Green photochromic lenses. Beautiful male and female models with photos. Sunscreens without diopters

“Sooo happy with the glasses I ordered! Mila is an amazing specialist, she spent almost an hour with me very carefully and meticulously, they selected everything with great attention and professionalism. Are the prices themselves ... Costs are lower than in other opticians, the choice of glasses is varied, from budget to luxury. Surprisingly, they didn’t charge me anything for the work; I ended up attending a protest. In general, I'm very pleased! Today I picked up the finished glasses, they were done in 3 days. Just some kind of miracle!!! Thank you very much for your service!»


“As lazy as I am, I’ll have to write a review. Everything was very convenient. The courier came and took my glasses for free. Three days later she came and brought me back free of charge with new lenses that I had chosen from ... come on. I didn't pay for the work either. I paid only for the lenses - the price indicated on the website. Before that, I went to opticians. The prices there are much higher. I'm also pleased with the quality of the lenses. In general, I recommend it to everyone.»

Grigory Vitalievich,

“This is the second time I have used the services of this optician and again I received excellent service. Over the course of several years, my vision changed and I needed to pick up new lenses and insert them into my purchased frames. V o ... Bird on Kropotkinskaya the whole procedure for correcting my prescription took about 15-20 minutes and in a couple of days I had high-quality glasses. Many thanks to the entire optical team and especially to Ilya for high-quality glasses and competitive prices, which is one of the main reasons for many.»

Sunglasses have become an indispensable accessory for most modern people. They are very popular among people of any age and gender. Properly selected glasses help many girls and women correct their face shape and often add a special charm to their feminine and male image. Glasses with photochromic lenses are in great demand. What are such products, what are their features and advantages?

Photochromic glasses

According to experts, ultraviolet radiation harms retina of the eye. Causing burns, radiation is bad for vision and can lead to vision deterioration and even loss. In summer sunny days when there is a lot sunlight without sunglasses we squint our eyes because we want to protect our eyes from the sunlight. This causes your eyes to quickly get tired, and constant squinting leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles in the eye area.

Sunglasses should be an essential item that you will always need:

Specialists It is not recommended to wear it all the time Sunglasses, since wearing them indoors or on cloudy days begins to develop a fear of light. After this, the light begins to cause discomfort. Conventional lenses with dark glasses cannot always fully protect from bright sunlight, so you need to choose this accessory correctly for yourself.

Chameleon glasses have property of changing its color directly from indoor or outdoor lighting. These products are equipped with photochromic lenses. They got the name chameleons because of their ability to darken when exposed to sunlight and begin to gradually lighten when the light is not so bright. These lenses can be made from glass and polycarbonate.

Glasses with photochromic lenses have appeared on the market not so long ago. This happened in the 90s and since then the technology for their production has been practically brought to perfection. Nowadays, chameleons are a very fashionable and useful accessory.

What are photochromic glasses?

Since the advent of glasses with photochromic lenses, they have become one of the main trends in modern optics. Except, properties of dimming light Depending on the lighting, the lenses tend to improve vision to its maximum sharpness. They are hypersensitive to light streams, so glasses with such lenses can be used indoors to correct vision. In bright sunlight, the lenses change color and become darker.

His quick response lenses are required molecules of substances with a photochromic structure that are part of the material. In normal lighting they have their usual color, but in bright sunlight they begin to react quickly and become darker. In fact, an accessory with photochromic lenses simultaneously performs two functions - they correct vision and serve as sunglasses.

In old chameleon models dimming speed depended on the degree of illumination and temperature environment. Thanks to modern innovative technologies The ambient temperature no longer affects the response speed of the optics.

Most models have two shades in a darkened state:

  • brown;
  • grey.

All of them can be produced with different indicators darkening, from weak to strong - 10–15% and 80–85%.

Most firms use lenses based on Sun Sensors technology, such lenses are called volume-colored. Leading companies such as Hoya, Kodak and Rodenstock began to produce glasses from their own polymer materials, in which photochromic agents are distributed throughout the mass.

Benefits of photochromic glasses

For people with poor eyesight such products will become a real find on warm sunny days. They usually buy sunglasses with diopters and, but then, when going outside, they are forced to change them. Chameleons make it possible to combine several pairs of glasses at once. Such products have many advantages:

  • can be with diopters, which is very convenient and practical for people with poor vision;
  • even without diopters, such glasses are convenient because they respond well to the level of illumination; there is no need to change glasses when leaving the room;
  • eliminate glare and provide good clarity of vision.

Many companies produce glasses with photochromic lenses for drivers. There is no strain on the eyes at the slightest change in illumination outdoors or indoors. Visual fatigue is also reduced, and visual contrast is increased. These properties of photochromes are very important for people with photophobia of the eyes and with increased tear production.

In addition to convenience and comfort indicators, photochromic lenses have certain medical indications:

  • they are a great alternative to sunglasses;
  • recommended for patients with dystrophic retinal disease;
  • reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

Features of photochromes

In the optical market sector photochromic glasses s lenses Today it is developing very quickly. Such lenses can be polymer, mineral and polycarbonate. Sometimes a special multifunctional coating is applied to the lenses, which can give the lenses a lot of beneficial properties. Modern chameleons come in different designs:

  • traditional;
  • monofocal;
  • aspherical;
  • progressive.

Buyers have the opportunity to choose any refractive index for their lenses and, if desired, give them a more sophisticated look.

These products are very popular in the consumer market. This is especially true for those people who are concerned about their vision and value high protection against UV radiation in sun-protection optical products.

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Photochromic glasses are called “chameleons” because they different conditions lighting - they change color.

They are chosen by people who care about vision protection in constantly changing conditions (to which they need to adapt).

At the same time, there is no desire or time to constantly change glasses in accordance with changes. The properties of photochromic glasses are unique. They can be made in any design, so they are also a stylish accessory.

Principle of operation

Photochromic glasses lenses look like regular glasses in low light and indoors, slightly tinted or colorless. During the day outside they darken, and in active sunlight they become almost sun-protective.

These characteristics are due to specific particles in photochromic lenses, whose spatial structure can change under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. When exposed to sunlight, they stop transmitting light. When the ultraviolet radiation disappears, the light again begins to pass through the lenses, which then become transparent.

The properties of photochromic lenses change faster at low temperatures. Previously, when the technology was not so developed, they might not achieve strong darkening at high ambient temperatures.

New developments in the manufacture of photochromic lenses have leveled out the temperature factor, structural changes in glasses occur equally quickly in both heat and cold.

The peculiarity of photochromic lenses is that they do not darken from light penetrating through the glass. Glass filters out ultraviolet radiation.

For drivers photochromic glasses- unsuitable!

In rooms where light enters through glass, chameleon glasses will not work. For drivers, for example, they are not suitable. They can use .

Who needs chameleon glasses?

Chameleon glasses will benefit people with poor vision and in an active way life. Such optics will make it easier for them to choose between diopter and sunglasses.

Generally, glasses provide visual comfort and full protection from the ultraviolet spectrum.

Photochromic glasses will be relevant for those who spend for a long time under the influence of open sunlight.

Glasses are convenient for sports and other activities that require visual stress under various conditions.

There are also sports glasses with diopters, you can read more about them.

Chameleon glasses can replace two pairs of glasses at once for people with reduced vision. Photochromic glasses are designed specifically for ease of use in indoor environments. to varying degrees illumination and sunlight. Chameleon lenses are made of an innovative material that can react to ultraviolet A and B. Let's consider all the properties of photochromic optics and the main advantages.

The principle of operation of photochromic optics

The main purpose of chameleons is to change the degree of darkening of the lenses depending on the brightness of the light. They darken in the sun, indoors acquire properties regular glasses with transparent glasses. Changing the color of the lenses is provided by photochromic elements that are sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and light intensity.

Lenses work as a filter, allowing a certain amount of light rays to pass through. Thus, they protect the eyes from excess rays. However, photochromic glasses are not designed for long stay in the bright sun. On the beach, it is recommended to use regular sunglasses with a constant degree of darkness.

In modern optics, they have achieved leveling of the temperature factor: lenses work perfectly at any temperature difference, do not fog up and do not lose their photosensitive qualities.

Indications for the use of photochromic glasses:

  • patients with poor vision;
  • dystrophic thinning of the retina;
  • prevention of cataracts;
  • UV protection.

Photochromic optics are also suitable for anyone who spends a lot of time in the sun: athletes and fishermen, drivers and tourists. Athletes can purchase special glasses with diopters.

Advantages of using photochromic optics:

  • eye protection from UV radiation;
  • comfortable view of the space;
  • can be used indoors and outdoors;
  • prevention of eye diseases;
  • versatility of application.

Photochromic glasses can be used by people with various visual impairments. The degree of darkening of lenses varies from 15% to 85%, the distribution of photochromic agents in lenses also has its own characteristics.

Optical products are based on two lens manufacturing technologies - the distribution of photochrome to a certain depth and the uniform distribution of agents throughout the entire mass of the material.

Photochromic glasses are especially convenient for people with visual impairments. Previously, they were required to have two pairs of glasses - for outdoors (with diopters) and for indoors. This problem has now been completely resolved.

Photochromic lens material

The modern optics market offers a wide range of high-quality spectacle lenses with a photochromic effect. However, before purchasing optics, you should visit an ophthalmologist and have your vision checked, as well as get advice on choosing the right pair of glasses.

Lenses for photochromic optics can be made of organic or inorganic material (mineral glass), the degree of refraction of rays also differs between different models. What is the difference between these materials?

Mineral (inorganic) photochrome is evenly distributed in liquid glass during cooking. Organic lenses are made in several ways:

  • volumetric distribution of photochrome in the mass;
  • impregnation (imbuing);
  • application of photochromic coatings.

The method of introducing photochromic agents into the mass has been used for a long time and is not developed by any company. It is widely used in SunSensors technologies.

Impregnation technology (imbibing) involves introducing agents in a uniform layer to a thickness of 0.15 mm. The surface of the lenses is then coated protective layer. This technique widely used by Transitions Optical.

Method of applying photochromic coatings - on the front side regular lens, which does not require any modification, photochrome is applied. A special hardening coating is used to fix the photochromic layer.

Modern lenses are impact-resistant, elastic and environmentally friendly. The versatility of the new material ensures good degree dimming in bright light and absolute transparency in the room. The color of photochromic optics is either gray or brown.

Photochromic lenses for glasses can be supplemented with a multifunctional coating that provides additional comfort. The design is varied and unique. Some expensive models can become a real accessory for creating an image.

Photochromic glasses for glasses have better refractive indices than organic materials and are not subject to deformation when high temperatures and scratching. However, this material is heavier than polymer, so it is not recommended for use by athletes and children.

Technologies for manufacturing spectacle lenses

Technology Transitions

This technology is based on the introduction of photochromic agents to a given depth of the lens body. This method used by some foreign optical companies - Essilor, Hoya, Sola, Zeiss, Seiko.

If you spend a lot of time outdoors, invest in Transitions Signature sunglasses. The lenses of these products quickly react to radiation flows, changing their tone. Inside the room, the glass becomes completely transparent, like ordinary glasses. On the street, in a bright stream of sunlight, the lenses provide a comfortable view, relieve eye strain, and absorb glare.

If your eyes are sensitive to light, you should choose the Transitions XTRActive brand. This optic is characterized by strong darkening in the light, and in a closed room with bright lighting it retains a pleasant smoky tone. Also, glasses are well suited for drivers, as they tend to absorb solar flow behind the windshield and fight glare.

Transitions Vantage brand glasses are recommended for people with great sensitivity to sun rays. Glasses are suitable for those who spend a lot of time outdoors. Indoors, the lenses become completely transparent. With Vantage brand optics, your eyes are protected from glare, intense sunlight and bright indoor lighting. In addition to protection, optics provide clear images of objects.

SunSensors Technology

SunSensors optics have gained recognition among Russian consumers, thanks to the uniform distribution of the photochromic agent throughout the entire thickness of the glass. 3D colored lenses (solid photochrome) are made from highly refractive materials that provide maximum visual comfort. This technology is used by Hoya, Rodenstock and Kodak.

IN Lately a new technology, SunSensors HPC, was invented to compete with Transitions. Distinctive feature new technology is the service life. While some photochrome molecules lose their original properties, others replace them. Lenses absorb the entire spectrum dangerous ultraviolet radiation B, reliably protecting the eyes from diseases. The lenses also neutralize up to 97.5% of ultraviolet A.

The material used to make the new lenses (plastic photochrome) is lightweight and comfortable. SunSensors HPC instantly responds to changes in light, gently changing the color of the glass from dark to transparent.

Photochromic glasses for drivers

What are photochromic glasses for drivers? Manufacturers produce Transitions DriveWear glasses, which are designed to absorb rays inside the car. The initial degree of darkening of such products corresponds to 50%, with a bright stream sunny color lenses retain up to 89% of the light flux. The optics were developed jointly by Younger Optics and Transitions.

The difference between regular glasses and photochromic glasses is the ability of the lenses to retain both ultraviolet radiation and blue rays of sunlight. The optics protect the driver from blinding glare while driving on the highway. In addition to their protective properties, glasses increase the clarity of visibility of road objects, relieve eye strain, and provide high visual comfort.

These glasses change color depending on the light level. In cloudy weather they become yellowish-green, in the car interior they become copper, and in bright sunshine outside they acquire a brown tint. Their light absorption capacity also changes - from 65% to 89%.

Bottom line

The modern optical industry is developing rapidly, improving its products to increase ease of use. Photochromic glasses for glasses are produced to protect the eyes from an excessive flow of harmful solar radiation, which protects a person from possible diseases visual organs.

The convenience of photochromic optics lies in the ability to change the degree of refraction of rays using darkening/brightening of light-sensitive lenses. Now there is no need to wear two pairs of glasses (indoors and outdoors), since photochromic agents cope with any degree of illumination.

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Photochromic glasses help people with visual impairments, protect against ultraviolet radiation and have many advantages over other optical devices. How do they work and are there any disadvantages to using them? Let's figure it out.

Photochromic glasses change color as the light changes.

How do photochromic glasses work?

What are photochromic glasses and what are they for? This is a device in which the lenses simultaneously correct visual acuity and are able to regulate the level of darkness. The impetus for action is the degree of illumination and the angle of sunlight hitting their surface. Chameleons are the second name for such glasses.

If a person is indoors, chameleons appearance They don’t give themselves away in any way. Transformations occur when going outside, when the glass begins to quickly darken and protects from the sun no worse than special solar glasses.

When entering a room, the lenses adapt to moderate lighting in a matter of seconds and become brighter

Such glasses are designed for the convenience of people with poor vision. This is especially true in the summer, when the eyes even healthy person They lose visual acuity in bright sunshine and get tired quickly.

Lenses for chameleons contain pigment molecules of a sensitive substance that actively react to ultraviolet radiation. They are activated when it appears and return to their initial position in its absence.

The intensity of glass tinting is higher, the brighter it is outside and the more aggressive the solar radiation.

In other words, glasses with photochromic lenses protect your eyes on a clear day by transmitting much less visible light rays. The color of such lenses can be brown or gray.

Photochromic glasses: pros and cons

Glasses with photochromic lenses cannot provide 100% protection from sunlight for a long time. This is the task of special sun protection models. Therefore, when going on vacation, it is safer to take both pairs with you.

It happens that in an office environment and when working at a computer, the glass often changes color, and this provokes rapid blinking when the lighting changes, the eyes quickly get tired, redness and headaches are observed.