Sorrel medicinal properties and contraindications. Sorrel: benefits of a green plant and harm. Potato salad with sorrel

Sour sorrel ( Rumex acetosa) there are both benefits and harm to the human body. This plant is not easy, because along with a significant amount of healing compounds in its composition, it also contains quite harmful oxalates.


The calorie content of 100 grams of fresh sorrel greens is 22 kcal. This amount of plant also contains:

  • 2.9g vegetable fiber (7.5% of required daily norm);
  • 133% daily dose of vitamin A;
  • 80% vitamin C;
  • 30% iron;
  • 26% magnesium;
  • 21% manganese;
  • 14% copper;
  • 9% vitamin B6;
  • 8% vitamin B2;
  • 4% folate and calcium each.

In slightly smaller amounts, greens contain niacin, vitamin B1, zinc, folic and pantothenic acids.

Sorrel also contains other biologically active compounds that have an antioxidant effect. Great importance Green chlorophyll also has benefits for human health.

Beneficial features

Effect on weight loss

Sorrel is useful for weight loss for several reasons.

  1. 100 grams (which is a whole serving of salad) contains only 22 kcal, which are filled with fiber. Plant fiber slows down the absorption of food. And, therefore, protects against sharp increase glucose and insulin in the blood after meals, which is one of the main reasons for gaining excess weight.
  2. The benefit of sorrel for the body of a person losing weight is that it helps to normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora, which always changes in people with significant overweight. And these changes stimulate further formation of fat deposits.
  3. The anti-inflammatory activity of the product, due to the large amount of antioxidants and fiber, reduces the level of chronic inflammatory processes in the body, which are important reason development of obesity.
  4. A sorrel meal gives strength and energizes. This helps you move more throughout the day, which means you burn more calories.
  5. Diuretic activity makes it possible to reduce weight when necessary, for example, under a dress. Such weight loss cannot be considered true weight loss, but it may be necessary in certain life situations.

Despite the fact that sorrel is useful for weight loss, some people who want to include this vegetable in their diet may have problems due to the fact that the greens quite significantly increase their appetite. For this reason, it is even recommended to actively use it for little ones. Therefore, if you have noticed that after a sorrel meal you have a voracious appetite, then you should give up the idea of ​​losing weight with the help of this greenery.

How to use and store all winter?

The most the right way inclusion of leaves in the diet Rumex acetosa is to use them in fresh, since during heat treatment they lose most of their beneficial properties.

Therefore, the famous borscht with sorrel is far from the best option including these greens in your diet.

Oxalic acid, present in greens, impairs the absorption of minerals from food. Therefore, sorrel should be consumed together with lactic acid products (sour cream, kefir, yogurt). With the simultaneous consumption of sour greens and dairy products, there is no deterioration in the absorption of minerals.

But, alas, Rumex acetosa- seasonal vegetable. And it can be consumed fresh only in late spring and summer. Then you have to either refuse or think about how to prepare it for the winter with minimal losses.

The most safe method Preserving greens for the winter is freezing them.

You can freeze sorrel in a regular freezer. To do this you need:

  • select healthy leaves, preferably young and small size;
  • wash them thoroughly and be sure to dry them thoroughly;
  • place in a special freezer bag, trying to remove all the air from it;
  • put in the freezer.

Small leaves can be frozen whole. Larger ones are better cut.

You can prepare any dishes from sorrel prepared by freezing.

Another convenient method of preparing sorrel for the winter is to preserve it in blanched form. At this method When harvested, greens lose significantly more useful components than when frozen. However, something remains in it. In addition, the method is convenient for those who like to cook sorrel soup in winter time.

You can understand how to roll blanched vegetables into jars in this video.

Whatever dish with sorrel you choose, under no circumstances should you cook it in cast iron or aluminum dishes. Since the metal of these products interacts with the oxalic acid of the vegetable, the food acquires an unpleasant metallic taste.


  1. As often happens, the benefits and harms of sorrel for the body complement each other. IN in this case this applies to the kidneys. Greenery Rumex acetosa, especially dried, has diuretic properties. And it is useful for cleansing the urinary system. At the same time, the product contains oxalic acid, which promotes the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, this vegetable should not be consumed in large quantities those who have a predisposition to urolithiasis. And those who already suffer from this disease should avoid it altogether.
  2. Sorrel should not be consumed by women suffering from vulvodynia. Vegetable oxalates do not cause of this disease, but intensify its symptoms.
  3. The vegetable is difficult and poorly digested by people suffering various diseases gastrointestinal tract. It is better not to rely on it for those who have gastritis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis. A strict contraindication for the use of sorrel is the acute phase of all these diseases.
  4. Fresh herbs quite rude. Therefore, when it is abundantly included in the diet, especially without habit, abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea often occur. In the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, their exacerbation may begin.

Can sorrel be consumed by pregnant women?

Pregnancy is not a strict contraindication for including this greenery in the diet. Moreover, it has a lot of useful properties for expectant mother:

  • boosts immunity;
  • protects against swelling and chronic constipation;
  • promotes prevention iron deficiency anemia etc.

However, the presence of oxalates in the product makes it not a good choice for a pregnant woman. Therefore, the amount of sorrel consumed during pregnancy should be limited.

And preference should be given to soups and other dishes in the preparation of which the greens have been subjected to heat treatment. This reduced its beneficial properties. But it also reduced the number oxalic acid.

Be sure to add lactic acid products, since during pregnancy the deterioration in the absorption of food minerals is especially dangerous.

Is it possible on GW?

The answer to the question whether a nursing mother can eat sorrel depends on what she wants to achieve: continue breastfeeding or stop this process.

Rumex acetosa refers to herbs that traditional medicine Since ancient times, it has been used to stop lactation and wean a child from breastfeeding.

Therefore, you can eat sorrel while breastfeeding only if you want to finish breastfeeding.

At what age can it be given to children?

There is no clear answer to the question of at what age can sorrel soup and other dishes made from this vegetable be given to children.

Many parents give their kids soup, starting with one year old. And they feel great. However, other young children learn Rumex acetosa Badly. And doctors do not recommend giving them the product earlier than 7 years of age.

But no matter what age you start giving sorrel to your child, you definitely need to start with sorrel soup, and not from fresh greens. Yes, fresh leaves are healthier. But they are also much more difficult to digest. And they contain significantly more oxalates.

So first, soup with sour cream. And then, when the child grows up, fresh green salad. And also necessarily with sour cream or natural yogurt.

Beneficial properties of sorrel and contraindications for use: conclusions

Rumex acetosa– spring greenery, which has a lot of medicinal properties.

The vegetable boosts immunity, helps prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It helps you lose weight, eliminates chronic constipation and saves vision.

However, weed also has negative trait– it contains a lot of oxalates. For this reason, sorrel is not recommended for use by people suffering from urolithiasis, and those who have serious illnesses Gastrointestinal tract. Greens should be included with caution in the menu of pregnant women and young children.

Today we will talk about horse sorrel, the medicinal properties and contraindications of this medicinal plant, its use in traditional medicine recipes, cooking, cosmetology, we will note on the site the difference between horse sorrel and horseradish, and we will describe the rich chemical composition of the weed.

Horse sorrel (aveluk or horse sorrel) is a well-known perennial medicinal plant from the Buckwheat family.

Grows everywhere - in pastures, meadows, personal plots, along roads and ponds. It is considered a weed because it multiplies very quickly. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this plant in human life, as it has unique medicinal properties.

What does horse sorrel look like and is it edible?

Aveluk - medium height herbaceous plant, reaching 1.5 m in height. It is a rosette of large erect leaves on thick triangular stems. Leaves solitary, with inside covered with villi.

As they grow, they partially turn red. In the second half of July, sorrel blooms with small light green flowers, collected in 25-30 cm panicles.

Externally, the described herb is similar to cultivated sorrel, and its young leaves have a sour taste. But over time, the acid gives way to bitterness. And the leaves, unlike the cultivated, widely grown sorrel, are larger and slightly jagged.

Animals, including horses, contrary to the name of the plant, are reluctant to consume fresh aveluk. The rich bitter taste and high content of organic acids make the plant unattractive to them.

But in dried form it is consumed by cows and other cattle. Plant name horse sorrel most likely received for big sizes leaves, and grass in general, easily outgrowing the average height of a person.

People use sorrel both fresh and dried. Fresh leaves can be consumed in extreme small quantities, mainly as an additive to salad. Because this plant has a special property: in a drop there is medicine, in a spoon there is poison.

Only after drying can aveluk be consumed as an independent dish or side dish, since full fermentation occurs, the leaves lose their bitterness and acquire a pleasant smell.

Plant composition

Horse oxalis has a rich chemical composition, which is currently well studied. The composition contains a variety of biologically active substances:

  1. high tannin content ( tannins) up to 15-16%;
  2. organic acids: oxalic, citric, lactic, chrysophanic and its derivatives (up to 4%), caffeic;
  3. vitamins C, K, P;
  4. iron;
  5. essential oils;
  6. flavonoids;
  7. pectin;
  8. coumarins;
  9. plant pigments – carotene;
  10. other microelements: calcium, manganese, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, fluorine, copper.

Horse sorrel is used not only in medical purposes. Dyes are made from it and used as a tannin in leather tanning.

Medicinal properties of horse sorrel

It should be noted that all parts of horse sorrel are used for medicinal purposes, but the maximum concentration of substances is contained in the roots of the plant.

The medicinal properties are so diverse that almost any human organ system can be treated with horse sorrel.

  1. Preparations from aveluk are successfully used to treat diseases of the digestive system, hematopoiesis, respiration, skin, appendages, as bactericidal and immunostimulating agents.
  2. Thanks to high content tannins, sorrel has an astringent and enveloping effect. Therefore, it is successfully used for the treatment of colitis, enterocolitis, and for choleretic action.
  3. For bleeding in the intestines, lungs, uterus, stomach, hemorrhoidal bleeding, it is used as a hemostatic agent.
  4. Oxalic acid in small quantities promotes the absorption of calcium in the body.
  5. Chrysophanic acid, chrysophanol, is an effective antifungal and antitumor agent, improves immunity, lowers cholesterol levels and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  6. Improves blood circulation, removes toxins from the body and has a beneficial effect on the liver - increases glycogen levels.
  7. Organic acids, in particular citric and lactic acids, vitamins and pectins help normalize the acid-base balance, improve digestion, secretory function and intestinal function, and have an antiseptic effect.
  8. The essential oil has wound-healing properties and is used to treat stomach ulcers and skin ulcers.
  9. Flavonoids have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Aveluk treats inflammation of the gums, skin diseases– boils, ulcers, scabies. Sore throat, cough, runny nose are successfully treated.
  10. Coumarins are substances with antispasmodic properties that help strengthen blood vessels.
  11. The iron content allows the use of aveluk.
  12. Due to the presence of vitamin C and ascorbic acid, the plant is used to treat scurvy and prevent vitamin deficiency. Used as an antiviral agent.
  13. Carotene is a plant pigment with antioxidant properties. Helps strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate the human body.
  14. There is also a hypotensive, expectorant and sedative effect.

All parts of the plant contain calcium oxalate, so horse sorrel should be consumed with extreme caution. Oxalates can accumulate in the body.

Horse sorrel, when consumed in small doses, is used as a remedy with a pronounced astringent effect. Used to treat diarrhea and improve bile formation. When the dose is increased, it has a laxative effect and is used.

Use of horse sorrel in folk medicine

Oxalis is used in the form of decoctions, ointments, tinctures and infusions, as well as in raw crushed form.

  1. To prevent vitamin deficiency and gum disease, it is enough to chew one young spring leaf of fresh sorrel.
  2. A pulp of fresh crushed leaves is used to treat wounds, boils, ulcers, abscesses, and burns.
  3. The juice of fresh leaves is rubbed on the temporal area of ​​the head. A tampon dipped in juice and half water will also relieve toothache.
  4. Problem skin is treated with a paste of fresh crushed leaves with the addition of sour cream or yogurt.
  5. For dermatitis, skin diseases, allergies that cause itchy skin, scabies, and lichen, rub with a decoction of dry leaves.
  6. A decoction of dry seeds treats dysentery and stops bleeding.
  7. The root of the plant is often used for medicinal purposes. It is effective in treating stomach, liver and cholecystitis, gynecological diseases– inflammation of the appendages and vagina, leucorrhoea.
  8. It is successfully used to improve bile formation.
  9. Used as an anthelmintic in children.
  10. Effectively used as a means of lowering blood pressure and strengthening blood vessels.
  11. The root is part of the collection “Zdrenko’s Medicine”, which treats papillomatosis of the bladder and anacid gastritis.

Contraindications for horse chavel

  1. Frequent consumption of sorrel leads to the accumulation of oxalic acid in the body. It forms insoluble compounds with calcium and tends to be deposited in the form of salts, forming stones in gallbladder and kidneys.
  2. In addition, it removes calcium from the body.
  3. Only young spring leaves, collected before the appearance of flower stalks, can be eaten in limited quantities.
  4. In its raw form, it is not recommended for people suffering from diseases. genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Prohibited for use by children under 7 years of age and pregnant women.

Infusion, decoction and tincture of horse sorrel: how to make and use

Aveluca root infusion:

Pour 15 grams of dried crushed root with a glass of boiling water and steam in a water bath for 5 minutes. Next, pour the solution into a thermos and leave for two hours. This infusion is used externally in the form of lotions, taken internally for diarrhea and liver restoration.

The same infusion is used for intestinal problems and constipation. But for a glass of boiling water take 15 grams of root and 15 grams of sorrel seeds.

To rinse, simply pour 20 grams of crushed raw material into a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Cool and rinse your mouth or throat 2-3 times a day.

For itching, pour 20 grams of fresh crushed leaves into a glass of water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Wrap and leave for an hour. Apply externally and internally at 5 mg 3-4 times a day.

At childhood diathesis You can take baths with sorrel decoction (100 grams of root per 3 liters of boiling water). Infuse, strain and add to bathing water.

A decoction of the herb will also help with existing atherosclerosis (1 tablespoon per 250 ml of boiling water). Keep it on low heat for a quarter of an hour, then remove it from the stove and let it brew for a couple of hours. Take 50 ml 2 times a day.

There are symptoms of the disorder cerebral circulation, then the dose is doubled and taken three times.

Alcohol tincture of horse sorrel root and seeds

Finely chopped root and seeds are poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:10, shaken well, and allowed to brew in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain.

Drink horse sorrel tincture before meals, 15-25 drops half an hour before meals, diluted in a small amount of water, three times a day. For example, this is how a remedy is taken for rheumatic pain.

Horse sorrel for hair

Horse sorrel infusion is effectively used as a hair rinse. Even pregnant women can use it. A decoction is prepared from 45g of crushed dry root and two liters of water. Boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Leave for an hour and rinse hair after washing.

At regular use decoction:

  1. hair acquires a healthy shine;
  2. hair follicles are restored;
  3. hair gains volume;
  4. for diseases of the scalp, allergic manifestations, the itching disappears and the skin is restored.

How to distinguish horseradish from horse sorrel

  1. The easiest way to tell the difference is by taste. have a fiery taste and are lighter in color.
  2. Horseradish blooms with small white flowers collected in tassels, and sorrel, as we wrote above, has light green tassels. In addition, horseradish blooms only at the end of July, when the sorrel already produces seeds.
  3. The root itself is also different; in horseradish it is light, while in horse sorrel it is brown.

Horse sorrel: recipes

Fresh oxalis leaves are mainly used in salads. It is enough to add 1-2 leaves to the prepared vegetable salad.

Kissel is made from fresh sorrel.
Stew a bunch of leaves 200-250g in a saucepan for 5-7 minutes, adding 1 tbsp. spoon of water. Beat the finished mixture with a blender, add 100g of sugar and two glasses of water, bring to a boil. 1 tbsp. dissolve a spoonful of starch in cold water and gradually pour into the boiling solution. Cool. Kissel is ready.

Horse sorrel is mainly consumed in dried form. The leaves are braided and dried. Ready-made aveluk is used to prepare soups, main courses, and eaten with cheese, vegetables and bread.

Fried aveluk with champignons
Boil 200 grams of dried aveluk for 15 minutes. Then they are thrown into a colander, cut and salted. Fry two medium finely chopped onions in vegetable oil for 2 minutes, add 100 grams of chopped mushrooms. Fry for another 3-4 minutes. Mix with prepared sorrel, cool and refrigerate for 2 hours. Before serving, add walnuts and season with sour cream. The dish is ready.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Young leaves for vitamin salads are collected in the spring; they can be harvested for drying in the summer months; the drying is stored for a year, but the roots are dug up in the fall, when the leaves have already fallen, or in the spring before the start of the vegetative growth period. They are stored dried for three years. Seeds are collected at the end of July, in August, and the shelf life is three years.

Sorrel (lat. Rúmex) is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae). The Latin word "rumex" translates as a spear on a short dart for throwing. Most species of this genus have leaves of this particular shape.


Sorrel is primarily a perennial plant, although some species are annuals and biennials. Some subshrubs and shrubs also belong to this genus. Sorrel has an erect stem, it is usually grooved and branched.

Leaves may be different shapes: from spear-shaped to lanceolate. The leaves near the roots form a lush rosette. Small flowers form dense racemes, which, in turn, create complex, erect, apical inflorescences.

The perianth is six-membered, and its leaves form two circles.

The color of the leaves is usually green with a red, pink or red-brown tint. The leaves of the inner circle are larger.

Sorrel has 6 stamens and a pistil with three styles. As a result, the fruit is formed in the form of a triangular nut of a brown hue, which is surrounded by perianth leaves.


Today, science knows about 200 species of sorrel, but not a large number of can be used for food or medicinal purposes, other species are weeds.

The most common types of sorrel are:

  • Roman (thyroid)– Rumex scutatus, its names in other languages: German. Schild-Ampfer, Französischer Spinat; English french sorrel; fr. oseille petite, oseille ronde. This species is common in subalpine zones. Characteristic feature is a stem height from 10 to 40 cm, smooth shield-shaped leaves, small red flowers. The taste is sour and lemony, the bitterness is practically not felt. Basically, its young leaves are added to soups or used as a spicy dressing. (photo 1)
  • Sour – Rumex acetosa. Other names - German. Großer Sauerampfer, Wiesensauerampfer, Essigkraut, Sauergras; English sorrel; fr. oseille. This species is perennial and is characterized by a height of 60 cm to 1 meter. It has green oval leaves on long roots. Red flowers appear on stems without leaves, from which the fruit is subsequently formed. It tastes sour-bitter, lemony. This type contains a lot of oxalic acid, so it is not recommended to eat it raw; it is better to boil it a little. (photo 2)
  • Horse – Rumex confertus. Other names - German. Roßampfer; English Rumex confertus Willd; fr. patience, épinard oseille. This species reaches a height of 90 cm to 1.5 meters and is characterized by two types of leaves: alternate and elongated stem leaves. The flowers are small with a greenish-yellow tint. The taste is quite bitter, so this sorrel is added to food only in dried form. (photo 3)

Main decorative types:

  • alpine – Rumex alpinus L. (photo 1)
  • aquatic – Rumex hydrolapathum Huds. (photo 2)
  • small-thyroid – Rumex scutatus L. (photo 3)
  • veiny - Rumex venosus Pursh. (photo 4)
  • sinuous – Rumex flexuosus Sol.ex Hook.
  • blood red – Rumex sanguineus L. (photo 5)

Where does it grow?

Sorrel is native to Asia and Europe, because it mainly grows as a weed. It was only in the 12th century that some varieties of this plant were first used for consumption in France. In Russia, sorrel began to be added to dishes only in the last century. This plant prefers to grow in sparse forests or on the edges. It can be found in damp meadows, near rivers or lakes, and also among bushes.

Harvesting method

  • Young sorrel leaves are used as they have less bitterness.
  • The leaves are carefully sorted and washed.
  • The sorrel is cut into large strips and spread on a towel or paper.
  • It is better to choose a place to dry the plant away from direct sunlight, then the leaves will retain their green color. Therefore, a great solution would be a room rather than an outdoor location.
  • After 7–10 days, the sorrel will be completely dry.
  • Dried sorrel is placed in a glass jar, but with a loose lid. It is better to store in a dark and dry place.

Sorrel can be frozen in the freezer or the chopped leaves can be sprinkled with salt and placed in glass jars. The jars should be stored in the refrigerator.

Before putting the sorrel in the freezer, wrap it in plastic wrap

Nutritional value and calorie content

Sorrel is a dietary and low-calorie product. 100 grams of this plant contains only 22 kcal. Boiled sorrel contains 20 kcal for every 100 grams of product.

The nutritional value in 100 grams of fresh sorrel:

  • Proteins – 1.5 grams
  • Fat – 0.3 grams
  • Carbohydrates – 2.9 grams
  • Ash – 1.4 grams
  • Water – 92 grams
  • Dietary fiber – 1.2 grams
  • Organic acids – 0.7 grams
  • Unsaturated fatty acid– 0.1 grams
  • Mono- and disaccharides – 2.8 grams
  • Starch – 0.1 grams
  • Saturated fatty acids – 0.1 grams

You can find out more information about the properties of sorrel from an excerpt from the program “Live Healthy!”

Chemical composition

Sorrel has a rich chemical composition, so it has a beneficial effect on the entire body.


  • Ca (calcium) – 47 mg
  • Mg (magnesium) – 85 mg
  • Na (sodium) – 15 mg
  • K (potassium) – 500 mg
  • P (phosphorus) – 90 mg
  • S (sulfur) – 20 mcg
  • Cl (chlorine) – 70 mg


  • Fe (iron) – 2 mg
  • I (iodine) – 3 mcg
  • Mn (manganese) – 0.35 µg
  • Cu (copper) – 0.2 mg
  • Zn (zinc) – 0.5 mg
  • F (fluorine) – 70 mcg


  • PP – 0.3 mg
  • Beta-carotene – 2.5 mg
  • A (RE) – 417 mcg
  • B1 (thiamine) – 0.19 mg
  • B2 (riboflavin) – 0.1 mg
  • C (ascorbic acid) – 43 mg
  • E (TE) – 2 mg
  • PP (Niacin Equivalent) – 0.6 mg
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) – 0.25 mg
  • B6 (pyridoxine) – 0.2 mg
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) – 35 mcg
  • K (phylloquinone) – 0.6 mg
  • Biotin (vitamin H) – 0.6 mcg

Sorrel roots contain up to 27% tannins.

Sorrel is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals

Beneficial features

Regular use sorrel will compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body


Don’t get too carried away with eating sorrel, because if it is in huge quantities for a long time, it will harm the body. This rule especially applies to older leaves. In general, they are not recommended to be consumed raw. Excess oxalic acid, which is contained in the plant, can disrupt mineral metabolism, and also negatively affect kidney function. Therefore, before consuming middle-aged sorrel leaves, you need to boil them with chalk, then everything harmful substances will precipitate.

To neutralize negative impact oxalic acid on the body, it is recommended to consume dairy products, because their calcium content is quite high. To get rid of oxalic acid salts, you should pay attention to Apple vinegar and lemon juice.


  • for kidney diseases;
  • for duodenal ulcer
  • for stomach ulcers;
  • with gastritis increased acidity;
  • with calcium deficiency;
  • during pregnancy.

Do not eat sorrel if you have high stomach acidity, gastritis or peptic ulcers.


In cooking

  • Fresh sorrel leaves are added to first courses or chlodniks.
  • This plant is constituent element salads and snacks.
  • Prepared from sorrel delicious side dishes To meat dishes.
  • Some plant species are added to different sauces and gravy.
  • Sorrel is an excellent filling for various pies.
  • This component is used for stuffing fish or meat.
  • This plant is added to various soft drinks.
  • Juice is extracted from the leaves of young sorrel, which is then used with vegetable juices.

Some cooking secrets:

  1. Before adding sorrel leaves to first courses, they need to be boiled in a small amount of water with the lid closed.
  2. Thanks to great content water in sorrel, it is better to stew it before using it, rather than boil it.
  3. This plant is quite delicate, so it cannot retain its original appearance and taste. It cannot be subjected to heat treatment for a long time. You can dip it in boiling water for 15 minutes or throw it into a dish that is being stewed a few minutes before it is fully cooked.
  4. If sorrel leaves are used for salads, then it is better to tear them by hand to preserve juiciness.
  5. To preserve its characteristic sourness, sorrel should be cooked only at low temperatures.
  6. To neutralize harmful effects oxalic acid, which is part of the plant, should be added to fermented milk products.


  • 1 cup sorrel leaves
  • 100 grams of potatoes
  • 0.8 liters vegetable broth
  • half a glass of cream 20%
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • parsley to taste


You need to take garlic and chop it using a press. Next, fry, add to the broth and heat it for about 20 minutes. Next, add sorrel leaves and parsley to the broth and cook for another 10 minutes. Then the resulting soup is pureed in a blender, after adding cream and sour cream. The finished puree is poured back into the saucepan, the desired amount of pepper and salt is added, and it needs to be kept on low heat for a little longer.

Sorrel appetizer


  • 2 pieces walnuts
  • 1 egg
  • 100 ml water
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons chopped sorrel
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil


Boil the egg and chop finely. Pour boiling water over the chopped sorrel and boil for about two minutes, then dry. Chop the nuts, add the egg, sorrel and season with oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.


  • 600 grams sorrel
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 40 grams starch
  • A little salt


First, mash the sorrel with your hands, and then cut it. Pour a little water over it and simmer for 5 minutes. Grind the resulting mass using a strainer or blender. Pour all the water into the sorrel, add sugar. Cook for up to 5 minutes. Dilute the starch separately in water and add to the jelly. Bring the drink to a boil.

Adding peppermint will help enrich the taste of jelly.

In medicine

Application in folk medicine:

  • improves the digestion process;
  • helps cope with pain;
  • used for rapid healing of wounds;
  • helps eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • has antitoxic effects;
  • in the treatment of vitamin deficiency;
  • for stomach upsets;
  • used to improve liver function;
  • helps to cure skin diseases, How allergic reactions, acne, itching or acne;
  • used for dysentery and hemorrhoids;
  • helps when used externally for burns or wounds;
  • helps cope with colds, as well as hemo- and enterocolics.

A smoothie made from green apple and sorrel will help with vitamin deficiency and remove toxins from the body.

Traditional medicine recipes

This plant is used in folk medicine because it helps to cope with various diseases. IN depending on the purpose used different recipes prepared with sorrel:

  • during menopause– you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon dried leaves sorrel, pour boiling water over them and leave for 1 hour. This tincture is divided into three times and drunk during the day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is one week. It is better to start taking the infusion 7 days before the expected date of menstruation;
  • for infertility– you need to pour 1 tbsp boiling water. a spoonful of dried sorrel leaves, and then boil over low heat for about one minute. When the infusion has cooled, take a third of it every day before meals;
  • for inflammation of the bladder– Pour 500 grams of sorrel into 1 liter of water and boil over low heat for up to 5 minutes. This decoction is added to the bath, which is recommended to be taken before bed for no longer than 10 minutes;
  • for constipation– 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 20 minutes, then cool and strain. This decoction should be taken 3-4 times a day, 70 ml. Sorrel has a laxative effect only after 12 hours, so it is recommended to take it before bedtime;
  • with stones in bladder – 1 teaspoon of sorrel seeds should be poured into 500 ml of wine and left for a week. It is recommended to drink this infusion 3 times a day, 50 ml;
  • for liver diseases– 30 grams of crushed sorrel root are poured into 1.2 liters of water, this mass is brought to a boil and boiled for an hour. Next, leave the broth to brew for 45 minutes, strain and take 50 ml 3 times a day;
  • for burns or ulcersfresh leaves sorrel needs to be thoroughly ground and applied to sore spots;
  • with dropsy or edema– you need to drink 1 tbsp. spoon of juice from sorrel leaves 3 times a day.

Horse sorrel is mainly used for medicinal purposes.

In cosmetology

Sorrel has a beneficial effect on the skin, so it is often used as a face mask. It tones, moisturizes and cleanses the skin, and also fights inflammatory processes. These products are recommended for normal and combined type skin, because they need daily care.

Anti-acne mask

You need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped sorrel and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of calendula flowers. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the herbs and leave for up to 10 minutes. Strain the broth, apply the paste on your face and leave for 15 minutes. After the procedure, wash with the remaining broth.

Toning mask

Take 2 tbsp. spoons of sorrel, 1 tbsp. spoon of low-fat cottage cheese and pour a small amount of yogurt until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the mask for 20 minutes.

Cleansing mask

You will need 1 tbsp. spoon of finely chopped sorrel leaves, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of parsley and 1 teaspoon of tarragon. Pour 200 ml of hot milk over the herb and let it brew for 30 minutes. Next, strain the mixture through a strainer and add 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat bran and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gruel. The mask is applied for 20 minutes and then washed off.

Decoction for painful acne

In equal proportions, take chopped leaves of sorrel, burdock, nettle, plantain and dandelion. For the mask you only need 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs. They are poured with boiling water and cooked over low heat for 10 minutes. Wait for complete cooling and strain. The medicinal decoction should be wiped over problem areas of the skin every day.

T-zone cleansing mask

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of sorrel, 1 tbsp. spoon of yarrow and 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal. Pour the herb collection with water until a viscous mixture forms. The product is applied to problem areas twice a day.


Varieties differ in leaf shape and size, petiole length and thickness, leaf color and amount of oxalic acid:

  • Ordinary garden sorrel is the most popular. Its characteristic features are a dark green leaf blade, which has a spear-shaped shape on a long petiole. This growth is rich in yield and is not afraid of frost.
  • Altaic sorrel is distinguished by its smooth, spear-shaped leaf blade. The leaves have a characteristic dark green color, but over time a red tint appears at their ends. This variety has long and thin petioles. Altai sorrel tastes sour or medium sour. This variety of sorrel tolerates frost well.
  • Belleville Sorrel is quite popular due to its high yield and excellent quality. It is characterized by a slightly acidic taste and average resistance to frost. The leaves are ovoid in shape and light green in color, fleshy and large in appearance.
  • Lyonsky sorrel is characterized by high productivity, large greenish-yellow leaves on thick roots. The disadvantage of this variety is its poor frost resistance.
  • Maykop sorrel has large leaves with an ovoid shape and a greenish-yellow color. This variety produces an excellent harvest and tolerates frost well.
  • Spinach Sorrel has a slightly acidic taste and is characterized by matte, narrow-lanceolate green leaves with small spots.

The main varieties that are used for decorative purposes:

  • Silver
  • Silver Shield


Sorrel is a perennial cold-resistant plant, so it can be sown in late autumn or early winter. If sowing is done in the spring, then sorrel will appear much later than after winter planting.

First you need to prepare the soil. To do this, the soil is carefully dug up and all weeds are removed. You can fertilize the soil with a mixture of compost, superphosphate and potassium salt. For 1 m² you need one bucket of compost, as well as 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium salt.

Then you need to make special grooves for sowing. Their depth should be up to 3 cm and maintain a distance of 25 cm between them. Sorrel seeds are very small, so it is better to sow in moist soil, and they must be deepened 5 mm into the soil. To sow 1 m² of soil, you will need 1 gram of sorrel seeds. For simultaneous germination of seeds, it is recommended to sprinkle a little humus and sawdust in equal proportions.

In the spring, you need to thin out the sorrel so that the distance between plants is 4 cm. In the first year, it is recommended to feed the plant during the formation of leaves, using mullein diluted with water in proportions of 1:5, or chicken droppings with water, where you need to adhere to proportions of 1 :10.

After each cut of sorrel leaves, you need to fertilize with mineral fertilizers in order to get an excellent harvest. Also, to prevent leaf burns, plants should be watered using a watering can with a strainer. To make the plant stronger for wintering, you need to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Sorrel tolerates bad weather well, because even frost is not scary for it. The main thing is to ensure that the plant does not dry out in hot weather; it should be watered more often.

Flowering weakens the leaves of sorrel, so you need to tear them off, because the flower stalks take all the strength of this plant.

The time of day of harvest plays a huge role. If you cut the leaves in the afternoon, then they wither very quickly. If you collect sorrel by the dew, it will not be able to be stored for a long time, because it will begin to rot. Therefore, the best time is morning and evening.

Already at the end of summer, it is not recommended to completely tear off the sorrel, so as not to weaken the plant before wintering. Only old leaves can be collected, but young leaves and buds should be left in place. It is also advisable to hill up the beds in the fall and mulch them with humus.

About growing sorrel, watch the TV show “6 Acres”.

  • In Russia, sorrel began to be eaten only at the end of the 18th century, because it was considered a weed, although they knew about its medicinal properties.
  • The young leaves of the plant do not have a sour taste, but, on the contrary, are characterized by softness and piquancy.
  • Sorrel is an excellent antidote for certain poisonings.
  • It is advisable to consume this plant only until the end of July, because then a fairly large amount of oxalic acid accumulates in its leaves, which is dangerous for the body.
  • For the first time about beneficial properties The ancient Romans discovered sorrel, but the French traditionally consider themselves the discoverers of this useful plant.

Hello, in this article we would like to tell you about an interesting sour weed - sorrel.

Description of sorrel

Common sorrel (sour) is a perennial plant 30-100 cm high. I think everyone has an idea of ​​what sorrel looks like, but just in case, here’s a photo:


Common sorrel grows throughout middle lane Russia and far beyond its borders. It prefers to grow in meadows and forest clearings, but we didn’t have to look for it for long, because... Here it grows right behind the bathhouse.

Collection dates and methods

In folk medicine, all parts of sorrel are used. They collect it all the time. Sorrel blooms from May to June.

Sorrel - medicinal properties

Sorrel contains vitamin C, carotene and essential oils, and 100 g. sorrel roots contain 10 grams. tannins. It also contains many organic acids and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Sorrel is mainly used as antiscorbutic. It is also used in treatment avitaminosis And anemia. And the vitamin C it contains accelerates the absorption of iron, which in turn increases hemoglobin. For gastritis, sorrel stimulates the production of gastric juice and improves digestion. And oxaline juice in small doses can be used as choleretic agent . Sorrel helps with liver function.

The only contraindication for people with kidney stones .

Medicinal recipes from sorrel.

Mainly used decoction of sorrel leaves: 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed leaves, 2 tbsp. water, cook for 10 minutes and take 1 tbsp. a day in sips, preferably before meals. This decoction helps with the above diseases. It is also recommended to rinse your mouth with this decoction for sore throat and periodontitis.

And here is the recipe infusion of sorrel roots: 1 teaspoon chopped roots, 1 tbsp. boiling water Pour boiling water over the roots, cover with a lid and leave for 1 hour, then strain and use 2 tbsp. spoons three times a day. This infusion is mainly used for chronic colitis.

There is also sorrel tea recipe: 2 teaspoons of dry sorrel leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Strain, you get tea leaves. Drink two cups of tea per day. Sorrel tea is good remedy from skin diseases.

You can also see our video about common sorrel:

And we are not saying goodbye to you, but saying see you soon.

Common green sorrel is an annual or perennial member of the Buckwheat family.

The stem part is erect, sometimes branched, and rough.

Foliage large size, petiolate, flowers collected in panicles.

There are more than 150 varieties of this herb.

In nature, the plant grows as a weed in desert areas, along the coast of reservoirs, near fences, and in the garden.

Common sorrel is also grown as a vegetable crop, greens, and is sown 2-3 times during the summer.

What does the plant contain?

The sour taste of the plant is due to the content in its foliage. potassium salt oxalic acid.

The foliage also contains:

  1. Mineral salts.
  2. Apple acid.
  3. Lemon acid.
  4. Squirrels.
  5. Carotene.
  6. Flavonoids.
  7. Sahara.

Contains a unique vitamin and mineral complex:

  1. Thiamine.
  2. Riboflavin.
  3. Ascorbic acid.
  4. Vitamin K
  5. Vitamin PP.

All varieties of sour plants are rich in vitamins, but especially a lot of ascorbic acid in wild sorrel - horse sorrel (this subspecies has a powerful stem, large leaves and strong roots).

The underground parts include up to 27 percent tannins, as well as:

  1. Chrysophanic acid.
  2. Rumicin.
  3. Chrysophenine.
  4. The flavonoid nepodin, its glycoside – neposide, etc.

Let’s talk in more detail about the benefits of sorrel for the body.

What are the benefits of green sorrel?

Sorrel is a fortified useful herb, which has a positive effect on the digestive system, normalizes the functioning of the liver and gall bladder, has a wound-healing effect, is able to stop bleeding, and is beneficial for anemia, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Sorrel also helps with various rashes on the skin for itching, relieves allergies.

The foliage and sorrel fruits have an astringent effect and relieve pain, the leaves heal wounds, promote the elimination of toxins, relieve inflammation and are used as a preventive measure against scurvy.

Decoctions and extracts from the rhizome of the plant have shown excellent results for diarrhea and other pathologies. The decoction helps prevent acute respiratory infections or during colds.

Today it is difficult to imagine that in most countries people were afraid to eat sour greens for a long period. It was considered a weed and was not included in the diet.

How to treat with sorrel?

Basic moments:

  • IN alternative medicine Sorrel is primarily used against scurvy.
  • Water-insoluble organic substances of the aromatic series, ascorbic acid, K and Ca, which are part of the product, have healing effect for damaged gums. Therefore, an infusion made from the leaves has been used for rinsing the mouth for a long time.
  • At pain syndrome V lumbar region you need to prepare the following medicine: brew a spoonful of roots with 300 ml of water, boil for a quarter of an hour, let stand, cover, after a couple of hours you need to filter and drink two spoons three times a day.
  • For cystitis, you should take baths with oxalic decoction at night. To do this, take half a kilo of sorrel per 1 liter of water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. and pour into a bath with a water temperature of 36 degrees. Procedure time 10 minutes.
  • For sore throat, for rinsing and as a remedy for fever, fresh grass and non-hard plant stems should be cleaned of impurities, washed well, squeezed, doused with boiling water, chopped and crushed with a wooden spoon. Then squeeze through cheesecloth into an enamel bowl and boil for 5 minutes. Store in the refrigerator. Drink a spoon three times a day during meals.
  • Helps with diarrhea next medicine: Brew 2 tablespoons of chopped roots with 0.3 liters of boiling water, hold in a water bath for half an hour, cool, filter, and bring the volume to the initial volume. Take 2 tablespoons orally three times a day, half an hour before meals.

For more information about how sorrel is beneficial for you, watch this video.

Sorrel in cooking - methods of use

There are 22 kilocalories in 100 grams of product. Therefore, the product is good to use when losing weight, both for women and men.

The nutritional value of the plant is as follows:

  1. Proteins – 1.5 g.
  2. Fats – 0.3 g.
  3. Carbohydrates – 2.9 g.

Due to its low calorie content, the plant is used to prepare the most various dishes.

For cooking, you can use only young foliage.

It is necessary to collect leaves until shoots appear, because oxalic acid accumulates in the leaves.

  • How to cook sorrel correctly?

The green vegetable plant should be cooked for no more than 2 minutes. As soon as the sorrel changes color from bright green to pale greenish, it is ready.

What is prepared from a useful plant:

  1. Firstly, these are a variety of soup recipes: green soup with egg and sour cream, okroshka with sorrel broth, botvinya with fish products. As already mentioned, greens cook very quickly, so they should be placed in a bowl before finishing cooking.
  2. Fresh leaves make a wonderful salad. The recipe is not complicated, you should tear the sorrel leaves with your hands and season vegetable oil, adding spices to taste.
  3. In recipes for stewed or boiled vegetable dishes, sorrel is very appropriate.
  4. It will add a pleasant taste to mashed potatoes green tint and a delicate taste with a non-offensive sourness.
  5. The greens are used to make fillings for pancakes and kutabs.
  6. Sauces with herbs go well with fish and meat dishes. And if you want to surprise your guests, you can make sorrel ice cream.
  7. The plant is very convenient to harvest for the winter. It can be frozen, dried, or canned. See many recipes.
  8. Canned sorrel can be added to sauces; it is not harmful for children.
  9. The grass can also be used as a filling for pies; the leaves can be frozen and salted for the winter, made into purees, added to chopped vegetables, in eggs, and even made into jelly.

An important feature of using sorrel

Oxalic acid - a substance that is part of sorrel - is an antinutrient that plants produce to protect themselves from being eaten. In small quantities it is harmless and is by-product metabolism, which is easily excreted in the urine. But high doses interfere with calcium absorption and promote calcium accumulation. Sometimes, in a number of conditions, the normal excretion of oxalic acid salts is disrupted. The result is kidney and bladder stones, joint problems and systemic inflammation.

Therefore, despite all the benefits of sorrel, you should not abuse it and dishes made from it, and also eat in large quantities, fanatically and often!

For whom is it harmful to eat sorrel - contraindications

Despite the benefits that the plant brings, it is not recommended to use it for certain pathologies.

So, it is correct to exclude sorrel from the diet for people suffering from pathologies of the digestive system. In particular, this applies to gastritis with high acidity and gastrointestinal ulcers.

It should not be used by people with pancreatic inflammation.

People diagnosed with gout should not eat inflammatory pathologies kidneys and the presence of kidney stones.

It is better for women to avoid sorrel while pregnant and breastfeeding.

Due to the high inclusion of oxalic acid in the plant's foliage, it should not be consumed regularly.

In any case, it would be wise to consult a general practitioner or nutritionist.