Why does a woman dream of scolding someone? Why do you dream of arguing: with a friend, husband or a stranger? Basic interpretations of different dream books - why do you dream of swearing?

Sometimes our dreams scare us. These are visions of death, defeat, problems. As a rule, such visions are so realistic that we think about them all day and try to understand why we dreamed about it. One of these unpleasant dreams is a quarrel. The easiest way to find out the interpretation is to use - this is a good dream because despite all the problems that will arise on your way, you will achieve success in love or in business
If you believe that dreams are prophetic, check the lunar calendar before thinking about the content of your dreams. Perhaps your dream is empty. This happens if you saw it on dates of the month such as 2, 16, 27 and 29. If this is the date on the calendar, calmly throw the dream out of your head: it has no meaning.
according to other dream books? The healer Evdokia offers a completely opposite meaning for this dream than Juno’s dream book. If you swear in a dream, it means that some kind of misfortune or misunderstanding will happen in your life. If in a dream you insult or use foul language, you may get sick.
In the modern dream book, swearing in a dream means that the same thing awaits you in life. So arm yourself and be ready to correct the situation, or try not to provoke a quarrel. If you saw this dream in the fall, there will be a scandal in the family. If in the spring, your day will be difficult and exciting, if in the summer, an altercation with the use of physical force is possible, and in the winter, you will sort things out with your loved one.

Everyday life carries a lot of troubles and troubles. But every black stripe is necessarily replaced by a white one. Therefore, it is important to interpret the dream that brought negative feelings the next morning. Let's get started. Did you quarrel with a friend in your dream? In reality, a quarrel is not necessarily expected. But the dream warns: if you don’t change your behavior, this may happen.

Miller's Predictions

Why do you dream of arguing with relatives? This symbol is not very favorable. But it’s even worse to conflict with strangers. For a patient, for example, a dream portends madness. The most tragic sign is if in a dream you argued with rich and powerful people.

Miller believes that the scandal is a sign of deception. Did the conflict break out over a trifle? The dream book recommends undergoing a full examination by a doctor.

They proved that they were right for a long time and stubbornly in a dream - this is evidence of great potential and talent.

Other interpretations

Remember the emotions you experience in a dream. Why do you dream of a very strong scandal? Most likely, something joyful will happen in reality. For example, when an ugly scene with a spouse happened in a dream, in reality complete mutual understanding will reign in the family.

But conflicts with strangers predict disputes in reality. For a girl, events in a dream foreshadow difficulties, for a married woman - disputes at home. If you quarreled with your spouse, get ready for a protracted family conflict.

The dream book says that the interpretation is significantly influenced not only by the personality of the opponent, but by the time of day and year where you were at that moment.

The desire to make a scandal in a dream means that in reality you have been holding back your emotions for too long, and negativity has filled your soul.

What does it mean to argue with your mother in a dream? Strong attachment to your parent; you value her support. But the dream foreshadows the beginning of a difficult period and difficult trials.

Why do you dream if a conflict with your mother ends in a fight? You will blame yourself for the difficulties that arise, but not the fatal coincidence of circumstances that occurred.

The dream book, if you were arguing with a woman, warns: ill-wishers have become more active, they are preparing another trap, expect a stab in the back.

In a dream you quarreled with a friend, which means that in reality there is an understatement between you. When it is a close friend, the dream book allows for travel by water or a guest from distant countries.

If you saw parents squabbling, a calm, measured family life awaits. But if in a dream your mom and dad are angry with you, then the predictors warn: you attach excessive importance to the opinions of your relatives. The dream book also admits that you are ashamed of your behavior.

Having a row with your dad in a dream is a reason to get to know your chosen one better. The dream book recommends taking a closer look, perhaps after this you will decide to end the engagement.

Quarreling with your sister in a dream means that in reality it will be difficult to fulfill your obligations. It's not just a matter of lack of energy or time. You may be offended, humiliated, slandered, and the desire to fulfill what is promised will disappear.

Arguing with your brother in a dream means endless scandals will begin in the family, for which you will be to blame. Rather than continue endlessly proving “right,” the dream book recommends admitting mistakes. This line of behavior is better for everyone.

A conflict with your mother-in-law in a dream symbolizes the indifference, bad manners and coldness of the people around you. In this situation, the best thing to do is to ignore the attacks.

The dream book, if you quarreled with your family, foretells loneliness. You will have to solve problems on your own, without counting on help.

Why dream of arguing with your daughter? Felomena says that in reality there will also be difficulties in communicating with the child. To improve relationships, the dream book recommends finding out what worries her, what she is interested in.

Other forecasts

In a dream, did you sort out your relationship with a man? If it was your favorite, it means you are too wasteful, most of the money is spent on various little things.

According to another version, the dream book promises love and good luck if you argued and even fought with your beloved.

A conflict with a guy in a dream is a sign of a trusting, strong relationship. There is a version that by expressing complaints in a dream, a person gets rid of negative emotions, resentments, and anger, so in reality it is much easier to make peace and find a compromise. If a guy in a vision contradicts his girlfriend, the dream book gives a similar interpretation.

In some cases, a scandal with a husband or wife is a signal to the spouse about the need to pay more attention to his health. The presence of swearing in a dream means an imminent serious illness.

A woman dreamed of a quarrel with her ex - the dream book hints at a desire to return the past, to correct the current situation.

But a conflict that arises with an unfamiliar man foreshadows success in a new project.

Why dream of arguing with a dead person? Scandals with relatives are possible. To avoid negative developments, be extremely careful in your communications and actions.

Why do you dream of a quarrel with a deceased person? You cannot come to terms with what happened; you consider what happened to be an unfortunate mistake.

Other interpretations

If you had to swear in a dream, the same thing can happen in reality. Such a dream, according to the Muslim Dream Book, serves as a kind of warning. First of all, it is important to pay attention to your emotional state. If you dreamed of a big scandal, then most likely this is a reverse dream, and joyful events await you in life.

Quarrels with your spouse promise mutual understanding and peaceful existence. If you argued with a stranger, this means that troubles will not bypass you. Swearing in a dream with a stranger is the beginning of a series of misunderstandings in your family.

According to Vanga’s dream book, swearing means that in reality you are diligently trying to show independence. Therefore, it is possible that you will be able to move to a new home, away from your parents. If you have argued with one of your parents, you will soon make a new discovery for yourself. Having a fight with your soulmate - in reality, foreshadows stable health, all illnesses will be avoided.

The dream book also claims that after what you saw, it’s time to save and not waste your hard-earned money. It’s time to “tighten your belts,” because you can do just fine without luxurious interior items. Misunderstanding with a girlfriend or boyfriend - foreshadows the imminent arrival of a guest from another country or a possible trip.

A quarrel is often an extremely unpleasant event. Most dreamers will probably find themselves under a very unpleasant impression after a dream in which they had to quarrel with a loved one, friend, or even a stranger. Why do you dream of swearing in a dream? Swear words, insults, noisy and emotional showdowns - all this leaves an unpleasant aftertaste deep in the soul, makes you feel awkward, irritated, and have a premonition of something bad. Therefore, a dream in which quarrels and scandals take place should under no circumstances be ignored.

In order to correctly interpret a dream in which a quarrel and swearing appear, you need to pay attention to the “opponent” of the dreamer or woman, that is, the one with whom you had to swear in the dream.

With husband or boyfriend

The most common dream is in which the dreamer has to quarrel with her husband or boyfriend.
  • Quarreling with a beloved man in a dream is a sure sign that the dreamer is wasting too much money. She should become more rational, economical and practical in order to avoid financial collapse, depletion of the family budget and conflict due to financial failures.
  • Swearing and fighting with your beloved man, boyfriend or husband in a dream is a very good sign. Experiencing rage and anger in a dream, the dreamer will thus get rid of all negative emotions and experiences, so subsequently in everyday life she will experience silence, peace and tranquility. She will successfully maintain comfort and maintain the atmosphere of a home inviolably filled with love and mutual care.
A “reverse” dream, that is, one in which the dreamer has to quarrel with a girlfriend or wife, also has a special interpretation.

Arguing with your beloved woman in a dream is a harbinger of happiness and mutual love. Even if both partners have recently felt coldness and prickliness towards them, in the near future the ice will be melted, and warmth and mutual care will return to their relationship.

Fight with loved ones

No less important are dreams in which you have to quarrel with relatives or other close people, so why dream of swearing in a dream? A dream in which the dreamer or dreamer has to quarrel with his mother speaks of his or her attachment to this person. The dreamer or dreamer feels an urgent need for care and understanding, cannot cope with the responsibility entrusted to him or her and needs someone’s support.

  • According to another version, arguing with your mother in a dream is a harbinger of trouble. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that they will be associated specifically with the “opponent” in the quarrel. However, the blame for what is happening will lie with the dreamer or dreamer. It is his or her carelessness that will lead to trouble.
  • A quarrel with the father speaks of a tense situation in the family. The dreamer or dreamer experiences anger and resentment, which is reflected in his or her dreams. It is necessary to clarify the relationship as soon as possible in a calm, warm and cozy environment in order to avoid a scandal or breakup.
  • Arguing with your mother-in-law in a dream is a very bad sign, especially if the dreamer experiences a feeling of resentment or loneliness during the quarrel. Soon she risks being misunderstood by her surroundings. This will unsettle her, shake the world she is accustomed to, and force her to make a lot of efforts to regain her authority and the trust of others. It is important to remember that, no matter how lonely the dreamer is in her views, with due patience and diligence she will be able to realize her ideas and plans.
Arguing with your sister in a dream is a harbinger of deception for selfish reasons. Such a dream is notable for the fact that the dreamer or dreamer will be precisely in the ranks of the deceivers, and not the deceived. He or she should not, as far as possible, stoop to such tricks in order to achieve what he wants. It is much better to give in, but keep your honor unsullied. The dignity and respect of loved ones is much more important than money and other material goods.
  • A dream in which the dreamer had to quarrel with his brother indicates his or her feeling of shame. He or she, on a subconscious level, feels guilty for the offense committed. To get rid of an unpleasant feeling, you need to analyze your actions, find out what consequences the fatal mistake led to, and try to correct, as far as possible, everything that he or she managed to do.
  • Arguing with a friend in a dream is a sign that there is an unresolved conflict and tension that is growing over time between her and the dreamer. Misunderstandings can only be eliminated if the dreamer or woman shows leniency and the ability to make concessions. Excessive stubbornness and perseverance can lead to conflict not only in a dream, but also in everyday life, only such a conflict will end not with the alarm clock ringing, but with a break in relations with a loved one.

Quarreling with a stranger in a dream is a very special dream

  • Arguing with an unfamiliar man in a dream is a harbinger of success in business. The dreamer or dreamer will successfully implement his plans, show his talents and achieve what he wants. His or her authority will increase and his salary will increase. Respect and favor from superiors and colleagues will contribute to the career growth of the dreamer.
  • A quarrel with an unfamiliar woman in a dream speaks of the dreamer’s success in a relationship. His or her advances will soon be noticed and favorably received by the object of his or her adoration.

dream interpretation of arguing with a woman

Swearing at a woman in a dream is interpreted by Miller as a hidden opportunity to be misled in real life. In addition, dreams in which there is a place for squabbles and curses signal trouble with regard to well-being, health, and, as a result, the need to pay attention to it. Excessive conflict, which is demonstrated in a dream, also indicates your originality, but at the same time, an extremely lazy character.

According to Vanga’s interpretation, “swearing” in a dream in general, without touching on nuances, is regarded as an opportunity for the most successful self-realization in reality. At the same time, by concretizing the dream into “quarrel (quarrel) with a woman (mother), we get a fundamentally different picture, namely, a possible warning about some sad event that is not in your power to prevent.

quarrel with a woman in a dream

Exotericist E. Tsvetkov interprets dreams associated with swearing and quarrels between people very literally, as an opportunity to be annoyed in reality.

quarrel with a woman according to the dream book

According to the interpretation of the Islamic dream book, in a situation of swearing or cursing someone in a dream, the one at whom the anger is directed is in a more advantageous position; he is better, kinder, “higher” than the negativity directed towards him.

dreamed of arguing with a woman

The manifestation of aggression in general and towards a woman in particular is a “bell” of your dissatisfaction with your waking sex life. Dreams of this kind act as an “outlet” and emotional release, which you are deprived of in reality.

quarrel with a woman in a dream

According to Felomena’s dream book, contemplating how you quarrel with a woman in a dream signals your excessive emotionality in reality. The dreamer’s reluctance to reconcile due to intractability, some phobias or other reasons is fraught with his isolation in real life.
At the same time, it is advisable to specify the interpretation of the dream “quarrel with a woman,” namely, to indicate, for example, the degree of acquaintance (kinship) with her. So, a quarrel with your sister in a dream should remind you of the promises made and the need for their further fulfillment; scolding your sister in a dream is very “justified”, since this is the key to the success of your planned endeavors. Quarrel with your spouse can be regarded in two ways: on the one hand, as a lurking fear of one’s inadequacy, mainly professional, on the other, as a fear about the well-being of one’s other half. If you dream of a quarrel with your mother, then most likely this is a sign of your concern about her health. If you quarrel with your late mother, then regard this as a warning against possible troubles, mainly domestic ones. A quarrel with your grandmother in a dream can be interpreted as the alienness of the environment in which you are and, as a result, a reason to think about how much you need it. “Showdowns” in a dream with friends warn of “impending dangers,” mainly within the family. Dreams of this kind should encourage you to be more friendly towards your loved ones. Clashes with your neighbor reveal your hostile attitude towards a specific person and aim for the most tolerant attitude towards her in reality.

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    Swear in dream– does not mean that the same thing will happen in reality. It is rather a warning about the events that may await in real life. For interpretation sleep there are many versions that are set out in the dream book. First of all, you should pay attention to your emotional state. For what dreaming a very strong scandal, it’s more likely dream-changeling - an event in reverse awaits in life dreamed. A striking example of such situations when in dream have to swear With husband or wife.Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation: Swear What means. Swear swearing- official ceremony; With wife, husband - see Wife, husband. Swear in dream indicates that in reality you will have to experience a conflict with an interlocutor from sleep, perhaps the scandal has already taken place and you have an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul. If you had a fight with a stranger - in real life you may have troubles, expect bad news. Read more

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    Such dream for a married man a common occurrence, because wife becomes his soulmate, and seeing her in dream quite natural. But it’s not always just thoughts about your spouse that give rise to visions in dream of this kind. Please indicate your attitude towards wife in dream. If this is a joyful event, then you will have an improvement in relationships that were preceded by a quarrel. Hit wife in dream can often mean benefits for the spouse in reality. Swear With wifedream warns of disagreements in life. Read more

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    Swear With wife, try to prove your point to her, while shouting loudly in dream– someone in your family will get sick. If the quarrel ended in a fight, beatings, then in reality your family life will be calm and quiet. See in dream divorce With wife– happy family life. I dreamed about it dream, in which wife was old, ugly, whereas in real life everything is not so - trouble. If wife died in dreamdream is a good sign, everything will be fine. Read more

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    You swore in dream with relatives? Had a dream how you scold your daughter▼. Dream, where it happens swear With daughter, portends difficulties in communicating with a child in real life. Try to find out more about your daughter: ask about her hobbies and experiences. Swear in dream With wife- to difficulties caused by the dreamer’s lack of self-confidence. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Swear- to trouble; strongly - benefit, benefit. Dream book of Tsvetkov. Swear With by someone - annoyance; hear swearing- official ceremony; With wife, husband. Had a dream Swear, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Swear in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Read more

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    Dreaming swearing in dream- Vanga's dream book. if you dream If you are arguing with someone, then in reality expect great disappointment, perhaps because of the most insignificant reason. Why dreaming swear With woman, beloved wife or a girl? If a young man sees dream, in which swears With girl, then in reality he needs a release, this dream means the desire to get rid of unnecessary tension and helps get rid of quarrels in life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Argue in dream- Vanga's dream book. Talking about family discord, for which you will blame yourself, could be a quarrel with your mother in dream. Moreover, in fact, you will be the injured party, and not the instigator of the conflict. What means dreamed about it Quarrel according to Freud? Quarrel in dream With wife may have several interpretations. If you scold your beloved, then something like this dream talks about improving your life. In cases where wife initiates disagreement in dream, misunderstandings with children should be expected. Read more

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    Sometimes swearing With Your best friend can promise long trips. They swore with your sister? This dream prophesies disappointments in real life. Most likely, you will become the reason that they will no longer respect and trust you. Health problems await the dreamer who dreams of a quarrel With wife. If dreamed about it scandal with your beloved, then in reality some difficulties will arise in your relationship with her. Also after this sleep you need to be prepared for some facts to come to light. Read more

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    Interpretation dreams Swear, dream Swear, dreamed Swear.quarrel with someone - annoyance; hear swearing- official ceremony; With wife, husband (see WIFE, HUSBAND).Read more

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    If a man sees in dream my wife - dream warns him about his wife’s illness, from which she will recover fairly soon. If a woman sees herself wife stranger - dream foretells that she will never be lonely. I dreamed about it wife- there are unfinished business and discord in the house ahead. If in dream wife unusually attractive - rejoice: you will make a profit from some important and risky trading transaction. Read more

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    Swear With by someone - annoyance; hear swearing- official ceremony; With wife, husband. Swear- disappointment, quarrels, illness. if you dreamed: Swearing Dream Interpretation from A to Z. Hear in dream swearing - in reality portends trouble, swear according to your mother - you will receive the expected joy. Read more

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    Swear in dream with someone from relatives - to loss of respect. if you dreamed, what do you swear with your boss, it means that in reality you want to prove something to someone, but you can’t. You need to admit to yourself that you are playing a dishonest game. to the entry: Why dreaming ex wife.Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation Swearing With husband dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Swearing With husband? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).If dreamed dream. If my husband dreaming wife caresses her husband - to profit. Read more

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    Argument in dream promises discord and scandals in real life. If in dream you see how swear husband With wife, this may mean that in real life they, on the contrary, will live peacefully, will be even closer to each other than before. Observe swearing other people from the outside - your reputation will remain untarnished, relationships with others will be good-natured and sincere, no one will be able to drag you into the center of a scandal. Read more

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    If the husband in dream leaves you for no reason - in reality there will be a temporary cooling between the Husband and wife scolding each other - portends illness. You are walking with your spouse Dream Interpretation - Swearing, curse. if anyone in dream sees that he scolds or curses If a woman dreamed that her husband leaves her for no apparent reason is between her and her husband...Read more

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    For what dreaming swear in dream? Often dreams can scare people. Usually frightening dreams are those that foreshadow illness, fight, or death. Also, an unpleasant aftertaste remains after sleep, in which people swear. If there is a need to understand why dreaming swear in dream, this should be interpreted correctly dream.If parents dreamed about it dream, in which swears their child - such a dream may indicate that he is beginning to grow up and enter adolescence. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "dreamseer"

    For what dreaming Swear in dream- interpretation dreams on Dreamseer.ru. Dream book of Tsvetkov. I dreamed about it /dreamed about it Swear. annoyance. Swear. arguing with someone is a nuisance; hear swearing- official ceremony; With wife, husband (see WIFE, HUSBAND).Read more

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    If dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal is very bad dream. If my husband dreaming that he fights with her - peace will come to the family. If wife caresses her husband - to profit. Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming Swearing With husband's sister in dream dreams!Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Many interpretations of this again argue that swear in dream portends illness. We can say with confidence that if swearing Indecent words were used, then in reality the likelihood of getting sick increases. If dreamed If they scold the dreamer, they wish him harm, but it will return to him. Read more

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    The morning after such a dream, you should remember exactly on what note the separation went: if you separated peacefully, then you can hope for a favorable outcome of future problems, and if the separation was accompanied by swearing and quarrels - a white streak in the dreamer’s life will not come soon. There is another category - this is when in dream dreamed about it a person for whom you feel something special. To this category dreams can be attributed dream, in which dreaming ex wife.Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from the Dream Book of Catherine the Great. Dream Interpretation - Swear. Annoyance; arguing with someone is a nuisance; hear swearing- official ceremony; With wife, husband - see Wife, Husband. Also see Quarrel. Post yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Swear With mother in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    For 40 days, the soul of a deceased person does not leave certain limits and can interfere within dreams close people, and close people constantly think about what was lost, and with their grief they infuse certain images in dream, therefore, in the first year it is not recommended to take it seriously dreamed.Publish yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Swearing With husband's sister in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If a woman will dream quarrel with her husband, this means that in reality she will experience a feeling of alienation. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Swearing With husband in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation Swear– Fighting with someone is a nuisance; hear swearing- official ceremony; With wife, husband - see Wife, husband. Esoteric dream book. Had a dream Swear– You R. used obscene words to describe the disease. You are overwhelmed with negative emotions. They scold you and want harm, but it will come back to them like a boomerang. And good luck awaits you in spite of the enemy’s machinations. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Well dreams about treason definitely have nothing to do with reality. so calm down. It's emotional dream. you just suspect your husband that's it dreamed about it such dream. or think that this could happen. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Swearing With husband's sister in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from the Psychoanalytic Dream Book. Dream Interpretation - Run after your husband or wife. You will be depressed by annoying society. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Swearing With husband in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!