Healthy seasonings instead of salt. Salt-free diet. Pros and cons for the body. Using sea and black salt

How can you replace salt, today we will talk about it. On average, a person eats about 3 kg per year. salt. Of course, this is much more than necessary. As a result of high salt intake, there is increased blood pressure.
And high blood pressure contributes to the development of coronary heart disease. Salt is deposited in our joints, which leads to For example, with kidney and bladder disease, salt consumption should be limited, especially during exacerbation of the disease.

Most people don't actually need to salt their food. After all, salt is already present in a number of food products, and this salt may well be enough for the body. And Sodium is the chemical element in the salt molecule that increases blood pressure. Our body needs sodium, but we don’t need a lot of it. A quarter teaspoon of salt a day is quite enough, but we eat on average 20 times more with food. Even people with excessive sweating need to add salt to the food they eat only if the body, along with sweat, loses more than three liters of fluid per day.

A healthy person, of course, does not need to completely stop eating salt. But if you consume a lot of salt, then, of course, it is better to reduce the amount of salt you consume. This should not be done immediately, but gradually, you will see that you will like less salty food.

You should gradually reduce salt intake in your diet over two or three months.

This needs to be done in stages.

  • First, taste the food before adding salt to it.
  • You should also remove the salt shaker from the table.
  • Try to use less salt when preparing food. To begin with, limit yourself to three quarters of the usual amount of salt. And then you can add half as much salt to your food.
  • Experiment with spices, try adding pepper, dry mustard, wine, spices, nutmeg, cinnamon, lemon juice, herbs to your food.
  • Limit your salt intake, which you get from prepared foods (canned vegetables), try to eat them as little as possible. Frozen vegetables, with the exception of green peas, usually do not contain salt.

For chicken meat. Replace salt: lemon juice, marjoram, green pepper, red pepper, fresh mushrooms, thyme, sage, parsley.

To the fish. Dry mustard, bay leaf, lemon juice, green pepper, red pepper, marjoram.

For young lamb. Rosemary, mint herb, garlic.

To the pork. Ginger, marjoram, bay leaf, apricot, onion, sage, garlic, apples, apple cider vinegar.

To the beef. Thyme, pepper, onion, nutmeg, fresh mushrooms, marjoram, green pepper, dry mustard powder, bay leaf.

To the soups.

To pea. Bay leaf, parsley.

To vegetable. A little sugar, vinegar.

To the beans. A pinch of dry mustard.

For vegetable dishes.

To the asparagus. Onion, vinegar, lemon juice, garlic.

To the cucumbers. Dill, vinegar, garlic, chives.

To the corn. Fresh tomatoes, allspice, green pepper.

For green beans. Allspice, nutmeg, lemon juice, dill, marjoram.

To the green. Vinegar, onion, pepper.

To the peas. Parsley, mint, fresh mushrooms, green peppers, onions.

To the potatoes. Red pepper, parsley, onion, green pepper.

To the rice. Saffron, allspice, onion, green pepper.

To the zucchini. Onion, nutmeg, ginger, brown sugar, cinnamon.

To the tomatoes. Oregano, onion, marjoram, basil.

Recipes for salt replacement sauces that can be used for seasoning vegetable salads and for preparing marinades:

  • A glass of vegetable oil, lemon juice, slowly pour in and beat with a fork, one clove of garlic (finely chopped or squeezed onto the garlic), a pinch of mustard powder
  • Take 200 grams of sour cream, juice of half a lemon, a handful of dill, a pinch of black pepper
  • Take three tablespoons of vegetable oil, a spoonful of lemon juice, a tablespoon of parsley, a teaspoon of grated onion.
  • Lime or lemon juice, finely uncut lemon balm stalks, grated ginger, mix everything, this sauce goes well with fish, meat, and fried vegetables.

The most popular herbs that replace salt: sage, garlic, thyme, all types of pepper, dill, parsley, cilantro, onion, basil. These spices can be used both dried and fresh. Moreover, in dried and ground form, these seasonings and herbs perfectly replace salt. You can replace salt with dry seaweed.

You can add a bouquet of herbs to the broth, take a sprig of thyme, a bay leaf and a few sprigs of parsley, tie it into a bundle with a thin thread and add it to a pan with stewed meat, broth, vegetable stew, add a few minutes before readiness, and before serving take out the herbs. If desired, you can add marjoram or tarragon to the bunch of herbs.

You can prepare butter with herbs, finely chop sage, rosemary, garlic, thyme, and chives. Take a teaspoon of finely chopped herbs per hundred grams of softened butter, grind the butter with herbs until smooth.

You can infuse vegetable oil with herbs. Vegetable or olive oil infused with one or more types of herbs can be used for dressing salads, for cooking by quick frying, for marinades, and for making sauces. You can infuse vegetable or olive oil by adding basil, garlic, red pepper, rosemary, and thyme to the oil. Basil infused oil is very popular in Italian cuisine.

In Georgia, for example, they replace regular salt with Svan salt. Svan salt includes at least 8 ingredients: regular table salt, crushed fennel seeds, garlic, coriander, cumin, marjoram, parsley, celery, red pepper, basil, mint. Svan salt is added to salads, fish, meat, vegetables, and eggs.

Remember! Some seasonings and spices can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach, ureters, and intestines. Therefore, seasonings should be used with caution by people suffering from kidney, stomach, intestinal, and liver diseases. Also, excessive consumption of spices is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, as spices cause thirst.

You know how you can replace salt, but the body needs salt within reasonable limits. I enjoy using Svanetian salt to add salt to food, vegetable oil infused with herbs, spices and herbs. Do not overuse herbs; they should replace salt and not spoil the taste of dishes. Be healthy!

Today I propose to talk about salt. What housewife does without it? Is everything so safe? Now many people are thinking about their health. And that's great. Limiting your salt intake is one of the easiest steps to health. After all, all this is deposited in our joints, and then we wonder why we have such problems. Hypertension, bronchial asthma, kidney and joint diseases - this is not a complete list of all the consequences of salt consumption.

Many of our friends refuse salt. We practically stopped using it too. White death is what salt is called. I already wrote about the sweet death of sugar in my blog.

And the most surprising thing is that often, due to inertia, we simply go for the salt shaker. We don't even think about the consequences. We amuse our tongues and harm our organs. And I won’t say anything about salted nuts, chips, smoked meats and other delights in which the salt content is off the charts. Everyone knows how harmful it is, but not everyone can deny themselves the pleasure. Well, everyone has their own path and choice.

For those who have chosen the path of health, let's talk today about What can we replace our regular salt with?

  1. Good replacement for salt seaweed. I already wrote about her on my blog. Moreover, it is dry seaweed. I won't repeat myself here. For those who have not read the article and want to know more about how to prepare a valuable health seasoning from dry seaweed, I invite you to read my article Dry seaweed. All vitamins and microelements are in it. I just love this kind of cabbage. I never thought before that it was so easy and simple to prepare a healthy dish for everyone.
  2. Garlic . For those who are afraid of an unpleasant odor, you can use it in dried form or in powder form. But still, at first there will be a lack of salt. You just need to give the body the opportunity to get used to doing without salt or with a minimum amount of it.
  3. A good alternative to salt is dried herbs, especially celery.
  4. Infusions of herbs in vegetable oil. You can infuse all kinds of herbs that you have and that you like. Now the season is starting, try experimenting for yourself. Add your favorite herbs, blend them and delight your family with creative recipes.
  5. Prepare food for grill or steamer, and do not boil or fry. This allows you to preserve natural salt in products. After a month of eating low-salt, you will already feel the natural taste of foods and food that is too salty will be perceived as tasteless.
  6. Use seasonings instead of salt. This is the approach I like best. You just need to buy quality seasonings. It's difficult for us to do this. I agree completely. But you can still find the best of what is offered to us. My favorite seasonings are turmeric, macella, oregano, coriander, cumin, rosemary. I buy everything only at the market from one person. The beneficial properties of each seasoning and how best to use everything are written in detail in my article The World of Spices for Us and Our Health.
  7. Soy sauce is also an alternative to salt. But you just need to buy high-quality soy sauce. Don't skimp on your health. A sauce for 20 rubles cannot be of high quality. But you need to remember that you don’t need to abuse it either, because it contains salt. Just add drops to food. And then there will be pleasure from the aroma and there will be health benefits.
  8. Prepare salt replacement sauces.

    Here are the options for such sauces.

    • Mix 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil with 1 teaspoon of grated onion, add finely chopped herbs - dill, parsley, celery. Add lemon juice (to taste). You can add garlic.
    • Lemon seasoning. Add lemon juice to the vegetable oil to taste, you can also add finely chopped garlic, herbs that you like and a pinch of mustard powder.
  9. Reduced sodium salt. This salt is sold in all supermarkets. Just pay attention to where you buy regular salt. There is ours, domestically produced, and there is also imported salt. Also a good replacement for regular salt.
  10. Salt substitutes. Recipes:

    • Celery seasoning. You can prepare such a seasoning from dry seeds; you can take celery roots, wash them, dry them, then cut them thinly and place everything on a baking sheet. Dry in the oven at a temperature of approximately 60 degrees, periodically turn the celery over and dry everything until completely dry. Then grind the resulting raw material in a coffee grinder and combine with sea salt in a 1:1 ratio. Mix everything and store in a glass jar with a tightly screwed lid.
    • Herbal seasoning. This seasoning is very tasty and healthy: cilantro (dry) with fried flax seeds and paprika. Take everything in equal proportions.
    • Mix dry seaweed with parsley and fried flax seeds. Also take everything in equal proportions.
    • Everything is dry - dill, tarragon and garlic. Proportions 8:1:1.
    • For fish and chicken, instead of regular salt, you can make mustard sauce with honey. Spicy-sweet taste, very tasty.
    • Lemon, orange juice with onion and garlic. Proportions according to your wishes.
    • Lemon juice. You can read recipes with it in my article Salad dressings with health benefits.

This is how you can find a replacement for regular salt. There are many options, if you wish. Remember that by limiting salt intake, we choose the path of health, and this also has a pleasant effect on our figure. Everyone knows the salt-free diet. The effect is amazing.

What spices and herbs can replace salt in dishes with meat, poultry and fish?

Beef. Season the beef with bay leaf, marjoram, nutmeg, onion, pepper, sage, thyme.

Mutton. Add a delicious aroma to the lamb: curry powder, garlic, rosemary, mint.

Pork. It can be easily made aromatic with the help of garlic, onion, sage, pepper, oregano, and thyme.

Veal. You can add a special flavor to very tasty and tender veal meat using bay leaf, curry powder, ginger, marjoram, and oregano.

Chicken or turkey. Add ginger, marjoram, oregano, paprika, rosemary, sage, tarragon or thyme to this meat.

Pisces excellent taste and aroma will be given by: curry powder, dill, dry mustard, lemon juice, marjoram, paprika or pepper.

Vegetables. What seasonings are suitable for them?

Carrot. The following will add a wonderful taste to it: cinnamon, cloves, marjoram, nutmeg, rosemary, or sage.

For corn suitable: cumin, curry powder, onion, paprika or parsley.

Green bean. Add a special flavor: dill, curry powder, lemon juice, marjoram, oregano, tarragon or thyme.

Peas. The following will help add zest to pea dishes: ginger, marjoram, onion, parsley, sage.

Potato. Instead of adding oil and salt to the potatoes, add dill, garlic, onion, paprika, parsley or sage.

Young zucchini will turn out delicious with the addition of: cloves, curry powder, marjoram, nutmeg, onion, rosemary or sage.

Winter squash and pumpkin will be tasty and aromatic with the addition of: cinnamon, ginger, marjoram or onion.

Tomatoes love: basil, bay leaf, dill, marjoram, onion, oregano, parsley or pepper.

Any green crops go hand in hand with garlic, onions, or peppers.

There is no need to add all the spices from the list. Select the ones you like best. All this must be done experimentally. And enjoy the taste and aroma.

Salt - NaCl– this is the most important food product that is part of all body fluids, participating in maintaining the acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism, forming hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. Sodium and chloride ions are essential for life, so to say that salt is “white poison” would be unwise. Table salt is completely excluded from the diet only in the case of edema, kidney disease, and lipid metabolism disorders.

Table salt consumption rate for an adult man it is 5-6 grams per day, the volume is slightly more than half a teaspoon. For older people, 2 grams is enough. The problem is that the average person consumes 10 or even 20 times more salt than they need. Everyone should know that all raw food products and prepared dishes contain salt, especially a lot of salt in semi-finished products and ready-made dishes. Therefore, the problem of limiting salt in the diet is important.

The other side of the coin is that some chemical elements in our body are sorely lacking; in case of their deficiency, the latter are often added to salt. Thus, residents of almost all regions of Russia lack natural iodine, so industrially make iodized salt, adding a few thousandths of a percent of potassium iodide to table salt. Eating iodized salt prevents the development of thyroid goiter and improves immunity. Sometimes fluoride is added to salt, which is important for teeth.

How can you reduce the harm caused by excessive salt consumption?

Researchers have developed special dietary salt mixtures that contain a very small proportion of table salt and include potassium or calcium salts such as potassium formate or calcium formate. For arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, obesity, in middle and old age, a salt-free diet is recommended, and these savory mixtures can be used. The results of numerous studies have shown that blood pressure decreases significantly after limiting salt intake, after which the dose of antihypertensive drugs may be reduced. The effect of a persistent reduction in blood pressure is quite persistent, so a salt-free diet should be recommended in the complex treatment of hypertension. Older people are more likely to suffer from hypertension and are more sensitive to salt, so as you age, you should avoid salty foods. Giving up salt opens up many new, natural flavors in food!

About salt substitutes

Some people cannot quickly give up salt; in these cases, it is permissible to use salt substitutes that do not contain sodium ions, instead of which the substitutes contain potassium, calcium, magnesium salts of inorganic and organic acids. Table salt has preservative properties; salt substitutes do not have such properties, so it is useless to try to ferment cabbage or pickled cucumbers with them. A Russian person is unlikely to give up sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers, but many other vegetables, fruits, and berries do not have to be pickled; for example, they can be frozen, dried...

The domestic industry produces various types of “safe salts” with low sodium content. Salt substitutes that are allowedfor use in food production in Russia are listed in the table

Designation of “salt substitute additive”

Chemical name of salt

sodium formate

calcium formate, potassium formate

potassium lactate

calcium lactate

ammonium lactate

magnesium lactate

sodium tartrate

potassium tartrate

magnesium citrate

potassium chloride

ammonium chloride

potassium sulfates

glutamic acid

monocalcium glutamate

Magnesium glutamate

potassium sodium tartrate

calcium tartrate

monosodium glutamate 1-substituted

1-substituted ammonium glutamate

Some salt substitutes are harmful, and even toxic in large doses, so before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor (they may be especially harmful in your particular situation). Such a dangerous salt substitute for the body is 1-substituted monosodium glutamate. What is certain is that it is even addictive, not to mention other undesirable effects. It is best to try to get used to the natural taste of food and simply reduce the use of table salt several times, and instead add more aromatic herbs, spices, red pepper, and lemon juice to your dishes.

When it becomes necessary to follow a diet for weight loss, nutritionists advise, first of all, to significantly reduce the consumption of table salt, or even completely eliminate it from the diet. This spice has a very unpleasant property of retaining fluid in the body. Therefore, without limiting it, it will be quite problematic to get rid of extra pounds.

However, this is easier said than done. Many people cannot give up salt, because without it, food seems bland and tasteless. Eating while losing weight already involves significant restrictions, and another one may be simply impossible for many. Therefore, it will be useful to know what to replace our usual salt with, but so that the dishes do not lose their usual taste.

So, we’ll tell you how to replace table salt in food when losing weight. We will talk about this with you today on the Popular About Health website.

How to replace table salt in food?

Soy sauce

For the transition period, this is the best option and many people start with it. It also contains salt, but when sauce is added to dishes, the sodium chloride (scientific name for salt) content is significantly lower.

However, if you decide to choose soy sauce as a substitute for salt in food, buy high-quality, expensive, consisting exclusively of natural ingredients. Add it to dishes little by little, just for adding salt. This seasoning is perfect for meat, fish, rice, pasta, boiled and stewed vegetables.

Kelp powder

Such crushed kelp (sea kale) can be bought at the pharmacy. Or purchase whole dried seaweed, which is crushed using a coffee grinder. This healthy product contains natural sea salt, as well as amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Pour the powder into a salt shaker and add a pinch to ready-made dishes.


All parts of this garden plant have virtually no calories and are rich in sodium, which gives food a salty taste. Cut the stems into small pieces, dry them well in the oven and grind. Pour into a jar and use as needed. In particular, this seasoning perfectly complements the taste of fresh vegetable salads.

Garlic, onion and wild garlic

These aromatic spices add flavor to any dish. You can add any onion - onion or green. Garlic can be used either fresh or dried. Moreover, dried is preferable, since it does not give off a specific smell.

If wild garlic grows in your region, you can also use it. Its taste is similar to garlic and onion at once. Moreover, greens contain a large amount of useful substances, in particular vitamin C. Add finely chopped greens fresh to green salads, cold and hot appetizers.

Garden herbs, spices and herbal oils

Dried or fresh herbs will help diversify the taste of food: parsley, dill, basil, sage, cilantro, mint, rosemary, etc. They are suitable for meat, fish, cereals, vegetable dishes and fresh salads.

Spices will add a piquant taste and aroma to dishes: red (bitter and sweet), black pepper, ground ginger, turmeric, curry, ground mustard seeds.

Instead of salt, you can use vegetable oil infused with the listed herbs, or with the addition of garlic or onions. Nutritionists recommend using sesame, nut and other aromatic oils as an independent seasoning.

Other products:

When losing weight, you can replace salt with other products. For example, use lemon, orange, tomato and other freshly squeezed juices. They, like natural apple cider vinegar, will make the taste of meat, fish, vegetable dishes and cereal dishes fuller.

However, we admit frankly that not every one of us can immediately and for a long time give up the usual taste of salted foods. It's quite difficult. And many doctors do not advise doing this, since the body still needs salt in small quantities. Therefore, it is better not to give up completely, but to choose a healthier variety of this spice. For example, sea or black salt:


Let’s be clear right away that this is not the product that is sold in stores. Real sea salt can be found at the pharmacy. Its crystals are gray and slightly moist. It is this that can be added to food, but in very limited quantities. This spice is not harmful to health; on the contrary, it has a complex composition, which includes substances that are necessary and important for humans.


Can be purchased in specialized departments of supermarkets that sell healthy food products. It is prepared according to an old recipe, by simmering white salt, rye flour and other ingredients over a fire. This natural product is very useful, as it contains trace elements and minerals necessary for the body. You just need to use it little by little - adding a little salt to the finished dishes.

In conclusion, we note that while following a short-term diet, it is better, of course, to completely eliminate sodium chloride from the diet. If the diet is light, lasts more than three months, or you decide to completely switch to a healthy diet, do not give up salt completely. Just significantly limit your consumption.

By the way, in many supermarkets you can buy regular white salt, the sodium content of which is significantly reduced. You can try using it as an alternative. In any case, you can always do without salt; when losing weight, replace it with sauces, spices, and herbs. If you wish... In general, the choice is yours!

The simplest, but not the easiest step to health and a slim figure is limiting salt in food. All the salt consumed is deposited in our poor joints and more. Doctors are sounding the alarm - a direct relationship has been identified between salt consumption and many serious diseases. Kidney disease, hypertension, bronchial asthma - this is an incomplete list of the harmful abuse of ordinary table salt. Some intelligent people became imbued with this problem and switched to salt-free

Or maybe eating without salt is harmful to health? And to make it tasty and comfortable? This is what our article is about.
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How to notice salt

Harm of table salt

This is not about giving up salt altogether, but about how its excessive consumption affects our body.


Table salt is sodium chlorine. With a large intake of sodium and calcium into the body, their excess is released into the urine, overloads the kidneys and settles in them in the form of stones, disrupting their function.

Swelling and dehydration

Everyone knows that salty foods make you thirsty. This is explained by the fact that sodium salts retain water, thereby leading cells to dehydration. Such cells signal their distress, and we drink water, which leads to swelling, excess weight and even cellulite.


When eating salty foods, the element retains water, saturating the blood with a large amount of fluid and causing high blood pressure. High blood pressure provokes diseases of the cardiovascular systems and can cause a heart attack or stroke. It has been proven that reducing salt intake normalizes blood pressure.

Heart diseases

Excessive salt consumption causes increased thirst and leads to a high saturation of the blood with fluid. Increased blood volume leads to overload of the heart and rapid wear of the heart muscle. As a result, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted and the standard of living deteriorates.

Restriction of an element in food.


Sodium salts neutralize calcium in the body, leading to thinning of the bone mass and its porosity. This can lead to skeletal disorders and a high probability of fractures. The risk group includes older people and diabetics. Therefore, they need to review their diet and eliminate foods with a lot of salt.

Disorders of the digestive system

Excess salt causes an increase in stomach acidity. This leads to changes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, causing heartburn, gastritis, and ulcers.

The benefits of table salt

What are the benefits of table salt? For normal functioning of the digestive system, hydrochloric acid (stomach juice) is required. To produce hodgepodge, you need salt, which comes from food. If the body does not receive sodium salt from food, then sodium will come from bones and muscles. This will certainly lead to osteoporosis - thinning of the bone mass, as well as cramps and muscle spasms.

A lack of sodium contributes to interruptions in the normal functioning of the heart and will cause nervous stress and depression.

Daily norm

For an adult, the sodium salt requirement is 15,000 mg (15 g). Considering that some products already contain salt, it is quite enough to use no more than 5 g when preparing food, which is approximately half a teaspoon.

Therefore, you cannot completely deprive yourself of salt, but it is useful to regularly go on a salt-free diet.

Rules for eating without salt

This diet is attractive because you don’t need to purchase any special products and don’t even need to count calories. You just need to avoid adding salt to cooked food and exclude all foods high in sodium chlorine: pickles, smoked meats, chips, etc.

You should take food in small portions and often, that is, use fractional meals.

Try to maintain this diet for 5 – 15 days.

There is no strict diet, but you should exclude: fried, smoked, spicy, salty, fatty foods. During this period, you should not consume sauces, marinades, mayonnaise, sausage, cheese, carbonated drinks, or alcohol.

What food to eat?

Poultry, fish, meat, boiled seafood without salt, any vegetables and fruits except banana. Include eggs, fermented milk products, low-fat milk, cottage cheese, some bread, and preferably crackers in the menu. Drink a lot of water, tea, compote, juices. Vegetable soups are suitable for diet.

Contraindications for a salt-free diet

Athletes and people leading an active lifestyle should not eat with limited salt. Due to the lack of an element, dehydration may occur. For the same reason, a salt-free diet is not recommended in hot weather.

What can you replace salt with?

Eating foods that do not require added salt for about two weeks usually results in a significantly reduced need for salt. In nature, there are many products, aromatic herbs, which successfully replace salt with their taste.

These include: garlic, onions of all types, horseradish, radish, dill, parsley, wild garlic, juices from cranberries, oranges, and pomegranates.

  1. Dried seaweed is an excellent substitute for salt and is a very healthy seasoning. In addition, kelp has many vitamins and microelements and is easily absorbed by the body. In stores and pharmacies you can buy dried, pickled, frozen, pressed seaweed.
  2. You can prepare infusions of various herbs in any vegetable oil. You can infuse any herbs you like, mixing them in different proportions.
  3. The specific taste of garlic allows it to be successfully used instead of salt. Those who cannot stand the smell of garlic can safely use it in dry form. At first you will feel a lack of salt, but you just need to be patient and let the body get used to the minimum of this substance.
  4. Dried celery greens will help you cook without salt. You can prepare the following seasoning: take celery roots, dry at 60 degrees, grind and mix with sea salt in a 1:1 ratio and place in a glass jar with a tight lid.
  5. Food cooked in a steamer or grill retains the natural taste and natural salt of the food.
  6. You can avoid adding salt to your food if you use high-quality seasonings: turmeric, coriander, macellu, cumin, oregano, rosemary.
  7. An alternative to salting is seasoning dishes with soy sauce. You need to add a drop of sauce to the dishes to feel the aroma. Soy sauce, which contains soybeans, salt, water, and wheat, is considered good.

Preparation of sauces - salt substitutes

  • Lemon seasoning. Add lemon juice to vegetable oil; if desired, you can also add chopped garlic, a pinch of mustard powder and aromatic herbs to the seasoning.
  • Mix orange and lemon juice with garlic and onion in any proportion.
  • Mix a teaspoon of grated onion with two tablespoons of vegetable oil and add parsley, dill, and celery.
  • A delicious hot-sweet sauce made from honey and mustard is perfect for chicken, meat and fish.
  • Marinades are also prepared from garlic, orange juice, lemon, orange zest and olive oil. Information about will help you.

Thus, knowing, you can significantly reduce your salt intake, lose extra pounds and protect yourself from future health problems.


Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Don't self-medicate!

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