Photo and description of the grass called woodlice. Free treatment with woodlice grass

Chickweed grass treatment, beneficial properties and contraindications

Our ancestors living in villages always knew: woodlice is an excellent remedy for frayed nerves. To heal the nervous system and forget about the daily stress of the city, not only working on the land and fresh country air, but also a woodlice infusion will help.

Woodlouse classic recipe

Finely chop a tablespoon of woodlice leaves and stems, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours, then filter. Drink this antidepressant - half a glass twice a day, and once again at night. The same woodweed recipe will help if your heart is upset, as well as for cleansing the blood.

Woodlice is especially important for the hematopoietic system - medicinal properties it helps to increase hemoglobin, and the mucus infusion is especially recommended for women during menstruation.

Woodlice vitamin tea

Woodlice is a storehouse of vitamins E, B and C, various acids and elements, this makes it excellent tonic. To strengthen the immune system in the cold season, you can drink healthy wood lice tea: two tablespoons of dried chickweed herb in half a liter of boiling water, brew for one hour in a thermos.

If desired, you can add honey, cinnamon, cloves and ginger - the drink will become very aromatic, and the benefits will only increase. An interesting point: when brewing chickweed tea, homeopaths recommend not closing the lid for the first 20 minutes - otherwise the herb will “suffocate”, and healing properties will evaporate.

Woodlice for inflammation and tumors

Woodlice is a grass full of surprises, its healing qualities very diverse. It was especially revered among the people for its ability to relieve inflammation and draw out tumors.

An infusion of woodlice was dropped into the eyes for inflammation and deterioration of vision, but if you are not ready for such experiments, you can simply wash your tired and reddened eyes with a woodlice decoction - the effect is no worse than the famous blueberries or fragrant dill.

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Woodlice treatment of joints and muscles

If you don’t get out of your dacha in the spring and summer, then you are familiar firsthand with muscle fatigue and joint pain after an active day in the garden. And here the herb chickweed will help - its benefits and harms have been known for a long time, it was used for arthritis, arthrosis, bruises and sprains.

For bruises, you can simply apply chopped grass to the sore spot, tie it with a scarf and leave it for a couple of hours. For problems with joints, it is recommended to drink a classic infusion of chickweed, a quarter of a glass a day, and also take a bath.

In pharmacology, woodlice is included in many drugs used for diseases: kidney, heart, liver, vision, low hemoglobin, and for the treatment of tumors.

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Woodlice for bath

Woodlice bath: steam a 0.25 ml jar of dried or 0.5 liters of chopped fresh woodlice with a liter of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes under a towel, pour into the bath!

Young mothers have long appreciated the benefits of chickweed - they gave a decoction of chickweed to their babies for urinary incontinence. Interestingly, women's forums claim that this recipe is still popular, and most importantly, it is very effective!

Woodlice contraindications

If in your home medicine cabinet woodlice grass has settled in - its beneficial properties will pleasantly surprise you, and its contraindications will surprise you even more. Chickweed has virtually no dangerous properties(provided that you follow the dosage and do not drink decoctions of the miracle herb in large quantities).

The only advice is that woodlice significantly lowers blood pressure, so if you have hypotension, it is better to refuse such treatment.

Woodlice in cosmetology

Woodlice is a plant that all women love, because chickweed is an excellent cosmetologist with a rare profile. With the help of an inconspicuous herb, you can easily get rid of cracked heels, calluses and corns, but beautiful heels in summer sandals are every lady’s dream.

If you work on the ground all day, you can simply pick up woodlice and put it in galoshes or rubber slippers. It’s gentle on your feet and good for your skin. And in the evening, just wash your feet, apply rich baby cream and put on cotton socks at night.

If your dacha is the time to lie in a hammock with a book, you can change the recipe a little: the same socks, but with chopped woodlice inside. Four hours of rest, then a foot bath, your favorite cream - and you're done!

Woodlice composition and use

The entire aboveground part of the woodlice is edible. Per 100 g of weight it contains up to 115 mg of vitamin C, up to 23 mg of carotene, 44 mg of vitamin E, a lot of potassium and chlorine.

Tender woodlice greens are used to prepare salads, borscht, soups, purees, and pie fillings. When boiled, it is eaten like spinach, with butter. You can make carotene paste from greens.

Woodlice in green smoothies

Along with other herbs, such as nettle, gooseberry, plantain, fireweed (fireweed), clover, quinoa, burdock, dandelion, etc., woodlice is used in the preparation of green smoothies. The composition of such drinks is very diverse. They are often made from your favorite fruits and/or vegetables with the addition of a few leaves or sprigs of various herbs.

The only caution is not to drink a large amount of green smoothie at once, half a mug is enough, and see if there is an allergy. And, if you drink green smoothies for the first time, it is possible to cleanse the intestines.

Woodlice and any herbs that do not have toxic properties can be added to any cocktails and juice mixtures. On our website for you , , and many different recipes.

Woodlice for vision

1 tbsp. crushed leaves and stems of the herb, brew with 1 glass of water. Leave for 60 minutes. Apply this infusion to your eyes, 1-2 drops in each eye, 4 times a day. Drops help with loss of vision, eliminates clouding of the cornea.

Woodlice improves VISION many times more effectively than blueberries!

Woodlice for lactation and swelling of the mammary glands

By taking the above infusion recipe, you can enhance lactation and get rid of swelling of the mammary glands. Take 0.5 cups of infusion 3 times a day. The infusion compress works well to relieve swelling of the mammary gland. The compress is applied to the chest for 20 minutes.

Woodlice for poisoning and gastritis

Cleanse the body in case of poisoning, remove painful symptom for gastrointestinal diseases, cure chronic gastritis– an alcohol-based tincture of woodlice will help.

Method for preparing the tincture: 1 tbsp. pour vodka over the herbs - 300 ml. Insist for two weeks. Take 20 drops of tincture, after diluting with 1 glass of boiled water.

Woodlice for skin diseases

For many skin diseases, a concentrated infusion of the herb is used for treatment and as a sedative.

Method of preparation: 10 tbsp. woodlice leaves – chop, pour 1 glass of boiling water (80 degrees). Cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes and leave for 4 hours, strain and take.

Woodlice for the thyroid gland and liver

If your thyroid gland or liver is sick, it will help Fresh Juice from woodlice grass with honey. Syrup taken orally, 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day.

Once you pick a weed, do not throw it away. Prepare healing infusions, decoctions, syrups.

Woodlice rejuvenates, improves blood, memory, vision and the whole body in general!

Treatment with woodlice juice

For a long time, village healers used the juice of fresh woodlice to treat diseases of the liver and kidneys, the thyroid gland (goiter in common parlance), and hemorrhoids. It is very useful to wipe your face with it, especially for those young people who often have acne and pimples. Woodlice has virtually no taste or smell, just fresh grass.

And if you regularly take fresh woodlice juice, you can cure headaches, relieve irritability, fatigue, and improve MEMORY. Vitamin “E”, which is contained in fresh juice, slows down the aging process, cleanses blood vessels, improves blood composition, and helps eliminate harmful substances from the body.

Of course, a one-time juice intake is not enough for this. You should drink half a glass of woodlice juice three times a day before meals for three months- almost the entire summer dacha season.

In early spring, along with nettles, it is suitable for preparing salads and seasonings.

Harvesting woodlice

You can harvest woodlice for future use. Medicinal raw materials is the ground part, it is collected during flowering. It needs to be dried in the shade, at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. Store either in a canvas bag or in a glass or wooden container with a lid. Dry woodlice powder can be added to various foods in winter.


Unfortunately, medical science pays virtually no attention to this plant. And practice shows that woodlice is a highly nutritious and vitamin-rich product, a versatile medicinal product that improves metabolism, including in seriously ill patients.
This annoying weed is found in almost every area. Gardeners have a special score to settle with him. Yours popular name this plant received for interesting feature– its hairs covering the stem retain moisture well after rain. This is why the plant is always wet.

Yes, this is not a mistake. It's about about that very plant that all gardeners and vegetable gardeners spend so much effort fighting, especially in damp and slightly shaded areas, not realizing at all that this plant has long been asking for salads and is an excellent addition to the main harvest and to the home “first aid” "

This plant has many names. Botanists call it chickweed, people call it chickweed, because it is always wet, and many villagers call it “bird salad” for the special love of geese, ducks, chickens and other poultry for this herb.
Woodlice is an annual herbaceous plant with a recumbent, knotty, branched stem and small, pointed leaves. Woodlice loves fertile, slightly shaded and moistened beds, where it grows from early spring to late autumn, drowning out any vegetable seedlings.

The plant is unpretentious and is not afraid of frost or drought. It goes under the snow green and well developed. She is not afraid of snowstorms or severe frosts. Worth going spring water, and she, as if nothing had happened, is alive and well.
Woodlice blooms from May to September, reproducing by seeds at an incredible speed, producing up to ten thousand seeds from each plant per season. Once the bed is weeded of woodlice, after a week or two, seedlings will appear again, which in a month and a half, in turn, will begin to bear fruit.

Its seeds germinate already at a temperature of 3–4°C, and the lying long stems quickly take root in the nodes. Besides, the smallest piece Its stem in the soil takes root very quickly and produces a new plant.
And so they race one generation after another, creating a continuous flowering carpet in those areas where the owner of the site does not fight it or does not know how to fight it.

But this same woodlice has remarkable nutritional and healing properties, which we are often simply unaware of. In terms of vitamin content, it is not inferior to many cultivated plants. It contains up to 100 mg% vitamin C, i.e. one and a half times more than the noble and revered lemon. A vitamin salad made from its young tender leaves is especially useful for anemia and scurvy.
Woodlice contains a large amount of the most valuable vitamin E for humans, which is found in very small quantities or is absent in most cultivated plants in all your beds.

Woodlice should be eaten, not fought with. You just need to remember that once flowering begins, its stems are of little use for food, as they become fibrous and tough, like threads. It was precisely for its exceptional usefulness that in Rus' our “illiterate” ancestors always added woodlice to spring salads as rich in vitamins early green culture.
IN folk medicine among many peoples, woodlice has found its content wide application. Steamed woodlice grass in the form of compresses is applied to sore spots for radiculitis, aching joints, and sprained ligaments.

Woodlice stimulates secretion synovial fluid in the joint capsules, which can reduce pain when moving. Whether this effect will occur or not, in any case, vitamin greens will be beneficial in the complete absence of toxicity. Woodlice juice improves cardiac activity, relieves nervous tension, reduces painful sensations, reduces and resolves tumors. It is also used as a hemostatic agent.
Infusion or fresh juice of woodlice is taken for liver diseases and lungs, chest pain, hemoptysis, hemorrhoids, thyroid disease, gastrointestinal diseases, cirrhosis of the liver. Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins in woodlice, it quickly restores strength in a person.

To prepare the infusion you need 1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of dry herbs, leave for 1.5–2 hours, strain. Take 3-4 times a day before meals, 0.3 cups. And woodlice juice is taken 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day, adding a little honey to it.
In folk medicine, fresh woodlice juice is used to treat clouding of the cornea due to early stages diseases by dropping it into the eyes. No medicine helps relieve fatigue from your feet as much as fresh woodlice grass, which you put in your garden shoes instead of an insole.
Externally, the infusion of the herb is used for baths, lotions, and compresses; it is believed that such baths strengthen the nervous system. Woodlice juice or infusion is used to treat wounds that take a long time to heal and fester.

As an external remedy for baths and washing, you need 12–15 tbsp. spoon of fresh herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a warm place for at least 1 hour, strain.
In summer, chickweed's vitamin-rich greens should be used in salads. To do this, you need to chop the chickweed and onion greens, add boiled egg and sour cream and... the salad is ready.

V.A. Loiko


Salad with onions and chickweed

Ingredients: wood lice (herb) - 40g, green onions - 40g, egg - 1/4 pcs., sour cream - 8g, dill - 3g, salt.
The sorted and washed woodlice greens are chopped, combined with chopped green onions, finely chopped egg, season with sour cream, salt, decorate with slices of boiled egg, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

Summer borscht with woodlice

Ingredients: woodlice (grass) – 50g, beet tops- 50g, beans - 25g, onions - 15g, carrots - 8g, parsley - 8g, tomatoes - 50g, fat - 8g, sugar - 3g, vinegar 3% - 3g, sour cream - 10g, broth or water - 350g.
Carrots and onions are cut into slices, the leaves of the tops are cut into pieces. The beans are pre-boiled, the carrots and onions are sautéed. Place sautéed carrots, onions, and beet tops into boiling broth or water and cook until tender. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add tomatoes cut into slices, chopped greens, boiled beans, salt, spices, vinegar, sugar. When serving, add sour cream.

Chickweed (woodlice) seasoning

Add grated horseradish (2 tablespoons), crushed garlic (1 tablespoon), salt and vinegar (to taste) to chickweed greens (200 g) passed through a meat grinder. Use as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes.

Chickweed drink

Pour chickweed greens (200 g) and horseradish (100 g) minced through a meat grinder boiled water(2 l) and leave for 3-4 hours. Strain through a sieve and add granulated sugar(60 g). Serve chilled.

Vegetable soup with chickweed (woodlice)

Boil potatoes (200 g) in salted water (500 ml) until tender, season with sautéed carrots (100 g), onions, parsley root (15 g), tomato sauce(50 g), add chopped chickweed (150 g), bring to a boil. Before serving, put sour cream (50 g), dill and parsley on a plate.

Chickweed and dandelion salad

Grind chickweed (100 g), dandelion leaves (50 g) and lettuce (50 g), add curdled milk (40 g), salt and granulated sugar (to taste), mix everything.

Dumplings with woodlice

For 200 g of woodlice greens - 300 g of wheat flour, 1 egg, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. spoons of melted butter, 0.5 cups of sour cream, salt to taste.
Wash young woodlice shoots thoroughly, chop finely, add salt, add fried onions and raw eggs. Roll out the dough, make dumplings and cook them in salted water. Serve with sour cream or butter.

Scrambled eggs with woodlice

For 150 g of woodlice - 20 g of melted butter, 30 g of onions, 2 eggs, salt and herbs to taste.
Pour salted boiling water over the woodlice and chop. Lightly fry finely chopped onions in a frying pan, add prepared wood lice, parsley, dill, salt, melted butter, and simmer everything. Then pour in the eggs and fry until done.

Obtaining carotene paste from woodlice

1 kg of paste requires 750 g of filling.
Wash the woodlice greens, chop thoroughly and grind. Dilute the mixture with water at a ratio of 1:3, strain through cheesecloth. Rinse and squeeze the pulp several times.

Strain the resulting liquid through 3-4 layers of gauze and heat to 80°C. Wherein protein substances, dissolved in a liquid, coagulate into a clot and float to the surface. This clot contains carotene, vitamins E and K. The curdled mass must be removed with a slotted spoon and squeezed out in a thick cloth.

To preserve carotene paste for a long time, it should be spread in a thin layer on a plate and dried at a temperature of 80-100°C for 30-50 minutes. The powder from it is stored in well-sealed jars in a cold, dark room.

Pasta can be salted by adding 7-8 g of salt per 100 g of pasta. Salted pasta should be stored in a cool place. Carotene paste can be pickled. To prepare the marinade mixture, 1 cup of 8% vinegar must be diluted with 2 cups of water and 40 g of salt must be added to the resulting solution. Put the filling on the fire, bring to a boil, then cool. Mix the paste with the cold filling, place in a glass container, filling it to the top, and seal tightly.

Method for storing woodlice in sugar

It is good for both fruits and LEAVES. website And in winter it is a pleasure to prepare tea from such raw materials. The cooking recipe is simple: put vegetable raw materials in a glass container layer by layer, sprinkled with sugar between the layers. The leaves secrete juice and the result is a very tasty, vitamin-rich sugar syrup.

Plants are selected at the discretion of the procurer. For this I use raspberry, currant leaves, rose petals, jasmine, mint, oregano, and St. John's wort. If desired, you can add the fruits of viburnum, rowan, and hawthorn.

The site warns that self-medication is dangerous to your health! Be sure to consult your doctor!

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29.11.2017 2 142

Woodlice, beneficial properties and contraindications - all about using the weed

Woodlice, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been known to man for a long time, belongs to medicinal plants, however, for this herb to truly have effective action, you need to know what diseases it helps with, how it works for the thyroid gland, goiter, hypothyroidism, how it is good for joints, losing weight and treating other diseases...

Woodlice - beneficial properties and contraindications for health

The weed known as chickweed, chickweed, or simply woodlice, has beneficial properties and contraindications known since the times of ancient healers. This juicy herb is in vain considered a useless, annoying crop, because chickweed appears very often in traditional medicine recipes. It has long been used for healing of wounds and ulcers, suppuration and treatment of diseases of the heart and endocrine system.

The chemical composition of woodlice has not been studied in sufficient detail, but just by the names of those elements that were discovered, one can judge the presence of many medicinal properties of the plant:

  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and starts the process of tissue regeneration;
  • Vitamin K prevents bleeding and promotes healing of skin damage;
  • Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals, restores hormone synthesis, improves metabolism;
  • Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails, improves vision, strengthens the immune system;
  • Tannins eliminate inflammation, cleanse and dry out suppuration;
  • Essential oils destroy bacteria, strengthen the immune system, improve metabolic processes on cellular level, calm the nerves;
  • Minerals (especially a lot of potassium and chlorine in woodlice) have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, and are involved in the synthesis of enzymes and hormones.

The plant also has contraindications, read about them below.

Medicinal herb chickweed - what diseases it helps with, how to brew it correctly

Common woodlice is a herb, the benefits and harms of which are described in detail in many medicinal recipes, and there are more than a dozen recipes for its use - there is one for every disease unique remedy with this inconspicuous weed.

Thanks to unique combination useful substances, the use of woodlice is justified for inflammation, intestinal disorders and nervousness; woodlice is also irreplaceable, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are still being studied, and as an expectorant, sedative and choleretic agent, it is used to eliminate hypovitaminosis in the spring, lack of iron and iodine in the diet. Children are recommended to use chickweed to normalize sleep, treat seizures due to epilepsy, and also to restore strength after colds.

woodlice grass - in the photo

Teenagers benefit from woodlice for acne, and for women, this weed will help eliminate cosmetic imperfections such as uneven complexion, rashes, wrinkles, dullness and loss of elasticity. Woodlice herb is useful for thyroid problems when there is insufficient production of hormones by the gland.

IN fresh the plant is used for vitamin deficiencies, liver problems, a vitamin salad is prepared from woodlice, quail eggs, fresh herbs, it is added to soups, filling pies along with onions and eggs. Vegetarian cutlets are also prepared from woodlice by mixing the herb with boiled buckwheat and oatmeal. A smoothie made from any vegetables and fruits with the addition of woodlice is also considered a good source of vitamins.

Woodlice reveals beneficial properties and contraindications in decoctions and infusions. To normalize sleep in children, tea is brewed from the herb - a tablespoon of dried or fresh chickweed per glass of boiling water; they also drink this tea to strengthen the body during the cold season. Chickweed in this form is useful for hypothyroidism - the tea saturates the body with the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

A healing infusion of a tablespoon of woodlice, boiled in a steam bath for 15 minutes in a glass of boiling water, is taken for upset stomach and intestines, diseases of the liver, heart and lungs - drink the infusion a third of a glass a day after meals. You can use this drug externally to treat mastitis, or instill it into the eyes in case of lens dysfunction and loss of vision - the infusion is instilled into the eyes 4 times a day, 2 drops in each.

To eliminate pain in the intestines and stomach, in joints and headaches, use alcohol tincture from woodlice, and to extract beneficial properties from the plant, take 3 tablespoons of dried herb per 300 ml of vodka, infuse the mixture for a week in the dark and take 25 drops after meals three times a day.

woodlice grass for weight loss

The herb woodlice is useful for joints and ligaments; to relieve pain from injuries and inflammatory processes, use a strong decoction of woodlice - take 4 tbsp per glass of water. l. herbs and boil at low bubbling for 5 minutes. The broth is filtered and moistened with a cloth, applied to the sore spots for an hour under an insulating bandage.

For extensive skin lesions (diathesis, psoriasis, dermatitis), take baths with a decoction of a liter of water and 10 tablespoons of wood lice; the beneficial properties of the plant help heal damage to the skin and eliminate unpleasant symptoms - itching, burning, tightness.

In what cases should you not eat wood lice?

The woodlice plant has various beneficial properties and contraindications, but it has more benefits than harm. Doctors advise those who experience a decrease in blood pressure to take woodlice products internally with caution. Woodlice promotes relaxation of vascular walls, and if prone to hypotension, causes harm due to an excessive decrease in blood pressure. It is recommended to discontinue use of chickweed herb if symptoms appear:

  • Dizziness;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Darkening in the eyes;
  • Weakness in muscles;
  • Confusion or loss of consciousness.

You should not use drugs from wood lice internally if there is increased thrombosis, since medicinal products from this plant increase blood clotting and can lead to thrombosis.

Woodlice grown on soil rich in lime also has unfavorable properties, since it accumulates many substances that cause allergies.

The use of such a herb worsens the condition of dermatoses and psoriasis, and in order to avoid harmful effects on the body, it is advisable to collect woodlice on fertile garden soils.

Woodlice, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been proven by science and are due to its special chemical composition, should be used in accordance with the recommendations of doctors, especially if there is serious problems with health.

Chickweed (chickweed) is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant that has thin and weak branched stems that can be either ascending or recumbent. The length of the stems is usually from 10 to 30 cm. Their surface is covered with one row of specific hairs.

Chickweed (chickweed) is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant that has thin and weak branched stems that can be either ascending or recumbent

Woodlice leaves are ovoid in shape with short pointed tips and have a ciliated surface, but only at the base. When the plant begins to bloom, flowers with a green calyx grow on its stalks, which consists of 5 long petals and a white corolla. Over time, in the places of such flowers, fruits are formed that resemble a box in appearance. oblong shape. These capsules contain a large number of rounded seeds. With their help, the plant reproduces. Woodlice has been in great demand among traditional healers since ancient times, since products made from its fruits had a healing effect.

Mokrichnik blooms in the warm season, that is, from May to September. It usually grows in northern regions where temperate climatic conditions. However, some of its varieties can thrive even in high-altitude subtropics. Many varieties of this grass live on the territory of Russia, or more precisely, in its European part. Mostly favorite places Germination occurs in damp soils on forest edges and river banks. The plant can often be found in summer cottages and near houses. This is why chickweed is known to most people as a nuisance weed.

Chickweed leaves are ovoid in shape with short pointed tips and have a ciliated surface, but only at the base.

Features of a medicinal plant

Woodlice is a member of the clove family, so in some cases its green shoots can overwinter under the snow throughout the cold period. However, this property does not make the grass biennial or perennial. It’s just that its shoots begin to bloom early and produce seeds.

Grass is considered a "hasty" plant because it life cycle(from germination to the appearance of young seeds) lasts only 1 month. This is due to the fact that during the warm season, 3, and in some cases even 4 generations of it have time to grow and die. According to conservative estimates of biologists, one representative of this plant is capable of producing from 10 to 15 thousand seeds during its not very long life. This is why midge has so many generations in such a short period of time. The presence of a large number of generations of woodlice explains its ability to bloom and reproduce throughout the spring-summer period.

Its roots do not penetrate deep into the soil, so they literally penetrate it surface layer. Because of this feature, most of the water entering the soil during summer rains or during irrigation (in the case of its germination on summer cottage), is absorbed precisely by the shallow roots of wood lice. As a result, cultivated plants located next to the weed may be severely lacking in moisture, as a result of which they will dry out.

Woodlice is a member of the clove family

The midge has the ability to extract moisture not only during rain or watering, but also from the surrounding air. The plant also absorbs with its roots some of the morning dew, which is absorbed through the surface of its leaves. In this case, part of the moisture flows down the system of branched roots into the soil. Due to the fact that biting midge forms a kind of carpet on the soil surface due to its dense growth, water that has seeped deep into the ground cannot quickly evaporate under sun rays. As a result, a small greenhouse effect is formed in places where the weed is present. Thus, during the dry period, this plant can feel quite comfortable even with minimal moisture consumption.

Because of its ability to keep the soil moist, chickweed got its name - woodlice. Although it has the ability to retain moisture in the ground during periods of drought, wood lice prefers to live in areas with a damp or humid climate.

The flowers of the weed are so small that if you don’t look closely, you may not notice them at all, since they are practically invisible against the background of a dense green carpet. But, looking closely, you can see that the flowers themselves consist of 5 small petals white and a green cup.

Woodlice - a useful weed for beauty and health (video)

Varieties of medicinal herbs

Throughout the territory Russian Federation There are approximately 50 species of wood lice growing. The most common species is chickweed. This type of plant is most often used for the preparation of medicinal raw materials. There are other medicinal species of woodlice, the main ones of which are:

  1. Chickweed. It is also known as drunken or soap grass. It grows mainly in the northern regions and can be found in the territories of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Siberia. This representative has longer stems (up to 40 cm). Most often, chickweed grows in meadows, fields, shorelines of reservoirs and forests with humid environment. This kind herbaceous plant is poisonous, so products made on its basis should be taken very carefully. Excessive entry into the human body of substances contained in grass can provoke poisoning and, as a result, the development of unpleasant consequences. Chickweed tincture can stimulate the functioning of the reproductive system in both women and men. However, herbal remedies are often used for heart pathologies, various diseases, striking thyroid gland humans, and in cases of metabolic disorders. Except internal use, medicines from such a plant can also be used as an external remedy for the development of inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin. Experts recommend using decoctions prepared from chickweed for elderly people as a general strengthening and tonic.
  2. Chickweed lanceolate or rigid-leaved. Popularly it is also called love grass, crane grass, hemp grass, chistets, pyrnik and kostenets. Like all other representatives of this family, this plant loves to live in places with high humidity. Usually the crane grows in forest areas in thickets of various shrubs. Chickweed lanceolate is also a poisonous plant. Traditional healers They use fresh milkweed juice and its above-ground stems with leaves to prepare medicinal potions. Such drugs are mainly used externally as a treatment for skin ulcers, abscesses, bedsores and scabies. All kinds of compresses and lotions are made from products based on it. Various infusions, decoctions made from the crane grass, and in some cases even freshly squeezed plant juice are taken internally. Internal reception such remedies help relieve inflammation of organs gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and reduce the severity clinical manifestations rheumatoid and heart diseases.

Approximately 50 species of woodlice grow throughout the Russian Federation

Other types of weed

Other varieties of biting midge include:

  1. Chickweed (forest). This representative of the herbaceous plant is also characterized by poisonousness and is the tallest in comparison with other varieties of wood lice - the height of its stem can be 60 cm. Chickweed mainly grows in deciduous forests in the territories of the European part of Russia and North America(mainly in Mexico). Infusions made from the plant are widely used in the treatment of fungal skin pathologies and cancer.
  2. Chickweed Bunge. It is also a perennial herb that most often grows in forest and alpine regions. Products based on it are usually used as a powerful antiseptic. The plant is often used to stop bleeding from superficial wound and its disinfection. In addition, decoctions can also be used internally, for example, in the treatment of disorders digestive system, joint diseases, allergies and diabetes.

Medicinal properties and use of woodlice in folk medicine (video)

Useful properties of woodlice

During the laboratory research woodlice it was found that in his chemical composition a large amount of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), carotene and vitamins K, E. In this regard, some people use the herb as a salad dressing. You can add a bunch to such salads common nettle, then it will be even more vitamin-rich.

Although the woodlouse is medicinal herb, it is widely used only within traditional medicine. Typically, remedies from this plant are made from fresh leaves, stems and juice. Therefore, you should not buy dry extract of wood lice in specialized stores - when dried, the herb loses its medicinal qualities.

Midge has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative, that is, calming effect on the nervous system. In this regard, the herb is widely used in the treatment various pathologies, such as stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, pneumonia, hepatitis (liver inflammation), depression and many others. In addition, infusions based on wood lice are beneficial for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Preparing an infusion of this herb is very simple: just find green plant, grind it, measure out 1 tbsp. l. pour the resulting product into a small saucepan and add a glass of boiling water. After this, it is advisable to cover the pan with a lid and wait about 4 hours. After time, the resulting drink can be filtered through cheesecloth and drunk no more than 4 times a day, 100 g each, 30 minutes before meals.

Although woodlice is a medicinal herb, it is widely used only within traditional medicine.

Other properties of the herb

In all of the above cases, it is allowed to consume the juice of the plant. It should be drunk 4-6 times a day, 1 tsp. To improve the taste, woodlice juice can be taken with honey.

Infusions for external use are made from large quantities of herbs, so that medicine it turned out strong. Typically, strong infusions are used in the treatment of festering, poorly healing cuts, wounds and acne. They are used to make lotions, compresses and simple washing of pathological areas of the skin. Sometimes special ones are made with the addition of such infusions. foot baths, which can be used to eliminate swelling of the lower extremities.

Due to the analgesic effect, compresses from brewed woodlice can be applied to sore joints. For these purposes, you can use an alcohol tincture, which must be rubbed into the joints when painful sensations during physical activity.

Although bitingweed has many medicinal properties, you should consult your doctor before using this herb for treatment.

Indications for use

Thanks to the presence of many useful pharmacological properties woodlice can be used as an independent remedy when conducting complex therapy one or another pathological process. The main indications for its use are:

  1. Problems with the human respiratory system. Midge has an expectorant effect and has beneficial effect on the body if a person has diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
  2. The presence of diseases that affect musculoskeletal system. Due to its healing properties, chickweed is used as an additional treatment for rheumatism, osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, myositis and gout.
  3. The development of diseases that impair the functioning of the urinary system. Taking woodlice infusions helps remove calculi (stones) from the kidneys and excess fluid, which reduces the symptoms of swelling.
  4. Digestive disorders. Products based on wood lice have a beneficial effect on the activity of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract. Mokrichnik has the ability to eliminate intestinal colic and spasms.
  5. Pathologies associated with cardiovascular system, For example arterial hypertension And ischemic disease hearts.
  6. Endocrine disorders. Healing potions, made from woodlice, stabilize metabolic processes in the human body, reduce body weight and normalize digestion.
  7. Availability skin diseases allergic, fungal, traumatic or bacterial origin, For example acne, eczema, dermatitis, trophic ulcers, bedsores, scabies and many others.
  8. Anemia (anemia). Often, woodlice is also used in the treatment of such a disease, since it contains a large amount of iron and potassium, which has a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes in the body. Plant-based products can increase hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Chickweed is often used for vitamin deficiency as a natural vitamin complex that stimulates the functioning of immune system body.

Midge has many beneficial properties, but before using it, you should consult a specialist.

Most people believe that the woodlice plant is a real pest and harmful weed, but in fact, it is a storehouse of healing properties that not everyone knows about. Woodlice herb medicinal properties photo - woodlice is a common, quite common, famous plant, it belongs to the genus Cloveaceae. Let’s take a closer look at the plant and find out what healing properties it contains.

Woodlice is an annual, weedy plant. Summer residents who notice grass on their property try to remove it with all their might by known methods, without actually understanding how valuable this wonderful herb is. Getting rid of a plant is really quite difficult; it sprouts again and again in the area where it sprouted, even if you pull it out by the roots.

Woodlice grass is always wet, even in the heat its leaves are wet. It draws moisture from the air and the ground, which is why it grows so quickly in patches of land. The peak season is summer; it begins to bloom from May to August. In the photo, the grass looks like a climbing green plant, with whitish flowers in the form of small stars, which is why it has long been called chickweed. It is very important to distinguish it from other similar poisonous plants.

Attention! The grass chickweed, chickweed, can be confused with some varieties of forest chickweed, lanceolate and grass chickweed; they are poisonous and do not have beneficial properties. The leaves of the poisonous grass have a different shape.

The plant has from fifteen to twenty thousand seeds, even during snow drifts, its development continues, it is very common almost everywhere to the globe. There are about one hundred and twenty varieties, the plant is distributed in the temperate northern hemisphere.

Composition of grass

Woodlice weed is unusual medicinal plant, it has big amount vitamin properties. Its rhizome contains the most useful substances. The component includes:

  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • steroid saponins;
  • lipids;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins A, E;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • chlorine;
  • calcium;

Only in this plant is it present increased concentration vitamin E, which cannot be said about other similar herbs. The concentration of vitamin C is much higher than in regular lemon, and if you consume twenty grams in your diet, you will replenish your daily dose carotene.

Medicinal and beneficial properties

Woodlice is characterized by the presence of a large number the most useful properties. Stops bleeding, relieves pain, as well as acute cardiac pain, helps relieve inflammation. An herb suitable for hypertensive patients, it reduces well high blood pressure, has a calming property, flushes the intestines, improves vision, dissolves cholesterol in the blood, helps with the functioning of the thyroid gland.

A large amount of vitamin E ensures healthy skin and blood vessels. Reduces arterial pressure However, for hypotensive patients, taking woodlice is highly undesirable.

Important! One of the important properties of the plant is oxygen saturation of the body.

Where does it grow

The plant is considered a weed and is therefore found in different countries, in the territory of Belarus, the Caucasus, Ukraine, the Far East, Siberia. It often grows near rivers, loves shade, and will often grow in vegetable gardens and fields. The weed is extremely popular among residents of the East.

Interesting! Woodlice weed is very popular with chickens and other Domestic bird and cattle, which is why it has long been nicknamed bird lettuce.

Wikipedia about woodlice

About woodlice grass, you can read a lot of interesting things on Wikipedia, for example, that it is generally known by such names as canary grass, woodlice, hernia grass, heart grass, woodlice. The stem contains carotene in huge concentrations, and ascorbic acid. Aboveground leaves are used to prepare various delicious dishes. The herb is even used in the preparation of various soft drinks. Bees love to pollinate it, as it blooms almost all summer.

A few words about signs, they say “if the woodlice does not open its flowers, but keeps them closed all day”, it means there will be heavy rain.

Use in cosmetology

For calluses and cracks

To make your heels look like a baby’s without cracks, calluses or abrasions, you should put pieces of the plant in your shoes or put on footprints or socks.

For face

An herb that has an excellent effect on irritated facial skin, moisturizes and nourishes it with all useful components. A mask made from ground grass, applied completely to the entire face, lasts about twenty minutes. This mask is very useful for acne and inflammation; it can be used even with very oily skin, as a compress for the entire face.

For baths

The herb is also useful for taking baths; it gives relaxation to the entire body, relieves chronic fatigue, restores energy and gives the body vigor. It’s done like this: two hundred grams of chopped herbs, pour one liter of boiling water, and let the broth sit well for two and a half hours.

In cooking

It is most popular in cooking; it contains many needed by the body vitamins and minerals. The salad will be very healthy and tasty if you add the leaves of the woodlice plant to it; it is also added to potatoes, sauces, and pie fillings. The resulting seasonings and sauces are quite healthy and tasty for meat, potatoes, rice, cereals and other side dishes. In England, the British love to decorate their salads and other dishes with plant leaves. They also put boiled herbs in vinaigrette and borscht.

Chickweed herb puree

An herb that is especially tasty when combined with mashed potatoes, you definitely need to take it early fresh leaves, they are doused with boiling water, then sprinkled with dill and parsley, salt and the whole thing is stewed until fully cooked.

Important! Most nutrients, and microelements are found fresh - in salads, sauces or sandwiches.

Carrot and chickweed salad

It is possible to make from the foliage of early woodlice delicious salad: finely chop the carrots, add one hundred grams of washed and chopped herbs, squeeze out one clove of garlic, add two teaspoons of sour cream or mayonnaise to your taste.

Chickweed seasoning

With the help of this plant, they even make seasoning and sprinkle it on food from vegetables and meat. The seasoning is made like this: take two hundred grams of finely chopped herbs, add two tablespoons of horseradish, then crush everything, add garlic, salt to taste, sprinkle with vinegar.

Scrambled eggs with woodlice

For scrambled eggs you need three eggs, a handful of ground herbs, green onions, half a glass of milk, and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. The eggs must be carefully mixed with milk, pour in the wood lice and onions, and fry everything until fully cooked.

Use in folk medicine, medicinal recipes

The plant is widely used in folk medicine. A decoction of wood lice grass, lotions, and tinctures are made. This all helps with various diseases - vascular system, thyroid, severe asthma, diarrhea, swelling, rashes, and liver disease.

For arthritis

Take one liter of boiled chilled water and put it there table salt 4 spoons, move everything so that there is no sediment, then take ice molds, fill them and put them in the freezer until ice forms. Place the resulting ice cubes with salt on the affected areas of the legs; when the cubes melt, do not wash them off, but carefully wrap them in a woolen scarf and hold them.

For diabetes

To stabilize blood sugar, you need to make this recipe. One spoon of the dry plant is poured with boiling water and left for six hours (a thermos is suitable for this); you need to drink one hundred grams a day, before meals, three times a day. You must take this course for about half a year.

For eyes

It has been proven that the herb restores vision; you need to take one tablespoon of woodlice leaves and add a glass of water, leave the infusion for one hour. The infusion should be applied to the eyes, two drops, about four times a day. The drops effectively help even when vision is lost; the infusion also removes clouding of the cornea.

The plant is also very helpful in treating glaucoma. To prepare the recipe you need to: wash the plant, grind it and squeeze out the juice. The juice is mixed with alcohol ten to one (for example, two liters of juice, two hundred grams of alcohol). The infusion is drunk fifty grams, twice a day before meals. The course of use is two months, the tincture should be stored in the refrigerator.

For mastitis

Probably every breastfeeding woman is familiar with what mastitis is. Even in ancient times, women were unable to seek quality medical care, used the woodlice recipe to get rid of mastitis. To cure mastitis, you need to cut the grass and grind it with your hands, squeeze and squeeze out the juice of the plant, put the resulting compresses from wood lice on your chest, apply a bandage or gauze, then wrap it with oilcloth, leave the resulting compress for one hour.

For high blood pressure

To quickly reduce high blood pressure, you need to take a decoction of wood lice herb, it is prepared at the rate of one tablespoon per two hundred milliliters of boiling water. After the decoction is poured with boiling water, you must wait fifteen minutes, and then strain the resulting decoction and take fifty milliliters after meals. The decoction helps reduce high pressure, and with the help of calcium it strengthens the heart muscle well. The decoction cleanses the blood and improves its composition.

For a cold

If you are sick, have a cold or severe cough, drink herbal tea or tincture, the tincture has an anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect. Woodlice has a beneficial effect, tones the entire body, and also kills pathogenic microbes in the human body.

Chickweed juice and its uses

To get chickweed juice, you need to squeeze the juice from the leaves of the plant. Freshly squeezed juice contains a large amount of useful substances. Vitamin “E” is very useful, it is found in woodlice grass, it slows down the aging of cells, thanks to it, blood circulation in the body improves.

If you constantly drink juice with this herb, you will notice that migraines, nervous tension, weakness are gone, heart function is normalized, pain goes away.

Important! To lose weight, you should take 1 teaspoon of woodlice juice with a handful of honey.

Decoctions and tinctures preparation, use

For gynecological diseases

Herbal decoction used for gynecological diseases such as ovarian cyst and erosion, for this purpose a tampon soaked in a decoction is placed overnight, which helps in treatment. The decoction is made like this: one tablespoon of chopped, dried herb is poured with a glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and allowed to stand overnight.

Tincture for immunity and diseases

Tincture with woodlice, strengthens general immunity person. To prepare the tincture, you will need three tablespoons of the dried plant, add boiling water and remove. The tincture should stand for about two weeks, after which the liquid should be decanted and consumed twenty drops daily. The infusion can also be added to plain water or a drink, but it should be taken strictly only after meals. The product also relieves gastritis and severe diarrhea.

The infusion is also drunk at very severe poisoning. For gastrointestinal diseases, you need to take twenty drops of this tincture. If you drink the tincture within three months, your migraines, irritability and weakness will go away. If you have a loss of energy, then you just need to add recipes for various delicious dishes from this weed plant to your diet.

Therapeutic compresses and ointments from woodlice

For psoriasis

Woodlice ointment is an excellent assistant in this unpleasant disease like psoriasis. To prepare the ointment you will need dried grass, chicken fat (vaseline). Dried woodlice herb, finely grind to a powder consistency. Next, add the finished powder to Vaseline or chicken fat. The entire mixture must be thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved, the finished ointment must be allowed to sit for a day in a dark place, then used on the affected skin, before bed, every day. In the morning, be sure to wash your face with laundry soap and cool water.

For varicose veins

Woodlouse does a great job with varicose veins veins, to get rid of this problem, compresses are made on certain areas of the skin, gauze is placed, then grass, polyethylene and fixed with a bandage or gauze. You need to make such a compress every day, always before going to bed for seven days, you don’t have to change the bandage, but the herb should be fresh every day.

Procurement of raw materials, storage

To prepare raw materials you need to: pick the grass, wash it, put it on the surface, and dry it. The plant can be stored for no more than 9 months. A fabric bag is perfect for storage. The grass is harvested at the end of spring, in the month of May. Decoctions are used for stomach cramps, various compresses, hemorrhoids and other diseases.

Harm and contraindications

It is not advisable to use the tincture for stomach and duodenal ulcers. The alcohol included in the tincture kills the usefulness of vitamins and minerals, and makes the tincture even harmful for these diseases. This tincture increases the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract, which increases the likelihood of severe pain and discomfort. Clinically Proven medical diets, it is strongly recommended not to use alcohol and its derivatives internally; this also includes tinctures of medicinal plants.

Woodlice in cooked food will not be to the taste of every person; its taste is very specific, but if you still need to use it in a dish, then it is better to add parsley or cilantro.

The role of the plant in the treatment of hypertension has not been fully studied and has not been clinically proven, so it is highly doubtful to hope that it will stabilize and lower blood pressure. An allergic reaction may occur to the composition of one of the components of woodlice grass.

Woodlice is a herb that absorbs everything in addition to vitamins and minerals, absorbs harmful toxins, heavy metals and others harmful components for a person. You can add it only if it was collected in environmentally friendly places.

Quite often, recipes from traditional medicine will not help relieve symptoms, and therefore do not have the ability to cure the disease. Before being treated with traditional medicine recipes, you need a preliminary consultation with your doctor.

People who have allergic reaction on the components included in the herb. If the body reacts to the intake, you must immediately take an antiallergic drug and immediately stop taking it. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of the herb is not permissible and may harm the baby.

Important! During the flowering period, the plant contains a huge concentration of alkaloids, so it should not be consumed, otherwise it may lead to dangerous poisoning human body.


Woodlice herb medicinal properties and photos in this article, we got acquainted with the woodlice plant, its beneficial and medicinal properties, saw what it looks like in the photo, found out what it can help us with and where it can harm a person. Whether or not to use the herb is a personal choice for each person.

Do you remember how in A. Volkov’s fairy tale Oorfene Deuce stubbornly fought with weeds on his site, and then was surprised to learn about their wonderful properties?

This happens in life too: the woodlice grass, which is boring you to hell, turns out to be a storehouse of all kinds of useful things.

What does woodlice grass look like?

"Medium chickweed", also known as chickweed, received this name due to the similarity of the shape of the white flowers to small stars.

And the plant was given a dissonant name, coinciding with a harmful insect, for unusual property leaves always remain wet, no matter how dry the weather is.

Equipped with villi, the thin stems of woodlice have adapted to draw moisture directly from the air. The height of the plant, found in temperate climate zones, does not exceed 25 cm, and the life expectancy of the ephemeral is a little more than a month.

Woodlice - medicinal properties

Observation of nature (livestock and birds love to feast on woodlice) and simple experiments gave our ancestors the key to understanding the abilities of grass as a human assistant.

Its medicinal properties are due to:

  • valuable vitamin set: A, C, E,
  • salts of potassium, calcium, iodine,
  • flavonoids,
  • alkaloids,
  • phenolcarboxylic acids,
  • steroid saponins,
  • coumarins and much more.

Tinctures, as well as fresh weed juice, are used to improve the health of many systems of the human body.

The plant has been successfully tested in homeopathy and folk medicine as an internal and external remedy.

Woodlice: what does it cure?

In the Far East, these greens are traditionally chopped into salads, collected before flowering, until the leaves become coarse and lose their taste.

It is also used as a filling for pies and added to soups. This food supplement allows you to quickly replenish the supply of vitamins in the body that has become depleted over the winter.

Chickweed is used as a medicinal drug or to relieve pain:

  • at anxiety states,
  • with salt deposits in joints,
  • for enterocolitis, constipation, appendicitis,
  • as a choleretic, diuretic, lactic,
  • for hepatitis and various liver diseases,
  • as an anti-inflammatory: bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, cough, colds, as well as for poorly healing purulent wounds, ulcers, etc.

Woodlouse grass: recipes

The grass that invades our gardens without permission is full of surprises. And, although it has not received such recognition as, for example, the hog uterus, it is also very useful for women.

To increase hemoglobin , at initial signs anemia, an infusion of woodlice is indicated before menstruation, and if there is inflammatory processes sexual sphere, it is better to use throughout the month.

Infusion recipe:

Two tbsp. spoons should be steeped in a glass of boiling water and drunk 3 times a day, half a glass. Drinking this will also help your heart and cleanse your blood.

If such a thing is found in the chest insidious disease, How mastopathy, then fresh leaves are applied to the inflamed area, covering a slightly larger area. Chickweed juice can be drunk without restrictions during the treatment period, which usually lasts 2-3 weeks. It is so safe that it is even dripped into the eyes (first brought to a boil) when red. For juice, well-washed leaves and young stems are taken.

The dried plant is prepared in winter tea that improves immunity . Place 2 tbsp in a thermos. for 2 tbsp. boiling water Homeopaths believe that you need to leave the drink for 20 minutes without a lid, otherwise it will “suffocate.” Adding honey, ginger, cloves, and cinnamon to the cup will help increase the properties of the liquid as an immunostimulant.
For joint diseases First keep the chickweed in a colander for 3 minutes. over steam, and then transferred to gauze and, wrapped around the patient, covered with a warm cloth.


Chickweed is one of the few medicinal plants, which have no contraindications. It affects the body very gently, without causing any harm.

The only thing that can stop those who are going to use the plant internally is its ability to lower blood pressure.

And one more caution: there is a possibility of confusing the woodlice with its poisonous relative - chickweed lanceolate. It is also used for medicinal purposes, but the dosages and regimens are completely different.