Beet tops – description with product photo; its beneficial properties and calorie content; benefit and harm; use in cooking and for treatment; dish recipes. Beneficial properties of beet tops: how to use them to strengthen the heart, improve digestion, etc.

Often, housewives, when processing vegetables, throw away parts that represent nutritional value. For example, few people know about the benefits and harms of beet tops. But it is no less edible than the root vegetable beloved by many. You just need to know how to choose the right beet tops, how best to process them and in what way to cook them. At the same time, we must not forget that the abuse of products, even the most useful ones, will not lead to anything good.

Composition of beet tops

Beet tops are leaves that remain above the soil during the development of the vegetable. They can grow until frost, allowing for multiple harvests. While beets are famous for their content minerals, its tops contain a large number of vitamins:

  • Vitamin C. A water-soluble compound, the supply of which must be constantly replenished. Without it powerful antioxidant the body will not be able to resist infections. It also takes part in collagen synthesis. This protein supports healthy blood vessels, teeth, bones and skin.
  • Vitamin K. Helps normalize the rate of blood clotting. Prevents destruction of brain cells. For this reason green part Vegetables are recommended for consumption by older people. According to scientists, the product can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Tip: Green tops can be included in a diet aimed at preventing rickets and osteoporosis. But in this case it should be combined with foods rich in calcium. In combination with vitamin K, this microelement will significantly increase bone strength.

  • . Promotes production blood cells and antibodies, which leads to strengthened immunity. It has antioxidant properties, due to which it binds and removes from the body free radicals. This reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. Vitamin A deficiency negatively affects the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. Regular consumption of the green part of the vegetable provides tissue protection from destruction and decreased functionality.
  • B vitamins. They are presented in the foliage of the root crop in almost in full force. Substances are responsible for normal course metabolic processes throughout the body.

Like beets themselves, their leaves contain many mineral elements. They are even superior in terms of iron levels. Potassium normalizes arterial pressure by regulating water balance. Calcium, sodium, manganese and phosphorus trigger chemical reactions, stabilizing the functioning of organs and systems.

In addition, beet tops contain a lot of fiber. It helps cleanse the body of decay and oxidation products and toxins. But there is no fat or cholesterol in it, so consuming the green part of the vegetable has the most positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

The benefits of beet tops for the body

Having examined in detail the composition of beet tops, nutritionists came to the conclusion that it regular use can give the following results:

  1. Normalization of metabolism by cleansing the blood. Positive results guaranteed in cases of hereditary or acquired problems.
  2. Cleaning blood vessels from plaques. As a result, the risk of developing heart attacks, strokes, diseases of major and small vessels, hearts.
  3. Prevention cancer diseases. Greens contain many antioxidants, and the action of each of them is aimed at binding and removing free radicals from the body.
  4. Colon cleansing. This is due to the high fiber content in the leafy part of the vegetable.
  5. Elimination and prevention of vitamin deficiencies. Eating beet leaves saturates tissues with vitamins. And thanks to the normalization of intestinal functions, they are more actively absorbed by the mucous membrane and reach the necessary organs.
  6. Preventing vision impairment. The tops contain special substances that slow down the aging of cells in the retina.

With all this, 100 g of product contains only 22 calories, which makes green leaves one of the leaders in the field dietary nutrition. Culinary experts consider them a universal component that can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes.

Rules for choosing beet tops

Almost all beet tops can be eaten. Leaves must be collected correctly Special attention devoted to their storage. Of course, it is better to grow root vegetables yourself, but sometimes this is not possible.
Then you need to act as follows:

  • You should not buy already cut tops. It is better to purchase vegetables with leaves, then they will draw juices and nutrients from the root crop until the last moment.
  • The leaves should be bright, strong and fresh. There will be no benefit from wilted greenery.
  • Already at home, the tops should be cut off at a distance of 2 cm from the tuber. All excess is removed from them, the sand is cleaned off. If you plan to store the tops in the refrigerator, you should not wash them. It is enough to clean it from dirt and put it in the vegetable compartment.

Beet tops can be frozen; they will not lose their benefits. The greens are washed, sorted, dried, cut and placed in bags. All that remains is to put it in the freezer and use it as needed.

Options for preparing beet tops

In cooking, it is customary to use young beet tops; old leaves are too fibrous. It is best to start cooking immediately after harvesting or separating the tops from the root crop. To get not only benefits, but also pleasure from dishes with greens, you should remember a few rules:

  1. IN fresh Only fresh leaves are used. Stale or old elements require heat treatment.
  2. It is recommended to soak very large leaves in water before cooking. cold water, otherwise they may seem bitter due to high level content oxalic acid.
  3. Beet greens can be boiled, steamed, stewed and fried.
  4. Most often, beet leaves are added to borscht, green cabbage soup and salads. They also work well as a filling for pies and pies, vegetable dressing for pizza, scrambled eggs, and stews.

If you want to get something from beet greens maximum benefit, you should make a smoothie from it. You just need to combine the product with vegetables, fruits and herbs, otherwise the taste will be too rich and unusual.

Possible harm to beet tops

All potential harm beet tops is associated with high content in the oxalic acid product. It reacts with mineral elements and forms compounds that are difficult to remove from the body. Eating leaves too vigorously can cause the formation of sand and kidney stones. gallbladder. People suffering from kidney and gallbladder diseases do not have to completely abandon the product, but they should not get carried away with it either.

To reduce risks negative influence oxalic acid on the body, you need to monitor water balance, drink enough water. But for people taking anticoagulants, it is better not to introduce beet leaves into their diet. Otherwise due to increased concentration vitamin K this can lead to negative consequences in the form of strong blood thinning.

Tops appearing on vegetable shelves are one of the most pleasant harbingers of the spring-summer season. During this period, we should not deny ourselves tender sugar beet leaves, because they are a real treasure useful substances, especially vitamin C. A glass of tops satisfies more than half of our daily need for this organic compound, which very effectively strengthens the immune system and helps repel attacks from bacteria and viruses.

Another important component of the tops - vitamin E - is responsible for good condition skin: has an excellent effect on hydration, prevents drying and the appearance of pigmented age spots. Beet tops also supply us with a solid dose of bioflavonoids, which protect the heart and circulatory system. It also contains sulfur compounds that inhibit the development cancer cells.

Hormonal strength

Recently, scientists found phytoestrogens in beet leaves, that is, plant compounds that act in the same way as human hormones, and having many valuable properties. First of all, they influence the mitigation of problems associated with menopause: they fight hot flashes, excessive sweating, sleep disturbances, dizziness, fatigue, depressive state, irritability, palpitations, feeling of suffocation. Phytoestrogens act as hormone blockers and effectively protect against prostate, breast and thyroid gland. They improve concentration, overall brain function and reduce the risk of serious cardiovascular diseases by causing a decrease in “bad” cholesterol and an increase in “good” cholesterol.

However, you need to know that beet tops are a rich source of oxalic acid, a substance that impedes the absorption of magnesium and calcium. Excess of it weakens bones and teeth, and also promotes the formation of kidney stones. People suffering from illnesses should remember this urinary system, fat digestion disorders or intestinal diseases.

How to eat beet tops?

Tops can be easily purchased in stores and markets. When going for it, you need to choose specimens with deep color and elastic leaves and ignore wilted or yellowed ones. “With age,” the leaves become red and uneven, which, however, does not affect their taste.

The vegetable does not like to be stored for too long. The tops will remain fresh and elastic longer if you place them in a paper bag that provides air and moisture. In this form, it is placed in the refrigerator without rinsing the leaves, since excess moisture can accelerate their rotting. Wash this plant immediately before cooking. Do this in cold water and then rinse thoroughly to remove sand and other contaminants.

Beet leaves are the basis for cold plant, made from sour milk, kefir or buttermilk and various additives: cucumbers, radishes, boiled eggs. You can make delicious Botvinnik from beet leaves. In this case, they are simply boiled in meat or vegetable broth and seasoned a small amount sour cream.

The tops should be cooked covered in a saucepan, without adding water. Enough droplets that will remain on the leaves while rinsing, as well as a little butter or olive oil.

Tender leaves will be an exquisite addition to the main dish; they go well with garlic, shallots, Roman cumin, and hot chili sauce. The tops can be eaten raw (for example, as part of a salad) or used to enrich spring pies or casseroles. There is an excellent dish made from beet tops in Georgian cuisine: the tops are boiled, thoroughly squeezed out of water and seasoned with chopped walnuts And delicious spices. This snack is called “phali”.

Home cultivation

If you don’t have confidence in tops purchased in a store or market, you can easily grow them at home. Such microgreens are one of the most fashionable “nutritional” trends. recent years. Vegetarians and other fans willingly treat themselves to young plants. healthy food, and the most famous chefs are happy to decorate the dishes served in their restaurants with them.

To grow the tops yourself, you need to put a little good soil in pots, boxes on the windowsill or another container, scatter the seeds over it and cover it with another, thinner layer. Plants are placed in a sunny place, not forgetting about regular watering. When they sprout, you need to wait about 2 weeks, after which you can start cutting them and eating them.

Beet leaves, although small in size, can surprise with their richness of flavor. So they become good addition for salads, sandwiches or omelettes. They also make an attractive garnish for pasta or pizza dishes. It is important to remember that microgreens should be eaten raw, since heat treatment destroys many valuable components.

Spring came. And with it comes a natural opportunity to eat healthy! What will our diet be like? Should we replace a hearty winter breakfast with skim cheese And Fresh Juice? Will our dinner consist of salad? And what will this salad be like?

With the advent of more and more adherents healthy eating, on the shelves of a modern supermarket you can find an abundance of herbs and lettuce.

So, gastronomic greens: Lolo rossa, Lolo bianca, Watercress, Mung lettuce, Iceberg, Friese, Romaine, Oakleaf, Corn, Head lettuce, Leaf lettuce, Arugula, Chicory, Butterhead, Chard... And precisely the last one, Mangold, I would like to pay special attention.

But in fact, Chard is beet leaves. Yes, exactly them. Table leaves, red beet.

Of course, scientists have worked hard to ensure that the plant gives strength to the tops, and not to the root itself. And therefore Chard is a green, not a vegetable. A very versatile green though. Moreover, there is a red leaf and a green leaf, which is obtained from fodder (sugar) beets. And there is already a yellow and silver leaf. On the shelves of Ukraine and Russia we find only miniature leaves mixed with arugula or lolo rossa. Much less often you can buy Chard separately.

In the markets of Europe and Asia you will find quite large leaves of Chard. The length of the leaf with petiole reaches 70 cm.

Asians use beet tops in any form: raw, boiled, baked. The Chinese have a cuisine culture that they call "samovar". Standing at the dining table electric stove, there is a pot of boiling water on it. On the trays lie the ingredients of your meal in raw (live) form: sorrel, chard, spinach, octopus, shrimp, etc. You take them, dip the ingredients in boiling water one by one for a few minutes, and put them on your plate. This way no one wastes time on separate preparation, everything is prepared and eaten at the table. A lot of chard and sorrel are eaten.

Europeans prefer to add chard to a variety of salads, pasta sauce, omelet and casserole, and prepare a side dish for meat. Risotto with Chard has a special taste.

But how “new” is Mangold in our Slavic cuisine? Yes, he is not a newbie at all, I tell you.

I remember very well from childhood, how in the spring, at my great-grandmother Daria, a “water garden” appeared on the windowsill. Sprouted onions and beets were placed in jars of water, and there they continued their cycle of rebirth. We added young beet shoots to salad, omelet and borscht with young nettles and sorrel. It was very tasty! I'll tell you more. Grandma cooked cabbage rolls... with beet leaves instead of cabbage. Try it during the season, you will be delighted! Only beet leaves, unlike cabbage leaves, do not need to be boiled in boiling water, but lightly doused with boiling water and quickly taken back out. They behave in preparation and during the cooking process itself, like spinach.

Our great-great parents knew well how to get the maximum benefit from the plant.

Restaurants in the city actively use greens in their menus, including chard. But chefs call it nothing other than beet leaf. For now, the leaf is used only in salads.

But who knows, perhaps today you will see a Chard pie on the menu of your favorite restaurant.

About the benefits: Swiss chard is very rich in vitamins C, B, B2, O, PP, P, contains carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances, organic acids, carotene, potassium salts, calcium, phosphorus, iron, lithium, etc.

Late spring and early summer- the season of young vegetables. At this time, the shelves are full of rich colors, among which it is difficult not to notice young beets, especially if they are sold together with juicy tops. Unfortunately, many housewives immediately cut off and throw away the leaves, not understanding at all how useful they are and how much delicious dishes you can cook from them.

Beneficial features

The first question that housewives often ask is: “Why even cook with beet tops?” Scientists gave the answer to this question a long time ago, proving that the leaves of this plant contain no less useful substances than the root vegetables. Beet tops are rich in ascorbic and folic acids, vitamins of groups B and P, microelements such as calcium, magnesium, Vitamin C in the leaves is many times more than in the root vegetable.

Dishes made from this vegetable are useful for people with heart and thyroid problems, patients diabetes mellitus and anemia. Scientists have noted the huge content of substances that suppress the growth of cancer cells, so oncologists recommend that patients include beet tops in their diet. What to cook from this vegetable depends on a person’s culinary preferences. But the abundance of recipes allows absolutely everyone to find something to their liking.

Role in world cooking

In many countries around the world, dishes are prepared from juicy beet leaves. In Russia they cook borscht from it, in America they prepare stew, Georgians love pkhali, and Armenians wrap the filling of meat and cereals in beet leaves, like cabbage rolls. Beet tops, the recipes for which have been passed down from generation to generation, are famous in almost all corners of the earth. Do you want to try cooking a national Russian dish or an overseas delicacy in your own kitchen? Go for it! Some simple recipes will help with this.


Let's start with borscht. To prepare it you will need half a kilo of young beets along with leaves, 4 potatoes, 2 small young zucchini, 3 ripe tomatoes, a carrot and an onion. In addition, we will prepare oil for frying and a little vinegar. And to give the dish flavor, we use seasonings. Which one is up to you to decide. Any favorite spices will do. Well, you can’t do without sour cream; it is used when serving.

This dish is lean and suitable for vegetarians and those on a diet. But it is quite acceptable to cook it with meat, and add chopped lard to the frying.

Let's start cooking by chopping the ingredients. The first thing to go into our future borscht is beets, cut into small slices. This is followed by potato cubes. Meanwhile, fry the vegetables, carrots, tomatoes and zucchini in oil, add a little vinegar and simmer. As soon as the vegetables become soft, transfer the frying into the pan and add the tops cut into strips there. Cook for another 15 minutes, add spices and salt. And when the borscht is cooked, it needs to steep - for this it is best to wrap the pan with a towel and leave it on the stove turned off for at least 30 minutes.

Do you like it spicy? Feel free to add pepper and crushed garlic to the borscht!


The birthplace of this recipe is Karachay-Cherkessia. To prepare the pie we will need the following products:

  • flour - 200 g;
  • homemade soft cheese (brynza, suluguni) - 170 g;
  • onion feathers;
  • beet tops - a bunch;
  • salt.

Wash the raw leaves and cut them into smaller pieces, add cheese and onion to them, mix thoroughly. Knead a loose dough from flour, salt and water. Roll out several circles according to the size of the pan. Now we form the pies: put a layer of dough on a greased frying pan and distribute the filling on top. We will bake it in the oven. The tops are served to the table, cut into pieces.


A very popular product for preparing vegetable stew is beet tops. Recipes for this dish are supplemented with ingredients such as: potatoes, peppers, legumes, spinach, carrots, cauliflower and much more. Let's try to cook stew using one of the most common methods. To do this, take a large bunch of tops, an onion, several ripe bell peppers (preferably multi-colored ones), oil, herbs and seasonings. Now fry the chopped vegetables separately, put them in a saucepan and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Before serving, season with garlic and seasonings.

Vegetarian cutlets

Such a dish can please not only those who observe strict fast or does not eat meat due to some other beliefs. Cutlets made from beet tops can be a wonderful... side dish! They go well with smoked bacon and lard, fried sausages, salted lard, ham. You can serve them as an independent dish, for example, with sauce or adjika. This dish turns out to be very juicy and aromatic; you can’t immediately tell that it is based on beet tops. What to prepare for the cutlets and how to serve them is up to you. So let's get started.

Wash the beet leaves (a large bunch) and cut them into smaller pieces. We drive in a raw egg, sprinkle with flour. The amount of flour and eggs depends on the juiciness of the greens and their quantity. The result should be a dense mass that allows you to form cutlets. You need to fry them in hot oil.


This vegetable is often used to prepare first courses. Let's try, for example, to prepare soup with beet tops. To do this, let's cook a light chicken bouillon, add finely chopped potatoes, grated carrots and fried onions in oil. When the vegetables are cooked, add the tops, cut into thin long strips, into the broth. Boiled eggs are also very suitable for this recipe; quail eggs look especially impressive in plates. You can serve this soup with croutons or croutons.

Vitamin salad

Recipes with beet tops do not always involve heat treatment. Salads from fresh leaves, storing a maximum of vitamins and useful microelements. The only impact high temperature- this is a second immersion in boiling water necessary for the tops to become soft. Beet leaves in salads go well with cucumbers, radishes and radishes, cabbage, watercress, spinach, lettuce, and herbs. You can add boiled eggs, roasted nuts, olives, flaxseed or sesame seeds. Scalded raisins give such salads a completely unusual taste.

Often used for refueling vegetable oil flavored with fruit vinegar, lemon or pomegranate juice. Sour cream or mayonnaise are also great.


In the East, the word “dolma” refers to any dish consisting of a vegetable base stuffed with a mixture of rice and meat. And familiar to us bell pepper with minced meat, and stuffed cabbage rolls in grape leaves, and are even considered options. Of course, among all the variety, there was a place for an option with beet tops.

To prepare pkhali, young beet leaves with cut stems are used. There is no strict recipe for preparing the filling (as well as the dish as a whole). In order to make minced meat, beef, lamb, pork or poultry meat, as well as a mixture of them, is used. Be sure to add finely chopped or grated onions. In the East, it is customary to put very little rice in the filling, no more than a quarter by volume.

Dolma wrapped in leaves is pre-fried in a frying pan, baked in the oven until half-cooked, or immediately placed in a large cauldron. To prepare the gravy, you can use a mixture of fried vegetables (carrots, onions, garlic) seasoned with tomato.

Dolma is served on large dish, along with gravy.

Beets are one of the most vitamin-rich vegetables. In fact, beet tops are even more useful, and they help treat a large number of work-related diseases digestive tract, heart, blood vessels, condition of the skin, cells and tissues of our body.

To get the maximum benefit from using this product, let's get acquainted with the beneficial properties and contraindications of beet tops.

Vitamin composition of beet tops

What are beet tops called? If you have previously heard the name of beet tops “chard”, then you should understand that it refers only to young shoots.

The leaves of this vegetable are also actively used in cooking today. It was this part of the product that was in demand initially, when the beets themselves had not yet been tasted. They can be chopped into a salad, added to soup, chopped - and mixed with other products.

Before understanding the benefits and harms of beet tops, it is worth knowing its vitamin composition.

There are quite a lot of vitamins and useful microelements in the tops:

  • B vitamins help improve metabolic processes, strengthen nerves and immunity, better job of cardio-vascular system;
  • vitamin A plays the role of a rejuvenating microelement, and also improves vision and digestion. The composition of beet tops includes great amount this vitamin;
  • nicotinic acid (PP) promotes fat metabolism and also delays the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood;
  • will support your health and natural minerals, such as calcium, chlorine, iron and many others;
  • Availability flavonoids in beet tops allows you to quickly relieve inflammation and cleanse internal organs.

This is not all useful composition product, so we can already conclude that the tops have complex impact on our health, and it can be used both for treatment and for prevention.

Useful properties of the product

Seasonal use of these leaves - natural helper at various diseases. To maximize the beneficial properties of beet tops, consume them throughout the entire growth period. This way you can strengthen your immune system and prepare for cold weather, accompanied by exacerbation of diseases.

The numerous benefits of beet tops include the impact on work digestive organs. By using this product you will be able to remove waste and toxins, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Attention! Thanks to the stimulation of metabolism, weight loss is observed when consuming tops, so eat this product and you will always look slim and beautiful!

Beneficial effects on metabolism associated with the presence of betaine in beet tops. But, unlike other vegetables and fruits, which contain this antioxidant, we use beets more often and in more dishes, therefore, it is when it is consumed that our body produces enzymes that promote the absorption of this microelement.

The benefits of beet tops are also related to anti-aging properties. By stimulating the formation of new cells and tissue development, the beneficial microelements in its composition will have a beneficial effect on your health. appearance and will prevent rapid aging body. The skin will look fresh and healthy, and improved internal state will make you feel young and active.

At external use tops you can relieve irritation skin, prevent rashes, stimulate the healing of acne marks. Just knead the product and apply it to your face without touching the area around your eyes.

Tops strengthens the heart and walls of blood vessels, removes cholesterol plaques . Moreover, she is effective means at various diseases. The benefits of beet tops for the human body are manifested in the treatment of diseases and ailments such as arterial hypertension, anemia, deterioration of the thyroid gland, constipation and much more.

Advice: Before starting treatment with tops, consult with a specialist who will tell you in what form to use it and what to pay attention to.

How are beet tops useful for children? First of all, she plays a role stimulator of muscle and bone growth in organism. To ensure that your child is strong, healthy and develops faster, it is advisable to add this product to his regular diet.

In addition to using tops as an additive to nutritious dishes, one cannot resist overlooking its role in folk medicine. There are many recipes where beet tops are used for therapeutic purposes and further processed for a beneficial effect.

Contraindications for use

There is no definite answer whether it is possible to eat beet tops, because this product has a number of contraindications, and its consumption requires an individual approach.

For example, you should give up tops if you have the following diseases:

  • diarrhea or the body’s tendency to this disease, as well as hemorrhoids (tops have laxative functions);
  • strong inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder(with such diseases, the tops can stimulate more urination);
  • liver cirrhosis or hepatitis (changes in metabolic processes will further burden your liver);
  • gout (tops can aggravate this disease);
  • since the tops contain a large amount of sugar, they are not recommended for diabetics;
  • hypotension (when consuming beet tops, blood pressure drops).

In addition, the body may also exhibit individual intolerance to tops, so it is better to first check whether this product will cause an allergic reaction.

How to choose the right beet tops

It’s easy to guess that the benefits and harms of beet tops also depend on the quality of this product. Young beet tops can be purchased at the end of May.

Fresh and useful product will have the following distinctive characteristics:

  • the leaves should be elastic: this main feature tops freshness;
  • Leaf color is closer to dark green. The presence of yellow areas indicates dryness and insufficient freshness of the product;
  • choose tops only with a dense and short root.

Dishes made from such tops will not only be more healthy, but will also delight you with their taste.

Several healthy recipes for your health

Now that you know how beet tops are useful, we recommend that you learn several options for using them. One of the most common cooking options is adding tops to salads or sandwiches.

Before using young beet tops, rinse the product under running water, or even better, pour boiling water over it: this will make the tops extra soft and the beetroot flavor of the leaves will disappear.

Advice: salads with beet tops leaves will turn out tastier if you season them with a sauce based on sunflower oil and apple lemon juice or a grenade. The tops can also be seasoned with sour cream, mayonnaise or yogurt.

Adding tops to salads and other foods is an excellent way to prevent atherosclerosis and support hematopoiesis. Also, eating dishes with tops will help normal operation endocrine system.

Here are a few ways to use beet tops in folk medicine:

  • make an infusion from a glass of boiling water and a large spoon of chopped tops. After an hour of infusion, you can start drinking the drink: if you drink it three to four times a day before meals, you will get rid of constipation;
  • If you periodically suffer from headaches and migraines, you can prepare another recipe: mash beet leaves and apply to your temples or head as a compress. Keep them in this position for about twenty minutes;
  • Mash the beet leaves well and apply to your eyelids to cure conjunctivitis. It will be better if you wrap them in gauze;
  • If you apply the juice of the tops to corns, calluses and cracks on your feet every day, you will get rid of discomfort faster. You can also mash the leaves and apply them overnight. problem areas, carefully wrapping them with a bandage;
  • Another option for using beet tops is to treat mastitis. Mash the leaves well and apply to the lumps in the chest for about half an hour to forty minutes. This should be done daily.

You can drink tincture of beet tops even if you do not observe signs of certain diseases. As we already said, this product is excellent prophylactic and will saturate your body with vitamins.

The following recipe is suitable for those who are watching their figure or want to lose weight. Eating salads will help you lose weight, for example, from tops, carrots and greens. It is better to season this dish with olive oil.

This healthy product can also be added to first courses. Not only borscht, okroshka and cabbage soup, but also botvinya are cooked from it. Bean, pea and vegetarian soups with the addition of beet leaves are no less popular. In addition, you can make special preparations from the tops for the winter season, so that cold period maintain your health.

Attention! Preparations for the winter are made only from young tops with petioles.

For the winter, you can ferment, freeze or pickle this product, make healthy canned food, or dry the leaves. Keep in mind that heat treatment product will have a significant impact on the amount of useful microelements in the tops, so it is better not to do this again. We recommend using canning methods without heat treatment.

If you decide to dry the tops, you can begin this activity immediately after chopping the leaves. Due to the fact that the tops contain a small proportion essential oils, dry it at temperatures up to sixty degrees. This can be done in special dryers, dehydrators, shaded areas or well-ventilated areas.

For those who are planning to use beets for treatment, we advise you to start drying them in advance. But you can also freeze this product (for example, if you need to make compresses from the tops). This procedure takes very little time: just wash the leaves well, dry, chop – and place small portions in plastic bags. Please note that the tops in this form should be stored in the cold. After the first defrosting, the benefits from the tops will be much less.

We advise you to use at least one recipe to your taste - and soon you will see positive changes in your body. And, considering that the tops make dishes not only healthy, but also tasty and aromatic, you can easily add this product to your daily diet.


What else can beet tops cure and improve health? Find out by watching this interesting video:

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