Test for mental disorders online. Test to identify mental and physical disorders


Galina Ilya Yuryevich! Thank you very much for your sessions, which I was lucky enough to take part in. Thanks to them, I have become more confident in many issues and situations that previously caused anxiety and concern. You taught me how to deal with this in a short period of time. It's a pleasure to deal with a high-level professional!

Anna Ilya Yuryevich, it is difficult to find words to express my gratitude to you for your help. I remembered in what state and with what thoughts I met last year, 2017. I remember those feelings of bitterness and anxiety that did not leave me under any circumstances. Finally, I left this desire for self-destruction and now I can breathe differently. Thank you!

Tatiana Thank you, Ilya Yurievich, for the consultation. Indeed, she allowed me to look at my life situation from a different angle. Thanks again!

Vladimir Thank you very much for the consultation! Indeed, I noticed that memories pop up at times when I was in a bad mood or irritable, but I could not understand that this was a defense mechanism. The next time he appears, I’ll try to talk about what exactly causes irritation, instead of plunging into memories.

Daria Many thanks for the help! I am very glad you helped me understand myself and showed me a new path to improve my life!

Borderline personality disorder is a serious mental illness, less known than schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (manic depression), but no less common. Borderline personality disorder is a form of pathology on the border of psychosis and neurosis.

The disease is characterized by mood swings, an unstable connection with reality, high anxiety and a strong level of desocialization. As a result, borderline personality disorder can disrupt families, careers, and an individual's sense of self. As a disorder of emotional control, borderline personality disorder often leads to suicide attempts.

Individuals suffering from this illness have a very complex relationship with reality. It is difficult to help them, but it is possible - modern psychiatry is capable of doing this.

This test will help you preliminarily assess the possible presence or absence of symptoms of this disease. Answer “yes” or “no” depending on whether the symptoms described correspond to your condition.

1. My relationships with other people are very turbulent, unstable and fluctuate between idealizing and undervaluing people who play an important role in my life.

2. My emotions fluctuate rapidly, and I experience severe bouts of sadness, irritability, or anxiety and panic.

3. My level of anger is often inappropriate, too intense, and I have difficulty controlling it.

4. I have currently or in the past experienced suicidal behavior, gestures, threats or acts such as cutting, bruising or burning myself.

5. I have a pronounced and persistent feeling of the impermanence of my own personality. I don't know who I am or what I really believe.

6. I sometimes have bouts of suspicion and even paranoia (false beliefs that other people are planning to harm me), or in stressful situations I experience feelings of unreality of the world and people around me and my own

7. I have engaged in two or more behaviors that are harmful to me, such as excessive spending of money, unsafe and inappropriate sexual activity, alcohol and drug abuse, road hazards, and excessive eating.

Construct a figurine of a person from elements of rectangular, round and triangular shape, the total number of elements in the figurine is 10. You are allowed to draw out elements and overlap each other. The size of the elements can be any. You can use them in any combination. You don't have to use any of the elements if you don't need them.
When you finish drawing, label the character's age and gender and indicate your age and gender separately.

On desktop PCs and laptops, use the mouse or stylus to create a picture; on small-screen devices, the image editor buttons will help you.

Pay attention to the options to increase and decrease selected elements, overlay them on top of each other, leave an element on the surface or move it to a second layer (the “Move Down” button), rotate elements using the lever (while holding it down with the mouse button), copy selected elements , delete them, start again.

You can first make a drawing on paper and then construct a similar one on the screen.
You will receive correct testing data as long as you only depict body parts. Please refrain from depicting landscape elements, handbags, briefcases, balloons, or footrests. The editor allows the creation of any configurations, you can enjoy creativity, but the interpretation will be accurate only if you follow the instructions.

Don't try to create a lot of drawings. First, work out the motives of the already created drawing and only then proceed to the next one. Use self-regulation algorithms using the psychocatalysis method as many times as necessary. You can perceive this work as a kind of “quest”, an adventure: “In search of harmony.” You will get closer to integrity, balance and competence. Even though it looks like a game, the results are expected to be tangible and serious.

Online test for mental disorders is a way for you to obtain primary information for subsequent independent work; its results should in no case be taken as a diagnosis. The diagnosis is made by a specialist based on the analysis of the entire set of data and involves a clinical conversation, examination and other additional examination procedures that are not included in the pattern testing.

However, the results of the analysis can provide you with a unique opportunity to bring timely attention to an issue that needs to be addressed. Following the testing, you will be offered an algorithm for independent work under the guidance of a “virtual psychotherapist”. You will be able to free yourself from chronic tension, phobias, the consequences of disappointments, losses and other traumas. You will be able to get over the breakup easier and return to an active life faster if you find yourself in a depressed state. You can significantly improve your health if you have psychosomatic problems, including allergies. You will receive the keys to restoring normal well-being during panic attacks. You can set yourself up for success in your studies, for example, in mastering a foreign language, for greater success in business and to solve other problems.

Testing data will help you pay attention to possible problems such as poor oxygen supply to the brain, which is important for the prevention of a large number of disorders.

Mental illness is not something that people usually talk about, so much less is known about borderline personality disorder - its symptoms, treatment regimens, medical prognosis - than about schizophrenia or depression. However, a large number of people face the manifestations of this diagnosis, which requires increasing public awareness. Why does this problem occur and what to do about it?

What are borderline states in psychiatry?

If a patient is diagnosed with a weak level of mental disorders - when the patient manages to control reality and the disease is far from the nature of the pathology - in medicine this is noted as a borderline state. Such disorders are represented by a number of disorders and even symptom complexes:

  • psychosomatic;
  • neurosis-like;
  • neurotic;
  • affective;
  • neuroendocrine;
  • neurovegetovisceral.

This term was introduced into official medicine in the mid-20th century and today is strongly associated with the diagnosis of “borderline personality disorder”, which has code F60.31 in ICD-10. For a long time, psychiatrists classified any mental disorders as borderline states, which created “diagnostic chaos” and the inability to identify clear signs for making an accurate diagnosis.

Causes of the disease

According to statistics, about 3% of the world's population live with borderline personality disorder (BPD), but this disease is “overshadowed” by more complex ones, so some cases are not taken into account. Manifestations of such mental disorders develop mainly in people aged 17-25 years, but they can appear in children, but are not diagnosed due to the physiological instability of the child’s psyche. The causes leading to this disease are divided into 4 groups:

  • Biochemical – explained by an imbalance of neurotransmitters: chemical substances responsible for regulating the expression of emotions. A deficiency of serotonin causes depression; with a lack of endorphin, the nervous system cannot withstand stress, and a decrease in dopamine levels leads to a lack of satisfaction.
  • Hereditary predisposition - experts do not exclude the possibility that an unstable psyche may be embedded in the DNA, so BPD often affects people whose close relatives also had disorders of psycho-emotional behavior.
  • Lack of attention or violence in childhood - if the child did not feel parental love or faced the death/care of loved ones at an early age, frequent physical or emotional abuse was observed in the parents (especially with regard to high demands placed on the child), this may be the reason psychological trauma.
  • Raising in a family - for the harmonious development of personality, a child must feel parental love, but know the boundaries and the concept of discipline. When the microclimate in the family is disturbed with a preponderance of a dictatorial position or excessive encouragement, this becomes the cause of difficulties in subsequent social adaptation.

Borderline mental disorders - symptoms

Borderline syndrome (short for the English name of the disease “borderline personality disorder”) can have a long list of manifestations that will not necessarily be fully present even in a seriously ill person. According to official data, patients diagnosed with BPD often experience:

  • increased anxiety;
  • depressive states (in severe cases - mental anesthesia);
  • impulsiveness;
  • loss of control over emotions;
  • intense dysphoria followed by euphoria;
  • problems with social adaptation;
  • violations of self-identification;
  • demonstration of antisocial behavior (before drug addiction, alcohol abuse, criminal acts).

Interpersonal relationships

Problems with existing in society in various forms are characteristic of people with borderline personality disorder. Often there is an inability to reach a consensus and a categorical defense of one’s opinion, which constantly leads to confrontation with others. A patient with BPD does not see himself as the guilty party, but believes that no one realizes that he is right and worthwhile. Problems of interpersonal relationships are not excluded even in the family, and they can even be accompanied by sexual violence, since they are associated with uncontrollable emotions.

Fear of loneliness

For most forms of borderline personality disorder, the main common symptom is the fear of being alone, even when there are no prerequisites for this. A person may completely reject the feeling of love, which leads to a break in the relationship before the opposite party does so. This provokes difficulties in relationships with a person with borderline personality disorder. Most people (especially young women) who experience this type of anxiety have childhood psychological trauma associated with their parents.

Categorical opinions and judgments

With borderline personality disorder, a person sees the world exclusively in black and white, which becomes the cause of either pure, insane delight at what is happening, or a devastating depression from the situation. Life for such people is either amazing or terrible: there are no half-tones. Even the smallest failures cause serious manifestations of irritability. Due to this perception, the appearance of suicidal thoughts is characteristic of 80% of people with borderline personality disorder.

Tendency to self-destruction

Against the background of frequent depressive states that accompany internal tension, a person suffering from borderline mental disorder experiences suicidal tendencies or attempts at self-punishment. Only 10% of patients commit suicide - for the rest, everything ends in self-harm, which is a way to relieve tension or attract attention, an expression of auto-aggression, a method of non-verbal communication and suppression of hyperexcitability. This can manifest itself in any actions leading to deterioration of health and damage to one’s body.

Impaired self-perception

Low self-esteem against the background of idealization of others is a relatively weak sign of BPD, but the most common and comes from childhood. If the mental disorder is in a more severe form, a person may be faced with a constant change in the assessment of his character and capabilities, and the “switches” themselves will not have clear prerequisites. In some cases, patients even note a feeling of loss of their own personality and the inability to feel the fact of existence.

Lack of behavior control

The presence of various kinds of mania is a clear symptom of borderline personality disorder, in which one can observe impulsive behavior in any situation. A person with BPD is characterized by uncontrollable emotions, so he may experience painful cravings for anything, eating disorders, experience paranoid thoughts, sexual promiscuity, alcohol and drug addiction. Conditions of sudden changes in thoughts and actions are not excluded - a good mood is followed by a dysthymic phase or spontaneous outbursts of anger.


Due to the modern view of comorbidity in psychiatry, it is difficult to separate BPD from a number of other diseases associated with personality disorder. Patients who receive this diagnosis have a tendency to use psychoactive substances, symptoms of bipolar disorders, social phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and depressive states. Diagnosis is made using:

  • physical examination;
  • studying medical history;
  • analysis of clinical manifestations to identify key signs (at least 5);
  • testing.

Differential diagnosis

In its manifestations, borderline personality disorder is similar to a large number of mental illnesses, but requires a special approach to treatment, therefore it is necessary to make a clear differentiation between BPD and schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar disorders, phobias, and affective states. This is especially true for the early stages of all of these diseases, where the symptoms are almost identical.

Evaluation criteria

When identifying borderline personality disorder, specialists focus on impaired perception of one’s own “I”, constant changes in thinking, hobbies, judgments, and the ease of falling under the influence of others. The International Classifications of Diseases 9 and 10 revisions specify that in addition to the general signs of a personality disorder, the patient must have:

  • a pronounced tendency to impulsive actions that cause harm to oneself;
  • behavioral outbursts against the background of their condemnation by society;
  • making efforts to prevent the fate of abandonment;
  • identity disorder;
  • relapses of suicide attempts;
  • dissociative symptoms;
  • paranoid ideas;
  • feeling of emptiness;
  • frequent bouts of irritability, inability to control anger.


A simple diagnostic method that you can use even on your own is a 10-question test. Some experts shorten it for convenience, since suspicions of BPD can be raised after only 3-4 affirmative answers. The list of questions (with yes/no answers) is as follows:

  1. If you have a feeling of manipulation of your consciousness?
  2. Do you notice a quick change from outbursts of anger to a calm attitude towards the situation?
  3. Do you feel like everyone is lying to you?
  4. Do you receive unwarranted criticism in your relationship?
  5. Are you afraid of being asked to do something for you because the response will make you appear selfish?
  6. Are you being charged with something you didn't do/said?
  7. Are you forced to hide your own desires and thoughts from your loved ones?

Psychotherapeutic treatment

The main way to influence a borderline mental state is psychotherapy sessions, during which the patient must develop strong trust in the specialist. Therapy can be group or individual; dialectical behavioral techniques are predominantly used. Doctors do not recommend classical psychoanalysis for the treatment of borderline disorder, since this contributes to the growth of the patient’s already elevated level of anxiety.

Dialectical behavior therapy

The most effective method of influencing borderline personality disorder is considered to be an attempt to show the patient the possibility of looking at a seemingly hopeless situation from several sides - this is the essence of dialectical therapy. The specialist helps the patient develop skills to control emotions using the following modules:

  • Individual sessions - discussion of the prerequisites for anxiety-provoking experiences, analysis of sequences of actions, behavioral manifestations that are life-threatening.
  • Group sessions - doing exercises and homework, conducting role-playing games aimed at stabilizing the psyche in a post-traumatic stress state, increasing the effectiveness of interpersonal relationships, controlling emotions.
  • Telephone contact to overcome a crisis, during which a specialist helps the patient use the skills acquired during the sessions.

Cognitive-analytical methods

The essence of such therapy lies in the formation of a model of psychological behavior and the analysis of the patient’s thinking errors in order to identify problems that need to be eliminated in order to eliminate the personality disorder. The emphasis is on the patient’s internal experience, feelings, desires and fantasies in order to form a critical attitude towards the symptoms of the disease and develop skills to deal with them independently.

Family therapy

A mandatory element in the treatment plan for a person with borderline personality disorder is the work of a psychotherapist with his loved ones. The specialist should give recommendations on optimal interaction with the patient and ways to help in critical situations. The psychotherapist’s tasks include creating a friendly environment in the patient’s family in order to reduce the degree of anxiety and bilateral tension.

How to treat borderline neuropsychiatric disorders with medication

Taking medications for this diagnosis is mainly prescribed only in the case of severe depressive states, against the background of which suicide attempts are made, or in the presence of a biochemical prerequisite for BPD. It is possible to introduce medications into the therapeutic course for patients prone to panic attacks or exhibiting obvious antisocial behavior.

Lithium and anticonvulsants

According to medical statistics, borderline personality disorder is predominantly treated with psychotropic drugs based on lithium salts (Micalit, Contemnol), which help with manic phases, severe depression, and suicidal tendencies through their effect on neurotransmitters. Additionally, anticonvulsant mood stabilizers may be prescribed: Carbamazepine, Gabapentin.


Doctors consider it advisable to prescribe selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for BPD, accompanied by mood lability, emotional breakdowns, dysphoria, and outbursts of rage. Mostly doctors recommend Fluoxetine or Sertraline, the effect of which will appear in 2-5 weeks. The dosage of both drugs is determined individually, the initial dose is 20 mg/day in the morning for Fluoxetine and 50 mg/day for Sertraline.

Second generation antipsychotics

The use of atypical antipsychotics does not provoke motor neurological disorders and an increase in prolactin, and these drugs have a better effect on the general symptoms of personality disorders and cognitive impairment than first-generation antipsychotics. Mostly for patients with high excitability, doctors prescribe:

  • Olanzapine - has pronounced anticholinergic activity, affects affective disorders, but can provoke diabetes mellitus.
  • Aripiprazole is a partial antagonist of dopamine and serotonin receptors and is extremely safe.
  • Risperidone is the most powerful D2 receptor antagonist, suppresses psychotic agitation, but is not recommended for depression.


Mood stabilizers help soften or influence the duration of relapses of affective states, smooth out the manifestations of sudden mood swings, irascibility, and dysphoria. Some mood stabilizers have antidepressant properties - this mainly concerns Lamotrigine, or anti-anxiety (valproate group). Nifedipine and Topiramate are often prescribed for the treatment of BPD.


Borderline personality disorder is a relatively new term that has been used in foreign psychotherapy to denote our term “psychopath.” Borderline disorder is a personality pathological manifestation that is considered to have a biological basis and its own characteristics. This kind of personality disorder is considered a neurotic level of damage only in psychiatry, since in psychotherapy these are indicators of a different level, which are distributed over several types of conditions that differ in the depth of damage to the structure. The more complex the level of disorder, the more complex the psychotherapy. Such disorders always affect a person’s adaptation in society.

What is borderline personality disorder?

Borderline disorder refers to the states of psychopathy, as an emotionally unstable condition leading to negative consequences of the individual’s existence. This pathology has its analogues both in the WHO classification - ICD 10 and in the American DSM classification. For the first time, Nancy Mc Williams tried to understand the borderline personality, she used this term in psychotherapy and developed types of personality diagnostics, which included such. This disorder is called borderline because it does not reach a psychotic state, but still enhances the bad state more pronouncedly than neurotic states. This is a kind of line between normal and pathological. The functioning of such persons depends on these persons themselves and on their desires. This condition is not a death sentence at all, given the possibilities of psychotherapy, but these patients are quite difficult to treat.

Various developments have contributed to the development of the theory of borderline personalities, and since the end of the 20th century this data has been available in all classifications. It cannot be said that this pathology has any properties of its own or is decisive for making a diagnosis. It is rather a vector that subsequently allows one to select the correct diagnosis and assess the level of social functioning of the individual.

This pathology is not rare, since it has very common causes of occurrence and, in general, does not interfere with procreation, passing borderline personality disorder further into generations. This disorder is common in 2% of the world's population, and depending on the type of borderline disorder, it correlates differently in terms of gender.

Borderline personality disorder in women occurs in certain types, and certain conditions are exclusively a male property. Very often, borderline personality disorder goes hand in hand with drug addiction; this is a common combination due to the peculiarities of the nervous system of such a person. Completed suicide attempts, that is, those that led to mortality, in this group account for 29% of the population, which is 24% higher than public statistics.

Forensic psychiatrists were the first to address these conditions because they noticed that there were many more such conditions in court practice. The tendency of such borderline people to commit criminal acts became the subject of careful study by forensic psychiatrists, and they discovered interesting data; the very first records were made by them, but such conditions were widely publicized only in the works of famous psychoanalysts.

There is evidence that describes that many famous people had similar conditions. For example, Princess Diana is considered an example of a person with this kind of disorder. Many psychiatrists have worked on this condition, and Diana has been described as an example of such a disorder. It is with this that her difficulties in relationships and her dependent states and relationships are associated.

This condition is a pathological development of personality and leaves a response to the perception of the world; it cannot remain the same in a person with a similar disorder. It is an inadequate response that entails incorrect forms of behavior. This condition often continues in a vicious circle, increasingly complicating the life of the person suffering from it.

Causes of Borderline Disorder

Many cases of borderline personality disorder remain in the shadows of mainstream psychiatry. Pathology comes from childhood, so they learn to adapt and hide their essence. The causes have not been fully explored due to the impossibility of cure or due to the less pronounced severity of manifestations compared to pathologies from the spectrum of general psychiatry.

There is a well-known biochemical theory of the development of borderline disorder. Neurotransmitter imbalances are thought to lead to chronic displeasure and emotional decline. This is in many ways a predictor of the formation of an addictive state. The most important neurotransmitters for mental disorders are dopamine and serotonin, each having its own influence. And with a lack of any of them, serious pathologies are formed. Also, a low level of endorphins affects this type of pathology, especially in addictive disorder - this is a significant sign.

In borderline personality disorders, heredity is often a decisive factor. It is believed that the presence or absence of the ability to experience empathy, empathize and be humane is biologically predetermined. With these disorders, the brain is basically incapable of such feelings. This cannot be taught; the individual will invariably become a sociopath and a manipulator. As sad as it sounds, it is in the DNA code itself whether a person will have a stable psyche and how she will look at the world - through the eyes of a psychopath or through the eyes of a strong, self-confident individual. It is noticeable that such people have close relatives who also have borderline personality disorder or other pathology akin to psychiatric.

The characteristics of raising a child can directly affect the formation of personality, then this disorder will be acquired and not congenital. There is a statement that it is easier to fight with it. The “unwantedness” of a child is always felt by him and leaves a mark on his psyche. Also the death of a loved one, especially significant for a child. Many children generally find it difficult to endure conditions such as the death of relatives, since the very feeling and concept of death is alien to them. It is important to prepare the child to understand this condition. The life of a child under the heavy burden of violence also greatly affects the state of the little individual; he is subject to excessive stress, which subsequently develops incorrect behavioral patterns. In the context of modern information loads on children, the risk of development and progression of such disorders increases.

In addition to the importance of the family itself, the attitude towards the child and his upbringing are important. There are pathological types of upbringing that form pathological traits in the child and subsequently borderline personality disorders. In general, relatives have a very great influence on the formation of personality; they are essentially the basic core, which gives the individual the opportunity to further develop, based on the basics. Parental care gives awareness of good qualities, and strictness at the same time develops self-discipline. But excessive demands and strictness in which the child, as if in a trap, will not do any good, and even more so beating and inadequate punishment of the child will not do any good. Excessive overprotection and treatment as an idol with all permission can also play a cruel joke on the child’s character. Such a child often becomes demonstrative.

Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline disorder consists of several diagnostic criteria. This disorder most significantly affects the sphere of behavioral characteristics, but in general it affects all psycho-neurological spheres.

The symptoms of borderline personality disorder manifest themselves as a powerful personality pathology that involves several areas of psychological functioning. Of the mental areas that are most often affected by this type of pathology, affective or emotional are distinguished. It includes manifestations of mood and emotional response. Very often, an important symptom is a high degree of excitability, especially with some kind of change in the environment, which such a person finds difficult to accept.

Signs of borderline personality disorder consist of some disturbances in desire control. Very often, such people do not keep boundaries well, trying to get what they want. This is a difficult condition, because the borderline person knows the rules, but does not want to adhere to them at all. This kind of personal disharmony is very noticeable and repels others. An important role is played by the subtype of pathology itself and the patient’s ability to adapt, pretend and win over.

Another symptom of borderline personality disorder is chronicity and stability of manifestations, that is, a person always has this condition and does not depend on any factors, it is more of a constant companion than a disease. This is a kind of deviation in the most personal manifestation. This style of behavior is always maladaptive and removes the person from normal life.

Often there is a disturbance in the mental spheres, the perception and attitude towards the environment partially changes. There may even be psychomotor agitation of a nature that requires professional management. The stability of these pathological manifestations is expressed in the inability of the individual to bring some peace of mind into his life. It starts in childhood, usually gets worse during puberty, and doesn’t go away as you grow up. It is impossible to outgrow the borderline personality; it can only be changed through long-term personal psychotherapeutic work, but it will last, without exaggeration, for decades.

Borderline personality disorder in women always entails significant distress, which does not always necessarily affect all areas and does not always affect productivity.

Signs of borderline personality disorder may differ depending on the type. In paranoid borderline disorder, there is excessive suspicion as an additional manifestation in the structure. The schizoid type is in tune with its word, from which it comes for good reason. The person is autistic, antisocial, apathetic, but naturally there is no formation of a defect.

Dissocial disorder is dangerous for society because it strongly violates all social norms and is a danger to the environment. Borderline personality disorder in women often manifests itself as demonstrative disorder. At the same time, they are pretentious, love to attract attention and create hysteria.

Anancastic disorder manifests itself as excessive anxiety and worry, and a desire to pedantically adhere to certain ridiculous rules and norms.

Anxiety disorder is characterized by unconditional fears, especially about everyday things.

Dependency disorder is characterized by dependence on a variety of harmful substances.

All of these components can mix to create a mixed disorder, which consists of several symptoms. These individual symptoms are always combined with the general description given at the very beginning.

Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder

The first link for such a disorder is psychotherapeutic therapy. Therapy for borderline personality disorder is about choosing the right approach. For these conditions, methods that are based on the rational level are in no way suitable, since the individual’s problem arises from the subconscious. Thus, it is worth discarding transactional analysis, which can only figure out what the patient is doing wrong. It is necessary to treat the patient’s psyche with caution and not to reproach him. The fact that he came and agreed to work on something at his place is already a great start. After all, the person needed to admit that there was a problem with something and begin to change it somehow.

One should carefully choose methods of deep psychological penetration, since this can lead to regression of the level of personality structure and lead the person to a state of psychotic level. Psychoanalytic techniques are basic for such an individual and can help with long-term therapy. But people with such conditions themselves do not often want to be treated. Treatment for borderline personality disorder includes Jungian approaches and client-centered psychotherapy.

Sometimes, with such disorders, excitement develops and then it is relieved with the use of Neuleptil and sedatives. In general, treatment is applied depending on the severity and manifestation of symptoms, which can be influential and similar to known pathologies. Thus, in case of low mood, Amitriptyline, Anafranil, Paroxetine are used. The use of sedatives, especially herbal ones, is also relevant. You can use tranquilizers if necessary. Therapy for borderline personality disorder includes Gidazepam, Xanax, Adaptol,.

Therapy for borderline personality disorder works holistically and favors a combination of approaches. The influence of society, the selection of a special support group, and healthy family relationships are very important for such persons. A favorite job and a cozy home undoubtedly help relieve such aggravated conditions. Occupational therapy is also extremely necessary for people with this disorder.

Borderline Personality Disorder Test

There are a large number of psycho-questionnaires that are aimed at identifying such borderline radicals. But still, the best test in such cases is life situations and long-term observation. The most effective is the Lychko questionnaire, which identifies a separate subtype. The MMPI questionnaire is also quite suitable, as it has a large number of questions and subsequently demonstrates a large number of scales that can indicate certain deviations of different levels of severity.

Psychiatrists use the ICD diagnostic criteria for their diagnosis, naturally taking into account the person’s behavior and medical reviews. staff, if the patient is inpatient and reviews from relatives, which can give a relatively reliable outside view. We must not forget that relatives may pursue their own goals, so it is important to check their information whenever possible.

For a psychoanalyst, it is important to identify the type of internal experience, while the person has his own characteristic features that a professional can identify. The cognitive sphere can manifest itself in some special characteristics; the division of the world into “I” and others is especially significant. A kind of early egocentric position. Manifestations of somewhat inadequate emotionality, which still does not reach affective disorders.

Very often, relatives will pay attention to the characteristics of drives; the individual does what he wants, but nothing else. These are very important criteria, since people with borderline disorder always have problems with willpower. Control of drives and needs is impaired to the point of complete lack of self-control. Moreover, the degree of this depends only on the person himself and on the framework that is set in front of him. After all, there are families where it is impossible to break this line, no matter how hard he tries. Assessing relationships with others is also important because it demonstrates interpersonal problems.

This deviation is not caused by a specific situation and does not manifest itself in one area. The peculiarity of this disorder is the total defeat of all areas. It cannot manifest itself in only one thing, then this is accentuation or consequences, but not borderline disorder.

There is often personal discomfort or complaints from society. If the person does not bother anyone, then it is unlikely that this is borderline disorder. Availability of data on the stability and duration of the course of the disorder, ideally with onset in childhood.

This pathology is an exception and cannot be shown if the deviation is caused by another kind of psychiatric pathology. It is important that these symptoms are not a consequence of something else. Borderline personality disorder in women, especially of the demonstrative type, always has consequences for family relationships and can lead to intimate disorders.

A common symptom is the inability to experience emotions, but over a long period of life they learn to play them and manipulate people in this way. Impulsivity is a very significant symptom; no organic disorder is detected, that is, physically, at least at the macroscopic level, the person is healthy.

All criteria are relative and require careful study of the patient’s condition, since some disorders can be confused and cause harm to the person’s psyche.