Cough medicine mucaltin instructions for use. Mucaltin for cough. Application and contraindications. When to stop taking medication

Today the cough remains unpleasant problem for every person: child and old man, man and woman, even animals can be susceptible to this disease. At the pharmacy you can buy all kinds of medicines, syrups and lozenges for such attacks. But they contain various additives that can cause allergic processes and not suitable for everyone. At the same time, the cost of these drugs can hit the budget hard. But there is more accessible remedy, which is different affordable price and natural composition.

Probably everyone is familiar with Mucaltin tablets; you have heard this name at least once in your life. Not everyone knows what they are for and how to take them. Mucaltin is primarily a cough tablet, but the drug is also used for acute respiratory infections. viral diseases and colds as an expectorant. It is made from marshmallow (a medicinal plant) based on polysaccharides.

Althaea officinalis is known for its healing properties since the 10th century. Its root is especially useful, which is used not only in medicine, but even in Food Industry as a foaming agent, for example, for the production of halva. As medical or veterinary drug, marshmallow root is included in expectorant tablets and syrups (mucolytics).

Composition of Mucaltina

Currently, the composition of preparations based on marshmallow (Mukaltin) has undergone changes. These tablets previously consisted only of root extract (one tablet - 0.05 grams). But over time, auxiliary substances were added to its composition, such as sodium bicarbonate, calcium and tartaric acid.

Indications for use

As mentioned above, Mucaltin tablets stimulate expectoration during coughing. In addition, due to their anti-inflammatory effect, they are used during the following diseases:

  • all types of bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tracheitis and tracheobronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchial asthma.

Marshmallow root, from which Mucaltin tablets are made, facilitates the removal of phlegm and mucus from respiratory tract, due to stimulation of the secretion of glands in the bronchi. This ensures rapid resorption of sputum and facilitates coughing. During wet cough Mucaltin prevents mucus stagnation in the bronchi, which stops the development of inflammatory processes.

Additional and auxiliary substances, for example, sodium bicarbonate, which is part of the composition, reduce the viscosity of mucus and sputum, which helps reduce irritation of the respiratory tract during coughing.

How much to take and side effects

Doctors recommend that both adults and children take Mucaltin tablets until the sputum is completely released. Typically the course of treatment lasts about fourteen days. Adults are prescribed to take one or two tablets before each meal. The same instructions are also relevant for children over 12 years of age. For young children, one pill is recommended three times a day, while the tablets are crushed and diluted in a tablespoon of boiled water.

If you want to know how to take the drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding, then the instructions are the same as for an adult. It consists of natural substances, so there can be no harm to the child.

TO inexpensive means herbal based today when official medicine offers drugs that are more complex than each other, there is a certain prejudice: if the cost is low, it means either there are a lot of side effects or there will be no result. So it is with “Mukaltin” - while it can replace a number of cough tablets, saving a fair amount, the search for something newer continues. Or maybe we should take a closer look at the old one? How to drink "Mukaltin" for a cough, and in what case should it be used?

For which cough should I take Mucaltin?

To understand which cough “Mukaltin” can help with, and in which case it will harm, you need to understand the composition and principle of action of the drug. Moreover, there is nothing complicated here.

  • The name “Mukaltin” refers to a natural extract from medicinal marshmallow, combined with tartaric acid, calcium stearate and sodium bicarbonate. This composition allows the drug to have minimal amount side effects and contraindications.
  • In marshmallow extract, polysaccharides deserve attention, as well as plant mucus, which softens the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat, astringent pectin substances and asparagine. Sodium bicarbonate has the ability to thin mucus and stimulate its secretion from the bronchi. This composition leads to the fact that “Mukaltin” works not only as an expectorant, but also as a reducer of inflammation and irritation, soothing and triggering the process of mucosal regeneration.

All this suggests that the drug should be used only for a “dry”, “jerking” cough, not too intense, since it itself increases the frequency and profuseness of expectoration. The use of Mucaltina tablets or syrup during an active cough will complicate this process and may contribute to the occurrence of a gag reflex. For the same reason, Mukaltin should not be taken before bedtime.

Indications for use of any form of the drug include:

  • bronchial asthma
  • pneumonia, pneumoconiosis
  • classic and obstructive bronchitis, bronchoadenitis
  • tracheitis and tracheobronchitis
  • laryngitis
  • pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary tuberculosis

The main reason for its long-lasting popularity this drug until more expensive medicines was his high efficiency and obtaining results after just a few doses, as well as the absence of serious side effects. Cases of Mucaltin overdose have not been identified in either children or adults, and all negative reactions of the body are usually caused only hypersensitivity to its components or organ sensitivity digestive system. Among them:

  • nausea and vomiting, bowel movements (in either direction), dyspeptic symptoms, bloating.

Experts do not place restrictions on the use of tablets or syrup, excluding the impossibility of its use by persons suffering from diabetes mellitus, as well as exacerbation peptic ulcer and gastritis.

  • "Mukaltin" is approved for use in pregnant women in any trimester, nursing mothers, and young children over the age of 1 year. For children under one year of age, the drug can be prescribed only if there are no analogues and used under the supervision of the attending physician. The dosage is determined individually.

It is important to remember that it is undesirable to combine “Mukaltin” with drugs that suppress cough, since they will prevent the discharge of stimulated sputum, which will aggravate the patient’s condition.

How to drink "Mukaltin" for a cough?

The frequency of administration and dosage depends both on the age of the patient and on the specific problem that needs to be solved.

  • Children over 1 year of age are given “Mukaltin” 1/2 lozenge or crushed and dissolved in 2-3 tbsp. warm water to obtain a solution. If possible, it is better to give babies syrup to ensure maximum absorption. The duration of the course is 3 days, extension is carried out in agreement with the attending physician.
  • Children over 3 years old can be given Mukaltin as a whole tablet, also requiring it to be dissolved under the tongue. IN acute period It is allowed to increase the dosage to 2 tablets at a time. The frequency of administration in children should not exceed 3 times per day, while 6 hours should pass between doses, and it is not allowed to drink or eat for 1-1.5 hours after the tablet. If necessary, you can dissolve the tablet in warm water(up to 200 ml), add a little sugar if the child refuses due to the classic taste of the drug.
  • In adults and children over 12 years of age single dosage"Mukaltina" is 1-2 tablets, depending on the disease. It is important to remember here that when acute cough, provoked by ARVI or acute respiratory infections, the drug is allowed to be taken only 4-5 days after the onset of coughing attacks, since only then the sputum will have time to accumulate, and it makes sense to begin “expelling” it from the lungs. IN otherwise The cough will only get worse, but it will do nothing but irritate back wall larynx, this will not lead.
  • For bronchitis and pneumonia, "Mukaltin" usually acts additional means, the dosage of which is calculated individually. For the flu, drink it from the day the cough “softens,” when it doesn’t just “tear” the throat, but goes down to the bronchi, becoming deeper.
  • In an adult, the frequency of taking Mucaltin can be 4 times a day, the drug is always drunk before meals, the course of treatment lasts about 14-15 days, but if necessary can be extended to 60 days.
  • As for the use of “Mukaltin” during pregnancy, doctors do not ban it, but they warn that it is unacceptable to use the drug if the 1st trimester was complicated by the threat of miscarriage, as well as severe toxicosis. Maximum daily norm"Mukaltina" for a pregnant woman - 4 tablets, divided into 2 doses (morning and evening).
  • An important point concerns small children under one year of age: despite the fact that the instructions contain a prohibition, young mothers occasionally wonder whether it is possible to give the baby “Mukaltin” to provoke the discharge of sputum? The question is mainly due to the fact that doctors are often inclined to prescribe antibiotics even to newborns in order to get rid of the virus, but this is too dangerous for an immature body. In such a situation, it is allowed to use Mucaltin without a doctor’s prescription, but the dosage should not exceed 1/4-1/3 of a tablet diluted in warm water or milk. You should first make sure that the cough is caused by a virus and not external conditions: for example, dry indoor air.

Some young parents, concerned about the child’s condition, want to get rid of cough and accumulated sputum as quickly as possible, so Althea syrup is added to the “Mukaltin” intake. Is there any reason? Due to the fact that these drugs are almost similar in composition and have identical active components, there is no need to use “Mukaltin” and “Altey” together for dry cough. Moreover, for small child this combination may become undesirable and contribute to side effects from drug overdose.

"Mukaltin" and Althea syrup: which is more effective?

Due to the fact that the composition of the drugs is as similar as possible, the question often arises as to which product is best to purchase to get rid of dry cough. Both products have earned top marks from consumers and doctors, so making a choice is not easy.

  • Experts recommend using Althea syrup for young children, due to its greater ease of use in children. For adults best choice There will be Mucaltina tablets, which act much faster if they are taken sublingually, which the baby will not do - there is a high probability that he will simply choke, forgetting about the tablet.

The equivalence of the means has been proven by mass positive feedback from young mothers.

  • Inna: I treat my daughter (1.5 g) only with Mukaltin. When the flu happened, the doctor prescribed us a long list of antibiotics, completely ignoring the fact that my girl could not tolerate them. As a result, I listened to a friend and bought Mukaltin tablets. I dissolved 1/4 tablet (sensitive child) in warm water (50 ml) and gave it at night. In 3 days we almost completely got rid of the cough.
  • Kira: I usually give my child Althea syrup internally, since it takes a long time to dissolve the tablet each time, and the baby doesn’t like the taste. And I use Mukaltin for inhalation: I dissolve the tablet in 200 ml of boiling water, cover my son with a towel along with this bowl, and he breathes the steam for 10-15 minutes. The soreness goes away already on the 2nd day, and the cough, even with the flu, was completely gone within a week.
  • Julia: The doctor prescribed the drug when I was diagnosed with bronchitis, and it became clear that a little more and there would be pneumonia. The cough tormented me so much that I slept in fits and starts. I started drinking “Mukaltin” 3 times a day, dissolved the tablet under my tongue and did not eat anything for 2 hours in order to leave the active ingredients on the mucous membrane. At first I drank it at night, and completely lost sleep - I coughed wildly. When everything happened again the next night, I called the doctor - it turned out that it was better not to drink it before bed. It is interesting that the manufacturer advises taking it in the evening too: it is necessary that the time is indicated correctly - at least 2-3 hours before bedtime, otherwise a profuse cough will interfere with this. In general, I coped with the cough, but inaccuracies in the instructions ruined a couple of nights for me.

Doctors remind that “Mukaltin” is not a “cough remedy”, as some consumers are used to calling it. It is offered by pharmacists in pharmacies under the same labeling. This drug is aimed at expelling sputum, as a result of which the cough itself may even intensify, which is not a sign of a lack of effectiveness of the drug. If you take it for its main purpose, you will not have a negative opinion about it.

Mucaltin is a mucolytic drug with a narrow spectrum of action aimed at eliminating cough by suppressing inflammatory and allergic reactions, as well as facilitating the removal of sputum. At the same time, in order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, you need to know whether Mucaltin is for what type of cough: dry or wet.

Mucaltin tablets, convex on both sides, have a sour taste and a peculiar smell; They are sold in packages with cells and plastic bottles, each of which contains from 10 to 100 tablets.

Main active substance drug - marshmallow extract.

Medicinal properties This herb in the treatment of colds has been known since ancient times:

  • powerful anti-inflammatory,
  • enveloping,
  • softening,
  • and regenerating effect.

The effect is similar to an oil decoction of flax: in contact with the mucous membrane, the plant's polysaccharides effectively relieve irritation, diluting mucus, thereby facilitating expectoration.

Additional components of Mucaltin are:

  • calcium stearate (used for tabletting);
  • tartaric acid;
  • sodium bicarbonate (used to enhance expectorant properties).

Some part medicinal substances, in contact with the oral cavity, are quickly absorbed into it, but when they enter the stomach, most of them:

  • enters circulatory system;
  • filtered by the liver;
  • after 4-6 hours it is excreted by the kidneys.

As a secretolytic natural origin, Mucaltin is used for dry or wet cough, the manifestations of which begin to subside after repeated use, which is caused by the cumulative effect of the drug.

The mechanism of its action consists of the following step-by-step functions:

  • stimulation of secretion production by the bronchial glands, due to which it is possible to liquefy accumulations of thick sputum;
  • increased peristalsis of the smooth muscle tissue of the bronchioles, which ensures the separation of accumulated mucus;
  • acceleration of the movement of cilia on the ciliated cells of the respiratory organs, promoting the promotion of sputum and elimination stagnation, which can lead to further proliferation of microbes in a humid environment and a protracted pathological process;
  • subsequent removal of sputum through the tracheobronchial system.

Thus, the secret formed as a result of the activity pathogenic microorganisms, is removed along with dust particles and their waste products, passing from the trachea to the pharynx.

A productive cough, in turn, becomes rare and less severe, causing less pain due to irritation of the mucous membrane, and facilitating the expectoration process helps the body weakened by infection, accelerating recovery.

For which cough is Mucaltin effective?

When answering the question of what kind of cough Mucaltin is used for - dry or wet, it should be noted that Mucaltin is a universal medical product combined action, equally effective for both non-productive and wet coughs.


  1. When treating patients with ENT diseases accompanied by a wet type of cough with this pharmaceutical drug, there is a decrease in viscosity and an accelerated outflow of sputum from the trachea.
  2. By preventing a secondary complicated infection in the bronchi with a dry cough, Mucaltin not only thins the sputum, but also stimulates the secretion of mucus, due to which nonproductive cough transforms into moist and inflammation in the bronchi ends sooner.

One of the main advantages of this remedy is the lack of addiction development and infrequent cases of side effects.

Therefore, it is suitable for complex treatment chronic infections, during which resistance to bacteriostatic drugs has developed wide range actions.

Indications for use of the drug Mucaltin

Experts advise taking Mucaltin for diseases of the ENT organs, which are characterized by symptoms such as a dry, hacking cough with weak sputum production.

Doctors prescribe the drug if the following diagnoses are present:

  • obstructive and other types of bronchitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • asthma;
  • tracheitis;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis.

It is also used for ailments such as pharyngitis and laryngitis, which often serve as a prerequisite for damage lower sections respiratory system.

In what cases is Mucaltin contraindicated?

The prohibition against using Mucaltin is:

  • increased sensitivity or intolerance to individual components of an individual nature;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • age up to 1 year.

How to take Mucaltin correctly

Mucaltin, used for dry or wet cough, which often occurs against the background of acute respiratory infections throat and nose, it is permissible to simultaneously combine with other antitussives.

But, although in given time Information about negative reactions interactions with others medicines has not been reported, it is not allowed to be prescribed together with drugs that inhibit the cough reflex, especially narcotics (for example, codeine - an opium alkaloid, as a drug central action, applies only when complete absence sputum).

According to official instructions, Mucaltin is intended only for internal use. It is recommended to take the tablets 0.5-1 hour before meals with water. But there are other methods of taking the medicine, depending on age and personal preference:

  • put the tablet under the tongue and dissolve until completely dissolved;
  • based on age, dissolve the dosed amount of tablets (per day) whole or crushed into powder in 0.5 liters of cooled, but not cold, boiled water (children under 3 years of age are allowed to prepare the solution in water sweetened with honey or tea, compote, juice, syrup or fruit drink), which should be drunk throughout the day, in advance of meals;
  • for a single dose: dissolve a single dose of tablets in ½ glass of liquid (for children - ½ glass), drink 30 minutes before meals.

The average course of treatment with this drug varies from 7 to 15 days. If necessary: ​​in severe cases, in case of relapse of the disease or its chronic course It is advisable to continue taking Mucaltin, but not longer than 1 month. If there is no improvement, you should stop taking it and consult your doctor.

Instructions for use for adults

Regular daily dose Mucaltin tablets for adults and children over 12 years old - 6 pieces, maximum - 8, that is, three - four times, 1-2 tablets at a time; It should always be taken ½ - 1 hour before meals, regardless of age and other conditions.

With diffuse inflammation of the bronchi and thickening of sputum, you need to take additional mucolytic agents, such as Acetylcysteine ​​and Bromhexine.

Instructions for use for children

Children under 12 years of age also need to take the drug 3 times a day, but not more often than every 4 hours; for them the norm is 1-2 tablets.

Instructions for use during pregnancy

One of the few pharmaceutical drugs recommended for dry or wet coughs during pregnancy - Mucaltin, the use of which doctors have found safe in the treatment of expectant mothers and women breastfeeding.

Also found to be effective prophylactic, to increase the immune strength and resistance of the body to ARVI. The latter, as is known, pose a danger not only to the health of the expectant mother, but also to the unborn child, and also require great care in choosing drugs.

Thus, even such well-known budgetary mucolytic agents as Ambroxol, ACC and Bromhexine are considered undesirable in the first trimester, as well as during lactation, which is explained negative impact on physical state and child development. In practice, it has been proven that Mukaltin is one of the most safe means, not causing harm intrauterine development fetus

This is partly explained by the fact that in production pharmaceutical drug natural raw materials are used medicinal plant, which has no serious contraindications and almost no side effects.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of treatment it is possible sharp increase sputum thickness and general deterioration a condition that usually goes away on its own within 1-2 days.

Mucaltin is usually prescribed to pregnant women at a dose prescribed for adults, according to the instructions.

But, taking into account that marshmallow is an active substance that can increase the tone of the uterus, it is necessary to accurately select optimal dose drug and determine the appropriate duration of treatment (which should not exceed 2 weeks) with the help of a doctor who can evaluate possible consequences application for a specific woman’s body.

On the other hand, it is important not to interrupt the course of treatment for no apparent reason, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease and not provoke chronic relapses.

Possible side effects from the drug Mucaltin

Mucaltin for what kind of cough: dry or wet - does not matter, since it acts equally effectively in both situations, having a beneficial effect on respiratory organs person. But you should still take into account a number of possible side effects:

  • allergic manifestations (rash, dermatosis, skin itching);
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (dyspepsia, nausea).

The drug does not affect the psychomotor and intellectual functions of the patient’s brain, therefore activities that require increased concentration attention (driving, intellectual work).

How much does Mucaltin cost in a pharmacy?

Mucaltin can be purchased at any pharmacy; it is available without a prescription. You can also order the drug for home delivery from online pharmacies. The cost of the medicine varies from 7 to 80 rubles. depending on the number of tablets in the package and the manufacturer.

Mucaltin's analogs

Mukaltin - universal medicine, but there are also its analogs aimed at suppressing one or another type of cough. The following list will help you decide whether it is better to use substitutes for the medicine Mucaltin for a cough: dry or wet.

For a type of bronchitis accompanied by a dry cough:

  • Libexin;
  • Glaucine;
  • Bithiodine;
  • Bronholitin;
  • Pexelidine;
  • Stoptussin;
  • also of natural origin - tincture, oil or dry basil herb.

For a wet cough:

  • Doctor "Mom"
  • Thermopsis;
  • Gedelix;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Carbocysteine;
  • other medications for natural basis- with extract of elecampane, thyme, oregano, licorice, coltsfoot, plantain.

Mukaltin, domestic analogue of which Bronchofit is, also has foreign variants:

  • Atma (Austria);
  • Mucosa Compositum, Prospan, Sinupret (Germany).

Mucaltin is a time-tested remedy that can be used for any type of cough. The medication is approved for adults, children, expectant and nursing mothers.

Videos: Mucaltin for cough

Medicines for dry and wet cough. Komarovsky will explain what kind of cough Mukaltin is used for:

What cough is Mucaltin for:

Mucaltin for cough is a popular drug prescribed by doctors for the treatment of acute or protracted respiratory diseases. It is necessary to follow the instructions of a specialist when taking the described remedy, and the duration of use should not exceed 8 weeks. Depending on the symptoms, the dosage may vary.

It is known that doctors and patients call Mucaltin an effective and affordable medicine, and it can be purchased at any pharmacy at a low price (about 20 rubles).

Composition and application

Mucaltin biconvex tablets have a sour taste and an unusual odor. The active substance of the product is an extract of marshmallow - a medicinal plant that grows in different countries peace. Mucaltin contains components such as starch, oils, amino acids and other substances that provide an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Mucaltin also includes additional ingredients:

  • tartaric acid;
  • calcium stearate;
  • sodium bicarbonate.

Mucaltin is available for sale in the form of blister packs, and the drug is also sold in polymer bottles, the number of tablets varies from 10 to 100 pieces.

Experts recommend drinking Mucaltin for respiratory diseases, which are characterized by symptoms such as dry or rough cough with weak sputum. Doctors confirm the following prescriptions for the use of the product:

Mukaltin cough tablets are also effective for bronchiectasis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi, and other ailments of the upper respiratory tract.


The method of using Mucaltin for adults involves taking the medicine 30 minutes before meals. One-time appointment should not exceed 2 tablets, but it is recommended to drink no more than 7 tablets per day. Children over 12 years of age use a similar dosage of the drug.

The tablet should be placed under the tongue and dissolved until completely dissolved, and it can also be diluted in juice or boiled water with the addition of honey. The daily dose of the medicine can be dissolved in 500 ml of warm liquid and taken throughout the day. The duration of treatment is from 1 to 2 weeks, in in rare cases it can be increased in consultation with the doctor.

How to take Mucaltin tablets for children: The instructions indicate that you need to take the medicine when the first signs appear; doctors note its greatest effectiveness at the onset of the disease. A child from 3 to 12 years old is prescribed a daily dose not exceeding 3 tablets.

The patient takes 1 piece 3 times a day, as the instructions imply; Mucaltin in severe cases is prescribed individually.

Children from 12 to 36 months are given the drug in a lower dosage- each tablet is divided into 2 parts, and the number of doses remains the same. The method of administration also involves dissolving the daily dose of the medicine in sweetened tea or juice; this mixture should be taken throughout the day.

A single dose of the drug can also be diluted in 100 ml of liquid and drunk in 1 dose. As a rule, children tolerate Mucaltin well, and low price and the high effectiveness of the drug make it preferable in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

The effect of the drug on the body

How to drink Mucaltin correctly when various diseases, indicated in the instructions for use of the medication. It is quickly absorbed into oral cavity however, most active substances enters the circulatory system from the stomach. Further, after passing through the liver, the components increase the secretion of mucus-forming cells.

Mucaltin liquefies the existing mucus clots by destroying the polysaccharide bonds of the mucus.

The drug also has a positive effect on the smooth muscle tissue bronchioles, accelerates their peristalsis and the movement of cilia of the respiratory tract. Thus, the separated pathological secretion quickly approaches the trachea and pharynx, removing dust particles and dangerous microorganisms.

This mucus reduces irritation, thereby making coughs rare and productive, painful sensations while decreasing.

Mucaltin has been noted to be highly effective in the treatment of bronchitis. As a rule, the body of a sick person cannot independently cope with a large amount of sputum, the pathological secretion stagnates, and pathogenic microbes actively reproduce in this environment.

Mucaltin thins mucus clots and facilitates its exit from the lungs. Its use for most types of bronchitis should be agreed with a specialist.

Mucoltin is excreted from the body through the kidneys, this happens 4 hours after its circulation. Thus, taking the drug several times a day helps saturate the blood with the active components of the drug.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, women often suffer from upper respiratory tract diseases, as immune defense the body weakens. Patients turn to the doctor with questions about how Mucaltin works and what type of cough it helps with - dry or wet. Despite the plant and safe composition medications, its use is not approved by doctors in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

The components of the drug can provoke the development of allergic reactions during this period, so it is better to choose another remedy.

At breastfeeding taking the drug is harmless and effective. Instructions for use of Mucaltin include: certain recommendations to improve efficiency active ingredients facilities. So, the tablet must be slowly dissolved or dissolved in warm milk.

Before taking the medicine, it is better to warm the nasopharynx and, if possible, clear the airways of mucus. If you follow the recommended dosage, Mucaltin will not cause harm to your health.

Types of the drug

Mucaltin forte supplemented ascorbic acid, it also has an antioxidant effect and increases the body's resistance. The medicine significantly enhances the absorption of iron, penicillin and tetracycline, it is acquired when specified diseases respiratory tract.

The dosage of the medication is similar to regular Mucaltin.

Mucaltin Lect contains much more polysaccharides than ordinary drug. The product also contains pectin, betaine, plant mucilage, and starch. Thanks to these components, an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect is achieved, tissue regeneration improves.

The use of Mucaltin Lect is allowed for gastritis and peptic ulcers, as its components prevent damage to the walls of the digestive organs.

Side effects and contraindications

Mucaltin is considered a harmless medication; it is well tolerated by patients of all ages. age groups. IN in some cases side effects expressed in the following complaints:

  • feeling of abdominal discomfort;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • itching of the skin;
  • hives.

Most often, side effects are observed in children; in such cases, it is recommended to stop taking the medication and consult a doctor. Unpleasant symptoms Mucaltin also causes in patients with digestive disorders, especially if alcohol is consumed during treatment.

Mucaltin should not be combined with cough medications that contain codeine. This makes it difficult to clear mucus from the lungs and contributes to the development dangerous infection caused by bacteria.

Before drinking Mucaltin, you should consult your doctor. The drug helps remove phlegm from the bronchi, the cough can intensify significantly and cause discomfort up to vomiting.

Mucaltin is prescribed with caution to people suffering from diabetes mellitus, and in case of thrombosis and renal failure taking the drug is not allowed.


Before taking Mucaltin for adults and children, you should read the instructions. A tablet of the drug includes 50 mg of marshmallow extract, and effective therapy will be provided by 200 to 250 mg active ingredient per day. An overdose of a cough suppressant is not life-threatening, but it does cause the following symptoms:

  • stomach irritation;
  • skin rashes;
  • nausea.

An overdose of medication is especially dangerous for patients with diabetes. Mucaltin contains sweeteners that increase blood glucose levels. If accepted large quantity tablets, it is recommended to rinse the stomach and, if possible, consult a doctor.

Price of medicine

Mucaltin is often prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract; experts recommend it even in advanced cases. Due to its cost, this medication is popular among patients, and its safe composition inspires confidence in people. The price of the drug in a paper package varies from 15 to 20 rubles., and Mucaltin in a blister can be bought for 25 rubles. Tablets in plastic containers will cost more - 30 pieces will cost about 50 rubles.

Mucaltin is a well-known cough medicine that is used by many people, recommended by pharmacists and prescribed by doctors. What cough does Mucaltin help with? How to take Mucaltin for a cough, and what are the contraindications? The answers to these questions are in the following material.

Mukaltin - effective medicine From cough

Mucaltin: pharmacological action

The drug belongs to herbal expectorants. The medicine contains marshmallow extract, or more precisely, a mixture of polysaccharides extracted from the plant.

A pronounced expectorant effect is provided by glycans, which form the basis of the drug. Stimulating the cough reflex increases cilia activity epithelial tissue bronchi and increased secretion production by the bronchial glands. As a result of taking Mucaltin, the production of sputum with normal rheological properties– that is, not viscous, which is easily evacuated from the lumens of the bronchi.

One of excipients Mucaltina is sodium bicarbonate, better known as regular baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate effectively thins mucus and enhances secretory function bronchi. The product does not cause irritating effect on mucous membranes, non-toxic.

Mucaltin contains medicinal marshmallow extract

What cough does Mucaltin help with? Main indications

Can be recommended in complex treatment laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis - including obstructive, pneumonia. Indications for use also include bronchoadenitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema, bronchiectactic disease.

If the cough reflex is caused colds, then in the first few days Mucaltin, like other expectorants, is not recommended. This is due to the fact that in the first days the cough is usually unproductive, there is practically no sputum in the bronchi and there is nothing to cough up.

Mucaltin helps with wet productive cough

Therefore, expectorants in this situation will only worsen the situation, strengthening the cough reflex. After a few days of illness, the cough usually becomes productive; a lot of sputum accumulates in the bronchi, which must be expelled. Then you can take the medicine.

How to take Mucaltin

Competent recommendations on how to take Mucaltin will, of course, be given by a specialist, guided by the severity of the symptoms, the type and nature of the inflammatory process. Traditionally, a single dose of Mucaltin is 1–2 tablets. You should not take more than 8 tablets per day. Take the tablets before meals; you can first dissolve them in a third of a glass of water. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor, on average it ranges from a week to two.

A number of manufacturers produce combination drug– Mucaltin with ascorbic acid. It should be noted that vitamin C enhances the main effect of the drug, so the use of the drug is limited to 2 tablets per day.

A combination drug is also available - Mucaltin with vitamin C

It is important to know

The drug should not be used in children under one year of age. At the age of 1 to 3 years, the daily dose is 1.5 tablets (you can give ⅟2 tablets three times a day). Children over 3 years of age are advised to use no more than 6 tablets per day.

According to the instructions for use, the drug is not contraindicated for pregnant women. However, during this period it is better to take all medications only after consulting with your doctor. Do not take Mucaltin if you have toxicosis in the first months of pregnancy - it can cause mild nausea. The dose for pregnant women is limited to 2 tablets per day (⅟2 tablets per dose).

Mucaltin should not be used if there is a risk of developing an allergy. The drug is not approved for use during exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. Contraindications also include thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, phenylketonuria, kidney disease in acute and chronic form. Patients diagnosed diabetes Use medications with caution due to high content polysaccharides.

Treatment with Mucaltin during pregnancy is allowed

Side effects

The drug rarely causes functional disorders digestive system - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The development of an allergy to the drug is rare.

What are the benefits of marshmallow root?

Marshmallow contains amino acids, pectins and starch, plant mucilage accounts for 35% of the composition. These compounds reduce inflammatory process, have a softening and enveloping effect, relieve irritation of the respiratory tract.

Marshmallow root helps eliminate inflammation of the respiratory mucosa

Mucus envelops the respiratory tract, protects the mucous membrane from irritation and mechanical damage which may occur when coughing. Protective layer remains on the surface of the mucosa for a long time. During this period, inflammation noticeably decreases and damaged tissues are restored.

Watch the video about the benefits of marshmallow: