The percentage of water and fat in the body. What is the normal percentage of body fat for health

Nature has created man as an example of the ideal distribution of all the functions and capabilities of the body. But a decrease in the amount of physical labor, the use of unnatural food, a sedentary lifestyle destroy this harmonious mechanism. An example of this is the increase in body fat content. Too thin fat layer is no less harmful. You will learn more about what is the normal percentage of fat and how to stabilize it in case of deviations.

Minimum percentage of body fat

The amount of fat in the human body is of great importance because fat performs a number of important functions. This:

  • protection of body organs;
  • maintaining a normal temperature;
  • preservation of nutrients;
  • softening of the joints;
  • energy storage.

To maintain good health and lead a full life in the female body should be at least 13-15% fat, and for men - at least 5-9%. There are no clear boundaries and requirements for the amount of fat, but below this threshold, processes of dysfunction of organs and tissues can begin in the body.

If a woman's weight is in this range, then she feels and looks good, and her reproductive organs are functioning normally.

Fat in the female body contributes to the synthesis of female hormones, the normal functioning of the reproductive organs, the correct menstrual cycle, the bearing and birth of children.

The amount of fat for various reasons can increase with age. But the main reason is a decrease in physical activity.

There is no exact figure for the amount of fat in the body. There is a range within which each individual has its own value. It all depends on the characteristics of the organism. One person may have a higher body fat percentage than another of the same age and gender, but still feel more energetic and healthier.

It is important to ensure that this amount does not exceed the upper limit of normal.

With weight loss within these limits, some women experience cycle irregularities. This means that the weight has fallen below the limits of the individual norm for this woman.

Age norms:

It is important to ensure that the amount of fat does not fall below normal. Strong weight loss harms not only a woman, but also a man.

With a normal physique, fat in the female body is located in the hips, waist, sides, chest. If fat accumulates in the shoulders, arms, patella and shins, then this indicates a metabolic disorder, malfunctions of the hormonal system, and a tendency to edema. Therefore, this is an occasion to consult a doctor.

In men, fat levels are also important. The work of many systems of the male body, including reproductive and digestive systems, depends on this. Men have other duties and functions: a worker, a breadwinner, a protector. They have a more active life and a faster lipid metabolism. Therefore, it is much easier for them to lose weight.

Fat in men is normally evenly distributed throughout the body. Its accumulation in the abdomen indicates disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Fat in the sides, chest, hips indicates a metabolic disorder, an increased content of female hormones and an unhealthy diet.

Why is visceral fat dangerous?

There are two types of fat stored in the body:

  • subcutaneous (visible);
  • visceral (internal).

Subcutaneous fat is located close to the surface of the body. It can be seen and felt.

All organs and cavities in the body are covered with a special film, the functions of which are varied. Visceral fat grows inside this shell, covering all organs. It is impossible to see him. Its presence can be determined by the violation of the proportions of the body.

First of all, the person's stomach begins to protrude forward. Other parts of the body may not change.
The causes of visceral fat inside the body can be:

  • unhealthy diet;
  • lack of movement and physical activity;
  • bad habits.

Visceral fat is not an age-related feature of the body. In recent decades, young people and even children have all the signs of excess internal fat. And this leads to big health problems.

The complete absence of visceral fat is also dangerous for the body, because it covers the internal organs from external influences and injuries. But it should not be more than 15% of total body fat.

A sure sign that the amount of visceral fat is increasing, and it is time to take action, is an increase in the size of the abdomen. This type of fat causes serious problems:

  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • changes in hormonal balance and metabolism;
  • heart failure, heart attacks;
  • diabetes mellitus type 2.

Fat in the liver is processed and converted into cholesterol, which goes into the blood vessels and is deposited on their walls. A person develops atherosclerosis.

Exceeding the norm of visceral fat can be determined by measuring the waist circumference. If the waist in women is more than 80 cm, and in men - 90-95 cm, then it's time to sound the alarm.

How to measure body fat percentage

In clinics and health centers, you can measure the amount of fat using special devices and techniques. At home, there are several methods:

  • Visual. Having undressed to underwear, you need to examine your body in the mirror. Usually everyone who is overweight knows this very well. Therefore, this method will help if a person decides to improve his body. In the mirror, you can identify areas and areas that need to be worked on.
  • Cloth. By trying on clothes, you can see if a person has lost weight or gained weight.

These methods will not help determine the percentage of body fat. If you need exact numbers, then you should purchase a small device called a caliper. It is sold in a pharmacy and is quite cheap.

With the help of a caliper, the thickness of the body folds is measured in different areas. How to take measurements? You need a helper because you can't do it alone.

The principle of operation of the caliper is the same as that of the caliper. Therefore, you can take measurements using one of these tools and a centimeter tape.

There are usually no problems with these devices. It is necessary to determine at what points measurements should be taken.

  • Triceps. The back of the arm between the elbow and shoulder. Vertical pleat in the center.
  • Biceps. Exactly the same fold as in the previous case, but in the front of the arm.
  • Blade area. Grab the crease just below one shoulder blade from the spine down to the side of the body at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The area below the waist is slightly above the protrusion of the pelvic bone at a slight angle.

Data must be recorded in millimeters on the caliper scale. Add all 4 values ​​\u200b\u200band find the percentage of fat in the table.

How to reduce the percentage of fat in the body?

If you want to lose weight, you need to reduce not the weight, but the amount of fat. Do not starve and reduce the amount of food consumed. In this case, the body will eat muscle, and leave fat in reserve.
Strict diets and hunger strikes injure the psyche. And they end with a breakdown, overeating and a decrease in self-esteem.
Therefore, it is necessary not to reduce the quantity of food, but to change its quality. In this case, a shake-up of metabolism occurs: the body learns to burn more calories. Keeping the number of calories at the same level, it is necessary to gradually change the "bad" calories to useful ones.

In an ordinary person, the diet usually suffers from a lack of proteins, and fats and carbohydrates in excess. What should be done?

  • Increase the amount of proteins in the diet, because they are the main material for muscles.
  • Reduce the amount of "bad" carbohydrates: baked goods, sweets, sugar. Instead of them - cereals and pasta.
  • Refuse sausages and semi-finished products with a high content of chemical additives and trans fats. Instead of them - poultry, beef, fish.
  • Dress salads only with vegetable oil.
  • Avoid fried foods.
  • Divide the entire diet into 5 doses. This contributes to better digestion of food and accelerates metabolism.
  • Drink more water.
  • Make up for the lack of sweets with dried fruits.

After two weeks of such nutrition, the first results should appear. If there are no results, or they are not as desirable, then you need to again reduce the amount of fats and carbohydrates without touching the proteins. Change fatty foods to low fat foods. There are only egg whites, red meat is replaced with white. And gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed: gradually 10-15 g per day.

Physical exercise

You can join the gym and do strength exercises under the guidance of a trainer.

Do your own cardio workouts. Any physical activity is meant to strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

You can train yourself both in nature and at home. The treadmill and exercise bike are very popular. Or just various exercises recorded on discs.

You need to buy a heart rate monitor and monitor your heart rate during workouts. There is a maximum heart rate. For men it is 220 minus age, for women it is 214 minus age.

During training, you must ensure that the pulse is not higher than this number, otherwise heart problems begin.

There are some very effective exercises:

Pylometric push-ups

  1. Take an emphasis lying, as with ordinary push-ups.
  2. Lower the body to the floor, then sharply raise it.
  3. In this case, the hands come off the floor and make a clap.
  4. You need to have time to land on the palm of your hands.


  1. The starting position is the same.
  2. The weight is transferred to the elbows.
  3. Straighten your lower back, crawl back, pushing only with your hands.


  1. Lie down on your forearms.
  2. Maintain this position for 20-60 seconds.


  1. Squat down with your hands on the floor.
  2. Quickly go to the lying position and return to the starting position.

Walking on hands

  1. Get on all fours.
  2. Crawl forward on your toes.
  3. Then back.
  4. The body does not bend.

Walking up the stairs helps a lot. It can be supplemented with simultaneous hand exercises with dumbbells.


The most acceptable way to lose weight is walking. It does not require any special conditions or long training. You can start with small walks, gradually increasing their duration.

Another convenience: the way to work or part of the way can be walked. Some people even manage to work while walking: thinking about new projects, writing articles, making phone calls and making deals.

You can talk to your parents and friends on the phone. After all, most people in the bustle do not have enough time for this. Can walk the dog

You can also learn about the norms of fat in the following video:

Body fat is both friend and foe. You need to be able to determine when it turns into a problem for the body. Having learned to determine the percentage of fat in the body, it is not difficult to find ways to bring it back to normal.

A well-balanced diet along with physical activity are the first and main steps along the way.

Do not run yourself and your body. This is not only an aesthetic problem. Excess weight causes serious disorders in the body.

But there is no need to go to the other extreme either. Because a lack of body fat can also be dangerous.

In contact with

A healthy, slim and toned body is what will always be in fashion. A lot of people are trying to get rid of excess body fat. But at the same time, not everyone knows what is the norm of fat in the body, and how to determine it, but a lot depends on this indicator. Let's try to understand this issue.

Quite often there is a situation when two people who have the same weight: look completely different. One is slender and fit, while the other at the same time looks, to put it mildly, not too perfect. The fact is that weight is, in principle, not the indicator that you should be guided by in assessing your physical form. Muscle is much heavier than fat, hence the difference in appearance with the same figure on the scale.

How the body combines bone and muscle mass, as well as water and fat, is of key importance. Therefore, what should be the percentage of fat in the body is normal, you need to know not only those who are losing weight, but also those who, in principle, monitor their health. Not only excess fat is dangerous, but also its lack, since fat has quite a few important functions, in particular, protective and reserve. A low percentage of body fat provokes problems with potency in men and problems with the menstrual cycle and fertility in women.

Thus, fat performs the following functions:

  • protects the organs of the body;
  • helps maintain a normal temperature;
  • contributes to the preservation of nutrients in the body;
  • softens joints;
  • contributes to the accumulation of energy.

To maintain health and lead a full life, a woman needs a percentage of body fat of 13-15, and a man - at least 5-9%. If this indicator is lower, then serious violations in the performance of their functions by the bodies and dangerous consequences of this are possible. If the percentage of body fat is normal, a person will feel and look good, and his reproductive organs will work as they should.

Fat is especially important for the female body. It helps to ensure the normal synthesis of female hormones, promotes the proper functioning of the genital organs, ensures a normal menstrual cycle, and makes it possible to endure and give birth to a child. The amount of fat can increase with age. Excess of it is a consequence of certain disorders, but quite often it is a consequence of a lack of physical activity and constant overeating.

Normal body fat

It is impossible to name the exact figure that would determine the rate of fat content in the body. But there is a range within which each individual person can have his own size. This is determined by many features of the body. One person may have a higher percentage of fat than another of the same sex and age, but he may feel much better.

The amount of fat in the body should not exceed the upper bar, but you need to pay attention to the lower bar, since the lack of body fat is fraught with serious consequences.

Body fat percentage in a woman's body must remain within the following limits:

  • age up to 30 years - 15-23%;
  • age 30-50 years - 19-25%;
  • age from 50 years - 20-27%.

For men Normal body fat percentage looks like this:

  • age up to 30 years - 11-18%;
  • age 30-50 years - 14-20%;
  • age from 50 years - 16-22%.

In women with a normal physique, fat is located in the abdomen, chest, waist, and hips. If it accumulates on the arms, shoulders, shins, patella, this may indicate a tendency to edema, metabolic disorders, hormonal disruptions, so it makes sense to consult a doctor.

The indicators of fat in men are also important. For them, this determines the work of many important systems, in particular, the reproductive and digestive systems. However, it is easier for men to reduce the percentage of fat, since their lipid metabolism is faster than that of women. Fat in men is evenly distributed throughout the body. If a representative of the stronger sex deposits accumulate in the abdomen, this indicates a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. If they are localized in the area of ​​the sides, chest, hips, this indicates malnutrition, as well as hormonal imbalance - an increase in the level of female hormones in the body.

The table below will show in more detail what should be the norm of the percentage of fat in the body of a woman and a man.

Visceral and subcutaneous fat

Two types of fat accumulate in the human body: subcutaneous (visible) and visceral (internal). located near the surface of the skin, it can be seen and felt.

If you determine that your performance is not ideal, be careful. Trying to achieve a sports figure, do not go beyond the boundaries of the physiological norm. In addition, keep in mind that each person is individual, and he has his own “healthy” norm. For example, if a girl decides to reduce body fat from 18% to 13%, she may get a menstrual irregularity. The indicator will also correspond to the norm, but here the individual characteristics of the organism will already play a role. Therefore, while working to reduce body fat, watch your feelings. If you feel unpleasant symptoms, then you should stop losing weight and consult a specialist. And remember that in ordinary life there is no point in achieving extreme performance. But to normalize the level of fat is useful.

If the norm of fat in the body of a woman or a man is exceeded, then you need to reconsider your lifestyle. Most often it is enough to normalize the lifestyle, Change your diet and exercise more. From physical activity, first of all, you need to focus on, since it is they who burn fat. , or a bicycle - you can choose whatever you want.

Proper nutrition is also very important. Avoid strict diets, because they do not lose fat, but muscles and fluid. Eat wholesome, balanced, moderate meals. It is recommended to eat often and in small portions, to exclude fast food, sweets, pastries. Healthy fat-reducing foods include lean protein sources (meat, fish, eggs, dairy), grains, fruits, and vegetables. You also need to drink enough water.

Knowing how much fat should be in the body of a woman and a man, you can adequately assess the state of your body. Remember that excess fat is a danger, but the same can be said about its lack. Fat is both a friend and an enemy in equal measure, and so that it is only the first for you, control its percentage in the body.

How to find out the rate of fat in the body: video answer

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Visceral fat: norm, critical level and its consequences

Visceral fat- natural fatty tissue in the human body, accumulating in the abdominal cavity, from the inside. It is a natural concussion compensator that protects vital organs and maintains them in the right position. No wonder its name, translated from Latin, sounds like “insides” (viscera).

How does visceral fat affect health?

It is extremely important because:

  • represents a natural "cushion" for many internal organs;
  • warms everything that is located in the abdominal cavity, not allowing to overcool;
  • keeps the organs in their proper position and protects them from any concussions.

Thus, the intestines, stomach, pancreas, liver and other components remain healthy and are not in danger of inflammation due to critically low temperatures.

However, an overabundance has no less negative consequences. For example, these adipose tissues:

  • minimize insulin sensitivity;
  • accumulate hormones, provoking the risk of diabetes;
  • cause multiple health problems.

Interestingly, with age, internal accumulations tend to redistribute, even if a person’s weight has remained constant over a long period. Most often they are localized in the lumbar region after menopause. Thus, accurate data on the level of internal deposits in the body will help prevent the threat of heart and vascular diseases, jumps in blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

It is worth remembering: even with a normal amount of fatty tissue, an excess of this type of fat accumulation can be observed. Balance analyzers Tanita BC-601 and BC-545N. will help determine their optimal ratio on a scale from 1 to 59.

In the first case, there is no reason for concern. In the second - there is, with the risk of negative health consequences. Therefore, it is worth thinking about reducing the volume of internal adipose tissue by any healthy methods.

Consequences of deviations from the norm

If there is a lack of this type of visceral deposits, then dryness of the skin, a decrease in turgor, wrinkling, prolapse of the spleen, kidneys, and intestines can be observed, which threatens them with serious dysfunction. There is also irreversible anorexia and the risk of prolapse of vital organs with any increase in internal abdominal pressure.

If there is an excess of internal accumulations, then there is a threat of fat penetration into the blood with an increase in cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis, including the coronary vessels that supply power to the myocardium and brain. This provokes hypertension, memory loss, headaches, heart attacks. This also includes the risk of hormonal imbalance, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, asthma and allergies.

The level is less or more than normal: what to do?

Persons with a serious lack of visceral fat are prohibited from any active physical activity and exercise. Fitness, lifting weights over 1 kg, as well as prolonged coughing and sneezing can cause them to prolapse or displace their internal organs. Therefore, it is much more important to restore a sufficient level of internal fat reserves.

If there is an overabundance, you should reconsider your lifestyle, adjust your diet, get addicted to physical exercises - from elementary running to visiting a fitness center. But before that, we recommend that you go to the doctor to clarify the diagnosis and possible prohibitions.

One of two models of balance analyzers Tanita BC-601 and BC-545N will help you control the data. To do this, they are provided with an appropriate function and display of readings on the display. Analyzers can be bought in our shop co discount 5 %. H To get a discount, use the promo code: DISCOUNT2017

For those who strive for a lean and toned body, there is no absolutely ideal percentage of body fat. Normal body fat percentage varies markedly between people and depends on various factors, including: body type, age, genetics, activity level, and nutritional habits.

Normal weight and body fat ratios vary considerably, but what is considered safe for maintaining good health is 5-9% for men and 13-15% for women, although there is no hard and fast "rule" about what can be too low for an individual.

The table below shows the minimum percentage of body fat for both sexes by age. Thus, the normal percentage of fat should not be lower than these values. As you can see, the table shows that body fat increases with age, and although this usually happens, it is mainly due to a decrease in activity levels.

Fat content by age and gender


30 – 50


Normal body fat percentage

What is the normal percentage of body fat?

There are many ideas about normal body fat percentage for non-athletic people, including ranges of 16-20% and 20-21% for women, and 8-14% and 10-14% for men. These indicators provide a lean appearance.

For general health and fitness, for men, 10-15% is a good choice to aim for. However, men who want a six pack abs usually have 10-11% since the abs are where fat usually accumulates. Women who want a six pack may need to drop theirs to 14-16%, which may be too low for some and disrupt their menstrual cycle. Usually, they begin to noticeably decrease at about 18% body fat. The first place where you will notice changes is in those areas where fat deposits are already relatively small. For most, it's around the shoulders and collarbones.

Low fat and weight loss

Important to note: Studies show that low body fat does not cause amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for several menstrual cycles) per se. It is the energy balance (the ratio of received and spent calories) that is in this case the main determining factor of health. Thus, it can be said that for an athletic woman, it is quite possible to maintain the level of fat as low as that of adolescents without any negative consequences.

Often among those who strive to become super thin is achieved through a long-term negative energy balance (i.e. getting fewer calories than the body requires), and it is this negative energy balance that causes the loss of menstruation.

Thus, a lean, non-overtrained woman who pays special attention to nutrition and calorie needs is not likely to experience the negative effects of having a lower-than-average body fat content.

Today's topic of the article will be devoted to girls who are not completely satisfied with their figure and would like to change it a little or more thoroughly. When we talk about excess weight, we mean those extra fat accumulations that prevent us from feeling comfortable and liking ourselves in the mirror. These ugly extra pounds are defined by nothing more than percentage of body fat. Today we will find out what should be the norm of fat in the female body, and also define what is the percentage of body fat in a woman is the lower threshold, after which problems with health and its reproductive function begin. In general, in this article we will analyze in detail and bit by bit how the female body and its nature reacts to changes in the percentage of fat and a decrease in the fat layer on its body. I think it will be interesting for every girl to know which the rate of fat in her body what is acceptable and what is dangerous...

The minimum percentage of fat in the female body

In fact, there is no single value that would accurately state that “this” indicator or “this” is the ideal percentage of fat in the female body (and in the male too). Fat rate for each person is determined individually and is based on many factors - this is gender, age, activity level, lifestyle, genetics, eating habits and others. However, despite this, scientists were able to determine minimum range of female body fat percentage, to fall below which women should not, due to the appearance of significant disturbances in the vital activity of the body. This percentage varies from 13 to 16 depending on age differences (Table 1).

Tab. 1 The minimum allowable fat content depending on the age of the woman


≤ 30 30 – 50 50+
Fat Percentage 13% 15% 16%

As we can see, the lower threshold of a woman's normal body fat percentage rises as she gets older. This is due to a decrease in its motor activity, and with the metabolism in general.

Normal percentage female body fat

Now let's move on to the average normal body fat percentage for women. As we already know, there are no two absolutely identical organisms, therefore this indicator will not be one specific number, but a range of several values, which will characterize an acceptable percentage of fat for a female body. In table 2 you can see what these values ​​are for different age groups of women.

Tab. 2 Normal female body fat percentage

AGE ≤ 30 30 – 50 50+
Fat Percentage 16 – 20% 18 – 23% 20 – 25%

But it is worth noting that even within these values ​​there may be failures and violations of the menstrual cycle in women.

For example, if for a twenty-year-old young girl, the normal fat percentage is 19%, (as it happened "historically"), and when she lost weight, then the fat percentage dropped to 17%, but still remained within her normal range and fits into the range "safe" minimum body fat percentage, then all the same, the girl may, and begin disruption of the ovaries at a more serious level. And all because normal body fat, indicated in tables 1 and 2 or prescribed in physiology textbooks, is still more conditional value, which only approximately determine this normal percentage . But in fact, the body itself decides what is an ACCEPTABLE percentage of fat for it, which is MINIMUM, and which is EXCESSIVE. And, unfortunately, we do not participate in this distribution.

How to measure your body fat percentage?

There are several ways to measure your body fat percentage. The infographic below shows the most popular (image is clickable).

But keep in mind that the resulting figure will only be approximate, since this method is not the most accurate of all presented above.

Low body fat or negative energy balance?

There are studies that show that low fat percentage in no way affects the absence of menstruation and the appearance of amenorrhea in girls. It's all about the negative energy balance, and not the percentage of fat, as such. When a girl begins to lose weight and lose her pounds, she does this at the expense of calorie deficit, that is, she spends more energy than she receives with food, thereby creating negative energy balance.

So it is this factor that is key in stopping menstruation and disrupting the reproductive function of a girl, and not the low percentage of fat itself.

If you believe these studies, it turns out that, in principle, a girl can have 6 cubes on her stomach and not have problems with her cycle. Is it really?

If you think logically, then in order to get the desired muscle relief, just SHOULD BE REDUCED its fat content, that is REDUCE percentage of body fat to its minimum (13-14%). And this in turn can only be done in a calorie deficit, which is created by reducing the number of calories received from food and increasing energy expenditure during training.

And here the question arises: are there girls who perform in the nomination "" or "Body fitness" and at the same time their cycle does not disappear? How is this possible? After all, most of them bring their percentage of body fat below the minimum allowable rate of 13%.

I accept this option:

 those girls who were able to maintain their menstrual cycle during drying and a strict diet (and there are not so many such girls), they still managed to keep their energy balance at the proper level, without creating a large calorie deficit due to sports supplements food and .

Indeed, in order to prepare and compete in bodybuilding and bikini fitness competitions, you definitely need additional help in the form of a special one, otherwise there is no other way. Training and strict nutrition deplete the energy reserves of the body so much that sometimes girls not only lose their cycle, they just faint right on stage. All this shows how illiterate and incorrect the coach or the girl herself approaches the issue of preparing and leading up to the competition. It is clear that the minimum possible amount of carbohydrates (the main source of energy) is present in the diet of performing athletes, but, perhaps, some also receive less than the normal amount of proteins and fats with food. We cannot know this for sure, but it is true that sports nutrition supplements can partly reduce the energy balance created in the body of athletes.

Why am I leading all this? And besides, if you want to have a low percentage of body fat in your body (less than 15%) in order to see your cubes on your stomach, you need to take this issue VERY seriously! Firstly, you need to find out your minimum percentage of fat with which your body continues to function normally, and secondly, do not forget about additional nutrition for athletes.

remember, that female body fat still directly related to the created negative energy balance. The larger it is, the faster you lose weight and reduce your percentage of fat. And if at this time you do not help your body and do not support it in the form of additional sports nutrition and vitamins, then you risk losing your cycle, and subsequently get even more problems with your health:

And there is one more important point that I would like to mention. After the girl is fully aware that her weight loss has not led to the result she dreamed of, and she decides to increase her fat percentage to her “historical” norm, this girl will inevitably face the realities of her weight loss. Unfortunately, not all the consequences of this weight loss will be able to leave without a trace as they appeared. Yes, she will most likely be able to return her menstrual cycle to normal in a couple of weeks, but, for example, the loss of some minerals that are responsible for bone strength may be an irreversible process for her. The consequences of amenorrhea never go absolutely without a trace, this is a scientifically proven fact. So, keep this in mind if you suddenly want to lose weight and reduce your normal fat percentage to the minimum.

Percentage of fat from low to high

Well, let's sum up the results of all of the above.

So, minimum percentage of fat in the female body should be 13-16% depending on the age of the woman. Below this threshold, women begin to have serious health problems, remember this.

Normal percentage of body fat in a woman ranges from 16 to 25%. Falling into this range, a woman looks and feels good, all her organ systems and, most importantly, her reproductive function are in perfect order.

We did not analyze the diagnosis of obesity here, but I will say that more than 32% of body fat indicates that a woman is already in the category of “overweight”.

I hope this article was useful for you, and you learned a lot of useful and necessary information for you.

And I wish you to be healthy and not get hung up on the press cubes, because health is a thousand times more important than some cubes there. We have one, and it can be easily and irretrievably lost! And we have six cubes, they are with us forever and you can always buy them if you wish =))

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!