Cialis or Viagra for women, which is stronger. What is better for potency - Viagra or Cialis. Viagra, Levitra or Cialis: which is best for me?

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Potency or erectile dysfunction (ED) is a real problem all over the world, as it becomes more and more relevant every year. The frantic pace of modern life, poor ecology, the presence of hereditary and chronic diseases leads to the fact that most men are faced with it. But modern medicine does not stand still; scientists are developing new drugs that help restore an erection without surgical intervention. Let's look at what drugs there are to enhance potency and treat erectile dysfunction, compare their duration of action, results, side effects, indications and contraindications, and find out which is better: Viagra or Cialis or Levitra.
First, let's look at what reasons can cause potency.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

Determining the causes of sexual dysfunction in men is a priority; if they can be identified, then it is possible to prescribe adequate treatment not only symptomatic, but also the disease itself that provokes ED, such diseases include hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis, hormonal diseases, renal failure and bronchial diseases . In addition, a change in a man’s psycho-emotional state can lead to problems in the sexual sphere.

Sometimes your sex life can be improved simply by changing your lifestyle or stopping certain medications prescribed by your doctor. For example, in practice, the abolition of thiazide diuretics and non-selective β-blockers, effective for arterial hypertension, and their replacement with drugs with the least degree of impact on the sexual sphere, can reduce the development of ED and even slightly increase male sexual activity. These include ACE inhibitors, Ca antagonists, α-blockers.

Patients who have been diagnosed with androgen deficiency will benefit greatly from consulting an endocrinologist. This will allow you to decide on hormone replacement therapy. The prescription of testosterone, the main male sex hormone, is carried out in cases where there is no positive result in treatment with other means. PDE-5 inhibitors (phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors) are effective in the process of inactivating erections. If symptoms of prostate disease are detected in patients or a malignant prostate tumor is detected, androgen replacement hormonal therapy is contraindicated. You can get more detailed information about the causes of erectile dysfunction in another article on our website.

Modern methods and drugs for effective treatment of ED

Nowadays, to solve the male problem, invasive and non-invasive methods are used, aimed at effectively eliminating sexual dysfunction. These include:


Intracavernosal therapy, based on the injection of vasoactive drugs into the genital organ;

Application of vacuum pumps;

Drug therapy for erectile dysfunction (read about medications for erectile dysfunction on our website).

The advent of PDE5 inhibitors has opened a new milestone in solving a real male problem, providing the opportunity to obtain positive results. Vardenafil (Levitra) and tadalafil (Cialis) were recently added to their list of the first drug sildenafil citrate (Viagra). New drugs have proven themselves in the treatment of erectile dysfunction of an organic and psychogenic nature.

Generics of Viagra, Levitra and Cialis

Generics are analogues of a patented drug; their active ingredient is the same as the original. Generics are not inferior in effectiveness to brand-name drugs, but are significantly superior to them in price, since half the cost of an advertised drug is determined by the brand name. The table shows analogues of well-known brands of erection pills: Viagra, Levitra and Cialis.

Features of the mechanism of action of PDE-5 inhibitors

Drugs that block PDE type 5 have the same mechanism of action and are prescribed to activate the nervous system and release nitrogen and oxygen compounds in vascular smooth muscle cells. As a result of sexual stimulation, cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) accumulates. This secondary messenger appears as a result of the synthesis of the enzyme guanylate cyclase, which is activated by nitric oxide and is a substance that regulates the launch of biochemical reactions in the male body necessary for the appearance and subsequent maintenance of an erection in men.
The use of new generation inhibitors is recommended during the period of cessation of stimulation of sexual desire and decrease in the concentration of cyclic GMP. Its deficiency, resulting from various pathogenetic factors, becomes the main cause of insufficiency or lack of erection. Phosphodiesterase type 5 blockers, by destroying cGMP, lead to contraction of the smooth muscles of the male reproductive organ. At the same time, there is no direct relaxing effect on the erectile tissue of the penis. Exposure to nitrous oxide leads to an increased relaxation effect, the appearance of sexual arousal and an increase in the concentration of the synthesized second messenger cGMP. The primary localization of phosphodiesterase type 5 enzymes occurs in the cavernous tissue. Along with this, their presence is noted in platelets, kidneys, lungs, stomach, and vascular smooth muscles.

Features of the distribution of PDE-5 inhibitors

After taking medications that block the fifth type of phosphodiesterase, their distribution in the male body is individual. This group of drug therapies is distinguished by common adverse effects based on their enzyme blockade. Side effects include headaches of varying intensity, difficulty breathing through the sinuses, disruption of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to painful and difficult digestion, and hot flashes. The clinical picture of the blockade of eleven PDE isoforms, which is distinguished by the absence of serious undesirable effects, is not taken into account due to the selectivity and reversibility of PDE5 inhibitors.

Cialis causes a lower degree of blocking of phosphodiesterase type 6 enzymes and provides a minimal risk of disturbances in environmental color perception. At the same time, the drug, compared with the effects of sildenafil and vardenafil, is less selective for isoform 11, the blockade of which did not cause clinical effects to be registered. This type of enzyme is found in testicular tissue. Taking Cialis daily from 10 mg to 20 mg for 180 days does not have a negative effect on the development of mature male cells. There is no threat to spermatogenesis.

Features of the pharmacokinetics of therapeutic drugs (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis) in the treatment of potency

Despite the rapid absorption of Viagra, Levitra, Cialis from the gastrointestinal tract, the kinetic characteristics of the chemical and biological processes occurring with them in the male body have significant differences. Bioavailability is displayed as a percentage and shows the amount of the active substance free in the blood plasma after its administration and reaching the problem organ. This takes into account its losses during absorption from the digestive tract, as well as as a result of the first passage through the liver barrier. The bioavailability of Levitra is within 15%, sildenafil - 40%. For Cialis it is 85%. Its determination was carried out indirectly, due to the lack of possibility of intravenous administration.

The active substance tadalafil is not soluble in water. The pharmacokinetics of inhibitors is significantly affected by the intake of fatty foods, which reduce the rate and completeness of absorption of Viagra. The fat content in food less than 30% does not change these indicators when taking Levitra. But increasing the fat content of food to 57% leads to a significant reduction. The speed and level of absorption of Cialis is absolutely independent of the amount of fat in the diet.

An important indicator is the time to reach the maximum concentration of the active component of the prescribed drug, which determines the rate of its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the onset of the therapeutic effect. After taking Viagra and Levitra, after 60 minutes the peak level of their concentration in the blood plasma is observed. The therapeutic effect after the administration of Cialis occurs only after two hours.

The clinical picture of the action of drugs is also determined by the minimum content of active ingredients in the blood plasma, which makes it possible to obtain the desired results long before reaching their peak level. The results of clinical studies confirmed these findings. Many patients began to notice positive dynamics within 30 minutes after taking inhibitors that block the fifth isoform of phosphodiesterase. Each drug has its own minimum and maximum therapeutic concentration, which is taken into account by the doctor when prescribing treatment for ED. Correct determination of the dosage of the medicine eliminates the occurrence of side effects.

The half-life is the time during which the content of PDE-5 blockers in the blood plasma should decrease by half from its maximum value. This important indicator is taken into account when characterizing drugs. Viagra and Levitra have the same half-life of 4 hours. Cialis's half-life is superior to that of other analogues. The concentration of the active substance decreases by half after 17.5 hours. The equilibrium content of the drug is fixed on the fifth day after daily administration. Its excess of the initial concentration by 1.6 times excludes the cumulative property of the drug. Frequent and regular use of Cialis does not confirm its accumulation in the male body. These findings have been supported by clinical studies. At the same time, the drugs were well tolerated by men who took them regularly for two years. The metabolism of PDE-5 enzymes is carried out with the participation of cytochromes. Metabolites are excreted in urine and feces.

Comparison of pharmacokinetic parameters of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra

Clinical effectiveness of PDE-5 blockers

No studies have been conducted to compare the efficacy and safety of phosphodiesterase type 5 blocking drugs. Determination of the activity of drugs in vitro is carried out under different laboratory conditions, and the results differ. The clinical effect directly depends on the bioavailability rate, elimination rate, interaction with blood proteins, as well as other factors. The optimal dosage of drugs for the treatment of potency is selected experimentally. It should ensure high effectiveness of treatment and eliminate danger to the patient’s life.

The fundamental difference between PDE-5 blockers is the duration of the clinical effect. For Levitra and Viagra it is within 5 hours, and for Cialis this figure is 36 hours. But, according to the results of individual studies, the duration of the clinical effect under certain conditions for the first two drugs may exceed the five-hour barrier.

The effect of Cialis has a stable duration. Products with a short-term effect of the active substance are recommended for use before sexual intercourse. They often become the cause of mental disorders, due to the dependence of sexual intercourse on the duration of the clinical effect. The use of Cialis provides the opportunity to determine the time of intimacy within 1.5 days. This solution is considered cost-effective in terms of cost and duration of action of the drug.

Obtaining positive results in the treatment of impotence is determined by the correctly selected drug and effectively calculated dose. This can only be done by a doctor, taking into account the age and all the characteristics of the man’s body.

Comparison of the effects of Viagra, Levitra and Cialis

Indications for Viagra, Levitra and Cialis (pills for erection)

The use of drugs that improve potency is advisable in the following cases:

For impotence or erectile dysfunction;
- if it is physically impossible to perform sexual intercourse;
- psychological reluctance to have sex;
- with premature ejaculation;
- with lack of confidence in one’s own abilities.

Side effects from Viagra, Levitra and Cialis

Blocking PDE-5 causes unwanted side effects. Taking Levitra and Viagra, compared to taking tadalafil, more often causes problems with the organs of vision, color perception of the surrounding world, as well as hot flashes. Less commonly noted are pathologies related to food digestion, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and myalgia, which are more characteristic of tadalafil. The long half-life of Cialis causes a higher incidence of muscle pain that occurs in the evening and at night at rest. Phenomena were noted in the results of clinical studies of other types of PDE-5 inhibitors in cases of using their high doses once or with an increased frequency of administration. Side effects of the drugs are short-lived. Their duration of action is much shorter than the therapeutic duration due to the low concentration of the enzyme in non-cavernous tissue against the background of the high speed of adaptation of the body to such a situation.

The effect of PDE-5 blockers on the cardiovascular system is a hypotensive effect and a significant reduction in heart rate. Due to this property, simultaneous administration of organic nitrates with inhibitors of the fifth isoform of phosphodiesterase is contraindicated. If you need to regularly use drugs that release nitric oxide, it is recommended to take into account angina attacks, which can occur at any time after taking Viagra, Levitra, Cialis or during sexual intercourse. It is not possible to insure against them. After stopping the use of nitrates or replacing them with other drugs with a similar mechanism of action, as well as in the absence of clinical complications, patients are allowed to begin treatment of potency with PDE-5 inhibitors. At the same time, danger to the life and health of patients is eliminated. Nitrates will be allowed to be taken one day after taking short-acting Viagra, Levitra and 48 hours after taking Cialis. The desire of men to improve their erection should not be the reason for the deterioration of their well-being.

In addition, when prescribing drug therapy for ED, it is necessary to take into account the loss of sexual activity as a result of complications after a heart attack, stroke, unstable angina or angina pectoris that appears during intimacy, heart failure, uncontrolled arterial hypertension or hypotension, as well as heart rhythm disturbances, not subject to patient control. Men who are predisposed to prolonged painful erections not associated with sexual arousal, but caused by myeloma, leukemia or other serious disorders in the body, or who have been diagnosed with anatomical deformation of the penis, are advised to take inhibitors with great caution.

The combination of alcohol intake with Viagra, Levitra, Cialis

A Viagra tablet can be taken 1 hour before drinking alcoholic beverages. Cialis should be taken 15 minutes before drinking alcohol, and Levitra tablets can be taken with alcohol.

According to the results of studies in Europe, after taking PDE-5 blockers, most men had successful sexual intercourse. Their share against the background of drug therapy with Viagra at a dose of 50 to 100 mg was 66%, Levitra at a dosage of 20 mg - 65%, Cialis at a dose of 20 mg - 75%. Treatment with Viagra improved erection ability in 84% of patients. Taking Levitra provided an opportunity for 80% of men to eliminate impotence. Tadalafil effectively solved the problem of ED in 80% of patients, restoring their joy of life and self-confidence.

Comparison of the effectiveness of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra


It can be concluded that Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are equally effective for treating erectile dysfunction. The drugs have general indications and contraindications for use. Cialis has a longer effect and is the drug of choice for indefinite periods of intercourse. Viagra and Levitra are taken immediately before sexual intercourse. Side effects from taking them may also vary. Therefore, the optimal choice of drug occurs empirically after consultation with a doctor, who must select the required dose.

Sexual activity is an important indicator of men's health. Any dysfunctions and disorders are perceived by men as extremely difficult and sometimes critical, so doctors advise undergoing an examination and choosing medications to maintain sexual health. And due to the wide variety of sexual stimulants, it is difficult for men to decide which is best to choose.

The choice should definitely be based on the testimony of the attending physician, as well as on the composition and principle of action of the drug. And if earlier sexual dysfunctions were treated with Viagra and its close analogues, today the pharmacological industry is full of proposals - the German drug Levitra, the Russian analogue of Viagra Sildenafil, the natural remedy Alicaps and much more.

Features of drugs for the treatment of male potency

The most popular and world-famous drug for i is Viagra. Today, experts have created many new drugs that can be a worthy alternative to the expensive and not always accessible Viagra. All erectile function stimulants can be divided into several groups:

  • synthetic drugs with fast and strong effects, for example, Viagra, Sildenafil, Dynamico, Levitra and Cialis;
  • homeopathic medicines sexual function stimulants containing natural components, for example, Impaza;
  • biologically active additives to maintain sexual health with plant and animal components in the composition, for example, Sealex, Vuka-Vuka, Alicaps, etc.

There are also many drugs in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes, the composition of which saturates the body with all useful resources for the full functioning of the entire body and reproductive system. The most popular synthetic stimulants today, as they provide a strong and stable effect, dietary supplements and homeopathic medicines are more often used to prevent problems of this kind.


Regardless of whether it is a natural or synthetic medicine for impotence, experts insist that such drugs must be taken taking into account indications and contraindications. The following phenomena are considered significant reasons for taking tablets and capsules:

  • decreased libido and sexual attraction to the opposite sex;
  • weak and unstable erection;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • and inability to have prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • insufficient penis size during arousal;
  • lack of spontaneous and morning erections;
  • small quantity and low quality of ejaculate.

Any sexual disorders of physiological or psychogenic etiology require timely treatment. Only a medical specialist can select medications based on the patient’s comprehensive diagnostic data.

Operating principle

The main thing that shows the effectiveness, safety and appropriateness of any of the previously mentioned drugs for potency is their composition and principle of action. Viagra contains sildenafil, Levitra contains vardenafil, Cialis contains tadalafil, and Sildenafil is the drug of the same name and an analogue of Viagra.

The principle of action of all these synthetic components is as follows:

  • dilation of veins and constriction of arteries to quickly achieve an erection and prolong the state of arousal;
  • release of nitric oxide, which is responsible for the duration and fullness of an erection;
  • acceleration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which improves the quality of erection, and also increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones, thereby increasing.

If we look at the drugs Levitra, Cialis and Viagra, their components prolong the effects of nitric oxide molecules, increasing blood flow to the external genitalia. The difference in the principle of action lies in the duration of the effect, in addition, each body perceives one or another component in the composition of the tablets differently.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family relations expert. Family psychologist.

Regardless of what components the selected drug consists of, Viagra, Levitra, and other sexual stimulants will only work during sexual stimulation.

Comparison of the best means to enhance potency

So, the top list of the best drugs for potency and erection includes several synthetic drugs - Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and Sildenafil, as well as natural drugs Sealex, Alicaps and many other supplements. Advantageous differences can be identified by several indicators - the principle and mechanism of action, composition, method of application, indications and contraindications and other important criteria.

According to the active ingredient

The first thing you need to know when choosing a drug for potency is the types of active components of the tablets. Both indications and contraindications, as well as the principle of operation of the product and its effectiveness, directly depend on the main component of the substance. The main components of the listed drugs are the following:

  1. Viagra– the composition contains the components sildenafil citrate, which inhibits PDE-5 and releases nitric oxide, helping a man achieve an erection. The effect of the substance occurs 30-60 minutes after taking the tablet and lasts 3-4 hours.
  2. Levitra– this drug contains the substance vardenafil, as in the case of the previous drug we are talking about a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor. After taking the tablet, vardenafil begins to act faster than sildenafil or tadalafil, maintaining the effect for about 10 hours.
  3. Cialis- a drug of the latest generation that contains the active ingredient tadalafil, which begins to act 15-20 minutes after taking the tablet and can maintain the effect for up to 36 hours.
  4. Alicaps– a food supplement that contains natural substances: extract of Eurycoma longifolia, Damiana leaf, creeping palm, as well as vitamin B5 and zinc. This drug must be taken on a regular basis to ensure a cumulative long-term effect.

The Russian analogue of Viagra, Sildenafil, works on the same principle, as it contains sildenafil citrate. Synthetic components have a faster effect on the body, but have a high risk of side effects, which cannot be said about the Alicaps dietary supplement.

By purpose

In general, all of these drugs Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Sildenafil and Alicaps suggest similar indications for use. They are prescribed to combat any erectile disorders. Viagra, Cialis and Levitra act as quick but temporary erection simulators.

Cialis is recognized as an innovative drug in comparison with analogues, since it can be used as a course for constant control over erection and potency. The purpose of Cialis is also the complex treatment of prostate adenoma. Alicaps is a drug with a wide range of uses; in addition to stimulating erection, it is used to increase testosterone, improve the quality of ejaculate, prolong sexual intercourse and enhance orgasm.

Mechanism of action and duration

To determine which drug is better from the presented leaders in terms of demand and expert recommendations, it is also important to compare their principle of action and its duration. Namely:

  • Viagra– the effect occurs an hour after taking the tablet and lasts about 3-4 seconds;
  • Levitra– the effect occurs 15-20 minutes after taking the tablet, lasting 8-10 hours;
  • Cialis– the effect of the drug occurs 15-30 after taking the tablet and can last about 36 hours;
  • Alicaps– the stimulating effect can be observed 1-2 hours after taking the capsules; during therapy, the effectiveness of the drug gradually increases.

The mechanism of action of synthetic stimulants involves two effects - acceleration of blood circulation in the pelvic area, as well as relaxation of the smooth muscles of the penis, all this contributes to maximum and long-lasting erection. In addition to these therapeutic results, natural dietary supplements promise the prevention of genitourinary pathologies and hormonal imbalances.

Do you use drugs for potency?


By method of administration

If we compare the synthetic potency stimulants Viagra (Sildenafil), Levitra and Cialis, all of these drugs should be taken shortly before sexual intercourse, namely:

  • Viagra- the optimal dose is 50 mg, taken 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse;
  • Cialis– the optimal dose is 20 mg, taken 30-40 minutes before sexual intercourse;
  • Levitra– the optimal dose is 10 mg, taken 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse.

The drug Alicaps is a dietary supplement, which means it is taken somewhat differently. The optimal dose is 1-2 capsules, which can be taken 1-2 hours before intimacy, as well as daily even without sex. Viagra and Levitra are not used constantly, but as needed, while Cialis and Alicaps can be used daily.

By efficiency

Cialis, an innovative drug of the latest generation, is considered the most powerful drug in terms of the speed of onset of the effect and its duration. Levitra has good quality indicators and minimal risks of side effects. The third place is occupied by drugs analogues Viagra and Sildenafil. Alicaps and Sealex are a mild agent that must be used in a course.

By side effects

There is no point in choosing between Sildenafil and Viagra, since they are 100% copies. If we consider the list of possible side effects, experts approve of Alicaps and Sealex, since these are absolutely natural remedies, which can occasionally cause allergic reactions.

Experts give second place to Levitra, it is less toxic than Viagra and has fewer contraindications. If we compare the drugs Viagra and Cialis, statistics say that the first option is much less likely to cause negative consequences of taking pills. This determines the high cost of Viagra.

By price

Knowing how expensive Viagra is, many people wonder what is better than Viagra in terms of cost and effectiveness. The cost of one Viagra tablet is 900-1400 rubles, depending on the dosage. The price of Levitra is 800-1300 rubles, and Cialis – 2000-2500 rubles. The Alicaps food supplement will cost from 700 to 1500 rubles, depending on the number of capsules. The leader in the price rating is considered to be Russian Sildenafil, the price of which is 350-500 rubles.

Which drug should I choose?

Some men, when choosing potency stimulants, prefer products without side effects, others care about effectiveness, and for some, the determining factors are the manufacturer and price. To facilitate the selection process, experts offer a comparative analysis of several popular drugs.

Viagra or Cialis

The distinctive characteristics of the drugs Viagra and Cialis are the manufacturers. The first product is produced by the American brand Pfizer, the second by the American company Eli Lilly and Company. Viagra causes side effects much less frequently, while Cialis retains its effect longer and can be used daily. Both drugs are expensive, but Cialis is much more expensive.

Sildenafil or Viagra

Comparing both drugs is the same as asking which Viagra is better for men. Sildenafil is the best substitute for Viagra, but only made in Russia. The only significant difference will be the price, since a domestically produced product will cost half as much.

Viagra or Sealex

Viagra is an imported branded drug of high quality and fast delivery. Sealex is a dietary supplement with a natural composition that provides course therapy for sexual disorders. Viagra is trusted by millions of men, and Sealex does not contain toxic components that cause side effects. One tablet of Viagra costs on average 900 rubles, Sealex 300-500 rubles.

Alicaps or Vuka-Vuka

According to the principle of action and composition, Alicaps and Vuka-Vuka are considered analogues, since they are intended for the prevention and treatment of sexual disorders. Both drugs also prevent pathologies of the genitourinary system and in particular the prostate, if used as a course. The price of Alicapsa is 1200-1500 rubles, Vuka-Vuka - 500 rubles.

Vuka-Vuka or Viagra

Many experts claim that Viagra is the best when choosing drugs for potency. If we compare it with the dietary supplement Vuka-Vuka, the synthetic stimulant is much stronger in terms of strengthening the erection, but Viagra gives only a temporary effect, and Vuka-Vuka, after completing a monthly course, suggests a long-term effect after stopping the pills. And the cost of a course of dietary supplement therapy is half the price of one Viagra tablet.

Viagra or Dynamico

Dynamico and Viagra are analogues in composition and principle of action, as they contain sildenafil citrate. Accordingly, the indications, contraindications and dosages for both drugs are similar. But Dynamico is considered a generic Viagra from a different manufacturer (Teva Corporation in Israel), which means that the difference between them lies in the price. The price of one Dynamiko tablet is 200-300 rubles.

Viagra or Impaza

When comparing these two remedies, it is necessary to note several distinctive features - classification (Viagra is a synthetic drug, Impaza is a homeopathic remedy), principle of action, method of application, effectiveness (Viagra gives a one-time effect, Impaza is cumulative) and toxicity. Viagra is taken occasionally to strengthen an erection, while Impaza is taken as a course of treatment to cure sexual disorders. Impaza is a Russian drug that costs 400-500 rubles.


Initially, men understood only the drug Viagra as a stimulant of erection and potency. Due to the large availability of analogues and generics today, the logical question has become what kind of good Viagra can be for men without side effects and at an affordable price? Russian-made Sildenafil is considered the best and inexpensive analogue. The above comparative characteristics will help men narrow down the choice of drug to maintain sexual activity.

A man always wants to be on top everywhere, and even more so sexually. Insufficient erection can affect a man as early as 40 years of age. According to statistics, chronic erectile dysfunction can occur in 5% of men over 40 years of age, and already at the age of 65 it reaches 15-25%. Even transitional erectile dysfunction occurs in 50% of men aged 40-70 years. Medicines come to the rescue that will give men confidence in their sexual life.

There are two popular and effective drugs: Viagra (Sildenafil) and Levitra (Vardenafil). They both belong to a single class of drugs called phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors, which block an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5).

Viagra, manufactured by Pfizer, was first on the market and was approved as an effective drug for erectile dysfunction on March 27, 1998.

The second to appear on the market was Levitra, which was approved on August 19, 2003. Levitra is manufactured by the famous pharmaceutical corporation Bayer.

The most important advantage of these drugs is that a man will feel normal during normal intercourse; an erection will only occur at the moment of sexual intimacy (sexual stimulation). No stimulation, no erection. The drug is taken orally in advance of sexual stimulation; the main task is to increase the flow of blood to the penis.

PDE 5 inhibitors cannot directly cause penile erection. They affect the body during sexual arousal through the influence of nitric oxide. With the help of nitric oxide, the muscles in the penis relax, which allows for increased blood flow to the penis.

The effectiveness of both drugs is around 80-84%, which indicates their productivity. However, according to surveys of men, Viagra is still slightly ahead in quality, the penis becomes stiffer and more erect after it.

By dosage: Viagra 100 mg / 1 tablet and Levitra 20 mg / 1 tablet. If taking for the first time, it is recommended to try half a dose. It is not recommended to take more than once a day.

Administration and onset of action: Levitra begins to act a little faster after 25 minutes, while Viagra takes 30 minutes. The difference is 5 minutes, everyone decides for themselves how important it is for him. There is a small caveat: if you take the drug with food, the effect may be slightly delayed. In this regard, drugs can be taken on an empty stomach. The feeling that a man experiences is that he wants to have sex. The effect of Viagra lasts 4-5 hours, Levitar 5-12 hours.

Compatibility with alcohol is possible, but with Viagra you need to take a tablet 1 hour before drinking drinks, while Levitra is absolutely compatible with alcoholic drinks.

Side effects are possible, but they vary from person to person; the most common are redness on the face (neck), nasal congestion, and dizziness. Levitra only 3% of men experienced side effects, while Viagra had 9%.

None of the drugs are addictive and do not affect hormonal levels.

There are restrictions under which drugs are contraindicated:

  • Men taking organic nitrates is strictly prohibited
  • People who have had a stroke or heart attack in the past 6 months
  • Suffering from high or low blood pressure, angina pectoris (take with caution)
  • Dosage is limited for those suffering from kidney or liver diseases

To summarize we can say:

  • Levitra works faster than Viagra
  • Viagra is not much better in terms of “quality”
  • Viagra has slightly more side effects than Levitra.
  • Levitra lasts longer

For men, erectile dysfunction is a real disaster. If you are affected by this disease, your doctor will most likely recommend a drug from the group of phosphodiesterase inhibitors. This family of drugs is responsible for increasing blood flow to the penis, thereby increasing potency. The most popular in this group are generics of Viagra, Levitra and Cialis.

And although the principle of action of these 3 drugs is quite similar, they have their own nuances: duration of action, dosages, contraindications, etc. To choose the best option for yourself, read the features of each drug in our article, as well as a comparison of their characteristics.

Features of Levitra

Levitra is a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor. Levitra contains the component vardenafil, which stimulates the production of nitric oxide and inhibits PDE-5. To put it simply, all these biochemical processes are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the penis and providing improved blood access to it.

How to use

Levitra should be taken 40-50 minutes before intimacy, 10 mg of the active substance at a time. You can consume no more than 20 mg per day. The effect of one dose lasts approximately 4 hours.


Let's consider in what cases the use of Levitra is contraindicated:

  • Intolerance to vardenafil or other components contained in the drug;
  • Severe heart and vascular diseases;
  • Ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Kidney or liver disease (renal or liver failure).

Side effects

As for the side effects of Levitra, they are quite rare and relatively harmless (unless, of course, we are talking about an overdose or taking the medicine with contraindications - in this case, a malfunction of the nervous or genitourinary system is possible).

Side effects that sometimes occur when taking Levitra include:

  • Pain in the temple area;
  • Temporary digestive problems;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • The appearance of areas of inflammation in the mouth;
  • Feeling nauseous.

Before you can figure out whether a particular drug is right for you, you need to find out how it interacts with the drugs you are (or have) already taken. When using Levitra you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • When used simultaneously with Erythromycin, you need to be careful: it increases the volume of vardenafil in the body by 2 times;
  • Levitra should not be taken with Nicorandil;
  • When consuming Levitra and Roinavir simultaneously, you need to reduce the amount of the former to 10 mg, since Rionavir will take longer for Levitra to be eliminated from the body;
  • It is not recommended to use the drug with Ketoconazole, because Ketoconazole increases the concentration of Levitra components by 4 times. As a last resort, you should first consult a doctor;
  • It is also not recommended to use Levitra in combination with drugs used to suppress HIV infection.

It is not recommended to use Levitra together with alcoholic drinks, but it is not contraindicated either. The price for this drug is around 300 rubles per tablet.

Features of Cialis

The active ingredient in Cialis is Tadalafil. It inhibits cGMP and inhibits PDE5, which allows the penis to remain erect longer.

How to use

You need to take Cialis 30-40 minutes before sex at a dosage of 20 mg. It is not recommended to take more than 1 dose of the drug per day. The drug is effective for up to 36 hours.


One of the distinctive features of Cialis is a short list of contraindications. In fact, it only includes an allergy or intolerance to one of the components of the drug. Cialis is also not recommended for use by persons under 18 years of age. Cialis should also not be taken by women.

There are some diseases for which taking Cialis is not recommended, but is not prohibited. These are high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system, problems with the nervous system and the presence of degenerative diseases of the retina.

Side effects

The list of side effects from taking the drug includes:

  • Painful sensations in the muscles;
  • Facial redness;
  • Swelling of the eyelids;
  • Redness of the eyes;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Headache;
  • Digestive problems.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Regarding the interaction of Cialis with other medications, the instructions are as follows:

  • It is strictly forbidden to take this drug with nitrates;
  • It is not recommended to take Cialis with alpha blockers - this can lead to hypotension;
  • Ritonavir can enhance the effect of the drug, so you need to be careful here. The same applies to erythromycin and intraconazole;
  • Aluminum and magnesium hydroxides increase the time required for Cialis to be absorbed;
  • Concomitant use of the drug with antihypertensive medications can reduce the patient's blood pressure.

When taking Cialis and alcohol simultaneously, no negative consequences should be observed (except for a slight decrease in the effectiveness of the drug). The price of Cialis is around 250 rubles per tablet.

Features of Viagra

Viagra appeared on the pharmacological market earlier than other PDE-5s. Its main component is Sildenafil citrate, which inhibits PDE-5 and stimulates the release of nitric oxide, which helps stabilize potency (a similar principle to Levitra).

How to use

Viagra should be taken 2-3 hours before the start of sexual activity at a dose of 50 mg. The effect of taking the drug lasts approximately 4 hours. It is not recommended to use Viagra more than 1 time per day.


Contraindications for Viagra include:

  • Intolerance to Sildenafil or other components of the drug;
  • Recent stroke;
  • Recent heart attack;
  • Problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • Problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • Ulcer in the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects

The most common side effects from Viagra are:

  • Hypertension and hypotension;
  • Hearing problems;
  • Anemia;
  • Vision problems;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Tachycardia.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Viagra interacts with certain drugs as follows:

  • It is forbidden to use Viagra in combination with nitrates (cardilate, nitroglycerin, etc.) This can lead to a heart attack.
  • The combined use of Viagra with beta blockers, erythromycin and cimetidine is prohibited.

Viagra cannot be mixed with alcohol, and this is one of its main disadvantages, since intimate intimacy often involves prior drinking. The price of 1 Viagra tablet is around 250 rubles.

What to choose: Viagra, Cialis or Levitra

So, which is better: Viagra, Cialis or Levitra? It is important to understand that all 3 drugs have the same mechanism of interaction with the body, i.e. their effectiveness is quite comparable. All 3 drugs are the best in their field. However, there are nuances here.

Action speed

If we compare drugs in terms of the speed of onset of effect, Levitra wins: a man will feel its effect within half an hour. In turn, Viagra gives the same effect only after 1 hour.

Duration of action

The longest-acting drug is Cialis. It is able to provide the desired effect for 1.5 days, while Viagra and Levitra can boast only 5-6 hours.

Admissibility of the product for the elderly

Older people often need generics. And the most important thing for them is that the medicine causes as few side effects as possible. In this regard, Viagra is the leader - it will not cause anything worse than mild nausea and headache.

Generic Levitra, Viagra or Cialis - which is better? This question is often asked to specialists in the field of male sexual dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction has become one of the most common diseases. According to experts, every fifth man experiences a lack of erection at least once in his life. Most often, ED occurs in people over 40 years of age, although young guys are also susceptible to the disease.

Generics Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are used by modern medicine to restore erection. These drugs have almost completely replaced previously existing traditional remedies. They are widely used due to their high level of efficiency. Each of them has its own characteristics, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with before taking it. In this comparative review, we will take a closer look at the characteristics of these drugs so that you can determine the best option for yourself.

Generic Levitra, Viagra, Cialis are drugs belonging to the group Blood vessels leading to the cavernous bodies of the penis are lined with smooth muscle cells. They compress the arteries, preventing blood from entering the penis. To relax smooth muscles, cyclic guanosine monophosphate is needed. With its release, the process of erection begins. However, cGMP can be broken down by the PDE5 enzyme. To help a man maintain an erection, drugs have been developed that block the action of phosphodiesterase. Smooth muscle cells also line the blood vessels in the lungs. Therefore, PDE5 inhibitors can be used to treat pulmonary hypertension.


Truly effective treatment of erectile dysfunction became possible with the advent of drugs such as generics Cialis, Viagra, Levitra. A comparison of the main characteristics of these drugs is given below. So that everyone can better understand the existing PDE5 inhibitors, we decided to first go into detail about each drug separately.

Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate)

So, which drug is better - Cialis, Viagra or Levitra? Let's go in order. Viagra was the first to appear on pharmacy shelves. The active ingredient is Sildenafil, developed by Pfizer. It was originally created to combat angina pectoris. However, clinical trials have shown that Sildenafil does not perform well for this purpose. But it turned out that the drug is effective in the fight against male impotence. In approximately 84% of cases, Viagra helped achieve a stable erection.

Levitra (Vardenafil)

Comparative characteristics of all drugs are given below. In the meantime, let's get acquainted with the next medicine for potency. The resounding success of Sildenafil has stimulated scientists to develop new means of combating impotence. The following active ingredient appeared in the Bayer laboratory. The effect after using Vardenafil lasts for a slightly longer period. In addition, many men note that Levitra acts more gently.

Cialis (Tadalafil)

The youngest of this trio is Cialis. The active ingredient Tadalafil has a very long period of action. It was approved for sale in the United States in 2003. The development of the active substance was carried out by the pharmacological company GlaxoSmithKline. This is the only drug approved for daily use. It is also used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Operating principle

The mechanism of action of Levitra, Cialis and Viagra is absolutely the same. These medications help release nitric oxide and relax the smooth muscles of the penis. At the same time, blood circulation increases. Blood begins to move faster through the arteries, improving the functioning of the entire body. It is absorbed in large quantities into the cavernous bodies. This leads to their strong increase and, as a result, the appearance of a powerful erection. It should be noted that the described mechanism only works in the presence of a sexual stimulus. Otherwise, even after taking the pill, the sexual organ will be at rest.


Generics Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, which you can read about on our website, have different dosing conditions. For Sildenafil, the recommended dose is 50 mg. If no effect is observed, you can increase the amount of active ingredient to 100 mg. Higher dosage tablets must be divided into 2 or more parts. They are usually purchased to save money. Doctors recommend taking Levitra and Cialis 10 mg each. Maximum dose 20 mg. Tadalafil 2.5 mg can be used for daily use. For all drugs there is a single rule - you can take the medicine only once within 24 hours.

Side effects

The drugs Cialis, Levitra, Viagra can cause a variety of side effects. We list only the most common ones:

  • Viagra - stuffy nose, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, upset stomach;
  • Levitra - headache, nausea, flushing, upset stomach, nasal congestion;
  • Cialis - upset stomach, headache, back pain.

As a rule, all PDE-5 inhibitors are well tolerated by the body. Visual abnormalities can occur after taking Viagra and very rarely after taking Levitra. These two drugs do not contribute to the appearance of myalgia (back pain) as after Cialis. Side effects of Tadalafil last longer, but are less pronounced than from other active ingredients.

Precautions and contraindications

Before, we strongly recommend that you read the list of precautions and contraindications. All PDE5 inhibitors are absolutely contraindicated in men taking organic nitrates. The simultaneous use of erection pills and alpha-blockers is currently allowed. However, the dose of the latter should be stable.

Generics Viagra and Levitra have moderate vasodilating and hypotensive properties. Therefore, they cannot be used for certain diseases (uncontrolled hypertension, unstable angina, kidney and liver diseases). Cialis is contraindicated for people for whom sexual activity is considered inappropriate. If you have kidney or liver disease, the dosage of the drug should be strictly limited.


The characteristics of generic drugs Levitra, Cialis, Viagra vary quite a lot. This must be taken into account when changing or selecting medications. Sildenafil and Vardenafil have almost identical half-lives. The onset and duration of action are the same. Tadalafil starts working later, but the effect lasts much longer.

All PDE5 inhibitors are primarily excreted in the feces. A small amount is removed through the kidneys. The long period of action of Cialis allows you to take fewer medications and makes it possible to make sudden acquaintances without problems. Below is a table showing the main differences between the drugs.

Table 1. Comparative characteristicsSildenafil Tadalafil Vardenafil - PDE-5 inhibitors
Active substanceSildenafilVardenafilTadalafil
Diseases for which it can be usedErectile dysfunction, pulmonary arterial hypertension, high altitude pulmonary edemaErectile dysfunction, premature ejaculationErectile dysfunction, pulmonary arterial hypertension, benign prostatic hyperplasia
Efficacy in treating erectile dysfunction82-84% 80% 81%
Release formTablets, capsules, lozenges, instant tabletsTablets, lozengesTablets, capsules, lozenges
Time after which the effect appears30 min25 min16-45 min
Duration of action4-5 hours4-6 hoursup to 36 hours
Recommended dose50 mg10 mg10 mg
Food addictionRecommended to be taken on an empty stomachHigh-calorie lunch may delay effectsAction does not depend on food intake