How to restore vision with the help of the sun? Sunbathing as a method of restoring vision Pirate bandage - an exercise for the lazy

Over the past fifty years, people have begun to spend most of their lives indoors with artificial lighting. Does this have any implications for vision? Huge! Artificial and natural lighting differ in their effect on our eyes. It is not at all surprising that visual impairment is now present in a very large part of the population. We are so unaccustomed to natural sunlight that we cannot be in the Sun without sunglasses. But for thousands of years people managed completely without them.

Many people have developed such “photophobia” that when they are outside without dark glasses, they experience sharp pain in their eyes. Of course, the reason for vision deterioration is not only the constant exposure to artificial lighting. But facts are stubborn things. In cities where people spend almost 90% of their time in rooms with artificial lighting, various visual impairments are noted already in early childhood! On the contrary, doctors note that in people living in rural areas and spending most of their time outdoors, visual impairment is much less common and mainly in older people.

The following conclusion can be drawn: to restore vision, you need to return to the Sun! Eye solarization is a special exercise aimed at restoring vision using the bright light of the Sun. Hence the name of the term solarization - that is, exposure with the help of the Sun. People who use solarization in their practice begin to see better and eventually restore their vision.

It has been experimentally established that sunlight has a beneficial effect on the retina of the eye. Its impact causes relaxation of the eye muscles, improvement of blood supply to the retina. With astigmatism (uneven tension in the eyeball), myopia (general tension and inability to relax the muscles), retinal detachment is often observed. This phenomenon is so destructive to vision that if left unchecked complete blindness may occur. Bates, Shichko, Zhdanov and others explain retinal detachment by a change in the shape of the fundus of the eye due to overstrain of the eye muscles, which is why this deformation occurs and, as a consequence, retinal detachment, since the retina is not elastic. Deterioration of eye nutrition due to alcohol consumption and the general poor condition of the body worsens the situation.

To eliminate this disease, laser surgery is necessary. The price of the operation makes it unaffordable for a large number of patients. With the help of a laser, the retina is, as it were, soldered, but after a while, the detachment appears again, sometimes with sharp progress. Because the laser does not change the shape of the eyeball or improve elasticity. What is needed here is relaxation of the eye muscles and improvement of blood supply and nutrition to the retina. What should those who are unable to undergo surgery or strongly doubt its effectiveness do? Practitioners note that the use of solarization is very similar to the effect of laser soldering and note a strong effect of improving vision, which, unlike surgery, remains forever.

How is eye solarization performed?

William Bates proposed a way to free himself from the fear of light and called this technique “solarization.” Everything ingenious is simple! It consists in expose your eyes with drooping eyelids to the light of the sun. Under no circumstances open! With systematic exercise, the eyes become so accustomed to bright light that sunglasses are simply not needed. You will not squint in the sun, as people have not squinted for many thousands of years. The eyes will see well both in low light conditions and in very bright light conditions. Solarization can be carried out anywhere where there is sunlight. In cloudy weather, you can use an incandescent lamp with a power of 150-200 watts. It is strictly forbidden to use infrared and ultraviolet lamps! In this case, you can lose your vision completely. More on using lamps later. The exercise can be performed sitting or standing. But it is better to do this in a relaxed state, sitting in a comfortable position. Take a look at the pictures:


First you need to try to just get used to the sun for 30 seconds. To do this, close your eyes, lowering your eyelids (without squinting), and expose them to the sun. If you experience pain, palm immediately. This is a very useful exercise in which you close your eyes with your palms. (palm - palm in English). How to do palming correctly, read. Try to increase the solarization time to 30 seconds. When the time is up, palm and repeat 2-3 times. Gradually increase the session time to 20 minutes. If pain in the eyes does not allow you to perform the exercise for even a second, direct your eyes to a bright area of ​​the sky. Then, with each new activity, bring your eyes closer to the sun. Between each session, palm until any residual glare disappears. It is recommended to carry out solarization 2-3 times a day.

In order for the light to affect the eyes more evenly, head movements are necessary. Slowly change the rotation of your head in different directions for ten seconds. You can draw various imaginary round shapes in the air with the tip of your nose - a circle, a figure eight. You need to feel pleasant relaxation, feel how the warmth of the sun penetrates deep into your eyes and heals your vision. If you experience any sharp unpleasant sensations, stop immediately and palm until the glare disappears.

To consolidate the effect, you need to try to give up dark glasses. In general, their use is absolutely necessary in places with dazzling snow (mountains, Arctic, Antarctic), as well as in the tropics. But almost always, with the exception of mountains and places with dazzling snow, glasses can be replaced with a large-brimmed hat or a cap with a visor. After a certain time, the need for sunglasses will completely disappear and you will enjoy new sensations on a sunny day.

The Medvedevs describe an interesting way of performing solarization in their book. This is a method using a fan or a piece of thick paper. You can use your palm:

  • Position yourself facing the sun while sitting or lying down.
  • Try to achieve inner peace of mind and relaxation of the body.
  • Take an opaque fan or a small piece of thick opaque paper in your hand and place it 15 centimeters from your face so that it covers half of your face. You can use your palm.
  • Smoothly turn your head from side to side, listening to the sensations in the eye, which is exposed to either light or shadow. You can place a fan (paper) in the middle and move it from side to side, while keeping your head motionless.
  • This technique allows you to relax more. Listen to how the sun warms your eyes through your eyelids, penetrates with its warmth very deeply filling your entire body, bringing your eyes to a normal state.
  • General relaxation and peace of mind and comfort are of great importance, since solarization is aimed at relaxing muscles and improving nutrition of the eyes.

After finishing the exercise, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water (to raise the tone of the facial vessels close to the eyes), and then do palming for an increased duration. Solarization should be performed whenever possible, but at least 2-3 times a day. The results from these exercises may exceed all your expectations.

Hello, friends! I will tell you about my personal experience of restoring vision by natural methods without operations and any simulators. I had -5 Dpt myopia, but I was able to remove the glasses and lenses that I had been wearing constantly for 10 years. The technique is simple, and in some ways even for the lazy. I'm not a fan of constant exercise. Let your vision recover slowly, but reliably, and then you won’t have to constantly think about training for the eyes all your life and be afraid that if you don’t do the exercises, your vision will slide back to the former half-blindness.

This is actually what happens in most cases. You do exercises regularly, your vision clears up, the picture of the world around you becomes sharper and clearer, more colors, more life. You are happy and eventually give up on exercises. Why, if everything is so good? But no! Everything is fine only for a while, and then gradually the vision becomes the same, that is, blindness returns.

Yes, if a person does not have 100% vision, he can be called blind. It's bitter, but true. Of course, the degree of myopic blindness in a person with -1 Dpt and with -15 Dpt is different, but the essence is the same - a person ceases to partially see the space around him, that is, he is no longer full-fledged, his capabilities are limited, even if his vision is only 0, 25 Dpt.

For example, when my eyesight began to deteriorate for the first time in the fifth grade of school, I didn’t even suspect about it in ordinary life. It didn’t occur to me that there was anything wrong with me anymore. From the blackboard at school, from the very back of the desk, I still saw well (so it seemed to me). Problems with the eyes were discovered after taking a math test. I am an excellent student and got a C grade. It was something unheard of, because even a four was a low mark for me, and I was sure that I solved all the problems and examples correctly. They began to look into it and it turned out that she had copied the assignments from the board incorrectly. I mixed up “seven” and “one”, “three” and “eight”. Back then I didn’t even suspect that something like this could happen to me. It turns out that I was already partially blind. I seem to see everything, but I couldn’t write the test perfectly. The doctors said that my vision had deteriorated by the notorious 0.25 Dpt. It seems like nonsense, but the three in the diary is a fact.

Since then, she gradually began to go blind. By the age of 20, I was already wearing glasses at -5 DPT all the time. Over time I switched to lenses. This suited me for a long time, although, as it turned out, subconsciously I did not come to terms with the loss of vision, and when strangers began to advise methods for restoring it, I listened to them and decided to try.

I tried out different methods and exercises. Something helped better, something didn’t work at all, and I didn’t like to do something, and I didn’t do it. In the end, I finally found effective methods for restoring vision, which helped me completely remove my glasses and contacts. My vision is not perfect yet, but I no longer use optical crutches for my eyes, I simply don’t have them. I continue to study and try techniques for improving vision on myself, and when my vision is one hundred percent, I will definitely share my knowledge and story of how I achieved this.

Now, before we talk about any methods for curing eye diseases, I will tell you about the main systemic causes of vision deterioration. They can be different (injuries are a separate topic that I do not touch on in this article), but in general they are the same for all people.

Systemic causes of vision impairment

1. Wrong lifestyle

If your lifestyle does not turn towards health, then at least do eye exercises from morning to evening, you will not see good vision. There may be an improvement for some time, but as I said above, the effect will be short-term. This is the main reason why few people manage to correct their vision forever with exercises alone.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle is multifaceted; this entire site is devoted to this topic, but I have already described the main four principles of natural health, affecting such aspects as nutrition, movement, natural habitat and a healthy mind. Other causes of visual impairment follow from this first one.

2. Poor nutrition

Food builds the body or in other words - you are what you eat. When a person’s lens, for example, becomes cloudy, the doctor diagnoses “cataracts” and cites old age as the reason - “what do you want, my friend, at your age.” However, old age is a real disease. Years lived and calendar age are not toxic. Old age is the accumulation of a number of diseases due to poor lifestyle and, to a greater extent, due to poor nutrition. Over the years, body tissues accumulate harmful substances, because the body cannot completely process and eliminate all the garbage “food” that a person constantly stuffs into himself, and in very large quantities. He can only adapt to it, and the price of this adaptation is illness, and as a result old age, decrepitness and early death. The eyes also “age”, which means they get sick along with other organs. You need to eat the food that is intended for man by nature itself - these are fresh organic fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, greens and cereals. The more deviations from proper sensible nutrition, the more diseases and the sooner they make themselves felt.

3. Lack of physical activity for the extraocular muscles

This reason most often causes the development of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and even strabismus, that is, those diseases that are associated with malfunction or atrophy of some oculomotor muscles. Muscles that do not receive a load eventually weaken and cease to perform their functions.

When you do not change the distance from your eyes to the object in question for a long time, for example, you read a book for three hours in a row without stopping or sit in front of a monitor screen for half a day, having fun with some toy, then the focusing of the eye does not change, the eye muscles almost do not act and it may occur. spasm of accommodation, which is also called false myopia. It may go away on its own, or it may not go away and develop into real myopia. Of course, you can do a relaxation exercise (palming, for example, discussed below) or switch to another type of activity and forget about it for a while. But if the habit of not taking care of your eyes manifests itself systematically, then sooner or later eye disease will make itself felt.

You may argue that for work or study you must read, write, and work on the computer a lot. Yes, I agree, a person in modern society looks little into the distance and most of the activities of cities are connected with the work of the eyes close up. But who's stopping you from taking a break? Rest every 40-60 minutes. Change the distance from your eyes to a book or monitor more often. Finally, do eye exercises (rolling your eyes, moving up and down, left and right, zigzag, spiral, rectangle, etc.).

4. Lack or excess of light

It is harmful for the eyes and the whole body as a whole to wear black or even just darkened glasses. This fashion was imposed on us not so long ago by movie heroes, but if you think about it, it’s just stupid to close your eyes from the sun. Personally, I associate a person hiding his eyes behind dark glasses only with a blind person. Because only completely blind people constantly need black glasses.

The sun is very beneficial for the eyes and lack of sunlight can be one of the causes of vision loss, or even the main one. There is a known case where during the war a man barricaded himself in an underground bunker. He spent five years there without going out, and when he came out into the sunlight, it turned out that he was blind. This is of course an extreme case, but it is very indicative of the need for sunlight for the eyes.

Excess light is no less harmful. When I was involved in mountain tourism, we always took tinted glasses with us on spring hikes. I didn’t have special tourist goggles for skiers, so I bought simple gas welding goggles. I put them on when we walked through the snowfield, so that the sun reflected from the white snow would not blind our eyes. Otherwise, you can burn your eyes and go blind. Once, one girl on a hike did not take tinted glasses, and we took turns wearing my glasses. Half an hour for her, and half an hour for me. So for those half an hour that I walked through the blinding snow without glasses, I can’t express in words what torture it was. It was getting dark before my eyes, I felt sick, nauseous, felt weak, my knees buckled, and I could barely maintain the required pace. And the whole reason is the blinding light.

Another illustrative story on this same topic happened with my older brother. He worked as a laborer, but one day he was assigned to weld something. Of course, an experienced welder showed him what and how, gave him a special mask, but his brother immediately took it off frivolously. You see, he can’t see anything in it, it darkens too much. So he welded for several minutes without eye protection. The negative result appeared the very next morning. I woke up from his screams. It turned out that when my brother got out of bed, he could not open his eyes: his eyelids did not lift. He tried to open them manually with his fingers and then realized that he could not see anything at all. He had a big panic and I remember well that then my myopia and glasses seemed like sheer nonsense to me. At least I saw something, but he saw nothing at all. They called an ambulance, they gave him some drops, and they did something else. After a few days, my vision gradually returned. Many years have passed since then, but my brother still cannot openly look at something bright and sunny; he even watches TV with his eyes squinted, but it is believed that he has 100% vision. But there is photophobia. This is also a prime example of extremes.

5. Reluctance to see

It seems absurd, but it is true. A person may be afraid of something in life, he may not want to see injustice, pain, ugliness, poverty, illness. May turn a blind eye to the future or past. He may even say in his hearts “my eyes would not see you”, “if only I would not see all this” or something similar out loud or to myself. That is, he programs himself for blindness. Similar causes of vision loss are called psychosomatic, and they are very real.

In my case, it was this reason that played the main role in the deterioration of my vision. At that moment I didn’t suspect this, but many years later, when I started self-restoring my vision and discovered that exercise only helped for a while, I realized that it’s not just a matter of physiology and proper nutrition.

The spirit does not exist separately from the body. Only in a healthy body is a healthy mind. If I have a fear of the future (the main cause of myopia in most people), then without getting rid of it it will not be possible to return full vision. Then I remembered that just at the time when I got a C in mathematics, our family was going through difficult times. I will not go into details, I will only say that it was very difficult for me as a child and subconsciously I did not want to see the current situation. I simply closed my eyes to the reality of what was literally happening. The result is deterioration of vision.

6. Wearing glasses and contact lenses

If you are experiencing the first signs of vision loss, do not use these optical crutches under any circumstances. This will not improve your vision, but will only worsen the problem. The greatest harm caused to the eyes by wearing glasses and lenses is immobilization of the extraocular muscles. The earlier you started wearing it and the longer you wear it, the more difficult it will be to truly restore your vision later. Remember that Glasses and contacts are not a cure for the eyes, but a crutch.

When a person breaks an arm or leg, they put a cast on it, that is, they immobilize it. A state of rest is necessary for healing of the fracture. Then the plaster is removed and it takes more than one week for rehabilitation, you need to learn to walk or move your arm again. Those who have experienced it themselves know. Therefore, when a person begins to restore his vision and at the same time continues to wear glasses and contacts, nothing will work out for him. You need to at least change the dioptres to reduce them, and even better, learn to live without optical crutches. The sooner you take off your glasses, the faster your vision will be restored.

There may be one specific reason for visual impairment, but usually it is complex of reasons that is, a person’s overall wrong way of life. How to change it and what exactly will help in the natural restoration of vision will be discussed below. I will only talk about those specific methods that have helped and continue to help me personally. That is, something from which I got visible results.

Of course, there are many methods for improving vision, there are also books on this topic, and you can get lost in all this chaos if you don’t listen to yourself. My biggest recommendation is follow the path of your heart. If you don’t like something I’ve proposed, then it’s in the firebox; it may well be that you will find or have already found something better (if this is the case, please share your knowledge - in the comments or through). I have one situation with my eyes, yours may be completely different. However, I offer universal methods that, first of all, do not remove the consequence (eye disease), but eliminate the cause of vision loss. In a word, I suggest you, my dear readers, to change your lifestyle. Yes, of course you will have to work hard, but the reward will be not only good vision, but also the improvement of your entire body, and as a result, an increase in the quality of life in general.

Recommendations and tips for restoring and improving vision using natural methods


The eyes, just like any other organ of your body, do not live on their own. If you have problems with them, then any (!) illness or illness will immediately negatively affect your vision. As they say, where it’s thin, it breaks.

Illness is a crime, let's not be criminals.
Paul Bragg

I feel this very well myself. The eyes are sensitive to emerging problems in the body. Unfortunately, I am still subject to the influence of calendar seasons. As a rule, in the spring my vision drops slightly for about a month. Always at the same time, and then a month later it is restored. I associate this with winter nutrition, when by winter there are few vitamins left in the diet, even though I eat mainly fresh vegetables and fruits. Cabbage, for example, by spring is no longer as tasty as in autumn; it already contains much less nutrients and less moisture. The same goes for other fruits. As for illnesses, I haven’t been seriously ill for a long time, I even forgot the last time I had a runny nose. But I still feel unwell, and then I notice that there is a slight fog before my eyes. This is how the eyes react to problems in the body.

2. Live a healthy lifestyle

In addition, I’ll tell you a personal story about how switching to this type of diet affected my vision. This was back in 2008. Then, after reading the book, I suddenly became a raw foodist. Almost immediately I went to the forum of raw foodists (no longer active), read the confession of the raw foodist Izyum and realized that I didn’t want to bother with preparing raw food salads, cutlets and cakes; it was much easier to eat whole fruits than to plunge into the abyss of culinary delights again.

I didn’t even think about the fact that this could help restore vision. By that time, I had behind me the experience of taking Norbek courses and taking classes from lectures by Vladimir Zhdanov, but all this brought short-term improvement, besides, even for a small result it was necessary to make great efforts, but as soon as you gave up a little slack and forgot about the exercises, the myopic diopters returned .

This time, already on the third day of the raw food diet, I had to give up the lenses. Intolerance appeared in the eyes, and I simply physically could not stand in them. I ordered simple glasses with smaller diopters - instead of five, I started wearing -4 Dpt. Three months later, I discovered that I was not comfortable in these glasses, my eyes hurt and watery. I took them off right on the street, because I could not go further and it turned out that I feel much better without glasses.

I changed my glasses to -3 Dpt and gradually began to move towards doing without them at all, and I succeeded, although not immediately. A few months after switching to live food, I had a crisis. For several days there was no appetite, weakness rolled in, the only thing that I could cram into myself was raw potatoes and water with lemon juice. At the same time, my eyes itched and hurt. When the climax of the crisis came, I lay flat on the bed and could not move at all and thought that I would die soon. That's when some crap came out of me. When I left the toilet, the condition was as if the plugs had been taken out of my ears, and the veil had fallen from my eyes. Within five minutes, the world suddenly became bright, the colors were rich, and the picture was clear. Hooray!

I don’t know how much my vision improved at that moment, but the jump up was so colossal that I literally learned to walk to navigate in space again. From that day on, my whole condition improved dramatically, a brutal appetite appeared, and I started to get better. After another six months, the upward leap of vision was repeated, only without a crisis, just the day before the eyes hurt and itched, and then at a certain moment, when the body accumulated strength, it corrected the vision itself.

With the help of nutrition, of course, I not only almost completely solved the problem with my eyes, there were improvements in my whole body, but this is a topic for a separate discussion. The plans include a separate article about my personal results on live plant nutrition.

When you eat right, the body is cleansed of toxins and various toxic substances that enter it with food, medicines and polluted air. The cleaner the body, the sharper and richer the taste of the most seemingly simple products like white cabbage, apples, carrots and even raw potatoes, and the taste of juicy fruits and berries such as cherries, raspberries and strawberries generally seem indescribably divine. A person who has a lot of salt and seasonings in his food will not feel even a fraction of the tastes that someone who eats according to the laws of Mother Nature feels. For example, I love to eat it, but most people can only eat it in the form of jam or jam with a lot of refined sugar, which is not good.

The more the body is cleansed, the better instinctive food choice. You should always listen to your body, but do not forget about the voice of reason. If you crave fried potatoes, it doesn't mean your body will benefit from them, it just means you're addicted to them. Yes, most people are addicted to thermally processed food, and Victoria Butenko talks very well in her book about how to get rid of it.

Secondly, I play with the sun. Often, as soon as I succeed, I look at it and rejoice in it. If it is high or at the zenith, I look with my eyes closed or not directly at it, so as not to burn my eyes, but slightly to the side. This is a very individual moment, and there is no strict recipe here. I play with the sun as I wish. Yes, I turn to the sun this way and that, look first with one eye, then with the other, blink at the sun. In general, I improvise. Such “exercises” give the eyes the opportunity to be thoroughly saturated with light. And every time I notice that after playing with the sun, the picture becomes even clearer.

Thirdly, I look at the sun at sunset or sunrise. There are no restrictions at all, you can watch for at least half an hour.

Try playing with the sun, maybe you will also like it more than solarization. But whatever you don’t like in the end, it will be yours and only yours. Listen to yourself!

6. Pirate headband - an exercise for the lazy

Having done various exercises, I ended up leaving myself only one thing - a pirate bandage. It should be done without glasses for an equal amount of time on each eye. The idea is that one eye is completely covered with a bandage. The bandage must be lightproof. You can take a couple of zero glasses and glue one glass on each with a band-aid or a dark cloth. I find the glasses themselves disgusting (after wearing them for so many years), so I made the bandage myself. As a needlewoman, it didn’t cost me much trouble. I cut out an oval piece of thick felt and sewed a wide elastic band to it to fit the size of my head.

I use the headband every day when I work at the computer. Right now, as I write this article, I am wearing a pirate patch over my right eye. I set an hour on the alarm clock and at the end of it, I do a 10-minute palming session for my eyes (read what this is below). Then I put the bandage on the other eye for another hour and also finish with palming, which gives relaxation to the eyes.

The eye under the bandage is open. When the blindfold is put on, both eyes are trained - the one under the blindfold and the one looking. Pirate headband - good exercise for the eyes. There is no need to strain or do exercises. That is, when I work at a computer, my vision does not deteriorate, but, on the contrary, improves. I am not an ophthalmologist, I do not have a medical education and I don’t know why this happens, for me it is still a miracle. The mechanism itself is not important, the main thing is that vision is restored.

However, there is also in this exercise safety precautions . Don't overdo it. You don’t have to immediately keep the bandage on for an hour, like I did. First, try half an hour with mandatory palming. Then gradually increase the time. When you first come to the gym, you don’t lift a 200 kg barbell, but take on a light weight. So here too, start small, the main thing is to start without delay. I tried wearing the bandage for more than an hour, but my eyes get very tired and palming needs to be done for much longer, so I experimentally determined the optimal time spent under the bandage to be one hour.

By the way, the pirates did not wear patches over one eye because they were eyeless. They often had to go down into the dark hold during the day and then they changed the blindfold from one eye to the other, so they did not need time to get used to the darkness after the sunlight. In the hold, the eye that was under the bandage in the dark worked, and when they came out into the light, they changed the bandage again.

It turns out that to improve your vision, it is enough to perform some simple exercises.

What do you need for the lesson?

1. Privacy, free time.
2. Candle.
3. Rays of the sun.

Exercise with a candle.

Light a candle and stare at it for a few minutes. However, you don’t need to convince yourself. In just a couple of seconds it will become difficult to tear yourself away from the bewitching aura of fire. Contemplating a flame can be very beneficial.
While you are watching the flame of a candle swaying, and solarization occurs, in other words, healing with light, which we are talking about.

You need to do this procedure before going to bed, it will calm you down, all the stress that you have accumulated during the day burns out in the flame of a candle. A miracle that has practically disappeared from our lives is fire. Alas, having lost the ability to follow the flame, a person has deprived himself of a lot. It is not for nothing that in ancient times so much was said about flame. So look more into the light, dear reader. In these moments, you will feel how everything that disturbed and suppressed you disappears, peace of mind and peace will come to you.


It’s worth accustoming your own eyes to the sun’s rays slowly, slowly. Hide in the shade and look at the sun with your left and right eyes in turn. Wait a little, take a break and look at the sun again with one eye or the other. When your eyes adjust a little to the clear sunlight (you will feel it), look at the sun with both eyes.

It is especially useful to take “sunbathing” at dawn or sunset. 3-4 minutes is enough. We rested a little and took a couple more sunbathings.

Let's say you went out into the fresh air on a clear sunny day. Close your eyes and look through closed eyelids at the sun, warm your eyes in the sun's rays. Just standing for a couple of minutes is enough to feel relaxed.

Place your palms over your eyes and remove them. Repeat a couple of times - with this exercise you will take a contrasting sunbath. Exercise for a week, get used to the sun's rays, and you will find that you do not have any unpleasant feelings when communicating with the sun.

However, be careful: when the sun is at its zenith, you do not need to look at it, as you can injure your own eyes.


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Sunlight treatment, or solarization, is one of the methods of strengthening the eyes, improving vision and getting rid of many eye diseases. This statement may seem incorrect, since many people were told from childhood that they should not look at the sun, otherwise they could lose their sight altogether. This belief is only partly true. Reasonable use of the properties of sunlight not only does not harm the eyes, but also has a beneficial effect.

Getting your eyes used to sunlight should happen gradually, without strain. A whole system of exercises has been developed for treating with sunlight, and to achieve a positive result it is necessary to perform them exactly. But the basic rule of solarization is the following: the exercises must be performed at sunrise or sunset, and during the day - only with your eyes closed.

If you have eyes that are very sensitive to sunlight, then before you begin solarization exercises, you can train your eyes by trying to look at the sunlit area of ​​the sky as often and for as long as possible, but without strain or violence. If you do this exercise regularly, your eyes will get used to it, and the pain and pain will go away. Then you can start doing the exercises themselves.

At the same time, sunlight will no longer cause any discomfort to the eyes, no matter how sensitive they were before. Then change position, covering the other eye with the palm of your hand and releasing the closed one, and repeat the described complex of turns. And finally, take your palms away from your face, close your eyes, turn your face to the sun and perform the same head turns. After this set of exercises, the eyes will ripple, so you need to go into the shade and do palming, twice as long as the completed set of exercises.

  • Exercise 1 (preparatory). Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Close your eyes and turn your face towards the sun. During 4-5 Min slowly turn your head left and right, keeping your eyes closed. Then, without ceasing to turn your head, open your eyes for a moment and look at the sky next to the solar disk. In this case, you need to blink often and not try to look at anything. Over time, your eyes will gradually get used to the sunlight, and you will be able to look at the sky closer and closer to the solar disk.
  • Exercise 2 . On a sunny day, look at a white cloud in the sunlit sky for a few seconds. Then close your eyes for a few minutes, as in palming, open them and look at the cloud again. Repeat 12 once.
  • Exercise 3 . The exercise is best performed outdoors, if weather conditions and time of year permit. In winter, you can perform them indoors; the main condition is bright sunlight. Starting position - sitting on a chair facing the sun and relaxing as much as possible.

The spine should remain straight, the soles of both feet should be fully flat on the floor, and the eyes should be closed but not squinted. Sunlight should pass between the eyelids. In this case, for greater effect, you need to slightly turn your head from side to side, but not much, deviating no more than 45° in each direction from the midline of the body. During 2-3 min, without opening your eyes, focus on the feeling of the warmth of the sun's rays on your skin and a state of complete relaxation. After such solarization it is necessary to do palming.

  • Exercise 4. The starting position is the same. Cover your left eye with your left palm without pressing on it. Perform slight turns of the head and elbow of the hand covering the eye and, fixing the gaze of the free eye in front of you, glide your gaze several times over the solar disk, blinking continuously. Then cover your right eye with the palm of your right hand and do the same exercise for the left eye. After this, do palming, and then close your eyes and expose them both to the sun at the same time for a few minutes.

If there is no sunlight, you can use an electric light bulb to perform this exercise. 150 Tue When using sunlight, you must do this exercise 10 times, artificial lighting - 20 once.

Regularly performed solarization exercises help reduce the sensitivity of the eyes to bright sunlight, glare from glass, mirrors, and water surfaces. They increase visual acuity and improve metabolism in the media of the eye.

The most comfortable option for solarization was proposed by the Indian doctor R. S. Agarwal. According to his method, solarization can be carried out by rocking on a sunny day with your eyes closed in a rocking chair.

A subtype of solarization is the method of focusing your gaze on light sources. For this, natural light sources are used, and not only the sun. This method helps improve eye condition, increase visual acuity and get rid of some diseases.

  • Exercise 1 . "Focus your gaze on the sun." The exercise is performed in the morning or evening, but no later than half an hour after sunrise or within half an hour before sunset, when the sun's disk touches the horizon and the sunlight is not so bright. It is necessary to take a comfortable, stable position, but be sure to maintain correct posture, straightening your back and raising your head.

Direct your gaze directly at the sun, first seeing it against the sky, and then gradually reducing your field of view. Ultimately, only the sun's disk should be visible, without the surrounding sky, and attention should be focused on its center.

You need to look with your eyes wide open, without blinking, but without tension. Then, when it becomes impossible to do this due to pain and tears, close your eyes and try to continue to see the sun in your mind’s eye until its image fades. If your eyes are too sensitive to sunlight and you can’t do the exercise right away, you can start by looking not at the sun, but at the sky next to it, gradually bringing your gaze closer to the sun.

  • Exercise 2 . “Focusing your gaze on the reflection of the sun.” This exercise can be performed at any time of the day on the bank of a body of water (river, pond, etc.), on the surface of which the sun is reflected. In general, the exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but you should not look at the sun itself, but at its reflection in the water. First you need to see the solar disk with the surrounding area of ​​​​the water surface, and then narrow the field of view to the reflection itself.

In India, the method of focusing the gaze on the reflection of the sun is used to treat myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, inflammatory and some other eye diseases.

Focusing your gaze on the sun and its reflection has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the eyes and increases visual acuity.

  • Exercise 3. “Focusing the gaze on the moon and its reflection.” In general, this exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but the method has its limitations. Its use is recommended only for healthy people with a stable nervous system. The exercise can be performed no more often 1 once a week, and its duration should be from 3 before 10 min. The best effect comes from contemplating not the moon itself, but its reflection.
  • Exercise 4 . “(Focusing the gaze on the candle flame.” The exercise is performed in the evening, at dusk or in complete darkness, in a room where the candle will be the only source of light.

The burning candle should be placed at eye level or slightly higher, at a distance 0,5-1 m from the face.

According to classical concepts, the distance from the face to the candle flame should be equal to the distance from the eyes to the pubic area of ​​the beholder.

Take a stable pose, not forgetting about correct posture, and fix your gaze on the candle flame. You need to look with your eyes wide open, without blinking, and gradually narrowing your field of vision to the candle flame. Gradually, the flame will begin to appear as one bright spot of light, which will grow and eventually occupy the entire field of vision.

  • Exercise 5. “Focusing the gaze on the reflection of the candle flame.” The technique for performing this exercise is generally the same as when concentrating on a candle flame, but you need to look at the reflection of the flame on the surface of water poured into a plate or other fairly wide container.

The gaze should be directed at an angle of about 30° to the surface of the water. You can perform the exercise with reflection of a candle flame only after several months of regular training in concentrating your gaze on the candle flame. In addition to having a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes and visual acuity, exercise with a candle flame helps develop the ability to concentrate and improve the condition of the nervous system.

All exercises involving focusing your gaze on light sources must be performed in an environment where there are no distractions. You need to learn to simply contemplate and focus on this activity, without thinking about anything, with a free head. This ability is developed after long training. Exercises should not be performed forcefully or with tension. If your eyes get tired, you need to close them and continue to see the image of the light source in your mind's eye, trying to keep it as clear as possible and last longer. The first attempts to perform the exercises can be continued until the eyes get tired, and then the execution time can be extended to 10-15 min.

Our skin, we all know. However, few people think about the harm these same ultraviolet rays cause to our vision.

How to protect your eyes from the sun?

The easiest way is sunglasses. Ideally, with a frame that fits the face as closely as possible and wide temples, so that as little side and reflected sunlight as possible gets into the eyes. It is especially important to wear them in the summer, in southern latitudes or in the mountains. Moreover, as scientists have found, ultraviolet radiation has a particularly strong effect on the eyes not at noon, as many people think, but in the morning and in the afternoon. So it’s better to watch sunrises and sunsets with dark glasses. Remember: rays that are reflected from water, sand or snow are no less dangerous for the eyes.

Another option for protecting your eyes from the sun is contact lenses with a UV filter. They protect better than glasses from side rays (and many scientists believe that they are much more dangerous than direct rays). However, lenses cannot replace sunglasses: they do not completely cover the eyes and the area around them. Therefore, for those who live in the south, have vision problems or “bad heredity” and spend a lot of time in the sun, doctors often advise wearing both glasses and contacts.

The program experts will tell you more about how to choose contact lenses and how to care for them. "In the shape of".

In summer, you shouldn’t ignore hats: wide brims will also cut off a significant portion of the sun's rays. And finally, it is always worth remembering that the less time we spend in the open sun, the better for our health.

Numerous scientific studies by scientists have proven that ultraviolet radiation, if exposed to the sun for a long time and without protecting the eyes, can damage both the eyelids and the surface of the eyes, as well as their entire internal structure, including the lens. UV rays are often the cause of various eye diseases.

Dry eye syndrome

Excess ultraviolet radiation destroys the tear film that protects the eye, the composition changes and the amount of tear fluid decreases, as a result of which there is a feeling of “dryness” of the eyes, a burning sensation, pain, and blurred vision. These are the complaints ophthalmologists most often hear from patients returning from vacation in the south. Special gels and drops that relieve irritation and protect the cornea from drying out will help restore the tear film. But a doctor must prescribe them. Dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis sicca), especially when advanced, is dangerous due to its complications, including loss of vision.


Inflammation of the cornea resulting from sunburn is another unpleasant condition that can be caused by UV radiation. Photokeratitis occurs approximately 6-12 hours after exposure to ultraviolet rays on the unprotected cornea, pain and a sensation of a foreign body in the eye appear, the eyes become red, watery, and it becomes painful to look at bright light. However, photokeratitis is a so-called self-limiting disease, the symptoms of which disappear after a couple of days, most often without special treatment. You just need to give your eyes a rest, limit your exposure to the sun, and don’t sit for long periods of time reading books. Computer and TV. But with prolonged and often repeated exposure to sunlight on an unprotected cornea, as well as when bacterial and viral infections are associated with photokeratitis, clouding of the cornea and deterioration of vision, and in the most serious cases, even loss of vision, are possible.


Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation several times increases the risk of developing pterygium in the future - the growth of altered opaque tissue of the conjunctiva towards the center of the cornea, causing slow loss of vision. Moreover, according to modern research, ultraviolet radiation is one of the main culprits of this disease, playing an even greater role than genetics. For example, according to statistics from doctors in US clinics, residents of northern latitudes are two to three times less likely to develop pterygium than those who live in Florida and other southern latitudes.


Dangerous UVB rays, which are the main culprits in the development of malignant skin tumors, are also one of the main culprits in damaging the retina and lens by free radicals, which can ultimately lead to the development of such a dangerous disease as cataracts. The first symptoms of cataracts may be “floaters” flashing before the eyes, objects splitting in two, or their “coloring” yellow. Moreover, ophthalmologists associate the significant “rejuvenation” of cataracts precisely with.