The body gains water. If during long trips the body retains fluid, what should you do? Why does water accumulate in the body?

For a long time, from antiquity to the Renaissance, the prevailing view in anatomy was that 3 fluids circulate in the body: blood, lymph and bile. It was believed that the character of a person depended on the ratio of these liquids. Like, the more bile in the body, the angrier, more insidious the person, the more lymph, the softer and more pliable, the blood was “responsible” for activity and aggression. It was Leonardo da Vinci himself, who was the first to destroy this idea. medieval Europe began systematically dissecting corpses. Although I could be wrong here, perhaps this is the merit of Andrei Vesalius, but forgive me for my clouding of memory, this actually has little to do with the matter. But the idea itself is not bad, although it needs some processing. These 3 fluids actually circulate in the body, only blood surrounds the entire body, every cell; lymph circulates more slowly and in a smaller circle; bile has a very limited circulation and scope of action. Although these liquids can hardly influence a person’s character, this statement can be partly justified. The fact is that disruption of the current naturally leads to dysfunction of the body and, accordingly, to a change in behavior. Bile is needed for digestion, and a person with constant heaviness may become irritable and angry.
Well, something carried me into some kind of wilds again... Actually, blood.

Any child knows perfectly well that blood flows from wounds, and of course they give him an analogy with the resin of a tree, which clogs vulnerable, damaged areas of its “body.” Naturally, I will not describe the mechanism of the process. Having matured a little, any schoolchild knows that blood carries oxygen and carbon dioxide, ensuring a change in the “building material” of cells and the oxidation of products with the release of the required energy.

All this is wonderful, but the healing function of blood is often forgotten. The blood is filled with white blood cells - leukocytes, which are the protectors of the body. They are produced by lymph nodes and red Bone marrow. Actually, the name “leukocyte” combines a whole group of cells, different in appearance and structure, but similar in function. And they act in a very interesting way. Once entering the body, a foreign agent (virus, bacteria, single-celled organism) does not go unnoticed; white blood cells immediately rush to it. Leukocytes are very active and are able to pass through the walls of capillaries. Having reached the foreign particle, leukocytes eat it. Well, that is, they envelop and destroy inside themselves, they don’t have a mouth, and digestive tract. The leukocyte is comparable in size to bacterial cells or viruses, so when it “eats” an enemy cell, it increases in size and contains the enemy’s decay products, which are, of course, toxic. If there are many enemies and they are localized, then the leukocytes can eat more than one enemy soldier. Destroying them one by one, they accumulate so many toxins that they are unable to tolerate and neutralize them, and they themselves die. Toxins leak out of a dead cell and cause inflammation. Since a fair amount of struggle occurs in that place, the tumor heats up due to decay products. If a lot of leukocytes die, then their dead bodies and the opponents they killed form pus.

Well, in relation to the therapeutic function of blood, it is worth mentioning the importance of red blood cells. They, as many remember from school, carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. Advanced “nerds” will even remember why carbon monoxide is dangerous (let me remind you: that carbon monoxide 2 forms a very stable compound with hemoglobin in the blood, i.e. it occupies a seat on the red blood cell, and forever, until the red blood cell is destroyed. Sharp rise in the air carbon monoxide leads to paralysis transport function erythrocytes). But also, red blood cells transport toxins, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes. More precisely, all this is dissolved in the blood plasma (its liquid part), but red blood cells deliver these substances directly to the cells of the body. That is, a free red blood cell picks up the required substance from the plasma, say an amino acid, and transfers it through the capillary wall into the cell. Without the participation of red cells, such an exchange is impossible, even if the plasma is supersaturated necessary substances. For those who don’t understand what this means, I’ll explain. Permanent poisoning carbon monoxide (standing near gas stove, smoking, work or just physical exercise near highways, urban living conditions) disables most red blood cells. Of course, they are constantly being destroyed and new ones are being built, but this consumes the body’s energy. And given that many carrier cells carry carbon monoxide molecules on their humps, the remaining free members of the red cooperative have to choose: whether to deliver oxygen to the cells, whether to carry away carbon dioxide or deliver it to the cells construction material(amino acids) or enzymes (catalysts of processes without which biological processes proceed very slowly). Accordingly, than more people smokes or even inhales carbon monoxide, the fewer working red blood cells he has left. And this threatens not only oxygen starvation, but also a violation of all metabolic processes blood with cell. And this is only one toxin in a cigarette out of more than 40. Well, that’s not what we’re talking about, I got carried away again...

Along with the fact that blood delivers amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and microelements, it also carries all medications. Are these synthetic products from the tablet industry or an extract from medicinal herbs. Well, here, of course, you shouldn’t take into account the medicine of direct action, say, the coating of the walls of the stomach, or the mucous membrane of the throat. I don’t like to give ready-made conclusions, but for people who are a little behind in thought, I will say that in this state of affairs, any treatment becomes ineffective if there is a disease associated with a decrease in blood supply.

In addition to the fact that the blood does not carry the substances necessary for treatment, it naturally does not do this with vital substances, which will inevitably lead to illness. The same applies to the blood supply to the cartilage in the joints. Yes, they also need to be restored, cleansed of deposits. Cartilage acts as a solid lubricant and shock buffer in the joints; they are very important and deserve special attention and even a separate article, so I can only say that you need to take very good care of them. Knead and warm up HEALTHY joints for prevention, to increase blood flow to them.

By the way, blood also carries poisons from animal or insect bites. And here I have a completely unscientific theory, if you follow it, you risk your life, because I myself have not tested it. The bottom line is that when bitten by a snake, it is advised to lie down and not twitch until the venom is pulled out of the wound or the antidote arrives. Given that the blood actively flows into the working muscles, it develops quite dangerous situation. If you sit or lie down after a bite, the heart, diaphragm and pleural muscles (in general, the respiratory muscles) will inevitably work, while the paralytic poison will accumulate in these muscles, and paralysis of the heart or respiratory muscles- 100% death. In this regard, I suggest that people who have been bitten by some terrible snake with a nerve-paralytic poison and are guaranteed to get sick soon, try to move as actively as possible, while breathing as little as possible. I repeat once again that such jokes can only work with nerve agent. Poisons of a different action require their own approach.

Do not neglect blood, do not “put off until tomorrow” the treatment of any, even the most minor cardiovascular diseases. Don’t be lazy to cleanse your blood using the means available to you. Don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol (I didn’t talk about it, but it also significantly reduces blood activity). Be healthy - it depends only on you.

Among the methods of caring for blood, first of all, one should include, of course, diet (about bad habits I’m generally silent, they are always out of competition). Nutrition clean products at least in short time intervals it will help the blood to cleanse itself. Give yourself a fast (at least once every six months) for a couple of weeks, when you don’t eat anything from the market. No “whole milk” from packages, no dubious meat or fish from stores, no plastic vegetables, no sausages, cheese, processed foods, canned goods and who knows what salads are made from. If you don’t grow anything yourself, find a woman in the village or in a gardening cooperative and buy all sorts of things from her. salted cucumbers and potatoes. Although it’s better, of course, to grow it yourself, it’s still more reliable. If anyone knows medicinal plants, helping to cleanse the blood, then please share, don’t be shy. It will do some good. I have not yet found such a plant, or rather such properties in plants.

Since I’m already planning to write about blood, then as a postscript, I’ll drop a few words about other body fluids.


In general, few people know anything about lymph, I mean people who are far from medicine, let’s say, ordinary people. While lymph is a very important substance for the body. Why is it actually important? First I will tell you about the structure of this system. Firstly: the main lymph organ is the spleen. Don't ask me where she is or what she looks like, look in the pictures in anatomical atlas for children. Secondly: there are “stations” for cleaning lymph - lymph nodes located along the path of its movement. Thirdly: lymph does not have vessels as such, that is, there are channels through which it flows, but similar to blood vessels with thick walls, it doesn’t have pressure, and it doesn’t need to. Lymph does not move under the action of a separate pump, like blood under the action of the heart, but circulates due to the contraction of skeletal and respiratory muscles. If the blood makes a full revolution in the body in an average of 27 seconds, then the lymph flows lazily, covering its entire path only 5-6 times a day.

Someone could already guess why this very lymph is needed in the body (by the way, we have about 2 liters of it per person) based on the structure of its system. The point is that blood delivers nutrients to the cells, but it only takes carbon dioxide from them. Lymph flows through intercellular fluid, taking away toxins, waste proteins, excess water from it, and enters the ducts. Through the ducts, the lymph reaches the lymph nodes, which are lymph filters. Some of the substances remain in them, then entering the primary excretory system (i.e., the kidneys, for example, where further processing of any harmful substances occurs). The lymph carries some of the substances further and gives them directly to the blood, which then drags all sorts of bad things into the liver, for example, where the substances are decomposed into less harmful ones, or are completely neutralized, or even transformed into something useful. Well, it doesn't matter.

In general, the cleansing function of lymph is the most important, but not the only one. Lymph also flows from wounds along with blood, helping to resist the introduction of harmful agents.

However, something else needs to be said about cleansing the body with lymph. More precisely, about violations of its circulation. The most obvious of them is cellulite. The mechanism here is quite simple. Lymph carries away toxins and other troubles from intercellular space(by the way, under the skin this is especially true, because internal organs are abundantly washed with blood, and the skin is located at the very periphery of the blood flow, and even itself is excretory organ, and if the pores are clogged, then the nastiness accumulates in the skin). And when the flow of lymph is weakened, then under the skin, especially in places that are constantly covered with clothing, therefore, with pores that are not cleansed, they accumulate harmful substances. Our body is a complex and reliable thing, so since these toxins are not taken from the skin, it itself tries to solve this issue by reducing the harmfulness of the toxins. And the harmfulness is reduced by reducing the concentration. In general, water is pumped under the skin, dissolving toxins, and such a capsule is covered with subcutaneous fat for insulation. Naturally, the body expects that these are temporary measures until the lymph restores its normal circulation. The body does not assume that a person consciously leads sedentary lifestyle life and his muscles simply never work to pump lymph against gravity. And over time, these capsules with toxins increase in size (there is still no cleansing with lymph), more and more new toxins are produced, more and more fat accumulates... Well, you understand me. And men have almost no cellulite for one simple reason - their skin is much denser and collagen fibers (which connect the skin to the underlying tissues like pips on a mattress) are located so often that there is no space between them for capsules with toxins and they accumulate in the layer of subcutaneous fat , evenly fattening the owner.

Obesity itself, presumably, is also associated with a lack of lymph circulation, but this theory was born to me quite recently, so I’ll keep its crude version in my head for now.

So, the lymph flow, as you might guess, can be revived by physical activity, as well as special lymphatic drainage massage. In addition, it is easy to assume that cleansing the body of pus and other nasties during an illness will be easier “on your feet,” i.e. with an active lifestyle than with bed rest. Or with dosed physical activity: you can lie in bed, jerk your legs and arms, load your abs, back, etc. I won’t say anything special about massage here. There are very good video courses on Yakovlev massage on the Internet, he explains the essence very clearly, even laymen will understand it.


And if “A” already said about bile, then “B” will say the same. Actually, bile is mainly involved in digestion. Bile is secreted by the liver and accumulates in gallbladder(it is not far from the liver). When food enters the intestines, the liver does not have to urgently produce a bunch of bile, and the bile accumulated in the bladder flows into the small intestine, where it mainly destroys fats. Not much can be said about bile. Although, of course, this substance is extremely necessary and very useful. Its quantity does not seem to affect the character.

By the way, an interesting fact about the use of bile. Not any truth, but only viper. Viper bile, the whole bladder, ripped open and dissolved in small quantity water (50 grams) contributes to a sharp increase male potency for a couple of hours. Long lasting does not have in this direction, remedy neither is it, just a substance of direct action. By the way, viper blood, again dissolved for ease of administration, is a good immunostimulant. These observations are not mine, but those of a fairly well-known snake catcher in Russia, who specializes in catching vipers for the only viper farm in Russia.


Among liquids human body one more is of significant importance. I won’t talk much about it here, but I advise you to scour the Internet in search of information about it. This liquid is saliva. In addition to the information load (contains identification biological material person) performs a series useful functions. Among them initial processing food, wetting it before entering the esophagus to protect the mucous membrane. The early healing effect of saliva is very noticeable. It is no coincidence that we instinctively put a cut finger into our mouth. By the way, this property is most pronounced in dog saliva. But I won’t actually talk about saliva for one simple reason: we cannot influence its secretion or composition. This system works for almost all people like a clock, the rest are simply owners of innate or infectious pathologies. Although interesting facts, associated with drool is more than enough and again for own development I recommend googling it.

Well... I am part of that force that despises human weaknesses along with their carriers, but always wishes them health. Be healthy, Slavs.

The human body is almost 60% water. This is so important for the normal functioning of the body that the loss of just 1.5% of fluid already leads to the most unpleasant consequences. Problems associated with water shortages can overtake and completely healthy person if, for example, he spends several hours under the scorching sun without taking anything to drink with him, but in this case it is very easy to adjust his well-being. It is much more difficult to minimize the effects of dehydration if it occurred for other reasons. We will consider the most common of them in the article.


When sugar absorption fails, the concentration of glucose in the blood becomes too high. The body tries to normalize its amount by increasing its excretion in the urine. A patient who is constantly thirsty intensively absorbs liquid, thereby further activating this process. An excessive burden is created on the kidneys. Body cells lacking required quantity fluids begin to take it from the bloodstream, which causes further “sugarification” and thickening of the blood. A so-called vicious circle of dehydration arises, which is fraught with the most tragic consequences, including the rapid death of the patient.


PMS in women

In the period preceding menstruation, a woman's hormonal background, which leads to a decrease in water content in body cells. Fluctuations in progesterone and estrogen in the blood play a major role here. Then it begins monthly bleeding, and water losses can be quite significant. Women are advised to drink plenty of fluids during this time, especially in the form of sedatives. herbal teas. They help avoid dehydration while simultaneously relieving excess muscle tone and easing menstrual pain.


On initial stages During pregnancy, women often suffer from toxicosis, one of the signs of which is nausea or vomiting. If such episodes occur frequently, the body may lose significant amounts of water. In addition, many pregnant women limit their fluid intake for fear of swelling. Meanwhile the body expectant mother urgently needs an increase in blood volume, and therefore additional water.

Dehydration of a pregnant woman's body can lead not only to a deterioration in her well-being and damage to the cardiovascular or excretory system, but also to such consequences as the formation of malformations in the baby or miscarriage.


A nursing mother loses a significant amount of fluid through milk every day. If the water deficit in the body is not actively replenished, it will develop health problems. That is why women are advised to drink during this period more water, tea, milk, fruit juices and compotes. This saves the body from dehydration, enhances lactation and improves the composition of breast milk.


Taking medications

The effect of most drugs intended to reduce blood pressure and treatment of kidney pathologies and urinary tract, based on the diuretic effect. Many medicinal plants traditionally used in medicine have the ability to enhance diuresis. folk medicine: lingonberry and cranberry berries, knotweed grass and shepherd's purse, Birch buds etc.

Patients who suffer from hypertension, cystitis, impaired renal function, edema, etc. should be warned about the need to increase the amount of fluid consumed. IN otherwise They may become dehydrated while taking medications.


Glucose that the body was unable to use in time accumulates in tissues in the form of glycogen. Each molecule of this substance binds three molecules of water. When a person sharply reduces carbohydrate intake, his body begins to use up reserves, losing fluid. By the way, it is the loss of water associated with glycogen that explains rapid decline weight that is observed on initial stages low carbohydrate diets.

If carbohydrate restriction continues more than a week, dehydration negatively affects skin, nervous system And general condition body. It is especially harmful to exclude rice, oatmeal and durum wheat pasta from the diet: during the cooking process they absorb water and, in addition to many useful substances, supply the body with fluid.


At the moment of physical or nervous overstrain The body produces aldosterone, an adrenal hormone that takes an active part in normalizing water and electrolyte balance. Prolonged stress depletes this function, aldosterone production decreases, and the body loses fluid.

Only eliminating stress as the cause of the problem can help. Increased fluid intake in this situation gives only a weak and temporary effect.


This disease affects about 20% of people. The risk of dehydration for such patients is very high: in many of them, the main symptom of the disease is frequent attacks diarrhea. In addition, most patients, fearing the appearance unpleasant symptoms, exclude from their diet a number of foods, the consumption of which increases the water content in the body.


Exercising improves your figure and mood, increases your immunity and vitality, but can cause harm to health if approached without due care. In particular, it is necessary to take into account that during training the body loses a lot of water through sweat. Therefore, it is important not only to dose physical activity, but also to replenish fluid deficiency in a timely manner.

To do this correctly, it is enough to weigh yourself regularly before and after training. For every kilogram of weight lost during exercise, you should drink from 500 to 750 ml of water (preferably mineral water), fruit decoction or herbal tea. Drinking this amount should keep the risk of dehydration to a minimum.


As you age, your likelihood of becoming dehydrated increases. Hormonal levels change, tissues gradually lose their ability to retain moisture. Many older people experience a decrease in fluid intake because they feel less thirsty. In such cases, experts recommend drinking water regularly at certain intervals and monitoring the amount of liquid that enters the body during the day. This helps maintain the necessary level of tissue hydration.

Fluid retention, or swelling, occurs due to the fact that too much fluid accumulates in the tissues.

  • This phenomenon may be associated with a certain pathology, for example, circulatory disorders, heart failure, kidney or liver diseases.
  • Fluid retention may also occur simply due to dilation of the veins when a person has a fever.

It causes the following consequences:

  • Seemingly causeless weight gain
  • Swelling of the legs, especially in the ankles
  • Increased waist size and decreased need to go to the toilet.

Edema usually occurs in people of the “third age”. But sometimes they are diagnosed in teenagers.

Fluid retention is especially common in women. Its cause is usually hormonal problems and poor nutrition.

As mentioned above, fluid retention may indicate certain problems with the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, liver and stomach.

It often occurs during menopause or pregnancy, and also due to sedentary image life.

What signs indicate fluid retention?

1. Heaviness in the legs

Fluid retention primarily affects " lower limbs", so you need to pay Special attention on the condition of your legs and feet.

When fluid is retained in the body (primarily in the legs), lymphatic drainage is impaired and a person experiences a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs.

2. Swelling ankles

When fluid is retained, ankles often swell.

Due to the accumulation of fluid in the legs, the ankles increase significantly in size in the evening.

3. Leg cramps

The legs also swell, although we don’t always notice it.

Fluid retention is signaled, in addition to a feeling of weakness in the legs, by regular cramps in this part of the body.

4. Inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach

Another part of the body that can be used to judge fluid retention is the abdomen. Sometimes we think that we have gained weight, but in fact the stomach may increase in size due to swelling and bloating caused by fluid retention.

People may go on a strict diet without realizing that an enlarged belly is not due to excess calories, but to fluid retention.

5. Facial swelling

The face often swells. Cheekbones and eyelids noticeably increase in appearance.

Generally the face is “rounded”.

Necessary measures

If there is fluid retention, you should do the following:

Drink more water.

Strange as it may seem, but Fluid retention can be caused by body dehydration(liquid accumulates as if in reserve).

You need to drink as much water as your body needs, then excess fluid will not accumulate in your body.

Go on a low-calorie diet and limit your salt intake.

Do physical exercise, they are useful for almost all health problems. Physical activity Helps remove excess fluid through sweat and urine and improves blood circulation.

Training should be daily and last at least 20 minutes.

Drink infusions with diuretic properties. Infusions of dandelion, dill and parsley, green teahelp remove excess fluid from the body.

Also include the following vegetables in your diet: like carrots and cucumber, and fruits like watermelon and melon.


  • Do not drink drinks that cause dehydration. This is alcohol, especially beer and vodka, and coffee. As mentioned above, the body, sensing a lack of fluid, tries to accumulate it.
  • Include enough protein foods in your diet- meat, fish, seafood and legumes. Lack of protein also causes fluid retention.
  • Don't wear clothes that are too tight. It is not very convenient and, in addition, with fluid retention promotes additional swelling of the body.
  • Move more. If you have to sit constantly at work, get up and do a five-minute stretch every hour. This helps the body not remain in a “sedentary mode” for too long.
  • Avoid exposure to high temperatures.

The science

The body is approximately 60 percent water, although blood itself makes up only 9 percent of our body's body fluids. We know the so-called classical types of fluids, such as blood, sweat and tears. There is also saliva, mucus, semen and urine. What else stands out within us?

1. Tissue fluid

Tissue fluid in combination with plasma, the liquid part of the blood and lymph maintains the internal pressure of our body and provides correct interaction our organs and other fluids. Most tissue fluids do a special job and have a specific name, such as peritoneal fluid, which moisturizes everything inside abdominal cavity or pleural fluid that lines the lungs to allow them to exchange oxygen to support life.

2. Lymph

Lymph is a clear, colorless liquid that is unremarkable, although it plays a huge role in preventing us from dying. It flows throughout our body, detects bacteria and viruses, and carries them to lymph nodes and activates immune system, then transports important substances such as proteins and lymphocytes that fight infections through the bloodstream.

It delivers fats from the digestive tract to where they are most needed and toxins to excretory system. And all this along with the fact that she helps tissue fluid maintain fluid balance in the body.

3. Blood serum

If plasma is blood without red blood cells, then serum is plasma without clotting substances such as fibrin and platelets. This is the liquid that accumulates inside burn blister. Both blood and lymph contain serum, but all three exist separately in our body and perform different functions in different time. However, whey is the most basic of the three.

4. Aqueous humor and vitreous humor

These fluids are important for normal operation our eyes. Aqueous moisture- This clear liquid, which delivers nutrients to the lens of the eye so that, simply put, you don't have to look at the blood in your eye. Vitreous body- this is a gelatinous substance that fills the inside of our eyeball.

5. Bile

Bile is produced by the liver and is stored in the gallbladder and released into the small intestine when you start eating. Its salts act like soap, converting fats into more digestible parts. Along with urine, bile helps our body get rid of most toxins and other unnecessary substances.

6. Cerebrospinal fluid

Cerebrospinal fluid surrounds the spinal cord and brain, filling all the empty space inside. It not only protects all important central system from potential injuries, but also removes metabolic products, delivers hormones that help the brain and spinal cord interact with the rest of the body.

7. Endolymph

Endolymph is not exactly lymph, but a liquid in inner ear which helps us maintain balance. It maintains its position relative to gravity as we move. Small hairs inside the ear determine the position of the endolymph and tell the brain how best to maintain balance.

8. Sebum

Sebum appears in excess when we go through teenage years. Secreted by the sebaceous glands, sebum actually has no odor, but can attract bacteria that cause acne, which causes bad smell during decomposition.

9. Milk

Milk is produced by the mammary glands, which are actually similar to any other glands in our body. Scientists believe that they originated either from sweat glands, or from sebaceous glands. Yes, in fact, men would also be able to breastfeed a child if they had the necessary hormones.

10. Female ejaculation

The presence of female ejaculation, another fluid secreted by women, is the subject of heated debate in the scientific community. Some studies indicate that this fluid most closely resembles prostate plasma and comes from a gland that is similar to the male prostate.

11. Cytosol

Cytosol or intracellular fluid is the fluid inside each cell, as opposed to other fluids, which are located outside and around the cells. If you remember the section of a cell that you studied in biology class back in school, the cytosol is the liquid that holds all the other parts of the cell. This fluid may not seem worthy of attention to you, but it makes up a third of the total fluid in the body.

12. Earwax

Earwax is a combination of sebaceous and altered sweat secretions that protect ear canal from potentially harmful foreign bodies. There are two types earwax: brown, sticky “liquid” and grayish layered “dry”. It turns out there are genetic differences between these types. The more runny type is common among people of European and African descent, while the dry type is more common among Asians and Native Americans.