Causes of eye inflammation in dogs and symptoms of underlying diseases. Cloudy eye, cloudy eye in dogs

Dog diseases problems affecting the organs of vision do not always occur clearly. Owners may not notice the pathology on early stages, therefore such ailments often develop to serious symptoms. Only an attentive dog breeder is able to distinguish the deviation at the very beginning of its appearance.

Redness, unusual discharge from the eyes - the first signs that not everything is in order with your pet’s vision. If they are detected, you must immediately contact a veterinarian. Timely diagnosis will allow you to cure the dog before irreparable complications arise.

Eye diseases in dogs can be of 3 types:

  1. Infectious– occur when infected with viruses, bacteria, etc. primary disease or a complication of infection of another organ.
  2. Non-infectious– mechanical damage, neoplasms, inflammation due to improper eyelash growth, eversion of the eyelids.
  3. Congenital– characteristic of some breeds, for example, Shar Pei. Includes eversion, entropion of the eyelids, deformations of the eyes and lenses. Mostly corrected surgically.

Each disease has a characteristic description, diagnostic methods and treatment.


Blepharospasm in a dog in the photo

Symptoms of blepharospasm in dogs

Blepharospasm – voluntary fast reduction muscle tissue century It is quite simple to recognize this disease in a dog by rapid blinking, almost without stopping. In addition, the area around the eyes and the eyelids themselves swell noticeably. Touching them causes pain in your pet.

Exudate—liquid—accumulates in the corners of the eyes. Photophobia is observed - the animal begins to hide from light sources, go into the shadows on the street, constantly lowers its head and squints.

The pathology is not dangerous in itself, but indicates the presence of infection or inflammation in the body. Often the cause is spasm trigeminal nerve. Treatment is selected based on the original source. You cannot choose therapy for blepharospasm on your own.


This is what keratitis looks like in dogs

In the photo there is an eye disease - keratitis

Keratitis is inflammation of the eye cornea. The disease causes significant discomfort to the dog and threatens serious complications in the future. visual system. Keratitis occurs due to mechanical injuries, burns, acute vitamin deficiencies, infectious diseases (hepatitis, enteritis, plague), allergic reactions. They can also affect dogs with diabetes mellitus, weakened immune and endocrine system. IN in rare cases develops at the genetic level.

Keratitis can be determined by swelling of the eye and conjunctiva, cloudy cornea and lens, purulent discharge of white, yellow and gray shades. There is profuse lacrimation and photophobia. The white turns red eye shell– rough. There may be frequent blinking in an attempt to clear vision. Symptoms appear within 2-4 hours of infection or injury.

Keratitis threatens the development of glaucoma, cataracts, and loss of vision. Treatment depends on the cause of the appearance. General procedures for all forms of pathology - rinsing with a solution of furatsilin or another antiseptic, drops of levomecithin, applying erythromycin ointment, a course of oral antibiotic. Pain relief injections may be prescribed and hypoallergenic diet. On average, treatment gives effect in 1-2 months.

Photo of third eyelid prolapse in a dog

Signs of third eyelid prolapse

Third eyelid prolapse is often called " cherry eye" With such a disease eyeball turns red and swollen, looking like ripe cherries. At this time, the third eyelid loses its tone and gathers into a “rag” towards the corner of the eye. Bilateral prolapse is extremely rare; the disease usually affects one eye. The causes may lie in infections, but more often they are hereditary. Spaniels, bulldogs and hounds are especially susceptible to the pathology.

Prolapse is dangerous due to inflammation of the conjunctiva and corneas, as it interferes with the normal hydration of the eye. Prolapse of the third eyelid can only be corrected surgically. Moisturizing drops are prescribed as maintenance therapy.


Symptoms of conjunctivitis in dogs

Conjunctivitis in a dog in the photo

Conjunctivitis is the most common eye infection in dogs. It is expressed in dysfunction of the conjunctival mucosa and is often infectious in nature. In addition, the causes may be allergies, viruses, clogged tear ducts, trauma. foreign body, irritation due to drooping eyelids or ingrown eyelashes.

The symptoms are pronounced: the conjunctiva turns red, swells, discharge of tears and pus appears, the third eyelid may swell, and slight squint and frequent blinking. The dog begins to rub his eye with his paw, becomes restless and whines.

Treatment includes antibacterial drugs, application of tetracycline ointment and instillation of special drops.


This is how cataracts appear in dogs

Signs of cataracts in the photo

Cataract is expressed in severe clouding of the lens of the eye, its swelling and increased intraocular pressure. The disease may appear due to exposure to toxic substances, tissue wear and tear with age, or be congenital. Cataracts are dangerous due to complete or partial loss of vision as a result of rupture of the tissues of the eyeball.

Drug treatment is practiced (viceine drops, catachorma, vitamin compositions), but is considered ineffective. The result is achieved only surgical intervention followed by maintenance therapy.


Blepharitis in a dog in the photo

Manifestation of blepharitis in a dog

Blepharitis is often combined with other eye pathologies and reflects serious infections. It must be treated urgently in accordance with the cause. The veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics, antimicrobial or antiallergic medications, compresses and saline washes. Therapy is individual in each case.

Ectropion and entropion

Entropion of the eyelid (entropion) in a dog

In the photo there is entropion in a dog (entropion of the eyelid)

Ectropion and entropion – medical names eversion and inversion of the eyelids. Both diseases usually develop in parallel, so they are practically not separated. They are expressed in a change in the shape of the eyelids (turning outwards or inwards), loss of their natural functions. When eversion occurs, the eyeball is left without moisture and protection from germs. When curled, the eyelashes irritate the pupil and can grow into the protein tissue. In both cases, the dog begins to blink constantly, profuse lacrimation occurs, and the animal experiences pain.

Treatment is surgical when the dog is an adult, when its growth has stopped. In the early stages and during recovery after surgery, medical support is provided with hormones, antiseptics, and moisturizing drops.

Shar-Peis, Staffordshire Terriers, Dachshunds, Great Danes, Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, Basset Hounds, Great Danes, Spaniels and Ridgebacks are particularly susceptible to the disease.

Dermatitis of the century

Eyelid dermatitis in a dog in the photo

Manifestation of eyelid dermatitis in a dog

Dermatitis is not considered an independent eye disease, but often develops into a more serious pathologies. At its core, dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin on the outside of the eyelids. They turn red, become covered with moist areas (sometimes with pus with an unpleasant odor), and peel off.

The eyes gradually turn sour, swell, and the conjunctiva becomes infected pathogenic organisms. Often seen in dogs with long hair, overhanging folds of forehead skin and drooping ears.

Treatment with antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections and ointments, antimicrobial drops is necessary. Rinsing with sterile solutions is also carried out. The fur from the ears, forehead and eyelids is neatly trimmed; some pets require a collar to prevent eye scratching.

Corneal ulcer

The dog has a corneal ulcer

Signs of Corneal Ulcers in Dogs

One of the most common eye diseases in dogs. Also called ulcerative keratitis. It is expressed in inflammation of the upper layer of the epithelium of the eyes. The tissue becomes thinner, wears out, becomes covered with ulcers, gradually growing into one large wound. All layers of the epithelium are affected.

Watery eyes appear, pus is released, the outline of the pupil blurs, and the white of the pupil turns red. The color of the cornea may change. The dog begins to squint, close its paws and lower its eyes. It may develop into a chronic form.

Occurs due to physical damage to the skin, infection, burns chemicals as complications acute conjunctivitis, volvulus and neoplasms. It is rarely hereditary.

Treatment ranges from surgical excision of the affected tissue to conservative treatment. Medication methods take up to six months, drugs are selected strictly individually.

Lens luxation

Symptoms of lens luxation in a dog

The photo shows a dislocated lens

Lens luxation (or luxation) involves displacement of the corresponding part of the eye from the hyaloid fossa. Dislocation can be partial or complete. It occurs for reasons of genetic congestion, due to glaucoma, cataracts or as a complication severe injuries and infections. May lead to loss visual function, therefore it is considered serious illness. Most susceptible different types terriers.

Dislocation occurs after the ligaments of the lens and ciliary line are torn. The pupil becomes deformed, moves away from the center and swells, and the shape of the apple may change. The movement of fluid in the ocular body is disrupted.

Treatment is carried out surgical correction. The earlier the stage of the disease, the more positive the prognosis for saving the eye. After removal of the lens, an intraocular lens implant is placed. In rare cases, implantation of the entire eyeball is indicated.

Eyeball luxation

The dog suffered a dislocated eyeball

This is how a dislocated eyeball manifests itself in a dog.

It consists in the exit of the eyeball from the orbit behind the eyelid completely or partially. Called mechanical damage bones of the head and temples, large muscle tension as a result of the shallow depth of the bony orbit.

The apple extends far beyond its natural boundaries, the conjunctiva swells, dries out, and takes the form of a hanging cushion. Such a dislocation threatens with blindness, ulcers, and necrosis of eye tissue. Often found in Pekingese Japanese Chins and similar breeds.

As first aid for loss, it is suggested to carefully irrigate the apple with a solution of furatsilin or novocaine to reduce pain and prevent drying out. It is corrected surgically under anesthesia after excision of the eyelid adhesion. A fixing suture is applied, which is removed after a few days. Then corticosteroid therapy is used to relieve inflammation.

Treatment of eye diseases in dogs

How to treat eye diseases in dogs - the question individual approach. Only a thorough diagnosis gives full view about the causes, forms of the disease, possible methods fix the problem.

Ointments and drops are used to treat various eye diseases.

Treatment of eye diseases in dogs is carried out with different drugs, but has general principles:

  • for applying binders and antiviral ointments bandages are used;
  • before instilling drops, the eyes are washed to remove pus and other secretions (tea brewing or saline solution works well);
  • antibacterial drugs are most often administered intramuscularly after testing for sensitivity to medications of the selected group;
  • at acute forms inflammation, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are combined.

Important. Dogs' eyes are very sensitive to drops, so dosages and precautions must be observed. In case of a moderate course of the disease, it is enough to drip 2-6 times a day, in case of acute disease – up to 10 times. The number of drops is determined only by the doctor.

It is also important to wear a collar or socks on the paws to prevent the dog from scratching its sore eyes. At purulent discharge A diet with a minimum of fermentation products will not hurt. Clean pieces of bandage, cotton pads or lint-free swabs are suitable for washing the eyes.

Daily careful monitoring of your pet’s condition and regular hygiene are the key to the health of his eyes. Detection warning signs at the first stages of its appearance, it will allow you to cure the dog as quickly as possible, preserving its full vision. Genetic predisposition must be found out when purchasing a puppy by asking the breeder or previous owner about the medical history of the dog’s parents and relatives.

We offer you to watch a video in which a veterinarian talks about eye diseases in animals. We wish you pleasant viewing!

We can judge the health and mood of our dog by its eyes. A healthy animal has bright, shiny, lively eyes. But suddenly you noticed that your pet’s gaze has changed - it has become clouded, it has become “extinguished.”

What could be the reason for this change? This process, just like in humans, is age-related or is the dog sick? To answer this question, you need to consider the reasons that lead to cloudy eyes.

Causes of cloudy eyes in dogs

Can you imagine how it works? dog eye? First of all, we pay attention to the iris - this is the circle around the pupil, usually brown color, but some dogs also have blue.

The iris is covered on top by a transparent cornea, and deeper behind it is the eye lens or crystalline lens - a hard transparent disc through which light enters the retina. The retina consists of nerve cells, forming optic nerve, which is responsible for transmitting signals from the eye to the brain.

The lens performs very important function- changing its shape allows the dog to see both near and far. In the very center of the lens there is a nucleus, which is covered with additional layers throughout the life of the animal. As a result of this layering, the lens thickens and becomes cloudy with age.

Other reasons why a dog might develop a spot on its eye are due to:

  • hereditary factors;
  • diseases such as diabetes;
  • eye injuries;
  • poor living conditions for the animal, poor nutrition;
  • degenerative processes occurring in the eye;
  • inflammatory and infectious eye diseases.

As we can see, there are many reasons for clouding, so at the first changes in a dog’s eye, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Pathologies causing the formation of a cataract

As a result of a number of inflammatory, infectious diseases or trauma accompanied by damage to the cornea of ​​the eye, the dog may develop a cicatricial clouding of the cornea, the so-called leukoma or cataract.

Sometimes a cataract forms in a puppy when intrauterine development if the mother had an infection during pregnancy. Leukoma can involve the entire cornea or part of it and at the same time has the appearance of a grayish, shiny film that covers the eye.

Nuclear sclerosis of the eye

We have already mentioned that over the course of a dog's life, the core of the lens thickens and becomes less transparent over time. This process is called nuclear sclerosis of the eye and is common to all dogs. The degree of sclerotization of the nucleus is different for each animal and depends only on general condition dog, its heredity and a combination of many other factors.

The first symptom of sclerosis is a cloudy, bluish spot that appears next to the pupil. Lens damage occurs in adult dogs over six to seven years of age. In this case, the process most often affects both eyes and proceeds quite slowly.

This condition does not have a strong effect on the animal. negative influence- nothing hurts, only his vision gradually deteriorates, and since this happens over a long period of time, the dog has time to get used to the changes and lives a full life.


Cataract is a more serious disease in which young animals can also lose vision, and some breeds have genetic predisposition to the development of this disease, but most often it is the result of aging of the lens.

Accompanied by the accumulation of fluid under the outer membrane, as a result we see the dog’s cloudy eye. There are many causes of conjunctivitis - inflammation, allergies and exposure to foreign objects, and much more.


Extremely serious illness is glaucoma in dogs, leading to strong decline vision, and perhaps to complete loss his. First, the outer surface of the eye becomes cloudy and takes on a bluish tint. Due to the fact that the disease is accompanied by high eye pressure, the dog has painful sensations, and the eye may bulge greatly from its orbit.

Primary glaucoma is hereditary and develops first in one eye and then moves to the other. Secondary glaucoma develops as a consequence of an existing eye disease.

Corneal dystrophy

Corneal dystrophy is transmitted genetically. Depending on the area in which the change in the cornea of ​​the eye occurs, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • epithelial form - the cycle of the epithelium, which protects and moisturizes the cornea, is disrupted, and clouding of the eye and lacrimation are observed;
  • stromal form, which is accompanied by the deposition of salts, fats and other substances in the stroma of the eye, resulting in clouding of the cornea;
  • endothelial form - a pathology in which inner layer endothelium, passes fluid from the anterior chamber of the eye into the stroma and causes swelling and clouding of the eye, and may be accompanied by keratitis - the appearance of inflammatory foci on the cornea.


For inflammation blood vessels located in the eye, uevitis occurs. This complex disease is secondary and its cause is inflammation somewhere in the dog’s body. With uevitis, the eyes become red and cloudy, and the animal experiences severe discomfort, lacrimation, and fear of light.


Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye, which is a consequence of infectious diseases that the dog suffers from, poisoning the body with toxins or conjunctivitis.

Treatment of any of the pathologies described above should begin as early as possible in order to exclude severe complications, have time to slow down the process and preserve the dog’s vision.

Treatment and prevention

How to treat a cataract in a dog? Cloudy eyes are not independent disease, but a symptom of some other illness. Therefore, in order to cope with this problem, you must first find out what the root cause is, and only then begin treatment. Put correct diagnosis and appoint complex treatment, only a professional doctor can, which means treatment begins with a trip to the veterinary clinic.

If your pet is diagnosed with nuclear sclerosis or age-related cataracts, then hope for complete cure It’s not worth it, because this is a natural process that will slowly but surely develop. However, at the first signs of these diseases, treatment with large doses of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant drugs can be carried out, which will help slow down the process.

Conjunctivitis is treated with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agents, by washing the eyes and putting ointments in them. IN severe cases a course of antibiotic injections is prescribed. If conjunctivitis is allergic, then contact with the allergen is excluded and appropriate medications are used.

In case of glaucoma, the efforts of doctors are aimed at reducing intraocular pressure and relieve pain in the dog. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to cure glaucoma in dogs, as in humans. If the process is severely advanced, then the eye even has to be removed.

In case of dystrophic diseases of the cornea in dogs, they also try to stop the process with the help of various complexes of vitamins and antioxidants. If the corneal lesion has large area, then they try to correct the situation with surgery, but after it scars remain that affect the quality of vision. This operation is expensive and does not always lead to the desired result.

Uevitis is treated with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, which are dropped into the eyes or placed in the form of ointments.

The health of your pets is in your hands, so watch them closely, contact a veterinarian on time and do not self-medicate! The eye is a very delicate structure, which can suffer greatly if not treated properly, so only a professional can properly help your dog.

A dog's keen eyesight is not as important as it would be for an eagle, but dogs still rely heavily on their eyes. Basically, like all animals. Therefore, eye diseases in dogs need to be treated immediately after they are detected, without starting the process.

This is the name for the rapid and unconscious contraction of the muscles of the eyelid, as a result of which the animal blinks non-stop. In addition, photophobia is observed, when the dog cannot look at the light at all, and exudate is released from the eye. How dangerous is this condition for your pet? This pathology itself is not fatal, but...

In almost all cases, blepharospasm is not independent disease. Rather, this is a sign that extremely unfavorable conditions are occurring in the animal’s body. pathological processes. So, sometimes this condition can be a “hint” of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. In general, blepharospasm can very often be observed with any trauma or inflammatory diseases of the eye. The organ itself often swells, and upon palpation the dog shows signs of a pain reaction.

There are no specific treatment methods, since this eliminates the underlying disease that caused the blepharospasm. To deprive an animal discomfort, drops with lidocaine or other anesthetic used in ophthalmology can be used. There is no need to use these medications at home! Many of them are used only in ophthalmology due to increased toxicity. general surgery requires such doses that can easily poison a dog. So leave the use of such specific drugs to experienced veterinarians.

Third eyelid prolapse, also known as Cherry Eye

A pathology in which the third eyelid slips out of its place and ends up in the corner of the eye (which is clearly visible in the photo). Prolapse most often manifests itself on only one side, but there are also cases of bilateral pathology. The disease received its second name because of the specific type of eyeball, which really looks like an overripe cherry. The causes of “cherry eye” have not been fully identified, but usually the appearance of this disease is caused by a weakening of those tissues that usually hold the third eyelid in its “rightful” place.

In some breeds this attachment is initially weak, so cases of prolapse in these animals occur regularly. Among these, almost all hounds have been spotted. There is information about hereditary predisposition. If at least one parent has a tendency to prolapse of the third eyelid, it will inevitably manifest itself in the offspring. If a description of something similar appears in the dog’s veterinary record, you should not buy such a puppy.

Read also: Arthritis in dogs: types of disease and treatment methods

Deadly dangerous disease this one is not. But! Firstly, it definitely doesn’t add “salesmanship” to the dog. Secondly, with prolapse, the functionality of the lacrimal gland is disrupted, which can already lead to keratitis and conjunctivitis. So this disease should also be treated without delay.

Treatment, alas, often consists of surgery, since an eyelid that has fallen out once will fall out again. The problem here is (the intervention itself is not too complicated) that during surgery the lacrimal gland suffers, and therefore the dog will have to put drops in the eyes or special drugs, or a simple saline solution (sterile, of course).

Dermatitis of the century

Of course, dermatitis is difficult to consider as an eye disease, but in this case these pathologies are absolutely interrelated. The skin of the eyelids becomes inflamed, becomes wet, and cases of suppuration are common. Naturally, under such conditions, the migration of pathogenic microflora into the conjunctival cavity becomes only a matter of time... Moreover, this pathology is typical for long-haired dogs and breeds with long ears.

Clinical signs are quite characteristic: the skin on the eyelids becomes red and inflamed, suppuration is possible, and extreme bad smell. Souring of the eyes occurs, and exudative discharge appears. This disease is treated by prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics. The hair in the affected area must be cut off and applied to the skin. antiseptic ointments. Antimicrobial drugs are instilled into the eyes and washed with sterile saline solution. To prevent the animal from rubbing or scratching its eyes, a surgical collar is used.


It is not difficult to guess that this is what they are called eye diseases in dogs, the main symptom of which is inflammation of the conjunctival membrane and adjacent tissues. Most often it has an infectious etiology. The clinical picture includes the following signs:

  • A pinkish or even reddish tint to all visible mucous membranes.
  • These same tissues (like the eyelids) can swell noticeably.
  • Tears and discharge appear from the eyes, and the characteristics of the latter can vary from ordinary watery discharge to pus.
  • A piece of the third eyelid may protrude from the inner corner of the eye (as we just discussed above). At the same time, novice breeders may even think that the dog’s eye “rolled out.”
  • , constant flashing. Moreover, in the latter case the process can clearly cause pain to the dog; it constantly rubs its eyes with its paws and whines.
  • Clouding of the cornea (although this may indicate).

Read also: Strabismus - causes and treatment of strabismus in dogs

As for the causes of this disease, they (as already mentioned) most often have an infectious background. But this is not always the case:

  • Viruses.
  • Chlamydia is a fairly common cause.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Inflammation or blockage of the tear ducts, due to which the conjunctival cavity does not receive sufficient moisture.
  • Foreign body in the eye.
  • Irritating substances that enter the conjunctival cavity.
  • (when eyelashes literally scrape the delicate tissues of the eye).
  • Varied.

So how to treat this unpleasant pathology? Firstly, it all depends on the root cause. Various antibacterial agents, including drops and ointments (tetracycline, for example). It all depends on the results of the tests taken and on the recommendations of your veterinarian.

Eversion and inversion of the eyelid

Ectropion and entropion – scientific names eversion and accordingly. Both pathologies are truly “canine”, since they are much less common in cats and other domestic animals. Great Danes, Newfoundlands and some spaniels are especially susceptible. So this is hereditary diseases eyes in dogs.

Both pathologies should be considered together, since these varieties often develop in parallel to each other. Of course, eversion of the eyelids, unlike entropion, rarely leads to truly serious problems for the animal. But here it all comes down to the fact that the eye, left without reliable cover, becomes predisposed to the introduction of pathogenic microflora. In addition to directly surgical manifestations, in sick dogs multiple discharges from the eyes are visible, they blink constantly, and when you press on the eyeball, a strong pain reaction appears. Dogs with ectropion suffer from drying out of the conjunctival membrane, which is fraught with other serious disorders.

A certain type of case should be considered a separate pathology, in which eyelashes begin to grow incorrectly, literally growing into the eye. This disease takes a long time to develop, sometimes over several years. The symptoms are similar to bloat, that is, animals constantly have watery eyes, pus flows, pain occurs when pressing, but in this case clinical picture worsens more slowly.

This eye disease in dogs is treated exclusively surgically. It is only important to note that it is advisable to perform the operation on an adult animal in which the process of changing the size of the eyes has already stopped. To relieve symptoms of the disease, use antiseptic ointments and drops, hormonal drugs and other medicines. Only in very rare cases, when the inversion or inversion (which is generally rare) of the eyelids is insignificant, is it possible conservative treatment. In any case, the decision here rests with the veterinarian.

There are many dog ​​diseases that owners may not be aware of until the disease develops and manifests itself as serious symptoms. Such diseases include most pathologies affecting the animal’s organs of vision. What eye diseases in dogs should you pay attention to in order to find out as early as possible that the dog is not healthy? After all, early diagnosis allows you to treat your pet in a timely manner before complications arise.

If your pet begins to blink quickly and without stopping, then this is a sure sign of blepharospasm - an accelerated and unconscious contraction of the muscle tissue of the eyelids. In addition, the following symptoms are present:

  • the eye and the inflamed area around it may swell;
  • palpation causes pain;
  • the pet exhibits photophobia, that is, it avoids looking at the light;
  • Inflammatory fluid is released from the eyes - exudate.

Given in itself pathological condition is not dangerous, but its manifestation should alert the owner, since blepharospasm is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of inflammatory or infectious processes eyes, for example, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

There is no separate treatment for blepharospasm, since it disappears only after the root cause is eliminated, that is, the disease that caused this condition is cured.

For pain relief, special drugs used in ophthalmology are used, for example, Ledocaine. Without certain skills, such tools cannot be used! Most of them, due to high content toxins, is used only in this area and, if the dosage is incorrect, can poison the pet.

Third eyelid prolapse: symptoms and treatment

This disease has another name - “cherry eye”, it is due to the fact that the eyeball really becomes like an overripe cherry berry. With this pathology, the dog's third eyelid leaves its usual place and ends up in the corner of the eye. In most cases, only one eye is affected, but bilateral prolapse also occurs.

Modern medicine has not yet fully figured out the reasons similar condition, but most often moves out of place due to the weakness of the tissues that hold it. There are breeds of dogs in which this condition is congenital and all representatives have a tendency to exhibit “cherry eye.” These include: bulldogs, hounds.

Research has shown that the disease can be hereditary. If the dog’s parents, or at least one of them, have a predisposition to this pathology, then it will certainly manifest itself in subsequent generations. If when purchasing a pet similar diagnosis written on the card, it is better to refuse the purchase.

The disease does not threaten the life of the animal, but there are several negative aspects:

  • the pet's appearance deteriorates;
  • dogs with this disease are not the best option for breeding;
  • prolapse affects the activity of the lacrimal glands, which provokes frequent inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva () and cornea of ​​the eye ().

Definitely this disease requires timely treatment and most often it consists of surgical intervention. This is due to the fact that once the eyelid falls out, it will constantly leave its place.

The operation itself is not complicated, but it leads to dysfunction of the lacrimal gland. The pet owner will need to carry out maintenance therapy throughout his life - use eye drops or saline solution to moisturize the mucous membranes of the eyeball.

Clinical manifestations and therapy of eyelid dermatitis in dogs

This disease cannot be called an eye disease, but the pathology often develops into an eye disease. Among the main features are the following:

  • develops inflammatory process on skin eyelids, they turn red;
  • wet areas appear;
  • pus may appear;
  • the dog has an unpleasant, nauseating odor;
  • eyes turn sour;
  • Exudate (inflammatory fluid) is released from the eyes.

In such conditions, it is quite logical that over time pathogenic microorganisms extend to the conjunctiva. More often this disease Diagnosed in pets with long hair and floppy ears.

Antibiotic drugs that have wide range actions. The hair from the affected areas must be cut off, and a special ointment with an antiseptic effect is applied to the skin. You need to put medications in your eyes antimicrobial action, before doing this, it is advisable to wash them with saline solution, which must be sterile.

In order to prevent your pet from scratching the sore eyelids, a medical collar is used.

Symptoms and treatment of conjunctivitis

Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes is the most common eye disease in both humans and animals, which in most cases is infectious in nature. In addition, the causes of the disease may be:

  • viruses;
  • inflammatory process in tear ducts or their clogging (in this case the conjunctiva is left without the necessary moisture);
  • getting a foreign object into the eye;
  • irritant substances that have penetrated the area of ​​the conjunctival cavity;
  • irritation resulting from inversion of the eyelid (eyelashes damage eye tissue);
  • mycoses.

The clinical picture looks like this:

  • the mucous membranes of the eyes become pink or red;
  • the tissues of the eyes and eyelids may swell;
  • discharge appears from the eyes - this can be clear tear fluid, watery exudate or purulent clots;
  • in inner corner part of the third eyelid may appear - dog owners who have no experience may think that this is a bulging eye.

Your pet may have squint or constant blinking. The last sign can be painful; in this case, the dog will be restless, often rub its eyes and whine pitifully.

Often conjunctivitis is accompanied by the same symptom as with keratitis - clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye.

If we talk about the treatment of the disease, it depends on the cause of inflammation of the conjunctiva. Most often, therapy includes the use of antibacterial drugs - drops, ointments and other forms medicines. Among external medications, the most popular is tetracycline ointment.

But before prescribing treatment, the veterinarian must conduct a thorough diagnosis, study tests, and only after receiving the results decide on therapy.

Ectropion and entropion: symptoms and treatment

If we talk in simple language, That we're talking about about eversion and enversion of the eyelids in dogs. These pathologies can be called truly canine ailments, since they are diagnosed extremely rarely in other animals.

The diseases are hereditary, and representatives of the following breeds are especially susceptible to them: Staffordshire Terriers, Shar-Peis, Great Danes, Ridgebacks, Dachshunds, Newfoundlands, some types of spaniels, and St. Bernards.

When considering these ailments (volvulus and eversion), they can be combined, since they often develop in parallel. Of course, turning up the eyelids leads to more serious consequences, however, their eversion leaves the eyeball without any protection from pathogenic pathogens.

Except pathological change appearance of the eyes, these diseases are accompanied by the release of fluid, constant blinking, and when pressure is applied, the animal feels pain.

With ectropion, the conjunctiva is deprived of moisture and dries out, which can cause the development of keratitis and other serious disorders.

Sometimes inversion of the eyelids leads to ingrowth of eyelashes into the eye tissue and this ailment is already considered an independent disease.

Treatment of eversion and entropion of the eyelids is most often carried out surgically, and it can only be carried out in adults whose growth has stopped. Conservative therapy takes place, but only if the pathology is in initial stage development.

To eliminate the symptoms and causes of the disease, antibacterial agents, antiseptics, hormone therapy and other medications are used.

Eye diseases in dogs are difficult to recognize; the manifestation of pathologies in the early stages is not always noticeable. An ignorant, inexperienced, or simply inattentive amateur dog breeder may miss the first signs indicating a disease. With proper care and periodic examination of the dog (it is necessary to examine the ears, mouth, eyes, paws), you should definitely note copious discharge from the eyes, redness of the mucous membrane of the eyelids and other symptoms that clearly indicate that not everything is all right with the pet. If such signs are detected, you should contact your veterinarian.

Eye diseases in dogs are invisible at first

Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine farsightedness or myopia in dogs, but the symptoms inflammatory diseases, including cataracts, is pronounced. Conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, cataracts – frequent illnesses eyes in dogs, symptoms of similar diseases:

  1. Discharge from the eyes.
  2. Redness of the membranes of the eyes, mucous membrane of the eyelids.
  3. Ocular discomfort, accompanied by itching, protrusion of the third eyelid.

As cataracts develop, the dog's pupil becomes gray or whitish due to clouding of the lens. Cataract is a disease of senility, observed in older dogs. Causes of cataracts - disorders immune system, metabolism, exposure to toxic substances. Treatment of cataracts is unpromising; through drops that help improve metabolism in the eye, it is possible to delay the development of the disease.

Pugs and Chihuahuas - specifics of eye diseases

Certain eye diseases in dogs are characteristic of certain breeds, for example, pugs and Chihuahuas are often affected. Due to the structural features of the skull and eye sockets, the eyes of pugs and Chihuahuas are bulging, large, and often dry out. Pugs are susceptible to “chronic corneal erosion,” and Chihuahuas are susceptible to the development of keratoconjunctivitis.

Untreated keratoconjunctivitis can (like any other advanced eye disease) lead to vision loss. The first signs of inflammation:

  1. Dullness, dullness of the eyes.
  2. A dog trying to rub its eyes with its paws.
  3. Thick green discharge.
  4. Frequent blinking.
  5. Corneal ulcers.
  6. Deterioration of vision is not always noticeable at first; dogs adapt and compensate for vision with their sense of smell (which is much more developed).

Corneal erosion in pugs manifests itself in clouding of the eye, accompanied by profuse lacrimation, even cramping of the eyelids. Can diagnose corneal erosion and keratoconjunctivitis veterinarian, prescribing the necessary treatment.

There are different types of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is a common disease and varies in nature: symptomatic conjunctivitis becomes an accompanying complication of the disease or an independent ailment. In both cases, they distinguish: acute, chronic, purulent and catarrhal conjunctivitis.

The causative agent of the disease is a virus, bacteria, microorganisms (chlamydia). The disease can be triggered by allergens and mechanical stress.

Conjunctivitis causes hyperemia choroid eyes. Manifestations of the disease: redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, profuse lacrimation, photophobia (expressed in involuntary closing of the eyelids, the so-called squinting), accumulation of exudate in the corners of the eyes. Purulent conjunctivitis accompanied by purulent thick discharge. During diagnosis, the doctor whom you turn to for help is obliged to find out whether conjunctivitis has become an independent disease or a symptom of another disease.