Point pain in the middle of the chest. Chest pain is one of the symptoms of heart disease

Any pain causes discomfort, but if it is sudden pain in the chest, severe anxiety is added to the discomfort. What could it be - a heart attack, a heart attack, or maybe intercostal neuralgia? What to do in this case - wait until the pain goes away, go to see a doctor or call an ambulance?

The sternum is a flat bone located in the center of the chest that articulates with the ribs. The sternum consists of three parts: the body itself, the manubrium and the xiphoid process. With excessive physical exertion, all of the above parts may become displaced. With injuries or bruises, the pain in the injured area of ​​the sternum certainly intensifies. The same pain sensations are observed when pressing on the sternum and bending the torso.

In fact, the causes of pain in the chest can be very different, from heart failure to lung diseases or abdominal pathologies. As a rule, such an unpleasant symptom manifests itself as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, osteochondrosis, stomach ulcers or injuries, and therefore it is important to pay attention to the nature and location of the pain in order to promptly identify the existing problem and respond correctly to it. Let's figure out what pain in the chest in the middle can indicate?

Causes of chest pain

All causes of pain in the chest can be divided into:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • neurological diseases;
  • injuries.

1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Often, it is heart disease that provokes pain in the middle of the chest. As a rule, these are serious diseases such as heart attack or angina. Regardless of what kind of disease strikes a person, he feels a sharp pain in the middle of the chest, which radiates to the left side.

A distinctive feature of angina is a squeezing, pressing pain that simply fetters a person, preventing him from moving. It’s not for nothing that such an attack is called “angina pectoris.” With angina, pain can occur not only on the left side, but also in the sternum. In this case, the patient feels the presence of a foreign object in the upper chest. The pain may radiate to the left shoulder, hand or shoulder blade, and is accompanied by a burning sensation. To calm an attack, you need to put a Nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue. In just a minute the attack will subside.

Pain that signals the development of myocardial infarction manifests itself somewhat differently. As a rule, this is a sharp pain behind the sternum, which intensifies with physical activity and can radiate to the inner surface of the left arm or to the left shoulder blade. As the attack progresses, such pain may spread to the lower jaw, shoulder and neck, and tingling or numbness will be felt in the left arm. During a heart attack, the nature of the chest pain is sharp, burning and tearing. In addition, such pain is accompanied by cold, sticky sweat, suffocation, anxiety and fear for one’s life. At the same time, the patient’s pulse quickens, his face turns pale and his lips turn blue. Painkillers and Nitroglycerin do not help in this situation. When faced with a myocardial infarction, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, because this condition threatens a person’s life.

If there is continuous pain in the chest, mainly in the upper part of the chest, this may be an indicator of an aortic aneurysm. The aorta itself is a large vessel that comes from the left ventricle of the heart. Vessel dilation, or aneurysm, can occur for many reasons. In this case, pain sensations are observed for quite a long time, and with physical activity they intensify significantly. The slightest suspicion of an aortic aneurysm requires immediate hospitalization. To overcome the existing disease, surgical intervention is necessary.

Also, pain in this part of the chest is sometimes the cause of a disease such as pulmonary embolism, characteristic of the right ventricle of the heart. The pain in this case is severe, reminiscent of angina pectoris, but it does not radiate to other areas. The main symptom of pulmonary embolism is an increase in pain with each breath. Painkillers help relieve pain, but even after taking them, the pain does not subside for several hours. You cannot do without urgent medical help.

2. Pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system

Dull chest pain can be an alarm bell indicating serious diseases of the respiratory system. For example, this symptom often accompanies complicated bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia or tracheitis. A characteristic feature of pain in such diseases is increased discomfort when inhaling, and sometimes the inability to take a deep breath.

It is not difficult to explain the cause of such pain. The fact is that the inflammatory process in the lungs affects the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, which causes pain with every muscle contraction in the respiratory system. An additional symptom in the case of these inflammatory diseases is increased body temperature, as well as a strong, long-lasting cough.

3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Stomach pathologies often lead to this type of pain. This symptom appears especially often during exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer or diaphragm abscess. In these cases, a dull aching pain in the center of the chest is complemented by pain in the back and intensifies when pressing on the stomach area.

In addition, pain in the heart area may appear after eating (especially if a person has eaten a lot of fatty foods), or vice versa, with increasing hunger. Such pain develops due to the general innervation of the stomach and can be a consequence of diseases such as pancreatitis or cholecystitis.

A feeling of pain in the middle of the chest may be due to strong contractions of the gallbladder. Intense pain in the sternum, radiating to the left side, may be a symptom of damage to the bile ducts and bladder. Painful sensations somewhat reminiscent of heart pain occur in acute pancreatitis. Very often, chest pain becomes simply unbearable. A person often mistakes it for a heart attack, without taking into account the lack of spread to other organs. Only with the help of intensive treatment in a hospital can suffering be alleviated.

4. Neurological diseases

Stitching pain in the chest during movement, sudden turns of the body and deep breaths are not always related to a diseased heart. It may well turn out that they are caused by neurological diseases, which include intercostal neuralgia, thoracic radiculitis and osteochondrosis. The nerve roots connecting the ribs to the spine are compressed and irritated during the movement of the chest, which causes a sharp dagger pain in the sternum.

The symptoms of these ailments are extremely varied: the pain can be aching, stabbing, dull or pressing. It does not subside when at rest and intensifies when moving. Moreover, over time, the nature of the pain may change. Moreover, antispasmodics and painkillers in this case do not bring relief.

5. Injuries

Previous injuries, chest bruises, rib fractures or vertebral displacements can also provoke pain of varying intensity in the middle of the chest. Even if the injury did not lead to a fracture, it is quite possible that there was compression of the blood vessels and disruption of blood flow to the muscle tissue. The consequence of this is swelling and aching pain in the chest. Additional symptoms may include a bruise and discomfort when palpating the painful area.

Other reasons

There are other causes of pain in the middle part of the chest. Pain in the sternum may be a consequence of an enlarged thyroid gland; disturbances in the structure of the spine are also reflected by pain in the middle part of the sternum.

How to distinguish neuralgia from angina pectoris

In the event of an attack of angina pectoris, the patient feels how the pain simply “spills” throughout the chest, and in the case of neuralgia it is localized in a specific place. Moreover, at rest, neuralgic pain immediately subsides, but the intensity of pain in the heart does not depend in any way on physical stress. At the same time, by taking a Nitroglycerin tablet, the pain associated with angina pectoris will subside. If it is a heart attack or neuralgic pain, the drug will not eliminate the pain.

Symptoms requiring an immediate call to the emergency room

With all the symptoms described above, it is very difficult for a person to independently understand the causes of discomfort and pain in the chest. However, there are a number of characteristic signs that require emergency medical attention. So, you need to call an ambulance if:

  • a dagger pain appeared in the chest, from which you could lose consciousness;
  • chest pain radiates to the lower jaw and shoulder;
  • pain lasts more than 15 minutes, and does not disappear even at rest;
  • when inhaling, there is a feeling of constriction in the chest, which is complemented by an unstable pulse, dizziness, nausea and vomiting;
  • Sharp dagger pains appeared with intermittent breathing, high fever and a bloody cough.

If you feel at least one of the symptoms described above, do not try to understand its causes. Just call an ambulance and take a horizontal position. Before the doctors arrive, try not to take painkillers (only Nitroglycerin is possible) so that they do not affect the diagnosis. And further. Do not try to refuse hospitalization if the attack has already passed upon the arrival of specialists. Remember, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

How to distinguish heart pain from others? What examination do you need to undergo? The editors of Vesti talk about all this. Medicine toldNeurologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Yusupov Hospital Sergey Vladimirovich Petrov.

Sergei Vladimirovich Petrov

Pain is a signal from the body that indicates a problem. There are several organs located in the chest and each can be a source of pain. When a person experiences pain in the chest, this may be due to the manifestation of an inflammatory process in the lungs, a disease of the esophagus, but it can also be heart pain.

Typically, any pain leads to a decrease in quality of life, but not all pain is life-threatening. Some types of pain indicate a serious problem in the body. And if you do not respond correctly to this pain, then not only your quality of life may suffer, but you will also suffer enormous harm to your own health, and even death is possible. One of these types of pain is heart pain.

Heart pain (in medicine called angina pectoris or “angina pectoris”) occurs when there is insufficient oxygen supply to the heart muscle. Most often this occurs due to a narrowing of the lumen of the vessel that feeds one or another part of the heart muscle. In most cases, the way the patient describes his pain is sufficient to diagnose angina.

What are the signs of heart pain?

Photo: : Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock.com

Firstly, this localization. Most often this is pain behind the sternum or in the left side of the chest. The pain may radiate to the left arm, between the shoulder blades, or to the lower jaw. Secondly, characteristic. In the classic version, it is a pressing, squeezing, baking or dagger pain.

The next important point is that angina most often has provoking factors– physical or emotional stress. This means that there is no pain at rest, but during physical or emotional stress they appear. With a critical narrowing of the vessel supplying the heart muscle, angina pectoris can occur with minimal exertion at rest and even at night.

When assessing the origin of chest pain, one always takes into account time factor. True heart pain is not long-lasting; minutes count. In other words, the heart cannot “achieve, pull, prick” for several hours, days, or day after day. Such pain is often a manifestation of pathology in the musculoskeletal system. However, true heart pain lasting more than 20 minutes indicates the possible development of a serious complication - myocardial infarction.

It is worth paying attention to the circumstances under which the pain goes away. Angina stops on its own within about a few minutes, for example, if the patient stops or calms down. Some patients benefit from nitroglycerin, which reduces or completely relieves angina pain within 1-2 minutes. If a person has developed a myocardial infarction, then the chest pain will not be relieved and will not go away after taking nitroglycerin; in this case, emergency help is needed.

With angina pectoris, a temporary disturbance of blood flow occurs in the coronary artery affected by atherosclerotic plaque. Taking nitroglycerin allows you to expand the lumen of the vessel, improve blood flow and thereby the pain will go away, which leads to pain regression. During a heart attack, the narrowing of the lumen is so pronounced that it leads to irreversible damage to the heart muscle. In this situation, the pain has another cause and taking nitroglycerin will no longer have an effect.

In addition to the classic characteristics, angina pectoris can have so-called atypical forms, including manifestations in the form of shortness of breath or abdominal pain.

Thus, we see that heart pain, on the one hand, in most cases can be easily recognized, but on the other hand, it is not always so easily recognizable. That is why it is important that if you have pain in the chest or feel short of air, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What can a doctor do when a patient comes to him with chest pain?

First of all, the doctor will carefully ask the patient to tell about all the symptoms. If, as a result of the interview, the doctor gets the impression that the pain may be angina, then it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis to confirm the patient’s complaints.

Photo: Image Point Fr/Shutterstock.com

What examinations are needed to confirm or refute the diagnosis?

When it comes to heart disease, an important test is a resting electrocardiogram (ECG). In many diseases, the ECG changes, but in the presence of angina in a patient at rest without pain, the ECG may be completely normal. This means that the ECG data will be within normal limits, and the patient will feel angina. Thus, if you suspect angina pectoris, you cannot limit yourself to just performing a resting ECG.

An important stage of examination in determining the genesis of chest pain is a stress test. The most commonly used combination of exercise (treadmill or bicycle) in combination with ECG recording. Changes in the ECG during exercise and complaints from the patient with a high degree of probability allow us to judge the presence or absence of angina. If there are associated complaints, for example, interruptions in heart function, the doctor may prescribe daily ECG monitoring. It will allow you to record rhythm disturbances, if any. And in some cases, heart rhythm disturbances may indicate a problem in the blood supply to the heart muscle.

In addition, cardiovascular risk factors are assessed: age, sex of the patient, heredity, blood pressure level, the presence of certain diseases, as well as a number of blood parameters, the increase of which is associated with an increased risk of angina pectoris (blood lipids, glucose, creatinine).

There are typical manifestations of heart pain, but the disease can also be atypical. That is why doctors do not recommend self-medication, but rather trust qualified specialists. If you have chest pain that you have not previously experienced, make an appointment and discuss it with your doctor. It is quite possible that already at the initial consultation the doctor will tell you that there is no threat from the heart. But it is quite possible that a more complete examination may be required. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. And the doctor will assess the symptoms, risks, conduct the necessary examinations and, if necessary, develop a treatment plan or a plan of preventive measures together with the patient, so that the patient lives as long as possible and the quality of life is not affected.

The appearance of pain in the chest area is influenced by various factors. The reasons lie in pathologies of varying complexity. If there is a pinching in the middle of the sternum, a person suspects -.

In addition to a heart attack, there are many pathologies that affect the occurrence of chest pain. If the pain is periodic and severe, you should consult a doctor. It is necessary to prevent complications that can negatively affect a person’s life.

The nervous system is capable of transmitting pain to other parts of the body, so it is not always possible to identify the cause only by its location

The pain syndrome can spread from the abdomen to the neck. Pain syndrome varies depending on the cause:

  • Sharp and sudden pain. They may depend on body position, as well as physical activity.
  • Cutting, dull or sharp pain.
  • The pain is felt in the form of a burning sensation.
  • Constant but mild pain.
  • Pain that changes its character.

The cause of pain cannot always be determined by knowing the quality and its location. Because the nervous system can transmit pain to other parts of the body. Pain sensations may move away from the affected area of ​​the body. Such pain is called radiating pain.

During diagnosis, doctors conduct interviews, and some descriptions of pain can provide significant information in determining the diagnosis. The patient may report the following pain:

  • Pain extends to the spinal region
  • Pain accompanied by shortness of breath
  • It hurts to breathe when inhaling
  • Pain when coughing

Pain occurs during the breathing process - this usually indicates a disease associated with the lungs. However, such localization of pain often indicates the presence.

Causes of chest pain

In the middle part it can pinch and prick as a result of many diseases. Negative sensations occur with pathologies:

  • Hearts
  • Lungs
  • Digestive system
  • Chest

The most dangerous is stabbing and sudden - it can signal a heart attack or. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Symptoms may include: compressive pain and burning in the chest area. If you experience any of the above, you should call an ambulance.

In the following video, see which three tests will help determine the source of pain:

Cardiovascular diseases causing pain in the chest in the middle

Diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract

Pathologies in the digestive system often cause pain under the chest. Such diseases are:

  1. Ulcer of the digestive organs
  2. Diaphragmatic abscess
  3. Pancreatitis
  4. Cholecystitis

Digestive tract diseases can cause not only pain, but also nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Lung diseases

Pleurisy, tracheitis and pneumonia have a beneficial effect on the appearance of chest pain. It manifests itself with prolonged coughing. Coughing, in turn, can cause damage to the intercostal muscles and diaphragm.

Spinal diseases

Constant and paroxysmal pain is possible with osteochondrosis. Painful sensations may subside with rest.

Manifestations of pain can occur with radiculopathy. They are identical in nature to the sensations associated with osteochondrosis.

Diseases that cause pain can also be: intercostal neuralgia, diaphragmatic hernia, congenital disorders of the spine and pathology of the thyroid gland.

Chest pain, how to cure it

If chest pain is caused by angina pectoris, then a Nitroglycerin tablet will help

Chest pain is treated depending on the disease that caused it:

  • If pain occurs with angina pectoris, you must take it. It is dissolved under the tongue in one or two tablets. Usually the duration of action of this pill is a couple of minutes; if the pain does not subside, you need to call a doctor at home.
  • Osteochondrosis, which causes pain, can be treated with a special set of exercises and the prescription of restorative medications.
  • Respiratory organs that are inflamed and cause pain are treated with anti-inflammatory and expectorant medications.
  • Intercostal neuralgia is treated by prescribing painkillers and vitamin B.
  • The disease cardioneurosis can be restored with the help of microelements that restore the nervous system.
  • To strengthen the nervous system, a special massage is prescribed. Experts also prescribe herbal medicines that eliminate chest pain in the middle.
  • Ulcers of the stomach and other organs associated with the digestive system are treated with drugs whose effect is aimed at healing the defect. A diet is also prescribed that excludes fried and spicy foods.

All medications and specialized exercises should be prescribed only by your doctor.

First aid

If a heart attack is suspected, it is necessary to provide the victim with an influx of oxygen and call an ambulance

Immediate help for chest pain depends entirely on the disease that caused it:

  1. If the cause of the pain is a heart attack, then provide the victim with an influx of oxygen and call a doctor at home.
  2. Osteochondrosis. If pain occurs, take an anesthetic or anti-inflammatory tablet and rub the chest with a non-steroidal ointment.
  3. Ulcer. If a person feels a sharp pain, a stomach ulcer requires immediate medical attention.
  4. Heartburn. The pain that occurs with severe heartburn is eliminated by taking Peptobismol.
  5. If the cause of pain is injury, then the patient is placed on the injured side and the chest is fixed. Then they call an ambulance or take you to a traumatologist.

Pain when inhaling, what causes it

Along with numerous pathologies, pulmonary diseases are the most common causes of pain when breathing. Discomfort occurs when the pleural membrane is damaged. It consists of nerve endings, which, when damaged, cause pain.

Pain when inhaling can be felt by people who suffer from tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy and bronchitis. It also becomes difficult to breathe if the chest is damaged. Pain during breathing can cause rib fractures.

Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels are the least common causes of discomfort when inhaling.

Causes of pain when inhaling can be:

  • Stomach ulcer
  • Vegetovascular dystonia
  • Damage to the thyroid gland
  • Presence of a foreign body in the digestive organs

Pain may also occur when breathing due to pregnancy. The appearance of breathing discomfort requires a medical examination.

The state of health of any person largely depends on his. A proper diet helps restore all functions of the body's organs and systems.

Regardless of what disease provokes chest pain, it is recommended:

  1. The menu should contain dishes that have a beneficial effect on the restoration of cartilage tissue.
  2. Products containing calcium and fiber are required.
  3. You need to eat food 4-5 times a day. Small portions help prevent excess weight gain, which reduces the risk of diseases associated with the spine.
  4. Salty, smoked and sweet foods should be consumed in the smallest quantities.
  5. Drink enough water.

A good way to prevent diseases that cause chest pain can be a correct lifestyle. It is necessary, first of all, to give up bad habits and actively engage in sports. Good sleep and lack of stress influence your well-being.

Chest pain in women - features

Sometimes women may experience chest pain due to mastopathy

Breast cancer is often the first thing that comes to mind for women who feel pain in and around the breasts. Cancer does cause pain, but only in the final stages of development. With this disease, there are other signs: noticeable formation on palpation, as well as spontaneous discharge from the nipples.

A factor influencing chest pain in women may be mastopathy. Usually it is present directly in the mammary gland, but sometimes the pain can radiate to other areas of the chest.

Diseases related to the thyroid gland are more common in women; they also cause discomfort in the chest area.

Pain in the chest muscles can occur due to excessive physical activity. Women are more likely than men to be exposed to stress and nervous exhaustion - this can lead to the development of pain in the middle of the sternum.

Chest pain in men - features

Men may feel pain in the chest area due to hormonal changes in the body.

When hormonal levels change, pain usually occurs around the nipples. A person’s chest swells, and with every touch he experiences discomfort. Men's breasts swell due to an increase in female hormones. Changes in hormonal levels are often associated with impaired brain function.

The cause may also be diseases of the genital organs, kidneys and liver. This deviation may occur at school age. During this period, the hormonal background has not yet formed and strengthened.

Gynecomastia is also becoming a common cause of discomfort in the chest. It occurs with obesity and leads to excessive fat deposition in the chest area.

A person who is concerned about the sensations needs to be examined in specialized clinics. It is worth eliminating discomfort with the help of proven medications that were prescribed by a doctor.

Chest pain can occur in people of all ages. It not only brings with it unpleasant sensations, but also a signal that it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination by a doctor in a medical institution.

As you know, the chest contains organs that are very important for life, and a malfunction of one of them can lead to death. Let's consider all the possible causes of chest pain and methods for eliminating it.

What characteristics of pain should you pay attention to:

  1. The nature of the manifestation of pain: pulls, pricks, aches, burns.
  2. Type of pain: dull or sharp.
  3. Location: right, left, center of the chest.
  4. Where does it give: hand, shoulder blade.
  5. When it appears most often: day or night.
  6. What can cause pain: cough, physical activity, breathing or anything else. Read about it here.
  7. What helps relieve pain: change of body position, medications.

Pressing pain on the left

When you feel a pressing pain in the left side of the chest You must consult a doctor without delay.

The main reasons for its development:

  1. Aortic aneurysm. A very serious illness. There is an accumulation of blood in the vessel as a result of the fact that their membranes are stratified.
  2. Myocardial infarction or angina attack. The condition requires immediate hospitalization. Pain in this condition indicates a problem with a large muscle.
  3. Stomach ulcer. Pain occurs after eating. Often, a regular antispasmodic drug (no-spa) can alleviate a person’s condition.
  4. Inflammatory process in the pancreas (pancreatitis). Pain in this organ is projected onto the left side of the chest and is severe. In most cases, discomfort is caused by eating.
  5. Hernia in the diaphragm. This pathology occurs due to prolapse of intestinal loops through weakened areas in the diaphragm into the chest cavity. As a result, the patient finds it very difficult to breathe.

Presses from the right

There are many reasons for feeling pain on the right side, both easily removable and very serious:

  1. Intercostal neuralgia or panic attack.
  2. If, with pain on the right side, the heart contracts very quickly, this may be a signal of the development of cardiac pathologies.
  3. An accompanying cough, sputum production and fever may indicate lung problems.
  4. and rapid breathing indicate tracheitis.
  5. In case of pathological processes in the stomach and esophagus, the food eaten will cause discomfort.
  6. If you feel pain when swallowing and compression of the chest on the upper right side, then this may be a symptom of ordinary laryngitis. Visit an otolaryngologist to confirm the diagnosis.
  7. Right-sided rib fractures also cause discomfort in the chest.

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Presses in the middle

The sensation of pain in the central part of the chest signals all of the above diseases.

In addition to them will be:

  • Stress.
  • Nervous breakdowns and anxiety states.
  • In the presence of these factors, muscle spasms may develop and unpleasant pain may occur.

    Also, pinched nerves and pain in the middle of the chest are affected by:

    1. Scoliosis.
    2. Osteochondrosis.
    3. Hernias of small vertebrae.

    Symptoms of diseases

    When chest pain occurs, the symptoms can be quite different. This is explained by a wide range of diseases that provoke unpleasant pain.

    Dangerous symptoms, if they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor:

    1. A sharp jump in body temperature.
    2. Nausea and urge to vomit.
    3. Increased sweating.
    4. The appearance of shortness of breath and impaired breathing.
    5. Loss of consciousness. It can become one of the main symptoms of myocardial infarction.
    6. Increased or decreased heart rate.
    7. When changing body position, coughing or active movement, the pain may increase.
    8. Muscle weakness.
    9. Body aches.

    Symptoms are rarely isolated; they are often combined and interfere with proper first aid.

    If the following symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance:

    1. When the nature of pain changes.
    2. Painful sensations either in the left side of the chest or in the right.
    3. Increased pain when lying down.
    4. First aid medications do not show effectiveness.

    After all possible types of diagnostics have been carried out, the patient is sent to a specialist to prescribe treatment.


    Treatment begins only after the attending physician makes a diagnosis.

    Depending on the causes of pressure behind the sternum, the following drugs are used:

    1. Angina pectoris. It is possible to relieve an attack with nitroglycerin.
    2. Cerebral atherosclerosis. First aid for reducing high blood pressure is Farmadipin drops, and for normal blood circulation in the brain, Glycine is prescribed.
    3. Myocardial infarction. Taking medications at home is prohibited. The patient must be urgently placed in a hospital setting. Often such patients end up in the intensive care unit.
    4. Osteochondrosis. For this disease, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen) are used (). Actovegin is prescribed to improve blood circulation. Massage and acupuncture also have a positive effect in the treatment of this disease.
    5. Intercostal neuralgia. This disease is often confused with a heart attack. To relieve pain, muscle relaxants (tizanidine), corticosteroids (dexamethasone) are used, a warming patch is glued to the rib area or rubbed with anesthetic ointment.
    6. Gastritis in the acute stage. The first aid will be antispasmodics (no-spa, bellasthesin), sorbents (smecta, enterosgel, phosphalugel).
    7. Angina. When treating a sore throat, it is important to provide the patient with comprehensive treatment: antibiotics (Flemoxin, Summamed), gargling (Givalex), use sprays (Bioparox, Septolete).
    8. Pulmonary embolism. First aid is provided only by the ambulance team. If treatment is not done in a timely manner, it will not be possible to save the patient.
    9. Depression, stress, hysteria. It is necessary to calm the person down with special medications (Persen, Dormiplant) and provide psychological assistance.

    Let’s summarize all of the above and find out what needs to be done to provide first aid:

    1. Call an ambulance.
    2. While the team is driving, give the patient a semi-sitting position. Never place him on his back or stomach.
    3. Help you breathe evenly and calmly.
    4. For heart pathologies, place a tablet of validol or nitroglycerin under the tongue.
    5. If the patient faints, moisten a cotton swab with ammonia and bring it to the nose.
    6. Do not leave the person alone, wait together for the doctors to arrive.
    7. Never set fractures or dislocations yourself.
    8. If the cause of chest pain is unknown, then warm compresses cannot be used.

    Pain in the upper chest for various reasons, ranging from problems with the heart and blood vessels, ending with a common bruise or myositis. Initially, the doctor needs to determine whether the resulting discomfort is dangerous to the life and health of the patient. The nature of the pain can also differ in strength, location and frequency of repetitions.

    It is important to correctly diagnose the cause of the pain in order to quickly prescribe the correct effective treatment.

    Causes of pain

    Gastrointestinal diseases

    Pain start after eating food For example, with a hernia of the diaphragm, a burning sensation appears, and with an ulcer, the pain is fixed in the upper abdomen and can radiate to the sternum. When problems occur with the gastrointestinal tract, pain rarely occurs when playing sports or moving. And pain due to pathologies of the esophagus begins when the patient actively moves and the pressure inside the peritoneum rises.

    Clinical picture

    Ask your question to a neurologist for free

    Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the Moscow Polyclinic.

    The symptoms of pain in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are different:

    • With gastroesophageal reflux disease, pain manifests itself in the form of spasms and burning. Patients complain of bitterness in the mouth.
    • When the esophagus ruptures due to injury, with pathologies associated with contractions of the esophagus, the pain is localized in the middle and top of the chest. After an injury, a sharp attack of pain occurs. Such painful sensations cannot be tolerated, the patient vomits, and the health condition quickly deteriorates.
    • Peptic ulcer pain radiates to the upper chest and is localized in the center of the peritoneum. Nature of pain: aching; when the disease is in the acute stage, the attacks intensify. If the patient eats foods without spices, then after eating the pain may subside.
    • When the stomach is pinched by the diaphragm and with a diaphragmatic hernia, pain appears in the sternum and in the upper peritoneum. The patient requires urgent hospitalization.
    • With an inflammatory process in the pancreas, the pain is recorded at the top of the thoracic region or in the center of the sternum. It intensifies when a person stands up, becomes less when a person leans forward.

    Be sure to check out the next video

    Medical intervention

    A gastroenterologist will help cure the disease; in extreme cases, the help of a surgeon is required.


    The disease can be diagnosed by listening to the patient’s complaints, palpation, auscultation, and percussion.

    Probing through the esophagus to determine pathology or endoscopy can be performed. One of the newest diagnostic methods is sigmoidoscopy.

    For a more thorough examination, doctors supplement the diagnosis with rectosigmocolonoscopy and ERCP.


    To quickly relieve pain, you can simply use antispasmodics that eliminate muscle contractions.

    The doctor prescribes treatment after diagnosis. Conservative treatment methods with medications are usually used. In urgent and complex cases, doctors decide on the need for surgical intervention.

    Treatment methods depend entirely on the disease detected and the examination of the patient. Doctors often recommend using folk remedies in parallel with the therapy.

    Traditional medicine treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    Musculoskeletal disorders

    Symptoms of the disease are very similar to pain in the heart area, therefore difficult to diagnose, they are easy to confuse. Pathologies arise due to a sedentary lifestyle, heavy physical activity, injuries, and metabolic problems. Basically, pain in the sternum is a sign of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region; it can occur due to damage by osteophytes, pinched nerve endings, etc.


    MRI and x-rays are used to identify the causes of pain.

    Doctors' intervention

    To diagnose the pathology and prescribe treatment, the patient needs to consult a traumatologist, neurologist, oncologist, and gastroenterologist.

    Clinical picture

    • sternum and cervical region, due to which the distance between the vertebrae is reduced, is characterized by severe, ongoing pain in the chest when inhaling, exhaling, moving, coughing and sneezing. The patient often experiences numbness in his hands and difficulty breathing
    • between the vertebrae. Acute paroxysmal pain radiating to the upper part of the sternum and back.
    • . Character of pain in the upper part of the sternum: aching. When changing position, the pain becomes less. The vertebrae are gradually destroyed, due to small fractures of bone tissue the spine is bent, and the patient acquires incorrect posture. Growth decreases, it becomes more difficult to breathe, and urination problems occur. The patient becomes nervous and irritable.
    • Rachiocampsis. Pain in the sternum appears, the patient quickly gets tired, pain in the back is possible, and stooping occurs. The torso becomes asymmetrical, breathing becomes more difficult, intercostal neuralgia and a tingling sensation in the limbs often occur.
    • Injuries to the spine can vary in nature. It depends on the degree, area of ​​damage, type of impact. If the patient does not move, then at rest the pain subsides, but becomes stronger with movement and deep inhalation and exhalation.


    Depending on the disease, doctors use:

    • Treatment with medications (anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, muscle relaxants)
    • In complex cases, surgical intervention is required
    • A complex of exercise therapy aimed at restoring blood flow and strengthening the muscle corset.
    • Massage
    • Physiotherapy
    • Acupuncture
    • Acupressure.

    Cardiovascular diseases

    This type of pain the most common cause of chest discomfort. Their nature can be different: from aching pain to an acute attack, sometimes there is pressing discomfort.

    Expert opinion

    Prikhodko Arkady Arkadievich

    Rheumatologist - city clinic, Moscow. Education: FGBNU NIIR named after V.A. Nasonova, Astrakhan State Medical Academy.

    It most often forms in the upper part of the sternum or spreads throughout the entire cervical region.

    Doctor's intervention

    For treatment, you will need an appointment and consultation with a therapist or cardiologist.

    Clinical picture

    Symptoms of diseases can be different and depend on the diagnosed pathology.

    • Myocardial infarction. As a result of a blocked artery, blood cannot flow to the tissues and the heart muscle dies. Nature of pain: acute paroxysmal. The patient breaks out in a cold sweat, feels nauseous, vomits, and loses strength.
    • Myocarditis. The patient complains of loss of strength and fatigue, the temperature rises due to an infectious lesion. The pain is acute, similar to a heart attack.
    • Pericarditis. The pain is aching and occurs due to thickening of the outer lining of the heart and accumulation of fluid in the cavity. Heart function is impaired. The symptoms are similar to angina pectoris.


    Diagnosis of heart disease occurs through a visual examination of the patient and a conversation with the patient.

    X-rays, MRI, tomography, cardiac catheterization, and ECG are performed.


    1. Pathologies caused by an infectious nature are eliminated with a course of antibiotics.
    2. Conservative treatment with antiplatelet agents, nitrates, diuretics, anticoagulants.
    3. Surgical intervention.

    Pathology of the heart vessels

    Clinical picture

    • Angina pectoris. The pathology is characterized by incomplete blockage of the artery. The nutrition of the heart muscle becomes weaker, but does not stop completely. The pain is sharp, radiating to the shoulder, arms and jaw. Paroxysmal pain lasts from 15 to 25 minutes.
    • Cardiac ischemia. It is characterized by a lack of blood supply to the tissues and impaired blood flow. Pain occurs at the top of the sternum, which is first observed only during exercise, and then when the patient is at rest. The pain is acute, the duration of discomfort can last up to 30 minutes. The pain radiates to the shoulder blade and throat. The patient has shortness of breath, the heart is beating rapidly, and there is an irregular heart rhythm.


    To identify the causes of pain, the doctor uses a visual examination of the patient and a conversation with the patient.

    In addition, X-rays, MRI, tomography, cardiac catheterization, and ECG are performed.

    Doctor's intervention

    Treatment requires consultation and appointment with a cardiologist.


    1. Surgical intervention is used (bypass surgery, stenting of affected vessels).
    2. Conservative treatment with medications.

    Frequent panic and anxiety states

    Patient feels constant anxiety, excited.

    Expert opinion

    Astafiev Igor Valentinovich

    Neurologist - Pokrovsk City Hospital. Education: Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd. Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after. HM. Berbekova, Nalchik.

    This condition occurs due to constant overwork, stress, and chronic diseases.

    Clinical picture

    The patient complains of constant fear for no apparent reason, attention deteriorates, and nervousness occurs. A person gets easily irritated, gets tired quickly, and becomes dizzy.

    There is a dry mouth, limbs tremble, and there may be a slight tingling sensation in the arms and legs.

    The patient complains of muscle pain, attacks of nausea, migraine, and sleep disturbances. His palms are sweating.

    The nature of the pain at the top of the sternum: frequent burning in the chest area.

    Doctor's intervention

    The patient needs the help of a neurologist.


    To determine the presence or absence of a condition in a patient, doctors use psychological tests, for example, the Personality Anxiety Scale, etc.


    • Doctors are in no hurry to prescribe many medications at once, but recommend relaxation through yoga, meditation, sports, and walking.
    • If all else fails, the patient is prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. These medications raise serotonin levels in the blood, relieving anxiety and improving mood.
    • For severe anxiety, it is recommended to take benzodiazepines (diazepam, lorazepam).

    Respiratory system diseases

    Pathologies affecting the respiratory system also may manifest itself as chest pain.

    The nature of the pain depends on the pathology, its stage and area of ​​the lesion.

    Doctor's intervention

    To treat a patient, consultation with an ENT specialist, pulmonologist, or phthisiatrician is necessary.


    Methods for diagnosing pathologies of the respiratory system are divided into several groups:

    • General methods (inspection, palpation, percussion)
    • Laboratory techniques (sputum analysis, blood gas testing)
    • Methods that allow you to study the functioning of the lungs (spirometry, ultrasound of the lungs).
    • X-ray.
    • Computed tomography of the lungs
    • Visual examination (laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, etc.).

    Clinical picture

    The main symptoms of lung diseases: migraine, fever, cough. The patient complains of aching pain in the sternum or spasms that occur when coughing and breathing. It is difficult for him to breathe, his bones and joints are aching. Feverish conditions often begin, and pulmonary edema is possible in some pathologies of the respiratory system.


    • Conservative treatment with sulfonamides, bronchodilators, antiallergic drugs,.
    • The use of mucolytic drugs and inhalations is recommended.
    • Aerosol therapy

    Neuralgia in the thoracic region is condition characterized by severe pain and irritation of the nerves between the ribs.

    The spaces between the ribs change and put pressure on nearby nerves.


    The diagnosis is made using a cardiogram, because the pain is often similar to heart pain. The doctor can also detect the disease by palpation, based on laboratory tests.

    Diagnostic methods using instrumental studies will also help exclude heart disease (for example, the use of an ECG). Fluorography and MRI will also help to identify neuralgia.

    Doctor's intervention

    To prescribe treatment, you will need to consult a neurologist.

    Clinical picture

    The pain begins in the ribs, then smoothly moves up the chest, into the lower back, and into the back. Often the pain is girdling, but it can move to both the left and right sides. The pain intensifies with movement, the nature of the pain is acute, similar to spasms. Individual muscles may twitch and the color of the skin may change.

    The patient experiences increased sweating, numbness in some areas of the skin, and loss of sensation.

    • If the disease is caused by an infection, then it is necessary to eliminate the root cause before starting treatment.
    • Medicines that relieve inflammation and relieve pain. The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days
    • . They relax the muscles, increasing the space between them, eliminating gaps between the ribs.
    • Massage
    • Manual therapy.

    Oncological diseases

    This neoplasms of a malignant or benign nature developing in the chest.

    Doctor's intervention

    The patient needs to consult an oncologist.

    Clinical picture

    The pain initially occurs periodically, as the tumor grows, it intensifies and becomes constant. The pain cannot be tolerated, the person loses appetite, suffocates, and the skin turns pale.

    The patient loses weight.


    1. Fluorography, x-ray
    2. Ultrasound of lymph nodes
    3. Blood tests


    1. Surgical intervention
    2. Chemotherapy course
    3. Targeted therapy
    4. Biological therapy course
    5. Gamma ray exposure
    6. Palliative therapy (used when the patient cannot be cured, but it is still possible to prolong life).

    Localization of pain on the left

    Pain in the chest begins on the left with the following diseases:

    • angina pectoris
    • heart attack,
    • pleurisy,
    • pneumonia located on the left side,
    • gastrointestinal ulcer,
    • diaphragmatic hernia.

    Localization of pain on the right

    Pain on the right side of the chest begins due to:

    • pneumonia localized on the right side,
    • pleurisy
    • for problems with the liver and gall bladder
    • inflammatory processes in the diaphragm
    • thoracic injuries
    • pancreatitis.

    In what case should you see a doctor immediately?

    1. An acute attack occurred suddenly and for no apparent reason
    2. The person began to choke, shortness of breath began, the heart beats faster
    3. When trying to eliminate pain, nitroglycerin does not relieve the pain.
    4. A cough with bloody sputum appears
    5. The patient loses consciousness
    6. Severe nausea and vomiting.
    7. Pain radiates to the neck, shoulder, jaw

    First aid, how to relieve pain?

    1. Freeing a person from clothing that pinches the cervical and thoracic region
    2. If the person is conscious, then try to understand what caused the attack (trauma, cardiac pathology)
    3. A person suffering from heart disease usually carries pain-relieving medications in his pocket. Your task is to help him drink them.
    4. If the cause is injury, then try not to touch the patient until the ambulance arrives, immobilizing as much as possible.
    5. If it is impossible to relieve pain due to heart disease, and the attack continues, immediately call an ambulance. Every minute counts.

    What to do before the ambulance arrives?

    • If a heart attack occurs during physical activity, the patient should stop immediately.
    • We sit the person down so that his legs are down
    • We give access to oxygen (unbutton the shirt, open the window)
    • Call an ambulance urgently
    • The patient is given nitromint, nitroglycerin or validol (1 tablet). If necessary, repeat taking the drug.
    • If 5 minutes have passed and the pain has not subsided, then the patient is given an aspirin tablet (or 4 clopidogrel tablets).
    • In case of cardiac arrest or loss of consciousness with respiratory arrest, we perform indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration.

    Based on this, we can conclude that there are many causes for chest pain, but this terrible symptom cannot be left unattended. It can be a sign of myocardial infarction or other serious pathologies

    Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, you cannot self-medicate, but a full examination and treatment by a qualified specialist is necessary.


    1. Sharp, cramping pain in the upper chest that prevents you from taking a full breath may indicate the development of a life-threatening condition and requires immediate medical attention.
    2. Periodically occurring pain in the upper chest often occurs with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and neuralgia.
    3. If pain appears after unsuccessful movement of the neck or chest, the cause may be associated with progressive osteochondrosis of the spine, which compresses the nerve endings, causing shooting pains.
    4. Neoplasms in the area of ​​the larynx and branches of the bronchi, as they grow and increase in size, compress nearby tissues, irritating the nerve endings.
    5. You should immediately consult a doctor if, along with acute pain, the breathing process is disrupted, the heart rate is disrupted, and the color of the skin changes.
    6. First aid is to ensure vital processes, including breathing and heartbeat.