What vitamin is good for hair? Recipes for homemade vitamin masks. Useful video: Review of the use of Revalid vitamins

At the end of winter, you may notice that the condition of your hair leaves much to be desired; proper nutrition, lack of fresh vegetables and fruits on the menu, lack of sun and cold weather. Why do curls mostly suffer? The fact is that they are not protected from the effects of wind, frost, styling and styling products, as well as hats and dry indoor air.

As a result, the curls are dull, brittle and lack volume, and the skin at the roots is dry and prone to flaking or spoiling, excessive secretion sebum. Vitamins for hair can eliminate the problem of hair loss and many others.

What vitamins should I use?

First you need to figure out what your body is missing. The most common hair vitamins are as follows:
Vitamin A. Symptoms of a deficiency of this substance are flaking of the skin and brittle hair. Retinol has a complex effect:

  • Gives thickness and fluffiness to hair;
  • Eliminates the problem of oiliness at the roots;
  • Stimulates growth;
  • Eliminates the problem of falling out;
  • Gives shine.

Contained in the following products:

  • Sour cream;
  • Cod caviar and liver;
  • Eggs;
  • Milk;
  • Butter;
  • Carrots, pumpkin, asparagus and cabbage;
  • Berries – blackberries, blueberries and gooseberries.

For better absorption, it is better to forget about strict diets, drinking alcohol and smoking.
Daily value for an adult:

  • Medium carrots;
  • Half a kilogram of apricots;
  • Half a teaspoon of fish oil.

Vitamins of group B. This group is not without reason called a real arsenal of beauty - their complex intake improves not only the condition of the hair, but also acts as a preventive measure against hair loss.
Vitamin B1 nourishes the entire bulb to the tips, providing healthy growth and elasticity. Gives skeins shine and a healthy look. Thiamine is found in yeast, bran, nuts, vegetables and milk. Daily intake: head of cauliflower, serving corn porridge and a couple of spoons of sprouted wheat.
B2, B3, B5 and B7 are necessary to normalize metabolism in the skin and structure, preventing hair loss. Help prevent dermatitis and seborrhea. These substances can be found in protein products: liver, eggs, chicken, cheese, kidneys, pork and milk. Dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins and dates. To consume the daily requirement, it is enough to eat half chicken breast, 200gr. cheese or one egg.
With a deficiency of B9, the growth of curls stops and the face becomes pale. A sufficient amount takes part in the structure of the bulb and in its nutrition. active substances, and also stops the appearance of gray hair and prevents skeins from falling out. You can find folic acid in carrots, liver, beer, spinach, eggs and dairy products.
Ascorbic acid. Stimulates blood circulation in tissues, which thereby accelerates growth and treats hair loss, eliminates dry skin. a lack of ascorbic acid provokes dermatitis and fragility at the very root.
Healthy foods:

  • Citrus;
  • Varieties of cabbage;
  • Greens and lettuce;
  • Berries: strawberries, currants and wild strawberries;
  • Herbs: sorrel, parsley, dill;
  • Apples, peaches, apricots and tomatoes.

The required dose of the substance can be obtained from the following products:

  • Medium sized citrus fruit;
  • 400 grams of peaches or apples;
  • A carton of orange juice;
  • One kiwi.

Tocopherol. Main function tocopherol – nutrition and maintenance of elasticity of the skin and bulb. Moisturized and elastic skin is responsible for saturating tissues with oxygen. It is easiest to absorb together with retinol.
The following products are rich in this element:

  • Oils plant origin(sunflower, olive, sesame, corn);
  • Nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts);
  • Beans, peas and soybeans;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Whole grain breads and bran;
  • Spinach, broccoli, parsley and tomatoes.

Important! It should be remembered that beneficial features are destroyed when treated with chlorinated water and when exposed to high temperatures. To consume the daily requirement, it is enough to season the vegetable with a small amount of oil, eat a handful of nuts or a boiled egg.
Vitamin H. For its strengthening properties, biotin is the main component of almost all cosmetics for cleansing hair. A deficiency provokes unevenness of the surface of the curls, dandruff and seborrhea appear. Biotin can be found in liver, yeast, milk, kidney and wild rice.
Vitamin F Fatty acid increase the firmness and elasticity of curls, and also eliminate dryness of the epidermis. Found in avocado, sunflower, almond and flaxseed oils. It is best absorbed together with trocofol and vegetables.

Methods for external use of vitamins

A convenient and simple way to strengthen your hair is with hair vitamins in ampoules. Medical complexes can be found in every pharmacy. The main thing is to use them correctly.
The most effective means:

  1. Combilipen - the complex contains substances of group B;
  2. Retinol acetate – carotene oil concentrate;
  3. Tocopherol – contains vitamin E;
  4. 5% ascorbic acid – a source of vitamin C;
  5. Complex from Vichy - contains a whole complex of amino acids and vitamins for hair growth. Also used for loss, fragility and structural damage.

There are many options and rules for using concentrates:

  • Direct application to the scalp and along the entire length. To increase efficiency, you can combine application of the product with light massage scalp and brushing with a natural bristle brush. Then put on a shower cap and wrap a towel around your head. Leave for one and a half hours;
  • Add the contents of several capsules to your shampoo, conditioner or mask;
  • The best hours for procedures are from 22.00 to 00.00;
  • Should be used in courses according to the instructions;
  • Do not overdose - this can lead to the opposite effect.

Recipes for vitamin compositions

Against skin loss and peeling. Mix one portion each of carotene and tocopherol, add three drops of B vitamin. You can use a few tablespoons of castor or coconut oil as a base. Apply to roots twice a week and leave for 60 minutes.
Recipe for excessive oiliness and dullness of hair. Add a portion of retinol to a few drops of B2 and B12. Apply the application to the scalp and wrap with a towel. Leave for 1.5 hours.
You can also mix it yourself different drugs depending on your needs. The main thing is to follow some rules.
Invalid combinations:

  1. Ascorbic acid with group B substances;
  2. B12 with retinol and B1 with B2;
  3. It is better not to mix B1 with other representatives of group B.

Best combinations:

  • Carotene, tocopherol and ascorbic acid;
  • B12 and B6 work most effectively together and cope well with the loss of curls;
  • B2 interacts with B6 and retinol;
  • For hair loss, a mixture of tocopherol and B8 is often used.

Important! Hair growth vitamins should be stored in a cool, dark place. Do not leave the drug open and use the contents 24 hours after opening the product.

Homemade mask recipes

Don’t forget about homemade beauty recipes:

    • Firming mask to simulate growth. Take two doses of B1 and dissolve them in Not large quantities warmed honey. Use as a mask for 30 minutes.
    • For long hair with split ends. Take 20 ml of oil (from avocado, olive or coconut). Add to them a capsule of retinol and tocopherol. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath and rub into the roots with massage movements. Perform the procedure several times a week an hour before washing your hair.
    • For strength and hair growth. Prepare a mask from a tablespoon of honey, cognac and yolk. Add to it an ampoule with group B components. Start by applying at the roots and distribute over the entire length.
    • Mask against hair loss. Take a tablespoon of salt, dry mustard, ascorbic acid extract and herbal tincture. Apply the mask before washing your hair and leave for 40 minutes. Recommended course – 10 applications.
    • Mask for shine and softness of curls. Add to a portion of balm or conditioner: B12, B8, a couple of drops of retinol and tocopherol, nicotinic acid, aloe extract. Apply to the roots and along the entire length. Wash off after 60 minutes.
    • For rapid growth. Take two tablespoons of base oil and add the contents of the ascorbic acid capsule to it. Using this mixture before washing your hair will not only speed up growth, but also make your hair shiny, manageable and thick.

Vitamin complexes in the form of capsules and tablets

If you are unable to consume enough useful substances naturally or you are on a diet, you need to consume multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements.

  1. Fitoval capsules from KRKA are perfect for those who suffer from hair loss and fragility. The complex contains almost all elements of group B, as well as H, Ca and Fe;
  2. Duovit complex for the beauty of hair, nails and skin. Used for the treatment and prevention of hair loss;
  3. Aevit is one of the most affordable and effective means. They contain two main elements for the beauty of skin and hair - substances A and E. Capsules can also be used for external use on split ends;
  4. Biologically active additive Cheviton is designed to stimulate the growth of skeins and strengthen them. The composition includes calcium, B amino acids, zinc and methionine.

Important! You should take medications as prescribed by your doctor and calculate daily norm based on the elements consumed naturally.
As you can see, vitamins can become a good ally in the fight for the beauty of your hair, the main thing is to use them in moderation and for their intended purpose.


Many people attribute hair problems to external factors. Dry and brittle? Dry air and daily blow-drying are to blame. Dandruff? Perhaps the shampoo is not suitable. Does hair remain on your comb and pillow? There's nothing to be done, it's a seasonal phenomenon.

But hair is one of the indicators general condition body, and problems with them often come from within. When cosmetic products fail, it’s worth thinking about whether your hair has enough vitamins?

Why does hair need vitamins?

Hair is a derivative of the epidermis; its outer shell is covered with dense keratin scales. Each hair consists of a shaft and a root. What we comb, wash and cut is the outer part of the hair. What is under the skin is called the root, or hair follicle. The bulbs are surrounded by hair sacs - follicles.

Biochemical processes necessary for hair growth and health take place in the follicles and their nutrition occurs. Nutrients and oxygen through the bloodstream first enter the hair follicles and are then distributed from the roots to the tips.

If the supply is good, the hair . While dull, quickly dirty and falling hair indicates that the biochemical processes in the follicles are malfunctioning. Hair fiber starves, not receiving the required amount nutrients. The reason for this may be a deficiency of vitamins, since they activate metabolism in cells.

Basic vitamins vital for our hair:

  • Vitamin A - to strengthen hair and fight dandruff (liver, eggs, butter).
  • B vitamins - for growth, thickness and brightness (liver, egg yolk, nuts).
  • Vitamin E - for shine and smoothness (greens, nuts, vegetable oil).
  • Vitamin C - for nutrition and growth (citrus fruits, kiwi, sea buckthorn).

Vitamin A

Many people are familiar with vitamin A as c. Indeed, with its deficiency, the wetting of the cornea of ​​the eye is disrupted, and vision deteriorates. But the lack of this vitamin also leads to weakened immunity and various problems with the skin, including on the head.

Without enough vitamin A, the scalp dries out - dandruff appears, hair becomes thin, brittle, and split. To restore elasticity and cope with dryness and hair loss, you need to include in your diet more products containing vitamin A. For example, liver, butter, fish fat, whole milk. You can also eat carrots, pumpkin, bell pepper and other fruits and vegetables orange color. They contain beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.

B vitamins

These are the most important components for the beauty and health of hair. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, which is large quantities found in grains and cereal crops, gives shine to curls and promotes their growth.

B2 ensures active blood flow to the follicles and normalizes metabolic processes between cells. With its deficiency, the hair becomes too oily at the roots, and, on the contrary, very dry at the ends. Dairy products, eggs and liver are rich in riboflavin.

A nicotinic acid, or vitamin B3 (PP), is responsible for rapid hair growth, as well as its pigmentation. If the body receives it in sufficient quantities, uncolored curls literally shine and lengthen before our eyes. To replenish niacin reserves, you need to eat Rye bread, beets, buckwheat, meat by-products (liver, kidneys), as well as pineapples and mangoes.

Hair, like other organs, needs oxygen. Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, is responsible for this. It penetrates directly into the hair follicle, making the roots strong and preventing hair loss. B5 is found in large quantities in hazelnuts, green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, garlic, buckwheat and oatmeal, egg yolks.

If your scalp is dry, it hurts constant itching and dandruff, the body does not receive enough pyridoxine - vitamin B6. You can improve the situation by eating more bananas, sea ​​fish, chicken and nuts.

The benefits of biotin (B7) for hair are legendary. On the Internet you will find many articles about how it has a beneficial effect on the hair structure and helps in the fight against hair loss and dandruff. Biotin is found in milk, nuts, soy and bananas.

Folic acid (also known as vitamin B9) activates the synthesis of new cells, thereby reducing and at the same time stimulating their growth. There is also an opinion that vitamin B9 deficiency leads to premature gray hair. To compensate for the lack of folic acid, eat more spinach, cabbage and nuts, and brew rosehip tea.

B12 (cyanocobalamin, “red vitamin”) is one of the most important vitamins for the body in general and for hair in particular. It promotes cell regeneration, thanks to which curls grow rapidly, look beautiful and silky. It is found in a large number of products, especially of animal origin: eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, liver, seafood.

Vitamins and their properties Improves hair growth Strengthens roots and reduces hair loss Adds shine and shine Restores brittle and split ends Helps fight dandruff
B1 (thiamine) + + +
B2 (riboflavin) + +
B3 (PP, or nicotinic acid) + +
B5 (pantothenic acid) +
B6 (pyridoxine) + +
B7 (H, or biotin) + +
B9 (folic acid) + + +
B12 (cyanocobalamin) + + + +

Vitamin E

This vitamin is a powerful immunomodulator and antioxidant that strengthens the body's protective barriers. It also improves blood circulation and stimulates regeneration processes in cells.

Vitamin E deficiency affects hair by loss of shine, slower growth, and deterioration of the structure of the hair shaft. In addition, vitamin E protects strands from negative impact ultraviolet radiation and slows down the process of graying. With its deficiency, hair looks dull and lifeless.

Vitamin E is rich in vegetable oil, nuts, seeds, as well as greens, legumes, broccoli and spinach.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is one of the main substances in the human diet. Vitamin C is necessary for the normal functioning of connective and bone tissues and maintenance.

A lack of vitamin C affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair. The latter become weak, begin to fall out and practically do not grow. The situation can be improved if you eat more citrus fruits, berries (currants, sea buckthorn, blueberries), kiwi and apples.

How to use vitamins correctly

In the public consciousness, vitamins are unconditionally associated with benefits. But they can also cause harm if consumed excessively and specific purpose. Especially when it comes to medicinal vitamin-mineral complexes.

In pharmacies big choice vitamins for hair in tablets. As a rule, these complexes, in addition to the indicated vitamins, also include necessary for hair proteins (keratin, collagen), as well as microelements (magnesium to stimulate growth, zinc for shine, and so on).

This is good. But it’s even better if such a vitamin complex is selected and prescribed for you by a doctor specializing in trichology. If you don’t have time to go to the doctor, then at least read it carefully.

In addition, external use of vitamins for hair is now very popular. Many girls buy them in ampoules and add them to shampoos, and make health masks with them.

But here there are some nuances that you need to know about.

  1. Before making a mask with a particular vitamin, find out if you are allergic to it. For example, by making a “harmless” mask of aloe and nicotinic acid to prevent hair loss, you can get the opposite effect due to contact dermatitis - your hair will begin to fall out even more.
  2. Study the biochemical effects of vitamins. For example, it is better not to combine B6 and B12 in the same mask with B1, since thiamine, as well as ascorbic acid, neutralizes their effect. And vitamin A is recommended to be mixed with olive or burdock oil, as it is fat soluble in nature.
  3. Don't try to get rid of all your hair problems at once. Vitamin hair masks are made in courses and do not give an immediate effect. For example, try first strengthening your hair with B vitamins, take a break, and then do a course of masks with vitamin E.

So, vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of hair follicles. They activate (together with microelements) the biochemical processes of nutrition, respiration and hair growth. Most of all, our curls need vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamins E and C. Their deficiency can be replenished by taking special vitamin complexes or including vitamins in ampoules in hair care. But usually, to stabilize the vitamin balance, you only need to slightly adjust your diet.

Anything to add? Share your experience of using hair vitamins in the comments.

Manufacturers of dietary supplements bombard consumers with tempting promises from the labels of their products. Is everything so sweet and smooth or should there be some straw laid down somewhere? We look for flaws and praise the advantages of the best vitamins for hair!

Rating of the best vitamins for hair - TOP 11


Package volume

average price in rubles/pcs.



60 tablets

Vertex, Russia

9 out of 10


Vitabiotics, UK

9 out of 10

Inneov (Inneov) “Density of hair”

60 tablets

Inneov Lab, France

10 of 10


60 tablets

Dansk farmaceutisk industri, Denmark

10 of 10

Merz Beauty

60 dragees (2 packs)

Merz, Germany

10 of 10


30 tablets

Veropharm, Russia

9 out of 10

Vitrum Beauty(Vitrum Beauty)

30 tablets

Unipharm, Inc., USA

10 of 10


KRKA, Slovenia

8 out of 10


TEVA Private Ltd. Co., Hungary

10 of 10


Merz, Germany

10 of 10

Lady , s formula"Healthy hair and nails"

60 tablets

PharmaMed, USA

10 of 10

Alerana is a popular remedy for strengthening brittle hair.

Photo: moveitup.ru

Approximate price: 470 rubles per pack of 60 tablets

What stands out: dual formula “Day-Night” for round-the-clock recovery

Why in the ranking: The drug is recommended by leading trichologists in Russia as the optimal complex of essential vitamins for beautiful hair. Budget dietary supplement effectively fights hair loss and brittleness as a result of stress and poor environment

Customer reviews of Aleran hair vitamins:

“...3 years ago, my hair fell out from stress, it was just terrible!!! I bought “alerana” at the pharmacy, I didn’t hope for anything, but the hair loss stopped, the hair returned to its original state, I’m very happy!..”

“...it’s convenient that the vitamins are divided into daytime and nighttime - they are absorbed better than regular multi-complexes. After a month of taking it, I even started to grow new hairs!..”

Perfectil - the best rated vitamins for hair loss

Photo: img1.liveinternet.ru

Approximate price: 513 rubles per package of 30 capsules

What stands out: presence of extracts of miraculous echinacea and bardana root

Why in the ranking: not the cheapest vitamin, but according to doctors, it is one of the best among drugs with herbal ingredients in the composition. Vitamin “round dance” of 25 active ingredients V short time helps stop hair loss by strengthening follicles

Customer reviews of Perfectil vitamins:

“...the price is wow, but the result definitely exceeded all my hopes! In the fall I’ll splurge on a new monthly course...”

“...after pregnancy I took two courses in a row due to massive hair loss - Perfectil helped me...”

Inneov "Hair Density" - good vitamins for hair thickness and extreme growth

Photo: www.ladyshopping.ru

Approximate price: 1244 rubles for 60 tablets

What stands out: presence the most powerful antioxidant(taurine) - protects hair follicles from damage

Why in the ranking: mega-popular French complex for emergency hair restoration. Thanks to the polyphenols of the active ingredients ( green tea, grape seeds) enhances blood microcirculation, therefore, a high-quality flow of vitamins to the hair. Enriched with zinc, involved in the important synthesis of keratin

Customer reviews:

“...Inneov - the best for hair! They were the only ones that suited me: my stomach didn’t hurt, I didn’t feel sick, my hair became stronger...”

“...I’ve been taking this complex for the third year, the hair structure has become gorgeous, it grows faster, but the result does not appear immediately, the main thing is to drink the pills completely...”

“...after washing my hair fell out a lot, I tried more budget vitamins, but I really felt the benefits of Inneov...”

Femicode - vitamins for comprehensive hair strengthening

Photo: ecobion.passion.ru

Approximate price: about 1063 rubles for 60 tablets

What stands out: presence of natural silicon ( horsetail) and a whole range of vitamins from group B

Why in the ranking: a well-promoted Danish brand with an enviable reputation. Highly appreciated gives the drug medical association our fatherland. The complex is designed for prophylactic appointment, and for the treatment of hair loss, dry hair, etc. The presence of biotin in the composition puts the drug in the ranks best stimulants accelerated growth hair.

Customer reviews:

“...after the Femicode course, not only did my hair become shiny, but my acne also disappeared somewhere - what a marvelous miracle!..”

“...because of the diet, I lost my hair and nails (((I was saved by Femicode. My hair really became better, more well-groomed or something..."

Merz Beauty - the best hair multivitamins for young mothers

Photo: i1.vitamina-shop.ru

Approximate price: 880 rubles a couple of packs of 30 tablets

What stands out: the classic combination of vitamins is supplemented by iron; ideal for expectant and nursing mothers as a source of vitamins

Why in the ranking: a reputable German universal drug takes care not only of the health of the hair, but also of the entire body. "Merz Beauty" carefully restores hair "exhausted" by coloring and curling, without requiring additional care

Customer reviews of Merz Beauty vitamins:

“...I received vitamins as a gift, I didn’t believe in the effect, but I took a chance - the goodness wouldn’t go to waste. And the miracle happened! My hair has stopped coming out - I’ll buy another package to consolidate the result...”

“...Oh, yes, the Germans, oh, well done! I didn’t even doubt the effectiveness of these vitamins. My hair is shiny - it’s lovely, everyone is jealous, I recommend Merz to my friends...”

Vitasharm - the most inexpensive hair vitamins from the premium sector

Photo: razbolit.ru

Approximate price: only about 170 rubles for 30 beauty tablets

What stands out: contains nicotinamide

Why in the ranking: Despite the poverty of the basic vitamin “cocktail” represented by the group - A, B1, B2, B6, as well as calcium pantothenate, the effect of taking Vitasharm is fantastic! Silky, bouncy hair without a hint of weakness and loss. The secret is simple: than less vitamins enter the body once, the higher the rate of their digestibility!

Our rating: 9/10. “Vitacharm” could have received 10 rating units, but compared to other competitors it looks sluggish due to the paucity of the composition and the lack of exotic components - it is necessary to keep up with the times. But for the manufacturer’s cunning we’ll give him a solid 9 points

Customer reviews of Vitasharm hair vitamins:

“...stimulates hair growth - I’ve definitely experienced it myself! I give 5 points out of 5..."

“...for such ridiculous money - this is a super drug! I am satisfied with the Vitasharm vitamins, my hair has become stronger..."

Vitrum Beauty: “Grow, braid, to the waist...”

Photo: www.ljplus.ru

Approximate price: 626 rubles for 30 tablets

What stands out: enriched with folic and pantothenic acids

Why in the ranking: the drug can be called the American brother of the German “Merz Beauty”, both are leading favorites among our selective compatriots. The composition of “VITRUM” is universal: a standard range of vitamins and minerals is supplemented with calcium and iron. Drug with an integrated approach to beauty and, I must say, very literate. After a month's course, hair grows by leaps and bounds!

Thick and healthy hair– isn’t this the ultimate dream of women? And men are increasingly trying to hide their baldness and hide their considerably thinning hair. The causes of hair loss vary greatly, from hormonal pathologies in both women and men, to stressful experiences. Sometimes reception medicines may provoke loss of hair thickness, but more often the situation arises due to banal vitamin deficiency.

You can cope with the problem from the inside: normalize your diet and take vitamins against hair loss from natural products. But in our world of fast food and processed foods, it takes remarkable selectivity and self-discipline to eat healthy food. There are also “simpler” methods:

  • Get the necessary vitamins for fast hair growth from pharmaceutical drugs, so-called dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • Replenish the deficiency by applying vitamins to the scalp in the form of masks and nourishing shampoos. There are 2 options here: use ready-made professional cosmetics or use pharmacy concentrates (mix them yourself, depending on what vitamins are missing or what effect is expected).

What vitamins are missing when hair falls out? The list has long been known.

Essential vitamins

Our hairstyle is most attracted to B vitamins, but it cannot do without vitamins C, E, A, F, H and D. If one component is missing, then an excess of another will not bring improvement. appearance hair. Let's look at how they affect the problem of hair thickness.

Vitamin B1

Helps eliminate stress and nervousness, which negatively affects the thickness of hair. There is a lot of it in brewer's yeast, whole grain products and wheat germ.

Vitamin B2

Stimulates and maintains nutrition of hair follicles at the required level. Sufficient blood flow to the scalp ensures oxygen, microelements and other vitamins reach the hair follicles, and also stimulates their growth. When the bulb is saturated with the necessary substances, the hair becomes strong, shiny and healthy. Riboflavin (another name for vitamin B2) is also responsible for the distribution of sebum. In conditions of its deficiency, both roots and ends suffer from excessive fat content. Dandruff is a sign of vitamin B2 deficiency. Riboflavin can be obtained from organ meats, brewer's yeast, milk and eggs.

Vitamin B3, vitamin PP

Nicotinic acid and niacin also ensure microcirculation of blood in the scalp. Additionally, nicotinic acid normalizes metabolic processes, tissue regeneration cellular level and is responsible for color saturation. With a lack of vitamin PP, the hairstyle becomes dull, gray hairs appear, curls dry out, and grow slowly. You can make up for the deficiency from the following food products: pork, potatoes, cheese, sorrel or fish. Decoctions based on chamomile, nettle leaves, raspberries, burdock or dandelion are used as rinses to strengthen hair. Such rinses stimulate the growth rate of curls, restore color and increase their volume.

Vitamin B5

Regulates internal metabolic processes both in the bulb and throughout the entire length of the hair. Pantothenic acid (second name) strengthens each hair in the bulb, fixes it and prevents hair loss. Improving metabolism increases the intensity of growth processes and improves the overall appearance of curls: shine and color appear. Early pregnancy may also indicate a lack of pantothenic acid. You can make up for the missing amount using the yolk chicken eggs, champignons, whole grain, offal and brewer's yeast.

Vitamin B6

Or pyridoxine is also involved in metabolic processes, it acts as a stimulator. With a deficiency of vitamin B6, the strands noticeably fade, fall out intensively and appear, and a sufficient amount of it eliminates these unpleasant conditions and itchy scalp. Main supplier products: red meat, avocados, bananas, liver.

Vitamin B8

Inositol takes comprehensive care of the skin condition. Improved skin nutrition has a beneficial effect on hair and hair follicles. They are less prone to hair loss if the scalp is not deficient in inositol. An even greater effect from vitamin B8 occurs in tandem with vitamin E.

Vitamin B9

Is a catalyst for cellular renewal structural elements hair. Thanks to folic acid(synonymous name) old cells are replaced by new, healthy and mature ones, and curls grow quickly. With a lack of vitamin B9, the first gray hairs appear early in people and the rate of graying quickly increases.

Vitamin B12

Helps restore hair structure. With a sufficient amount of cobalamin (the second name for the vitamin), the curls become elastic, shiny and smooth, and the ends do not split. Deficiency leads to hair thinning, depletion, increased fragility and dandruff. It is found in large quantities in red meats, fish, and eggs.

Vitamin H

At the same time regulates both fat balance and metabolism. Biotin (second name) normalizes sweating and sebum production, thereby preventing the development of seborrhea. A sufficient amount of vitamin H is an excellent prevention of anemia and hair loss. Peanuts, beef or pork liver, cabbage (mostly white cabbage) and tomatoes.

Vitamin C

Affects blood vessels. The smallest of them, capillaries, deliver blood to the hair follicles. Thanks to ascorbic acid, their tone is normalized, and the bulbs receive required amount nutrients, including vitamins. In the bulb, which receives intensive nutrition, the hair holds much stronger. With a deficiency of ascorbic acid, curls lose their shine, their fragility increases and the ends begin to split. You can make up for the deficiency by following products: citrus fruits, dairy products, fresh vegetables(especially Bell pepper), fruits, etc.

Vitamin A

Regulates metabolic mechanisms inside hairs and bulbs. With a deficiency of the element, hair becomes dull, brittle, and grows slowly. In sufficient quantities, beta-carotene ensures elasticity of curls and prevention of dandruff and. There is a lot of vitamin in carrots, butter, beef liver.

Vitamin E

For hair, it acts as an activator of intracellular processes. It optimizes the supply of nutrients and their further transformation. In addition, tocopherol protects hairs from adverse effects external aggressors (ultraviolet, low and high temperature), while ensuring a sufficient flow of oxygen. With sufficient supply, the hair becomes thick and shiny. The skin also suffers from deficiency: dandruff, burning sensation, irritation and dryness appear. You can restore the balance of tocopherol by including egg yolk, nuts, vegetable oils, milk, and green leafy vegetables in your diet.

Vitamin D

It has a beneficial effect on the growth rate of curls by stimulating blood circulation in the bulbs. It does not enter the body with food, but is synthesized in the process of ingestion. sunbathing, duration 20-30 minutes.

For minor hair loss, it is enough to include it in your diet. natural vitamins. But if more than 150 hairs are lost every day, more radical measures are needed.

Ready-made complexes in tablets

What vitamins to take if you have hair loss? individual question. The list depends on the cause of the pathology and the deficiency of specific elements. To do this, you need to carefully analyze your diet and take an extensive blood test. If this is not possible, you can purchase pharmacy vitamins for hair. Their choice is currently extensive, but it is better to choose those that do not contain fragrances and dyes (they often develop allergic reaction). Below are the most common, affordable and most effective.


On average, the course of taking the complex is 3 months - six months. Vitamin complex protect hair from external adverse effects, including chemical and coloring compounds, solar ultraviolet radiation. The complex was specially developed for the health and beauty of hair, it restores its structure from the inside. It contains brewer's yeast (it contains vitamin B1, B2, B3 and other B vitamins), keratins and individual vitamins. Adults take 3 tablets per day with food.


Special vitamins for hair loss contain not only brewer's yeast, individual B vitamins, but also chelated (readily available) microelements: zinc, iron and copper, as well as plant extracts. The course of therapy is 2-3 months, the drug is taken with food or before meals three times a day, 1 (per severe cases 2) capsules. It affects both the hair structure and the nutrition of the bulb.


This is a complex of hair vitamins and microelements. It contains almost all the items from the list of essential vitamins, plus microelements: iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iodine, copper, selenium, silicon, chromium and others. The drug was produced for people with severe (hair loss) and: psoriasis, dryness, eczema, mechanical injuries and burns. Take one capsule per day with food or immediately after a meal.

Merz special dragee

Merz special dragee – complex drug for hair, skin and nails. It contains almost the entire list of vitamins from the list, plus iron, zinc, soy protein and L-cysteine. Recommended for eliminating vitamin deficiency in a weakened body. You need to take the drug twice a day, one tablet at a time. Application period is 2-3 months.


These hair vitamins in tablets are divided into 2 types: for night restoration of curls and for daytime restoration. In combination, the drug provides skin and hair with all essential vitamins and microelements. You need to take one “day” tablet and one “night” tablet per day. The course is a month, it must be repeated every 4-6 months. There are also local remedies for hair thickness: sprays, shampoos, balms and masks. The complex achieves maximum effect.

Vitrum Beauty

The tablets were developed as a vitamin and mineral supplement general strengthening complex, containing components for the restoration of hair, skin and nails. Therefore, Vitrum Beauty contains vitamins from the list and the following additional ingredients: boron, manganese, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium. Tablets can be taken 2-3 per day for 2-3 months.


Aevit capsules contain only vitamins A and E. They will be effective in case of deficiency of these particular vitamins. The composition has a beneficial effect on the skin and improves hair health, provided there is a sufficient supply of other beneficial substances from the diet or other complex preparations. Aevit capsules are taken 1-2 per day.

Complivit Radiance

The complex restores hair, nails and skin thanks to its vitamin and mineral composition, lipoic acid and green tea extract. It is recommended to take the product for 30 days without a break, one tablet at a time.

The use of concentrates in ampoules for hair restoration

Vitamin complexes can be used not only internally, but also externally - directly to problem areas: hair roots and scalp. However, you should not purchase concentrates and apply them undiluted. How to use hair vitamins in ampoules? They are mixed with the base: shampoo, mask, lemon juice, vegetable oils or other ingredients. There is a rule: for the best effect, formulations are prepared for single use - under the influence of external environment the effect of the procedure may weaken.

Revitalizing shampoos

Specialized shampoos are quite expensive, so women were forced to come up with a way to prepare analogues from cheaper, but no less effective components. This is done simply:

  1. The composition of the desired product is carefully studied expensive product, the available ingredients are highlighted.
  2. The mentioned vitamins are purchased at the pharmacy (it must be said that they cost pennies).
  3. At the same time, choose the simplest possible shampoo (dyes and perfume compositions may react and weaken the effect).
  4. There is only one small thing left to do: add 1 ampoule of the selected concentrated vitamin preparation (or combination thereof) to the shampoo and wash your curls.

Prepare a portion of shampoo for one hair wash. The hair is washed twice: the first portion is quickly washed off, and the second portion is kept for 5-15 minutes.

Vitamin combinations

For dullness: ascorbic acid is mixed with cobalamin and folic acid.

“Standard” set: thiamine, cobalamin and pyridoxine.

To enhance nutrition of hair follicles: mix vitamin E, thiamine, cobalamin and pyridoxine.

Masks with vitamin concentrates

After applying the mask to the hair, carefully distribute it over the surface of the head using massage movements (than longer massage– the more intense the impact will be).

Vitamins for hair restoration can be added to previously purchased masks. The mixture is also prepared for single use. The second option is to prepare the mask yourself.

For soft and shiny curls

Riboflavin is mixed with cobalamin, pyridoxine and added to a heated base of vegetable oil (burdock, sea buckthorn, almond, etc.). Cover your head with a warm cap for 30-60 minutes.


Add eight-ounce lemon juice and an ampoule of vitamin E, B6 and A to the vegetable oil. Some recipes also contain dimexide. Soak for 120 minutes under the hood.


Mix aloe leaf juice, egg yolk and honey in equal proportions. Add an ampoule of ascorbic acid, thiamine and pyridoxine to the base. Keep for about 60 minutes.


Combine an ampoule of vitamin D concentrate with warm castor oil, stir and apply to the roots. After 30 minutes, rinse with chicken yolks (an excellent soap substitute).

For enhanced growth

The mixture is prepared on the basis alcohol tincture eleutherococcus and flax seed oil. Vitamin concentrates used: nicotinic acid, tocopherol and retinol. Leave under the hood for about 60 minutes.

The compositions of masks can be alternated, but best effect is achieved through their course application. For this purpose, the selected recipe is used 1-2 times a week, for a total of 10-15 applications.

Professional hair products

If you don’t want to tinker with the ingredients and understand the numerous names of various vitamin concentrates and their recommended combinations, then you can use specialized hair restoration products from professional hair care series. Such drugs are more expensive, but contain a more balanced composition and additional active ingredients, which are quite difficult to find in the pharmacy. Here are the most common professional tools:

  • Structur fort in the form of ampoules. The product contains keranite, camphor, collagen and silk proteins. The contents of the ampoule are applied to washed hair (still damp), foamed, and washed off with water after 10-20 minutes. One procedure is required per week. The drug is intended for weakened and lifeless hair with split ends.
  • Dikson Polipant Complex in the form of ampoules. Restores curls damaged by heat styling, chemical dyes and curling. Contains keratins, lactic acid, cetrimonium chloride. Apply to wet hair 1-2 times every 7-10 days. After 10-90 minutes (depending on the degree of damage) you can wash it off.
  • Restoring ampoules Olio Minneralizante Selective. The drug was developed for damaged, dry, colored and brittle hair. Contains natural oils plants, panthenol and vitamin combinations. The product is distributed over damp, cleansed hair (excluding the root area).
  • Timulactine 21 contains silanols, phospholipids and bittersweet nightshade extract as active ingredients - powerful stimulants metabolic processes in hair and scalp, mechanisms of regeneration, cellular nutrition, restoration and regulation of sebum formation. Leave-in product, used 1-2 to 7 times a week.
  • Dercos for men contains aminexil, which acts on the hair follicle. DERCOS for women additionally includes pyridoxine, nicotine and pantothenic acid. Apply the leave-in product to wet or dry roots and skin and rub in a little.
  • System 4 Climbazone Therapeutic oil Cure contains vitamins for hair restoration (PP, B6, B5, E), salicylic and undecic acid, menthol and rosemary. This is a complex preparation, it is rubbed into the scalp 1-2 times a week and left under an insulating cap for 45-150 minutes.
  • CH5 plus is prepared on the basis of plant extracts (ginseng, sesame, hot pepper, angelica, mint, etc.), turpentine and riboflavin, therefore it has a complex effect on curls, hair follicles and skin. The product does not wash off and is used every day.

If emergency measures hair nutrition is not required, you can use shampoos and conditioners to reduce hair loss. They are in contact with the skin for less time, but are used daily, so the desired effect will not be long in coming. You can use the following cosmetic lines:

  • Estel Otium Unique.
  • NISIM.
  • Alerana.
  • Molto Gloss, etc.

If you do everything according to the instructions (be it drugs for oral use, homemade masks and shampoos, or products from professional lines), but after a couple of months there is no noticeable result, perhaps the problem of deterioration in the appearance of hair and hair loss does not lie in vitamin deficiency. Then you should visit a trichologist and conduct a comprehensive examination.

The main causes of hair problems are poor nutrition(diet, lack of microelements, hypovitaminosis); diseases internal organs; hormonal disorders; too much frequent use coloring and perm; low-quality cosmetics for hair; exposure to harmful climatic factors (insolation, dry air, temperature changes).

Hair therapy

There are many ways to help your hair. These are both external means (masks) and internal ones (proper nutrition, rich in vitamins, and additional vitamin preparations). There is no point in using only masks without making adjustments to your diet, since this will only give external effect, but not true hair strengthening. Vitamins are absorbed in the intestines, not on the skin. The optimal result can be achieved if you work on the hair both outside and inside.

Vitamins for hair

The appearance, shine, thickness and speed of hair growth depend not so much on cosmetic products, but on the presence in the body necessary substances. Normally, they should be supplied with food. But sometimes food does not contain all the required nutrients, and then you need to take additional microelements and vitamins. The following vitamins are beneficial for hair.

Retinol (vitamin A). Nourishes and strengthens the scalp and thereby helps maintain healthy condition hair follicle. Contained in red and orange vegetables, fruits, milk, cottage cheese.

Vitamins of group B. B1 (Thiamin), B2 (Riboflavin), B12 (Cyanocobalamin), B5 (Panthenol) - these vitamins promote hair growth, maintain its natural vibrant color, make it strong and shiny. No wonder the composition medicated shampoos These vitamins are often included. For hair loss, B vitamins in combination with zinc can have a significant effect. They are found in brewer's yeast, cereals, beans, vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). Its main action is aimed at blood vessels, including vessels of the scalp. It improves skin microcirculation and nutrition of hair follicles, thereby promoting hair growth and reducing hair loss. Nicotinic acid is found in vegetables, but it is especially abundant in onions and garlic.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). This is one of the main “female” vitamins. With a lack of tocopherol, hair looks sick: its ends split, it loses its shine, turns gray early, and falls out. Most vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, especially in olive. Nuts, seeds, and green vegetables are also rich in vitamin E.

In addition, microelements are needed: zinc, calcium, iron, iodine, silicon. Their main sources are mushrooms, green vegetables and seafood.