Proper care of your cat is the key to his good health. Caring for a cat at home

This article is addressed to all those who want to have a furry friend, but do not know what is necessary for this. How to properly care for a cat, how to feed and bathe it. Today we will try to understand these issues.

New tenant in your home

When this long-awaited event happens and you bring home a little fluffy ball, defenseless and frightened, torn away from its mother for the first time in its life, it can hide and hide in a corner. In this case, if the kitten is still very small, you are his mother, protector, and nurse all rolled into one. Your task is to help the animal calm down and get used to its new environment.

How to do it? Talk to your cat in a calm, soft voice. If your pet already knows how to eat himself, treat him with a fragrant treat. Try to distract him by playing with a string.

What does a cat need?

Domestic cats, photos of which you can see in our article, are affectionate, friendly creatures and, contrary to the claims of many “dog lovers,” thinking animals. This statement is supported by the fact that they very quickly accept the living conditions in the new house and the requirements of the owners.

For a comfortable life, a cat needs:

  • a specific place to sleep;
  • quality food;
  • communication and proper care;
  • timely veterinary care.

Where should I place my cat?

Your four-legged pet will feel quite comfortable both in a private house and in an apartment, provided that the owner creates the necessary conditions for his stay. It is necessary to take care of a large tray with filler. Think about where your pet can run (or crawl). Buy or make a house with your own hands and place it in a secluded place. Here the cat can hide while playing or if it suddenly gets scared. Install a scratching post (if you don’t want your upholstered furniture to act as it).

It would seem that the apartment is fully prepared for a new tenant and seems quite safe. But this is only at first glance. It turns out that an ordinary apartment is fraught with many dangers for an animal - household chemicals that a furry fidget can “taste,” plastic bags and foil left in sight. A cat can get seriously injured from quickly closing and slamming doors and household appliances.


When we talk about this, we mean caring for his health, raising a kitten, issues of proper nutrition, and many other problems that can be united under a single concept - caring for an animal.

May the manufacturers who make colored dry food for cats like Whiskas or Kitekat forgive us, but you can give it to animals only if you want to get rid of them. These foods do not contain the nutrients a cat needs, but they contain preservatives, flavor enhancers, and dyes in excess. Animals receiving such food for several years are doomed to painful death or, at best, to expensive treatment.

If you still want to use dry cat food, then use the best types. For example, dry cat food EVO Turkey and Chicren Formula, which does not contain preservatives or other additives. Its main ingredients are chicken, chicken products and turkey. It contains a lot of protein (about 50%), very few carbohydrates (about 7%). This is a product of the Natura pet foods company, which was bought by the famous Procter & Gamble company in 2010.

Food from Wellness has earned the trust of customers and experts - CORE Grain-Free, Kitten Food and others. They contain up to 50% protein, which is a very high level.

Should I bathe my cat?

Experts do not have a consensus on this issue. Many of them believe that this should never be done. The animals are clean, and can handle their own toilet quite well on their own. Don't expose cats to additional stress.

Others consider this procedure necessary, but not frequent - no more than once a month. True, there are situations when your pet gets very dirty (especially with synthetic substances). Then “taking a bath” becomes necessary.

But do all owners know how to bathe a cat? Someone will object: “What’s so complicated about this? Lather it up, rinse with warm water - and you're done. The cat is clean and happy!” This point of view is not only incorrect, but can also be dangerous. First of all, for the psychological state of your pet. It's no secret that the vast majority of cats do not like water; many are terrified of it. Therefore, for them, bathing is a powerful stress that greatly affects his future behavior and health.

How to bathe a cat to minimize the negative impact of this procedure? How to protect yourself and your furry pet from injuries while swimming? Prepare two terry towels - on one you will place the cat in the bath, and with the second you will wrap it after washing. Do not bathe your cat immediately after feeding. After eating, at least four hours should pass.

You will need a special cat shampoo. We emphasize, only cat's. Shampoo intended for human use is not suitable for this purpose! In addition, prepare a conditioner. Fill the bath with warm water (38-39 degrees) so that it reaches the animal’s shoulder blades. Larger amounts can be dangerous. If the cat starts to struggle violently, water may get into his ears.

Before putting your cat in the water, hold him in your arms, caress him, and then start washing him. You need to soap the cat at least twice, after which you need to thoroughly rinse the shampoo with warm water. Do not forget to press the cat's ears to the head with your palm to prevent water from getting into them. Then apply conditioner to the fur, distribute it over the entire body of the animal and after the time indicated on the package, rinse off the composition.

The procedure is over. All that remains is to dry the fur and calm down. Wrap your pet in a terry towel to absorb moisture. If necessary, change it to dry. Dry the fur with a hair dryer (warm air). Comb the animal thoroughly, and do not forget to talk to it.

Trimming the cat's claws

This procedure is necessary for the health of the animal. It is important to accustom a kitten to it from a very early age. Experienced breeders always monitor this. When selling the baby, they must tell the new owners. If for some reason they did not do this, we will try to correct this defect.

You will need:

  • tonic and cotton pads to remove dirt from claws;
  • nail clippers (trimmers) or tweezers;
  • napkin;
  • hemostatic agent.

Most cats really don't like this procedure. Different animals react to it differently, depending on their temperament. It is better to do this task together - one person fixes the cat, and the other trims the claws. How to cut a cat's nails without injuring him? The fact is that if you touch the pulp, the nail will begin to bleed, and the cat will be in pain. If this does happen, use a hemostatic agent, although it should stop naturally within a maximum of 10 minutes. This procedure should be repeated once a month.

Why does a cat need a house?

The modern pet supply market is overflowing with various accessories for pets. Among this abundance, you can easily choose a suitable house. Adult cats spend 2/3 of their lives sleeping. They, like their owners, need a secluded corner where no one will disturb their sleep. How to choose a house for a cat so that your pet feels comfortable in it?

For an adult animal, it should be spacious and closed. In addition, you need to pay attention to the quality of the fabric from which it is made. I would like it to be light and breathable. Buy a house with a removable bottom so that it can be cleaned or washed at any time.

It is better for a teenage cat to choose an open-type house - in it he can not only relax, but also play.

How to care for a British cat?

If you become the happy owner of a cat of this breed, then you should be prepared for the fact that these animals are capricious and stubborn, but at the same time very smart. Therefore, when raising a British dog, give up the whip method - this will only complicate your relationship with your pet. How to care for a British cat so that it grows up healthy and cheerful?

For this breed of cat, diet is very important. Don't try to give milk to your Briton - the animal's digestive system will reject it. Completely exclude dry food from the British menu. Give preference to boiled sea fish, boiled chicken with porridge. In addition, you need to give your cat vegetables and cheese. These animals are prone to conjunctivitis, so wipe their eyes daily with a cotton swab moistened with boiled water. Don't forget about the importance of preventive vaccinations. If he is unwell, immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

When talking about how to care for a cat, do not forget that the British cat is in dire need of human communication. Talk to him, stroke his “plush” coat more often, and he will respond to you with devotion and affection.

How to care for a fold-eared cat?

British and Scottish Fold cats require special care. From the first days of your animal's presence in your home, you should accustom it to daily hygiene inspections.

Taking care of your ears

Once a week, a fold-eared cat needs to clean the earwax from its ears. They should not have any rash or plaque. These cats often have “tassels” growing on the tips of their ears. It is advisable to trim them.

Features of eye care

How to care for a cat if there is a dark coating in the corners of his eyes? This is the most common question asked by owners of fold-eared cats. Don't be alarmed, there's nothing wrong with this. Moisten a cotton swab with boiled water or a special liquid that can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy and wipe your pet's eyes. But if purulent discharge appears, go to the clinic immediately!


British and Scottish Folds are the only shorthaired cats that thrive when brushed against the grain. Do this two, or better yet, three times a week with a special brush. First comb along the coat, and then against it.


Fold cats, like all predators, prefer fresh meat. But it should be supplemented with vegetables. Young lean lamb or fresh beef is preferable. In addition, your pet will not refuse liver and heart, eggs and cottage cheese. It is better to boil the poultry meat a little beforehand. To replenish the supply of vitamins in the animal’s body, give it more vegetables and wheat shoots or oats, which you can grow yourself on the windowsill.

So, you have learned how to care for a cat. We were not able to dwell on the characteristics of different breeds, but you have become familiar with the basic rules for keeping a cat in an apartment. Remember, if you lovingly care for your four-legged friend, he will certainly reciprocate your feelings!

Many of us adore cats, and, if possible, get this fluffy beauty. There are many breeds of cats: Persian, Siberian, Siamese and many other cats, along with them there are also ordinary outbred animals. But no matter what your pet is, in any case it requires quality care and attention. How should cats be cared for?

If you are wondering how to care for a cat, then you should pay attention to the following points:

  • toilet training;
  • animal hygiene;
  • proper nutrition;
  • hair and skin care;
  • games and activities.

First of all, you must make sure that you can provide all the necessary conditions for your new pet. If your cat will be kept in an apartment, then it should have a toilet designed specifically for animals. When choosing a litter box for your cat, it is better to choose a product made of plastic rather than cardboard or wood, which can become damp very quickly. The size of the litter box should be such that the cat can turn around and not risk spilling all the litter.

First of all, before purchasing a pet, you need to make sure that you can provide it with all the necessary conditions.

It is important to know what cat litter should be like. There are products specially designed for this that can be bought at a pet store. Some owners prefer to use dry sand, others prefer toilet paper or newspaper. Whatever litter you choose, it is very important to clean the litter box after each time your cat uses it.

This is important because cats are clean animals, and if the tray gives off an unpleasant odor, they simply will not sit there and will spoil places not intended for this purpose.

If a small kitten comes into your home, you must train him to use the toilet. This is not difficult to do, however, you will need patience. It is very important to choose a place for the cat litter in advance and not change it. The optimal age for toilet training a kitten is 4-6 weeks. He will get used to it in 1-2 weeks.

Unlike dogs, for cats the entire house is their domain. They can freely walk in places that are not allowed for them: tables, beds, closets. Therefore, it is important to accustom the kitten to order in advance by designating for it places that are forbidden.

Cat food

Nutrition is fundamental to your cat's health. You need to feed her at the same time. If your animal is purebred, for example, Persian cats, then you need to inquire in advance about how to feed this breed. Your dealer or veterinarian can tell you this.

If your cat is ordinary, then its nutrition also requires your attention. It is better not to give your pet too spicy, salty or fried food. If you prefer to use dry food, then it is better to choose the highest quality premium options. It is important to make sure there is enough fluid for the animal. Water should always be fresh and clean.

You should avoid running tap water, replacing it with boiled or purified water in a filter.

Forced feeding is always bad, since the animal itself knows how much food it needs. Food should be at room temperature. Do not allow your animal to beg. Grain sprouts such as millet or oats may be beneficial for your cat.

You should always take care of your cat's coat, no matter how long its coat is.

Cats are clean animals, and, as a rule, they themselves can keep their bodies clean by licking their fur. About once a month, the animal needs to be bathed in warm water using a special shampoo. After bathing is completed, dry the animal with a towel, protect it from drafts, and do not let it outside.

Caring for claws, ears and eyes

It's also worth caring for your cat's claws, eyes, and ears. Usually a cat sharpens its nails on its own, for which it will benefit from a special scratching post. It is worth immediately accustoming the animal to the claw point with its help in order to save your furniture and wallpaper. However, the claws will still be too long and cause discomfort to the animal. That's why you need to trim your cat's claws. This is done before swimming.

The algorithm for trimming claws is as follows:

  • take the cat by the paw;
  • hold the lamp with your fingers;
  • pull out the claw and carefully trim it using special scissors, so as not to damage the skin;
  • do the same with the remaining claws.

This procedure must be repeated once every two weeks.

You need to clean your cat's ears using a cotton swab previously soaked in alcohol or vegetable oil. Dirt and excess wax are removed from the auricle. But under no circumstances should you touch the ear canal. Caring for a cat’s eyes involves wiping them with a soft cloth dipped in warm water. This helps eliminate congestion.

The cat must have its own sleeping place. This could be a pillow or a basket, or a special cat house. This place needs regular ventilation. You should not place your cat's bed in a draft, as she runs the risk of catching a cold. It is also very important to clean it regularly.

Right way of life

Do not forget that the animal needs activity. Therefore you should play with your cat. It is not at all necessary to purchase special toys for this; you can make something yourself. Cats especially encourage things that rustle and rustle. Even an ordinary candy wrapper can bring incredible joy to an animal. The answer to the question of how to care for a cat is quite simple - it is important to know what she wants and provide it to her. Learn to understand the animal, and then you will always understand its requirements.

Anyone who decides to get a pet should carefully study the intricacies of caring for a cat at home. The nuances will depend on the breed, but the basic recommendations apply to all animals.

In addition to ensuring a proper diet, arranging a place to rest, a toilet, choosing toys and entertainment, you need to take care of the hygiene and health of your pet.


Cats are famous for their cleanliness. They can often be found licking their fur and washing themselves. These actions are caused by the hunting instinct of a small predator.

Many people believe that self-hygienic procedures are enough for a cat, but this is not so.

Brushing a cat

Long-haired cats need grooming the most. They definitely need to be combed out, especially during the molting season.

By brushing a cat, we solve at least three problems:

  1. Maintaining cleanliness of the home. When shedding, a cat leaves marks wherever it has been. Cat hair ends up on furniture, clothes, and gets into food, which cannot but irritate household members. Periodically brushing your cat makes cleaning easier.
  2. It is also necessary to comb the fur to prevent the appearance of tangles, which often form on the back of the neck, between the paws and body, under the lower jaw and in other areas that are difficult for the animal to reach. If a mat has formed, as a rule, it can only be cut off, which the cat will not like and will affect its appearance.
  3. Shed fur can also cause serious digestive problems. After all, while licking itself, the animal swallows a large amount of hair, which, when it gets into the stomach, can form a lump and cause obstruction.

Items needed for grooming

There are special brushes and combs for cats that have different purposes and associated features.

Proper care of cats at home means that the owner has different tools:

  1. Combs and combs. They are needed to remove faded hairs and epithelial scales. They come with teeth of different lengths, often or sparsely spaced. When choosing a comb, you need to focus on the length and thickness of your pet's fur.
  2. Massage brushes. In addition to hair removal, they provide increased blood supply to the skin and hair follicles, stimulating hair growth. They are usually equipped with sparse large teeth with rounded ends. This is necessary in order to avoid injury to the skin and not cause discomfort to the animal. Brushes made from natural materials are preferable, since they do not electrify the hair.
  3. There are also massage mittens, equipped with rubber pimples that collect fallen hairs.

Photo: special brushes and combs for grooming cats

Combing process

For a short-haired cat, it will be enough to use a massage brush or mitten several times a month (during the shedding period, of course, more often). But owners of long-haired cats will have to put in more effort.

Rules to follow when brushing your pet:

  • First of all, you need to collect the faded fur using a massage brush;
  • After this, a comb with sparse teeth comes into play. They need to comb the entire coat along the hair growth;
  • finally, carefully comb the fur with a fine-toothed comb or brush, paying attention to the areas where it often gets tangled - the belly and the legs on the hind legs. Cats with long hair often develop dirt around the anus. This problem is easier to solve by cutting off the stuck together areas;
  • In order for a cat to calmly withstand the combing procedure, it must be taught to do this from childhood and do it regularly. Care and patience must be exercised.

After finishing brushing, it is important to reward the animal with affection, treats or play.

Caring for and keeping your cat clean

There is an opinion that cats do not like water. Indeed, most fluffy tidies do not take kindly to water procedures, but there are exceptions who are ready to splash in the water of their own free will.

You can only bathe a healthy cat; water treatments are contraindicated during illness.

Preparing for a swim

Usually cats are bathed in small containers - a sink, a regular basin or a baby bath will do. You should also prepare detergents and a towel in advance.

The vessel needs to be filled with warm water (about 40 degrees), so that it reaches the animal’s abdomen, and a rug or towel should be placed on the bottom. It is advisable to use specialized shampoos or baby soap as a detergent.

To prevent water from getting into your cat's ears, place cotton swabs in them. To avoid eye irritation from accidental splashes of water and foam, use eye drops.

Bathing should be done on an empty stomach. After eating, the animal must pass at least four hours.

Bathing process

There are many ways to bathe cats, they can be used separately or combined.
After placing the cat in the container, use a sponge to gently wet the cat's fur, excluding the head, then apply and lather the shampoo.

After this, rinse the foam thoroughly using a shower or ladle, directing the stream of water through the fur, avoiding getting on the head.

In this case, you need to hold the animal by the scruff of the neck, act quickly, confidently, but carefully. You can accompany the process with gentle, soothing conversations with the cat.

If the animal reacts nervously to bathing, you can place it in a durable fabric bag before washing, leaving only its head outside. Then place the bag in water and continue washing directly in it.

In some cases, you have to wash the cat's head as well. It is also convenient to use a sponge for this. It is important to ensure that water and soap suds do not get into your mouth, nose, eyes or ears.

After washing, the cat should be wrapped in a warm towel and the fur should be gently blotted. You should not actively dry your pet, as this may cause the fur, especially long hair, to become tangled.

Photo: after washing the cat, you need to wrap it in a warm towel

To clean the fur of a kitten, old, weak or sick cat, you can use the dry washing method using talcum powder.

Sprinkle the powder on the skin, then wipe it off, remove the remaining residue with a comb, making sure that the powder does not get into your nose, eyes or ears. Small dirt and grease will be removed along with the powder.

For cats of hairless breeds, there are special gels that can be used to clean the animal’s skin by wiping it with a soft cloth.

Frequent washing can negatively affect the condition of your pet's coat and skin, so you should not get carried away with the procedure.

How to care for claws

Domestic cats need to have their claws trimmed to keep their claws in order and to prevent them from injuring their owners during play.

It is enough to carry out the procedure a couple of times a month, using a special nail clipper or regular nail clippers.

Before starting the procedure, you need to wash your hands and treat the instrument with alcohol. It is important to choose a moment when the animal is in a calm mood. You need to pick him up and, with light pressure on the paw pad, force him to release his claws.

You need to trim the free edge of the claw, stepping back a couple of millimeters from the living part, equipped with blood vessels and nerves. It is pink in color and is clearly visible in the light. If necessary, you can file the cut edge.

Manipulations should be accompanied by gentle, soothing words. After processing each paw, you can take a short break.

Cleaning ears, eyes and nose

It is necessary to periodically clean your pet's eyes, nose and ears. Problems with the eyes and nose are more common in cats with a flattened face, but they can affect any animal.

Eye discharge often leaves unsightly marks on the animal's face, which can cause bald patches.

To clean the peephole, use cotton balls or swabs moistened with special products. You can also use a 2% boric acid solution, regular tea and just warm boiled water.

The areas around the eyes are rubbed with light movements in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. Afterwards, you can dry the treated areas with a dry cotton ball.

What kind of nose should a cat have?

A healthy cat should have clean nostrils with no traces of discharge. If your pet has suffered from a cold or other illness accompanied by discharge from the nostrils, they can be cleaned with a cotton ball dipped in warm boiled water.

Photo: a healthy cat should have clean nostrils

The procedure should be performed carefully and carefully.

Caring for your cat's ears

Inspection and cleaning of ears is recommended regularly. To do this, you need to fix the animal's head with one hand, carefully turn the ear inside out and gently wipe it with cotton wool wound on a stick and moistened with a special product, soapy water, Vaseline or a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

There is no need to try to penetrate deep into the ear, as this may damage the eardrum.

If you notice redness, swelling, or heavy discharge, you should contact your veterinarian.

How to brush your cat's teeth

Cats suffer from the same dental diseases as humans. Tartar, caries, and gum disease can happen to any pet and lead to tooth loss if you do not pay attention to the animal’s oral hygiene. From an early age, you need to accustom your kitten to examining and brushing its teeth.

For kittens, wipe their teeth with a finger wrapped in a clean cloth or bandage; there are special pastes for adult cats.

To prevent tartar, you can use special dry food. Its particles polish teeth, preventing the formation of deposits.

This is wrong. Helminth eggs can enter the cat's body if it sometimes eats raw meat or fish. They can also be brought in with dirt from outdoor shoes.

Therefore, all cats should be dewormed twice a year. This is especially important in families with small children.

It is usually mixed with food during the morning feeding. Pet owners also need to periodically take anthelmintic medications for prevention, since the initial stage of cat infection is usually asymptomatic.

These are the basic rules for caring for cats, mandatory for all owners of these animals. By following them, you can guarantee your pet health and beauty for many years.

Video: Cat care. Part 1

Video: Cat care. Part 2

With the decision to have a pet in the house, a lot of questions arise about what kind of care cats need. This is especially true if a city apartment becomes the kitten’s home. The recommendations outlined in this article will help you solve the problem and properly prepare for the arrival of a new family member.

Before you bring a cat or small kitten into your home, you should think in advance about a place for sleeping, eating, playing and toileting procedures. You also need to purchase essential items that will be needed for the arrangement and life of your pet:

  • bowls (3 pcs.) - for water, wet and dry food;
  • a tray and high-quality filler for it in accordance with the age and characteristics of the animal’s breed;
  • brushes for combing wool, shampoo or other detergent;
  • scratching post - this item will help maintain the desired length of the claws and save your furniture from damage;
  • If you wish, you can buy a house or a ready-made sofa for your pet, but you can make them yourself or simply use soft bedding;
  • It is also worth considering that the animal will sometimes need to be shown to the veterinarian or taken with you on a trip, and for this he will need a basket or carrying container.

When arranging a place to rest, remember that your pet does not like to be alone, so place its bedding in a secluded corner, closer to the owner. Decide right away whether you want the cat to sometimes sleep with you, since allowing the baby to climb into the bed will be very difficult to wean him from this habit as an adult. Take care of a comfortable temperature in the room - the animal should not be cold or too hot.

Pet hygiene

Hygiene procedures are the most important condition for maintaining the health of a pet, but they will not require much time from the owner. You don't need to bathe cats often. This procedure is usually carried out in two cases: in case of severe contamination and before an exhibition. It is enough to wash a domestic cat 1-2 times a month with cat shampoo suitable for its coat type. For long coats, it is recommended to use conditioner to make combing easier.

Unlike dogs, cats are not very fond of water, and some of them refuse to bathe at all. In this case, you can use dry shampoo, which is sold at any pet store. However, if you teach your kitten to bathe gently, problems will not arise. Make sure that the water temperature is comfortable for your pet, do not turn on the shower in front of him (the noise of the water scares cats), pour water up to chest level, and make sure that water does not get into the ears - this is the basic rule for successful bathing.

Pets usually cope with eye cleaning themselves, since a healthy animal has no or insignificant discharge. If there are still accumulations in the corners of the eyes, simply soak a cotton pad in chamomile infusion and wipe your pet’s eyes. Excessive dark discharge, as well as redness of the eyes, require consultation with a veterinarian.

Animals that eat soft natural food should have their teeth brushed using cat toothpaste. This procedure requires skill and patience. By the way, stores sell special food for cleaning animals’ teeth.

And another important procedure is cutting nails. If there is no scratching post, the owner has to trim the pet’s claws himself, using special tongs or scissors. This must be done extremely carefully, since the risk of damage to the pulp is too high. Claw trimming is carried out approximately 2 times a month.


It is believed that walks are not necessary for domestic cats, since they do not need it. But nevertheless, many owners try not to keep their pets in confinement and walk them outside. To make your walk successful, follow these recommendations:

You should not walk in cold weather, as cats are highly susceptible to colds.

They are very clean animals, constantly groom themselves, and also strive to keep their place clean. Feral cats usually pass on the instinct of cleanliness to their kittens. When keeping a cat at home, a person must ensure that it develops the habit of doing its toilet in one place. Raising a kitten begins from birth, and by the age of 4-6 weeks it has developed certain reflexes.

Cat food

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You can feed your cat professional or semi-professional food, but feeding it food from your table is strictly prohibited. The fact is that not all human foods are suitable for the animal’s body. A completely different matter...small birds and rodents. In nature, cats eat them every day. However, since we don’t have a predator living in our house, but a completely civilized domestic cat, we will replace rodents and birds with... meat, offal and grains - it’s all of this that a caught mouse or bird “consists” of. Therefore, if you decide to prepare your cat’s food yourself, diversify its diet with cereals with boiled meat and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, eggs, and boiled fish.

If you don’t have the time and opportunity to come up with something new every day for your pet’s menu, or the cat is not too willing to eat the dishes you prepare, you can switch it to ready-made food. True, I would like to say right away - do not skimp on the cost of such feed. Cheap canned food has a “cheap” composition (waste and soy), therefore, such food is unlikely to contribute to cat health and longevity. In addition, expensive food is more filling, and the portion can be reduced a little if you are worried about saving money.

While the animal is a kitten, it needs to be fed 5-6 times a day, every 2-3 hours. The portions should not be too large, and it is better to remove any leftover food so that you can offer the kitten fresh food at the next feeding. The older the kitten gets, the longer the intervals between feedings become, the portion sizes increase and the frequency of feedings decreases. The teenage kitten no longer eats at night and eats 3-4 times a day. When the cat turns one year old, you can, with a clear conscience, transfer it to 2-3 meals a day.

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Some cat owners prefer to measure portion sizes almost using home scales, and some are guided by the principle “the portion should be such that the cat eats it without leaving a trace.” In principle, the latter option is more correct, the main thing is not to overfeed the animal. Therefore, just take note of how much your cat eats at a time and try to give her exactly that much food. As a hint, you can conditionally divide the container with food several times and try to maintain the sizes of such portions.

If the cat does not leave its plate after eating and continues to look into your eyes, the animal is most likely not full, you will have to give it a supplement and in the future reconsider the amount of food you give to the cat. And, a sign that the animal is full will be its contented purring and ritual washing. All cats are clean cats, so after eating they always wash themselves.

Don't forget that in addition to eating, your cat also drinks. Therefore, she should always have clean and fresh water in a special bowl, which you will change regularly, not forgetting to wash the water bowl itself.

cat litter

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There are cats that quickly learn to use the toilet, but with others you will have to try. The mother cat teaches everything, including this necessary skill, so the baby just needs to be told what and where to do in the new home. If the baby makes a mistake, don’t be angry, because you’ve only recently had him, dip some paper in the puddle and put it in the tray – next time the kitten will be able to navigate by the smell.

Try to arrange the cat litter box so that it is comfortable for your pet. You need to choose a secluded place that is always accessible to the cat, where no one will disturb her, and a suitable tray (for kittens it should have smaller walls). Cats have a habit of burying “results”; some are so diligent in this that they can scatter the filler around the tray - in this case, a closed box will do.

It is very important to choose a good cat litter. Long-haired cats will benefit from large granules that won't stick to their fur. The height of the filler layer is at least five centimeters. Special cat litters are very convenient - they quickly absorb and retain moisture and unpleasant odors. The cat will carry “folk” remedies such as sand or sawdust on its paws and tail throughout the apartment. Newspapers absorb very little moisture, which means your cat will be dissatisfied with wet paws and you will be unhappy with footprints on the floor.

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Clean up after your cat in a timely manner and add litter (it’s convenient to use a special scoop for this); if necessary, change it completely. When washing the tray, do not use strong-smelling products. If you have more than one cat, each one should have its own litter box.

If you decide to train your cat to use the toilet, use the well-known “21 day” method. The tray is gradually moved towards the toilet, then raised to the same level as it and, in the end, replaced with one another.

Cats are very clean, but in some cases problems with the cat's litter box can still arise. One of the reasons is the cat’s dissatisfaction with the owner’s actions, a kind of little cat revenge. Think about what may be causing it, and the problem may resolve itself. Another situation is the marks that an animal leaves on its territory. This problem is more difficult to deal with; one of the solutions is to castrate the pet. Another option is to use special sprays that help attract the cat to the tray and make inappropriate places unpleasant.


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Cats need to be brushed to prevent too much hair from getting into their stomach. Short-haired cats need this only during seasonal molting, but we should not forget that combing in this case is not only a hygienic procedure, but also friendly contact between the cat and the person. This is also confirmed by the fact that cats, as a rule, willingly present their backs to us with a contented purr and, in response to our actions, sometimes begin to lick us. To comb short-haired cats, special latex brushes are used, which are sometimes made in the form of a mitten. You can also use soft bristle brushes.

The procedure for combing long-haired cats should become daily and mandatory, because their long hair is the result of selection, and a cat cannot cope with it without human help. In this case, when combing, special brushes with long teeth and talc are used, which prevents the wool from matting. Compared to short-haired cats, this is a more labor-intensive process and, in the case of tangles, sometimes not a very pleasant process for the cat. But if, from childhood, you systematically accustom your cat to this procedure and do it slowly, carefully, trying not to hurt her, talking to her, interrupting the combing with gentle stroking, she will begin to perceive this calmly and even as a pleasant pastime in the company of her friend.

But if for some reason the cat at some point categorically refuses this procedure, you should not be too persistent, because these animals categorically do not tolerate violence against themselves. To prevent your cat from developing a persistent aversion to brushing, it is better to leave her alone for a while - perhaps later she will be more patient.


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It is traditionally believed that it is not necessary to walk a cat or cat, since they have no need for walks at all. However, the owner may want to walk the cat in order to diversify the life of the furry pet, show him the world outside the walls of the house and teach him to be independent. In addition, not all pets are happy to be locked up, while so many interesting things are happening outside. If your cat's hunting instincts have awakened and she doesn't want to sit at home, you'll have to take her out for a walk.

Before walking your cat, get all the necessary vaccinations. Don't forget that there may be ticks in the grass. Treat the animal's fur with a tick and flea repellent or use a special collar. After a walk, carefully examine your pet and make sure there are no ticks on its fur.

Teach your pet to walk the streets from childhood. It will be easier for a small kitten to settle in and get used to a new environment than an adult cat.

If you decide to let your cat out for a walk for the first time, use a special cat harness and cat leash. A harness is two collars connected together. They fasten around the cat's neck and belly. This harness will prevent your pet from slipping out. Do not buy harnesses made of leather, even the softest. It is better to purchase a harness for your cat that is made of lighter materials. Be sure to choose the appropriate size. If you can easily fit two fingers between the cat's body and the harness, the size is correct. Do not put a collar on your cat. These animals have weakened neck muscles, so a collar can cause injury to them.

Train your cat to wear a harness. It’s better to put a harness on her at home first, let her get used to it in advance. Cats are very sensitive creatures, and at first the harness will be very annoying for them. These pets really don't like being confined, so be prepared for an overly emotional reaction. Before you put the harness on your cat, let her sniff it. Then put it on. Wait until the initial dissatisfaction passes. Remove it when the cat forgets about the harness that restricts its movements and relaxes. Over time, the cat will finally get used to the frequent presence of a harness. Attach a leash and lead your pet around the rooms in the apartment. If the cat calmly goes about its business and does not try to escape, it’s time to walk it outside.

Find a suitable place for a walk. A lot of noise, a crowd of people and a pack of dogs will, of course, frighten a pet who is going for a walk for the first time. Find a more or less secluded place away from the bustle of the city. For example, a clearing in a park or a cozy corner in a park would be suitable.

If you walk your cat on a leash, do not drag it along with you. Instead, follow her. True, cats are curious creatures, so you and her can end up anywhere. If your cat is pulling you in the wrong direction, call it or lure it with a tasty treat. Do not pull or jerk on the leash. Even if your cat doesn't behave the way you expected, don't punish or scold it.

Try to let your cat out for walks in warm and sunny weather. Your cat will be able to treat himself to fresh green grass and bask in the sun.

Don't walk your cat for too long. After walking, wash her paws thoroughly. If you are very afraid that your pet will get lost, put a collar with a special metal keychain on it. Include information for whoever is likely to find the lost cat. Indicate your pet's name, your phone number and/or home address. The very presence of a collar will indicate that the cat is not homeless, that it has an owner.

How to wash a cat

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Many cat owners have thought more than once about how to bathe their pet, how to properly wash a cat, or whether it is strictly prohibited. First of all, it is worth noting that this is necessary. At the same time, you need to bathe your cat correctly and not only when you want it.

Remember, you should not bathe your cat too often, since it is endowed with a special tongue and, moreover, the ability to lick itself, and if the cat is healthy, then it is quite clean in itself. Among other things, the hair of this animal is covered with the so-called protective lubricant produced by the subcutaneous sebaceous glands, in turn, frequent bathing can deprive it of its natural protection. This is why a cat needs to be washed no more than 2 or 3 times a year, this does not apply to washing dirty paws.

It is never recommended to wash your pet with human-grade shampoo or regular soap. This is primarily due to the fact that cats and humans have completely different acid-base balance of the skin, or simply PH. That is why, in order not to spoil the animal’s fur and avoid injury to its skin, it is necessary to wash the cat with a special shampoo created only for animals.

Dry shampoos are an ideal option for washing a cat, as they are easily applied to the fur, and after a certain time they are simply combed off along with various dirt. Such shampoos are very effective and are in no way inferior to liquid shampoos. In addition, they also make combing much easier.

Thanks to dry shampoos, you can easily rid your pet of dirt without harming his health. It is worth noting that such shampoos are ideal for frequent use, since they do not dry the skin and, moreover, do not damage the protective fat layer of the hair.

Liquid shampoos have a fairly high washing efficiency. Such shampoos perfectly remove various dirt, while making the coat silkier and smoother. In addition, liquid shampoos are more specialized; they can be used against ticks, fleas, and so on. It is worth noting that such shampoos should be used no more than 2 or 3 times a year, as they can disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands. An exception may be situations if the wool is very dirty, especially with various synthetic substances.

Before washing your cat using liquid shampoos, you need to carefully prepare. Firstly, you don't need to feed your pet before bathing. Secondly, there is no need to demonstratively make noise with basins or water, since the cat is a very sensitive animal. She may get worried and hide from you. The best thing to do is try to calm the cat down, for example, pick it up and stroke it.

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A very important condition for washing your pet is the temperature of the water and air. Remember, the air temperature must be +22 degrees, since cats are quite sensitive to various hypothermia. It is best to wash your cat in a sink or bathtub, with the bottom covered with special bedding to prevent the paws from slipping. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to wash a cat in a basin, as it will desperately grab onto its edges. Now, regarding the water temperature. It should not be cold or hot, the best option is 38 or 40 degrees. One tip on how you can determine the temperature of the water: put your elbow in the water, if you do not feel the water, then this means that this temperature is suitable for the cat. The water level must be up to the cat's belly. Remember, when bathing, you do not need to speak emotionally or loudly, or make any sudden movements.

The first thing to do is to very smoothly place the animal in the water, while holding it very firmly with one hand. After this, wet the coat and apply shampoo to the back, withers, chest, tail and belly. Never allow water to get into your cat's nose or ears. To do this, you can first insert special cotton swabs into your ears. Particular attention should be paid to soaping the front legs, tail and chin.

Do not forget that various shampoos foam a lot, so you should not apply too much of them, as it will be very difficult to wash off the foam later. To rinse short-haired animals, just one basin will be enough, but if the hair is long, then several basins. After this procedure, you need to thoroughly wipe the cat with a dry towel. In this case, you should not rub the animal under any circumstances; all movements should be smooth and soft, in the direction of the fur. If you wipe against the grain, you can easily damage it. You can also use a hairdryer, but the cat should not be afraid of it. After wrapping the cat in a towel, you need to hold her close to you, but in no case deprive her of support, as she may escape. After water treatments, the cat must be left alone, as it needs to gradually calm down.

Ear care

Ear diseases cause a lot of trouble for cats, and very often they arise precisely because pet owners did not pay enough attention to the hygiene of their cat's ears. Therefore, remember, the cat’s ears need to be examined regularly, and they will need to be cleaned at least once a month.

To clean your cat's ears, you will need to purchase cotton swabs and a special ear cleaner (sold at a pet pharmacy) at the pharmacy. Before this procedure, it is recommended to securely restrain the cat so that the animal does not escape and thereby hurt itself or scratch you - you can wrap the cat in a thick towel. After this, you need to moisten the tip of a cotton swab in a special product, turn the ear itself out a little and, with gentle movements directed outward, using a cotton swab, clean out the accumulated wax and dirt from the depths of the ear canal.

Dental care

The most common dental diseases in cats are... caries, stomatitis and gingivitis. Cats suffer from periodontal disease and tartar. If you notice an unpleasant odor from your cat’s mouth, notice constant salivation, dark plaque on the teeth, or swelling of the face, be sure to show the animal to a veterinarian. The reason for a visit may also be a situation when you notice that the cat refuses food and seems to be in pain to chew. However, all these diseases are much easier to prevent than to cure, so be sure to pay attention to the prevention of your pet’s dental health.

In order to avoid the appearance of tartar, caries and a number of other dental diseases, it is recommended to brush your cat’s teeth using a special paste and brush. If you accustom your kitten to this procedure, then when it becomes an adult cat, it will not resist such manipulations.

Prevention of the appearance of tartar is also... feeding with dry food. As research results show, it is enough to feed an animal such dry food for 1 month as the risk of tartar formation is reduced by 50%.

For the health of a cat’s teeth and gums, it is very important that the animal’s diet is balanced and contains vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, consult your veterinarian about the best vitamins to give your cat so that all 30 teeth are always healthy.


Cats do not like to move and change their usual habitat. However, this may be necessary when taking them to exhibitions, to nature, when the owners go on vacation, or to the dacha in the summer.

When transporting, you need to provide the animal with maximum comfort. It is better to transport cats over short distances in special bags where the animal’s head remains open. For longer transportation, it is advisable to use small bags or baskets ("carries"), the front wall of which is a lattice door-window. The bottom should extend and be impermeable to urine.

6 hours before departure the cat stops feeding. If the duration of the trip exceeds 24 hours, then the animal can be fed once during this time.

Cats can be transported by road, rail and air to various regions of the country. In this case, the cat owner must obtain a veterinary certificate. Violation of veterinary and sanitary rules entails the spread of dangerous infectious diseases. To import and export cats abroad, you should familiarize yourself with the veterinary legislation of a particular country.