Tablets for herpes on the cheek. Ointments for herpes on the body: a list of the most effective and inexpensive remedies. Antiviral agents for the treatment of herpes on the face

Herpes is the most common pathology of viral etiology, which affects the superficial layers of the dermis and mucous membranes of organs. It is impossible to completely cure an infectious disease, but it is possible to suppress the activity of the pathogen and reduce the severity of symptoms. For this purpose, oral medications and local ointments for herpes on the body are used.

Treatment methods

To suppress the activity of the virus, antiviral drugs are prescribed for oral or external use. To eliminate pain, discomfort, itching and burning that accompany herpetic rashes, painkillers are used.

To relieve inflammatory processes, antiphlogistic, antiseptic drugs and auxiliary wound healing agents are prescribed. To maintain immunity and increase protective forces - a long course of immunomodulators, vitamin and mineral complexes. Medicines play a significant role in the treatment of herpes on the body.

Ointments against herpes on the body

The most prescribed group of medications are ointments, gels and creams for external use, which help suppress the activity of the virus and reduce the severity of the symptomatic picture.

There are 2 groups of ointments for herpes on the body:

  • products with a wound-healing and restorative effect, used at the stage of opening herpetic vesicles;
  • antiviral drugs that suppress the activity and prevent the proliferation of herpes.

The advantage of medications for external use is the penetration of the active component into the epidermis into the immediate focus of inflammation. This helps to quickly cope with itching and burning, prevent the multiplication of the virus, and ensure rapid recovery of the affected areas. In addition, herpes remedies for external use have a minimum number of contraindications, since they linger in the surface layers of the skin, do not penetrate the vascular system and do not affect the performance of internal organs.


Zovirax- an effective remedy for herpetic rashes on the body. The composition includes the active substance acyclovir, which is active against certain types of herpes virus.

The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of pathologies of various localizations. The ointment helps to quickly cope with the severity of the clinical picture.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms and ranges from 7 to 21 days. Apply the product to cleansed skin 5-6 times a day.


Anti-herpes ointment based on natural ingredients: potato shoots, water. Additional substances include glycerol, lanthanum, macrogol. It is used for the treatment and prevention of herpetic rashes on the body, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and genitals.

Due to its natural composition, the product can be used during pregnancy, lactation, and also in childhood. Patients with individual intolerance to potatoes and other components of the ointment should refrain from using it.

The ointment is applied using a cotton pad or stick to cleansed areas of the skin. Panavir should be used 6 times a day at regular intervals. With regular use, the symptoms of the disease disappear within 5 days.


An antiviral agent that is prescribed in the form of tablets for oral administration and ointments for external use. The composition includes the active substance acyclovir, which is active against a large number of strains of infection. The auxiliary component is Vaseline, which ensures easy application of the ointment and has a moisturizing effect.

Traditional recipes for ointments

As an auxiliary method of therapy, the use of ointments prepared on the basis of healing components of natural origin is allowed. To create medicines for external use that are active against herpes viruses, plants with pronounced antiphlogistic, antiviral, antimicrobial, wound-healing, regenerating, restorative and soothing effects are used. This is aloe chamomile flowers and leaves officinalis, wormwood, garlic, echinacea, willow and many others.

On the face, specifically on the eye

The symptoms of herpes may be similar to other diseases, therefore, before starting treatment, it is recommended to confirm the diagnosis by passing the appropriate tests.

The causes of herpes can be different:

  1. Direct contact with the host, for example through a kiss.
  2. Can pass from mother to fetus during pregnancy.
  3. Lack of personal hygiene, for example when visiting public toilets.

On the face, specifically on the lip

Among the main symptoms are:

  • Sores and blisters, mainly under the nose and on the lips, but with treatment the virus can affect other unprotected areas.
  • A febrile state does not appear in all cases, but is also included in the main symptoms.
  • Itching and burning appear around the inflamed areas.
  • The affected ulcers secrete fluid.
  • In a later stage of the disease, purulent sores may appear.
  • Swelling of the salivary glands and increased salivation.
  • Sore throat, bad breath.
  • General weakness and loss of mood.
  • Headache.

The main advantage of ointment for herpes on the face is that it comes into direct contact with the affected area.

What ointment to apply to herpes on the face? There are several of the most affordable ointments that will definitely help.

One of the effective remedies for herpes

It is necessary to start applying Acyclovir immediately at the first symptoms; the earlier the ointment is applied, the more effective the treatment will be. The ointment is very good at promoting the rapid formation of crusts.


  1. Quickly reduces itching after application to the affected area.
  2. The only contraindications are individual intolerance.
  3. It has a thick consistency that melts on the lips.
  4. It also comes in the form of a sweetish-tasting cream.
  5. Has a very low price.
  6. Has no smell.

Acyclovir from different manufacturers has different concentrations of the main active ingredient, which means it acts with different effectiveness. Acyclovir works well as an ointment against herpes on the lips.

Contraindications for use:

  • When the child is less than 3 months old.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • For infections for which this drug has no indication.
  • In case of individual intolerance.

The low price is undoubtedly one of the advantages of this ointment, thanks to which it has become very widespread.


Zovirax comes with different compositions, but most often it contains the same Acyclovir, the composition is no different. In some cases, you can find the drug with additional substances such as alcohols, paraffin, sodium lauryl sulfate and dimethicone. You can also find Zovirax with penciclovir, which is a derivative of acyclovir.

The therapeutic effect is not much different from Acyclovir, with the exception of the drug containing penciclovir.

Zovirax with penciclovir has its advantages:

  • Has a longer lasting effect.
  • More lasting effect on the virus.
  • Effective in the later stages of the virus.

The contraindications are the same as for Acyclovir. Additionally, allergic reactions may be noted due to additional components in the drug.

Important! In other cases, Zovirax is a brand name and, primarily due to this, has a more expensive price tag, so when purchasing you should always pay attention to the composition of the drug.


Suitable for getting rid of virus on lips

The active ingredient is zinc oxide, the base is Vaseline. Has anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic effects.

Zinc oxide destroys viruses, bacteria and proteins on the surface of the wound. The destruction of proteins contributes to the appearance of an astringent and healing film.


  1. There were no cases of overdose.
  2. Promotes wound healing.
  3. No toxicity.
  4. Can be used for newborns.
  5. Suitable for breastfeeding.

Among the contraindications, one can note only increased sensitivity to zinc and irritation from Vaseline, which manifests itself in the form of redness and itching. There are also rare cases of allergic reactions.

The drug comes not only in the form of an ointment, but also a paste, which has a thicker consistency that prevents the penetration of the active substance into the blood. The paste is convenient to use in acute cases of the disease.

Panavir products - fighting the virus on the face and lips

Panavir is an ointment for herpes on the face of plant origin; it has an antiviral and immunostimulating effect by enhancing the production of the protective protein interferon. It is obtained from a plant called tuberous nightshade.

Panavir works well where other antiviral drugs do not help. It should be used in the initial stages of the disease.

  • Due to its plant origin, it has almost no contraindications.
  • Works well in cases where other ointments do not help.
  • A wide spectrum of action allows you to fight many diseases.
  • Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

The only thing that can be noted as a contraindication is individual intolerance, which is inherent in almost all drugs.

Panavir contains no dyes, flavors, and is pH neutral, which makes it suitable for treating children.

How to treat herpes on the face at home

As a rule, herpes on the face manifests itself in the form of specific rashes in the area of ​​the wings of the nose, as well as along the edges of the lips, and it is caused by the herpes virus, which belongs to the first type.

Symptoms of the disease in the form of ulcers and rashes are the source of the spread of this virus, and therefore treatment of herpes on the face should be carried out as early as possible (see photo).


The causes of herpes are different, but they mostly have one thing in common - reduced immunity. The following factors can provoke the appearance of symptoms of herpes on the face:

  • frequent, prolonged stress, depression, emotional overload;
  • excessive overheating or hypothermia;
  • suffered severe, debilitating illnesses;
  • metabolic disease;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • alcohol and nicotine abuse;
  • passion for low-calorie diets that are not followed correctly;
  • avitaminosis;
  • frequent colds.

On the skin of the face, the herpes virus most often manifests itself in the form of cold-like rashes along the edges of the lips, but can occur on the eyelids, in the nasolabial area, and ears.

Types of Herpes

There are mainly 6 types of herpes, all of which have different symptoms, manifestation and development.

  1. Herpes simplex (cold on the lips and face in the form of small blisters).
  2. Simple genital herpes.
  3. Varicella (chickenpox).
  4. Epstein-Barr virus (Burkitt's lymphoma, infectious mononucleosis).
  5. Cytomegalovirus (often found in people under 30 years of age).
  6. Pseudo-rubella.

A person may not even realize that they are contagious when the first symptoms have not yet appeared. Therefore, when in contact with someone, a sick person can infect another person. Then two people will have to be treated.


Symptoms of herpes appear on the chin, forehead, lips - anywhere. First, the patient experiences a burning sensation in some areas of the skin, general malaise and weakness. After some time, on the edematous, hyperemic base, you can notice small blisters filled with serous contents, which soon become purulent.

Then the bubbles burst, liquid is released from them, and in their place areas of erosion form. Areas of ulceration gradually become covered with crusts. The lesion completely disappears only after a week, during which it is necessary to ensure that the infection does not spread to neighboring areas.

Herpes on the face: photo

We suggest you familiarize yourself with detailed photos of what this disease looks like.

Treatment of herpes on the face

If herpes appears on the face, treatment must be carried out with certain medications. They allow you to quickly cure the disease within a few days.

  1. An effective ointment is Gerpivir, as well as Panavir, Zovirax, Atsik.
  2. Tablets can be the following: Acyclovir, Herpeval, Valtrex.
  3. Immunomodulatory drugs. helping to strengthen the body's immune response and supporting it in the fight against the virus.
  4. Means of symptomatic treatment - antipyretic, painkillers, wound healing.

In order to quickly cure herpes on the face, it is necessary, at the first symptoms of the disease, to begin regularly smearing the itchy areas of the skin with antiherpetic ointment. When constantly present on the skin and subcutaneous tissues, this medicine blocks the proliferation of viral particles, and the cells of the immune system gradually cope with those already present. Treatment of herpes on the face with tablets and injections is carried out only when the disease is complicated.

Unfortunately, herpes cannot be completely cured. The virus remains in the body forever. And only our immune system prevents it from constantly manifesting itself. We can only contribute to faster treatment of the manifested consequences.

Folk remedies

How to treat herpes on the face at home? Here are a couple of the most effective folk recipes.

  1. Aloe and Kalanchoe - juice is squeezed out of these domestic plants and the wounds are lubricated with it; you can apply a fresh cut of the plant to the wound; You can also take a teaspoon of juice orally for 2 weeks to increase immunity.
  2. Apply a tea bag to the red and itchy area and hold it for a while. After this, you can apply an ice cube to the problem area.
  3. Calendula tincture with alcohol or oil - used for lotions or rubbing; The property of calendula to suppress viral infections, including herpes, is used.
  4. Extract the juice from violet tricolor or calendula leaves. Apply the resulting juice to the area of ​​inflamed skin.

If folk remedies do not help, then you should use ointments for herpes on the face containing acyclovir, or even consult a doctor to select antiviral and immunomodulatory tablets.


Prevention of the disease involves a number of mandatory measures.

  1. Frequent hand washing (before eating and after contact with money, handrails in public transport, etc. is mandatory).
  2. Using your own towels, brushes and sponges for makeup, cosmetics and dishes. Washing with cool water.
  3. Frequent exposure to fresh air.
  4. Proper nutrition and giving up bad habits. Taking vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

It is not possible to rid a person of herpes forever. Any treatment has a temporary effect, eliminating the active manifestations of the disease and putting the process into remission.

Who is at risk of getting sick?

Anyone can potentially become a model for photos of different types of herpes on the face. The virus of this family is the most common on Earth, and not only among people. Herpes DNA is present in almost all living organisms, with the exception of some types of algae and fungi.

Stages of development of the disease

Decreased immunity is a favorable environment for the development of the disease, and infection with the second type of herpes can occur through sexual contact, which means oral sex. If an infectious agent causes blisters to appear on the face, then there is a high probability of relapse. So, the disease can appear on other parts of the face, and sometimes the body.

Unfortunately, modern medicine only has drugs that weaken the effect of the virus, which reduce the manifestation of the disease and which put the virus to sleep, but do not completely destroy it.

The disease has four stages of development. You can see the sequence of development of the disease in the photo below.

  1. The first stage - itching and discomfort, tingling and tingling appear.
  2. The second stage is inflammation of the skin and the appearance of a red spot, and then a blister with liquid. In this case, pain, itching and swelling are felt.
  3. The third stage - the blisters open and ulcers form in their place. In this case, you should treat them carefully so as not to introduce an even more dangerous infection.
  4. The fourth stage - the wounds heal, dry out and crusts grow on them.

All four stages take place over two weeks. However, if symptoms do not go away during this time, you should immediately consult a doctor. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy is very dangerous, especially for the fetus.

Types and stages

For herpes on the face, two types are characteristic. The first is a disease caused by herpes simplex, the second by herpes zoster.

The disease varies in severity, but develops according to approximately the same scenario, going through several stages:

  • precursor stage – lasts from several hours to a day, the patient feels a burning sensation, tingling;
  • hyperemia – red spots appear at the site of future rashes due to increased blood flow, swelling is observed, burning and itching continue;
  • formation of bubbles - it occurs on the second day, pinpoint rashes merge into one bubble (size - from 1 to 5 mm in diameter), the sensations are very painful;
  • erosion – occurs on the third day from the onset of the disease, the blisters transform into ulcers and ulcers, the contents of which are extremely contagious;
  • crust formation - lasts from the 4th to the 9th day, healing begins from the inside, the size of the sores decreases, the pain goes away, but the itching intensifies, the crusts begin to fall off;
  • healing - wounds heal, redness disappears, this happens on days 9-11.

How to use Levomekol gel for herpes on the lips?

Levomekol is considered a more effective and versatile ointment. This gel can treat not only herpes, but also lichen, various mechanical damage to the skin and even purulent wounds. Thanks to the reparative that is part of the product, any wound quickly cleanses and the inflammatory focus disappears. This gel has a number of advantages:

  • has excellent regenerating properties;
  • eliminates the progression of the inflammatory effect;
  • “pulls out” pus;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • characterized by the presence of immunostimulating properties.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that herpes on the face will not only disappear thanks to the product, but will also appear less frequently. Very often this gel is used in surgery to speed up the healing of serious wounds.

Like all similar ointments, Levomekol has some contraindications. Firstly, the drug should not be used by people with psoriasis and various fungal infections. Experts recommend that young mothers who are breastfeeding not use the gel. Well, of course, it won’t hurt to seek advice from a specialist before taking it, who will tell you exactly whether you have an individual intolerance to individual components of the drug. If a woman is pregnant, then Levomekol can be used only for a short time and strictly as prescribed by the attending physician.

Zinc ointment for herpes is safe even for infants and pregnant women.

In what cases is it possible to quickly suppress the virus?

The main condition for rapid treatment of herpes on the face, including at home, is the earliest possible start of therapy. Herpes multiplies very quickly, minutes count. Therefore, the most optimal time to start treatment is considered to be the first two hours from the appearance of the first signs. Moreover, the initial manifestations are not considered rashes, but subjective sensations - burning, discomfort on the face, increased temperature. The first hours of disease manifestation are most favorable for rapid suppression of the virus.

Features in children

The causes of herpes on the face of a child are the same as in adults. But with children everything is not so obvious. It is necessary to understand that it is much easier for a child to get primary infection than for an adult, so you need to closely monitor this. A feature of the frequent localization of the virus in children is the wings of the nose and the area around the eyes.

After the rash appears, children often scratch the wounds because they cannot tolerate the itching. The danger is that if a child scratches his cheeks affected by the virus, this can infect his fingers and lead to herpetic whitlow. Therefore, when symptoms appear, remember how to quickly cure an infection at the initial stage (this is written above) and, if this does not help, consult a doctor.

Know! Children suffer from herpes infection very hard, therefore, in order to avoid complications such as pneumonia and meningitis, it is recommended to go to the hospital from the first days of identifying symptoms.

What does herpes look like on the cheek photo

After aggressive cosmetic procedures, it often occurs herpes on cheek(photo 4). Herpes after peeling is a typical phenomenon in those women who have thin skin. The procedure can disrupt local immunity and become a trigger for the manifestation of herpes. The second cause of the rash is herpes of the trigeminal nerve, which appears along the branch from the ear to the chin. Typically, such localization of the rash first of all leads doctors to diagnose damage to the nerve branch.

One of the first manifestations of herpes is redness of the cheek. At the initial stage, the disease can be confused with an allergic reaction, since itching, swelling, and redness are possible. Herpes on the cheek brings many unpleasant sensations - the appearance of a painful, weeping rash even leads to an increase in body temperature if the herpes has spread to other areas. Herpes is usually found on the temple; colds also occur on the nose, chin, and other areas. When a herpetic rash matures, the papules burst and dry out, becoming similar in appearance to wounds. If treatment for herpes on the cheek is started on time, the skin heals within about a week.

Can there be herpes on the forehead?

Damage to the skin of the forehead by herpesvirus is atypical - this is where the virus reaches least often. Herpes on forehead(see photo 5) occurs according to a typical pattern - at first the forehead begins to itch, turns red, and after one or two days you can notice blisters from two to five millimeters on it, rising above the surface of the skin. In the forehead area, herpetic rashes, as a rule, are not grouped; they occur singly and in small numbers.

Herpes on the forehead can be quite painful - patients often touch their forehead with their hands, remove their bangs, which leads to traumatization of herpetic blisters. If you handle the rash carelessly, you can spread the lesion to other places - herpes on the eye often occurs precisely after rubbing the eyes after touching the forehead with your hands. For the same reason, herpes on the eyebrows (photo in gal.) is a consequence of an infection from the forehead area.

Treatment of herpes on the forehead occurs quite quickly and without complications if therapy is started in a timely manner. Therapy for this type of herpes on the face is standard - antiherpetic ointments, scar remedies and drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Herpes on the face of a child

Herpes on the cheek of a child (photo in the gallery) resembles a typical allergy, so parents analyze the causative agent of such a reaction. Herpes on the face of a child(see photo 6) is poorly tolerated by young patients - their temperature rises, sleep is disturbed, and they refuse to eat. The initial stage of herpes on the face is similar to an allergy only in the first few hours - only then the baby’s cheeks become covered with herpetic blisters filled with clear liquid. Herpes on the chin in a breastfed baby can cause breastfeeding.

Due to the thin and delicate skin, herpes on a child’s face affects the skin quite deeply, causing swelling and severe pain. The temperature drops and the condition improves when the bubbles burst and wound healing begins. Treatment of herpes on the face of a child must be very careful so as not to spread the virus to healthy areas of the face.

How to treat herpes on the face

It is necessary to treat herpes on the face primarily with antiviral drugs. All types of herpes on the face(photo below) are eliminated by applying creams, gels or ointments as recommended by a doctor. In case of severe herpetic lesions, doctors may prescribe tablets, and at the end of treatment, a course of multivitamins will be useful.

Local treatment of herpes on the face must be carried out at least twice a day - the surface of the rash is treated with medication. Treatment of herpes on the skin of the face takes an average of ten days, after which recovery occurs.

Clinical manifestations

photo of herpes on forehead

Speaking about whether there can be herpes on the cheek, doctors note that such a condition is associated with various types of pathogens and can affect any part of the face.

The occurrence of pathology is characterized by local and general symptoms. General manifestations include a slight increase in body temperature, general weakness, headaches and other signs of intoxication.

Local symptoms of herpes on the forehead and other areas of the face are characterized by a specific rash:

  • At the initial stage, a small area of ​​the skin acquires a reddish tint. A characteristic sign of herpes on the face at the beginning of the pathology is the appearance of slight itching in the area of ​​hyperemia;
  • Small blisters appear in the area of ​​redness. Their peculiarity is the presence of a transparent liquid inside, which contains a large amount of the pathogen. The bubbles gradually increase in number and size. At this stage of the disease, patients note severe itching, burning and pain, which is often observed with herpes of the facial nerve. The latter disease is associated with herpes zoster;
  • 5-7 days after the onset of the disease, the blisters burst, and light crusts form in their place. Subjective sensations in the form of burning and itching disappear, and the crusts disappear after 1-2 weeks, leaving no changes on the skin.

Such transformation of the rash is typical for all types of herpes on the face, regardless of the specific pathogen and its location.

Rashes on the skin may additionally be accompanied by damage to the mucous membranes of the lips, oral cavity and conjunctiva, which brings additional discomfort to the patient.


There are several ways this virus can be transmitted. Most often it is transmitted by contact, airborne droplets, and vertical transmission. If a person is healthy and his immunity is normal, herpes “hides” and does not show any signs. There are several causative factors that can cause the appearance of neoplasms on the skin of the face:

  1. Colds and hypothermia.
  2. Stressful and depressive state.
  3. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  4. Abuse of tobacco and narcotic products.
  5. Overheating in the sun.
  6. Pregnancy and menstruation.
  7. Chronic illnesses.
  8. Products consumed as food.

Basic principles of treatment

How to treat herpes on the face is well known to highly specialized doctors - dermatologists and otolaryngologists. After studying the results of laboratory tests, they prescribe systemic and external agents to patients to stop the activity of viruses and reduce the severity of symptoms. In the treatment of herpes on the face, strict adherence to the following medical recommendations is of no small importance:

  • daily consumption of 2-2.5 liters of pure still water helps to remove intermediate and final products of the inflammatory process from the body;
  • Activation of herpes viruses occurs with frequent consumption of foods high in simple sugars and fats, so complete exclusion of rich and puff pastries, smoked meats, and sausages from the diet will help fight them.

All efforts of doctors aimed at preventing and treating herpetic infections will be meaningless if a person does not give up smoking and drinking alcohol. Ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages, nicotine and toxic tars from tobacco smoke negatively affect the condition of blood vessels. The permeability of veins, arteries and capillaries increases, which contributes to the rapid spread of viruses in the body.

Classification of ointments against herpes

Drugs for the treatment of skin herpetic infections can be divided into two large groups: Ointments that treat herpes– those compositions that directly limit the spread of the virus contain an antiviral substance and cause the death of viral particles. Ointments that treat wounds from herpes– these are compositions that contain antiseptics that stimulate skin tissue regeneration. They do not cure the infection, but prevent complications such as bacterial infection. They also promote regeneration (restoration) of the skin after blocking the replication of the virus.

What ointment to treat herpes with - a special one based on acyclovir, penciclovir, or a regular antiseptic? Practice confirms that antiseptic drugs do not help with herpes. Despite their use, a new rash appears. Therefore, to treat the virus, a specific composition with an antiviral effect is required. Let's consider what antiviral ointments, creams and gels the pharmaceutical industry offers. And what ointment for herpes is the most effective?


As an addition to the above treatment, folk remedies therapy for herpes on the face can be prescribed. The fight against viral infection in this case is carried out according to a similar scheme. When treated with traditional methods, herpes is eliminated by:

  1. Echinacea tinctures. The product strengthens the immune system. The tincture is taken for 14 days, 2 times a day.
  2. Calendula tinctures. The product must be applied to the affected area several times a day.
  3. Tea tree oil. It has an antiseptic effect, preventing the addition of a secondary infection. It also serves for local treatment of rashes on the face.
  4. Aloe. To treat herpes you will need one plant. You need to extract juice from it, soak cotton wool in it and regularly wipe the problem area. To enhance immunity, the liquid can be taken orally.
  5. Camomile tea. It is used for local processing and oral administration.

Before using the described recipes, they must be shown to a doctor. Folk remedies have contraindications for use.

To speed up facial recovery after a herpetic rash, you need to adjust your diet, filling it with vitamin-rich foods.

Complications and consequences

Failure to comply with prevention methods may cause a relapse of the disease.

But the most dangerous consequences of herpes are complications in the form of:

  • pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the meninges;
  • loss of vision and hearing;
  • paralysis of facial muscles;
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

Researchers have found that having the herpes virus increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. Often herpes zoster on the face leads to long-term neurological pain or paresis (weakening) of the facial muscles. Treatment methods, along with drug therapy, include massage and physiotherapy methods.

How to quickly cure herpes in the ears?

Effective remedies for colds on the lips

Numerous drugs are used to treat this disease. These include:

  • local remedies (ointments, gels, creams, emulsions);
  • internal medications (tablets, capsules, solutions);
  • folk methods.

It is most advisable to use topical agents that affect not only the formation, but also the lesion, leading to tremendous results.

The bubbles burst, dry out and disappear in the shortest possible time. There are several more properties that high-quality pharmaceutical products have, we are talking about ointments for colds on the face:

  • removal of the main signs of the disease - itching, burning, swelling, pain;
  • blocking the subsequent spread of the virus to nearby tissue areas;
  • application strictly to the affected skin area without affecting healthy tissue;
  • safety of use and impact only on a specific area of ​​the skin and body;
  • the ability to quickly get rid of manifestations and traces of the disease;
  • unique composition, ensuring rapid tissue regeneration.

Acyclovir is a 5% antiviral ointment that helps fight herpes, made on the basis of acyclovir. However, it is worth understanding that with prolonged use, the virus becomes resistant to this composition, and it stops helping. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, apply the product to the area of ​​the rash and apply 5-6 times a day. The ointment is rubbed into the skin for a minute.

Advantages of use

  • prompt reduction of itching after using the composition;
  • absence of any serious restrictions;
  • thick consistency ensures economical use;
  • The drug is also sold in the form of a cream;
  • affordable price allows you to save.

Main contraindications

You cannot use Acyclovir ointment for herpes on the face in the following cases:

  • age up to three months;
  • period of “interesting situation” and lactation in women;
  • personal intolerance.

This remedy helps suppress the proliferation of bacterial species. Its advantage is the elimination of the inflammatory process and the absence of serious contraindications. The convenient consistency allows you to use the composition comfortably and do it economically.


This remedy cannot be the main one; it is used as an auxiliary method of influencing the tumor. It promotes disinfection, drying of any wounds, and also ensures rapid healing of the skin. The product is highly effective, but you should start using it in the initial stages of the disease, as soon as the first signs appear. You should not overuse iodine, and it is also not recommended to treat open wounds and mucous membranes with it.


This cold cream belongs to the antiseptic spectrum and has been used to disinfect wounds for over 60 years. The principle of action of the drug is that it interacts with phosphate groups on the cell surface, as a result, the osmotic balance shifts, and the pathological cell loses its integrity and dies. The drug is stable and therefore continues to provide a bactericidal effect even some time after treatment.

Balm “Golden Star”

This composition is otherwise referred to as “Star” and is sold in several variations - ointment for herpes on the face, balm, pencil, syrup. This symptomatic remedy also helps fight viral diseases, including herpes. It also has an effect against colds, furunculosis, and insect bites. Its task is to stimulate sensitive nerve endings and provide a distracting, anti-inflammatory effect. It is not recommended to use the composition in early childhood under 1-2 years of age and in case of damage to the skin integrity.

Oxolinic ointment

This composition is loved by many people for its attractive cost and relative familiarity. The course of treatment can last up to two months until the patient fully recovers. The absence of contraindications allows this drug to be used by all groups of patients, including children.

Vishnevsky ointment

This is another ancient method of fighting herpes. Despite the unpleasant odor, the composition has several advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • efficiency of treatment;
  • wide range of uses;
  • minimum contraindications.

Due to these features, the ointment composition has become a favorite among many people suffering from herpes and more.


This ointment against herpes has a pronounced anesthetic effect and also has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The composition is used by adult patients in case of inflammatory diseases, viral infections externally. There are several side effects such as itching, increased dizziness, and trouble sleeping. It is not recommended to use this drug for pregnant women and during breastfeeding, and it should also be used with caution in certain chronic diseases.

Boric acid

This is another affordable, cheap composition that helps fight the manifestations of the herpes virus. It dries the wounds, quickly removing them. However, you should not overuse this medication as it may cause damage to surrounding healthy tissue.

Other ointments

There are several other effective drugs used to combat herpes infection.

  1. Levomekol is an effective drug that helps remove purulent sores and ensure the process of skin regeneration. Not used for psoriasis, fungus, individual intolerance, lactation.
  2. Zovirax. Another common remedy based on acyclovir. Compared to other formulations, the drug has a longer effect and also helps fight the disease in its later stages.
  3. Zinc ointment. It is made on the basis of petroleum jelly and contains zinc oxide. As a result, it turns out that the product has a strong anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antiseptic effect. The minimum number of contraindications and affordable cost - all this makes the composition very popular.
  4. Panavir. This ointment is distinguished by its plant origin and at the same time several effects - antiviral, immunostimulating effect. This remedy helps fight the disease well in situations where other antiviral substances are powerless.

Features of personal hygiene in case of herpetic lesions of the face

Doctors strongly recommend When herpes appears on the face, keep the infected area absolutely clean, since when the blisters open on their own, the risk of infectious bacterial damage to the sores increases several times. It is important to understand that infection can provoke a new, more serious and dangerous inflammatory process.

Herpes ointment (cream) is a pharmaceutical product for the external treatment of herpetic rashes on various parts of the body - on the lips, face, torso or genitals. Many ointments contain an antiviral substance - acyclovir. Let's consider how this component works and whether there are other antiviral components and ointments.

Ointments and treatment of herpes virus

Herpes infection is a virus. It penetrates inside human cells and forces them to work for their own good - to reproduce new viruses. Fighting the herpes virus is difficult because, unlike bacterial infection, the body has to destroy not foreign organisms, but its own cells infected with the virus. Therefore, for a long time, the only treatment for herpes was a person's own immune responses.

The situation changed with the invention of acyclovir. This substance was synthesized in 1974. Based on it, external treatments were produced - ointments for herpes on the face, lips, torso, and genitals.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer several dozen different ointments with this component. The most famous of them are Gerpevir, Virolex, Lipster, Atsik, Agerp. They differ in manufacturer and the presence of additional substances in the composition. As well as the concentration of the active substance. How much ointment for herpes costs is determined by the listed factors and can vary from 150 before 1050 rub.. Since creams, ointments and gels contain the same active ingredient, they have the same therapeutic effectiveness. This is the case when a cheap medicine is as effective as a drug with a high pharmacy price. Let's look at how acyclovir works in ointments, what other antiviral drugs are used, and which ointment is best for herpes?

Ointment against herpes: composition and action

Effective ointments and tablets for herpes must contain specific antiviral substances. Often this is acyclovir and its generics (penciclovir). Other antiviral components are also possible - nightshade plant extract, oxolin. Immunostimulants (interferons) are also used as an antiherpetic component. The best ointment for herpes has a complex composition and contains antiviral and wound-healing substances, as well as antiseptics. It not only stops the spread of the virus, but also prevents bacterial infection of wounds and stimulates accelerated regeneration (healing) of the skin.

Cheap ointment for herpes contains only an antiviral component, which is not always effective. The cheapest antiherpetic ointment is acyclovir. It is effective when first used and loses effectiveness with subsequent relapses and re-treatment.

Classification of ointments against herpes

Drugs for the treatment of skin herpetic infections can be divided into two large groups: Ointments that treat herpes- those compositions that directly limit the spread of the virus contain an antiviral substance and cause the death of viral particles. Ointments that treat wounds from herpes- these are compositions that contain antiseptics and stimulators of skin tissue regeneration. They do not cure the infection, but prevent complications such as bacterial infection. They also promote regeneration (restoration) of the skin after blocking the replication of the virus.

What ointment to treat herpes with - a special one based on acyclovir, penciclovir, or a regular antiseptic? Practice confirms that antiseptic drugs do not help with herpes. Despite their use, a new rash appears. Therefore, to treat the virus, a specific composition with an antiviral effect is required. Let's consider what antiviral ointments, creams and gels the pharmaceutical industry offers. And what ointment for herpes is the most effective?

Antiviral ointments for herpes: Acyclovir

Acyclovir is the simplest and most inexpensive ointment for herpes. The main active ingredient is the first antiviral and antiherpetic substance with the same name - acyclovir.

How does this antiviral component work?

Acyclovir is a synthetic analogue of one of the elements of viral DNA. It interacts with the enzymes of the virus and stops the process of doubling its DNA. This makes the virus infertile. Herpes loses its ability to reproduce. Acyclovir becomes active only when it encounters a herpes virus (or an infected cell). Before contact it remains inert, does not affect healthy uninfected cells, does not cause any changes in them. Therefore, drugs based on acyclovir are considered low-toxic and safe for children and pregnant women, and are often used as an ointment for herpes for children.

Note: however, acyclovir has a list of contraindications. This is any allergic manifestations on the skin of an adult or child.

Acyclovir is most effective against labial (oral) and genital herpes. It works a little worse against type 3 virus - Eelgrass, which causes chickenpox and herpes zoster. It is even less effective against the fourth type virus - Epstein-Barr. And even less effective - against cytomegalovirus(CMV). Acyclovir suppresses the virus, but it is not able to completely remove it from cells. Therefore, it helps the immune system, but cannot fight the virus itself. It prevents the appearance of new rashes and can be used as a preventive measure. It also reduces pain, accelerates healing, and the formation of crusts on herpetic wounds.

With prolonged use of Acyclovir ointment for herpes, addiction occurs. The drug loses its effectiveness.

Zovirax: acyclovir-based cream

Zovirax is the trade name for acyclovir. It was under this designation that it went on sale 4 years after the invention of this substance. It is noteworthy that the first form of drugs based on acyclovir were ointments. And only later were tablets with an antiviral component released.

Zovirax is available as a cream with a 5% concentration of acyclovir, and also as an eye ointment with a concentration of 3% Cream used to treat rashes on the surface of the skin. Eye ointment- from genital rashes and ophthalmoherpes (viral keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis).

The cream is used to treat blistering skin rashes due to oral and genital infections, as well as chickenpox. It is prescribed as an ointment for herpes on the lips and an ointment for herpes zoster. The cream is applied to the vesicles 4-5 times during the day, At the same time, they use a stick with cotton wool so as not to spread the infection to other parts of the body. Treatment usually lasts 4 days, if necessary it can be extended to 10 days.

Note: Zovirax ointment for herpes is also approved for the treatment of pregnant women. Features of treatment: ointments based on acyclovir are more effective at the onset of the disease. Therefore, the best result of external treatment is observed at the very beginning, when itching and pain are felt at the site of future rashes, and seals appear. Later, with the appearance of bubbles (vesicles), the effect of the ointment turns out to be less effective. If you start smearing the itchy area before a blistering rash appears, you can stop the herpes and cure it in 2-3 days. If you start applying after the rash appears, the treatment will be longer and will take 6-7 or more days.

Panavir ointment against herpes and warts

Panavir is a new drug developed in Russia for the treatment of herpes. It has three dosage forms: powder for injection, suppositories, ointment. Any form of the medicinal substance contains an extract from the shoots of the nightshade plant (potato). Which is the main active component, provides the antiviral effect of suppositories and gel. Note: manufacturers often do not advertise the content of green potato extract in medicinal products. It is indicated that it contains an extract from the shoots of the plant Solanum tuberosum (the Latin name for the common potato). This has to do with standards of thinking. Buyers often have a question: how can edible potatoes cure the virus? The fact is that any nightshade plants contain the poison solanine. It provides the therapeutic antiviral effect of Panavir.

For external treatment, gel and spray forms of the drug are available.. They have a water-glycerin base and are sometimes called ointments. The form of the gel allows it to be applied to the mucous membranes, which is important when treating rashes on the genitals and lips. That's why Panavir gel and spray are used as an ointment for herpes in the intimate area. Also, the gel form of the drug does not leave greasy marks on the skin and does not stain clothes, therefore it is popular as an ointment for herpes on the body.

The effectiveness of using Panavir ointment for herpes has been tested on thousands of patients. How does Solanum tuberosum extract work?

The main component of Panavir is a broad-spectrum antiviral substance. It not only limits the development of the virus, but also exhibits immunomodulatory effects. It enhances the synthesis of interferon alpha, and thereby increases the body's resistance to other viral infections. Panavir also reduces inflammation and swelling.

The complex action of Panavir gel ensures its widespread use. It is used in the treatment of the first three types of herpes viruses - oral(as an ointment against herpes on the lips), genital(as an ointment for genital herpes) and chickenpox. And also in the treatment of warts, condylomas, papillomas.

Fenistil: gel to relieve itching

Preparations based on fenistil exhibit antiallergic effects. They are used to block an allergic reaction - relieve itching and reduce rashes. They also have some anti-edematous effect (they reduce the permeability of capillaries, and this prevents the leakage of fluid from the cells with the formation of swelling). For external treatment, a gel form of the drug is produced, which is often mistakenly called an ointment.

Fenistil ointment for herpes is used against skin itching. It relieves the unpleasant itching sensations of any rash. Often used for chickenpox as a preventative against scratching acne. Fenistil in any forms ( gel, drip) is not used in children under one year of age. It is also not prescribed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, since the drug has a whole list of side effects. It causes inhibition of the central nervous system and drowsiness. The listed side effects occur mainly in case of overdose. When used externally, it is difficult to overdose the drug on an adult and possibly on young children. That's why Fenistil is strictly prohibited for children under 1 month, and for premature and low birth weight babies - up to six months..

Fenistil Pencivir: an analogue of acyclovir

This drug is an antiviral agent. Despite the name, it contains only an antiviral component - pencilovir, and does not contain antiallergic components. Shows antiherpetic effect, used as an ointment for herpes on the face, lips, genitals, torso. It is one of the most effective ointments for herpes.

Penciclovir is an analogue and generic of an antiviral substance acyclovir. It stops the proliferation of herpes, accelerates the healing of skin wounds and recovery. Wherein works more effectively than acyclovir, less likely to cause addiction, fights viral infection even with repeated repeated use. Penciclovir exhibits antiviral activity at lower dosages than acyclovir. Helps in the treatment of herpetic complications of a neurological nature, the so-called herpetic neuralgia. This condition often occurs after shingles and manifests itself in the form of severe pain in the areas of the former rash.

Note: the drug is used only for the treatment of adults and children over 12 years of age. Since there are not large enough studies on the effect of penciclovir on young children.

Oxolinic ointment

Oxolinic ointment or oksolinka is an antiviral drug known since Soviet times. It is a means of general use. Used to treat various viruses - influenza (adenovirus), herpes, warts, molluscum contagiosum. Before the invention of acyclovir, treatment of herpes with oxolinic ointment was the only antiviral prescription available. How does oxolin work?

The main substance of the ointment acts on the virus only upon contact with it. It blocks the binding of the virus to the cell membrane. And this prevents the infection of new cells and stops the spread of infection. Used to treat herpes on the face and body 3% oxolinic ointment. It is applied exclusively to skin rashes. To treat rashes on the mucous membranes, use a composition with a lower concentration ( 0,25% ). This is due to the fact that when applied to the skin, only 5% of the active substance is absorbed. And when applied to mucous surfaces, absorption is 20%. Application 3% The composition used to treat mucous membranes can cause severe burning.

The use of oxolinic ointment for herpes on the lips uses concentration 0,25% . This small concentration is also used as an ointment for nasal herpes and is also popular as an ointment for genital herpes. Besides, 0,25% used in the treatment of ophthalmic viral infections (under the eyelid).

Oxolinic ointment for herpes can be applied both to the skin and to the mucous membranes of the eyes, lips, nose, and genitals. It can be used in the treatment of children, since the active substance is not toxic and does not accumulate in the body. Children are recommended to use a composition with 0,25% oxoline concentration.

Note: a side effect of applying oxolinic ointment may be a burning sensation and blue discoloration of the mucous membrane.

Sulfuric ointment

Sulfur ointment is ineffective against intracellular infection. It is able to counteract intercellular microorganisms. Therefore, the effectiveness of sulfur ointment against herpes is zero.. It can produce results in the healing stage after the body has controlled the spread of the virus. In this case, sulfur ointment prevents bacterial infection of herpetic wounds, prevents the appearance of skin inflammation and complications, and also promotes speedy healing.

Hence the conclusions: sulfur ointment is used as an external treatment for wounds after stopping the reproduction of the virus, as an ointment after herpes. Its use is relevant if the blistering rashes have occupied a large area of ​​the skin (for example, with herpes zoster, better known as herpes zoster).

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment - a remedy for drying skin inflammations. It is often used for weeping rashes - weeping dermatitis, diaper rash, to dry the skin and reduce the secretion of exudate.

Zinc is an antiseptic and has an antiseptic effect on the skin. Therefore, zinc ointment for herpes is used in the wound healing stage, as a symptomatic treatment. It is also used as a preventative against bacterial infection.

Tetracycline ointment

Tetracycline ointment is a traditional remedy for the treatment of purulent bacterial infections and skin inflammations. Contains antibiotic tetracycline, which suppresses the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses; they often worsen the general condition. This explains why tetracycline ointment for herpes is not used. It reduces the local immunity of cells and thereby provides the virus with additional opportunities for reproduction. At the stage of rashes and spread of infection, the use of tetracycline ointment will contribute to the widespread spread of the blistering rash.

You can use tetracyclic ointment with an antibacterial effect only if a bacterial infection has joined the herpetic wounds, or the herpes has been complicated by extensive skin inflammation with the formation of pus.

According to statistics, more than ninety percent of the world's population carry the herpes virus. It develops in the nerve endings of a person and constantly monitors the person’s condition.

Herpes is considered a viral infection, in which blisters filled with liquid form on the skin and mucous cavities. As a rule, the onset of the main symptoms is preceded by irritation, and sometimes by fever and general malaise.

As soon as disturbances occur in the body, the defense begins to weaken - this is where it becomes active. Most often this occurs in the form of a cold-like rash on the lips, along the edges. The most effective drug against the virus in the first moments of its activation is considered to be an ointment for herpes on the face.

The most commonly used method of therapy is ointments, the effects of which are aimed at reducing the development of signs of herpetic disease, as well as healing the blisters.

Main groups of drugs

The use of topical antiherpetic agents helps treat the surface of the skin that is affected by the infection. What ointments for herpes on the face are best for this disease?

In addition, the drugs can suppress the virus, reduce the manifestations of the disease, and also reduce the risk of the spread of rashes on the body.

In addition, medications are considered safer to use compared to capsules and tablets. All ointments against herpes on the face are divided into certain groups:

  1. Contains acyclovir. These drugs are considered the most effective, as they have a powerful antiviral effect. They are aimed at eliminating the source of the virus, thereby preventing its further reproduction. The use of antiviral drugs is safe in one hundred percent of cases. Ointments containing acyclovir will quickly eliminate pain and speed up the recovery process.
  2. Antiviral drugs that are based on natural substances. They are effective and practically harmless to the patient’s body, non-toxic, characterized by the absence of negative reactions, except for allergies to trace elements of ointments. Medicines that are made from plant components are also effective against herpetic manifestations.
  3. Immunomodulatory medications are created with the participation of interferon. Their effect is aimed at strengthening the body's immunity, activating the defense system to eliminate the virus.
  4. Healing medicines (antibacterial and antiseptic agents). They stop secondary infections, dry wounds, speed up healing, and promote the falling off of crusts.

Complex treatment of herpetic disease includes all these groups of medications, which are produced in the form of ointments, as well as the use of medications orally. The use of systemic antiviral drugs is aimed at eliminating the negative impact of the herpes virus on the patient. At the same time, local medications dry out the ulcers, prevent infection and eliminate all visible skin disorders. What are the best ointments for herpes on the lips?

Preparations with acyclovir

Ointments that contain acyclovir are applied to the affected area every four hours. The standard period of pharmacological action takes from five to seven days.

Longer use is not recommended as the virus aims to develop resistance. If further therapy is necessary, then it is important to apply other effective ointments for herpes. The more well-known local drugs based on acyclovir include:

  1. "Acyclovir".
  2. "Zovirax".
  3. "Vivorax".

Ointments with herbal ingredients

Treatment of herpetic disease with ointments for herpes on the face using natural substances is very popular. Their main advantage is that the virus does not develop tolerance to their microelements. They are among the safest to apply. The most popular of them are the following drugs:

  1. "Panavir".
  2. "Mirtoplex".
  3. "Alpizarin".
  4. "Helepin D".

Immunomodulatory drugs

Immunomodulators cope well with viruses of the first and second types. They can be used both in the fight against herpes on the lips and against the occurrence of a genital virus. When treating herpes on the face, the ointment is used up to five times a day for five to seven days. The most well-known natural or synthetic components that can have a regulating effect on the protective functions of the body’s drug system are the following types of ointments:

  1. "Erazaban."
  2. "Vectavir".
  3. "Gerpevir".
  4. "Viferon".

Before using any medicine to eliminate herpetic manifestations, it is better to consult a medical specialist. The correct selection of which helps to suppress the activity of the virus, the likelihood of transmitting it to loved ones, and also prevent the occurrence of complications. The treating doctor will help you figure out which ointment is more effective in each situation separately and when it is necessary to stop treatment.

Healing ointments

The effect of antibacterial drugs is not aimed at eliminating the disease itself, but at preventing its proliferation in the skin and mucous cavities. When herpes is localized on the body, they are used extremely rarely, but if the cold “comes out” on the face, they try to eliminate it as quickly as possible. As a rule, such ointments are used at the recovery stage, when the virus has become weaker and needs to be completely eliminated in order to restore a beautiful appearance.

The following ointments after herpes on the face are best suited for healing the skin after a herpetic disease:

  1. "Depanthenol".
  2. "Tetracycline ointment."
  3. "Panthenol".
  4. "Levomekol".
  5. "Syntomycin ointment."
  6. "Troxevasin".
  7. "Zinc ointment".
  8. "Erythromycin ointment."
  9. "Bepanten."
  10. "Dexapanthenol".

All these drugs stimulate the healing of the wounded surface and prevent the area from rotting thanks to a protective film against the ingress of bacteria.

Ointment for herpes with symptomatic action

Ten percent zinc ointment for herpes on the face has a complex effect. The drug dries and removes toxic microelements from the wound, disinfects, and effectively eliminates fluid and pus.

When applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, it reduces local manifestations of the inflammatory process and irritation, forms a protective film on the skin, which reduces the influence of destructive factors on it. Use the ointment externally, applying a light layer to the surface of the skin two to three times a day.

Ointment against herpes with antibacterial substances

Syntomycin ointment for herpes on the face helps if the lesion is complicated by the occurrence of a bacterial infection. Uncomplicated herpes cannot be cured with synthomycin ointment, since it does not have an antiviral effect.


It is considered an antiviral agent that is used externally to eliminate pathologies caused mainly by herpes viruses.

Zovirax is produced in the form of a cream for external application. The drug has a milky tint and uniform concentration. The main component of the drug is acyclovir.

After the first use of the Zovirax medication on an area of ​​the skin affected by infection, the active microelement is not absorbed into the blood. With subsequent applications, the amount of absorption of acyclovir into the bloodstream is small.

The only absolute prohibition on the use of the cream is considered to be individual intolerance to the main substance or additional microelements of the medication.

The medicine is applied topically. It is applied to the infected skin surface or mucous cavities, evenly distributing it in a thin layer five times a day (approximately every four hours throughout the day). Apply the cream using a cotton swab. The average duration of therapy should be at least four days. In the absence of positive dynamics in treatment, it can be prolonged up to ten days. If symptoms of the disease persist for more than ten days, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. The cost of the drug varies from 200 to 1600 rubles.


The drug is produced in the form of a gel for external application. "Panavir" belongs to a therapeutic group of antiviral drugs with an immunomodulatory effect for local use. It is used as a complex treatment for various viral diseases with their main localization in the skin or mucous cavities.

An absolute ban on the use of the gel is considered to be individual intolerance to any of the substances of the medication, as well as age under eighteen years.

The gel is applied in a light layer to infected areas of the skin or mucous cavities five times throughout the day. The duration of the Panavir course is from four to five days, if necessary it can be extended to ten days. The cost of the medicine varies from 200 to 2500 rubles.


The drug is available in the form of an ointment for external use. The volume of a tube or jar is five, ten, twenty grams. The drug has high antiviral activity against deoxyribonucleic acid-containing herpes viruses, and also has an immunomodulatory effect on humoral immunity.

Five percent ointment is applied to the surface of the skin of adult patients, one percent ointment is applied to children, and one percent Helepin-D is used to the mucous cavities of adults and children. The drug is applied in a light layer to the infected skin surface without a bandage two to six times a day. For acute and repeated forms of herpes, with isolated rashes, the duration of ointment therapy is from three to five days.

If the rash spreads, as well as with a severe form of herpes simplex, treatment lasts from seven to ten days to one month. For viral lesions of the oral mucosa, genital herpes, and chickenpox, the ointment is applied to the infected areas three to six times a day. The minimum course of therapy is ten days.

The pharmacological effect of the drug is most effective when used at the onset of the disease or its recurrence. The cost of the medicine is 300 rubles.


The main thing when fighting herpes is a quick reaction. The severity of the inflammatory process and the duration of the disease depend on this. The sooner you start treating the affected area of ​​the skin with any of the disinfecting and antiviral drugs, the faster the ailment can be eliminated.

Every person should have at least one of the medicines listed above or its substitute in their home medicine cabinet in case of sudden onset of illness. And you need to remember the source of its development, so first of all you need to strengthen your immunity with sports, take care of your nerves, take care of your health - then the herpetic disease will not affect the body.

Most often, various ointments are used as a medicine for herpes. Their use reduces the risk of allergic reactions. Ointment for herpes on the face has absolutely no effect on the condition of internal organs. The process of using such medications is quite simple. There is no strict dosage or time of use either. There are certain recommendations from experts on the use of this or that drug, but even small deviations will not lead to negative consequences.

They quickly eliminate all manifestations of the disease on the face, without tightening the skin. If local treatment is started in time, the disease will not spread further.

One of the most popular drugs for the treatment of herpes is Acyclovir cream. You need to start applying the product at the first manifestations. The sooner you start smearing herpetic sores, the faster a healing crust will form on them.

Among the main advantages of this drug is the rapid reduction of itching and unpleasant tingling sensations in the affected areas. One cannot help but remember that this drug has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to individual components.

Thanks to its thick consistency, this ointment for colds on the face does not run down or smudge. This is very convenient for use both at home and outside. The product is quickly absorbed into the rash. Such gels also have a sweetish taste.

Levomekol will help well against herpes on the face, but has contraindications. It should not be used without a doctor's prescription.

The price of the drug is not too high; anyone with an average income can purchase it. There are differences in the amount of active substance in Acyclovir ointment produced by different manufacturers. However, you can remove herpes on your face in a matter of days.

Despite a number of advantages, Acyclovir ointment against herpes also has some contraindications. The cream should not be used to treat rashes in infants under 3 months of age without consulting a specialist. It is also not recommended to use the gel during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How to use Levomekol gel for herpes on the lips?

Levomekol is considered a more effective and versatile ointment. This gel can treat not only herpes, but also lichen, various mechanical damage to the skin and even purulent wounds. Thanks to the reparative that is part of the product, any wound quickly cleanses and the inflammatory focus disappears. This gel has a number of advantages:

  • has excellent regenerating properties;
  • eliminates the progression of the inflammatory effect;
  • “pulls out” pus;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • characterized by the presence of immunostimulating properties.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that herpes on the face will not only disappear thanks to the product, but will also appear less frequently. Very often this gel is used in surgery to speed up the healing of serious wounds.

Like all similar ointments, Levomekol has some contraindications. Firstly, the drug should not be used by people with psoriasis and various fungal infections. Experts recommend that young mothers who are breastfeeding not use the gel. Well, of course, it won’t hurt to seek advice from a specialist before taking it, who will tell you exactly whether you have an individual intolerance to individual components of the drug. If a woman is pregnant, then Levomekol can be used only for a short time and strictly as prescribed by the attending physician.

Safe even for infants and pregnant women.

How to use Zovirax?

If for some reason you have herpes on your face, Zovirax gel can help you. As a rule, the composition of this product is no different from the Acyclovir ointment described above. For greater effectiveness, some manufacturers include additional substances in the cream in the form of various alcohols to dry the wound, paraffin, sodium lauryl sulfate, etc. Often there is a drug with penciclovir, which is part of the traditional version of Acyclovir.

This drug has a number of advantages compared to others. Zovirax eliminates herpes on the face much faster and has a longer lasting effect. If you use this particular ointment, you can be sure that you won’t have to expect similar rashes in the coming year.

Unlike other drugs, this gel is able to affect the source of the disease even at the most advanced and advanced stages. Contraindications to the use of the ointment are exactly the same as with Acyclovir. And only the possibility of an allergic reaction to penciclovir distinguishes the drug in this regard from Acyclovir.

Features of the use of zinc gel

When it appears, we immediately think of zinc ointment. This is a fairly effective drug that has been on the drug market for quite some time.

The main active ingredient in this case is zinc oxide. Vaseline is used as a base. Over time, the destruction of proteins contributes to the appearance of a healing film - and this is a direct path to eliminating rashes.

Ointments for herpes quickly eliminate all manifestations of the disease on the face, without tightening the skin. If local treatment is started in time, the disease will not spread further.

Among the main advantages of zinc ointment, it is necessary to highlight the impossibility of overdose. This ointment promotes wound healing. The drug is absolutely non-toxic, so it can be used by anyone, even a breastfeeding mother. Even a newborn baby can eliminate herpes on the face and not only zinc ointment, and it is very convenient. By purchasing 1 drug, we have the opportunity to cure the whole family at once.

Among the contraindications, one can single out exclusively individual intolerance to Vaseline and other components that make up the cream.

You can also find zinc paste in any pharmacy. It is thicker, which is more convenient for some people. The active substance penetrates the blood and kills the main focus of the rash.

Alcohol tinctures should not be used to treat open wounds, as alcohol will cause burns and irritation to the skin.

Additional medications for the treatment of herpes on the face

All of the above gels are the most commonly used drugs for the treatment of herpetic rashes. But in order for the treatment process to last as little time as possible, it is necessary to use auxiliary drugs that will dry the wounds and disinfect them at the same time. These medications are in any, even the poorest first aid kit.

Among these we can highlight alcohol. It not only disinfects wounds, but also cleanses them of dust particles and other contaminants. This speeds up the healing process. Drying the ulcers allows them to heal faster.

No less effective medication. Iodine has similar properties. Still, doctors advise using these typical remedies very carefully. Under no circumstances should they be used to treat open wounds and mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes, etc. Ignoring these tips may cause serious skin burns.

You can buy tea tree oil to treat herpes. It needs to be applied as deep as possible into the ulcer, as it forms a kind of protective shell that prevents infection and pathogenic bacteria from entering the body.

Well, the safest substance for wound disinfection is Fukortsin. If you have this drug in your medicine cabinet, you can safely replace it with brilliant green or iodine.

It happens that a person has a cold and his immunity has significantly decreased. Subsequently, the herpes virus, which is present in the body of almost every person, may appear. In order to quickly get rid of rashes, you should use suitable ointments from those described above.

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