cause concern. The second and third are types of alcohols, colorless, odorless, with a sweetish taste and a certain amount of viscosity. They are often used in the food industry (especially glycerin), pharmaceuticals (propylene glycol). The latter is even used to treat asthmatics and drug addicts. But these substances are not added in their entirety to all electronic inhalers. If a person is allergic to propylene glycol, he can choose the so-called velvet cloud - a glycerin-based mixture that smokes well and has a softer “hit” effect. For lovers of strong vapes, the “ice blade” with 95% propylene glycol content is suitable. To smoke comfortably, you can use freedom of choice.

As for flavors, the options are endless - from rum to Coca-Cola, fruit and chocolate. Their percentage is extremely small, and the substances themselves are thoroughly tested, so they do not pose a danger. Thus, it is possible to smoke with pleasure.

The most harmful component is nicotine, but, compared to regular cigarettes, the substance added to electronic substitutes is much purer and harmless. Carcinogens, or rather, small amounts of them, still enter the body. Accordingly, the harm from such a cigarette will be less if you choose a nicotine-free option - fortunately, it exists. But there are electronic inhalers with a fairly high content of toxic components. For this reason, scientists believe that uncontrolled smoking of this type will lead to receiving no less a dose of harmful substances than when using a regular cigarette. That is, in this case, smoking the electronic version is no better than the traditional one.

Flavorings do not pose any danger to human health.

Wean yourself forever: is it possible?

Many people are interested in the following point: “Is it possible to quit smoking with a vape?” Here opinions are again divided. Some scientists argue that smokers get rid of both psychological and physical addiction quite quickly by starting to smoke e-cigarettes. Some vaping organizations cite the following statistics: 45% of people in the South African study area were quit tobacco two months after starting vaping. In addition, 52% of respondents noted a significant improvement in their health and energy levels.

Heavy smokers who have decided to get rid of their addiction consider e-cigarettes to be a true salvation. Firstly, the discomfort due to the disgusting odor that constantly accompanies an addict disappears, and the sidelong glances of non-smokers stop. Secondly, several times less nicotine gets into the lungs, and if you smoke a version without it, then no harm is observed at all. But practice shows that smokers mainly choose e-cigarettes containing this poison, although it remains possible to gradually reduce its dose.

At the same time, English doctors believe that substitute inhalers do not eliminate the psychological habit of the process itself. At the same time, a number of research centers state that the abandonment of traditional cigarettes in favor of vapes has recently tended to spread. And the majority of these citizens are not going to return to tobacco products. The only thing that has not yet been proven is whether smoking electronic inhalers causes addiction.

When smoking electronic cigarettes, several times less nicotine enters the lungs than from regular cigarettes.

What is the difference

It is known that it is stress that forces one to use tobacco products more often, so many people first become psychologically addicted to the habit of smoking, and then become physically dependent. With the advent of vaping - smoking electronic substitutes for traditional cigarettes - the question arose: “What is the difference between these types of smoking, and which of them causes the least harm to the human body?”

  • Most scientists have come to the conclusion that the difference is immeasurable, since the carcinogens found in tobacco are several hundred times less in electronic versions. This alone allows you to make a choice in favor of vapes. And if you take into account nicotine-free cigarettes, then even more so.
  • Among other things, electronic inhalers do not cause cosmetic deformity - smoking them does not turn your teeth or skin yellow, or your voice does not become rough. Steam from safe analogues is not harmful to the larynx, unlike traditional cigarettes - the temperature is close to natural, and it does not burn the mucous membrane.
  • Many smokers, in an effort to quit, try to switch to products with a reduced nicotine content, which has a dubious effect. Electronic options in this case are a more reasonable option - the process is very similar, and the harm is several times less. But this does not apply to those who, having relaxed and convinced themselves of the safety of vaping, begin uncontrolled, too frequent vaping - this is the path to getting the same problems as in the case of traditional cigarettes. The same thing will happen if you increase the strength of the liquid for refills - if you smoke such vapes, you will overdose on nicotine, which will lead to nausea, weakness, dizziness, hypersalivation, headache and diarrhea.
  • Passive smoking is the problem of the century. Some believe that with the advent of vapes, this issue is eliminated by itself. This is partly true because most public places do not prohibit the use of electronic inhalers. Scientists have not yet discovered substances that poison the atmosphere in the vapor, but research in this area is too sporadic to make a final decision. Undoubtedly, the smell of electronic smoke, unlike tobacco, does not prevent others from enjoying clean and fresh air.

In general, electronic analogues are several times less harmful than regular cigarettes, but this does not apply to low-quality counterfeit products. Vapes “without a name” will only bring harm and problems, since they often contain toxic additives that reduce the cost of product production. Smoking them is dangerous.

When research on this issue is put on a serious scientific basis, consumers will finally find out whether electronic cigarettes cause harm comparable to traditional ones. In the meantime, there is every reason to consider vapes less dangerous for smoking.

Smoking among young people is a global problem because... It’s rare that a schoolchild doesn’t let out a ring of exhaled vapor. The question of what is more harmful, an electronic cigarette or a regular one, concerns everyone who has a smoker in their family.

Proven harm from classic cigarettes

Smoking has a detrimental effect on the smoker's body and his environment. Doctors have long ago found out that being near a person smoking a cigarette has a very bad effect on their health, especially children.

What negative consequences does this bad habit cause?

  1. Nicotine addiction. Conventional products differ from electronic cigarettes in that classics always contain nicotine to one degree or another. Nicotine is classified as a drug that causes the desire to smoke approximately every half hour to an hour. It is possible to get rid of nicotine simply by giving up cigarettes; the drug is completely eliminated from the body within 20 days; the psychological craving for smoking disappears after 2 months from the moment of the last cigarette.
  2. Resin deposition. Cigarette products contain a very harmful component - tar. If it is possible to choose cigarettes with a reduced nicotine content, then the tars in tobacco products always have a fairly large volume. When smoking, the component is deposited on the mucous membranes of the larynx and in the lungs. It is under the influence of resin elements that cancerous tumors and acute diseases of the respiratory system develop.
  3. Exposure to toxic elements in cigarette smoke. A smoker risks his health by inhaling smoke, tar, and nicotine. People around you are at risk simply by being near a lit cigarette.

    It has been proven that in families of smokers, children are more likely to develop asthma, bronchitis, and poorer health compared to their peers.

    Even if you smoke on the street, the smoke does not lose its concentration at a distance of several meters and a random passer-by can inhale the poison without even knowing it.

Harm from vaping

Vaping, vaping, wiping, vaping - all this is the name of a social phenomenon that is increasingly replacing smoking classic cigarettes.

The development of the first electronic cigarette in 2003 in China convinced the government and medical institutions that the product and process were harmless. But after almost 15 years, scientists, pharmacists, and doctors more carefully studied the composition, the effects of the process, observed those who were addicted to blowing clouds of steam, and came to the conclusion that there is nothing good in this invention.

A simple electronic cigarette also causes significant harm to human health.

Differences between electronic and conventional cigarettes

The differences between electronic cigarettes and regular cigarettes can be easily presented in tabular form.

Regular cigarette

Electronic Cigarette

Necessary presence of nicotine.

There are nicotine-free liquids for electronic devices.

There are no resins, unlike regular ones, but there is propylene glycol.

Poisonous smoke for others.

The influence of steam on nearby people has not been studied.

Legislative restrictions on sales based on age.

Sales are carried out without restrictions.

Counterfeits, addition of foreign impurities.

Possible fakes.

Forces frequent purchases.

High price for the product.

Causes severe illness.

Causes acute diseases, including cancer.

If we consider the questions of what is better to smoke, what is more dangerous, an electronic cigarette or a regular one, you need to clarify the points in the table and the effect of some components of electronic devices on the human body.

Nicotine-free cartridges - they really exist, but they are in less demand than regular ones, with a certain drug content.

Propylene glycol is, of course, not the tar from a regular cigarette, but it can cause allergies, itching, cough, and sore throat.

Selling without obstacles due to a young age puts schoolchildren in danger, first of all, and develops in them a sense of impunity and disrespect for adults.

The cost of the product is quite high. Although there is evidence that a refilled cartridge lasts much longer than a regular cigarette, if you smoke without interruption, the difference in use time is reduced significantly.

Also, high cost does not mean quality; cases of counterfeit detection are not uncommon in the smoking products market.

The development of serious diseases is associated with:

  • influence of a complex of components;
  • incorrectly chosen dosage;
  • intolerance to the elements;
  • the presence of chronic diseases before starting smoking;
  • The influence of wipe devices on the body has not been fully studied.

The conclusion of the majority that electronic cigarettes are more harmful than regular ones, no matter what cartridges they come with, is justified and is more of a precautionary nature.

Why do people quit smoking regular cigarettes and go for a wipe? The hope that a gradual decrease in nicotine content or its complete absence will free you from addiction is unjustified; usually such smokers do not let go of the electronic cigarette, because. cannot get enough of the drug and, as a result, use their usual means again. And when figuring out which cigarettes are more harmful, electronic or regular, you need to know for sure - any smoking is harmful to health.

In contact with

The electronic cigarette was created in order to reduce the harmful effects of nicotine on the human body, as well as for those who want to get rid of the smoking habit. If you use an electronic device, some nicotine will still be delivered to your lungs. The device includes an inhaler in the form of an elongated tube with a battery and cartridges. The latter are filled with various flavors and contain a minimum of nicotine, and also contain various components that imitate cigarette smoke. It should be emphasized that there is no combustion process in the electronic cigarette and it does not contain tobacco.

Cigarette composition

E-liquid is the material that sits inside the device and evaporates when you use it. Many analogues have been developed that are designed to reduce the effect of nicotine on the body of a smoker. The main one is e-liquid. The harm it can cause to the body depends on the quality and level of purification of the substance. It includes no more than five additives containing nicotine and flavorings.

It should be noted how harmful electronic cigarettes are. Instead of a substance purified from nicotine, the entire chemical table can enter the body with food diethylene glycol. In order to avoid such a problem, it is necessary not to fall for the “respectable” brand names of Southeast Asia. Their liquid for electronic cigarettes is not regulated.

What are the benefits of an electronic cigarette?

It is very difficult for a person who has been smoking for a long time to give up his habit, even realizing how dangerous it is to health. Only a gradual reduction in nicotine intake can simplify this process. Smokers who switched to electronic cigarettes experience an absence of morning cough and shortness of breath. In addition, the following changes are noticeable:

  • the unpleasant odor disappears;
  • teeth do not turn yellow;
  • the sense of smell and taste in the mouth is restored;
  • the complexion takes on a healthy appearance.

Inhaling tobacco smoke not only poisons the person who smokes, but also has a negative impact on the health of other people. Is an electronic cigarette dangerous? Harm to others is excluded. The steam that the device emits is practically odorless and disappears into the air in just a couple of seconds. Therefore, an electronic cigarette is harmless to others. Reviews (according to which the harm is minimal) confirm this in practice. We can summarize briefly: the positive factors are mostly related to ease of use.

Interesting facts about electronic cigarettes

The harm from electronic cigarettes can be judged by the fact that smoking has two addictions: physical and psychological, which are interconnected. The physical one is the body’s need to get another dose of nicotine. It resets to zero as soon as a person smokes a cigarette. But psychological dependence is much more serious and forces a person to return to tobacco.

Do not also forget that the product is not a product for medical purposes, therefore all the documents that are provided during their sale are rather conditional and do not guarantee the safety of the client.

What are the harms of electronic cigarettes?

How harmful are electronic cigarettes? An important factor is that there is no certificate for the product, due to which the “black market” is overflowing with various fakes that are difficult to distinguish from the original. Also, the electronic device does not have the usual aftertaste, like after a tobacco cigarette, and the addicted person begins to reduce the intervals between smoke breaks.

You can understand the harm from electronic cigarettes after the body has been poisoned: when symptoms such as dizziness, general fatigue, nausea and vomiting appear. Simply, no one controls the use of such a cigarette: on average, it should be no more than twenty puffs, because the same amount of nicotine is needed to smoke a regular cigarette. Therefore, cartridges require an indicator that determines the amount of nicotine present in the electronic cigarette, or indicates its complete absence.

Scientists' opinions on electronic cigarettes

Recently, at scientific conferences, questions have been discussed about the harm of electronic cigarettes without nicotine, as well as the advisability of their use. Researchers say they do more good than harm. And a company from New Zealand (Healt New Zealend) came to the conclusion that the electronic device is suitable for people who smoke regular cigarettes. Doctors also say that the harm from smoking e-cigarettes is minimal.

After conducting a series of experiments, experts came to the conclusion that the dispersion liquid found in these products cannot cause cancer. Also, cardiologists say that the use of such cigarettes will not harm the human body. The devices have not yet been studied enough, so it is difficult to say for sure whether their substances are harmful to the human body.

Consequences of use

The bottom line is that even despite the advertising of manufacturers and their statements that electronic cigarettes are effective against nicotine and do not harm the body, today this product remains uncertified. This means that there are no sanitary and hygienic standards for the device. That is, manufacturers have the right to change the chemical composition of cigarettes. They have not been tested by the World Health Organization, and their side effects are not listed in the instructions for use.

Is the Pons vaporizer safe?

How harmful is the Pons electronic cigarette? It depends on its quality. It is possible that cartridges may leak during tightening and even get into the battery. In such cases, you should not swallow liquid. Having studied the characteristics of the product, experts came to the conclusion that smoking the device like a hookah, especially for those who do not smoke, is undesirable. An electronic device with a minimum dose of nicotine in a cartridge can also cause psychological dependence and provoke the use of tobacco cigarettes.

But buyers are also attracted by positive qualities:

  • less harm compared to regular cigarettes;
  • no cigarette butts;
  • there is no need to finish smoking the cigarette: you can take just one puff and put it in your pocket;
  • Smoking is allowed in any public place;
  • no unpleasant odor is observed.

Client survey results

How harmful is an electronic cigarette? Consumer reviews indicate the presence of propylene glycol in it, which is used to prepare the liquid. The use of this substance may cause an allergic reaction in some people. There is also the fact that the cigarette is artificial, and the feeling of plastic in the mouth is not pleasant. It takes time to get used to it.

Another “indirect” disadvantage that confirms why electronic cigarettes are harmful is their high cost. It is assumed that one cartridge will be cheaper in money than purchasing exactly the same number of ordinary cigarettes. However, electronic cigarettes can also make you want to purchase more expensive models and buy cartridges with different flavors.

Electronic cigarettes and pregnancy

A lot of people smoke, and girls are no exception. However, such devices are not suitable for pregnant women, since it is known that electronic cigarettes are harmful to the health of the mother and the unborn baby. This is due to the fact that the cartridges contain a proportion of nicotine, which enters the blood and spreads throughout the body.

Despite the opinion of medical scientists that the electronic cigarette is one of the safest methods of smoking, pregnant women should refuse such pleasure. The reason is also the content of propylene glycol in the exhaled vapor, the intake of which is inevitable when using an electronic cigarette.

Health effects

Electronic cigarettes - are there any harm? It should be noted that there are cases when a person’s body rejects propylene glycol. This reaction may appear as a rash on the body, which resembles an allergic reaction. Sometimes glycerin acts as an irritant, but in practice such cases have practically never been observed. But in addition to allergies, this substance, if used for a long time, can lead to dry mouth. It also serves as a favorable breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria, which can lead to plaque on the teeth.

Flavor additives for electronic cigarettes have not been fully studied. When using the device, the amount of incoming flavorings is insignificant. But the final result depends on the characteristics of the human body and individual intolerance to individual components. Of course, everyone knows about the harmful effects of nicotine. But the main thing that those who want to try smoking an electronic cigarette should be warned about is to be careful about the nicotine content in the liquid, as novice smokers can get an overdose.

When thinking about whether an electronic cigarette is worth purchasing, and whether it is really less harmful than a regular one, it will be useful to think about your own health. Even a minimal amount of nicotine and other substances that are part of the liquid can harm the body. Therefore, it is more advisable to show willpower and completely abandon the bad habit, which also costs a lot of money.

It is very difficult to quit smoking abruptly: in a stressful situation you just want to touch the usual pack again. To avoid this temptation, former smokers resort to what they consider safe substitutes, such as the e-cigarette. But is it really safe? Let's analyze it.

Electronic Cigarette is a device that simulates smoking and is powered by a battery or accumulator. It may look almost like a real cigarette or pipe, or it may not resemble them at all - designers resort to a wide variety of forms. There are hundreds of brands of these devices, and often manufacturers position their product as an easy and safe way to quit smoking.

The debate around the issue of the dangers of electronic cigarettes does not subside. Some believe that they are absolutely harmless and effectively help smokers get rid of their bad habit, while others claim that they are even more dangerous than tobacco products. Unfortunately, large-scale and one hundred percent reliable scientific research on this topic has not yet been carried out. You will have to figure out where the truth is and where the lies are on your own.

First, it’s worth finding out how an electronic cigarette works. It consists of two main elements:

  • Battery or battery. The cheapest disposable products have simple batteries and no protection against overheating or short circuiting. More expensive models do not have such problems, and their batteries can be recharged repeatedly.
  • Evaporator. It receives energy from the battery, and the heating element causes the liquid in the cigarette to evaporate when you puff.

Smoking liquid contains several substances:

  • glycerin – responsible for the formation of steam;
  • propylene glycol – enhances the sensation of strength and taste;
  • flavorings – give the steam a certain taste;
  • dyes – give liquids and steam a certain color;
  • Nicotine is a substance hazardous to health. This component is optional; you can get by with liquid without nicotine and inhale only flavored vapor.

Harm of electronic cigarettes with liquid without nicotine

Glycerin, propylene glycol, flavors and dyes are relatively safe for the body - they are often used in the food, cosmetic and medical industries. But even they can release harmful substances when exposed to temperature. A study conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA) showed that the thermal decomposition of propylene glycol and glycerol leads to the release of toxic chemicals such as acrolein and.

In addition, each person’s reaction to a particular substance is individual. Some components in a small percentage of cases can cause or irritate the respiratory tract, so carefully check the composition of the liquid before purchasing. Stop using your e-cigarette immediately if you experience negative side effects.

If you make up the liquid yourself, carefully monitor the proportions of each substance - an overdose of any component, even a seemingly harmless one, can cause unpleasant consequences.

Nicotine is the main “pest”

Nicotine causes physical and psychological addiction, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system. When switching to an electronic cigarette, smokers often do not get the usual sensations. In pursuit of the same “strength”, some begin to increase the dose of nicotine in the liquid or vape very often. Then even more nicotine enters the body than before, and the device becomes more dangerous than a tobacco product.

Be careful: an overdose of nicotine can lead to deterioration and even death. Symptoms of overdose: headache and dizziness, weakness, nausea, increased salivation, abdominal pain, etc.

Electronic cigarette or regular cigarette: which is better?

What is more harmful, an electronic cigarette or a regular one? Let's compare. In addition to nicotine, regular ones contain harmful tars and heavy metals that affect the occurrence of cancer and other serious diseases. When “vaping”, only nicotine enters your body or, in its absence, simply flavored vapor. Thus, according to some sources, a high-quality electronic cigarette is considered safer than a regular one.

Low-quality products can negatively affect the health of a smoker. Unfortunately, now the harm of vaping and electronic cigarettes is not controlled in any way - the product does not undergo mandatory certification, and clear quality standards have not yet been formulated. Therefore, an unscrupulous manufacturer may change the chemical composition of the liquid or make the structure itself from low-grade materials. You should not save on your health and buy a cheap device from an unknown Chinese brand. Pay attention to products that have proven themselves on the market, study reviews (especially negative ones), and consult with experienced people.

At-risk groups

The dangers of electronic cigarettes are also relevant for teenagers. Pleasant aromatic additives often attract minors. Thus, a schoolchild who has never tried smoking begins to become interested in an electronic device and may subsequently switch to smoking real tobacco. This is another danger of electronic cigarettes.

It is highly recommended not to use e-cigarettes for pregnant women. Nicotine has a bad effect on the development of the fetus and leads to pathologies or miscarriage. The impact of nicotine-free liquid on an unborn child has not yet been studied, but it’s not worth the risk.

Is it possible to quit smoking with an electric substitute? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Much depends on the person: his smoking history, the degree of psychological dependence, willpower, etc. Let's look at two examples.

Peter has been smoking for 10 years, but he himself is tired of it. An unpleasant odor lingers on clothes, hair, hands, teeth begin to turn yellow, and coughing becomes more frequent. Peter firmly decides to take charge of his health and give up his bad habit. He decides to quit gradually - so that it is easier for the body to readjust. Peter uses an electronic cigarette with nicotine, periodically reducing its dose until there is no nicotine left in the device at all. Soon Peter even refuses nicotine-free liquid. He is healthy and happy.

Nikolai wants to quit smoking because he seems to have to. Everyone around is talking about a healthy lifestyle, which means you need to quit. Nikolay buys an electronic cigarette, “lights it up” - and wow, it works! There is still little nicotine in it, which means it is safer. But Nikolai uses it every 15 minutes, citing its safety. Essentially, Nikolai replaced one bad habit with another.

Using the example of Peter and Nikolai, we see how motivation and the right approach are important in quitting smoking. If you clearly understand why you want to quit smoking, just do it. And if you still choose to smoke an electronic cigarette, carefully monitor the time you use it.

The popularity of electronic cigarettes has increased sharply after the law banning smoking in public places came into force. As a rule, the vapor produced by the device has a light and pleasant aroma, so some people don’t even think about whether electronic cigarettes are harmful to others. However, even though there is no law banning vaping, you should not vape in public. And that's why:

  • Nicotine partially remains in the vapor, so others may unwittingly become involved in the process of inhaling it.
  • As we said earlier, there are individual intolerances to the components of the liquid - therefore inhaling them can harm people around.
  • Glycerin and propylene glycol in e-liquid may release toxic components when converted to vapor.