Which drug restores microflora better? Preparations for normalizing intestinal microflora. General information about microflora

Probiotics are live bacteria - microorganisms that live in the human body and have a positive effect on its vital functions. Probiotic preparations contain different strains of bacteria.

There are bifido-containing, coli-containing, and lactose-containing preparations. The composition may also contain yeast-like fungi, enterococci, aerococci, depending on the manufacturer and purpose. Probiotics are available in liquid and dry form.

Probiotics not only allow you to populate the intestines with the right microorganisms and overcome pathogenic flora that causes various unpleasant symptoms, but also make it possible to increase immunity and effectively fight ailments. In this article, we look at inexpensive yet effective gut probiotics. You will find reviews, as well as a list of drugs with prices, just below.

When are probiotics prescribed?

According to the American Gastroenterological Association, probiotics are currently most commonly prescribed to treat the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Infectious diarrhea, caused by rotavirus infection, including in infants and young children - strains of lactobacilli of the species Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus casei.
  2. - probiotic strains of lactic acid bacteria Bifidobacterium infantis and Lactobacillus plantarum and fungi Sacchromyces boulardii, as well as a combination of probiotics can help with bowel movements.
  3. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea- Saccharomyces boulardii can prevent recurrences of the most dangerous and most common antibiotic-associated diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile.

In addition, a gastroenterologist can prescribe probiotics if the patient complains of stool problems, colic and frequent bloating and flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, as well as other conditions.

How to take it correctly?

It is very important to choose the right probiotic to treat a specific condition. To select a probiotic, you can use the following simple rules:

  1. If you suspect a bacterial infection of the intestine(acute or chronic) it is recommended to take complex preparations containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria at the same time (for example, Bacteriobalance, Bifidin, Linex, etc.).
  2. If you suspect a viral infection of the intestines(acute or chronic) it is recommended to take drugs containing lactobacilli (for example, Lactobacterin, Narine, Biobakton, Primadophilus, etc.).
  3. If you suspect a fungal infection of the intestines and genital organs (intestinal and vaginal candidiasis), it is recommended to take medications containing bifidobacteria (for example, Probiform, Biovestin, Bifidumbacterin, etc.).

During therapy, it is recommended to first take drugs with lactobacilli, then with bifidobacteria, and only after that with colibacteria (for example, Colibacterin). You can immediately start taking complex medications that simultaneously contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Probiotics and prebiotics: what's the difference?

The names of these two groups of drugs are very similar, so they are often confused.

  • Probiotics are live microorganisms that belong to the normal intestinal microflora.
  • Prebiotics are organic chemicals that have the ability to create excellent conditions for the proliferation of normal intestinal microflora.

It should be noted that the effect of both prebiotics and probiotics is similar, because each of the groups of these drugs normalizes the intestinal microflora.

Beneficial features

Most probiotic bacteria belong to two genera: lactobacilli (Lactobacillus) and bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium), although you should know that there are many other types of probiotic bacteria.

These drugs are capable of:

  1. Produce substances that prevent various infections.
  2. Prevent bacteria harmful to humans from attaching to the intestinal wall and inhibit their growth.
  3. Inhibit the secretion or destroy toxins secreted by some bacteria that are “bad” for the human body.
  4. Stimulate the strengthening of the mucous layer in the intestines as a barrier against infections.
  5. Increase the effectiveness of the immune system by secreting antibodies to certain viruses.
  6. Produce B vitamins necessary for food metabolism, preventing anemia that occurs due to vitamin deficiency
  7. B6 and B12, as well as maintaining skin and nervous system health.

The described effects are, to a greater or lesser extent, characteristic of all microorganisms related to probiotics. However, the mechanisms of these effects have not yet been fully elucidated.

Probiotics for the intestines: list and prices

To maintain intestinal health, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • Linex is one of the most famous probiotics that are common in Russia. It contains three components of microflora, which are located in different parts of the intestine. Price 350-500 rub.
  • . It is often used in pediatrics for conditions characterized by disturbances in the colonization of the intestinal flora, in combination with antibiotics and other drugs. Contains Bifidobacterium bifidum N1 in dry powder form. Price 350-400 rub.
  • More concentrated bifidobacteria are contained in Probifor - one sachet contains about 10 servings of bacteria that are found in Bifidumbacterin. Price 500-600 rub.
  • . In addition to probiotic strains of lacto- and bifidobacteria, it contains Escherichiacoli. Combined with antibiotic therapy, thanks to the protective capsule it easily overcomes the acidic environment of the stomach. It is one of the best capsule probiotics for adults. Price 350-400 rub.
  • Florin forte. It is a powder containing lacto- and bifidobacteria. It is prescribed for both adults, children and newborns. Thanks to the combination of bacteria, it has a complex effect, but does not combine well with some antibiotics. Price 500-550 rub.

Depending on the time of creation and improvement, several generations of probiotics are distinguished:

  • I generation - classic monocomponent preparations, consisting of one strain of microorganisms - typical inhabitants of the intestines (bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, etc.);
  • II generation - self-eliminating antagonists (bactisubtil, enterol, biosporin, etc.);
  • III generation - multicomponent preparations (symbiotics), consisting of several (from 2 to 30) strains of bacteria (Bifilong, etc.) or several types of bacteria (Linex, Bifikol, etc.);
  • IV generation - combined preparations (synbiotics), consisting of a strain of bacteria and ingredients that promote their growth, reproduction and metabolic activity (bifiliz, kypacid, etc.);
  • V generation – multicomponent combination preparations (synbiotics), consisting of several types of bacteria and ingredients that promote their growth, reproduction and metabolic activity (floristin, bifiform, etc.).

In addition, the form of the probiotic must be taken into account. They are all divided into:

  • Dry probiotics(lactobacterin, bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, etc.);
  • Liquid forms (biovestin, biovestin-lacto, floristin, trilact, bifidum No. 791 BAG, liquid bifido- and lactobacterins, lactoflor, etc.);
  • Sorption forms s (ecoflor, probifor, bifidobacterin forte, bificol forte, etc.);
  • Enteric-coated capsules(Linex, Bifiform).

And if previously liquid probiotics for the intestines were considered the best, today capsule preparations are increasingly common. Modern technologies make it possible to effectively preserve all the necessary bacteria in a capsule. Those who take probiotics unanimously declare that taking the drugs in capsules is much more convenient, like taking a vitamin: take it out of the package, drink it with water and forget...

Probiotics in foods

Sources of prebiotics are: dairy products, bread, cereals, peas, corn flakes, garlic, bananas, onions, beans and some other types of foods. One of the most popular foods that provides probiotic intake is yogurt.

In addition, their sources are: most dairy products, for example, cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, buttermilk. Some other examples of probiotics include sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, bread, wine, soy sauce.

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Normally, these 2 groups of microbes coexist in balance, which is disturbed during food poisoning - the number of beneficial bacteria decreases, this leads to dysbiosis. Therefore, it is very important to restore the intestinal microflora after poisoning, and you will learn how and the best way to restore the microflora from our article.

Beneficial intestinal microflora is suppressed during food infections for 2 reasons:

  • Due to the influence of pathogenic bacteria and their toxins, they come in large quantities with poor quality contaminated food;
  • Under the influence of antibiotic therapy, which in case of food toxic infections acts not only on pathogenic, but also on beneficial microbes (lacto- and bifidobacteria, rods and cocci).

This implies the main tasks of restoring beneficial microflora: artificially “populating” it in the intestines and creating favorable conditions for development. This is achieved by taking special medications containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as by following a certain diet and diet.

These measures should be carried out immediately with the prescription of antibacterial agents so that the loss of beneficial microorganisms is minimal and severe dysbiosis does not develop after antibiotic therapy.

At the end of treatment for poisoning, the doctor sends the patient for a stool analysis - a coprogram, and based on its results makes a conclusion about the composition of the microflora and the need for its restoration.

Nutrition after poisoning

Nutrition plays a huge role in restoring the intestinal microflora, and it is not difficult to organize it by giving preference to healthy and easily digestible foods and excluding unwanted foods that worsen digestion.

Eating regimen is of great importance: in small portions 5-6 times a day at certain hours. It is very important not to drink food and not drink drinks before meals. This reduces the concentration of gastric juice and worsens digestion, increasing the load on the intestines.

The diet must include foods that create favorable conditions for the development of beneficial microflora. These include fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber:

  • fresh cabbage (white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli);
  • fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yoghurts, cottage cheese, preference should be given to biological products (bifilac, acidolact, bififruit and analogues);
  • greens (dill, parsley, spinach, celery, watercress;
  • onions, garlic, good in the form of green feathers;
  • Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear) boiled or baked;
  • fresh apples, bananas, kiwi, berries;
  • dried fruits (apricots, figs, plums, apples);

The amount of the listed ingredients should be in total at least 500 g per day, it should be distributed between meals.

For vegetable salads, you need to use natural oils, not refined ones - sunflower, olive, flaxseed, sesame. You can make fruit and berry ones by adding a couple of spoons of honey.

If you are concerned about bloating, fresh vegetables should be limited and consumed baked, stewed or steamed.

Water and drinking

The drinking regime is very important when restoring intestinal flora. The amount of liquid you drink per day should be 2 liters. It is important not to drink immediately before meals and not to wash down the food you eat, as this will worsen digestion.

It is recommended to drink 1 glass of still mineral water on an empty stomach 40 minutes before breakfast., or herbal tea. For tea, chamomile, linden, St. John's wort, mint and lemon balm flowers, dried berries, and lingonberry leaves are suitable. Kombucha infusion, bread and cabbage kvass will be very useful.

Drinks should be consumed between meals, early in the morning and at night, 2 hours after dinner.

If a food infection occurs with profuse diarrhea and vomiting, you must take rehydrating drinks containing a set of salts and glucose. They will restore the water-salt balance and help remove toxins from the body (rehydron, reosolan, orasan and analogues).

What not to eat and drink when restoring flora

There is a list of foods and drinks that you should abstain from until digestive function is fully restored, regardless of food preferences, tastes and habits. Such products are:

  • fresh bread and all baked goods, except toast made from gray flour;
  • fried and fatty meat and fish;
  • rich broths and soups;
  • all spicy dishes;
  • spices;
  • all sauces, mayonnaise, mustard;
  • smoked products;
  • legumes (peas, beans, lentils);
  • pickles, canned food;
  • sour fruits (dogwood, quince, blueberry, barberry).

You should give up carbonated drinks, all kinds of tonics, cola, strong coffee and black tea for a while. In the first days of recovery, whole milk is also not recommended. Drinking alcoholic beverages of any strength is prohibited.

Medicines to restore intestinal microflora

To restore beneficial intestinal microflora, drugs of 2 groups are used, differing in their mechanism of action.

  • Probiotics– medications containing live beneficial bacteria for the intestines.
  • Prebiotics– preparations that do not contain bacteria, but promote their growth and development.


The best probiotics for restoring intestinal flora are naturally occurring and include live bacterial cultures. They are divided into single preparations containing 1 type of bacteria, and combined preparations containing 2 or 3 types of beneficial bacteria.

Monotherapy drugs include:

  • bifidumbacterin, probifor (contain bifidobacteria);
  • lactobacterin, biobakton, acilax (contain lactobacilli);
  • bactisubtil (includes spores of intestinal bacteria;
  • sporobacterin (contains a culture of intestinal bacilli).

Combination drugs:

  • bifikol (includes lactobacterin and E. coli);
  • linex (contains bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, enterococci);
  • florin-forte (composed of lacto- and bifidobacteria);
  • hilak-forte (includes lactobacilli, intestinal streptococcus and E. coli).


This group of drugs includes drugs whose main component is the polysaccharide lactulose. Once in the intestines, it is a good nutritional substance for beneficial bacilli and cocci.

It has been established that weekly use of these drugs increases the volume of beneficial microflora by 1.5-2 times. As a result, pathogenic microbes reduce their numbers tens of times.

In addition, prebiotics are also useful as a mild, safe laxative. The products of lactulose decomposition by bacteria are organic acids and ammonium; they increase the flow of fluid to the intestinal contents and gently stimulate peristalsis. Prebiotics include: duphalac, portalac, prelax, lactusan, lactofiltrum and analogues, and the range of tablets for restoring intestinal microflora is constantly being replenished. Only a doctor should prescribe drugs from any of these groups and determine the dosage.

Folk remedies and herbs

A good addition to the main treatment of dysbiosis are natural remedies from medicinal plants. Their action is complex: reducing the inflammatory process, protecting the intestinal mucosa, eliminating bloating, normalizing stool, stimulating cell restoration and beneficial microflora. Such plants include: garlic, rose hips, flax seed, pumpkin, dill, currant leaves.

Traditional medicine recommends many recipes for intestinal restoration, here are examples of the most popular ones:

These drugs are taken for 2-3 weeks, after consulting with your doctor.

How long will it take for the microflora to recover?

With minor intestinal disorders, adequate treatment and diet, the bacterial balance is normalized within a week. If the food poisoning was severe, then it may take 3 weeks or more to restore the microflora, with subsequent maintenance therapy.

Taking into account the lifestyle and nutrition of modern people, experts recommend that adults and children systematically eat fermented milk products for preventive purposes, especially in the summer. Food poisoning is very common, and with a “prepared” intestine with bacterial protection, it will occur in a milder form, and the recovery process will take much less time.

Dysbacteriosis in gastroenterology does not belong to the category of separate diseases. Such a violation is considered as a consequence of certain pathologies of the body as a whole. There are a sufficient number of modern solutions in medicine to restore the intestinal microflora, but the main task is a purely individual approach to each clinical case.

Any quantitative and qualitative changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora in a chain reaction immediately cause more and more new problems. In the absence of competent and timely treatment, such disorders go beyond problems affecting only the digestive tract and provoke malfunctions in many other vital organs.

Our intestines are populated by many living microorganisms. In the process of their active interaction with each other, they ensure full and uninterrupted functioning of the entire digestive tract. Together they all form the intestinal microflora. It’s hard to imagine, but normally their number is almost 50 trillion, and their total weight sometimes reaches 3 kg.

These bacteria are so numerous that the number of officially recognized species alone already exceeds 500 species. At the same time, a lot of microorganisms that have not yet been fully studied safely exist in the intestines.

Diagnosis: dysbacteriosis

When a person is healthy, as a percentage, only 1% of bacteria out of 100 in the intestines are opportunistic. This is a yeast-like fungus, clostridia, all kinds of staphylococci, etc. The remaining 99% consists of lacto- and bifidobacteria, enterococci, aerobes and E. coli.

As for the latter, its benefit sharply turns into harm as soon as this type of bacteria penetrates other organs. In this case, E. coli causes a number of serious infectious diseases of the digestive tract and genitourinary system.

If this quantitative ratio changes and pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply, significantly exceeding the permissible 1%, and beneficial microorganisms sharply decrease in number, such an imbalance is called dysbiosis in medicine.

12 most common causes of dysbiosis

  1. Previous surgery on the digestive organs.
  2. Long-term use of laxatives and hormonal drugs; in the process of treating oncological diseases - cytostatic agents.
  3. Acclimatization and disruption of the usual biorhythm.
  4. Abuse of sweet and fatty foods.
  5. Monotonous diets and fasting.
  6. Weakened immunity and diseases of the endocrine system.
  7. Unstable mental state with prolonged depression and frequent stress.
  8. Unfavorable environmental conditions.
  9. Systematic physical fatigue.
  10. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
  11. Independently carrying out all kinds of cleaning techniques.
  12. Congenital anomaly of the intestine; presence of helminths.

Before talking about the symptoms of this condition, it is worth noting that the manifestations of intestinal dysbiosis are quite specific. Often, certain general clinical signs may in fact turn out to be symptoms of a completely different pathology.

Therefore, if you find similarities in a number of the points presented, do not rush to diagnose yourself.

Dysbacteriosis can be confirmed or refuted exclusively with the help of laboratory diagnostics. But even in this case, there are no single strict indicators. For absolutely every person, the norm refers to purely individual quantitative and qualitative parameters in the ratio of bacteria.

The main features are:

  • increased fatigue and poor appetite;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • nausea and persistent unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • diarrhea, constipation or their alternation;
  • abdominal pain;
  • excessive sweating;
  • bad breath;
  • belching and heartburn;
  • itching and burning in the anus;
  • all signs of vitamin deficiency: brittle nails and hair, chapped lips and dry skin;
  • food allergies and related skin rashes;
  • headaches and elevated body temperature.

Before making any categorical conclusions, do not forget to take into account that about 90% of the total number of patients in whom dysbiosis has been progressing for a long time, except for constipation or diarrhea, do not feel any discomfort at all. This fact is another good reason to conduct a laboratory analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis and not engage in useless self-medication.

The effectiveness of treating an imbalance in the microflora always depends, first of all, on the true causes of its occurrence, as well as on the severity and stage of the disease. This will be determined by a professional gastroenterologist, and the results of the examination will significantly affect the choice of treatment method and the correct selection of drugs. The process itself is quite lengthy and in advanced cases can take several months.

Treatment with medications aims to restore the intestinal microflora, correct the immune system and completely eliminate the symptoms of the disorder. Each product contains different groups of bacteria and, accordingly, has different effects. Therefore, in most cases, therapy is complex, and the most successful combination will be such drug groups.

  1. Bacteriophages. A virus that penetrates a cell and dissolves it.
  2. Antibiotics. They are selected taking into account the degree of sensitivity of specific microorganisms to this drug.
  3. Intestinal antiseptics (Nifuroxazide, Ciprofloxacin, Furazolidone, etc.).
  4. Immunomodulators (Echinacea, Dibazol).
  5. Multivitamins (Multitabs, Decamevit, etc.).
  6. Probiotics and prebiotics.
  7. Herbal antiseptics (Chlorophyllipt).

When choosing a drug, special attention should be paid to its release form. In some cases, it will be of fundamental importance to take it in the form of a tablet, powder or capsule.

Treatment with probiotics and prebiotics

Probiotics and prebiotics are two radically different categories of drugs that differ significantly in essence, but at the same time perform the same task: restoring intestinal functions and creating all favorable conditions for normalizing microflora.

The probiotic contains live lacto- and bifidobacteria, various combinations of yeast and lactic acid bacteria. In the treatment of dysbiosis, the main benefits of this category are as follows:

  • strengthens the intestinal mucosa, which is the main barrier to pathogenic bacteria;
  • stops the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and prevents their attachment to the intestinal walls;
  • stimulates the immune system, ensures the resistance of antibodies to viruses;
  • produces vitamin B for complete metabolism;
  • destroys toxins released by pathogenic microorganisms.

In certain cases, probiotics may be contraindicated in elderly patients, and may also inhibit the effect of certain medications. Despite the apparent harmlessness of this group of drugs, do not neglect the consultation of your doctor.

Prebiotics are organic carbohydrates that directly affect the accelerated growth and development of beneficial intestinal bacteria. The category includes dietary fiber, lactose, inulin, lactulose and fructosaccharides.

The therapeutic effect is as follows:

  • increase acidity in the intestinal environment, thereby counteracting the development of harmful bacteria;
  • neutralize the harmful effects of antibiotics;
  • increase the amount of feces, stimulating intestinal function;
  • significantly reduce the concentration of cortisol in the blood;
  • eliminate bloating and gas formation;
  • reduce appetite;
  • at the initial stages they block the development of malignant tumors in the large intestine;
  • remove toxins, heavy metal salts and other toxic substances;
  • promote accelerated release of mucus from the walls of the stomach;
  • maintain acid-base balance within normal limits.

The most popular prebiotics include Lactusan, Duphalac, Lizalak, Pikovit syrup, DiRezen, Proslabin, Hilak Forte, Laktofiltrum and Goodluck.

During the treatment process, symbiotics are prescribed when it is necessary to obtain maximum effectiveness in the shortest possible time. These are drugs that, in a certain combination, combine probiotics with prebiotics and have a powerful beneficial effect on the microflora.

The therapeutic effect is achieved in this way:

  • produce folic acid, vitamin K, pyridoxine and niacin;
  • normalize cholesterol levels;
  • maximally activate the immune system;
  • provide lasting protection against carcinogens, toxins, radiation and antibiotics;
  • normalize intestinal motility;
  • destroy pathogenic bacteria;
  • normalize the balance of intestinal microflora.

Despite similar effects with probiotics, the positive results from treatment last much longer.

The most popular symbiotics in pharmacology are Bacteriobalance, Symbiolact, Bifidin, Linex, Polybacterin, Trilact, Bifiform, etc.

The role of enzymes in dysbiosis

The help of enzymes during the treatment process becomes necessary when complications arise in digestion. Significant symptoms include flatulence, belching, and severe heartburn. Enzymes of both animal and plant origin are used. The former are much more effective due to the fact that their composition is identical to the enzymes that the human body produces.

But when treating with enzymes, it is especially important to focus on the original cause of dysbiosis. The selected drug should be the best option for its effect on the affected organ, which has caused an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. A positive result is expressed in the normalization of the stomach, pancreas and restoration of the intestines.

Most often prescribed are Pancreatin, Festal, Creon, Mezim.

Without following a certain diet, it is impossible to talk about a successful outcome of treatment. It’s best to forget about overeating at night and automatically swallowing food on the go. Anything fatty, spicy, as well as alcohol are subject to exclusion.

The diet must be enriched as much as possible with live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, plant fiber and proteins. Fractional meals at strictly established times become fundamentally important. It is strongly recommended to replace sugar with honey.

Eating the most healthy foods possible

  1. All kinds of boiled cereals in water.
  2. Dairy products.
  3. Freshly squeezed fruit juices and vegetable purees.
  4. Herbal teas, still mineral water.
  5. Low-fat fish and steamed meat.
  6. Fresh greens.

Products subject to complete exclusion

  1. Garlic, radish, onion.
  2. Hot herbs and spices.
  3. Homemade pickles.
  4. Confectionery and homemade baked goods.
  5. Mushrooms.
  6. Canned food and smoked meats.
  7. Whole milk and ice cream.
  8. Cooking fats and mayonnaise.

An individual diet is prescribed only on the basis of each clinical case, depending on the stage of the disease and the root cause of the pathology, followed by dysbiosis.

Folk remedies

The use of folk remedies should in no way replace traditional drug treatment and may only be appropriate as an additional therapy. Some recommendations are contradictory and suggest the use of foods prohibited by doctors and nutritionists. Therefore, without additional consultation with a specialist and, especially, as self-medication, you should not blindly follow these tips.

  1. Propolis, honey and as antiseptics.
  2. Herbal infusions (mint, chamomile, lemon balm, raspberry and black currant leaves, strawberries, eucalyptus and senna leaves).
  3. A decoction of alder cones and serpentine root.
  4. A medicinal collection of chamomile flowers, bird cherry fruits, caraway seeds and blueberry leaves.
  5. A mixture of ground sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and walnut kernels.
  6. Garlic tincture with kefir or sour milk.
  7. Compotes of cranberries, raspberries, blueberries and lingonberries.
  8. Tinctures of chamomile, calendula and yarrow.
  9. Pomegranate peels, oak bark decoction, and bird cherry berries help as an astringent for frequent diarrhea.

These are the most common methods, but there are a huge number of other folk remedies that are often used to combat dysbiosis. Some patients often question the effectiveness of some of them, while others desperately praise these same recipes. Therefore, it is so important to place emphasis on well-known and proven effective medications.


Symbiotics and prebiotics cause the death of harmful microorganisms, as a result of which the intestines are filled with toxic decay products of these bacteria. Their accumulation is unacceptable and bowel cleansing procedures become not only useful, but also necessary.

Most often, enemas or various herbal infusions are used for this, but they also do an excellent job of removing toxic toxins:

  • Activated carbon;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • food enriched with plant fiber;
  • baking soda;
  • yoghurts or kefir;
  • Castor oil;
  • still mineral water.

Prevention of intestinal microflora disorders

As preventive measures to prevent dysbiosis, a whole complex is meant, which requires adherence to a balanced diet, taking certain medications, and even a radical change in the usual lifestyle.

The most accessible and easy to implement ones are as follows:

  • mandatory breaks during sedentary work;
  • walking for at least 30 minutes a day;
  • systematic hardening procedures;
  • if there is no exacerbation of the intestines, daily consumption of berries, fruits and fresh vegetables is advisable;
  • the usual menu should include vegetable fats, fermented milk products, meat and fish only in boiled form;
  • drug prevention with the use of probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics;
  • Avoid psychological stress and overexertion in every possible way.

Possible Adverse Effects

Prolonged neglect of the problem and lack of proper treatment can lead to a number of harmful consequences for the entire body. There comes a time when damaged microflora completely blocks the absorption of vitamins and nutrients from incoming food.

As a rule, in most such advanced cases this leads to such violations.

  1. Eczema.
  2. Persistent severe allergic reactions.
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  4. Systematic painful constipation.
  5. The development of sclerosis progresses.
  6. Signs appear.
  7. In adult patients, there are prerequisites for benign and malignant tumors.
  8. Seborrhea, alopecia and acne almost always occur.
  9. Anemia and dyspepsia.
  10. Development of a rickets-like condition due to extremely low absorption of vitamin D, iron and calcium.
  11. Intestinal obstruction and ulcerative colitis.
  12. Diabetes.

Accurate diagnosis and measures taken in the early stages can only predict a successful outcome in treatment. Adequate therapy, a conscious attitude of the patient towards the existing problem almost always guarantee a 100% cure within the next 2 months.

The development of medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, the improvement in the quality of life of most people and the improvement of hygienic conditions in recent decades have contributed to the disappearance of many infectious diseases. Strongly antibacterial and save the lives of millions of people every year. But mankind’s fascination with the fight against bacteria has led to the development of a new disease: This condition is not yet considered a disease, although many people suffer from it, and the consequences of inattention to it can be serious. Therefore, the following topic has become relevant in recent years: “Intestinal microflora - restoration.” There are different medications for this, so after consulting a doctor, you can choose the necessary treatment.

What is intestinal microflora

Many processes in the human body are regulated by beneficial bacteria. They help digest food and absorb nutrients from it, support the immune system and participate in metabolism. With the help of these microorganisms, most of the vitamins necessary for human life are produced. They are located in the intestine, which is often also a haven for pathogenic bacteria.

The balance between microorganisms in the human body is called microflora. If it is disrupted, the beneficial bacteria cannot do their job? and various health problems arise. Then a person faces an acute question: intestinal microflora - restoration. There are different drugs for this, but first you need to understand the causes of this condition, which is called dysbiosis.

Why is the intestinal microflora disrupted?

Most often this happens for the following reasons:

  • due to taking certain medications, especially antibiotics, which destroy any bacteria, even beneficial ones;
  • due to poor nutrition, non-compliance with food intake, addiction to fast food and snacks on the go;

  • due to reduced immunity, especially against the background of infectious and inflammatory diseases or chronic diseases;
  • from disruption of the gastrointestinal tract due to surgery, poisoning or disease: gastritis, ulcers and others;
  • Stress, a sedentary lifestyle and bad habits can also cause disruption of the intestinal microflora.

What symptoms are accompanied by this condition?

When intestinal microflora is disturbed, the following are most often observed:

  • bowel disorder - constipation or diarrhea;
  • flatulence, heartburn, bloating, increased gas formation;
  • stomach ache;

  • smell from the mouth;
  • loss of appetite, deterioration in performance;
  • decreased immunity;
  • in advanced cases, disturbances in heart rhythm and deviations in the functioning of other organs are observed.

Intestinal microflora: restoration

Preparations containing live bacteria and a medium for their reproduction are the most common means of treating this disease. But they should be prescribed by a doctor, since complex therapy gives a greater effect. There are preparations in the form of tablets or capsules, syrup or powder for preparing a suspension. But it is believed that when passing through the stomach, some of the microorganisms die, so it would be more effective to use such products in the form of microenemas or suppositories.

You can use folk remedies to restore microflora. For example, a mixture of dried apricots and prunes with honey, decoctions or extracts of St. John's wort, calendula, yarrow, eucalyptus or plantain. It is useful to eat lingonberries, garlic and grated sour apples.

A mandatory stage of treatment should be a nutritious diet, excluding fatty, spicy and canned foods, fast food and soda. It is very beneficial for the intestinal microflora to consume fermented milk products. Moreover, they must be natural, and you need to drink them at least half a liter a day.

In some cases, antibacterial drugs can be used to destroy highly multiplied pathogenic microflora: Penicillin, Tetracycline, Cephalosporin or Metronidazole. But probiotics must be taken together with them.

Types of drugs for the treatment of dysbiosis

1. Probiotics are medications containing live bifidobacteria or lactobacilli. They can be a single drug, which contains only one bacterium, or a complex product for colonizing the intestines with all beneficial microorganisms. These include “Linex”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Acipol” and others.

2. There are also medications that help the body produce its own bacteria - prebiotics. Most often they contain lactulose, which is for them. These are “Lactusan”, “Normaze”, “Duphalac” and others.

3. But the most effective restoration of intestinal microflora is symbiotics. They contain both living bacteria and substances for their growth. These include “Biovestin Lacto”, “Bifidobak” and others.

List of the most famous drugs

In recent years, one of the most popular queries has become: “Intestinal microflora - restoration.” There are various and effective medications for this, but they should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor. Which of them are the most common?

1. Monocomponent probiotics:

- “Baktisubtil”.

- "Vitaflor".

- “Colibacterin”.

- "Probifor".

- “Lactobacterin”.

- “Normoflorin.”

2. Multicomponent probiotics:

- "Bifiform".

- "Acylact".

- "Linex".

- “Bifiliz.”

- "Polybacterin".

- “Narine.”

- "Acipol."

3. Prebiotics:

- “Lactusan”.

- “Fervital”.

- Duphalac.

4. Symbiotics:

- Biovestin Lacto.

- “Bifidobak”.

- “Bifidumbacterin multi”.

- "Laminolact".

- “Hilak Forte”.

Characteristics of probiotics

These are the most popular drugs for restoring intestinal microflora. The list of probiotics is long, but they all have their own characteristics. Therefore, it is better to choose a medicine after consulting a doctor. Probiotics are natural remedies and contain bacteria that exist in the human intestines. These medications are safe and do not cause any side effects. They are used for the complex treatment of chronic and infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in cases where it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora after antibiotics. Drugs in this group can be divided into three types:

Medicines containing bifidobacteria: “Bifidumbacterin”, “Bifiform” and others. These microorganisms are the most common in the human intestine. They are the ones who are able to suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, such drugs are effective against salmonellosis, dysentery, and allergic diseases.

Preparations with live lactobacilli: “Lactobacterin”, “Biobakton”, “Acilact” and others. They are good to use during antibiotic treatment to protect the intestinal microflora. But since they contain only one type of microorganism, they do not help against complex dysbacteriosis.

Multicomponent products: “Linex”, “Acipol”, “Bifiliz”, “Florin Forte”, “Bifikol” and others. They contain additives that enhance the effect of bacteria.

The best lactulose-based medications

The effect of such drugs is based on the property of this substance to be broken down in the intestines into low molecular weight organic acids. They inhibit activity and thereby allow beneficial bacteria to grow normally. Lactulose is contained in Duphalac, Portalac, Normaze and some others. They cause almost no side effects, but there are still some restrictions on their use. It is not recommended to use such drugs for patients with diabetes mellitus or those who have intestinal bleeding.

Complex medicines

Many believe that the best drug for restoring intestinal microflora is Hilak Forte. In addition to lactobacilli, it contains lactic and other organic acids, which have a positive effect on damaged epithelial cells.

They also restore acidity in the gastrointestinal tract. These drops can be used at any age; they are well tolerated and effectively relieve abdominal pain, flatulence and stool disorders. Laminolact is also a popular drug. It comes in the form of delicious dragees. In addition to beneficial bacteria, they contain vegetable protein, oats and seaweed, which serve as a nutrient medium for the growth of microorganisms.

Restoration of microflora in children

A child’s intestines are completely populated with beneficial bacteria only by age 11. Therefore, dysbiosis is much more common among them. Stress, unfamiliar food, infectious diseases - all this causes the death of beneficial microorganisms and the proliferation of pathogenic ones. Restoration of intestinal microflora after antibiotics is especially often required. Not all medications are suitable for children, so treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. And it is not recommended to treat a child who is fed breast milk at all for dysbiosis. The main thing is for the mother to eat right and not give the baby any more food. But in difficult cases and with artificial feeding, special drugs are still required to restore the intestinal microflora. Not all of them are suitable for children:

- “Linex” in powder form can be given to babies from birth. It is added to water or breast milk. But the drug contains lactose, so it cannot be given to everyone.

- “Primadophilus” is also a powder diluted in any liquid. You just need to follow the dosage recommended by your doctor.

The drug "Hilak Forte" is available in drops. Its peculiarity is that it is incompatible with dairy products.

- “Bifidumbacterin” is taken with meals. This drug in powder form can also be dissolved in any liquid.

If a child suffers from colic, stool disorders and bloating, does not gain weight well and often cries, he definitely needs to restore the intestinal microflora.

Drugs: reviews of the most common ones

Recently, intestinal microflora disorders have become increasingly common. And not all patients consult a doctor about this. Taking medications on the advice of friends or pharmacists, they often do not get the desired result. But there are also remedies that everyone likes, and doctors prescribe them most often. These are Hilak Forte and Linex. They have no contraindications and are well tolerated. It is convenient to drink these drugs, especially Linex capsules. And many people like the sour taste of “Hilaka Forte”. What drugs for restoring intestinal microflora are not very suitable for patients? Basically, these are those that need to be stored in the refrigerator and diluted with water. This is quite inconvenient, although this form is more acceptable for small children. But in any case, you should take medications only as prescribed by your doctor.

Microflora refers to a complex of different bacteria inhabiting the human body. The intestinal flora is a set of bacteria typical for a particular person. But not all of the microorganisms living in the intestines are considered necessary. Beneficial types of bacteria can help digest food and absorb proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates.

Harmful species feed on fermentation products and create decomposition toxins. Restoring the normal microflora of our intestines can be compared with the importance of the functioning of the heart or kidneys.

Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, bacteroides and enterococci, which make up 98.9% of all bacteria inhabiting the intestinal tract, are considered good microflora. But 1% of this number of bacteria are relatively pathogenic bacteria. These are staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, clostridia and Proteus, and others. Under normal conditions they do not create problems.

Healthy flora is very important for well-being, as it guarantees harmonious functioning of the whole organism. Beneficial types of bacteria completely neutralize harmful toxins released by pathogens.

The work of the necessary bacteria is focused on improving the absorption of elements of lipid metabolism, the separation of bile and proteins.
With good microflora, immunoglobulin is formed, which is important for immunity.

An imbalance in the quantitative ratio of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract is considered a prerequisite for early aging.

Causes of microflora disturbances

Disturbances occur when there is an imbalance in the bacterial composition of the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors call such pathologies dysbacteriosis.

Microflora can become upset for the following reasons:

  1. Long-term use of antiseptics or antibiotics. According to statistics, intestinal disorders in 90% of cases combine antimicrobial therapy.
  2. Improper cleansing of the intestinal tract. If not only pathogenic bacteria are killed, but also necessary bacteria, an imbalance will certainly occur, leading to problems.
  3. Excessive cleanliness. When antibacterial hygiene products are abused, the necessary bacteria always die.
  4. With reduced immunity, an imbalance of the intestinal microflora often occurs.
  5. Infectious diseases, poisoning. With this type of disease, the pathogenic flora begins to prevail over beneficial bacteria and kills them, disrupting the functioning of the intestines.
  6. Hormone therapy. Hormonal drugs cause imbalance in all systems of the body, especially in the digestive and reproductive spheres. A sign of dysbiosis in women can be thrush.
  7. Inflammatory diseases. Any inflammation will necessarily manifest itself as unpleasant processes in the intestines.
  8. Allergic reactions. Very often they lead to various disorders and disorders in the human body.
  9. Chemotherapy. During irradiation, the entire microflora is damaged. Along with cancer cells, beneficial bacteria also die.
  10. Hormonal disorders of the body.
  11. Stress and diseases of the nervous system, as well as sleep disturbances.
  12. An unbalanced diet and improperly designed diets, as well as abuse of energy drinks and alcohol, often lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  13. Unfavorable ecology.
  14. Poor quality water is a provocateur of dysbacteriosis.
  15. During pregnancy, dysbacteriosis can also occur, which can be detected by colonoscopy.

Restoring flora after antibiotics

Antibiotic therapy negatively affects all microorganisms living in the intestines, initiating stool disorders. Restoring damaged intestinal microflora will require time and the use of special medications.

You need to understand that taking medications inhibits the beneficial microflora of the large intestine and causes the reproduction of bacteria that are resistant to this medication. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, enterococci, staphylococci and yeast fungi have significant stability to antibacterial substances.

Dysbacteriosis is always accompanied by conditions for a reduction in the number of bifidobacteria, fermented milk bacilli and an increase in Escherichia coli, clostridia, enterococci, troglobionts, etc.

The growth of pathogenic microflora causes changes in the small intestine, populating it with harmful organisms.

To restore normal balance, special antimicrobial agents and antibiotics are used to help destroy pathogens. When using them, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Symptoms of dysbiosis

The most severe dysbacteriosis occurs when the intestinal tract is infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The toxins released during this process provoke painful colitis in the large intestine with uncontrollable diarrhea.

  1. Watery diarrhea with blood more than 3 times a day.
  2. Severe pain in the abdominal area.
  3. Significant increase in temperature up to.
  4. Heart dysfunction - increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure.

The treatment process includes suppression of pathogenic microflora and restoration of good flora.


To quickly restore normal microflora in the intestines, upset by medications, substances are used, including cultures of active microorganisms, food additives or dietary supplements.

These include:

  • bifido drugs; bifidobac, bifidumbacterin, bifiform.
  • enterosobents that bind toxins are diosmectite, enterol, enterosgel, smecta;
  • drugs that revive motor skills are debridate and imodium;
  • anti-flatulence medications, such as espumisan;
  • digestive enzymes, these are Creon and Pensital;
  • hepatoprotectors or the well-known Carsil and Essentiale.


Probiotics are drugs with active cultures of bacteria. For dysbiosis in young children, strains of lactobacilli Lactobacillus species are used.

For irritable bowel syndrome, strains of lactic acid bacteria Bifidobacterium infantis and Lactobacillus plantarum, as well as fungi Sacchromyces boulardii, are used.

For antibiotic-associated diarrhea - Saccharomyces boulardii and linex.


These are preparations containing substrates to increase the desired microflora. All prebiotics improve intestinal function.

The following prebiotics are known: lactusan, prelax, lactofiltrum, diRezen, gastrointestinal transit prebiotic, picovit, evalar MCC.

Symbiotics – essential bacteria

These are complex products of probiotics and prebiotics. Symbiotics include several types of bacteria: acidobac, bifidin, linex, symbiolact, enterol.

Synbiotics are a combination of pro- and prebiotics: bioflor, maxilac, narine forte, calsis, evitalia.

There are also bacterial substances, including spores, that are activated only in the intestinal tract. These are biosporin, bactisubtil and sporobacterin.

The drugs are most often produced in ampoules, in the form of drops or syrups. Accepted according to packaging instructions.


It is most effective, especially for children, to use medications not only in tablets, but in the form of inexpensive but effective micro-enemas or suppositories. At the same time, the effect of the drug on the liver and pancreas is reduced, and its effect directly on the problematic gastrointestinal tract increases. Suppositories are very convenient to use for the treatment of young children who find it difficult to administer medicine. Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor.

Video: improving intestinal microflora and immunity

Folk remedies

For a long time, people have known how to help a person with gastrointestinal disorders. Domestic natural preparations produced in the form of powders, various herbs and infusions are very useful, they help perfectly in restoring normal intestinal microflora, and they are very cheap.

Natural herbal remedies are medicinal intestinal antiseptics. These include:

  • Calendula. The flowers of this plant contain natural antiseptic substances that help the body cope with the problem. The recipes are simple: freshly prepared calendula extract should be drunk 3-4 times a day, in combination with other medications until complete recovery.
  • Sage. It has long been famous for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties. The herb should be brewed as tea and used as a general tonic that increases the body's resistance.
  • Cowberry. The leaves and berries of this plant have unique antiseptic qualities that can help restore intestinal microflora. The decoction should be taken over several days.
  • St. John's wort. This plant lives up to its name, as it literally sweeps away all harmful microorganisms in its path. But you need to be more careful with the dosage of this infusion so as not to harm the gastrointestinal tract again.
  • Yarrow. A wonderful plant that has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body. Used in the form of teas and extracts.


It is very advisable to use fermented milk products, yoghurt capsules or homemade kefir to renew the microflora, as they contain natural lactobacilli. At the same time, they must be natural, and you need to drink them at least half a liter per day. It is advisable to eat lingonberries or grated apples, especially green ones, and drink herbal infusions and stomach teas.

The process of resuming normal functioning of the intestinal tract takes a long period. However, it should be understood that the health of the whole organism depends on the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the necessary amount of time and effort must be devoted to treatment.


Complete restoration of intestinal microflora is a long process, but very important. Good nutrition should be an integral step in healing. You should monitor your diet for some time, adhering to a gentle diet, so as not to cause further injury to the body.

You should exclude fatty, spicy and canned foods, sauerkraut, fast food and gas-water. Priorities in nutrition should be given to lean thin dishes, porridges and soups, well-cooked lean poultry, and low-fat varieties of boiled fish.