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How to make a beautiful bouffant for yourself

Backcombed hairstyles were popular in the 60s of the twentieth century. But after undeserved oblivion, they became fashionable again. To make a backcomb at home, you need to know some of the subtleties of creating this hairstyle.

Hairstyle features

This is a combing method that gives the hair extra fullness and volume. There are two methods of backcombing: blunting and stranding.

Based on it, you can make many hairstyles: babette, shell, various ponytails, braids, buns or just beautiful curls.

There are several rules for how to backcomb your hair. different type hair:

Hair length

The good thing about backcombed hairstyles is that they can be done on hair of any length. The only exception is very short hair. The minimum hair length is up to the chin line. When styling, it is not necessary to comb long hair from roots to ends; it is enough to lift it in the root zone.

Technology for creating combed hairstyles

What you will need

This type of styling does not require any expensive equipment and accessories, so it is accessible to every woman. You will need:


In order for your hairstyle to look as beautiful as possible, and for the combed strands to last as long as possible, you need to properly prepare your hair. For this:

  • Wash your hair. Recommended to use special shampoo from the series “For additional volume”.
  • Dry your hair with a hair dryer.
  • Comb your hair with your fingers and lightly massage your head, trying to lift the hair at the root zone.
  • Apply some mousse or varnish.

Classic way

The classic bouffant is the basis of most retro hairstyles, so if you like the fashion of the 60s, then use it.

Thick option:

  • To ensure a smooth surface of the hairstyle, before combing, separate several wide strands with which you will then cover it. Pin them up so they don't interfere.
  • Separate a strand 1-2 cm thick and move it perpendicular to the surface of the head.
  • Insert a thin comb into your hair and start moving towards the base of the strand. Perform several vigorous but gentle movements with the inner and outside curl. Throw the treated strand to the side so that it does not interfere.
  • Process the entire head in this manner.
  • Cover the combed hair with strands, smooth it with a comb with natural bristles and lightly spray with hairspray.

Easy option (toothing):

When blunting, only the inner side of the strand is processed, while the outer side remains smooth.

  • Separate the strand.
  • Start combing your hair: comb the strand with a thin comb with inside half the thickness, leaving top part untouched.
  • Process in the specified way whole head.
  • Smooth your hair with a brush and fix it with hairspray.

Using corrugation

Part your hair. Separate thin strands along it on both sides and secure with clips. Treat the rest of the hair in the root zone with a flat iron with a corrugated surface. Let the hair cool and blunt the corrugated part of the curls. At the end, cover the combed hair with previously fixed strands.

With curling

If you have chemistry done, this will simplify the process. Curls are lighter and hold up better. If not, you can curl your hair using a curling iron or curlers. The closer the curl is to the root, the easier it will be to create volume.

For this styling, only blunting is suitable, since regular backcombing will ruin the beauty of the curl. Start with the bottom strands, each curl is blunted separately. After combing, fix with varnish. For a more natural effect, lightly comb your hair with your hands.

With a bang

The combed bangs are laid back, to the side or up (the “Carlson” option). In any of these cases, bangs are applied first in the classic way, and then the hair is styled in the chosen direction. At the end, the hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

To make a beautiful styling, but not damage their structure, use these tips:

  • It is strictly forbidden to do your hair correctly when your hair is dry, damp or wet.
  • Do not jerk the comb sharply when combing.
  • Do not use metal combs.
  • Do not comb the strands all the way to the ends, as they may split.
  • Do not use combs with sharp teeth.
  • It is not recommended to do styling every day, as they can be seriously damaged.

Face shape

If you want to create a beautiful hairstyle, consider your face shape. For example, a high bouffant on the top of the head or in the front visually elongates the face ( perfect solution for chubby girls), but for owners of an oblong oval it is contraindicated. For triangular face hairstyle will suit with a backcomb on one side, and for a pear-shaped one - on the back of the head and temples.

How to comb your hair

Do not try to comb the combed strands: this will cause them to become brittle.

Option No. 1: Apply a thick balm to them for 15-20 minutes, then comb them with a wide-toothed comb. Then rinse off the balm and make a nourishing mask.

Option #2: Just wash your hair, and after that start combing.

Backcombing allows you to visually give your hair more volume and lightness, so if you like a feminine retro babette, ponytail, braid or bun, you definitely need to master the principles of creating this style.

As they say: everything new that has come is long forgotten old. Proof of this is the return of backcombs that were so popular a couple of decades ago, the dangers of which were often discussed in the 60s. Modern bouffant is somewhat different from its predecessor.

Nowadays, backcombing does not disguise tangled hair. On the contrary, a dashing side bang or a powerful bouffant on which a couple of strands lie neatly will make you stand out.

But remember that brushed bangs are not for everyone. A combed hairstyle is absolutely not suitable for those who have narrow shape elongated face.

How to properly comb bangs?

1. Before combing, you will need to wash your hair. Then comb it well and dry it with a hairdryer or just let it dry completely. Under no circumstances should you backcomb yesterday's hairstyle; this can seriously damage your hair, making it lifeless and brittle.

2. Take a small section of hair from your bangs. Holding the ends with your fingers, pull it tight. And comb slowly from top to bottom with a fine-toothed comb.

3. You only need to comb from top to bottom. The comb must be removed from the lock each time. Shouldn't do sudden movements, so the comb gets tangled in the hair and tangles the hair itself.

4. While doing this procedure, comb all the following strands on your bangs, arranging them according to your own design. Remember that you need to comb evenly, taking small strands. Otherwise, your backcombed hairstyle will not last long.

5. In order for the bangs to just rise slightly and get the size that suits you, comb it using the same principle from the inside.

6. In order for your bangs to stay in place for as long as possible, you need to lightly spray them with hairspray or treat them with a special styling gel immediately before backcombing. Give it bangs suitable look while the varnish is still wet.

7. If desired, complement your hairstyle with various decorations: hairpins, ribbons, headbands. This will give your hairstyle some zest.

8. You need to remember that every time you style your hair, it experiences a lot of stress, so wash off all fixatives before going to bed and make masks once a week or wash them with various herbal infusions. This will help keep your hair healthy.

Bangs with a backcomb: choosing a hairstyle

Backcombing on bangs goes well with ponytail hairstyles, complex designer hairstyles or straight hairstyles. long hair. Correctly combed bangs will create a unique look. You can become anyone, from an innocent angel to a vamp. Don't be afraid to experiment, change and delight the people around you.

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The simplest and effective method Add volume to any styling, as well as increase its durability - this is backcombing. However, even such a seemingly uncomplicated action requires taking into account many factors. How to make a backcomb so that it does not catch the eye, but gives the expected result? How not to injure your hair while doing this and how to easily disassemble it afterwards?


Tools, tools and basic principles

First of all, experts focus on the fact that not everyone understands the difference between backcombing and blunting, as a result of which the replacement of these concepts leads to incorrect styling. What does each of these words mean?

  • Bouffant- dense and abundant beating of the strands, carried out from all sides and along the entire length. Thus, a smooth curl turns into a kind of thick “pillow”, significantly reduced in length, but increased in volume.
  • Tuping- one-sided or partial backcombing, done only from the inside or at the root, no more than half the thickness of the strand, which leaves it smooth on the outside. Casual undone hairstyles typically use a blunt at the top of the head to create the illusion of natural volume at the roots.

The tools used to perform both of these actions are exactly the same, as are the warnings regarding the condition of the hair; the differences relate only to technology - about it we'll talk Later.

To backcomb or tuff, you will need a comb with very fine teeth. It is best if they are arranged in 2 rows: 1 shorter than the other. Often, such a tool is marked “for backcombing,” but it’s easy to navigate without it.

The material is usually plastic or metal. Natural hard bristles are possible, however, in this case the comb is not thin, but narrow, in 2-3 rows. Which one is more convenient to work with can only be decided after a personal trial of each option.

Why can't you use a regular massage comb? Firstly, it is too wide, as a result of which it will not allow processing small areas. Secondly, its teeth are long enough to pierce right through the strand. Thus, you will not get the correct, high-quality bouffant.

As for other means and instruments, they no longer play a special role. The use of varnish depends on the purpose for which you are performing this styling: for everyday hairstyles it is not necessary. From foam, mousse, etc. it's better to refuse because they make hair heavier- in more or less degree.

Backcomb creation technology

  • Work only with freshly washed hair. Unlike other styling methods, light, manageable, fall-away strands are important here. The slightest fat content, especially at the root, will ruin all attempts.
  • Do not try to comb or tame wet curls: make sure they are completely dry, and dry them with a hairdryer if necessary. The same principle applies here as with regular combing - wet hair from similar actions are easily injured.
  • Do not comb thin, brittle, damaged hair: This will only worsen their condition and may even cause them to fall out.

Otherwise, the harm from such technology is a controversial issue, since it is often caused by the unprofessionalism of the master. A properly done comb can easily be turned back into a smooth strand without losing hair.

How to comb your hair efficiently and beautifully?

The most popular is definitely root backcomb on the top of the head, necessary for those with thin, not too thin thick hair, especially if you have a short haircut that cannot be styled or collected in any other way into a smooth ponytail that compensates for the lack of volume. How to properly comb, regardless of the length of the curls and its location?

  • Work with small areas. Do not try to capture half of the head at once - this will not give any result, except perhaps a negative one. The strand should not be wider than 5 cm (3-4 cm is considered the optimal size), and its thickness should be equal to the length of the comb teeth. It is also difficult to deal with very thin strands, since they practically do not tangle.
  • Watch the tension. The fundamental point that will determine the outcome of the work: with your free hand you need to position the strand vertically to the surface of the head without letting it sag. It will be especially difficult for those with an asymmetrical layered haircut, since some of the hairs will try to slip out. Regardless of the actions of the working hand with the comb, the other must invariably hold the strand in a given position.

As for the algorithm itself, how to make a bouffant, it is very short and simple:

  • Select a strand and tension it according to the principles described above. Insert the comb teeth at a point 5cm above the roots.
  • Applying pressure index finger onto the comb, move the tool down (not all the way to the root), feeling the resistance of the hairs in both directions. Repeat this action, but from a point 1 cm higher than the original one. You should feel how the strand springs under the comb when you press the teeth on it.
  • Work slowly: despite the fact that in videos from professionals you can see how they knock down curl after curl with lightning speed, for training the speed is reduced by 5 or more times. First you need to feel every step and every movement.

If the combing was done correctly, the strand will independently maintain a vertical position.

Features of backcombing for everyday styling

Extreme hairstyles that involve a lush cushion of tangled curls on the top of the head are practically not applicable in ordinary life. Therefore, if a girl is wondering how to do a bouffant, she is not interested in its classic technology, but in the everyday blunting of the roots to create light volume for every day.

  • Take it thicker strands than for traditional backcombing: they should be 2 times larger than the length of the teeth of your comb. Only in this case the volume will be internal, and no one will notice from the outside that the hair is knocked down at the root.
  • Keep your working curl not vertical, and in the direction suggested by the installation: in otherwise it will continue to stick out, instead of lying down nicely, slightly raised above your head. This does not eliminate the need for tension.
  • The area to be brushed should not occupy more than 1/4 of the entire length of the curl, if we talk about internal root treatment. To backcomb the fabric into a collected hairstyle, you can knock the hair down to the very tip, if the idea requires it.

After the desired number of curls has been processed, be sure to smooth the front side with natural bristles and secure the hairstyle with varnish to reduce the likelihood of its deformation under the influence of wind and physical activity.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the above information is basic and does not take into account all the possible nuances of a particular hairstyle. But without knowing these basics, it is impossible to move on and solve more complex problems.

Many will agree that everything new is well-forgotten old, and in support of this statement there is a bangs with a pile that is returning to its position in fashion, which was especially relevant in the 60s of the last century. However, modern bouffant is somewhat distinguishable from last century’s fashion, since this moment Does not disguise tangled hair.

Today, backcombed bangs make a person stand out from the crowd with its neatness and harmonious hairstyle due to the fact that several combed and styled curls effectively lie on it.

When practicing brushed bangs in your image, it is worth remembering that it suits the majority of women, although there are exceptions to this rule that should be taken into account when creating an image. In particular, such bangs will not suit a woman whose face is elongated - it will visually lengthen it, making it more unsightly and uncomplicated, and therefore they should choose something else.

But for those who have lush cheeks or a convex, overhanging forehead, brushed bangs can visually hide such errors in the anatomical structure.

How to properly backcomb bangs

But many women wonder how to properly create a spectacular bouffant on their bangs? In practice this will not amount to special labor– the main thing is a little practice, patience and everything will definitely work out. At the very beginning, before making a lush backcomb on your bangs, you should first wash your hair, comb it and dry it with a hairdryer, or let it dry naturally.

In this regard, it is worth remembering: it is strictly forbidden to backcomb wet hair. Any cosmetologist will tell you that such a procedure seriously injures the structure of each hair, making it weaker, lifeless and dull.

Next, you should take the bang itself or a strand of hair from it and, holding the ends with your fingers, pull it, and backcomb it. The main thing is not to make sudden movements with the comb itself and strongly pull the hair from the root, in order to obtain better effect. The movements themselves should be done from top to bottom with a wooden comb with fine teeth.

It is the tree that prevents your hair from becoming static, electrifying it and thereby mechanically destroying the very structure of the hair. In this process, the most important thing is unsharp, smooth movements of the comb, which will avoid creating tangles, tangles and electrical discharges in the hair, preserving it from mechanical damage.

Conducting this procedure combing, it is worth doing it in stages - combing the entire bang not entirely, but gradually in strands, arranging each of them at your own discretion. In this regard, the combing on the bangs should be done evenly, taking the strand itself in small curls - sharp changes in backcombing will not give you charm, spoiling the entire hairstyle. Also, by doing this you will not achieve a lasting backcombed effect on your bangs, in which a large strand will simply knock over a smaller backcombed curl of bangs.

When doing a backcomb on your bangs, it is worth remembering that in order to simply lift it at the roots and at the same time get the desired size of the backcomb, you should backcomb it from the inside. To fix the resulting bouffant for a long time, spray your bangs a small amount varnish or fix it with hair styling gel immediately before the combing procedure itself. While the varnish or gel has not yet dried, you can always slightly correct the comb itself, if necessary in the process of creating a hairstyle.

Suffice it to say that the hairstyle itself is decorated with all kinds of accessories - hairpins or headbands, ribbons or bobby pins with rhinestones. This accent will make you stand out from the crowd, adding a unique twist to your look. When practicing backcombed bangs in your look, it’s worth remembering that this procedure is quite stressful for your hair.

And due to such increased trauma, it is worth taking more careful care of your hair, pampering it with hair masks, balms, and maintaining its healthy appearance. At the same time, you should not leave fixing varnish or modeling gel on your hair overnight - do not be lazy and wash your hair.

Bangs with a backcomb - which hairstyles go best with

At the very beginning, it is worth noting that brushed bangs go perfectly with simple tail, as it is popularly called, a ponytail, complementing it with volume, as well as with complex designer hairstyles, with voluminous and smooth elements, to which the volume itself will be given precisely due to such a bouffant.

Such brushed bangs will look great with just straight hair, which will be perfectly complemented by an unruly strand placed into bangs with a masterful hand on the hair. If you want to add a little charm to your look, style your hair using a straightening iron with one or another attachment.

Wavy or straight, in the form of curls or simply a straightened cascade, and make a backcomb on the bangs, thus giving your image novelty and originality. In this regard, don't be afraid to experiment. Due to this, with your image you can achieve a completely unique, new and very attractive image that evokes the admiring glances of others.

Retro style in bangs with backcomb

In this regard, it is worth noting the very specific and unique style of the 80s, as bangs with a bouffant “a la Carlson” were especially popular.

It is due to its diversity that such brushed bangs are bringing back their somewhat forgotten success today. It can be used in any look and for any style, occasion and will look great on both large curls and wavy hair.

The bangs themselves with the Carlson pile are very simple to do.

  1. The strand of hair itself is combed in the standard way, as described above, but the combed curl is laid either to the side or combed back. At the same time, it is worth saying that, at the request of a woman, you can make a kind of “roof” over your forehead, falling over it like a canopy, making the image itself more natural. It is precisely due to naturalness that it will be more optimal for supporters of creating a natural look, without the use of fixing varnishes and the creation of incredible designs and backcombing on the head. Try this technique on yourself – you won’t regret getting a natural and beautiful styled hairstyle.
  2. This option for combing bangs does not involve the use of any fixing agents in the form of hairspray or hair gel during the styling process. Also this option does not provide for the use of hair decorations in the form of hairpins, bobby pins, and so on, since such bangs serve as a full-fledged decoration and will stay in place without such aids. This is what makes her more attractive emergency situations when you need to create a hairstyle, but there is simply no time to use hairspray or select hair jewelry.

In particular, it is “Carlson”, in contrast to the standard combed bangs, which are suitable for almost many face shapes and occasions, that will look good for those with curly hair or curls subject to perms. All this is due to the fact that it is on such hair that the bouffant will look more impressive and last a longer period of time.

So try to use brushed bangs in your image, modeling and thus creating something new, and over time you will notice the admiring glances of the people around you turned in your direction and, thereby, saying - you are beautiful.