How to make an omelette with tomato paste. Scrambled eggs with tomato paste. Benefits of scrambled eggs with tomato paste

scrambled eggs with tomato paste rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A - 24.1%, beta-carotene - 14.3%, vitamin B2 - 13.5%, choline - 19.5%, vitamin B5 - 17.3%, vitamin B6 - 16.9%, vitamin C - 21.3%, vitamin H - 19.8%, vitamin PP - 12.8%, potassium - 17.5%, phosphorus - 14.5%, iron - 11.5% , cobalt - 151.6%, copper - 23.9%, molybdenum - 19.9%, selenium - 22.4%

Benefits of scrambled eggs with tomato paste

  • Vitamin A responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • B-carotene is provitamin A and has antioxidant properties. 6 mcg of beta carotene is equivalent to 1 mcg of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, helps to increase the color sensitivity of the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by impaired condition of the skin, mucous membranes, and impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Kholin is part of lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, and acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin B5 participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, promotes the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestines, supports the function of the adrenal cortex. A lack of pantothenic acid can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B6 participates in maintaining the immune response, processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, in the transformation of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, promotes the normal formation of red blood cells, maintaining normal levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by decreased appetite, impaired skin condition, and the development of homocysteinemia and anemia.
  • Vitamin C participates in redox reactions, the functioning of the immune system, and promotes the absorption of iron. Deficiency leads to loose and bleeding gums, nosebleeds due to increased permeability and fragility of blood capillaries.
  • Vitamin H participates in the synthesis of fats, glycogen, amino acid metabolism. Insufficient consumption of this vitamin can lead to disruption of the normal condition of the skin.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Iron is part of proteins of various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons and oxygen, ensures the occurrence of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, and atrophic gastritis.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in iron metabolism, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing oxygen to the tissues of the human body. Deficiency is manifested by disturbances in the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, and the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor for many enzymes that ensure the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

Step-by-step recipes for making scrambled eggs with tomatoes: how to deliciously cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage, cheese, onions

2018-06-08 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams of the finished dish

7 gr.

11 gr.


2 gr.

143 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for scrambled eggs with tomatoes

The dish, like most fried eggs, belongs to the fast category. We prepare it by chopping everything we need, even without a cutting board. You can get by with just a knife and a frying pan in which to serve the scrambled eggs.


  • 2-3 raw eggs;
  • butter - a slice of 25 grams;
  • young onion - a pair of stems;
  • a couple of pinches of salt and one of fine pepper;
  • medium-sized ripe tomato;

Step-by-step recipe for scrambled eggs with tomatoes

Melt the butter in a dry frying pan, turning on the burner underneath to moderate heat. Too high a temperature causes some of the oil to literally start to burn, while a low temperature does not allow the fat to be heated to the point where the food is fried rather than stewed. Rinse the tomato and dry it with a towel; you can cut it in absolutely any way, but try not to do it too large. It is quite convenient to dissolve the tomato pulp into slices of random size and shape, holding it directly above the frying pan, where you send the slices.

Even the tomato pieces throughout the pan, lightly press with a spatula and add salt. We warm it up for about three minutes, waiting for the juice to release abundantly and most of it to evaporate. Pepper the tomato, not too much; if you want to prepare a spicy dish, add hot pepper to the black pepper. Drop the eggs into a bowl and stir, if desired, or carefully pour into the pan, trying to preserve the yolks.

It is advisable to increase the cooking temperature; cover the pan with scrambled eggs if you want to bake the yolks and whites completely. For fried eggs, carefully running the tines of a fork and tilting the pan from side to side, try to separate the raw white from the yolks as much as possible and “move” it to the side. Season the dish with salt and sprinkle with chopped onions. To ensure that the yolks remain runny, immediately after the whites have set, transfer the scrambled eggs to a plate.

Option 2: Quick recipe for scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage - “Frittata”

To be more consistent with the original dish, sprinkle it with grated cheese, and, if possible, a mixture of several varieties. This product, already crushed, is sold in retail chains; you will need very little of it, so a small package will be enough for more than one breakfast.


  • a slice of homemade chicken sausage - 200 grams;
  • fresh eggs - 4 pieces;
  • a pair of ripe tomatoes;
  • coarse salt and freshly ground pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a handful of chopped parsley.

How to quickly cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage

Set aside half of one of the washed tomatoes, the riper one if possible. Cut the rest into small slices or cubes. Heat the oil, cut the sausage into not very thin circles into a frying pan. Fry until lightly browned on both sides and immediately collect on a plate.

Add crushed tomatoes to the hot fat, stirring and squeezing slightly with a spatula, allowing them to release plenty of juice. Add some salt, wait until the juice has mostly evaporated and the remainder begins to thicken, then return the sausage to the frying pan and quickly cut up the reserved tomato.

Scramble the eggs in a bowl with salt, pour over the entire area of ​​the pan and sprinkle thickly with parsley. Cover the pan and turn on maximum heat under it for half a minute. Lift the lid and make sure the egg whites are firmly set. Season the eggs as desired and cook over medium heat to desired doneness.

Option 3: Fried eggs with tomatoes and onions Georgian style

Pepper, solely for the beauty of the dish, choose green or yellow, and the red color of the scrambled eggs will be provided by the tomato. If you have frozen chopped peppers of different colors, it will turn out even more impressive.


  • one medium tomato and one sweet pepper each;
  • a handful of cilantro;
  • four raw eggs;
  • two small onions;
  • hops-suneli - to taste, depending on the freshness and aroma of the seasoning;
  • a pinch of salt, hot and black pepper;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • oil, lean - two tablespoons.

How to cook

Wash the cilantro, remove the leaves and discard the stems. Select a few beautiful leaves for decoration and crumble the rest. In the same bowl, release and add the eggs, pour in the milk and season with spices, stir and leave while preparing the vegetable part of the dish.

Having strongly heated the oil in a massive steel frying pan, add quarters of onion rings and a tomato cut into thin, short strips into it at the same time. Stirring, heat until the pepper begins to shrink and the onion begins to turn golden.

Cut the tomato into scrambled eggs into cubes, and add the juice released into the frying pan along with the pulp. Add salt and stir, reduce heat to moderate. As soon as the entire bottom of the pan is covered with tomato juice, pour in the egg mixture and immediately increase the temperature to maximum.

The scrambled eggs for this recipe will be ready when there is no liquid white or yolk left in the pan. Serve the dish with fresh unleavened flatbread or, conversely, stale bread made from second-grade flour.

Option 4: Bachelor scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cheese in bread

For these scrambled eggs in the style of a hot sandwich, you don’t even need to select cheese, any cheese will do, that’s the beauty of a bachelor’s kitchen. Have a slice of “Russian” lying around or didn’t like it and the cheese has already dried out? Very good, anything will do, even a stale sliced ​​loaf. The only immutable requirement is the freshness of the eggs.


  • slice of cheese - 50 grams;
  • small tomato;
  • any cooking fat;
  • four slices of bread;
  • two raw eggs.

Step by step recipe

Cut four pieces from the loaf, two thinner ones and a couple thicker ones. Heat no more than a teaspoon of oil in a frying pan and pour it into a saucer. When the heat is below medium, slightly dry the bread on one side and transfer to a plate.

We increase the temperature again, wipe the pan from crumbs with a napkin and pour oil from the saucer. Warm up and drain the oil again, lower the temperature and dry the back side of the bread slices.

Grate the cheese into thin shavings, cut 2-3 thin half-slices for each egg from the middle part of the tomato. After wiping the frying pan of crumbs, pour all the oil into it, both heated and fresh, and let it heat up for a while. Release the eggs and immediately add salt, place the chopped tomatoes on top of the yolks and press each with a separate slice of bread.

Let the egg set a little, turn the sandwich over and sprinkle with cheese, press with the second slices, the thinner ones. Heat under the lid for no more than a minute and immediately transfer to plates.

Option 5: Scrambled eggs in tomatoes with sausage and mushrooms

In order not to use extra dishes, you can get by with just one frying pan. Choose it according to the recommendations in the recipe, but change the size to the smallest one. First we fry the ham, and then sauté the mushrooms and onions. If you cook several servings at once in small frying pans, then this is even more convenient - you can serve them directly in them, placing them on small decorative boards.


  • large tomato - up to 350 grams;
  • onion;
  • a couple of champignons;
  • one raw egg;
  • salt, coarse and fine pepper;
  • a sprig of dill and parsley;
  • a spoonful of butter;
  • a slice of juicy ham.

How to cook

You will need about a tablespoon of onion, and a little more ham and mushrooms. Please also note that the products will shrink somewhat in size when cooked. Heat a massive, preferably steel, and definitely uncoated frying pan. Pour oil and leave to warm up.

Cut mushrooms, ham and onions into centimeter cubes. You can fry them at the same time if the size of the pan allows, since we will not mix the products. Spread everything in one layer, without mixing at first. Use a spatula to carefully turn over as it cooks. As a rule, the ham will brown earlier, put it in a saucer, and now you can mix the mushrooms and onions. Bring them to an appetizing amber color and also transfer them to a plate so that they do not burn.

Pour a spoonful of the remaining oil in the pan, of course, if it is not overcooked, into a small roasting pan. Cut the top off the washed tomato using a very sharp knife. Using a spoon with a thin scoop, remove all the pulp and partitions from the middle of the tomato, leaving only thin walls. Salt it from the inside and lightly pepper it, lay out the whole ham and as much mushroom sauté as will fit, leaving one and a half centimeters of empty space to the edges.

Pour the egg into the “stuffed” tomato and place the roasting pan in a very hot oven. About eight minutes later, assess the readiness of the egg, warm it a little more if necessary.

Step-by-step recipe for scrambled eggs with tomato paste with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Snacks, Scrambled eggs
  • Recipe difficulty: Simple recipe
  • Features: Diet Recipe
  • Preparation time: 8 minutes
  • Cooking time: 25 min
  • Number of servings: 4 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 330 kilocalories
  • Occasion: For breakfast

To add variety to your breakfasts, I advise you to learn how to cook scrambled eggs with tomato paste. It turns out to be a variation of shakshuka - a famous oriental dish. Tasty, satisfying and appetizing, I recommend it!

What I especially love about this simple scrambled eggs with tomato paste recipe is the consistency of the finished eggs. It turns out very similar to poached eggs, but you don’t need to bother with boiling water! It turns out even tastier - after all, it is cooked in tomato paste, and not in plain water! So I recommend that you check out this recipe for making scrambled eggs with tomato paste!

Number of servings: 4-6

Ingredients for 4 servings

  • Eggs - 6 pieces
  • Tomato puree - 800 grams (can be replaced with tomato paste, fresh grated tomatoes or tomatoes in their own juice)
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Paprika - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Cumin - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - To taste

Step by step

  1. Fry the onion and garlic in vegetable oil, after chopping them. As soon as it’s ready, add cumin and paprika and mix.
  2. Add tomato puree or paste. Stir and bring to a boil over low heat.
  3. Now beat in the eggs. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook over low heat, covered, until done.
  4. Bon appetit!