Princes of the 13th century in Rus'. Russian princes of the late XIII - early XIV centuries. Establishment of the yoke in Rus'

The very first human settlements in the territory
Russia were discovered in Kostenki (Voronezh
region), they are about 45 thousand years old. People's homes
were made from mammoth bones, covered

"Venus" from
Bones. Done
from mammoth ivory.
20-30 thousand years.

At the beginning of the 13th century, the Mongol hordes invaded the Black Sea steppes through the Caucasus, defeated the Polovtsians, and advanced to Rus'. A united army of Russian princes and Polovtsy came out against them. The battle took place on May 31, 1223 Kalka River
and ended in complete defeat - only a tenth of the army survived.

Batu's invasion of Rus' took place in the winter of 1237. The Ryazan principality was the first to be devastated. Then Batu moved to the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.
In January 1238, Kolomna and Moscow fell, in February Vladimir, Suzdal, Pereslavl, etc. Battle of the Sit River(March 4, 1238) ended in the defeat of the Russian army.
The “evil city” (Kozelsk) held the defense for 7 weeks. The Mongols did not reach Novgorod (according to the dominant version, due to the spring thaw).

Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'. Briefly

History of the Old Russian State 9-12 centuries. Briefly

In 1238, Batu sent troops to conquer southern Rus'. In 1240,
Having captured Kiev, his army moved to Europe.
During the invasion, the Mongols captured all Russian lands except Novgorod.
Every year the Russian principalities paid tribute. Right to reign ( label)
Russian princes received in the Golden Horde.

Diorama of the assault on Vladimir by the Tatars (Exhibition at the Golden Gate). In the foreground is the Golden Gate. The Mongols were unable to enter through them and made a breach in the wall. Author of the photo: Dmitry Bakulin (Photos-Yandex)

Slavic tribes. Baptism of Rus'. Formation of the Old Russian state.

Princes of the ancient Russian state. Feudal fragmentation in Rus'.

Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus' 1237-1240.

Old Russian state. Mongolian
Tata invasion.




9th-13th centuries





Brief summary of the history of Russia. Part 1
(9th-13th centuries)

History of the Old Russian state 9-12 centuries.
Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'.

Brief history of Russia. Brief summary of the history of Russia. History of Russia in pictures. History of the Old Russian State 9-12 centuries. The Mongol-Tatar invasion is brief. History of Russia for children.

website 2016 Contacts: [email protected]

After the death of the prince Mstislava(ruled: 1125 -1132) Kievan Rus disintegrates
into principalities that are comparable in size to Western European ones
kingdoms. In 1136, an uprising in Novgorod leads
to the emergence of an independent state - Novgorod
which occupied the territory from the Baltic
sea ​​to the Ural Mountains (in the north).

IN 6th century The Great Migration of the Slavs takes place, the first political associations of the Eastern Slavs appear in the region of the Dnieper and Lake Ilmen. It is known about the existence of 13 tribes: Polyans, Krivichi, Drevlyans, Ulichs, Vyatichi, etc. At that time, the territory of modern Central Russia was inhabited by Finno-Ugric tribes, they gradually assimilated with the Slavs.

The development of crafts in the 8th-9th centuries led to the emergence
cities. Most often they were built at the confluence of rivers,
which served as trade routes. The most famous
trade route of that time - "from the Varangians to the Greeks" on
Novgorod was located in the north of the route, and Kyiv in the south.

IN 862 residents of Novgorod called on the Varangian princes to rule the city
(according to the Norman theory). Prince Rurik became the founder of the princely,
and subsequently the royal dynasty. The Norman theory has been repeatedly refuted by famous historians and scientists (M. Lomonosov, V. Tatishchev, etc.)

After the death of Rurik, he becomes the Prince of Novgorod
Oleg(Prophetic). He captures Kyiv and moves there
capital of Rus'. Subjugates a number of Slavic tribes.
In 907 he made a successful campaign against Byzantium,
receives tribute and concludes a profitable trade agreement.

Prince Igor subjugated the eastern tribes of the Slavs.
In 945 he was killed by the Drevlyans when he tried again
receive tribute from them. Princess Olga(wife) took revenge
to the Drevlyans, but makes the tribute fixed.
In Constantinople she converts to Christianity. In the 16th century it
canonized as saints.

Olga ruled during her childhood Svyatoslav And
continued to rule after her son became prince
in 964 Svyatoslav was in the military almost all the time
hiking. They defeated the Bulgarian and Khazar
kingdoms. Upon returning to Rus', after an unsuccessful
During the campaign against Byzantium (971), he was killed by the Pechenegs.

The death of Svyatoslav led to internecine struggle between
his sons. After the murder of his brother Yaropolk came to power
the prince comes Vladimir.
In 988, Vladimir was baptized in Chersonesus
(now it is a museum-reserve in Sevastopol). Begins
stage of the formation of Christianity in Rus'.

During civil war (1015-1019), after the death of Vladimir, they die
from the hands of Svyatopolk, princes Boris and Gleb (became the first Russian saints).
In the fight against Svyatopolk the prince gains the upper hand
Yaroslav the Wise. He strengthens the state, relieves
Rus' from the Pecheneg raids. It began under Yaroslav
creation of the first set of laws in Rus' - “Russian Truth”.

After the death of Yaroslav the Wise (1054), a division took place
Rus' between his sons - " Yaroslavich Triumvirate".
In 1072, “The Truth of the Yaroslavichs”, the second part, was compiled
"Russian Truth".

After the death of the Kyiv prince Svyatopolk (reign: 1093 - 1113), according to
comes to power at the insistence of the people of Kiev Vladimir Monomakha. During the years of his reign, Kievan Rus strengthened and princely civil strife stopped.
As a result of the agreement at the Dolob Congress of Russian Princes (1103), it was possible to stop the discord and, in subsequent years, defeat the Polovtsian khans with a joint army.

In 1169 Andrey Bogolyubsky ruins Kyiv. He carries
the capital of Rus' in Vladimir. Policy to centralize power
leads to a conspiracy among the boyars. In 1174 the prince was killed in his
palace in Bogolyubovo (suburb of Vladimir).
becomes his successor Vsevolod's Big Nest.











The Novgorod Republic escaped the Mongol invasion, but experienced
aggression from Western neighbors. July 15, 1240 took place Battle of Neva.
The squad led by Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich (who became Nevsky) defeated the Swedish army.
On April 5, 1242, a battle between the Russian army, led by Alexander Nevsky, and the knights of the Livonian Order took place on Lake Peipsi. During Battle on the Ice the German knights were defeated. In the 16th century. A. Nevsky was canonized.

The most comprehensive reference table main dates and events in the history of Russia from the 13th to the 14th centuries. This table is convenient for schoolchildren and applicants to use for self-study, in preparation for tests, exams and the Unified State Exam in history.

Main events of the 13th -14th century

Trade agreements of Novgorod with German Hanseatic cities

Formation of the Galicia-Volyn principality

Capture by the Order of the Swordsmen (founded in 1202) of the lands of the Livs, Estonians, Semigallians and others in the Baltic states

The campaign of the Galician-Volyn prince Roman Mstislavich against the Polovtsians

1205 – 1264 intermittently

Reign in Galich and Volyn of Daniil Romanovich

The first chronicle evidence of Tver

Division of the Vladimir-Suzdal land between the sons of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest

The Great Reign of Yuri Vsevolodovich in the Vladimir-Suzdal Land.

Battle on the river Lipice. Victory of Prince Konstantin Vsevolodovich over the brothers Princes Yuri and Yaroslav in the struggle for the Great Reign of Vladimir

Founding of Nizhny Novgorod by the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich in the land of the Mordovians - an outpost for the fight against Volga Bulgaria

The defeat of the Russian-Polovtsian squads on the river by the Tatars. Kalka

Capture of Yuriev, a Russian fortress in the Baltic states, by the Order of the Swordsmen

Posadnichestvo in Novgorod by Stepan Tverdislavich - a supporter of orientation towards Vladimir

Reign of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky in Novgorod

Invasion of Mongol-Tatar troops led by Khan Batu into Rus'

Destruction of Ryazan by the Mongol-Tatars

The capture and destruction by the Mongol-Tatars of Kolomna, Moscow, Vladimir, Rostov, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Uglich, Galich, Dmitrov, Tver, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Yuryev, Torzhok and other cities of North-Eastern Rus'

The defeat of the united army of the princes of North-Eastern Rus' in the battle with the Mongol-Tatars on the river. Sit. Death of Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich

The Great Reign of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich in Vladimir

Invasion of Batu's troops into the South Russian lands. The destruction of Pereyaslavl and Chernigov

Capture by the knights of the Livonian Order (founded in 1237 as a result of the merger of the Teutonic Order and the Order of the Sword) of the Russian fortresses of Izborsk, Pskov, Koporye

1240, Sep. – Dec.

Siege and capture of Kyiv by Batu's troops

Battle of the Neva. The defeat of the Swedish army by the army of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky

The defeat of the knights of the Livonian Order on Lake Peipsi (“Battle of the Ice”) by the army of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky

Formation of the state of the Golden Horde (Ulus Jochi)

The Great Reign of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky in Vladimir

Population census ("number") organized by the Mongol-Tatars with the aim of introducing a centralized tax system

Uprising in Novgorod against the population census

Establishment of an Orthodox diocese in the capital of the Golden Horde - Sarai

Uprisings in Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir, Yaroslavl against Mongol-Tatar tribute collectors and tax farmers; the collection of tribute was transferred to the Russian princes

Agreement between the Grand Duke of Vladimir Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Mindaugas on the joint fight against the Livonian Order

The Great Reign of Yaroslav Yaroslavich Tver in Vladimir

Participation of Russian princes in the campaigns of the Golden Horde in the Caucasus, Byzantium, Lithuania

Campaign to Livonia and the victory of the troops of Pskov, Novgorod, Vladimir-Suzdal over the German and Danish knights at Rakovor

The Livonians' campaign against Pskov. Peace with the Livonian Order. Stabilization of the western borders of Novgorod and Pskov

Between 1276 and 1282 – 1303

The reign of Daniil Alexandrovich in Moscow. Founding of the first Danilov Monastery in the vicinity of Moscow (circa 1282)

1281 – 1282, 1293 – 1304 with breaks

The Great Reign of Andrei Alexandrovich Gorodetsky in Vladimir

The reign of Mikhail Yaroslavich in Tver; Grand Duke of Vladimir (1305 – 1317)

Relocation of Metropolitan Maxim from Kyiv to Vladimir-on-Klyazma

Annexation of Kolomna and Mozhaisk to Moscow

The reign of Yuri Danilovich in Moscow. The beginning of the struggle between Moscow and Tver for the great reign

The campaign of Prince Mikhail of Tver and the Horde army against Novgorod. Defeat of the Novgorodians at Torzhok

The Great Reign of Yuri Danilovich of Moscow in Vladimir

Murder of Prince Mikhail Tverskoy in the Horde

Reign in Tver of Dmitry Mikhailovich Terrible Eyes

The foundation of the Oreshek fortress at the source of the river by Prince Yuri of Moscow and the Novgorodians. Neva

The murder of Prince Yuri of Moscow by Prince Dmitry Tversky in the Horde. Execution of Dmitry Tverskoy by order of Khan Uzbek

The Great Reign in Moscow of Ivan I Danilovich Kalita; from 1328 – Grand Duke of Vladimir

Moving to Moscow from Vladimir Metropolitan Peter

The Great Reign of Alexander Mikhailovich Tverskoy

Construction of the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow

Uprising in Tver against the Horde

Construction of the Archangel Cathedral in Moscow

Murder of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Tverskoy in the Horde

The Great Reign of Simeon Ivanovich the Proud of Moscow

Founding of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery by Sergius of Radonezh

Treaty of Pskov and Novgorod on recognition of the independence of the Pskov Republic

Plague epidemic

The Great Reign in Moscow and Vladimir of Ivan II the Red

Installation of Alexy, a native of a Moscow boyar family, to the Russian Metropolis

The Great Reign of Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy; from 1362 - Grand Duke of Vladimir

Construction of a stone Kremlin in Moscow

Reign of Mikhail Alexandrovich in Tver

1368, 1370, 1372

Campaigns of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd to Moscow

The appearance in Novgorod of the Strigolnik heresy, who advocated the conduct of divine services by the laity

Uprising in Nizhny Novgorod against the Horde

Prince Dmitry Ivanovich's campaign against Tver. Refusal of Tver's claims to the great reign of Vladimir

Compilation of the Laurentian Chronicle

Victory of the Moscow-Ryazan army over the Horde on the river. Vozhe

Baptism of Zyryans (Komi) by Stefan of Perm

Battle of Kulikovo. Victory of the united Russian army led by Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy over the Horde army of Mamai on the Kulikovo field (at the confluence of the Nepryadva river with the Don river)

The march of the Tatar-Mongol army led by Khan Tokhtamysh to Moscow. Siege and destruction of Moscow and other cities of North-Eastern Rus'

The first mention of firearms in Rus'

The beginning of coinage in Moscow

The Great Reign of Vasily I Dmitrievich in Moscow

Annexation of the Nizhny Novgorod-Suzdal and Murom principalities to Moscow

The defeat of the Golden Horde by the troops of Timur (Tamerlane). The ruin of the outlying lands of Rus'. Destruction of Yelets

Transfer of the Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir to Moscow

Establishment of vassal dependence of Smolensk on Lithuania

Annexation of the Novgorod possessions - Bezhetsky Verkh, Vologda, Veliky Ustyug to Moscow

Reign of Ivan Mikhailovich in Tver. Strengthening Tver

Late 14th century

Annexation of Komi lands to Moscow. The campaign of the Moscow army against the Volga Bulgars and the capture of their capital

History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 20th century Nikolaev Igor Mikhailovich

Consequences of the events of the 13th century.

Consequences of the events of the 13th century.

The events of this century marked the beginning of the Russian lands falling behind the countries of Western Europe. The Golden Horde yoke caused enormous damage to the economic, political and cultural development of Rus'. A significant part of the income in the form of tribute was sent to the Golden Horde. The old agricultural centers fell into decay. The agricultural frontier moved north, the more fertile southern lands were abandoned and became known as the “wild field.” From three-field there was a return to two-field. Russian cities were subjected to massive destruction. Many crafts became simplified and sometimes even disappeared altogether. The human losses were also great. The yoke contributed to feudal fragmentation, ties between principalities were weakened, and the pace of cultural development slowed down.

However, the consequences of even hostile contact between different cultures and civilizations are always ambiguous. The three-hundred-year yoke did not pass without a trace for the Russian people: in a situation of isolation from Europe, Asian traditions took root in the political, economic and cultural life of Rus'.

From the book History. New complete student guide for preparing for the Unified State Exam author Nikolaev Igor Mikhailovich

From the book The Beginning of Horde Rus'. After Christ. The Trojan War. Founding of Rome. author

Chapter 5 The famous German-Scandinavian epic about God, the Nibelungs, Siegfried and Brünnhilde is a reflection of the events of Byzantine-Russian history XII-XIII

From the book Europe in the Age of Imperialism 1871-1919. author Tarle Evgeniy Viktorovich

4. Consequences of the Balkan events for: 1) Germany and Austria, 2) Italy, 3) the Entente powers For Austria and Germany, too powerful interests, both economic and political-strategic, were associated with the Balkan crisis for them to abandon the idea

From the book The Founding of Rome. The beginning of Horde Rus'. After Christ. Trojan War author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

Chapter 5 The famous German-Scandinavian epic about the god Odin, the Nibelungs, Siegfried and Brünnhilde is a reflection of the events of Byzantine-Russian history XII-XIII

From the book The Great French Revolution 1789–1793 author Kropotkin Petr Alekseevich

From the book Intellectuals in the Middle Ages by Le Goff Jacques

PART II. XIII century. MATURITY AND ITS PROBLEMS Outlines of the 13th century The 13th century is the age of universities because it is the age of corporations. In every city where there is some kind of craft that unites a significant number of people engaged in it, the artisans organize themselves to protect

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Consequences of the events of July 20 The assassination attempt on Hitler did not affect the Battle of Normandy, and therefore I will dwell very briefly on this event. Field Marshal von Kluge hesitated for some time, not knowing whether to believe reports from the OKB, located in East Prussia, that Hitler

From the book Secrets of Belarusian History. author Deruzhinsky Vadim Vladimirovich

Reconstruction of events at the beginning of the 13th century. I will not argue that it was the Bulevichs and Ruskeviches who besieged Raganita in Skalovia around 1221 (the dates do not coincide - the Bulevichs and Ruskeviches appeared as princes of Lithuania by 1219, although the discrepancy in dates can be explained

From the book Baptism of Rus' [Paganism and Christianity. Christening of the Empire. Constantine the Great - Dmitry Donskoy. Battle of Kulikovo in the Bible. Sergius of Radonezh - image author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

6. GLASSES WERE INVENTED IN THE 13TH CENTURY. CONSEQUENTLY, ANCIENT IMAGES OF “ANTIQUE” PEOPLE WITH GLASSES DATED NO EARLIER THAN THE 13TH CENTURY AND SHOW US, MOST LIKELY, CHARACTERS OF THE 13th-17th CENTURIES From the history of technology it is known that glasses were invented in the 13th century. It is believed, however, that

From the book Wehrmacht Infantry on the Eastern Front. 31st Infantry Division in battles from Brest to Moscow. 1941-1942 author Hossbach Friedrich

Consequences of the events of December 5 and 6, 1941 On the evening of December 6, the 31st Division could oppose the enemy only with the pitiful remnants of infantry, reconnaissance groups, sappers and anti-tank units. Based on reports from regiment commanders, the commander of the 31st division was forced to report

From the book Foreign Policy Factors in the Development of Feudal Rus' author Kargalov Vadim Viktorovich

From the book Novgorod and Hansa author Rybina Elena Alexandrovna

Chronicle of events of the second half of the 13th century. Events of the late 60s of the 13th century. demonstrate the increased role of the Livonian Order in trade relations between Novgorod and its Western partners. At this time, the Order was actively expanding its territories, approaching the western borders of the Novgorod

author Semenov Vladimir Ivanovich

11. HELMET WITH SEMI-VISOR AND “BARMITSA” MAIL XII–XIII cc. At the end of the 12th–13th centuries, in connection with the pan-European tendency to make defensive armor heavier, helmets appeared in Rus', equipped with a face mask, that is, a visor that protected the warrior’s face from both

From the book Russian armor of the X-XVII centuries author Semenov Vladimir Ivanovich

12. PLATE SHELL. 13th century PLATE ARMOR. XIII c. Plate armor is armor consisting of metal plates to cover the body of a warrior. The plates of such armor could be very diverse: square, semicircular, wide rectangular, narrow oblong,

From the book The Missing Letter. The unperverted history of Ukraine-Rus by Dikiy Andrey

Chronological table of the most important events of the Russian-Lithuanian state from the beginning of the 13th century to its end in 1386. Beginning of the 13th century - creation of the Lithuanian state by Mindaugas. 1252 - Coronation of Mindaugas as King of Lithuania and his transition to Catholicism. 1263 - Death of Mindaugas.

From the book Tsarist Rome between the Oka and Volga rivers. author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4.6. The myth of Romulus and Remus consists of two layers: the events of the late XII - early XIII century and the events of the late XIV century. It turns out that the chronicle “biography” of Romulus presents both facts from the life of the Emperor Andronicus-Christ of the XII century - a contemporary of Aeneas-John, and from the life of the emperor

The culture of our country is so interesting and diverse that I want to study it deeper and deeper. Let's plunge into the history of our country in the 13th century.
A Russian person is a great person; he must know the history of his Motherland.
Without knowing the history of their country, not a single civilized society will develop, but, on the contrary, will begin to lag behind in its development, and perhaps stop altogether.
The period of culture of the 13th century is usually called the pre-Mongol period, that is, before the arrival of the Mongols in our state. During this period of time, Byzantium had a great influence on the development of culture. Thanks to Byzantium, Orthodoxy appeared in Rus'.

The culture of Ancient Rus' of the 13th century is a great creation of the past. Each period of time in history is so unrepeatable that each period separately is worthy of in-depth study. Looking at historical monuments, we can say that culture has entered modern spiritual life. Despite the fact that many works of art have not survived to our times, the beauty of that time continues to delight and surprise us with its scale.

Features of the culture of the 13th century:
- the religious worldview prevailed;
- during this period, many signs were invented, there were no explanations for them by science, and to this day they cannot be explained;
- great attention was paid to traditions, grandfathers were revered;
-slow pace of development;
The tasks facing the masters of that time:
- unity - the unity of the entire Russian people, at that time in the fight against enemies;
- glorification of great princes and boyars;
- assessed all previous historical events. The culture of the 13th century is closely connected with the past.

During this time, literature continued to develop. The work “Prayer” was written by Daniil Zatochnik. The book was dedicated to Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, son of Vsevolod the Big Nest. The book used colloquial speech combined with satire. In it, the author condemns the dominance of the boyars, the tyranny that they committed. He created a prince who protected orphans and widows, thereby trying to show that good and good-natured people were not extinct in Rus'.
The centers for storing books were still monasteries and churches. Books were copied and chronicles were kept on their territory.
The genre - Life, the main idea - has become widespread. These works were a description of the lives of saints. Particular attention was paid to the lives of monks and ordinary people.

They began to write parables.

An important place in the development of literature was occupied by chronicles, where everything that happened in people's lives was written, everything was described year by year.
Epics glorified the exploits of soldiers who defended their homeland. The epics were based on events that actually happened.


During this period, construction began to develop. As already mentioned, the entire culture of this period was imbued with the trends of Byzantium, which could not have a positive effect on the culture of Rus'. The transition from wooden to stone construction begins.
In addition, Byzantine culture always put the church and icon painting in first place, cutting off everything that contradicted Christian principles.
The coming principles of art collided with the fact that the Eastern Slavs worshiped the sun and wind. But the power of the cultural heritage of Byzantium left its mark on the culture of Ancient Rus'.
The main symbol of the construction of this period of time was the St. Sophia Cathedral. The walls of the cathedral, for the first time in Rus', were made of red brick. The church had five domes, behind them stood eight more small ones. The ceiling and walls were decorated with frescoes and mosaics. Many of the frescoes were not on a religious theme; there were many everyday drawings dedicated to the family of the Grand Duke.
Wood carving has developed greatly. The houses of the boyars were decorated with cuttings.
In addition to churches at this time, the wealthy segments of the population began to build stone houses made of pink brick.


The paintings of the 13th century were marked by the cities where the masters worked. Thus, Novgorod painters sought to simplify the style of their craft. He achieved his greatest expression in the painting of the Church of St. George in Staraya Ladoga.
At the same time, they began to paint mosaics directly on the walls of temples. Frescoes became widespread. Fresco is a painting painted with water paints directly on walls covered with plaster.


The history of Rus' is so great that it is impossible not to talk about folklore. Folklore occupies a huge place in the life of the Russian people. By reading epics you can learn about the entire life of the Russian people. They glorified the exploits of heroes, their strength and courage. Bogatyrs have always been glorified as protectors of the Russian population.

Life and customs of the people.

The culture of our country is inextricably linked with its people, way of life, and morals. People lived in cities and villages. The main type of housing was the estate; houses were built from log frames. Kyiv in the 13th century was a very rich city. It had palaces, estates, mansions of boyars and rich merchants. The favorite pastime of the rich population was hunting hawks and falcons. The common population staged fist fights and horse races.
The clothes were made of cloth. The main costume was a long shirt and trousers for men.
Women wore long skirts made of cloth. Married women wore a headscarf. Unmarried girls had long beautiful braids; they could only be cut off when they got married.
Weddings were played on a large scale in the villages; the entire village gathered for them. Huge, long tables were set right in the courtyard of the house.
Since the church played a large role in the life of the population in the 13th century, church fasts and holidays were sacredly observed by the residents.

In the interval from his death to his appearance on the historical stage Dmitry Ivanovich, on Rus' his descendants ruled.

Considering feudal fragmentation, historians by Russia of that period usually mean the principalities of Moscow, Vladimir and Novgorod (sometimes also Kiev and Galicia-Volyn).

Daniil Alexandrovich.

Daniil Alexandrovich- Jr son of Alexander Nevsky, was born at the end of 1261 just two years before his father’s death, so he was raised by his brother Alexandra Yaroslav Yaroslavovich, after whose death in 1272 Daniel became Prince of Moscow.

During the reign of Daniil Alexandrovich in Rus', another civil strife between Nevsky's sons Daniil and Andrey, as well as grandson Ivan and nephew Mikhail from Tver for the principality of Vladimir. Thanks to Daniel’s justice and peacefulness, all rivals were brought together to Dmitrov Congress Russian princes, where partially internecine war managed to stop, but some local conflicts continued to arise.

This civil strife had extremely negative consequences for the economy and culture of Rus' of that period. Daniel's brother Andrey Alexandrovich, for example, asked for help from Golden Horde in this confrontation. The Mongols took this issue seriously and launched a joint campaign with the Horde commander Tudan ( Dudenev's army) turned into the capture and plunder of Murom, Suzdal, Vladimir, Pereyaslavl, Yuryev, Rostov, Uglich, Yaroslavl, Kolomna, Moscow, Zvenigorod, Serpukhov, Mozhaisk and, possibly, other cities about which the chronicles are silent. This was one of the largest pogroms in Rus' since Batu's invasion .

Thus, the Dmitrov Congress was a step forward in the development of diplomacy, although the truce did not last long.

In addition, during his reign, Prince Daniil annexed Moscow Principality territories of Pereyaslavl and Kolomna, and he also tried to do this with Novgorod and Ryazan.

Daniil Alexandrovich built the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the area of ​​​​the current Assumption Cathedral in Moscow.

Prince Daniil Alexandrovich died in Moscow on March 5, 103, leaving behind five sons.

Ivan Kalita.

Ivan Danilovich (Ivan I, Ivan Kalita), grandson of Alexander Nevsky, was born into the family of Daniil Alexandrovich around 1283. Future Prince of Moscow, Prince of Novgorod And Grand Duke Vladimir Already at the age of 13 he became his father's governor in Novgorod.

In 1325 he became the Prince of Moscow, and three years later the Grand Duke of Vladimir.

Ivan Danilovich was nicknamed Kalita for his habit of always carrying a kalita with small change (kalita - wallet) for the poor; he was known as a generous and fair prince towards the common people.

During his reign, Prince Ivan transported from Vladimir to Moscow metropolitan, and thus made Moscow the spiritual capital of Rus'.

In the 30s of the 14th century, Ivan Danilovich became known as a great diplomat, preventing open military conflicts in the contradictions of Moscow, Novgorod, Tver and Smolensk, as well as restraining the discontent of the Golden Horde due to the irregular payment of tribute by the Russian principalities (its desire to resolve this problem with one military blow was is quite real). In addition, he had to take into account the interests of the Principality of Lithuania in relation to Rus'.

Ivan Kalita built the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow from white stone, the Archangel Cathedral, the Church of St. John, Moscow Kremlin(wooden) and the Cathedral of the Savior on Bor, which, unfortunately, has not survived (it was demolished in 1933). During his time in Moscow the famous Siya Gospel on parchment.

Thanks to the reign of Prince Kalita, peace reigned in the Moscow principality for 40 years (1328-1368), there were no military conflicts - this was the result of a competent policy with the Horde, Lithuania and other Russian princes. In addition, influence and territory Moscow Principality have increased significantly.

Ivan Danilovich Kalita died on March 31, 1340, leaving behind four sons and four daughters. In his honor, the Moskvich automobile plant produced the Moskvich - Ivan Kalita luxury car from 1998 to 2001.

Ivan Krasny.

Ivan Ivanovich (Ivan II, Ivan Krasny, Ivan the Merciful, Ivan Korotky), Prince of Zvenigorod, Prince of Novgorod, Prince of Moscow, Grand Duke Vladimir, great-grandson of Alexander Nevsky, was born into the family of Ivan Kalita.

March 30, 1326 in Moscow. Thanks to his appearance, he received the prefix “Red” (as a synonym for the word “beautiful”). Another version is based on the time of birth (on the Sunday following Easter - Krasnaya Gorka).

The downside of the reign of Ivan the Red was the weakening of the political influence of Moscow, achieved by his father, to the point that the Principality of Lithuania managed to install its metropolitan in Kyiv, and the Principality of Vladimir was lost immediately after his death and Ivan the Red’s son Dmitry had to re-establish his rights to Vladimir the Great .

Ivan Ivanovich died on November 13, 1359. His main achievement was his eldest son (the youngest died at the age of 10) - Dmitry Ivanovich, better known as