How do I organize my time? Acceleration and deceleration of time. Set specific goals

How to become an organized person? It is known that people who do not possess this skill are late for meetings, do not know how to prioritize tasks, cope with them, and find it difficult to collaborate and communicate. They quickly get tired, lose control of themselves, and get nervous, which prevents them from being successful and in demand. Obviously, every modern person needs to learn how to organize their day, life, and everyday life.

Where to begin?

Being organized is difficult - you need to come to terms with this right away, otherwise you shouldn’t start studying this issue, so as not to immediately break down under the yoke of unusual circumstances. Self-control implies a person’s great desire to get away from the current regime, as well as changing habits. What is internal composure? This is a kind of upbringing - everyone who has children knows how difficult it is to retrain them. However, the younger generation, with a little resistance, still succumbs and relearns. Moreover, the period of such re-education takes only a few weeks, or even days.

Thus, starting your path to self-organization and further successful life, you should treat yourself like a child. Demand changes from yourself, but do not oppress yourself for the first mistakes, rejoice at every new achievement or useful habit, and then be proud of yourself.

Step one - desires and goals

How to become an organized person? First of all, figure out what you want. You can write 100 wishes on paper, any, even the most non-standard ones. Next, on a separate sheet of paper, write down the criteria for what you think is a happy life. Based on the above, it will be easy to identify the most important tasks - starting from them, set 5 main goals for the next 5 years. Too many goals will quickly make you give up, as will too short a time frame, so follow your dreams slowly but surely.

Step two - plan your day

Do you think that a diary is only necessary for business people? No! An organized person should also have one, so buy a convenient organizer and write down everything you have planned there. Check not only work and everyday life, but also leisure and entertainment. This way, you will keep track of what you managed to do, see that you are resting on time, and also understand your own resources.

Step three - highlight the main thing

Being organized is a priority. If you understand the importance of a certain task, it will be completed in the near future, and failure to complete other, smaller or insignificant tasks may not even be paid attention to. Accordingly, the most important task should be in first place on the daily to-do list, and everything else should be achieved as much as possible.

Step four - assessing your own life

It is difficult to engage in self-organization without knowing how satisfied you are with your life, so evaluate your satisfaction with the main areas - development, business, health, family, friends, recreation. Rate each item; based on the results, it is easy to understand in which direction you should put more effort. For example:

  • if you want to work and develop in business, work harder, study, improve your skills;
  • be healthy - eat right, exercise;
  • family is important - pay more attention and time to your loved ones, they themselves will begin to reach out and appreciate every moment;
  • if you want a cozy home, make repairs, clean on time;
  • relax - put a piggy bank, save money for travel.

In this way, goals are simultaneously achieved and the level of satisfaction in life areas increases.

Step five - financial reporting

Organizing yourself means learning how to manage your own capital. When receiving all types of income, write them down in the income column, and when making purchases, record the amounts spent as expenses. At the end of the reporting period, that is, before the next salary, you will be able to evaluate expenses and their necessity. Highlight the unnecessary ones in red - these are things you could do without, and use the savings to save money for a major purchase or vacation.

Without knowing how to spend money, it is difficult to create reserves. In an unstable economy and frequent layoffs at work, there must be a cash reserve.

The rules of personal organization and self-discipline are well known to people who have achieved success in this industry. The process of learning to organize yourself can take a long time, so it's important to use a few tips to help you become more organized and stay organized throughout your life.

There's a place for everything

An organized person always lives in order, so when you accustom yourself to organization, start small - lay out documents down to utility bills, check the condition of your cabinets, dishes, whether each thing has its own place. You should collect everything unnecessary and throw it away, and if other family members create another mess or do not take care of the order you have established, explain to them the importance of self-organization. By making relatives allies rather than enemies, achieving success will be ten times easier.


How to become collected and organized? Learn to save your time when restoring documents. Often they are lost and need to be copied or other manipulations carried out. Having several duplicates in stock will save time and demonstrate efficiency. This advice applies to both work and home situations.

Write it down!

An organized person may get tired and forget something, so trust the paper. Write down everything you think is necessary, even if someone finds it funny. It’s better to look into a stylish notebook than to stand in a thoughtful state, wondering why you came to this or that department.

If you have an idea - do it!

Self-discipline, self-discipline is not easy to learn - when you organize your day, you have to leave your comfort zone. However, this is necessary, otherwise nothing will be achieved, and any goal will become impossible. Be honest with yourself, don't let laziness or despair overwhelm you. By relaxing, you will achieve nothing - you will rest after you have done what you have planned.

Get enough sleep

It is impossible for a person suffering from chronic lack of sleep to organize himself. It is so easy to achieve the opposite effect, worsening your health, so try to go to bed on time. Spend your time before bed outside, walking in the fresh air. This way you will improve the quality of your sleep, and in the morning you will feel a surge of energy.

Away with self-flagellation

How to organize your time to get everything done? To do this, you need to track how long it takes to complete any of the tasks. Based on the data received, it will be clear which tasks should be completed first and which ones take longer. At the same time, you should not then torment yourself with questions “could I have done this faster”, “could I have acted in such a way that the task would have been more effective”, etc. The job is done, so there is no point in oppressing yourself with insolvency. Any type of doubt is an opponent of the organization - this is how human psychology works.


Being an organizer of your life means being able to concentrate on goals and be proud of yourself. External situation, conditions, surroundings - all these factors do not always satisfy our needs. How can you become more organized in such situations? Just take it and do it! Armed with the recommendations described above, putting aside emotions, begin to organize yourself! This is the only way to achieve what you want despite the conditions.

The simple and unpleasant truth is that we are probably busier now than ever. While there is little scientific evidence to support this fact, anecdotal evidence is abundant.

"You can see it all around you," says Jane Jasper, a New York-based productivity expert and author of Take Back Your Time. “People talk too fast. We are always in a hurry. We start doing something and don’t finish it, and we are constantly tormented by the thought that we forgot to do something, but we cannot remember what it was.” Busy people using all these time- and effort-saving devices, from robotic vacuum cleaners to microwave ovens and computers, seem so busy and lacking common sense. But the advantages that technology gives us are also disadvantages.

"Since we've increased the number of time-saving devices and products that make our lives easier, we've found ways to fill our time," says Tracy Lyn Moland, time management consultant. And chronic lack of time causes stress.

But every time management expert we spoke to says it's possible to reduce stress. Think of it as adding an extra hour to your daily schedule using time management techniques.

Something as simple as "knowing where your keys are in the morning or your child's library book and homework" can help reduce stress, says Moland. She has a range of tips for successful time management.

    Make a time diary

Take a week and write down everything you do every day. If you watch TV 25 hours a week, write it down.

"For most people this is a painful experience," says Jana Jasper. “You have to include everything—the time you spend in the gym, the time you drive, the weekly meetings, everything. You may be disappointed to see how much unstructured time you allow yourself. But it’s hard to make smart decisions about using your time effectively if you don’t know what you’re currently doing with your time.”

    Learn to say no

Turn off your cell phone and pager. If someone asks you to do something that you absolutely don't have time for, say no politely but clearly. And don't let yourself feel guilty.

"One of the reasons we feel so busy is because we don't know how to set personal boundaries about what we shouldn't do," says Jana Kemp, founder and president of Meeting & Management Essentials, a time management consulting firm in Boise. , Idaho.

To give up something, you need to focus on your goals, Kemp explains. Your time journal can help in this regard. When you have important but unplanned things to do, agree only to those things that are truly important, such as family, friends or health. When you know exactly what you have time for, you'll find it easier to say no to things that don't align with your priorities.

    Make a to-do list with a time stamp

"Create a list of your to-dos and note how much time you will spend on each task," says Moland. Lists always help, but writing down how long each item will take will help you prioritize your tasks. This way you will naturally focus on what you can do right now.

    Use a computer as your assistant

Technology helped you get into temporary commitments, now let it help you get out of them. Try these many personal scheduling programs that allow you to use your calendar, to-do list, phone book, and address book on your computer.

“Nowadays, a computer is no longer enough to achieve full efficiency,” says Jasper. “The goal is to use technology to eliminate paper from your life. It's just extremely important."

According to experts, organization is often based on the transience of life. The more clutter you have in your life—phone numbers on pieces of paper, business cards on your laptop, a desk littered with calendars and lists—the more likely you are to spend your life organizing that pile of clutter.

    Multitasking mode

Is there a more widely used expression in our modern world? We all combine several tasks into one. But sometimes this kind of multitasking is dangerous. Talking on the phone while driving dramatically increases your chances of getting into an accident. However, many activities can be combined effectively and safely. Listen to books on cassette tapes while you drive to work. When you watch TV, pay your bills.

“Women are better at combining multiple activities than men,” says Moland. “Even if both partners work full-time, a woman is usually able to think about her children's schedules, the house and food. Men are better at focusing on one activity at a time - and women sometimes need to learn this."

    Don't be a perfectionist

There's nothing wrong with being ordinary. Perfectionism, known as paying excessive attention to every detail, important and not, is considered a type of procrastination.

“Set rational goals for yourself,” says Jasper. “It’s good to strive to use your full potential. It's not effective to strive to be the best."

Setting unattainable goals only adds stress to your life, Kemp explains.

    Reward yourself

And lastly, reward every achievement, no matter how small.

"Use your time journal to decide how best to organize your time," says Jasper. “As you make progress in prioritizing and learning to say no, allow yourself to enjoy what you do. You don't have to give yourself a big gift, you can just spend some time alone or get a massage. It’s important to recognize your success and enjoy it.”

Everything in the world is developing rapidly and the phrase “whoever is not in time is late” is gaining more and more momentum in relevance. In trying to do everything, some women reach despair. We want to be perfect. We iron, wash, clean, knit, embroider, do dancing and aerobics, and still manage to work. In addition, you need to apply makeup, get a manicure and pedicure. Everything needs to be done today. And tomorrow you need to do other things, and so on every day in a circle. The pace of life accelerates century by century. How to organize your time in order to get everything done, we will learn from this publication.

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Nowadays, there is a whole science of how to properly distribute free time. Home, family, friends, work, how not to develop chronic fatigue syndrome and find time for all this? It’s impossible to be on time everywhere, “you can’t embrace the immensity.” Everything must be done to the best of your ability and ability. For those who struggle with lack of time and do not tolerate compromises, we will give some tips.

We take on a lot. We forget that we have a family and children who are capable of doing household, everyday chores. The result is scandals over trifles, high fatigue and constant irritation. Then we take a break for several days, which gives a small effect. During this time, even more cases accumulate and the workload increases. What to do? How to get out of this circle?

How to manage everything?

Both at work and at home. Go to the gym, learn new things, take care of yourself, meet a friend for a cup of tea, lead a normal family life. Follow certain rules:

Stop perfection
You need to make the catchphrase “the best is the enemy” your main credo. There is no need to strive for perfection, complete the assigned tasks. No one will get hurt, less effort will be spent and time will be saved. Let's say you decide to cook something tasty, but you are very tired. Make a simple dish. Buy a pack of expensive dumplings in the store, find a recipe for a delicious sauce on the Internet, and make dumplings with sauce. This will take 15 minutes, and at the same time you will spend a minimum of effort.

Plan your day in the evening

Plan your day, make a schedule and write it down in your diary. Don't think that a diary is necessary for office workers and business people. The diary is an assistant to fight for free minutes. Thanks to it, you will not forget about important things, and you will simply “filter out” less significant ones. In the list of required days, opposite each item, write the day, month, hour when you plan to complete this item. All this will allow you to be disciplined and fulfill your obligations on time. You shouldn’t make a plan in your diary for the whole week. After all, there are various force majeure events, then some tasks will have to be postponed to another day, which will be a reason for stress.

Start your day on time, the extra 5 or 10 minutes you spend in bed will not help you get enough sleep. But it will add more time to get ready, because in a hurry you can forget your diary or mobile phone, which will complicate your work for the whole day. It's better to get ready for work in advance. In the evening, put the necessary things in your bag, prepare your shoes and suit.

So that monotonous work does not discourage you from doing it, add a little “drive”. If possible, turn on energetic, cheerful music, shake yourself up, ventilate the room and get to work. Music may be inappropriate in the office, and if the boss does not object, enjoy the music through headphones. But don’t get carried away, you need to remember about work.

Concentrate on one thing
There is no need to follow the example of Julius Caesar, even if you are good at handling different things at the same time. You won’t be able to get things done faster, don’t give in to illusions. To complete a specific task, mobilize your strength and try to do it well and quickly. Automate as much as possible the process of performing functions that have become daily for you. There is no need to get hung up on cleaning the apartment or washing the dishes. And when you perform these operations, think about other “steps” that will require your concentration and attention. But when doing parallel work, do not put sugar in the pan instead of salt.

Be sure to get enough sleep
After a full night's sleep, you can be energetic throughout the day. Sleep maintains youth, beauty and health; everyone needs this.

Learn to highlight the secondary and the important
This method will help you at any time and in all circumstances. What's more important: cooking dinner or watching a TV series? Laundry or a walk around the city? It is necessary to highlight the main thing that is important to do now and today.

Include no more than 6 or 7 main tasks in your daily plan
The most important thing is to have one task in each category on your to-do list every day. Only important things should be on the list. When you complete the important things, you can move on to less important things, you will be satisfied.

Take breaks between tasks
10 or 20 minutes are enough to start another task with fresh thoughts and new strength. If possible, during a break, lie down, or sit with your eyes closed, think about something pleasant, relax your body. If you have to sit a lot at work, you need to periodically get up and walk along the corridor or around the room.

Relax on the weekend
On Saturday and Sunday, forget about various cosmetic procedures, ironing, washing, cleaning. These important tasks need to be done on weekdays. What to do on weekends, here you need to use your imagination. You can go to the theater, to the cinema, be alone with your loved one, have a picnic in nature, go to a recreation center, go to the park with your children. May this time be pleasant for you.

Location of items
Try to keep work files and documents in a separate place so that you don’t have to spend half a day looking for receipts for electricity payments. This also applies to the office workplace. You need to maintain order on your desk, you don’t need to throw paper into one pile, and to make it easier to navigate, you need to sign all the folders.

Housework should not be the prerogative of one person. Household members need to be involved in home cleanup work. This will help get rid of the maternal complex that a woman does not spend enough time with her child. And although their help is not so significant, it will be useful help for them. Your kids should be taught to help their mother. After all, while peeling potatoes and washing dishes, you can chat with your child, find out from him how things are going at school, what worries him.

Time sinks

Big time sinks are the Internet and TV. If you want to spend your time wisely, then you will have to give up daily viewing of talk shows, TV series and others. You can reserve the right to watch television series on weekends, but you don’t need to get carried away, just 1 or 1.5 hours a day. And you should stop using the Internet for personal purposes at work as soon as possible. Because this way you will have time to cope with your job responsibilities. And not every boss will react positively to such use of the corporate network. If you have set yourself a complex task, for example, cross-stitch, learn to play the guitar, learn a foreign language, you need to break this big task into several days. You need to regularly set aside time in the day that you will devote to this new activity.


Allow your body to rest a little. Sometimes you really wish there were more than 24 hours in a day. But you need to know that human powers are not limitless. Rest is an important part of the working day. Thank yourself for time well spent during the week. Allow yourself to visit the ballet or theater once a month. And although this will require a lot of your time, after such an event you will feel energized and rested. For the weekend, you can plan a vacation with the whole family, go to the pool with a friend. Such a vacation will bring you more benefits and pleasure.

Thanks to these tips, we know how to organize our time so that we can get everything done. Try to organize your time so that you can do different things. And if you can’t plan everything, don’t despair, everything comes with experience.

The only difference between those who have achieved a lot and those who are just about to do something is their habits. The most successful, highly effective, and happiest people are those who can manage their time well. They consciously developed the necessary habits that allowed them to move forward and upward towards their goals. But unhappy and unsuccessful people have not made any effort to develop such habits in themselves.
If a person intends to work hard enough and for a long time on himself, then the hour is not far off when he can become wonderful in all respects. Indeed, if you make an effort, you can always become who you want to be. It doesn’t matter here whether you achieved something or not in the past. You can always draw a line between your past and present, while firmly deciding to change your future at all costs. You can always start thinking differently, make different decisions and make different life choices. You can also change your behavior and develop other habits, developing which you can achieve inevitable success.
Your goal should be to organize your life in such a way that you get the maximum return on the emotional, mental, and physical effort you put into it. Your job is to get the most satisfaction and impact from everything you do every hour and every day. Achieving such a goal largely depends on your personal control. How to organize your time correctly?

This is why you should develop the habit of personal strategic planning. You should learn to think through the smallest details and plan every step you take in order to achieve the highest results in any area of ​​your life.

One of the most important habits that will increase the profitability of your energy is the habit of regularly recording all your thoughts on paper. Keep a pen or pencil handy at all times so you can write down everything you're thinking, organizing, or planning.

Develop the habit of reviewing your to-do lists every day. It is best to prepare such a list in the evening, at the end of the day. Thanks to this, while you sleep, your subconscious mind will analyze this list throughout the night.
Be able to not only keep records of your affairs, but learn to organize them. Give each individual task a specific time and deadline. This way you can get the most benefit from them.

If you're having trouble focusing on organizing your time to get the most out of it, the following questions will help you learn how to get more out of your time.

Question one. What do I get paid for? First, ask yourself questions: Why is my name on the payroll? Why was I hired for this job? What should be the results of my work? If you were asked to tell us what you get paid for, what would you say?

Most people think that they get paid because they work. But they somewhat confuse the concepts of the work process, obtaining results and various career achievements. As a rule, such people spend their days doing a lot of work with a low level of importance. Usually at the end of the day they are depressed and tired, although their work has not brought much benefit. This is all because they failed to answer the question: “What do I get paid for?”

Question two. What tasks are the most important? Second, ask yourself frequently: Which of my works are considered the most valuable? What? What are the most important daily tasks?

Question three. How do I work: worse or better than others? Third, develop the habit of asking the following question: What work can I do flawlessly that will differentiate me from others?

Question four. Which of all my works is the most important? Fourth, develop the habit of answering the question: If I could do the same job every day, what would it be like to bring the highest value to my company?

Question five. What's the best way to organize your time? This is the most important characteristic of personal management, which lies in the following question: How should my time be organized so that it can bring me the greatest benefit?

You should always have answers to these questions - for every hour and every minute.
Your ability to accurately and clearly answer the above questions is nothing less than the key to personal productivity, maximum productivity and significant success.

Copyright © 2013 Victor Smirnov

A modern person spends his entire life in pursuit of time - work, home, car, child, just to have time to rest. It’s strange that, despite all the technologies that simplify our lives and save time, we still put all our effort into getting everything done.

Paradox! Many even say that every year they feel the passage of time speeding up. Is it possible to slow it down, or somehow properly organize your time in order to have time to do everything?

Speeding up and slowing down time

Has time accelerated with the introduction of all sorts of different mechanisms into our lives? It seems so. There are more and more things to do, and less and less time to complete them. Only a miracle can save us: a magic wand that stops the sun.

On the other hand, do the minutes go by faster or are there fewer of them in a day than in ancient times, when our grandparents led a measured lifestyle? Definitely - no, everything is in its place, despite the fact that some people manage to do everything, while others do not.

There are even times when it seems to us that time is dragging on for a very long time (if we have absolutely nothing to do or when we are really waiting for something). It's downright magical!

In fact, our time may be enough, if not for all the things in the world, then for many of them, provided that we learn to manage time, which, anyway, goes by itself (of course, if you are not God).

We need to organize, first of all, our attitude towards time and our affairs. How to control such flexible matter?

Ways to manage time (or tasks - for mere mortals)


The first and most effective way, perhaps, is to learn to be a magician and shoot your wand back and forth, speeding up or slowing down your time (as you wish). If you are not accepted into a school of magicians due to lack of abilities, you will have to consider other options.

Race (swim) against time or planning

The method is less effective than the first, but it’s worth a try if you have a lot of things in your arsenal that need to be done in a certain amount of time.

In order to keep up with everything, you need to stock up on notebooks, where for every day you will mark all the things that need to be done - that is, plan your day. And don't forget to take out your swimming fins.

At the end of the day, get ready to complain that again you finished late and didn’t have time to do anything - they say, there was not enough time. This will happen until very urgent and unforeseen circumstances in the form of a phone call from a friend, a broken car, or an irresistible desire to wander the Internet with a countercurrent will take you away from your plans.

In this case, you will have to be offended at yourself or promise yourself to do everything much faster tomorrow - to increase the intensity of work (or swimming speed) in order to catch up with the ever-fleeing time.

Don’t be alarmed when after a while you collapse in powerlessness and fatigue - the main thing is not to drown! This is just the result of the competition in the heats, where time will defeat you and you will be given an honorable second place. Time always wins - this is the law, it is a mistake that some people succeed in everything, while others do not.

While you are competing with the perpetual clock, mastering this method of time management, you have a chance to get a slight head start if you do not deviate one step from your plan, not taking into account sudden and urgent matters.

You will put them in line, according to the good old Soviet tradition (in a couple of months it will come to the child and even, perhaps, to the girlfriend, if you still have one).

The inflexibility of this approach is obvious, but what can you do? Plans are most important. We don’t need any currents!

It’s a pity, but this probably won’t save you from floundering in business and the inevitable last place in the race. Time will not allow you to manage yourself, no matter how correctly you organize your time.

Carefree swimming

When you are exhausted from both planning and swimming, try just giving in to the flow - it’s so nice! The hope for the Russian “maybe” and a curve that will definitely take you somewhere has never left anyone without adventures.

Smart people will advise you to plan your life, and not even for one year, akin to the Soviet five-year plans: but who fulfills them, these plans?

It is much more interesting to live spontaneously. There is a new vein in this movement! Even if there are more and more things to do, and you will soon be able to swim in your papers on your desktop - what’s not life?

Everyone is free to choose, although previous methods of time management somehow do not give us hope for a successful outcome. Fortunately, there is another way to organize your life.

How to determine the importance of things?

When we are in a stream of worries, we rarely think about whether what we are doing now is important? And if it is important, then to whom? Perhaps – and not for us at all?

To figure out what things are important to us, let’s turn to Stephen R. Covey’s research in the book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” which uses a table of important urgent things and unimportant non-urgent things.

By dividing activities into the four squares, we can see where our time typically goes.

It turns out that unimportant things love to destroy our time. The question arises, why should we do something that is not important to us, and then say that we do not have time to do anything? Isn't it better to determine for yourself what you should do and what you should refuse? Most often we do what is urgent. When we get tired of urgency, we try to have fun by climbing into square IV. We have practically no time and energy left for the very important and non-urgent square II. Why?

Even if you imagine that you give up all entertainment and promise yourself to never pick up the phone if the conversation is not important to you, then you will still have a reason to play tag with time, since there can be a great many important things in life .

In this case, without your own planning of your life, you still won’t be able to manage the time.

Planning goals and life

Well, here we are again talking about goals and plans - but where would you be without them in organizing your affairs? While we strive to plan every minute of our lives, it would be nice for us to understand why we need to flounder in our affairs every day. Where are we going (if we are moving at all)?

When you spend a little time on the important and non-urgent II square, in order to see if you are moving in the right direction. Define your own goals for which you want to get up in the morning.

Designate specific plans to achieve these goals, the result will be completely different. And don’t forget that for each of us, things are always unplanned. You will learn how to overcome them from the article on our website. Use these rules and you will enjoy the changes.

In addition to the fact that every day will be filled with meaning for you and will not be lived in vain, you will no longer need to catch up with your precious time, since unimportant matters, along with imposed and other people’s goals, will disappear by themselves, and urgent and important matters of the first square, thanks to competent planning of your life will decrease.

In the eyes of the people around you, you will suddenly become a wizard who knows how to properly organize your time, and manages not only to do a lot of things, but also knows how to live and enjoy your life.

Let there be more happy moments in your life and less, then you will become the creator and architect of your own destiny!