Motherwort tincture as a sedative. Motherwort tincture: instructions for use. Interaction with other drugs

Motherwort drops are a well-known inexpensive sedative. There are many indications for its use, but most often it is used to relieve increased nervous excitability and normalize sleep. The drug has a mild sedative effect and is not addictive.

The medicine contains only two components - motherwort herb and 70% ethyl alcohol. It is produced in the form of an alcohol tincture, which is packaged in dark glass bottles of 25, 40, 50 ml. Motherwort drops have a cardiotonic, sedative and hypotensive effect.

Medicinal properties and action

To prepare the tincture, two types of motherwort are used: cardiac (ordinary) and five-lobed (shaggy), the medicinal properties of other types have not been studied enough. Dried flowers and leaves are used for tincture. The therapeutic effect of the drug is associated with the presence in the plant of a very large amount of substances beneficial to the body. The most important of them are:

  • organic acids (tartaric, citric, malic, vanillic, ursolic);
  • alkaloids (choline, stacidrine, etc.);
  • flavonoids (cosmosiin, rutin, hyperoside, etc.);
  • leonuride;
  • beta-carotene;
  • mineral salts;
  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils.

Motherwort tincture has a positive effect on the central nervous system due to its sedative effect. By reducing the processes of excitation, nervousness and irritability are reduced.

The drug normalizes sleep, but it does not have a hypnotic effect. Due to leontine in the herb, the drug promotes vasodilation, relaxation of smooth muscles, as a result of which spasm of cerebral vessels is relieved, high blood pressure is reduced, and the symptoms of arrhythmia are alleviated.

The drug also has antispastic, restorative, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, the tincture is used for the symptomatic treatment of many diseases, including the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and normalization of heart rhythm.


Restrictions for the use of Motherwort tincture are:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • age under 12 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • arterial hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • breastfeeding period;
  • decreased heart rate;
  • ulcer, gastritis of the stomach and duodenum;
  • decreased thyroid function.

The drug should be used with caution in cases of alcoholism, traumatic brain injury and in children over 12 years of age.

Also, due to the fact that Motherwort can increase blood viscosity, it is undesirable to use it for varicose veins, heavy menstruation and diseases associated with increased blood clotting function.


Motherwort tincture is prescribed for the following conditions and diseases:

  • initial stage of hypertension;
  • symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • mild form of sleep disturbance;
  • emotional instability;
  • neurotic and asthenoneurotic conditions associated with sleep disturbances;
  • tachycardia.

The drug also helps to cope with the symptoms of the premenopausal period, such as irritability, vegetative neuroses, cardialgia, etc.

Side effects

During treatment with the drug, side effects may sometimes occur:

  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased mental and physical performance;
  • dyspeptic disorders (nausea, extremely rarely vomiting, stool disorders);
  • fatigue.

Most often, side effects are manifested by local allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, itching, redness and swelling of the skin.

Instructions for use

The medication is intended for oral administration only. Before use, the drops can be dissolved in still water or taken in pure form. Take the drug 30-40 minutes before meals. The duration of treatment and the exact dosage are determined by the doctor, depending on the reasons for which it is prescribed.

The standard dosage for persons over 18 years of age is 30–50 drops 3–4 times a day. For children from 12 to 18 years old, the number of drops is calculated depending on age, that is, one drop per 1 year of life. If, for example, a child is 14 years old, then he needs 14 drops per dose. The number of doses per day is determined by the doctor.

To increase the tone of the uterus during the postpartum period or reduce the severity of menopause symptoms, you can take 25–35 drops 2 times a day. For increased nervousness and irritability, take 40 drops 3 times a day.

special instructions

The drug should absolutely not be used during pregnancy, as it can cause contractions of the uterus, which may result in uterine bleeding and premature birth. Up to 18 years of age, you can take the drug according to strict indications, and only under the supervision of a doctor. The drug contains ethyl alcohol, which can slow down psychophysical reactions and cause drowsiness. In this regard, during the treatment period it is not recommended to drive vehicles or perform work that requires increased attention.

During the treatment period, it is prohibited to take alcoholic beverages, as the drops enhance the effect of alcohol on the body. Before using the product, shake the bottle with tincture each time. The drug has a sedative effect, which manifests itself slowly; most often, the first result of the drug’s action can be noticed by the end of the third week of treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

If Motherwort drops are taken simultaneously with cardiac glycosides, drugs aimed at lowering blood pressure, sedatives, painkillers and sleeping pills, then their pharmacological effect may be enhanced.


If you systematically exceed the required dosage of drops, or use it for a longer period of time specified by the doctor, then an overdose may manifest itself in the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • strong thirst;
  • abdominal pain;
  • allergic reactions – itching, swelling, urticaria;
  • dizziness;
  • general malaise, weakness.

If these signs of overdose appear, you must stop taking the drops, take sorbents, such as activated carbon or Polysorb, and drink plenty of fluids.

Expiration date, conditions of sale and storage

The tincture should be stored in a dark place, away from direct sunlight and children at a temperature of 15 - 25⁰ C. From the date of release indicated on the package, the drug retains its medicinal properties for 2 years. The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

The average cost of Motherwort tincture of 25 ml in Russia is 20 rubles.


The drug has many analogues that have a similar therapeutic effect. The most popular are:

  1. Motherwort herb, tablets.
  2. Valocordin.
  3. Palora.
  4. , pills.
  5. Novopassit.
  6. Persen.
  7. Alora.
  8. Notta.
  9. Sedasen.

The drug can also be replaced with herbal preparations that contain one or more types of herbs. They are selected depending on the symptoms for which Motherwort tincture was prescribed.

Motherwort tincture has a sedative effect. Motherwort tincture is an alcoholic extract of dried and crushed motherwort herb. Motherwort herb contains many biologically active substances that have a calming (sedative) effect on the central nervous system. These are essential oils, bioflavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, glycosides, vitamins, minerals and others.
Under the influence of motherwort, psychomotor excitability and the process of falling asleep decrease. Sleep becomes deeper and longer.
The positive stabilizing effect of motherwort also extends to the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which innervates internal organs and blood vessels. As a result, the functioning of internal organs, disrupted under the influence of the VNS, is restored. For example, the symptoms of cardioneurosis - long-lasting pain in the heart and vegetative-vascular dystonia - constantly changing blood pressure disappear.
The presence of a small amount of glycosides in motherwort tincture provides a cardiotonic effect: an increase in strength and a decrease in heart rate.

Indications for use

Indications for use Motherwort tincture are: functional disorders of the cardiovascular system (neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type), in the initial stages of arterial hypertension, as well as with increased emotional excitability, irritability, and mild forms of sleep disorders.

Mode of application

Motherwort tincture taken orally. If the doctor has not prescribed another treatment regimen, adults are recommended to use 30-50 drops of tincture 3-4 times a day until a stable therapeutic effect is achieved, for children over 12 years old - at the rate of 1 drop per 1 year of life.

Side effects

Motherwort tincture, as a rule, is well tolerated, however, in some patients with individual hypersensitivity, allergic reactions (redness of the skin, rash, itching) may develop.


Motherwort tincture Contraindicated in cases of severe hypotension and individual intolerance to the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation, children under 12 years of age.


Since the composition of the drug Motherwort tincture contains ethyl alcohol, the tincture is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs

Motherwort tincture enhances the effects of hypnotics, analgesics and sedatives.


It is possible to develop hypersensitivity to the drug.

Storage conditions

Motherwort tincture store in a cool (8-15 °C), protected from light and out of reach of children. Protect the drug from direct light irradiation!
Shelf life: 4 years.

Release form:
Motherwort tincture for oral use, transparent liquid of brown color with a greenish tint, bitter taste, with a faint aromatic odor; During storage, sediment formation is allowed.
25 ml in bottles.


Tinctures of motherwort herb (1:5);
excipient: ethyl alcohol 70%.

Main settings

ATX code: N05CM -

Today in the pharmacy you can find a large number of tinctures made on the basis of various herbs. Motherwort tincture is especially popular.

The drug is made from a perennial plant - motherwort. The tincture has certain properties. Before using it, you need to carefully read the advantages and disadvantages of the tincture. And it’s worth starting with the plant itself.

Motherwort is a herbaceous perennial plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It has unique medicinal properties.

Thus, with the help of five-lobed motherwort, you can lower blood pressure, and it also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

In addition, the plant is capable of:

  • relieve spasms and cramps;
  • lower glucose, lipid and cholesterol levels;
  • normalize the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.

Motherwort acquires medicinal properties during the flowering period. The upper parts of the plant are used to make the tincture. They contain alkaloids, essential oil, cardiac glycosides, tannins and much more.

Thanks to the presence of such components, it is possible to prepare a tincture from motherwort that will have unique medicinal properties.

What does motherwort tincture help with?

Motherwort tincture consists of an extract of the plant and 70% ethanol. It has a green-brown color. If there is sediment in the bottle, do not worry as this is normal. Therefore, it is recommended to shake the bottle thoroughly before use.

Today on the market you can find tincture packaged in bottles of 25 and 30 ml. Motherwort tincture can be used as:

  • sedative;
  • sleeping pills;
  • antispasmodic and cardiotonic agent;
  • drugs to lower blood pressure.

In addition, motherwort tincture has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antipyretic, bactericidal, expectorant and other properties. Despite the fact that this drug is a means of extensive action, it is inexpensive. This allows everyone to use the tincture if necessary.

Indications for use

Before using motherwort tincture, you must consider the indications for use.

As for the indications for use, the tincture is recommended for use by people who have the following diseases and pathologies:

  1. Functional disorder of the nervous system. The drug is prescribed to people for insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, and excitement of the nervous system. The plant is no less effective in the prevention of depressive disorders. Of course, it is worth considering that depression is a serious diagnosis. Therefore, treatment should be carried out under the close supervision of a doctor. Patients with this diagnosis are often prescribed a course of antidepressants.
  2. Cardiovascular disease. As a result of research, it has been proven that the plant is able to stimulate blood circulation and relieve cerebral vascular spasm. In addition, the tincture allows you to cleanse the blood and improve its composition. The drug is no less effective for high blood pressure. Therefore, it is often prescribed at the initial stage of hypertension. Recently, the drug has become widely used for heart failure and heart whitening.
  3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia or polyetiological syndrome. Symptoms of this disease include neuroses, autonomic dysfunction of the heart, cardiovascular system, cardioneurosis and others. Dystonia can be accompanied by diseases such as endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, nervous system diseases, post-traumatic stress and others.
  4. Disorders and diseases of the digestive system. Due to the fact that the tincture has antispasmodic properties, it is prescribed for diseases of the pancreas, intestines and stomach. With the help of the drug you can eliminate pain, bloating and cramps. It helps normalize appetite and improve digestion.
  5. Respiratory system disorders. Motherwort tincture is widely used to treat bronchial asthma and bronchitis. During influenza, it is used as an antipyretic.
  6. Diseases of the urinary system. Motherwort has diuretic properties, which explains its use for cystitis, inflammation of the prostate gland and men.

In addition, motherwort tincture is widely used for metabolic disorders. The drug has also found its use in cosmetology.

Contraindications and compatibility with other medications

Despite all the advantages of the tincture, there are some contraindications to its use. Among them it is worth noting:

  1. Since the herb lowers blood pressure, it is not recommended for use by hypotensive patients.
  2. Taking the drug in a large dose may cause drowsiness. This comes with some risks.
  3. The plant can cause uterine tone, so it is not recommended to use the tincture during pregnancy.
  4. Also, the drug should not be taken if the heart rate is low.

According to the instructions, the tincture can be taken simultaneously with other sleeping pills and sedatives. But here it is worth considering that it can significantly enhance their actions. It is not recommended to drink alcohol throughout the entire treatment period.

Benefits of tincture

As already noted, a medicinal product based on this herb is widely used to treat various ailments.

At home, you can use the following recipes to combat ailments:

  1. Problems of gynecological and neurotic nature. 40 drops of the drug are diluted in boiled water. Should be taken 3 times a day. It is recommended to mix tinctures based on lily of the valley and motherwort in equal proportions.
  2. For cardiovascular diseases, the tincture is taken in the same way as the first recipe.
  3. A brew of motherwort, St. John's wort and peppermint will help in the fight against pancreatitis. Plants are taken in equal quantities, 2 tbsp. They are filled with 700 ml of water and left for an hour. The infusion is taken 100 ml before meals 3 times a day.
  4. For mastopathy, use a decoction of yarrow (1 tbsp), motherwort (1 tbsp) and string (2 tbsp). Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the herbs and leave for an hour. It is worth taking 200 ml 2 times a day.

Before using motherwort, you should visit a doctor. This will determine whether the patient has contraindications to the use of this drug.

Motherwort in cosmetology

Motherwort is included in many creams and masks. The tincture is used to rinse oily hair, which improves its appearance. In addition, the plant is used to cleanse the skin of the body and face. The plant has found its wide application to solve the following problems:

  1. Hair loss. Using a herbal mixture, you can strengthen your hair. To do this, take 1 tsp. motherwort, plantain, nettle and chamomile. The plants are poured with 300 ml of hot water and left for an hour to infuse. Cool the infusion a little and strain. Rinse your head with neem, then wrap it in a towel and leave for 1.5 hours. After this time, the hair is thoroughly rinsed under warm water using detergents.
  2. Acne and pimples. To eliminate them, you need to wipe the problem areas of the skin with motherwort infusion several times a day.

When using this cosmetic product, you should be careful, since if you are individually intolerant, they can cause an allergic reaction.

How to take during pregnancy

Despite the fact that the instructions indicate contraindications for taking the drug during pregnancy, many doctors prescribe them to their patients. This is especially true for a decoction prepared from this plant.

First of all, the herb and its decoction are used as a sedative. Many doctors recommend using them instead of valerian. Tea can help relieve anxiety and relieve the effects of recent stress.

So, with a reasonable approach to the use of motherwort tincture, you can significantly improve your own well-being without resorting to the use of strong medications with corresponding side effects.

We bring to your attention a video with a description and a homemade recipe for preparing the tincture:

In contact with

Instructions for use of motherwort tincture include important information about pharmacological properties, indications and contraindications, dosage and conditions of administration, drug interactions and side effects. The drug is freely sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but it is not recommended to take it without a doctor’s prescription.

Motherwort is an ancient medicinal plant. The herb was widely used in folk medicine in the Middle Ages. In those days, healers used the plant to normalize the heartbeat, relieve heaviness in the stomach, and for pulmonary diseases. The herb was taken in the form of water infusions, tea, alcohol tincture, and fresh juice. Only in the first half of the twentieth century did motherwort begin to be introduced into widespread medical practice, and quite successfully. Today, the herb is included in the Russian State Pharmacopoeia as a sedative and hypnotic. In addition to alcohol tincture, they produce.

Features of motherwort tincture

What are the benefits and harms of motherwort tincture? What medicinal properties is this drug valued in medical practice? How to take the medicine correctly? What side effects can it have?

Composition and dosage form

The motherwort tincture contains an extract of motherwort pentaloba and cordis and ethanol 70%. It is a greenish-brown liquid. The appearance of sediment is considered acceptable. It is recommended to shake before use. Most often, the medicine is released in bottles of 25 or 30 ml.

pharmachologic effect

The main medicinal properties of motherwort tincture:

  • sedative (calming);
  • hypnotic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • cardiotonic;
  • hypotensive (lowering blood pressure).

In addition, there are a number of other beneficial properties of the herb:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative;
  • diuretic;
  • antipyretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • astringent;
  • expectorant;
  • hemostatic;
  • wound healing;
  • bactericidal.

The official medical instructions for the tincture usually do not mention the entire spectrum of pharmacological action of the drug. However, in folk herbalists and herbal reference books these properties of motherwort are given no less importance.

Indications for use

What are the indications for using motherwort tincture?

  • Functional disorders of the nervous system. The tincture is prescribed for nervous system excitement, insomnia, constant fatigue, anxiety, and irritability. The herb can also be taken to prevent depression. However, depression itself is a more serious diagnosis that requires medical supervision and a course of treatment with antidepressants.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. It has been proven that motherwort stimulates blood circulation and relieves cerebral vascular spasms. In addition, it cleanses the blood and improves its composition. The herb is prescribed for high blood pressure (early stages of hypertension). The tincture is widely used in scientific medical practice for heart diseases and heart failure.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD). This drug is often prescribed for VSD. True, in modern medicine VSD is already called differently - polyetiological syndrome. This includes symptoms provoked by psychosomatics: neuroses, autonomic dysfunctions of the heart, cardiovascular system, cardioneuroses, neurocirculatory asthenia and many other “complex terms”. VSD can accompany a variety of diseases and conditions: gastrointestinal diseases, endocrine disorders, pregnancy and childbirth, premenopausal period, adolescence, allergies, diseases of the nervous system, post-traumatic stress and many others.
  • Digestive system. There is a popular opinion: “all diseases come from nerves.” This largely applies to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to its antispasmodic properties, motherwort helps with diseases of the stomach, pancreas, and intestines. The herb relieves spasms, colic, pain, improves digestion, eliminates bloating, and normalizes appetite.
  • Respiratory system . It is useful to drink the tincture when coughing (bronchitis, bronchial asthma). For acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, it helps lower the temperature. But it is better to use warm decoctions prepared at home.
  • urinary system. The diuretic properties of motherwort have been noted; it can be used in complex therapy in the treatment of edema (renal and heart failure), cystitis, and inflammation of the prostate gland in men.
  • Metabolic disorders. Motherwort has hormonal activity. It is used in endocrinology, prescribed to normalize hormonal levels, with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Self-medication for thyroid disorders is strictly contraindicated. Diagnosis and establishment of an accurate diagnosis is required. If you have hypothyroidism, the herb is contraindicated.
  • External use. It is an effective bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent. Used for rubbing and compresses for joint diseases and neuralgic pain. It can also be added to medicinal baths, although motherwort decoction is more suitable for these purposes. When diluted, the tincture can be used to treat wounds.

How to use

How to drink motherwort tincture to get a therapeutic effect and at the same time avoid the risk of overdose?

  • Doses of the drug. With a single dose, you can drink from 30 to 50 drops no more than 4 times a day. A safe dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. The dose of the medicine depends on the patient’s age, individual characteristics of the body, the severity of symptoms, and their duration.
  • Treatment scheme. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the drug is taken over a long course, like other sedatives of plant origin (lavender, valerian, marin root). On average, a noticeable therapeutic effect occurs in the second week of treatment. The course of treatment can last 2, 3, 4 weeks. Then a break is taken, after which the doctor may prescribe a second course.
  • Conditions of admission. The tincture is diluted in boiled water and is not taken in its pure form. It is also recommended to drink the medicine 1 hour before meals. You can drink between meals, but not earlier than 2 hours after eating.

Side effects

The drug can have side effects for various reasons:

  • individual intolerance;
  • interactions with drugs;
  • childhood, low weight;
  • overdose;
  • long-term use, repeated course.

How do side effects occur?

  • Dyspeptic phenomena. This includes all digestive disorders of a functional nature: heaviness in the stomach, belching, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. With a large overdose, there may be dry mouth, thirst, and bloody diarrhea.
  • Nervous system disorders. Drowsiness, lethargy, loss of strength; with large doses - dizziness, confusion, aches in the joints and the whole body.
  • Allergic reaction. Most often found in allergy sufferers. Manifested by the following symptoms: urticaria, swelling, itching.

In cases of overdose and poisoning, immediate medical attention is required. If symptoms are not too severe, you should stop taking it and consult your doctor.

What are the contraindications for motherwort tincture? Individual intolerance, hypotension, bradycardia, gastric ulcer, erosive gastritis, hypothyroidism. With varicose veins, the herb can lead to blood thickening, so this diagnosis requires medical supervision. Mandatory medical consultation is required before starting treatment. This primarily applies to pregnant and lactating women and children under 12 years of age.

Features of using the tincture

How to use motherwort tincture with other drugs of synthetic and herbal origin? What are the features of treatment for women and children?

Drug interactions

The instructions indicate: the tincture can be taken simultaneously with other sedatives and hypnotics (synthetic and herbal). It is important to know that motherwort can enhance their effect. The herb also enhances the therapeutic effect of analgesics, antidepressants, cardiac glycosides and antihypertensive drugs. This needs to be taken into account. Alcohol consumption is not recommended throughout the course of treatment. Motherwort is known to potentiate the effects of alcohol.

How to prepare a mixture of tinctures

A mixture of sedative tinctures is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the clinical picture. A mixture of sedative and cardiac drugs gives a quick therapeutic effect, however, the risk of overdose from such a drug is higher. What tinctures are the mixture prepared from?

  • . The most popular sedative drug of plant origin. Like motherwort, it acts slowly, gradually accumulating in the body. Some herbalists indicate that the sedative effect on the nervous system of motherwort is 3 times higher than that of valerian. However, its hypnotic effect is lower. Read more about valerian tincture.
  • . Taken to stimulate blood circulation, strengthen coronary vessels and heart muscle, prevent heart attacks and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Read more about hawthorn tincture.
  • . It begins to act a few hours after administration. Stimulates the endocrine system, has a restorative, relaxing, analgesic, antispasmodic, appetizing and tonic effect. It is also taken as a sedative for functional disorders of the nervous system - neuroses, insomnia, VSD. Read more about the tincture of evasive peony.
  • "Corvalol". Cardiotonic, sedative combined drug. It is often used in medical practice to treat the heart, blood vessels, hypertension, and neuroses. In addition, Corvalol is good at relieving spasms of the stomach and intestines.
  • . Has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Also effective for hypertension, VSD, insomnia, functional digestive disorders of a psychosomatic nature. Reduces the processes of central nervous system excitation, but at the same time gives minimal side effects (with the correct dosage!), and is not addictive.

How to prepare and take a mixture of tinctures?

  • Take 25 ml (usually this is the volume of the bottle) of all tinctures - peony, motherwort, hawthorn, valerian.
  • Add 15 ml (bottle) of Corvalol.
  • Shake the mixture well.
  • It can be stored for a long time in a dark and cool place.
  • The dosage and course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Use in women and children

  • What does motherwort tincture help women with?. The herb has hemostatic properties, so it is included in complex therapy for uterine bleeding. Motherwort also normalizes hormonal levels and relieves pain and abdominal cramps during menstruation. The tincture is often prescribed during the premenopausal period to normalize the psycho-emotional state of a woman. During pregnancy, internal use of alcohol tincture is prohibited. Read more about it in our other article.
  • Motherwort tincture for children. Officially, the drug is approved only from 12 years of age. This is primarily due to the alcohol in the tincture. The dosage is as follows: for each year of life - 1 drop of the drug. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe a tincture for children under 12 years of age, but takes responsibility for calculating the age-specific dosage. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug in children under 3 years of age. Motherwort is an effective remedy for normalizing sleep in children. Often the symptom of insomnia is associated with nervous excitability and hyperactivity. This medicine helps to more calmly survive the “hormonal revolution” in adolescence. After all, teenage neuroses are diagnosed quite often today. Signs of VSD are also observed no less often in teenagers.


Motherwort is known not only for its sedative properties. It is also an effective bactericidal, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory agent. Leonurus contains tannins, essential oil, carotene and vitamin C, which are beneficial for skin and hair. There are positive reviews about the use of motherwort tincture in cosmetology. How is the drug used?

  • For face . Alcohol tincture is used only in diluted form. You can only locally treat inflamed pimples, acne, and purulent wounds on the skin. Suitable for oily skin types, tightens pores, dries out the skin with seborrhea. The tincture can also be mixed with calendula, celandine, and treated with the mixture on inflamed areas of the skin.
  • For hair . Primarily suitable for oily hair, it removes oily shine well. It is permissible to use the tincture in diluted form so as not to dry out the scalp and hair. Often a mixture of decoctions is prepared - oak bark, nettle, burdock. Add either motherwort tincture or a water decoction to them. For dry, brittle hair, it is recommended to mix a few drops of tincture with castor, burdock, and almond oil and rub into the scalp.

The main use of motherwort tincture in folk and traditional medicine is increased nervous excitability, neuroses, insomnia, VSD, digestive disorders of a psychosomatic nature, diseases of the cardiovascular system. The drug is also often prescribed to women during the premenopausal period. Less commonly used in dermatology and cosmetology.

In this article we talk about motherwort for nerves. You will learn how this remedy is used in the treatment of stress and nervous tension, and in what situations it is better to stop taking it.

How motherwort helps with nerves

Due to stress and heavy emotional stress, sometimes you have to resort to sedatives. Motherwort is one of the most effective drugs. Motherwort helps with diseases of the nervous system. This plant includes:

  • carbohydrates;
  • alkaloids;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • bitterness;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • beta-carotene;
  • minerals.

Motherwort is indicated for the following diseases and disorders of the nervous system:

  • insomnia;
  • neuroses;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • epilepsy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • depression;
  • anxiety states.

Motherwort affects the human nervous system, helps the patient calm down and fall asleep easily.. Helps improve heart function and lower blood pressure. Helps with nervous excitability and cardiovascular diseases. The product copes well with hangovers, reduces nausea, relieves headaches and relaxes in general.

Will motherwort help with panic attacks? Panic attacks are a dangerous condition. They are often accompanied by attacks of lack of air, tachycardia, and pain in the chest area. Taking into account the fact that the effect of motherwort occurs after approximately 1-1.5 hours, its use will not alleviate a person’s condition during a panic attack. Taking motherwort will be effective in this case if it is used regularly for preventive purposes.

Motherwort is also used in complex therapy when the underlying disease entails various nervous disorders.

Motherwort is suitable for women of all ages. It alleviates premenstrual syndrome and strengthens the muscles of the uterus. Often used as a sedative for neuroses caused by menopause or painful menstruation.

Motherwort can be taken by men. Unlike some sedative natural medicines (mint, oregano), this plant does not have a negative effect on potency.

Motherwort is used for nervous tics in children. Treatment of tics in children occurs simultaneously in several directions: morning exercises, sports, acupuncture, therapeutic massage. It is important that the child is in a calm environment. For mild forms of nervous tics, the patient is prescribed motherwort tincture. Take the medicine before bedtime.

Sometimes motherwort is mixed with other natural herbs such as valerian, hawthorn, mint, lemon balm, and peony. The assembled components enhance each other’s healing properties and help fight the disease faster and more effectively.

Motherwort enhances the sedative effect of other sedatives, so they should be combined with caution, strictly observing the dosage. Consult your doctor before starting treatment.

What is better motherwort or valerian for nerves?

It’s difficult to say exactly which is better – valerian or motherwort for nerves. These plants have similar uses. However, they differ in the degree of action and contraindications. For a specific disease or disorder, you need to select a treatment regimen individually. Only a doctor can do this.

It is believed that motherwort has 3 times more sedative properties than valerian.

How to use motherwort for nerves

Motherwort can be bought at a pharmacy. Decoctions, infusions, tinctures, and extracts are prepared from motherwort. In pharmacies it is sold in dried form, in the form of tablets and alcohol tinctures. Motherwort is also included in many sedative pharmaceuticals and is added to dietary supplements.

A motherwort tincture is obtained from dry leaves that grow at the very tops of the plant. The product has a slightly bitter aftertaste.

How to take motherwort tablets for nerves? The tablets can be taken either once or as a course. To reduce nervous excitability before an important event, take 1-2 tablets. The drug will begin to act within an hour, so it should be taken in advance. For insomnia, take 1 tablet one hour before bedtime. The course of treatment is 30 days. For increased nervousness, take 3-4 times a day for one month.

How much motherwort should you drink to calm your nerves? Here you need to take into account the degree and severity of the disease. Depending on the situation, the appointment can be one-time or course. All this needs to be discussed with a therapist.

How to brew motherwort for nerves? The recipe is very simple. For this you will need crushed motherwort leaves.


  1. Motherwort - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over dry grass. Place in a water bath for 20 minutes. After this, leave for 40 minutes. Strain.

How to use: Take 100 ml 3 times a day.

Result: This decoction is taken as a course. Within 10-14 days you will feel relief. Nervous tension gradually subsides, sleep improves.

Preparations based on motherwort are non-toxic. However, the plant is capable of accumulating heavy metals. Therefore, it is important to collect plants only in ecologically clean areas. If you decide to prepare raw materials yourself, then the best period for this is the end of June - mid-July.

Motherwort for VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can serve as an impetus for decreased performance and the development of heart disease. Against this background, problems with the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract may arise. Motherwort for VSD is an effective natural remedy. In case of illness, infusions and tinctures from this medicinal plant are prescribed.

The tincture is taken 4 times a day, 30 drops for 30 days. The infusion can be prepared at home. Take it fractionally throughout the day, dividing a glass of drink into 3-4 doses.

Motherwort for neurosis

In the treatment of neuroses, traditional and official medicine uses herbal teas.


  1. Dry motherwort - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour a glass of boiling water over the grass. Leave for 10 minutes.

How to use: Drink in small sips throughout the day.

Result: Reduces heart rate, eliminates dizziness.

Motherwort for depression

For depressive disorders in the early stages, you can take motherwort. It is acceptable to use motherwort for depression, even for treating children and adolescents. The fastest and easiest way to prepare the product is based on a pharmacy alcohol tincture. It is recommended to take a number of drops of tincture that is a multiple of the patient’s age. The drops are diluted in a small amount of water (approximately 1:10).

Motherwort for neuralgia

Remedies prepared from motherwort are effective in treating neuralgia.

Patients with this diagnosis can prepare a medicinal decoction at home. The recipe for motherwort decoction for neuralgia is simple.


  1. Dried motherwort - 15 grams.
  2. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the grass. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Then strain.

How to use: Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals.

Result: Relieves nervous tension, muscle tension, normalizes the condition.

Motherwort for anxiety and fear

According to statistics, 35% of the world's inhabitants are susceptible to anxiety and various phobias. Motherwort for anxiety and fear helps slow down the heart rate, increases the strength of heart contractions, and lowers blood pressure. Providing a strong sedative effect, motherwort infusions do not affect the process of reproduction and assimilation of information and do not cause a decrease in muscle tone.

Motherwort for stress

Motherwort extract for stress is taken for severe nervous experiences. The product improves heart function and relaxes muscles. It has a beneficial effect under heavy psycho-emotional stress.

The extract is prepared by repeatedly infusing fresh motherwort phyto-raw materials in high-quality alcohol.

Take 1 tablet before meals. Number of doses: 3-4 times a day. Duration of treatment - 1 month.

When not to take motherwort

Motherwort should not be taken at your own discretion; even a natural remedy can be harmful if taken incorrectly.

Contraindications to taking motherwort:

  • arterial hypotension;
  • bradycardia;
  • individual intolerance.

If there is a long journey ahead, the driver should not take motherwort preparations, as they have a hypnotic effect.

In case of an overdose, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth, thirst, and allergic reactions may occur.

For more information about motherwort, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. From the article you learned whether motherwort helps with nerves. With all its proven sedative properties, you should not self-medicate. Only a specialist who is familiar with your medical history can prescribe treatment options and dosage of this medication.
  2. Motherwort for depression is an effective remedy that relieves a depressive state, has a beneficial effect on sleep, and helps to adequately deal with psycho-emotional stress.
  3. Motherwort is even prescribed to children for nervous tics. Well suited as a comprehensive treatment along with physiotherapy.